Service note for equipment. Reports, memos and certificates: what is the difference

The memo is internal document of the organization, thanks to which management is able to resolve work situations as quickly and efficiently as possible. Its main goal is to bring to the attention of the management team information regarding a problem or conflict situation that has arisen in production or within the team.

This document may also reflect employee suggestions regarding increasing labor efficiency, increasing productivity and other work issues.

Federal legislation in force in Russia does not define an official memo as a mandatory document, therefore there is no unified form. But, despite this, many business entities enshrine it in local regulations, for example, in accounting policies.

Commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs independently develop the form of the document, taking into account the basic recommendations of specialists.

Service notes are carried reference and informational nature. They are used when conducting business correspondence within an organization as an additional document.

The purpose of memos is to highlight issues related to the production activities of a department, workshop or division, or with a specific employee.

Such a document does not have a unified form, so it is compiled arbitrarily. Despite the absence of strict requirements from Federal legislation regarding registration, the memo must contain all required details and information:

  1. In the upper right corner you must write the name and position of the manager to whom the appeal is addressed.
  2. In the center, a little lower, the name of the document is written: “OFFICIAL NOTE”
  3. It is affixed registration number and date of compilation.
  4. The title should reflect information related to the subject of the note (in the prepositional case).
  5. The text must contain information that reflects the purpose of drawing up the document: initially a situation is described, and then a request, comment or suggestion is stated.
  6. At the bottom of the note you should indicate the name of the originator, his position and signature.

It is worth noting that a memo can be not only explanatory, but also a report. For example, in the first case, the document ensures communication between employees of the organization at a horizontal level - the head of a structural unit prepares a memo addressed to another head of a structural unit.

In the second case, the document is addressed to senior management. It examines a working issue on which certain proposals and specific conclusions are made. The manager puts his resolution on the memo and must certify it with a signature and date.

If we look at a question like purpose of compilation memo , then one cannot fail to mention its direct relationship to accounting. Based on this document, accountants have the legal right to write off certain expenses as expenses for the reporting period. For example, an employee of an organization paid for transportation costs, advertising, purchased equipment and other inventory items necessary for carrying out business activities.

In this case, office notes will be considered as primary accounting documents and should be provided with the same storage.

What is the difference between memos and memos can be found in the video.

Who can write

Official memos can be written by all, without exception, employees of an organization who are officially on its staff. As a rule, the need to draw up this document arises when an employee faces a problem.

But, in this case, one condition must be met - the note contains information about the issue that is within the competence of the employee preparing it.

Through such documents, it is established communication between employees of the same level. Very often, the heads of divisions, departments, and workshops send notes to their direct management, in which they work for their subordinates.

In the case when ordinary employees send notes to their superiors, they are considered as reports. The sender must understand that only a correctly drafted document will allow him to achieve the fulfillment of the request expressed in it. That is why all information should be presented very briefly, but succinctly.

Due to the fact that the memo is an internal document of the organization, its form must be approved by management and recorded in the accounting policy or local regulations. It can be compiled both on paper and in electronic form.

But in any case, at the bottom of the document there should be "live" signature of the author. In most cases, such notes are drawn up in one copy. But, if an employee works at a large enterprise, he may be required to draw up a document in two or even three copies.

This document must indicate precise quantitative indicators:

  • amounts of bonuses, wages, vacation pay and other cash payments;
  • dates, for example, the exact day the employee departs on a business trip;
  • inventory items (indicated full list all objects mentioned in the appeal), etc.

You will also have to list every reason for measures taken to resolve the situation. Information about each person involved in the memo is indicated.

You need to start composing a document with the header. Here you should indicate the full name of the business entity. IN mandatory The date and city in which the document is drawn up are indicated.

If the document is drawn up by an ordinary employee, then it will need to be confirm with the head of the department where he works. Only after this the note is transmitted to its destination. It is imperative that the employee makes sure that his official appeal has been registered in the appropriate accounting register.

As a rule, each business entity must have a journal of internal documentation. Otherwise, a carefully composed note can easily get lost among the dense flow of documents.

To avoid any errors when preparing a document, individuals should use the instructions:

  1. Take a piece of paper, A4 size.
  2. In the upper corner, with right side, a header is created. The first line indicates the full name of the business entity. The next line contains the Last Name, First Name and Patronymic name of the employee to whom the appeal is addressed. The third line contains the full name and position of the employee who is drawing up the memo.
  3. Several lines are skipped and the title of the document is written in the center. The bottom line indicates the date of compilation and the registration number, which must correspond to the entry from the accounting register. It is mandatory to write down the city in which the business entity in which the note writer works is officially registered.
  4. A short title of the document is written every other line; the author must outline the problem that will be discussed.
  5. In the second part of the note, it is necessary to describe the essence of the problem that has arisen. It is extremely important to note the responsible persons related to it, indicating their full names and positions.
  6. Options for resolving the issue are proposed.
  7. At the bottom of the document the signature of the originator is affixed, indicating his full name and position.

When composing a memo electronically, you should follow the instructions. The finished version of the document is redirected via e-mail to the addressee. It should be saved in outgoing correspondence, as well as on a flash drive; it is also necessary to ensure the safety of the notification that the letter has been read.

Composition, form, types

Office memos are classified depending on the meaning of the information contained in them:

  • analytical;
  • explanatory;
  • reports;
  • explanatory.

They may be intended for both internal and external use. In the second case, correspondence is conducted in this way with partner companies when any difficult work issues arise. As for the internal document, on its basis management makes responsible decisions, issues orders and instructions.

In most cases, such documentation is used for departmental communication. It reflects requests and suggestions, as well as important information regarding the economic or logistical support of the organization.

With their help it is ensured communication at the horizontal level. In the event that the statuses of the persons involved are different, then the document will be considered a report.

For example, one employee goes on a business trip. The head of his department writes memo addressed to the head of the organization. Based on this document, an order is issued, a travel certificate is issued, and funds are issued for expenses.

You can also consider another example. The company has created certifying commission. The head of the department submits a memo to its members, which indicates that a particular employee does not correspond to his position, for example, he constantly receives complaints, he produces many defective products, etc. In this case, the members of the commission, based on the document received, can make a decision on recertification of the employee.

The head of the department can write a memo addressed to the head of the organization about reducing the probationary period for a newcomer, since he copes well with his duties and has a sufficient level of qualifications to permanently fill the vacant position. Such a document can act as a basis for awarding bonuses to any employee based on performance indicators. It is accepted for consideration by representatives of the law as an evidence base when controversial situations are resolved within the legal framework.

Many individuals do not understand the difference between a memo and a report. This is explained by the fact that both documents are intended to notify management about any working issues occurring in the organization.

They should understand that the report is intended to inform superiors about problems that have arisen, and the service report, in addition to such information, also contains proposals for resolving issues that have arisen.

When drawing up an appeal addressed to management, it is necessary to take into account the following: nuances:

  1. The document is drawn up in free form.
  2. The essence of the problem must be clearly described.
  3. All solutions should be indicated.
  4. The document must be registered in the appropriate accounting register.
  5. To prevent the possibility of losing the note, you can make it in two copies. One will be handed over to management through the secretary, and the second will remain with the employee (the form will contain the signature, date of acceptance, registration number).

If you plan to exchange memos between separate units organization, then it is necessary to take into account such moments:

In the event that the memo is sent to another business entity, the originator must take into account such nuances:

  1. A memo can sometimes serve as an external document. In this way, cooperating business entities exchange information.
  2. In this case, the memo is considered as documentary evidence of a request or claim from one business partner to another.
  3. The document is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead in free form.
  4. The note may be accompanied by supporting documentation confirming the information provided.
  5. It is necessary to make two copies, one is transferred to the partner company, and the second remains with the other organization. On the second copy, the addressee must put a wet stamp, date and signature, and also indicate the registration number.
  6. Such a document must be kept until the situation has been completely resolved.
  7. If the partner company gave a written response to the received request, it should be registered and stored along with the memo.

Is there an electronic version?

Federal legislation in force in Russia allows business entities on one's own decide how they will manage document flow. Today, many commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs use electronic forms of documents.

Compiled certificates and memos are transmitted to departments via the Internet. But, if you plan to inform senior management about an extremely important situation that falls under the scope of a “trade secret,” then the employee needs to be involved in reassurance personal digital signature.

In the case where the employee has expressed his thoughts on paper, he can scan the form and send it to his organization’s email. If he uses a personal mailbox registered in his name when sending, then there will be no need to sign the service note.

As for the format of the electronic document, it is no different from its paper counterpart. The sender, in order to avoid annoying misunderstandings, must take into account the following nuances:

  1. When sending an email, you need to request a notification that the recipient has read the message. Such notice will act as evidence that if any difficult situation the responsible person sent the note in a timely manner.
  2. The document is drawn up in Times New Roman font, the size of which should be in the range 12-14.
  3. The date must be entered in the format: 01/01/2018 or January 01, 2018.
  4. The title of the document should be placed in the center of the sheet.

Below is a master class on converting official memos into electronic form.

Significance of the document

The benefit of drawing up this kind of document is that it acts as proof the work of a specific specialist who solves problems under his responsibility. For example, if such an employee cannot independently cope with a specific situation, then he can, through a memo, involve other specialists in resolving it.

Thus, he automatically relieves himself of responsibility for poor quality or untimely resolution of the issue.

An additional benefit of this type of document is that it is direct evidence the fact that the specialist has highlighted a problem within his area of ​​expertise. If a specialist cannot resolve a problem on his own and, in the form of a memo, submits it for resolution by other specialists, he thereby relieves himself of responsibility for untimely or poor-quality consideration of the issue.

If a controversial situation arises in which management or regulatory authorities try to find the culprits, the note will help to understand who is to blame.

Due to the fact that memos do not belong to the category of mandatory documents used for internal communication of the organization, many personnel officers very frivolous and irresponsible approach the issue of their storage.

They should be located in dry and ventilated areas so that paper storage media are not negatively affected by moisture and other aggressive environments.

After the transfer of official notes for their intended purpose, they must be responsible for their safety personnel officers. Paper documents are placed in safes, as they may contain confidential information.

They will only be accessible responsible officer, approved by the relevant by order. All papers are filed in a separate folder, but if they were submitted electronically, then a flash drive is used to store them.

As for storage periods, business entities need to take into account the following: nuances:

  1. If in such appeals employees make important reports, make rationalization proposals and reflect other important information, then their shelf life should not be less than 5 years.
  2. In the case where internal memos do not contain any information important for the work of a business entity, they can be stored for no more than a year.
  3. If internal memos reflect information about the company’s cooperation with its foreign partner, then their minimum storage period should not be less than 15 years.

It is worth noting that the head of the organization may, at his discretion, extend the storage period of such documentation by issuing an appropriate order.

What types of memos are there? The answer to the question is in the video.

A memo is a special form of document that is used in internal environment enterprises and serves to quickly solve current production problems. Typically, this document is drawn up with the purpose of introducing a new proposal and solving difficulties that have arisen, as well as approving or agreeing on certain actions.

It is important that in his memo the specialist shows himself in his field. If an employee, with the help of a document, shifts responsibility for the actions taken to another person or removes it from himself without offering a way out of the situation, then you should think about the professional skills of this specialist.

Purpose and types of this document

Service notes are divided by purpose and degree of accessibility.

By purpose, that is according to the type of information conveyed, highlight the following notes:

  • Notes that contribute to decision making are requests or demands to consider any issue or proposal of a specialist;
  • Information notes are a type of document that contains information that the employee wants to convey to management;
  • Reporting notes - such documents are most often prepared at the request of management and contain detailed information about any past process.

According to the degree of accessibility, that is by openness to public viewing, notes are:

  • Open – documents that are accessible to all or most employees of the organization;
  • Confidential - notes accessible only to a narrow or limited circle of people.

In some cases, a memo is attached along with a number of other notes. For example, if it is necessary to issue a corresponding order based on a note, then it is drawn up. And if issues regarding the expenditure of funds by accountable persons are resolved, then an explanatory note must be drawn up.

To appreciate the purpose of memos, you need to know that large enterprises Mistakes in the preparation of such a document can lead to the loss of a huge amount of time, as well as inconsistent work between departments.

A memo is a kind of way of communication between departments, structures or workshops. Usually it is drawn up by an employee or head of one department addressed to the head of another department.

Interaction between departments is the main need in the work of the entire organization. If it is interrupted or stopped, then the organization is working ineffectively, which means there is a significant opportunity to reduce profits and, possibly, increase losses.

Form and content

As for the content of memos, most often they cover production-type issues, material or technical problems, economic issues, as well as issues related to information support.

A simple example of using memos would be a broken photocopier in a department. An employee can send a memo to the head of the material department with a request to allocate money for new equipment, and a memo can also be written to the technical department with a request to repair an existing copier.

In its own way form memos do not have a specific generally accepted standard. However, each organization and, moreover, each department has its own standard for writing memos, which should be adhered to by employees of this department.

An example of writing a memo is presented below.

Chief Accountant ___________________

Due to a printer breakdown in the marketing department, I ask you to allocate _____ rubles. to a bank account to purchase new equipment.

Marketing Director:________________________________.

" "___________ 2016

This form of writing memos may differ at each enterprise, so you should not follow it unquestioningly.

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Rules for proper design

You need to start your memo with an explanation of the current problem or situation. It must be emphasized what exactly was the reason for writing the note. After this, you need to list what kind of response is expected to be received from this appeal, name the exact request and, if necessary, the amount that is planned to be realized.

Signature on this document is the person who writes the note. Very often it is signed by the head of the department.

If the company requires it, then under the signature visas of persons are affixed who are interested in this request. Initials, surnames, signatures and dates are listed. In some cases, positions are added. A visa is a kind of consent of the person to the contents of the memo.

In order to be able to refer to the compiled memo, if necessary, it must be registered at the enterprise.

Drawing up a memo in electronic form

Such a document can be drawn up in electronic form, if such a form is acceptable at the enterprise, which must be indicated in the organization. In this case, this is an undoubted advantage of the enterprise, since sending a note is simplified and the time for its consideration is significantly reduced.

You need to know that drafting a note in electronic form is not much different from a paper template.

One nuance of an electronic note can be considered that it does not contain the name of the addressee. It is written in the address line. If the note is sent to a certain person, then you need to write his first and last name in the subject line.

When sending a letter electronically, the department signature is most often already automatically inserted, which can significantly save writing time.

When sending a note you need to request read receipt letters. This is needed as evidence in different cases that you actually sent a memo at a certain time.

Certain nuances of drafting

Although a memo is a generally accepted document that does not have specific standards, its composition contains various features that arise depending on the purpose of writing the memo. We will look at these features below.

For purchase

A memo for the acquisition is written to the head of a certain department.

In it indicated, what needs to be purchased, in what quantity and for what purposes.

Per employee

A memo that is written to a specific employee is a memo.

It is drawn up according to all the rules with the only difference: the memo is written from a lower-ranking employee to a higher-ranking boss.

To replace old equipment

The peculiarity of such a document is that it is necessary to list all the reasons for replacing such equipment so that they are considered appropriate and the request for replacement is carried out.

For bonuses

The note must list all the reasons why the bonus may be paid. This could be excessive working hours, a large volume of work performed, or working while on legal leave.

About promotion

In this note you need to list the reasons for the possible increase. This could be an increase in responsibilities, quality of work, or provision of additional services.

About underpayment

In such a note you need to indicate the amount that was not paid in addition for some reason. Possible reasons should also be indicated. It might be worth stating whose fault is behind the non-payment of funds.

About the breakdown

When writing a note about a breakdown, you need to name the broken equipment and indicate what type of breakdown occurred and why the equipment failed.

On failure to provide or transfer documents

First of all, here you need to indicate the name of the document, as well as the time frame within which the document must be transferred.

Thus, by observing all these nuances, you can competently draw up a memo that will help in resolving any important issue.

Importance of the document

To appreciate the importance of memos, it is worth understanding that this type of document will help to avoid many major misunderstandings between departments, work downtime.

In order to accounting, as well as taxation memo plays important role because it's financial questions that require special attention and observing the slightest nuances.

Memos are also effective form refusal in anything. This document implies complete absence negative tone. Criticism is possible, but it should not be directed at one person or department.

Thus, the memo is universal remedy solutions to many problems. A correctly drawn up document will ensure the effective and fruitful work of the organization.

An example of working with office notes in an electronic document management system is presented in the following video:

* Take a break from work - take a look

Rules for drawing up reports, official and explanatory notes

Rules for drawing up reports, official and explanatory notes

At first glance, there are no particular differences between a report, an official and an explanatory note. Indeed, these papers are similar in purpose - they are all informational in nature. However, we are dealing with different types documents that differ both in content and recipients. Let's see how to properly design each of them.
First, let us remind you that when preparing any information and reference documentation, be it a note, protocol, act or certificate, you must be guided by the requirements
GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation"*.
There are general rules for preparing reports, official and explanatory notes. Each of these documents must have:
- indication of the author (organization, structural subdivision or the official from whom the note originates);
- name of the addressee (to whom the document is sent);
- name of the document type (for example, Memo, "Office Memo");
- date of compilation;
- registration number;
- title to the text (for example, "About" violation labor discipline", "On the acquisition of work books");
- text;
- signature of the compiler (indicating the position).
Remember that the correct indication of details in documents directly affects their legal force and ensures their indisputability and officiality.
We report the situation
Memorandum- this is a document addressed to the head of an organization (this or a higher one) or the head of a structural unit. The memorandum sets out in detail any issue with the conclusions and proposals of the compiler and is aimed at inducing management to make a certain decision. If memos inform the addressee about the progress execution of work, then they can be compiled regularly.
Memos addressed to the head of the organization are internal documents and can be drawn up at simple sheet A4 paper. The papers that are sent to higher authorities are external documents and must be prepared on the organization’s letterhead.
The text of the memo consists of two or three semantic parts. The first part - the stating part - sets out the reasons, facts and events that served as the reason for its writing. The second part - analyzing - contains an analysis of the current situation, possible options her decisions. The third part - summary - includes conclusions and suggestions concrete actions, which, in the opinion of the compiler, need to be undertaken. There may not be a second part in the memo; then the document consists only of a description of the situation, conclusions and proposals of the author of the memo.
We inform horizontally
Service memo drawn up by an employee or head of a unit addressed to the head or specialist of another unit. Thus, it ensures horizontal communication of control objects. These notes most often reflect issues of logistics, economic, information support, etc. For example, in the accounting department the printer broke down. Chief Accountant may inform the head of the system support department about this in a memo and ask him to repair the device. A memo is drawn up in the same way as a report.
Explaining the reasons
Explanatory letter- this is a document explaining the reasons for any action, fact, or incident. It can be drawn up by any employee of the organization addressed to a superior official. Basically, explanatory notes are written upon the commission of a disciplinary offense, and the presence of such a note is an indispensable requirement for imposing a disciplinary sanction on an employee (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An employee most often writes an explanatory note by hand and in free form, but organizations often use special forms.
We recommend that the personnel officer always have several samples of various notes on hand or develop standardized forms for them. After all, information exchange in an organization occurs continuously, and employees often turn to the HR department for help in drawing up this or that document. In the instructions for personnel records management organization, you can set out the requirements for notes, describe them necessary details and provide samples.
In practice, the question often arises whether it is necessary to register official, memos and explanatory notes within the organization. In our opinion, if the issue stated in the note requires a written decision in the form of a manager’s resolution, then these documents must be registered, since they require execution and use for reference purposes. If the issue can be resolved orally, it is not necessary to register such a note.

Tool shop
General Director of OJSC "Spektr"
A.A. Gushchina

November 15, 2009 N 13/3
About improper execution
labor responsibilities Nekhaev N.A.

According to order No. 12k dated October 29, 2009, Nekhaev N.A. hired to work in the tool shop as a turner of the fourth category with a three-month preliminary test period.
Nekhaev N.A. performs his job duties improperly. So, on November 1, 2009, he was entrusted with the work of manufacturing parts No. k5/3222. When performing the work, Nekhaev N.A. allowed 15 products to be defective. Correction of the defect was entrusted to turner E.L. Grishin.
I think that turner N.A. Nekhaev it is necessary to reprimand in accordance with Articles 192-193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Draft order of imposition disciplinary action(reprimand) is attached to this memorandum. In addition, I believe that from the salary of Nekhaev N.A. it is necessary to deduct the cost of products that turned out to be defective.
Foreman signature G.I. Malakhov

Cosmetics department
General Director of OJSC "Sigma"
P.Yu. Koltsov


November 12, 2009 N 123
About the secondment of a department employee to Moscow
cosmetics factory "Svoboda"
In connection with the expansion of the range of goods sold by our company and the formation of a plan advertising campaign For 2005, I ask you to send a senior expert from the cosmetic products department, Mikhailova E.Yu. to the Moscow cosmetics factory "Svoboda" to get acquainted with new developments in cosmetic products, as well as agree on the development of contractual relations with this organization.
Department head signature K.O. Simonov

Human Resources Department
Deputy Head of ACh
E.O. Fedina


November 19, 2009 N 21
On carrying out repair work in the HR department
Due to my going on another vacation and the repairs that have begun, I ask you to carry out the following repair work in the HR department during my absence:
1. Paint the window frames and window sills.
2. Paint the ceiling.
3. Paste wallpaper.
Head of HR Department signature A.I. Mikheeva

Sales department
General Director of JSC "Alt"
M.Yu. Mirotvortsev


November 25, 2009 N 2/12
About absence from work
On November 12, 2009, I was absent from my workplace from 14.00 to 16.00 due to the need to visit my wife in the hospital.
Since the head of the sales department Svetikov N.N. I was not there at 14.00, I could not notify him of the reason for my absence and asked the secretary Marishina A.O. about this. I believe that I did not violate the internal labor regulations, since I was absent from work due to good reason and for a short time.
Forwarder signature I.I. Eliseev

Securities Department
First Deputy General
Director of the Real Bank E.G. Krupnov


November 8, 2009 N 54
About late submission of the summary report
Regarding the fact that I did not timely submit the consolidated report of the securities department for October 2009, I explain the following. I was supposed to submit this report on October 29, 2009, but actually submitted it on November 3, 2009 due to damage and repair of the telephone line on which the fax-modem machine is located, and the lack of data from the Oktyabrsky branch of the bank.
Head of Securities Department signature K.O. Chernyshev

* Adopted by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated March 3, 2003 N 65-Art.

In any organization, a situation arises when employees need to notify management about problems that have arisen, explain the circumstances that have arisen, or suggest ways to resolve work issues. This is what this document is used for. In this article we will look in detail at how to write a memo correctly; you can download a sample for free.

They are:

  1. Reports. It is written if an employee makes any proposal or seeks help to eliminate violations or disagreements with another employee.
  2. Explanatory. Most often as a result of an incident involving Negative consequences, an explanatory text is written indicating the reasons for the violation.
  3. Analytical or informational. They contain analysis work problem or concepts, conclusions and suggestions based on the information received.

The reason for creation is the initiative of employees, but may be an oral or written instruction from the manager.

Document requirements

Let's figure out how to write a memo; we'll create a sample for a budget organization. In the list of primary accounting documents used government agencies, defined by Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n, there is no unified form for drawing up this paper. They are written in any form on a blank sheet of A4 paper. If necessary, in an organization with a branched structure, it is possible to develop this form.

The memo form (sample) must contain the necessary details to quickly orient users to the essence of the document, its source, the relevance of the date and serial number. This document is not subject to mandatory registration. But an organization may decide to register them, for example, for control purposes.

Form of memo

Important Features and Wording

Business conduct, especially among government officials, must be ethical. The memo “I would like to bring to your attention...” does not meet the required high ethical standards. It is easier to write about a violation of labor regulations, skip the phrase “I bring to your attention” in the report and immediately begin to present the facts and essence of the incident. For example: “Yesterday, August 15, 2018, a class session was disrupted due to...”.

The question often arises, if an institution has adopted electronic document management, how to write a memo, is the sample format the same, and how does it differ from a paper one? Registration in electronic form does not have any significant differences. When sending an email, you can request a notification that it has been read by the recipient.

Step-by-step compilation

The rule for working with a memo consists of several steps:

  1. An employee creates a service note.
  2. Coordinates it with the immediate supervisor and interested parties, for example, with specialists who will participate in the execution of work.
  3. Then it is submitted for consideration to the addressee at the specified division or department.
  4. The addressee gets acquainted with the content and makes a resolution, while giving instructions, if necessary.
  5. The document is sent for execution, and the author is notified of the result.

If the director has not written a refusal, only his positive resolution is the basis for taking any measures or performing work.

Let's consider a situation where the deputy director draws up a memo addressed to the head of the institution. He must obtain permission for employees of third-party companies to enter the school premises before concluding an agreement for the supply of equipment. Upon reading, the director may put his resolution that it is necessary to draw up a list of persons for access, or give an order to prepare temporary passes.

We told you how to write a memo; we provide an example for public sector employees below.

Sample for a budget organization

How and how much to store

Documents in the organization, completed by office work, are archived at different terms storage depending on their type and type. In 2019, the list of types of documents indicating storage periods from Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2010 No. 558 remains relevant as amended on 02/16/2016.

Explanatory, memos and other official notes are stored together with other documents generated in the course of the activities of government organizations - correspondence, acts, applications for the issuance of passes, applications for loss of certificates, etc. Their storage period in the archive is 5 years.

The SZ is drawn up by the employee in the name of his immediate supervisor or in the name of the head of another department. It allows you in a short time:

    notify the manager about the current problem

    make proposals to eliminate it or agree on an action plan with another employee.

    induce a manager to make a decision or issue an order

It is also proof that the specialist who discovered a problem in the work process did not let the situation take its course, but notified his management about it so that they could make a prompt decision. That is, he was not idle.

Types of memos

Let's look at the main types of service letters:

    about requesting information;

    about violations committed by an employee in the performance of work duties.

    on employee bonuses.

In addition, the SZ can accompany the transfer of a package of documents between divisions, divisions, departments within the organization (for third parties it is necessary to prepare cover letters). It can also be sent to employees with a requirement to explain the reason for their absence from work.

The SZ may contain any questions related to work issues.

Compilation rules

The main rule that must be followed when compiling it is brevity. The document should clearly state the essence of the problem, as well as ways to solve it. As a rule, the text of the SZ should not take more than 6-7 lines. The SZ does not have a unified form. To compile it, use a free form of a memo sample

Despite this, when writing, you should take into account the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003. Drawing up a memo in accordance with GOST, a sample of which is shown above, requires the following details:

    the paper must contain a “header”. It indicates to whom it is addressed (position and full name of the employee in the dative case);

    enter the date of preparation and document number;

    the title to the text indicates the subject of the SZ;

    a description of the current situation due to which the memo is being drawn up: “I bring to your attention...”, then the text of the memo must contain a specific request;

    Below is the position and full name of the compiler, signature with transcript.

The completed document should be registered with the secretary of the enterprise as incoming correspondence. After this, you can be sure that the director will receive the SZ and familiarize himself with it personally.

SZ in electronic form

It is worth noting that many enterprises have adopted electronic document management. Therefore, the SZ can be issued electronically. In this case, it is sent to the enterprise’s corporate email. The secretary is responsible for further sorting and forwarding of letters to recipients.

This method of transferring SZ saves paper and employee time. In this case, the document is drawn up in the same way as on paper. It is advisable that it bears the electronic signature of the sender. To make sure that the sent document has been read by the manager, when sending, you should request a “mail read receipt” by checking the box on the sending form.

Sample document

Often, when solving work issues, there is a need to convey important information to the manager. Sometimes circumstances require that an explanation of the circumstances and a warning against errors be presented in writing.

In this case, it is necessary not only to correctly present the facts, but also to correctly draw up the document. Drawing up SZ often causes difficulties, especially in the absence of experience. But this is not difficult to do if you have an example of a memo before your eyes. That is why we have prepared samples, after reviewing which you will be able to correctly draw up the document. Let's look at the most common cases that require drawing up an SZ.

SZ about bonuses is the basis for issuing an order to reward an employee. This document is drawn up by the employee’s immediate supervisor addressed to the director of the organization. It indicates the merits of the worker, the request for incentives, the data of the employee and the compiler. After reviewing the SZ and making a positive decision, the director issues an order on bonuses. How to write a memo to the director sample:

If during work circumstances arose due to which the employee could not fully perform his job function, explanatory. It indicates the reasons. How to write a memo sample:

SZ is used if an employee needs to contact the manager with a request to allocate funds for work needs. In this case, the document sets out the facts of the production need for the purchase of materials. How to correctly write a memo sample:

Shelf life

According to the List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, SZ must be stored in the archives of the enterprise for at least five years. If necessary, the director of the organization has the right to extend the storage period. The storage period for SZ issued in electronic form may be determined by the company’s charter.