Entertaining games for children 9-10 years old. Fun birthday contests for children

Junior children adolescence They love to compete in agility, speed, and strength. They like it and role-playing games, allowing you to transform into another person. We offer 13 different fun competitions that can be used at any holiday.

1. "The Cooks"

Props: envelopes containing letters that make up some “edible” word (for example, “carrot”); sheet of paper and pen.

Children are divided into teams, each of which receives an envelope. The participants' task is to assemble a word from the letters as quickly as possible. After this, you need to write on a piece of paper as many dishes as possible in which this ingredient is present. The task can be complicated: teams are given not one envelope, but several. From the words they have composed, the children must create a recipe for a dish.

2. "Artists"

Props: a thick sheet of white paper, a felt-tip pen, cards with words.

Children are divided into pairs. Each pair draws a card with a word that they will have to draw. One participant holds an open felt-tip pen in his hands, the other moves a piece of paper so that an image appears on it. The team whose drawing matches the task will win.

3. “Plasticine duel”

Props: multi-colored plasticine, cards with the names of animals according to the number of participants, sheets of paper, pens.

Participation in the competition is individual. Everyone pulls out a card with the name of the animal so that others do not see what is written on it. Selects plasticine desired color. When everyone decides what they should make, the presenter sets the stopwatch for 2 minutes. During this time, participants must have time to create the animal that was indicated on their card.

After time, all works are collected and numbered. An exhibition is organized, during which participants try to determine who was blinded by their rivals. They write down their guesses on a piece of paper (for example, 1 – fox). Here, 2 winners are selected: the one who completed the task best, and the one who guessed the most animals.

4. "Strelki"

Props: paper clips, jar.

Everyone receives several paper clips (10-15). The task is to throw them into the jar from a certain distance. The one who throws the most wins. You can throw each paper clip separately, or you can throw them all at once, depending on the established rules.

5. “Between Two Fires”

Props: Balloons.

Children are divided into 2 teams, each of which receives a certain number of balls. The participants' task is to throw them over to the opponents' side while the music is playing. The problem is that the rivals bring them back! As soon as the melody ends, the number of balls for each team is counted. The one with the fewest will win.

6. "Pathfinders"

Props: traces of various animals cut out of paper - cats, dogs, chickens, ducks.

Traces are hidden in different places rooms. The task of the participants - teams - is to find as many traces as possible. After a certain time, the teams line up opposite each other and take turns making the sounds of the animals whose prints they found. The number of traces they found, the number of times they must pronounce the desired sound. For example, if you find 5 duck tracks, you must quack 5 times.

7. "Testers"

Props: a bowl of water, plastic cups.

When a new ship is created, tests are carried out to check whether it can withstand the permissible load. The children are also invited to play the role of testers: a glass half filled with water is lowered into the water - a “ship”. Those who wish receive a glass of water. They take turns adding some water to the ship. The one whose ship sinks is out of the game. The game starts again and continues until a winner is identified.

8. "Running Under the Rainbow"

Props: bright lining fabric - rainbow.

Two adults grab the fabric by the corners and lift it up with sharp movements. Participants must have time to run under it. Whoever touches the fabric is out.

9. "Constructors"

Props: balloon, filled with helium, plastic cup, tape, thread.

The participants' task is to design a hot air balloon. You need to tie a long thread to it to make it easier to control. Then, using the created aircraft, you need to transfer various light objects from one end of the room to the other. For example, small construction parts from which you need to build a house.

10. “The most attentive”

Props: clothespins (about 30).

Clothespins are attached to any objects in the room. The participants' task is to collect them as quickly as possible. Whoever finds the most clothespins wins.

11. "Treasure Hunters"

Props: a bowl in which various grains and several larger objects (beads, buttons or shells) are mixed.

Participants are blindfolded with a scarf. Their task is to find treasures by touch. Who is faster?

12. "Clip"

Props: everything you need to stage a video.

Teams need to put on a video for any song within a certain time. After time has expired, the teams show what they have done.

13. “Fashionable verdict”

Props: everything that can be useful for creating clothes - old T-shirts, shorts, ribbons, tape, threads, needles, paper.

Participants are divided into pairs: designer and model. The designer uses scrap material to create a costume that the model will present. Everyone will be a winner in this competition, but in different categories (for example, “the most terrible costume” - about a mummy costume).

Any game will be interesting and fun if adults not only organize, but also actively participate in the events, setting a good example. After all, laughter is contagious, and good mood transmitted by airborne droplets. This means that you need to laugh and have fun more often so that the children have a good time!

The easiest way to entertain children aged about 10 at a birthday party celebrated at home is by having funny Games and competitions.

If you are now on this page, it means your child’s birthday is coming soon!

What to give and how to surprise? What is the most interesting way to spend the holiday itself if friends and classmates are expected to visit?

Organize interesting competitions and game quizzes, and then no one will be bored!

Where to begin?

Oddly enough, I advise, with banal safety precautions for knees and elbows:

  • free up enough space for children's fun - the furniture can get crowded on such a day;
  • hide sharp and breakable objects - little guests are usually characterized by mobility.

The game itself should not tire children - otherwise the intended fun will cease to be fun!

The room is ready. Now you can start the competitions themselves!

To add variety to birthdays, we offer several types of home games-competitions for boys and girls aged 10, 11 and 12 years.

Outdoor games-competitions

Pop the ball

Children are divided into 2 teams. Everyone has a multi-colored ball in their hand.

On command, you need to burst your opponent's balloon with your hands. The team with the most whole balls left wins.


The presenter throws a balloon. While it is in the air, you can move, dance, talk. As soon as the ball touches the floor, everyone freezes.

The one who does not have time to freeze is eliminated.

The game continues until the last winner.

Runaway chair

The chairs are placed in a circle. The number of players is one less than the number of seats.

On command or when the music starts, the players begin to walk around the chairs. The music stops or the command “stop” sounds - the players try to sit down. The one who doesn't get a chair is eliminated. After this, one chair is removed.

The competition is held until the last person sits down.

Alternatively, it’s interesting to use hoops instead of chairs. When the music ends or at a signal, the players sit (or stand) in the free hoops.

potato spoon

Two teams. In one corner of the room there is a container with potatoes. In another, children stand with spoons in their hands near two empty bowls and plates.

At the signal, each team must take turns using a relay race to bring one potato to their plate using only a spoon.

Those who move all the potatoes faster win.

floating apples

Children are divided into two teams.

In two large basins, apples with petioles float in the water. Apples exactly equal to the number of children. At a signal, players from each team take turns trying to catch the apple by the handle without using their hands.

Those who complete the task faster win.

When choosing apples, I advise you to ensure that the petioles are long enough and strong enough.

Basketball basket

Two teams playing. In front of each is an equal number of sheets of paper and a basket (alternatively, you can use a saucepan or other deep container).

The task is to roll up a paper “ball” and throw it into a basket.

The team with the most hits after the sheets run out will win.

Option – play for a while. Then more paper is given.

Get dressed in a minute

You can play in winter.

Two players play blindfolded. The same number of outerwear items - jackets, hats, scarves - are laid out on two chairs.

The winner is the one who puts on all the laid out clothes faster and more correctly.

Option – 2 blindfolded players dress one of the guests.

I think everyone will have fun!

Birthday gift

Two teams – two “gifts”. This could be a toy, fruit or any suitable item.

The players line up one after another. On command, the “gift” is passed along the chain. Those whose item reaches the birthday person faster will win.

And the game is best held only with a sufficient number of guests.


One of the guests turns away or goes into another room.

The rest of the children join hands, and it turns out to be a long “spider web”. Then, without letting go of their hands, everyone gets entangled in a tight ball.

The presenter must unravel the “web” without tearing it even once.

Lego relay race

Two teams - two identical Lego sets (or any other constructor).

For a while we need to build an interesting structure. Speed ​​and “architectural solution” are assessed.

Option - the game is played in a chain. Children take turns placing their piece.


Two players are given a rope or any cord of equal length.

The task is to wind the ball faster.

Option - stick (pencil). The attached rope needs to be wound.

Children's bowling

With the help of simple pins and balls you can organize an almost adult bowling alley. Instead of skittles, you can use other objects or toys.

Hit the target

You will need a drawn target and balls with Velcro. After the hits, we count the points.

Creative and intellectual competitions

Who called me?

The players stand in a wide circle. The driver, blindfolded, stands in the center. They spin him around a little and ask him to guess who called by name. The one who was guessed sits or stands in the place of the driver.

Chain of words

Two teams with an equal number of players. Each person has a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). The first player from the team writes down any word. Each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one. It turns out to be a chain of words.

The game is played against time.

The team with the most words written wins.

Cat in a poke

The simplest items that need to be recognized by touch without taking them out are placed in a beautiful bag. The one who guesses the most items wins.

Option - for greater entertainment and fun, objects are shown to the guests, but in this case the driver is blindfolded.

Two or three teams, each with 3 people. Three sheets of paper are issued.

In the allotted time (2-3 minutes), the players disperse into different sides and draw a fantastic animal: some with a head, some with a torso, some with legs and paws.

Then all the sheets are put together, and the team with the funniest animal wins.

In this competition, I believe that what is more important is not the victory of any team, but the general fun!

Broken phone

Which adult doesn't know this game?!

But I suggest you make it a competition for children at their birthday party.

Divide guests into 2-3 teams. Place them one after the other. The first person in the chain of each team has his say. The players pass it on in a very quiet whisper to each other. The latter must say out loud which word he heard.

Those who most accurately conveyed the word to the first in the team win.

Colored tags

This, in my opinion, is a very fun competition that combines movement and intelligence.

The presenter says the words: “One-two-three! Find white (blue, green, gray, red...)!”

The players immediately grab the named color wherever they can find it around.

Whoever fails to touch an object with a given color, or is the last, is eliminated from the game. The rest continue until there is a winner.

Fun alphabet

The presenter names any letter of the alphabet. Children must write as many words as possible with this letter within a certain time (2-3 minutes).

The one with the longest list wins.

Collect a picture

Each player is given a cut picture that needs to be assembled. The theme can be different: cartoons, games, nature, animals... You can use pages of children's magazines or pre-print pictures according to the number of guests.

The game is played against time.

Puzzles with matches


  • “Write” the given phrase with matches.
  • Draw an animal.
  • Mathematical tasks involving moving and removing matches.

You can buy either regular or long “fireplace” matches.

Competition games for girls 10-12 years old

Agree that there are competitions that boys will watch with a smile. But the girls will be happy to participate.


In 5-10 minutes, find in the room something you can decorate yourself with for the holiday. These can be any items of clothing, ribbons, scarves, ropes and hairpins...

Guests then choose the funniest fashionista.

It would be interesting to put boys on the jury.

Who was hiding there?

A hero from a popular fairy tale or cartoon is drawn on a piece of paper. The image is completely covered with the second sheet. The presenter gradually reveals the picture.

The one who guesses the character first wins.

Sad princess

A driver is selected (not necessarily the birthday girl), who sits on a chair and tries not to smile. The task of the players of this competition is to make her laugh.

The condition is that you cannot touch the “princess”.

wind-up doll

In the basket-box there are pieces of paper with the names of the players.

Everyone comes up with a task for the “wind-up doll”: to sing, dance, spin,... You need to show the task with facial expressions and gestures with or without a voice.

The driver pulls out pieces of paper and says who will perform the task.

Stylists (artists)

Guests are divided into pairs: client and artist.

Each pair is given watercolor paints. You need to do some fun makeup. Whoever comes up with the funniest wins!

An option for boys is to draw a funny face or animal (whether existing or not) on their face.

Exciting competitions for boys 10-12 years old

Pick up the key

Players are offered several locks and a wide variety of keys.

The task is to open each lock.

Collect the dragon

Players receive a box of paper clips. You need to assemble paper clips into a chain within the allotted time. Whoever has the longest “dragon” wins.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The competition involves couples who stand with their backs to each other and lock elbows.

The task is to run to the opposite end of the room without opening your arms.


Draw a non-existent funny animal and come up with a name for it. The winner is the one whose animal turns out to be different from the real ones.

Extra points are given for telling about the habits and habits of this miracle creature.


The players receive a long stick with a fishing line or string on which a magnet is attached.

In front of them are toys with magnets. The task is to “catch” from eyes closed as many fish as possible. The difficulty is that they play in pairs: the “sighted” person directs the actions of the “fisherman”, who is blindfolded.

Option - you can attach small magnets to the candies with tape. And then the pleasure after the game will also be sweet.

Pirate map

Draw several maps of the room in advance, indicating the location of the “cache” with a cross. When hiding a “treasure” (any item), each time ask the “pirate” to find it, using the map as a guide.


There are various things in front of the children (clothes, kitchen utensils, stationery, etc.) The players must take maximum amount objects... You can hold them with your hands, your head, help with your knees...

The one who manages to collect the most items without dropping the items will win.

Collect the scarecrow

Guests are divided into two teams. In front of each is a set of various items of clothing (scarves, towels, hats, shirts, etc.) You need to build a “scarecrow” from available materials.

The creative team wins.

Something, but small children definitely don’t need any energy. Starting from a very young age, and ending at the age of 12-13, kids are extremely active. They are constantly doing something, running somewhere, playing something. And if on children's party there is no way to release this energy, if you cannot find a source into which this energy can be directed, then there will be no need to talk about any success of the celebration. So throw laziness aside, pull yourself together and try to come up with a truly entertaining and exciting entertainment program.

Naturally, such a program should include various competitions and gifts. Games, sports, logic riddles and a lot of fun - this is what a child of age craves. And if you can’t think of anything useful, if you can’t come up with anything original and interesting, then just take a few ready-made competitions from us. Published on Vlio.ru best competitions for 9 years birthday, which you can only find on the Internet. Choose any of them and give your kids joy and pleasure.

Everything with us is free and available at any time. All you need to do is read the materials in this section and use them!

Participants must divide into two groups. In each team, it is necessary to select one player, whom the opposing team must “bewitch” (name him the animal or bird into which he will turn). Without using sounds, but only pantomime, the participant must portray for his team the animal or bird into which his opponents turned him. If your team guesses correctly, then the player is considered disenchanted.

Smile for the birthday boy
A competition in which everyone will be completely delighted. The host invites the guests who came to the celebration to congratulate the hero of the occasion and give him a beautiful smile. All children begin to smile with all 32 teeth. But it's not that simple. The host takes out a plate with lemon slices and invites everyone to try to smile by eating citrus. The main thing is not to forget the camera and capture the grimacing faces for a long memory.

Call first
For the competition you need chairs and bells. We place the chairs at a distance of 7-9 steps from each other. We blindfold the players and place them near chairs. On command, you need to go around your chair to the right of your opponent, return to yours and ring the bell first. Victory goes to the fastest.

Give the children a hundred plastic glasses and ask them to build a pyramid for the drink. It's easy to do. You need to place five rows of five cups. At the top there are four rows of four glasses, and so on until there is one glass at the top. Carefully pour the drink into it, and it will spill into the rest of the glasses. If it was decided to take the children to a club or bowling alley, then this is also the place for competitions. Children can simply play bowling with you, or you can offer them your own games.

Shot put
Place an inflated balloon on the edge of the table. The player is blindfolded and then turned back to the table. The player moves forward five steps, turns in place three times and returns to the table again. Now he must blow so that the ball falls to the floor. Most likely, he will choose the wrong direction and start blowing where there is no ball. The competition is always very funny.

Funny forfeits
Before the start of the competition, each guest puts some change that belongs to him in his hat. One by one, all participants, with their eyes closed, take out objects and the one who owns the item performs an invented task. All children will enjoy this exciting entertainment.

Dressing for speed
Dressing competition. Little guests are divided into teams. We put a box or basket with things in the room. On command, the participant runs to the basket, chooses any clothing or its element, turns around and says: “I’m handsome!”, Girls: “I’m beautiful!”, quickly take them off and return to the team. The next one runs and does the same. Prepare different things: hats, socks, buttons, scarves, wide dresses. You can add to the condition to depict something else, sit down, whoop, and everything like that.

Children are fidgety and at events such as birthdays, New Year, graduation in kindergarten and other holidays, they need to be occupied interesting competitions. When holding competitions, you should remember that moving and active types should be combined with calm ones so that children have time to relax. If competitions are accompanied by the awarding of small prizes, it will be even more interesting for children to play.


Competition 1: “Find yours”

A fun competition for children to test their thinking and imagination. The child must figure out how best to show the pantomime.


Carrying out:

Leaflets with drawings of animals are prepared at the beginning of the competition. Each animal must be in duplicate. The leader puts all the leaves into a small bag and mixes thoroughly. Each child takes turns taking out a piece of paper with a drawing for themselves. On command, children begin to depict the animal that is drawn on the elongated piece of paper. The goal of the competition is who will find their animal pair faster, for example, a giraffe - a giraffe, an elephant - an elephant, and so on.

Features of the competition:

  • The animal should be portrayed through facial expressions, without uttering words or sounds.

Competition 2: "Parrots"

An interesting mindfulness game that helps children learn to concentrate.

Carrying out:

The leader stands in the center, with children - parrots - located around him. Parrots must repeat all words and actions after the leader. A forbidden word that cannot be repeated after the presenter is “parrot”. The one who accidentally repeated the forbidden word after the leader stands in a circle, an imaginary “cage”. The most wins attentive child who did not repeat the forbidden word.

Features of the competition:

  • for older children, you can come up with not one, but two or three forbidden words or actions.

Competition 3: “Breeze”

A fun, active competition for children that kids of any age will enjoy.


Carrying out:

Children are divided into two teams. One inflated balloon is placed in front of each team. The task of each team is to help their ball reach the finish line as quickly as possible. You should move the ball without touching it, namely: wave your hands, create a stream of air or blow on it. The team whose ball gets to the finish line the fastest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • To prevent the children from pouncing on the ball all at once, you can tell them to divide into numbers and blow on the ball in turn.

Competition 4: “Snowfall”

A fun competition that will excite even the shyest child.


  • Pieces of paper of two colors.
  • 2 bags.

Carrying out:

Children are divided into two teams with the same number of players. The leader gives each team a pack of paper of a certain color, for example green and red. Two parallel lines are drawn in the center of the room at some distance from one another. The task of each team is to throw snowballs at their opponents without stepping over their line, crumpling up their own color of paper. The team that throws the most snowballs at their opponents wins.

Features of the competition:

  • You can hold the second stage of the competition by inviting children to race to collect snowballs in the colors of their team into a bag.

Competition 5: “Indian name”

An interesting competition for children, which is held at the beginning of the celebration.


Carrying out:

The leader gives each child a piece of paper and a pen. On one piece of paper the child writes a noun, on the other - an adjective. Each child throws the leaves into a bag, one with adjectives, the other with nouns. The contents of the bags are thoroughly mixed by the presenter. Children take turns taking out a piece of paper from each bag. The combination of words on the pieces of paper becomes the child's Indian name throughout the holiday. Often very interesting and funny “names” are obtained: “merry corn”, “blue beard”, “ sharp eye" and so on.

Features of the competition:

  • It is important to monitor the children’s reaction to the names given to them so that no one is offended.

Competition 6: "Swamp"

The competition is ideal for birthday celebrations, as it instantly creates a friendly atmosphere.


  • Chalk or tape.

Carrying out:

Before the start of the competition, the presenter tapes or draws round “bumps” across the swamp with tape or chalk so that two feet can fit. The presenter tells the children that now they need to cross the swamp, which can be done by walking over the “bumps”. All participants in the competition join hands and begin to walk over the “bumps”. If the child steps over the edge of the “bump,” the hike starts all over again.

Features of the competition:

  • The quick implementation of the competition makes it not so interesting, so the presenter can once again find fault with the guys so that they start the journey again.

Competition 7: “What is your name?”

A very fun competition for children, which helps develop endurance and patience.


Carrying out:

The presenter writes on pieces of paper nouns that will become names of children, for example: “Boot”, “Broom”, “Breadbox”, “Pencil” and so on. The leaves are placed in a bag and mixed. The children sit around the leader in a semicircle, he approaches each one, offering to get himself a “name.” Next, the presenter will begin to ask questions to which the child must answer with the name given to him.

The presenter approaches the child with the words: “Whoever makes a mistake will get caught!” Whoever laughs will have a bad time!” The presenter begins to ask questions: “Who are you?”, “What’s on your head?”, “What did you eat for lunch today?”, “Who is your friend?”, “What do you eat soup with?”, “Who flies in the sky?” ? and so on. The presenter’s task is to ask questions in a more varied way. The child’s task is not to laugh or smile when answering questions. The players sitting around can laugh as much as they want. Whoever laughs leaves the game. The one who wins is awarded a prize.

Features of the competition:

  • Losing players can be asked to perform some kind of forfeit.

Competition 8: “Turnip”

A fun active competition for children with mandatory awards for speed.


  • Chairs - 2 pieces.

Carrying out:

Players are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. In each team, depending on the number of children, there may be: “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “bug”, “granddaughter”, “cat”, “dog”, “mouse”. At the beginning of the room, chairs are placed on which two “turnips” sit, one for each team.

At the command of the leader, the “grandfather” puts his hands on his hips and begins to skip towards the “turnip”, run around it and gallop to the “grandmother”. Now “grandfather” and “grandmother” jump by hand towards the “turnip”, run around it and jump back. One jumper is added each time fairy tale hero. The last participant, the “mouse,” must run around the “turnip,” take it by the hand and pull it to jump with everyone else to the starting line.

Features of the competition:

  • The team that reaches the starting line with the “turnip” the fastest wins.

Competition 9: “Balls are little animals”

An interesting competition for children, in which you need to show your imagination and creativity.


Carrying out:

All prepared balloons should be inflated, tied with a long thread and hung in different corners of the room in equal quantities. Divide the children into two equal teams. Give each child on the team several different colored markers. The children's task is to draw a mouth, eyes, nose, ears on the balls to make an animal. The winner is the team that draws the animals the fastest.

Features of the competition:

  • The number of balls should be one for each child on the team.

Competition 10: “Owl”

A fun competition for the holiday to concentrate children's attention.


Carrying out:

At one end of the room, the leader draws a circle with chalk - an owl's nest. An owl is chosen from among the children, the rest are butterflies, bugs and other insects. The presenter says “Day”, all the children run around, imitating the flapping of insect wings. At the signal “Night”, the children must freeze in the position they were in, as the owl flies out to hunt. The owl slowly, flapping its wings, flies between the children and looks to see who moves. If someone moves, the owl takes him into her nest. When the nest is filled with three children, the presenter chooses a new owl from among them and the competition continues.

Features of the competition:

  • When the presenter says “Day”, the owl stands in the house with his back to the children who are pretending to be insects, and at the signal “Night” he turns.

Competition 11: “Scarf and Laughter”

A fun competition for children to test speed and attention.


Carrying out:

The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle and takes a small silk scarf. Children stand around the birthday boy. The birthday boy throws his handkerchief up and laughs, and the children should also laugh loudly with him. If the child stops laughing while the handkerchief is in the air, he is out of the game. When the handkerchief falls to the floor, everyone must stop laughing; whoever stops too late is eliminated from the competition. The child who remains in the competition the longest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • The birthday boy can prepare the prize for the winner with his own hands in advance.

Competition 12: “Beads - Bagels”

An original and funny competition for children that will not leave them indifferent.


  • Bagels.
  • Threads.

Carrying out:

Before the competition, the presenter must string bagels on threads and tie them in the form of beads. The number of beads should be on each bead, as there are children in a team. A captain is chosen from each team of children and beads are hung around his neck. Children stand in a row, at the leader’s signal, the first child runs up to the captain and eats one bagel with beads. Next, the baton takes over next child. The team whose captain's beads were eaten the fastest wins.

Features of the competition:

  • The threads for stringing must be strong so that they do not break during the competition.
  • You can make the competition more difficult by telling children to keep their hands behind their backs and try to eat the bagel with one mouth.

Competition 13: “Give a smile to the birthday boy”

A fun competition for which children must try very hard.


Carrying out:

In the midst of the holiday, the presenter says that all the children are sitting with a sour face and the birthday boy will now be offended by the guests. All the children begin to smile intensely, but the presenter says that giving the birthday boy a smile should be done differently. The presenter takes out a plate with sliced ​​lemons. Each child in a circle takes a slice, chews it and smiles. The winner is the one whose smile, in the opinion of the birthday boy, was the most beautiful.

Features of the competition:

  • Before holding this competition, you should ask the parents of the guests if any of their children are allergic to citrus fruits.

Competition 14: “Guess who eats what?”

An interesting competition for children who have just come to the celebration and are still a little shy.

Carrying out:

The host says that the theme of today’s feast is “animals.” You should ask each child in turn a question about which animal eats what, for example: “What does a cat eat?”, “What does a pigeon eat?”, “What does a dolphin eat.” You can ask several questions to everyone in a circle, starting with ordinary animals, moving on to exotic ones. For each correct answer, the child should be rewarded with candy, a sticker or other small prize.

Features of the competition:

  • This competition can be held while sitting at the table.

Competition 15: "Turtles"

A fun competition - a relay race that will immediately lift the spirits of all guests.


  • Two basins.

Carrying out:

The leader divides the children into two teams with an equal number of people. All team members line up in a column. Participants standing in front are given a basin, with the help of which they must become turtles. The child gets on all fours and places an inverted pelvis - a shell - on his back. At a signal, the child begins to move on all fours to the finish line, then back. Then the basin is passed to the next participant. The winner is the team whose members complete the turtle test the fastest.

Features of the competition:

To make it more comfortable for children to move around, make sure there is a clean, soft carpet on the floor.


The presenter divides the children into several teams, depending on the number of guests. Each team is given a card with the same task - you need to guess the name of this character. The team that deciphers the task the fastest is the winner. Example: 2nd letter of the alphabet + 21st letter of the alphabet + 18th letter of the alphabet + 1st letter of the alphabet + 20th letter of the alphabet + 10th letter of the alphabet + 15th letter of the alphabet + 16th letter of the alphabet. The result is Pinocchio.

Give me the correct answer

The presenter must prepare a series of questions for children for this competition; the questions contain a small, but tricky part, in case someone gets caught. Example questions: 1. A lunatic is a) a person who lives on the Moon, b) a person who walks at night; 2. A Martian is a) a fictional alien who lives on Mars, b) a person who constantly eats a Mars bar, and so on. The question is answered by the child who raised his hand first. If the answer is correct, the participant is given a tasty reward, for example, candy.

Who are you?

The presenter writes all the months of the year on a large piece of paper, and opposite them - adjectives, for example, cheerful, interesting, beautiful, kind, evil, and so on. Below he writes numbers from 1 to 31, and opposite them - the names of various animals, for example, frog, bear, hare, mouse, snake, and so on. Each of the guests, in turn, goes to this sheet and names the date and month of his birthday, and the host matches him with who he is, for example, a funny bear or an evil mouse. The task of the participants is to show their best animal hero.

Good and bad

The guys are divided into teams of 3-4 people, each team takes turns naming a good and bad character from one cartoon, for example, the Wolf and the Hare “Well, wait a minute,” Pinocchio and Karabas Barabas, Cinderella and the stepmother, Leopold the Cat and the mice, and so on, the game goes to elimination, those who cannot name the heroes are eliminated, and those who remain until the end will win and the whole team will receive a prize, for example, coloring pages with cartoon characters.

There is truth in proverbs

For this competition, you need to prepare sheets with words from proverbs (one word per participant), for example, “If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sleigh” or “The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it.” Team members honestly close their eyes, and the leader sticks scattered words from a proverb (from the same one for all teams at the same time) on the participants (on their arm or stomach). At the command “start” the children open their eyes, read the words and line up in the right order to form a proverb. The team that completes the task first will be the winner. The game can be played in several stages, that is, several proverbs can be built, after which the winner can be determined.

Animal analogy

In this competition, the birthday boy and his guests will have to show ingenuity and intelligence. The presenter names a domestic animal, and the children must choose an analogue of the animal from wild animals, for example, bull - bison, chicken - partridge, rabbit - hare, dog - wolf, geese - swans, cat - lion, rooster - black grouse, pig - wild boar, goat - roe deer and so on. The game can be played for both individual participants and teams. The team receives a point for the correct analogue. Whoever has the most points at the end is the winner.


The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. Each participant receives an eraser, and each team receives homemade map(glued sheets of paper on which fields with flowers and individual areas attacked by aphids are drawn (drawn circles Green colour). At the command “start”, the team, or rather its participants, must destroy (erase with erasers) the circles with aphids faster than their opponents. The team that completes it first will win and receive a prize.

Catch a jumper

Each participant receives a jumper and everyone stands in front of the wall. Participants make the first throw with with open eyes and catch their little jumper. After this, all participants are blindfolded. The guys throw jumpers at the wall and try to catch their jumper on the way back. Attempts are repeated until someone catches their jumper. This participant will be the winner.

Sleeves from the fashion designer

Our birthday boy is a model. Among the guests, two fashion designers are chosen and given the task of making the most “clothes-on” sleeve for Paris Fashion Week. And fashion designers will have to make sleeves from clothespins. Each participant is given a bunch of clothespins and at the “start” command, our fashion designers begin to attach clothespins to the birthday boy’s sleeve: one participant to the left, and the other to the right. The fashion designer who can attach the most clothespins to his sleeve in a minute will win and receive a prize.