Recipe for artificial black caviar at home. We make black caviar at home. Making caviar yourself

Diversity various types The amount of red caviar on grocery store shelves is amazing. Tasty and healthy, it will look beautiful both on bread and butter and on a holiday table in an elegant crystal vase. You can make this delicacy yourself, at home.

What you will need

To salt red caviar at home you will need:

  • sugar;
  • caviar;
  • salt;
  • container for pickling;
  • glass jars;
  • sieve/gauze;
  • water.

Preparing for salting caviar

Red caviar is obtained from Far Eastern salmon species (chum salmon, chinook salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon). Pink salmon caviar is considered the best. So, take yastiki with red caviar. The ovary is a film-like shell sac that contains eggs. Separate them from the film surface.

Important: caviar must be fresh! The fresher it is, the tastier it will be cooked. Do not put caviar in cold fresh water, otherwise it will turn out sticky, tough and tasteless

Then rub the extracted caviar through a sieve with meshes that correspond to the size of the eggs. If you don't have a strainer, you can use a badminton racket. To do this, carefully rub the eggs through the racket, carefully placing a container for the eggs underneath. In this case, the films will remain on the racket, and the eggs will pass through its holes cleaned.

Sterilize the jars in advance in which you will put the prepared caviar. To prevent it from disappearing, scald the jars with boiling water or sterilize them with hot steam.

How to pickle red caviar at home

Now you can start salting. It can be of several types. Let's look at 2 main ways of salting red caviar.

For every kilogram of raw red caviar, take 2 tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of salt. Mix it all carefully, then put it into sterilized jars. Then put the jars in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. After this, the finished caviar can be eaten. This delicacy has a short shelf life, but it is much fresher, more tender and smells of the sea.

An open jar of caviar can be stored for no more than a week.

The second method of salting red caviar is as follows. Place a fresh chicken egg or raw potato in a container. They must be washed thoroughly and dried well. After this, pour water into the same container. While stirring, add salt in such an amount until the potato or egg floats to the surface. Take out the potatoes/egg.

Boil salt water for approximately 3–5 minutes. Let it cool to a temperature of 25–40 degrees. The brine for salting the delicacy is ready; it should be approximately three parts to one part of red caviar. Place the caviar, cleared of films, into the brine for 5–7 minutes, then drain everything through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and let the excess water drain off. Red caviar is ready.

You can place it in sterilized jars and roll it up. Don't forget to put the caviar in jars in the cellar or refrigerator. You can eat caviar prepared in this way after a couple of days. This method Cooking red caviar allows you to store it much longer.

For very long storage, caviar is kept in brine for 20–25 minutes. It will be salted even more, as a result of which its shelf life will increase even more. Salt is an important preservative for red caviar. If you want to eat a delicacy in short term, you can salt the caviar using the second method for five minutes, then put it in jars and preserve it in the refrigerator for only two to three hours.

When serving, red caviar can be seasoned sunflower oil, as well as finely chopped onions.

Red caviar is a decoration for any festive table. Although it has long ceased to be in short supply, the cost of red caviar does not allow everyone to decorate their table with real caviar.

Imitating red caviar makes it possible to make holiday dishes at least visually richer. The components for preparing our artificial red caviar are cheap, not in short supply and harmless.

In addition, artificial caviar even tastes quite pleasant. The process of preparing imitation red caviar is simple, but if you need a large number of caviar, then it will take quite a lot of time.

It is advisable to start “spawning” in advance in order to have time to satisfy the requests of those who want to enjoy this savory product.

For the preparation of environmentally friendly red caviar, without artificial food additives and dyes, we will need:

  • 300ml vegetable oil
  • 10g gelatin
  • 4 tablespoons water
  • 150g carrot-tomato-beetroot juice
  • pipette

Let's pour vegetable oil in a tall glass and put it in the freezer for an hour and a half. In the meantime, we prepare everything necessary for the caviar itself.

To prepare red caviar, we did not use artificial ingredients and food colorings, but natural carrot juice with the addition of tomato and beet juice.

To do this, we squeezed the juice from 3 carrots and 2 tomatoes and strained. Grate a small piece of raw beets, add 2 teaspoons of water and add the resulting beet juice in carrot-tomato until the desired color is obtained. We got 150 ml of vegetable juice.

Next, soak 10g of instant gelatin in 4 tablespoons cold water When it swells, dissolve it in a water bath and add it to slightly warmed vegetable juice. In total, there should be 10 g of gelatin per 200 ml of liquid. Salt well. Please note that when gelatin hardens, the taste of salt becomes much weaker, so add more salt.

Now take the cooled oil and drop the gelatin mixture onto it with a pipette. We are not in a hurry to drip a lot at once, since the gelatin must have time to harden. That's why we need a tall glass. While the “eggs” sink to the bottom, they gradually freeze.

When a sufficient amount of “caviar” has collected in the glass, put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes so that the caviar gets stronger. Then we take the glass out of the refrigerator, use a spoon to collect the “caviar” in a strainer and let the oil drain. This oil can be used later for frying, etc.

Now the red caviar is ready, which can be used for sandwiches, decorating salads and appetizers. You can add a few drops to it for the taste and smell of fish. fish oil. Store caviar in the refrigerator for no more than one week.

Fake red caviar (for decorating salads and cakes)

Hello! Who wants to eat caviar with spoons??? Literally in 1.5 hours you will do this.
Don’t be afraid of a lot of writing, but do everything quickly and easily.
Today we will (throw) make fake red caviar with you! (you can also have a black one, if there is a black dye, then you won’t be able to distinguish it from the real thing)
Once upon a time, during my student years, red caviar was in short supply and could not be found, and my friend and I always prepared such caviar for the New Year to decorate salads and just sandwiches, we always had heaps of caviar, thereby surprising and delighting the students.
Years passed and they forgot about this homemade caviar, but cakes and sandwiches appeared, and just this caviar, only sweet, is perfect for decoration!!!

Syringe or syringe, new and treated
vegetable oil
gelatin or (dry jelly or cake filling)
food coloring 2 parts yellow, 1 part red.

for sweet caviar:
citric acid or juice
for fish roe:
fish broth
fish oil (optional)

Well, let's start throwing and cooking.
First, pour the vegetable oil into a tall glass and place it in the freezer for at least 50 minutes. (namely in the freezer, not in the refrigerator, if the temperature is -18 and above, then 50-60 minutes is enough for cooling, if below -18 ° C, then it is advisable to leave the oil for more long time. The colder the oil, the better the eggs)
Prepare the jelly solution. For sweet caviar we make a delicious sweet and sour solution. I advise you to make a more sour solution.
For fish jelly, dilute it in fish broth with the addition of salt, pepper, and fish seasoning. It is better to make a slightly salty solution. You also need to add a few drops to the vegetable oil fish oil(optional).

Don't forget to tint 2 parts yellow dye, 1 part red.
For a glass of water - 2 drops of yellow, 1 drop of red dye.

The jelly solution must be concentrated, i.e. per glass of water 10 g. gelatin. The taste should also be pronounced, because... When gelatin hardens, the taste is lost.

Let's start (throwing) preparing our eggs.

Take the glass of butter out of the freezer, the butter should be super cold!!! It is important!!!
Cool the jelly solution slightly, put it into a syringe (or syringe) and drop it into the oil. DO NOT HURRY TO DRIP! because the drops won’t have time to cool down! The drops begin to slowly descend to the bottom, turning into eggs.
Then, when all the jelly has been used, put a glass of butter and caviar in the refrigerator for min. at 15. We take out the caviar, put everything on a sieve and wait for the oil to drain. Don’t be alarmed if the eggs stick together; carefully stir them with a spoon and they will fly away from each other.
That's all! Did you think it would be difficult?

Imitated caviar is a high-quality fake of natural caviar. The product is harmless if it does not contain synthetic dyes. Artificial caviar is attractive not only in appearance, but also because of its low cost. There is still a myth that the product is made from petroleum. But this is absolutely not true.

Synthetic caviar: history of appearance

Back in the days Soviet Union real caviar was very expensive. As a result, dissatisfaction began to grow among people who were unable to purchase the delicacy. And scientists began to work on creating an imitation of caviar. The first batches were made from real protein. Among the ingredients were nutritional supplements, chicken eggs and vegetable oil.

But such artificial caviar was rather tasteless and looked very vaguely like the real thing. Over time, new manufacturing technologies appeared. The method of creating caviar using gelatin began to be used. In addition to this, such recipes contain milk, algae extracts, protein supplements, etc. This technology is called “protein technology” and is currently considered outdated.

There are other manufacturing methods that do not contain protein substances or only in small quantities. In any case, the final product came to be called imitated by copying the appearance of the natural one.

What is artificial caviar made from?

What is imitation red caviar made from? Formulations that used a protein component have long since become a thing of the past. Thanks to her, the eggs acquired the necessary density. Modern product compositions contain gelling agents. Extracts of brown and red algae and agar are used as thickeners. They not only allow you to achieve a consistency similar to real caviar, but also reduce the calorie content of the product.

Red and black caviar gets its color from natural dyes. These are paprika and vegetable charcoal. But sometimes artificial colors are used. The constant ingredients in imitation caviar are fish meat, broth and fat. Thanks to them, the necessary taste and aroma appear.

How is artificial caviar made?

Imitated red and black caviar is produced using different technologies:

  1. Protein method. First, a special mixture was prepared, which included egg white, culinary dressing and coloring. Then a drop of such a mass fell into a heated water-oil emulsion or vegetable oil. The protein coagulated and a ball was formed that looked like an egg. It had a dense structure. The product could be given any color and taste. To increase shelf life, such simulated caviar was pasteurized.
  2. Gelatin method. This method allows you to obtain simulated caviar from various protein fillers: milk, soy, etc. They are mixed with gelatin, and the resulting mixture is heated. Then it is injected into vegetable oil at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. Caviar is produced in special column-shaped installations. The taste of the product is imparted by chopped herring.
  3. Method using seaweed. This method differs from the two protein methods described above. Until recently, it was considered the most promising, but more convenient and modern technologies have already appeared.

Types and appearance

Imitated caviar is available for sale in many types. They differ in the raw materials used, recipes and manufacturing method.

Protein caviar is obtained on the basis of gelatin and is a ball containing homogeneous contents. This is a white or beige kernel with a dark colored shell. It is fragile and allows moisture to pass into the core and back. Because of this, the eggs do not have a stable structure.

This product differs from other types in its good taste, color and composition and is most suitable for sturgeon caviar. The plastic structure allows you to imitate lopanetz and crushed balls, producing an effect that bursts in your mouth.

Artificial caviar, which is produced according to modern technologies, very similar to natural fish different breeds. Appearance and the taste of the product is as close to natural as possible.

Benefits and harms

Imitated caviar has long been in great demand. The benefits and harms of this product are as follows:

  1. Gelling agents reduce the calorie content of the product, but at the same time increase its satiety due to swelling granules. For those who are on a diet, this a good option. However, there is also the opposite side. Imitated caviar contains a lot of salt, so the body can be disrupted. This leads to swelling and difficulties in removing waste and toxins.
  2. Fatty acid and Omega-3 are beneficial. These components help maintain the body's youth, strengthen the immune system and force cells to fight cancer. It increases beneficial features product.
  3. The controversial components of artificial caviar are lactic and citric acids. Most often they do not cause allergies, but itching, irritation and rashes may still occur in some consumers. The most active of the acids is lactic. Its excess can lead to malfunction nervous system and deterioration of muscle activity.

How to distinguish between real and artificial caviar?

How to distinguish natural caviar from artificial? There are several ways. The simplest one is in terms of taste. The imitation one is always saltier and gives off flavors. When natural caviar granules burst, they leave moisture and a salty taste on the tongue. There will also be a faint fishy smell.

You can distinguish natural caviar from simulated caviar using boiling water. Hot liquid is poured into a glass. Several eggs drop into it. Real caviar will not dissolve, but will only turn pale.

High-quality analogues of real caviar

Imitated sturgeon caviar is produced using new technology. As a result, the finished product has improved taste. The color has become closer to natural sturgeon caviar. The structure of the simulated product has acquired plasticity. This allows you to feel the eggs bursting in your mouth. Only a natural product has this effect.

New types of caviar are produced in pressed or granular form. This was impossible to do using previous technologies. The composition of the new type of simulated caviar partially includes hydrobionts, real caviar and sturgeon meat. The product is manufactured on special equipment. As a result, artificial caviar acquires many shades that are characteristic only of natural sturgeon.


Imitated red caviar can be colored not with natural dyes, but with synthetic ones. The composition must be indicated on each product package. It notes which baptisms were used in production.

Caviar with butter cream is in great demand. But all supplements are made from chemical substances. The “buttercream” in caviar is made from water, flavorings, fats and flavor enhancers. All these components are harmful to the body. When choosing caviar, it is best to purchase homogeneous caviar.

When purchasing, consumers often try to take the product in a glass container. But caviar is also perfectly stored in polyethylene. Therefore, there is simply an overpayment for packaging. But you need to pay attention that there are no voids or liquid under the film. Artificial caviar should not be hard, but simply dense.


The product should only be stored in the refrigerator. Expiration dates are always written on the packages. But artificial caviar in an open container can be stored even in the refrigerator for no more than twelve hours.

Is it possible to make caviar yourself?

Imitated caviar can be prepared even at home. To do this you will need:

  • gelatin (it can be replaced with semolina in the amount of 200 g);
  • 500 g salted herring (can be replaced with other fish);
  • 200 ml tomato juice;
  • 200 ml sunflower oil;
  • 4 onions.

Cooking method

Mix in a saucepan tomato juice and oil and bring to a boil. Then semolina is added there. To avoid the appearance of lumps, the cereal is constantly stirred. The mixture is boiled for 7 minutes, then removed from the heat and cooled. At this time, the fish is cleaned and ground through a meat grinder (without bones). The peel is removed from the onion. Then the heads are also passed through a meat grinder.

The result is minced fish, which is thoroughly mixed. The mass is added to the cooled semolina mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed and infused for 15 minutes. The mass is then passed through a granulator. As a result, you will get many small eggs that are colored desired color using natural dyes.

No matter what dieters and fans of asceticism say, caviar on the table is a sign of good taste, especially when the table is festive. But if black caviar is a symbol of a luxurious Russian feast, then red caviar is a sign of economic prosperity in the family. Meanwhile, even on prosperity, you can save significantly if you do some things yourself. For example, salt the same red caviar at home. Let's study.

How to choose red fish for pickling caviar

Red caviar at home begins with choosing the right fish in the store. For our purposes, we will need fish with red meat, such as salmon, such as trout, salmon or pink salmon. You need an ungutted carcass of a female of any size, which will definitely contain caviar (and it will be in any, because such fish are caught only when they go to spawn).

Distinguishing a female from a male is not a problem. The fact is that the female salmon is... “more feminine”: she has rounder outlines, a more delicate and softer color and a short, rounded head. No points or predatory appearance (like the male). If you are choosing for the first time following these instructions, try to do it yourself, and then consult with the seller. You will find that your opinions are likely to coincide.

How to pickle red caviar at home correctly

Since you bought frozen fish, defrost it. It is recommended to do this in natural mode, that is, first transfer it from the icebox (freezer) to the refrigerator, and then let it thaw at room temperature.

The process of salting caviar itself consists of two stages of action. First, you need to clean the caviar from the film in which it is located, and then place it in a salt marinade, that is, pickle it. Each stage has its own subtleties. Let's start with cleansing.

Cleaning eggs from caviar

The caviar is in two film bags (bags) - you need to get rid of them. The work is painstaking, but necessary. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the caviar itself. (Unless there is another goal).

Using your hands, carefully separate the caviar from the film.

Next, place the caviar in a bowl and pour cold water. Using a wooden stick, we begin to mix intensively in one direction. Periodically, we take the stick out of the water and remove the remaining film, which wraps very well around a wooden skewer. In this way, we will sufficiently clean the red caviar from the film.

Now line the colander with gauze, folded in half, and place the caviar on it. And let the liquid drain.
Next, we will move the caviar in a colander over dry gauze. Small particles of film and crushed eggs will stick to the fabric.

Preparing salt marinade - brine

For brine we need water, salt and sugar. How much water should I take? I take enough so that it completely covers the caviar, that is, approximately twice the volume of the caviar.

How much salt and sugar? For a glass of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar. This is “according to science”. Quite popular and folk way determining the correct salt concentration: place a fresh egg in the amount of water that will be used in preparing the solution. And start adding salt. As soon as the egg floats to the surface, stop - there is enough salt for red caviar.

So, let's prepare the marinade. Pour salt and sugar into the water and boil. Then we cool the water a little, because we don’t need boiling water, but so that it’s “enough for your finger.”

Salting red caviar

Pour brine over the caviar and leave... For how long? I leave it for about 20 minutes, because I need the caviar to stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 days (more is still not possible). If you plan to serve it right away, 7 minutes is enough.

Place the caviar on cheesecloth and let dry. It can dry up to 2 hours. Then transfer to sterilized jars greased with olive oil. And put it in the refrigerator.
Caviar is ready to eat in 3 hours.