Professional processing of egg-laying chickens. Egg direction of chickens. Video - The best breeds for beginning poultry farmers

IN rural areas Many are involved in breeding laying hens for egg production. However, for a business to be profitable, it is necessary to study not only modern developments and technologies. You need to know the breeds of chickens, the use of which will be the most important component of a farmer’s success. Laying hens can produce up to 270 eggs per year, and modern hybrid chickens (crosses) set records and produce up to 320 eggs per year.

Chickens of egg breeds - main characteristics

There are quite a few types of laying hens that are distinguished by good egg production, but all of them have similar characteristics:

  1. One of the main features of laying hens is their low body weight. On average, the weight of birds does not exceed 2.5 kg. That's why they have a light frame.
  2. Egg-laying chickens develop quite quickly, and by day 125 they are ready to lay eggs. They become fully physically developed by their 140th birthday.
  3. They have impressive wings and tail, well-developed plumage and a leaf-shaped crest. You can learn a lot about chickens by looking at their comb. Its faint pink color indicates bad conditions content or illness. The active clutch will be carried by the female, who at three months of age has a well-developed comb bright color. When choosing laying hens, this is worth paying attention to.
  4. Egg-laying chickens are very mobile and are practically not prone to incubation. This is especially true for crosses. Therefore, a farmer cannot do without an incubator.
  5. Birds need balanced food, which must contain a mineral calcium supplement.

A correctly chosen breed pays well for food. Due to small body size and fast metabolism Laying hens are very active, so they eat quite a lot. It is very important to feed them properly and provide them with calcium, which is needed to build the shell.

The well-known Leghorn - photo

The breed, which existed back in the 19th century, is still popular among farmers. Many modern egg breeds of chickens have been created on its basis. Leghorn hens are fertile and can produce up to 300 eggs per year.

Features of the breed include:

The live weight of laying hens can reach from 1.2 to 1.8 kg. Leghorns are famous for their early maturation, unpretentiousness and endurance.

The breed is very active, so it requires a walking yard. When kept in cages, after only a year the chickens become exhausted and can be culled.

The leghorn farmer needs to know that they are very are sensitive to various noises that cause them stress. As a result, the birds become ill with “noise hysteria”, begin to run around randomly, throw themselves at the bars of the cage and try to fly away. After some time, their appetite is disrupted, their plumage thins and their body weight decreases.

Today, there are several crosses of this egg breed on the market, which are distinguished by good egg production, early maturity, low feed consumption, good safety and vitality. These include:

  1. Izobraun. The cross bred by French breeders is suitable for both floor and cage housing systems. The egg breed acclimatizes well and is capable of reaching 50% egg production already in the twenty-first week of life. Laying hens produce up to 320 brown eggs per year, the average weight of which is 63 grams. The young are very resilient. The death rate of chicks does not exceed 2%. For every ten eggs you will need about 1.5 kg of feed.
  2. Hine Line. Females of this egg breed reach 91% of their maximum weight by the twenty-ninth week and begin to lay eggs. On average, one Hein Line hen can produce 273 eggs per year. At the beginning of the laying period, the live weight of the bird is 1.19 kg, and at the end - 1.65 kg. This means that maintaining an egg breed will not require large quantity stern. To produce ten eggs you will need 1.62 kg of feed. A laying hen eats only 100 grams per day.
  3. Tetra SL. A highly productive cross, the laying hen of which is capable of producing from 301 to 309 eggs with dark brown shells in fifty-two weeks. Females reach their highest productivity by the nineteenth week. When keeping Tetra SL you will need more food. A bird eats up to 125 grams of feed per day.
  4. Loman-Brown. Average duration The life of laying hens of this egg breed is about one and a half years. During this time, each bird produces up to 310 brown eggs. The weight of each egg is 62-64 grams. The female reaches almost 90% of her egg production by 180 days. Young animals, already at the age of one to two days, are distinguished by the color of their plumage. Loman-Brown hens have fawn plumage, and cockerels have white plumage.

Minorcas – photos

This breed of egg-laying chickens is quite often found on farms and farmsteads. It is quite demanding in maintenance, so it is not bred in poultry farms. Minorcas are larger than Leghorns, but are still quite petite. The weight of a rooster is from 3.5 to 4 kg, and that of a female is up to 3 kg.

Birds are different:

Birds are very beautiful, but this is not the only reason they attract farmers. The Minorcans can also boast economic and productive data. These include:

  • fast-growing young animals;
  • up to two hundred eggs per year from each hen;
  • snow-white eggs weighing 80 grams;
  • tender meat;
  • productivity that does not depend on the time of year.

Better results can be achieved if young animals are raised separately from adults. The hen reaches puberty by four months of age. She doesn't hatch eggs.

This egg breed has one drawback - poor tolerance. low temperatures. In harsh winters, birds' toes and crests can freeze.

Russian white chickens - photo

The breed of egg-laying chickens, developed in the USSR, is the main source of eggs in Russia. It was created by crossing Leghorn roosters and hens, from which large birds with a large mass of eggs and excellent egg production were selected.

Russian White has the following features:

Another difference between the Russian White is that other laying hens have chicks yellow, and only in this breed do they hatch in a snow-white color.

Males of the breed reach a weight of 3 kg, and laying hens weigh from 1.8 to 2 kg. Females are capable of laying eggs from the age of five months, giving annually from 200 to 250 eggs.

Russian Whites are widely used in industrial egg production because they are hardy, unpretentious and disease resistant. They are also popular among private farmers.

Hamburg chickens - photo

This is very old breed, which has an incredibly elegant appearance. Almost nothing is known about its origin. Hamburg chickens have:

The plumage of birds is very beautiful. Most often, hens are found with silver-spotted plumage. Roosters are distinguished by black plumage with a green tint and a silver-white mane. Very beautiful colour have day old chicks.

The birds are incredibly active, making them quite difficult to catch. That is why the mass of an individual is only about one and a half kilograms. In one year, a laying hen produces from 200 to 220 eggs, the weight of which is 50 grams. The young fledge quickly and have good fattening qualities. When free-range, chickens are able to obtain their own food.

Italian partridge chickens - photo

This ancient egg breed can also be called brown or brown Leghorn. It was widespread back in the 19th century in Europe.

Chickens have a beautiful appearance which is different:

The motley plumage of chickens is especially beautiful. The main part of their body is brown, and their mane is golden. But the roosters are especially beautiful, with a black tail with a green tint and a red-brown back and head. The down of day-old chicks is light brown or gray-brown color. Must be on their back two or three stripes. Small females have a black stripe drawn from the tips of their eyes. Cockerels don't have it. Due to this difference, chickens of the Italian breed can be distinguished by gender from birth.

The breed reaches sexual maturity at five months of age. The average weight of a male is about 2.8 kg, a female is from 1.5 to 2 kg. Over the course of a year, a laying hen can produce from 180 to 240 eggs weighing 60 grams.

In Russia, Italian partridge chickens are not very common, but some farmers still keep them. A small number of birds have also been registered at poultry farms in the country.

Andalusian chickens - photos

The egg direction breed is different extraordinary beauty and high egg production. Birds have:

  • slim physique;
  • big earrings;
  • bright scarlet comb;
  • black plumage with a metallic green tint.

But chickens are valued not only for their beautiful appearance. The Andalusian laying hen is capable of laying from 190 to 220 eggs per year, each of which can weigh 55-63 grams. However, females do not sit on the nests, so an incubator is required to hatch chicks.

The live weight of an adult rooster is t 3.5-4.5 kg, and laying hens - from 3 to 3.5 kg. The main disadvantage of the breed is that not all breed characteristics can be inherited.

Mini chickens P-11 - photo

These are dwarf egg-laying chickens, which can also be called Rhode Island. They are a godsend for the farmer because have a very small size, due to which they are economical both in maintenance and feeding. In addition, the breed is different:

  • short legs;
  • red plumage;
  • good immune system.

Mini hens begin to lay eggs already in the sixth month of life. For good egg production they need to be provided balanced diet and nests. Then per year one hen will produce from 200 to 240 eggs weighing 50 grams. Adult females weigh no more than 1.1 kg. They practically rush all year round, regardless of the season.

Mini chickens can be kept in cages where it will always be quiet, since they have very calm character. When free-ranging, they get along well with other residents of the farmstead.

For one individual per day, only 120 grams of food will be enough. Birds should not be overfed, otherwise they will become indifferent to full feeders, as a result of which egg production will suffer.

Despite the fact that there are quite a few breeds of egg-laying chickens, breeders are still working on developing new ones. Particular emphasis is placed on crosses, which are more hardy and resilient compared to purebred birds. But which chickens to choose for your farm is a personal matter for the poultry farmer.

Chickens of the egg direction

Chicken farming is a profitable and low-cost production. According to the classification, chicken breeds are divided into 3 directions: egg, meat and meat-egg. Each has distinctive characteristics. Before starting breeding, it is recommended to fully equip the room in which this or that breed will be kept, maintain the temperature regime in the poultry house and select food. The productivity of chickens directly depends on the conditions under which they are kept.


According to the direction of productivity, chicken breeds are usually divided into several main subgroups.

These include:

  • egg;
  • meat;
  • meat and eggs.

Each group has its own distinctive features. Egg breeds of chickens are characterized by high egg production, at the same time, they practically do not gain weight and at slaughter they give a small amount of meat. These breeds are distinguished by early puberty. Laying hens and roosters have a small body weight and the same size. The chicken begins to lay eggs on the 120th - 125th day of life. Laying hens have a “program” for laying eggs at the genetic level; the number of eggs can reach 4,000. The bird carries out the “program” throughout its life.

TO meat breeds chickens include crosses bred primarily through selective breeding. A distinctive characteristic is rapid daily weight gain. Representatives of the meat orientation are distinguished by a calm disposition. They are inactive. Maintaining meat crosses does not require any special expenses; some individuals are ready for slaughter at the age of 2–2.5 months.

Breeds of chickens for meat and eggsare considered universal. Their maintenance is low-cost, and the breeds are distinguished by equally high productivity of eggs and meat. At the genetic level, chicken breeds of this type are resistant to certain diseases. Birds are undemanding when it comes to food.

Egg crosses

When breeding egg-producing breeds, breeders focus on the quality and quantity of eggs that a laying hen can produce. Meat indicators are not taken into account.

Distinctive features of egg-laying chicken breeds:

  • Low body weight. Males weigh on average 2.5–3 kg. The average weight of a chicken is about 1.5–2 kg.
  • Egg-laying chickens are extremely active. Laying hens do not sit still, they are constantly on the move.
  • Regular replenishment is required. Laying hens have a high appetite, as a large amount of energy is spent on laying eggs.

Popular breeds of egg-laying chickens are presented in the table:

Name Short description Photo
Russian White A bird with white plumage, does not require special conditions. Productivity is high
Loman Brown Early puberty, above average productivity. Color is predominantly brown
Leghorn High egg production, suitable for cage keeping
Kuchinskaya Yubileinaya Productivity directly depends on the conditions of detention. The average egg weight is about 60 g

Maximum level of productivity Domestic bird reaches in the 3rd – 4th year of life. At the age of 5–7 years, the chicken practically stops laying eggs and must be culled.


Russian White: the subspecies was bred in Russian Federation in the 20th century. Leghorns are considered the ancestors of the Russian White.

Has distinctive external characteristics:

  • Plumage color is white. There are no other colors, spots or inclusions.
  • The body is small, triangular. The plumage is thick, it gives visual volume to the chicken. The back is straight and narrow. The chest is convex, especially in roosters.
  • The head is small, the neck is elongated. The lobes are white, pronounced. The comb and earrings are red. The eyes, paws and beak are yellow.
  • Light weight. Males are larger (up to 3 kg), laying hens weigh less, about 2 kg.

The character is calm and peaceful. Puberty early (4–5 months). Productivity is above average, the annual number of eggs does not exceed 240 pieces. The eggs are large, the shell is strong, white. The average weight of one egg is 58 grams. Maternal instinct is poorly developed, so it is recommended to use an incubator for breeding. The survival rate of chicks is about 95%. The breed is fed with mixed feed, boiled vegetables with the obligatory addition of minerals.

Loman Brown: a famous cross of the egg direction. The color of the plumage is predominantly brown; there are individuals with white patches. In appearance, these are beautiful purebred chickens, with a strong body and a straight back. The wings are well developed, the belly and chest are not convex. No special conditions are required; they have a peaceful disposition. The bird practically does not accumulate fat, and there is no tendency to obesity.

It is recommended to arrange warm room for keeping with the recommended temperature regime (+16+22 degrees Celsius). The presence of a draft in the poultry house is unacceptable. Artificial lighting is necessary to increase egg production. Perches, feeders and drinking bowls are a must. Egg production is high, about 315 eggs per year. The average weight of eggs is 65 g, the shell is dense and white.

Leghorn: The breed was first developed in Italy. It is the basis for breeding egg breeds. The color is very diverse, there are about 20 variations.

External signs:

  • small birds;
  • wedge-shaped body;
  • small head;
  • back straight;
  • rounded chest;
  • the plumage is dense.

Egg production is above average; a laying hen produces no more than 250 eggs per year. The weight of males is 2.5–3 kg, females are smaller, about 1.5–2 kg. The average egg weight is 55–60 g, the shell is white and dense. The birds have a calm character; only males can show aggression.

Kuchinskaya Yubileinaya: the final formation of the breed ended in 1990. The plumage is dominated by reddish-brown shades. The tips of the feathers are often black. The bird is small in size, with a wide, straight back and convex chest. The wings are pressed tightly to the body and are small. The head is small, the earlobes are white, the earrings are clearly visible (in males). The average weight of a rooster is 3.5 kg, a chicken weighs less, about 2.5 kg.

The bird prefers to lead an active lifestyle. Puberty occurs at the age of 5.5 months. Productivity is average - about 220 eggs per year. The shell is dense, light brown. The average weight of an egg is 60 g.

Meat focus

Meat breeds of chickens were bred to produce large amounts of dietary meat after slaughter. To date, about 12 new crosses have been developed. New subspecies are at the stage of study; there is no exact data on productivity yet.

Popular breeds of meat chickens are described in the table:

Name Short description Photo
Brahma A breed of broiler with furry legs. Bred in the USA
Dorking The breed was bred in 1845 in England. It got its name thanks to the area where it was first presented.
Cochin Has a decorative appearance and is highly productive

Overview of subspecies

Chickens of the Brama breed first appeared in Russia in the 20th century. The chicken is popularly called “Brahminka” or “Brahmina”.

Distinctive features of the breed:

  • The color is varied. Feather color varies from white-silver to jet black. There are individuals with brown, red, gray and partridge plumage.
  • Abundant plumage. The breed has an ash-colored fluff. The feathers are not loose, soft to the touch, and fit tightly to the body.
  • The skin has an unusual yellow hue due to the large amount of subcutaneous fat.
  • Small head, wide forehead. The comb is small and has no teeth.
  • The beak and limbs are yellow, the legs are powerful and well developed. The wings are pressed tightly to the body.
  • The earlobes and earrings are bright red.

Chickens are hardy, unpretentious and resilient. Brahmin meat is considered dietary, with a moderate fat content. The average weight of a rooster is about 5 kg, a chicken weighs about 4 kg. 3-month-old individuals can be sent to slaughter. It is recommended to keep them in a warm house, especially in winter period. A chicken can produce up to 120 eggs per year.

The Dorking breed is medium sized. The birds have a rounded body due to lush feathers and meat. Representatives of this species have a short neck and a small head. The comb is quite thin and red. The earrings and earlobes are scarlet. The chest is convex, the back is wide. The beak and paws are white. The limbs are powerful, widely spaced, and there are individuals with pinkish legs and beak. The color is the most varied. There is no monochromatic plumage. Color varies from white to dark brown and black. As a rule, the plumage is tricolor. The character is calm, the bird rarely sits in one place and is active. Males can sometimes be aggressive, especially if they are sharing a territory. Productivity is high; at the age of 5 months, a rooster weighs more than 5 kg, a chicken weighs about 3.5–4 kg. Egg production is average, up to 140 eggs per year.

Cochin chickens vaguely resemble Brahmin chickens. The bird has an original appearance, its legs are completely covered with feathers. Representatives of this species have a large physique and lush plumage. Roosters have a bushy tail, which distinguishes them from other meat crosses. The head is small; due to the abundant plumage, there is a feeling that there is no neck. The chest is round and powerful. The back is wide. The crest of males is jagged and large; in females it is smaller.

Chickens of this breed have lost the ability to fly, so clipping their wings is not necessary.

The character is non-conflict, there is no aggression. Productivity is high, the average weight of a male is 5.5 kg, females - up to 4 kg. A chicken lays more than 100 eggs per year. In the cold season, egg production increases. Allowed for slaughter at the age of 4–5 months.

Meat and egg subspecies

Breeds that are a cross between egg and meat crosses. These chickens provide the farmer with eggs and meat equally. No special housing conditions are required; the bird is unpretentious in everyday life. Most meat-egg crosses were bred through selective breeding - by crossing broilers and egg breeds of chickens.

The description of the subspecies is presented in the table:

Name Origin story Photo
Poltavskaya It was bred in Poltava through selective breeding. Egg-meat cross, high productivity and egg production
Black bearded It first appeared in the 20th century, and Chernaya Oryolskaya and Wyandotte are considered its ancestors. People call this species “Barsky”
Red whitetail Appeared through selective breeding by crossing the White Sorey, New Hampshire and Plitmurk breeds. Belongs to meat-egg, universal breeds


The Poltava breed of chickens is distinguished by its endurance and natural resistance to certain diseases. The exterior has distinctive features that can be used to distinguish a male from a female:

  • Neck: in males it is longer and thinner.
  • Tail: in roosters it is more bushy, the tips are jet black.
  • Body: The body and back are wider in males.
  • Dimensions: males are larger than laying hens, their average weight reaches 4 kg. The weight of the hen is about 2.5–3 kg.

The character is peaceful and friendly, there is no aggression. Puberty is early, at the age of 5 months the hen lays the first eggs. Egg production is high, about 220 eggs per year. The average weight of one egg is about 58–60 g. The color of the shell is golden.

The Black Bearded subspecies has a number distinctive features in comparison with other egg-meat breeds. These include the following:

  • large, fully formed head;
  • the beak is small, dense, white;
  • the eyes are bulging, the iris is brown;
  • red skin on the face, small, scarlet comb;
  • earrings are long, round, movable;
  • there is a “beard” of feathers;
  • convex chest;
  • males have long braids;
  • The average weight of roosters is 4 kg, females weigh about 3 kg.

This breed is phlegmatic. Doesn't get into fights or brawls, treats neighbors peacefully. The fertilization rate of this species is about 90%. Lays 200 eggs per year. The eggshell is dense and light brown in color. The average egg weight is 65 g. Maternal instinct is poorly developed; it is recommended to use the incubation method for breeding.

The plumage of the Red Whitetail breed is predominantly bright brown and white..

  • wide, elongated back;
  • small head;
  • leaf-like ridge;
  • red earrings.

Peace-loving, calm representatives of this breed try to avoid conflicts, despite their large size. The average weight of a rooster reaches 5 kg, laying hens - about 3.5 kg. Egg production is high, about 170 eggs per year. It is better to send birds to slaughter before they reach 3 years of age. In birds older than 3 years, meat loses its taste. The bird has no special preferences in food. This breed is fed with mixed feed, boiled vegetables and mash with broth and milk.

It is not easy for a private farmer to compete in egg cost with modern poultry farms. In the same way, it makes no sense to demand from breeds even strictly egg-oriented breeds productivity close to industrial specialized crosses.

But the farmer’s main trump card is the quality of the product. And here the old laying hens have no competition. The buyer votes with rubles for a healthier and tastier egg, so one of the good earnings for summer residents is selling products to neighbors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that there are a great variety of egg-laying chicken breeds, they have common qualities:

  1. High immunity in comparison with other areas (and even more so with crosses).
  2. Unpretentiousness to living and feeding conditions. Laying hens, as a rule, feel great in conditions under which chickens from poultry farms die (cold winter in an unheated room, poor food).
    An additional advantage is the excellent qualities of a forager, the ability to obtain food independently up to 50% with high-quality free range.
  3. Longer period of peak productivity: high egg production persists for both 3 and 4 years. In factories, livestock must be replaced every year.
  4. Significant disadvantages: thin bones, sinewy body and, as a result, egg chickens are not as tasty as meat chickens, and are only suitable for soup. In addition, the weight of the carcass after plucking rarely exceeds 2 kg. in a female and 2.6 kg. in a male.

In Russia, until the mid-20th century, laying hens had a special place in the economy: since ancient times, poor peasants took home their breeding stock of chickens (usually 1-3 pieces) during severe frosts. Along with the cow, this bird was the nurse in the village.

Still in central Russia, Ukraine and Belarus there are more outbred chickens in the yards. These include uncontrolled crosses and (which is rare) specially preserved local varieties. Thus, in the Pskov region, laying hens of national selection, obtained as a result of mixing Russian White with unclear lines, are widespread. In Siberia, in remote villages, virtually native egg-laying chickens have been preserved, the origin of which cannot be determined.

Content Features

All “folk” poultry was selected on the basis of one or two desirable factors, usually endurance and egg production. Common opinion: than smaller size body, the greater the productivity, valid up to certain limits.

A chicken with thin and underdeveloped bones experiences discomfort when laying large eggs, and cases of injury and even death are possible. Therefore, selection on the farm should be carried out taking this parameter into account. The best livestock is leveled (average) in size.

The requirements for a poultry house can be very simple in the case of zoned breeds, or more serious if you take on raising southern birds. For example, the Russian White is considered “unkillable”, and the Andalusian Blue will ask for more warmth.

However, if the farmer expects to receive eggs in winter at temperatures below -10-15°C, he will still have to provide heating for the chicken coop.

An important nuance when raising egg-laying chickens is sufficient lighting. Of course, round-the-clock light is not required here, as for broilers, but daylight should be provided for up to 12-14 hours. As a result, egg production increases to 30%.

Gardener 24

Many housewives keep chickens solely for the sake of eggs, which can be sold very profitably on the weekend at the market. And it’s a pleasure to fry a couple for breakfast yourself. Everyone knows that chickens of egg breeds lay eggs much more often than others. You can also get meat from them, but the carcass will be small, since they are not intended for fattening. But there are a great many breeds of egg-laying chickens, which one should you choose? Our story today is about those breeds and crosses that are champions in egg production.

Leghorn- this breed of chickens is the most productive, they set a world record - 361 eggs per year from one bird! Leghorn hens mature very early and begin laying eggs at the age of 4 - 4.5 months, egg weight is approximately 55-60 g, the highest egg production is in white hens. In addition, Leghorns are quite hardy and easily and quickly adapt to all weather conditions. The breed was imported from America more than a century ago and quickly gained the trust of poultry farmers throughout Russia. Currently actively used to create new crosses. By the way, our Russian white chicken was bred by crossing the Leghorn breed and local poultry. The live weight of adult chickens is 1.6 kg, and that of a rooster is 2.5 kg.

This famous breed has weak sides, which should definitely be taken into account when purchasing Leghorn representatives. Laying hens that produce so many eggs completely lack maternal instinct. In addition, they are very shy and fussy, so experienced poultry farmers, in order to limit their activity, transfer birds of this breed to cage keeping. It has also been noticed that if you use green light bulbs in the chicken coop, the leghorns become calmer and more stress-resistant. And these birds also have highly developed cannibalism: they not only peck eggs, but can peck other chickens. You can cope with this problem on your own. To do this, you need to add more bone meal to the bird’s diet, you can even give them fresh lard.

Russian white- This is the most famous domestic breed of chickens; in terms of egg production, it is slightly inferior to foreign laying hens. It begins laying eggs at the age of 5 months and produces 200-230 eggs per year, but the eggs are large. The bird is very hardy, has a stable immunity to many diseases, and is unpretentious in living conditions and feeding. Chickens of this breed are quite nimble, even their chicks look more advantageous than other breeds, they are more developed and strong. Although the bird is active, it is not aggressive and does not panic at every rustle; by the way, it is very organized; everyone comes in from a walk at once and sits down on a roost at the same time. The weight of adult chickens is 1.8 kg, roosters - 2.5 kg. Many laying hens of this breed have an excellent maternal instinct, because there were “simpletons” in their family.

Minorca- a breed of egg-laying chickens bred in Spain. Chickens reach sexual maturity at the age of 5-6 months, a laying hen lays 200-220 eggs per year, quite large, weighing 60-80 g. Minorka eggs are slightly different in taste from eggs of other breeds, they are more delicate. Chickens are active, but wild and timid, causing a commotion at every occasion. The bird is very beautiful in appearance, and its habits are Spanish, the chickens are flirtatious, and the roosters resemble lords. Minorkas need space, they are not suitable for cages, it is advisable to have a walk, then egg production increases. These birds are afraid of low temperatures due to their large crest, which can freeze. Adult chickens reach a weight of 2-2.5 kg, roosters - 3 kg. The big disadvantage of this breed is that laying hens lack maternal instinct.

Iso Brown- this is no longer a breed, but a cross, bred in France, but quickly gaining popularity in many countries, including Russia. The bird adapts to any climatic conditions, has a good survival rate (95%), rarely gets sick. They lay actively, the number of eggs per year reaches 300-320 pieces weighing 60-65 g. Chickens of the Iso Brown breed are unpretentious to living conditions, they can be bred both on the floor and in cages.

Loman Brown- a cross bred in Germany. These chickens begin to lay eggs around 5 months, egg production is high - 300 eggs per year, large eggs - 62-64 g. Birds of this breed are unpretentious and timid, suitable for keeping both on the floor and in cages. Loman Brown can withstand literally anything: both freezing and starvation; of course, there is no need to bring it to this point, but their survivability is truly surprising. The weight of adult females is about 2 kg, males - 3 kg. The disadvantages are that after six months of intensive egg laying, laying hens significantly reduce their productivity, so at the age of 1 year they are time to be slaughtered.

Hisex And Hisex Brown(brown translates as red) is a cross created by the Dutch with a very high egg production, despite the fact that the laying hens themselves are small. In a year, 1 chicken produces up to 320 large eggs, weighing 60 g each. The birds are very calm, they don’t misbehave at all, they don’t try to fly over the fence or start a fight. But to get from these chickens maximum amount eggs, you need to feed them food with increased content minerals and vitamins; in addition, for good egg production, long daylight hours of at least 17 hours a day are required. But this one too wonderful breed There is one significant drawback: since these babies lay too large eggs, they often suffer from injuries to the oviduct, which can lead to their death. Highsex women lack maternal instinct.

Breed is a group of birds that have a common origin and are similar in physiological and morphological characteristics, persistently passing them on to their offspring.

Cross obtained by crossing a chicken and a rooster different breeds, but this process is very complex; poultry is selected according to many parameters. Crosses are good because the selected qualities (egg production, meatiness, good immunity, endurance, etc.) are very high. But they have one very significant drawback: all these qualities are not inherited and the next generation will not be so productive. And the parental qualities of cross-laying hens are not very developed; they do not sit on eggs.

When purchasing adult pullets from a poultry farm, be prepared for the fact that they will not lay eggs immediately, even if the egg-laying age has arrived. The fact is that chickens are stressed from moving and a new habitat, so the first eggs will appear only after 2-3 weeks. Many people also face another problem: chickens do not lay eggs in nests. This is due to the fact that no one builds nests for them at the poultry farm and they are simply not accustomed to this. You can accustom birds to the nest by placing a dummy egg in it.

It has been noticed that good laying hens eat a little more than other chickens, because they need strength to form eggs.

Young chickens have eggs that are almost half the size of adults, so don’t be alarmed right away that the eggs are small, 2-3 months and they will become larger.

There is one more interesting fact, little known to poultry farmers: chickens prefer food blue color(by the way, such food is sold), and the feeders should be red. Of blue color It is better to avoid it in the chicken coop, because, looking at it, the birds think that night has come.

Video - The best breeds for beginning poultry farmers