Ra uru hu about completely open centers. Knowing my specific centers. Ajna

There are various energy centers. The internal state of a person depends on what they are filled with. The Ajna center is responsible for the mind.

What happens if the Ajna center is full?

Such a person always knows exactly what he wants. For him, there is a set of internal rules that guide him. As a result, character traits such as reliability, certainty, and integrity appear. Those around him know that he can be trusted, that he will always keep his promises. However, there is another side to the coin. Negative character traits include inertia, stereotypical thinking, and categoricalness. For such a person, there are two opinions: his and the wrong. To avoid anxiety, you should develop flexibility of mind. After all, in fact, it is interaction with other people that is the main task of the mind.

What motivates a person with an undefined Ajna center?

For him, the basis of everything is Search. New knowledge, books, theories, teachers - in this way a person tries to fill himself. He accumulates ideas and looks for a suitable model of behavior for himself. But very often he feels emptiness inside, dissatisfaction. He is open to everything new, but is extremely rarely satisfied with what he finds.

How do people interact with definite and indefinite Ajna centers?

These two types of people are not uncommon in Everyday life and interact with each other. In this situation, a person with a filled Ajna center suppresses the one who is in search. He captivates him, transfers his thoughts and principles, his vision of a particular issue. A person with an undefined Ajna center finds himself in a difficult situation. He is filled with ideas, but none of them are his own. He feels confused, unsure of himself, and sometimes even depressed. At the same time, he is free from prejudice and is capable, like no one else, of understanding his interlocutor and reading his mental field. He is able to open up new types of thinking to others. In order to achieve inner harmony, it is important to maintain balance.

Those whose Ajna center is filled should learn flexibility, open-mindedness, and weaken the desire to control everything. And, those who are open to everything new need to choose those thoughts and ideas that best suit their internal state, develop consistency and patience, learn to build long-term relationships with your thoughts.


Biological correspondence: pituitary gland.

The key words for this center are the following concepts: Conceptualization, Logos.

This center is the seat of a person's mental awareness. One of the three centers of awareness. As a center of awareness, it has its own fears, which lead to awareness of the situation at the mental level.

Each spiritual entity (God) emanates from itself its Logos, which is the Teaching of this entity. This Teaching itself is also a spiritual essence. It develops over time and adapts to different conditions manifestations. Distinctive features different kinds of Teachings are the concept of the World, Man, methods of their interaction and development prospects.

In humans, this is expressed in the desire to conduct research, thinking and analysis in order to study, systematize and analyze life.
This center is identified in approximately 51% of people. Determination gives the ability to have a fixed way of thinking. People love to explore. As a consequence of this, a person cannot ignore his thoughts or empty his mind. He is constantly working. For such people, it is completely pointless to engage in meditation practices whose goal is to achieve a state of silent mind.

But they can perceive consonance when studying spiritual teachings. It is a related and natural view of the nature of the universe that will allow them to find their God.

The Ajna center can be defined from two sides. When it is determined by the channels with the Parietal Center, the person will also feel a connection with the “Heavenly Father”. When Ajna is determined through the channels of communication with the Throat center, a person will be able to act in the world on behalf of Higher power. Certainty is also possible when both of these options are present. That is, a person feels an inextricable connection with the “Heavenly Father” and creates in the world, using His power.

For a person with a specific Ajna Center natural state manifests itself as follows. He thinks, thinks, thinks. Has a correctly limited and constant way of thinking, enjoys information and research. He is not influenced in the presence of others, but has his own preferences and inclinations.

If the False Self takes over, then obsessive thinking appears, which does not bring relief. I am also overcome by mental anxiety due to attempts to figure it out and understand.

False Self strategy at the center of Ajna: Pretend to be mentally confident.

If your Ajna center is determined, you have a fixed mind. The mind is one of the three centers of awareness. At the center of Ajna is our field of conceptualization. It is important to understand that these three centers of awareness are the Spleen center, the immune system body, the Ajna center where we mentally conceptualize, the Solar Plexus center, our potential for spiritual awareness - they all function on the basis of fear. Awareness is a result of fear because it is driving force awareness.

We call fear in the center of Ajna anxiety, anxiety. Mental anxiety works in three different ways. Logical anxiety is when you don't understand or can't make someone else understand, can't explain to someone else. Abstract anxiety is when you are confused, or bring confusion to someone else, or can't make sense of something. Individual anxiety is when you can't find out what you need to know, or can't explain what you know yourself to someone else, and the other person doesn't know what you're talking about.

The Ajna center is a field rooted in restlessness, forcing us to be clear in our ability to communicate with another, to have clarity in our understanding, in our ideas and in our knowledge. When you see your mechanics and you understand that your mind will not be your inner Authority, then you can give the mind its rightful job and get rid of worry. Imagine that you have a problem with someone and you really want to solve it. You want to talk to this person, you want to ease your heart. It is essential for you to recognize and accept that your mind can look at the duality of what this problem is with another person and cannot make decisions about what the action will be. He can to some extent assess the consequences of choosing one or another decision option, but no more. Allow the mind to compare “this” and “that”. When the research is over, regardless of the preponderance of “this” compared to “that,” it is not yet time to pick up the phone. We must wait for a response from Inner Authority.

The mind can never make decisions. He cannot even make decisions about what is better and what is worse. The point is simply to organize a perspective, a point of view, look at all sides, and then wait to see what your true authority decides based on that research. When the mind is given its proper place, then it is recognized for its ability to measure, and nothing more. Understanding that the mechanical mind has no internal authority makes it possible to eliminate resistance. Instead of being the boss, the mind is a research center.

When you allow your mind to dictate to you and be your authority, you really get into big trouble. This will generate a field of anxiety, which is very difficult to avoid, because mental anxiety consists of fear, which is endlessly rearranged by the most different ways. It's not like a primal fear where you hear footsteps and whether something is going to happen or not. You can handle it or not. This is a spontaneous thing and you will have to deal with your fear. But when you're dealing with anxiety, you're dealing with something that lasts a lifetime—perhaps your entire life. So when you are afraid of something mentally, you cannot get rid of it because you cannot even face it. It's just a mental thing that you can paint any color or shape into any shape. And you keep turning it endlessly. Mental restlessness is something that concerns us deeply because we are all, moreover, the greatest mental beings living in the age of the mind. We are at the stage where we have to complete the mental work of eliminating anxiety - to really be able to understand, find meaning and know what it means to live in the world, and that this is normal.

There are a lot of deeply painful generalizations. Imagine what it is like for a person with a certain Ajna center in the so-called spiritual circles. His mind is fixed and always operates steadily. Therefore, this is a truly mental person.

For example, a man has a friend who travels to the east and meets a guru who tells him to be “out of his mind.” This friend, sitting at the feet of the guru, has an open Ajna center, a mind like a waterfall, everything is just constantly flowing through it from all directions. The “out of mind” of his day is a wonderful thing because it is true for him. He is open to the minds around him. He goes back and says to his friend with a certain mind, "You know, you should go and learn from this guru, because 'out of mind' is wonderful." They travel and meditate together. A person with a certain mind, of course, cannot stop his mind. He feels like a failure. A person can become obsessed by trying to get rid of what is actually his very nature. Generalizations are dangerous. Lack of education regarding the nature of what you are mechanically is dangerous to your health and mental well-being.

To understand the power of the false self, one must understand the overwhelming power, the power of the mind. The Ajna center is biologically connected to the pituitary gland - the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland, and there is something amazing about the nature of these glands. In principle, the pituitary gland is an instrument for controlling the entire biological process, both the internal process of how we operate organically and the way we present ourselves externally. These glands are called master glands, the main glands. In an explanatory sense, the pituitary gland and Ajna, which represent our conceptualizing neocortex, are connected with everything that is essential about us. The whole basis of mental identification is that your Ajna center is biologically designed to connect everything in you through the pituitary gland. That's why when we deal with the mind, the mind can seem emotional, the mind can seem intuitive, the mind can feel like the Ego, the mind can be Identity - can be all these things that we associate with different aspects of the body, all of these can be seen The pituitary gland has the biological potential to monitor and influence everything that happens in our physical lives.

In other words, your mind is deeply connected to you. Of course, this leads to deep identification with oneself, which comes from the mind, because everything is connected to it. This is one of the reasons why people get lost in material life and refuse self-knowledge and self-realization. Let's look at the phenomenon of how information moves through the body, in your brain, from the brain to the muscles, or from the muscles to your brain. This movement is not spontaneous, there must be a chain of events that occur before the person can become aware of anything. Your cerebral cortex, through the pituitary gland, gives you this immediate, moment-to-moment connection to your physical life. This is exactly what the neocortex does - it makes a step-by-step connection with physical life, but only in the sense that it is receptive to physical life, but does not create it.

People are not creative by nature. We are reactive. The reaction is the time it takes for any stimulus to travel through the chain to reach the cerebral cortex, i.e. reach the pituitary gland so that this stimulus can be recognized as a holistic phenomenon. You don't know you're hungry until your empty stomach sends a message to your brain. Your empty stomach is hungry before you realize it, and yet we humans in our vanity say, “I think I need to eat. It's up to me to decide. I think I'm hungry. I think I need to eat." And that's not true. You have been told, you have been instructed, that there is hunger, and in terms of what is your particular differentiation, hunger manifests itself in a particular way.

With the Ajna center, whether defined or not, we are dealing with the very core of the dilemma of any person who wants to awaken and become a conscious being. The very nature of the pituitary gland creates in you the illusion of a deep connection on the mental plane with your life, you think that it is you who makes decisions. You think that you are actually doing it spontaneously in real time, in the present moment. And that's not true. We don't decide, but we have an illusion.

The vague mind has the ability to process a field of information through its openness. This can be an advantage, an opportunity for wisdom, provided that the mind is not given the internal authority to control life. An undefined mind is a sign of intelligence.

Conditioning a certain Ajna is so distorting, creating a false self strategy of pretending that you are mentally confident. The frequency emitted by a particular Ajna center is the frequency of a person who is mentally confident. When you meet a person with a certain Ajna center connected to the Throat, that person speaks with a certainty that arises from stability. This does not mean that you need to be trapped in trusting his certainty, but there is confidence in his words because there is a stable way of mental processing. And this could be a trap. Confidence instead of truth. Of course, the truth sounds convincing and gives confidence, but not vice versa.

Anxiety and irritation only get worse when you get to this Center. The Ajna Center can be caught in the eternal trap of thinkers - fixation. Because it is impossible to stop his eternal reflections on the past and attempts to connect it with the present and future.

Anatomically, Ajna is related to the pituitary gland, which is located in the front of the brain. Eastern cultures call the pituitary gland the “third eye,” or the “mystical eye of knowledge.” It is not surprising that the purpose of this Center is to work with inspiration, making visible what you need to know or learn.

Certain Ajna Center

Your Ajna Center is defined, your “hard drive” never stops rustling. It constantly processes, analyzes and duplicates information. Your Ajna is a biological computer that constantly compares, revises and explores. Perhaps, while studying or at work, you have more than once had the feeling that your head is about to burst with information. However, as soon as you get down to business, numerous facts obediently fit into their designated shelves, and you rush forward to acquire new knowledge.

It’s like a foreman from the housing office, who at first is horrified by the amount of work, and then just takes it and does it. If you want, you can remain that ever-worried bore specialist who, instead of working, is looking for non-existent problems. Phrases such as “don’t worry about trifles” and “don’t create problems out of nowhere” usually mean that there is a person with a certain Ajna Center nearby. No one is able to simply turn off their thoughts and experiences. Meditation can calm the Ajna and allow you to step away from the flow of disturbing thoughts, but if your mind is stable enough, after a while you will find that your approach to a problem not only has not changed - it has never changed.

Undefined Ajna Center

You can have the broadest erudition and yet remain completely absent-minded. You are open to contemplation and learning, but you are also prone to forgetfulness and are easily distracted. You can go down to the garage and leave your car keys at home, or go outside and forget to turn off the iron. I always say that people like you need a diary or at least an organizer because it is normal for you to simply forget about an appointment or an important conversation.

However, I am not saying that you are frivolous. Moreover, in reality this is not at all the case. The great Albert Einstein had an Undefined Ajna Center, and the reason for his genius was precisely that the Undefined Ajna gave him that impartial objectivity that led to equanimous wisdom and allowed him to discover order in the chaos of life. You too must learn to distance yourself from the mental activity of Certain Ajna Centers. This will give you the opportunity to slowly bypass those mental barriers that others try to heroically overcome. I always tell people with Uncertain Ajna that they have the ability to solve other people's problems because they can see the forest where others see trees.

You can actually walk into a room and sense what everyone else is thinking because you can connect with other people's thoughts. You have heard more than once: “You always know what I’m thinking.” This is the wisdom of the Undefined Ajna Center. Its main charm is that it always leaves you a choice: calm contemplation alone or a mental storm in the company. The potential of your Ajna is truly limitless! And if you learn to embrace and embrace this delicious uncertainty, your life will become an ongoing mental adventure.

Open Ajna Center

When there is no open Gate in the Ajna Center, this makes you a person of the broadest views. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed by other people's thoughts. But you don't miss a single thought thrown your way. You look it over and decide if the thought is worth giving it some thought. This openness means that your Mind perfectly reflects what others are thinking. You should be careful. Don't let yourself get lost in someone else's stream of consciousness. Ask your Authority. He knows how to determine which ideas are worth developing and exploring.

Quite painful conditionings lie in the Ajna Center (Ajna), especially since in our false world we have such a perverted mental identification. The mental plane is very important and people with a certain mind, with a certain Ajna, bring constancy in conceptualization. The way they think, the way they see the world from a philosophical, moral or religious point of view, that is, conceptually, is permanent. There is nothing strange about this for them. They think it's normal because that's what they are. They are the concept that sits in their head. This view of the world - a single point of view - seems completely natural.

They are absolutely fixed here and they have no flexibility in this. A person with an open mind does not feel this constancy. Since he sees from childhood how everyone conceptualizes, how everyone has their own specific ideas that they express, or knowledge, or logical opinions supported by facts, he begins to think that there is something wrong with him and forms his own defense strategies .

Think like me

In this game of blackmail, Certain Ajna carries the theme: “Think like me.” We have already seen that all the Designated Centers want to change the Open Center to suit themselves. In this case, so that the conditioned person reflects the religious, philosophical, party, any worldview - how a person sees the world, how he conceptually describes it. That is: “Think like me and agree with me in everything, because without me you will not be able to think at all. You will remain a fool, you will not survive.”

Since we are all falsely focused on the mind as an authority when making decisions, the blackmail here goes like this: “Without me, you will simply disappear, because you will not be able to survive, you will not be able to make the right decisions for yourself.”

In a Certain Topic: “You won’t be able to think, you won’t be able to plan your future (if it’s logic), or find the meaning of the past (if it’s the abstract side).” In Ajna: “You simply won’t know how to survive. Do you think differently? Do you have a different opinion, knowledge, idea? Then goodbye, then I'll leave and you'll be left with nothing. You'll be completely lost."

I am not interested

What Open Ajna builds its defense against. She says: “I’m not at all interested in what you think. Well, okay, I actually need to survive somehow, well, okay, I'll pretend to listen to what you say. I'll just listen to what you say and wait for you to finish so I can say something of my own. And, in general, no matter what you think, I don’t agree with anything. And if you come at me, then I will not listen to your opinions, ideas and knowledge.”

In a false version, it works in such a way that one says: “Without me, you will remain a fool and disappear,” and the other says: “I don’t need you.” But the weakness of an open, that is, a mechanical victim, is that if a certain one leaves, then this bluff becomes obvious. The Certain Ajna has gone, and immediately turmoil appears in the head. This is the fear that we call anxiety: “I will really remain fooled, all my guidelines have disappeared, there was some kind of partner next to me, even if he conditioned me to think the way he thinks, but at least I had an illusion , let's say that “we are communists.” He is a communist and I am a communist. And now it’s unclear. Or: we are atheists. He left, someone else came, and it’s not clear who we are - atheists, or do we believe in God?” And then a false movement appears to find something new for yourself, so that the constant infusion creates this illusion of stability.

Blackmail of Open Centers is a bluff, and sooner or later, everything falls into place there. But everything is very tricky and you can’t say what’s better and what’s worse. Don't forget that we are talking about False Self relationships. Because a person who moves from Strategy and Authority will not be afraid to stay with his open mentality. He will know what he has from which to make decisions. These are either emotions or the Spleen, for example. He will know that he is moving according to the Strategy and therefore he need not be afraid of being left without a Certain Ajna. Remember that we are now analyzing exclusively the relationship of two False Selves, in which absolutely everyone is located.

As a Defense strategy, in Open Ajna this situation can create resistance. It's like a cat jumping after its tail, and it's hard to know where the beginning is and where the end is. When the Determined Ajna firmly fixes: “It must be so, and only as I see, and think as I do,” naturally a reverse reaction arises: “Well, think to yourself, but I don’t care what you think. I won’t listen to you at all, and I won’t pay attention to you.” But this does not mean that there is actually anything there, which is why there is such confusion.

IN healthy option this can be a very interesting exchange in which the Open Ajna is able to lead the Defined one out of impasses. A Defined Ajna has a fixed way of thinking and may not see other options. At the same time, Open Ajna can catch some things, but it doesn't work all the time. And the False Self wants to demonstrate consistency. For example, you can track people's tendency to finish sentences after others. Sometimes it's actual mind reading and it happens correctly, and sometimes it's not what the other person intended to say, absolutely. And, of course, in a conscious way, it is necessary to train patience in order to wait for the request. An Open Center can demonstrate its wisdom, which is present in any Open Center, when it has a certain patience and when it is given right time to act as a reflector.

In a false version, it looks like this: “I have my own concept, I know everything. I know everything in my life, I don’t want to hear anything.” Then the Open Ajna misses the opportunity to hear some things that are not imposed on her as a constant pattern of thinking, but in which she can catch a glimpse of truth, which can inspire, stimulate her or really be interesting.

In any case, if in a partnership there is a person with a Specific Ajna, and a person with an Open Ajna, then one of the methods of blackmail from the Open Ajna (if this person needs to get something is like this: “But I don’t want to listen to what you say "Until you give me sex or until you pat me on the back, I won't listen to what you say. What are you saying? You want to tell me something about Astromechics, but you didn't pat me, I won't listen "What are you saying? You haven't stroked me for three days, and now sit with your concepts in the kitchen yourself."

This is chantage. From all the Open Centers there is blackmail in order to get what I, my beloved, need. Just what I need. But you need anything: money, sex, a new dress, there’s a lot of things you need. We all need a lot of things. Everyone has their own, again, look at your map and you will see what you need. And blackmail comes from Open Centers to Certain ones.

In fact, Open Centers are simply protecting themselves in this way. And here it is impossible to change anything, because the False Self is our shadow. We won't get away from it. Even if we were awakened a hundred times, we would not be able to change anything in our Open areas. We will receive energy from other people there, and this game will happen. Another thing is how it develops further, whether there is awareness there or not, how relationships are built on this, and how decisions are made. This is a completely different story.

Based on materials from the book RA Uru Hu

“Living Your Design”



1. Ajna center is our second center of Awareness. This is the awareness of our mind.

2. Its frequency is continuous work over time. His fear is called


3. Themes of the Ajna Center: mind and thinking process. 4. Its biological attribute is the pituitary gland.

5. The function of the Ajna Center is to conduct research.

6. The Mind has no ability to make decisions.

7. A particular Ajna center must trust its particular way

thinking and processing mental information.

8. The indefinite Ajna center knows all ways of thinking and is very


The Ajna Center is our second center of Awareness. It represents the awareness of our mind. Its function is the thought process, which is supplied with fuel from the Parietal Center and can be expressed in words through the Throat Center. We understand and learn many things through the mind. This is a huge gift that human beings have. By giving names to objects, we recognize them and, by accumulating information about the past, we create history and culture. The mind gives us the ability to understand, find meaning and learn about the world around us.

Historical background

Mindfulness began to evolve about 85-90 thousand years ago. At this time we approached the process that opened the potential of the Ajnacenter. Around the same time, a mutation occurred, as a result of which the human larynx changed. Before this, human beings could drink and breathe at the same time. This ability was lost due to mutation. The larynx dropped and opened vocal cords, allowing us to pronounce complex sound combinations. This moment in history marked the beginning of our speech and human beings were no longer limited in their communication to such primitive sounds as sighs, groans and grunts.

Biological connection

The Ajna center is located where the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland are located. These are very important endocrine glands. They are the headquarters from which instructions are sent throughout the body. Our life is controlled by the mind because the pituitary gland is responsible for disseminating hormonal information, which is then transformed thyroid gland. Together they provide instructions for keeping the body healthy inside and out.

The Ajna center is connected to the cerebral cortex.

Mind- it's a time machine

Mental awareness dominates our lives. It imposes on us a way of perceiving the world in which we live. It seems that humanity takes its mind. When we turn to the Mind, we always deal with two processes: collective – visual and individual – acoustic. So we have two different processes involved. The visual process predominates. The second thing to keep in mind is that when we deal with the Mind, we are actually dealing with a time machine.

This is another part of the nature of Mind. The abstract collective Mind considers the connection from the present to the past. The logical collective process occupies the Mind from the point of view of the present projected into the future. The individual process occurs in pulse mode - in what we can theoretically call “now”. We perceive it as real. These three aspects form our time machine.

Frequency: Continuous

The Ajna center is not connected to the motor. He is only under pressure, and this is not the same thing at all. The inspiration of the Parietal Center creates the pressure to think. The frequency of the brain is continuous functioning. This means that if you use any type of mental decision making, you will have to live with it for the rest of your life due to the frequency of your brain.

This is a difficult test. The mind cannot let go of thoughts. He will always be busy with work until you realize what doesn't matter in your life. Until this point, he will try to guide you, but it is not in his power to tell you what to do.

We are dual by nature and everything in us manifests itself through duality. The mind also processes information in a dual way. Let's say you have a choice. When you reflect on this choice to make a decision, you consider its positive and negative sides. You create two equal arguments, opposite one another.

One argument says that this choice is bad, and the other says that it is good. This is how the Mind works. We move very easily from one position to another because we have already established it in the Mind. This means that the Mind is not able to decide in favor of one or the other. His task is simply to highlight the two sides. But the reality is that there are millions of sides that can be highlighted, not just two. This process is called finding the cause. This is what we do after everything happens. Before an event, we always consider two sides of it. It's yes or no. After an event, we have many reasons from which we can build a “yes” or “no”.

The mind is not for making decisions

The mind is not connected to the motor and the design tells us: become aware of it. There's no motor here. There is no need for manifestation of activity, doing.

The Ajna center is the only center of Awareness that is cut off from energy, because on both sides it has centers that are not motors (the Parietal Center and the Throat Center). The situation with the Spleen center is different - it is located next to the Sacral and Root centers. The same is true for the Solar Plexus center, which itself is a motor. The mind conveys the very essence of what it means to be human. This is what the Mind is for. That's why he has the ability to look at things both ways at the same time. People with a certain Sacral center can do interesting experiences with the Mind. When they answer the question, the mind picks up their response. If they are asked: “Shall we go have lunch?” and their Sacral Center will answer: “Yeah,” the mind will pick up this “yes” and say: “I would like something from Italian cuisine.”

When that same person answers “nah” to the same question ten minutes later, the mind will pick up on that too and say, “I want to stay home because...” When you truly understand this, you will stop believing that The mind tells you what to do with your life. He is unable to do this. He can only tell you in his subjective manner about what happened to you. And you can only tell others about what you think happened to you. The mind is not here to guide you in life. He can't do this because he is always on the other side. Any decision you make at the mental level and implement will remain with you for the rest of your life and you will always rush from one side to the other, never experiencing satisfaction, because the Mind will not be able to let go of the other side. She will always be present here. Did I do the right thing? Or maybe it's wrong? This could all turn into this headache, which only the Mind can bring.

Design shows us that it is very difficult to turn thought into action. The mind cannot determine what is right for you, regardless of whether it is defined or open. It does not matter. You can count on Intelligence for its value to others. This is your communication tool to find out for yourself what you experienced. Life from the point of view of material wealth - the theme of the Ego center - has nothing to do with the Mind. The mind is needed to trace perspective, to see two sides of an object, but it cannot say which side is better. His job is to study the issue and find the problem.

Mindfulness: Anxiety

Fear in the Ajna center is called Anxiety. This is Anxiety about not being able to understand, or make sense of, or know what is going on in the world. Worry about being misunderstood or not being able to communicate clearly. If it fails. establish communication, Anxiety arises, causing problems.


The mind processes information in three ways. Two of them are visual and one is acoustic. Visual ways of processing mental information - logical and abstract. The logical method is aimed at understanding the model and projecting it into the future, and the abstract method is aimed at finding meaning in what happened in the past.

The acoustic way of processing mental information is very complex. It is aimed at finding what is rational for a given individual awareness. The main thing for the Spleen center is the sense of smell. Nose. In the Ajna Center, the main thing is vision. We process information in two visual ways, so the eyes are important as we receive this information through them. The acoustic process aims to give a rational form to sound.


People with an undefined Ajna center constantly accumulate information, find various teachers, and collect books and paintings. But even when their collection is complete, it does not bring them a sense of satisfaction. They are very prone to mental restlessness because they do not have a definite way of thinking. All their thought processes are conditioned.

Let's say your Ajna center is undefined and you are sitting in a cafe next to a person who has it and who dreams of a vacation in Paris. Since you are in his aura, you intercept this desire to rest for a couple of days, without even knowing whose it is. You get up, go to the travel agency, buy a tour and leave.

When you arrive at the place, everything is going badly, the hotel is uncomfortable, the weather is terrible. While you stay there, you will not have the slightest idea why you are there and why you wanted to go on vacation. Be careful if your Mind is not determined, otherwise you will go on someone else's vacation.

Due to the dominant role of the mind, the thinking process of people with an undefined Ajna center can be deeply conditioned by people with a specific Ajna center if they impose their opinions, thoughts or vision of a problem on them. When a person with an undefined Ajna center ceases to identify himself with his Mind, he acquires the ability to read other people's thoughts. He can just sit quietly next to people and observe what is going on in their minds. Something will flash through his head and the same will be said by one of those present. The undefined Ajna center merely processes mental information; in fact, not a single thought is its own.

A person with an undefined Ajna center can always determine how clear the thought process of others is. His role is to tell others about in various ways thinking. People with an undefined Ajna center can be absolutely free from prejudice and judgment. They can work with the information given to them in their own way. Mentally open man able to know another person by perceiving his mental field.


A person with a certain Ajna center has an unchanging type of thinking. On him. you can always rely and trust him, but this same certainty limits a person: He knows only this unchanging way of thinking and nothing more. Such a person can only think in a certain way and must understand that the task of the mind is to communicate with other people. If he makes decisions with his mind, he finds out that it doesn't work and suffers from anxiety.