The dog doesn't want to give his paw. We teach the dog the “Give paw” command. Several simple ways. Command execution options

Often dog owners try to teach them how to perform various commands as quickly as possible. The most popular orders are “sit”, “stay”, “give me your paw”. Let's look at effective and correct methods for mastering these commands. What points should you pay attention to so that training is easy and joyful for both the animal and its owner.

Teaching a Puppy to Reach His Paw

The easiest way to teach a puppy different commands in the first six months of life. Sometimes dog lovers boast that they taught their pets to perform tricks at the age of one and a half months. But how can you properly teach a dog the command “give me your paw?” Some points to keep in mind when training:

  • Torture of an animal is not allowed;
  • Exercise should be done before meals;
  • In order for the puppy to be active and respond to commands, you need to catch the pet’s good mood.

The simplest way to help you master the “give your paw” order is development of a conditioned reflex. How to make a puppy want to give his paw?

Other ways to help teach your dog the “give paw” command

If your pet does not show obvious interest in getting something tasty, you need to use the second training method.

Mechanical method

When you have said the command “give me your paw,” take your pet’s paw in your hands and hold it for a while. At the same time, praise and pet him. To protect yourself from troubles you need to:

  • Hold it by the paw in the shoulder area to support the puppy. This will prevent falls and scares;
  • Do not raise your paw high up to avoid painful sensations at the dog.

These manipulations are necessary do for both paws, alternating them. Say the command every time.

During training, you should not snap or swear at the puppy. Necessary Be patient and stock up on treats. Dogs understand everything and sense their owner’s mood. The animal may become frightened and stop following orders.

Exercises for training

In order for both the owner and the dog to enjoy training and each other’s company, certain goals must be set. Teach your puppy to give paws not only while sitting, but also while standing and lying down. It can be supported by the palm, foot and knee.

You don’t have to provide any support at all so that the puppy learns to hold his paw up. These exercises are ideal for developing willpower and resourcefulness in your pet. Once the pet starts giving its paw, a lot of problems will be solved for the owner - how to cut its claws, get out a splinter or wash off the dirt.

The best place to train is at home. In a calm environment, no one will distract you. The trainer must get the puppy to focus on one sequence of actions.

How to teach a dog to give a paw if you can’t do the lesson at home? Go to a park, forest, or any other quiet place where you can calmly study without being distracted by outside factors.

During training, you should never scold an animal, shout at it, or even beat it. Lessons should be fun. Every half hour you need to take a break to pamper the puppy and treat him to something tasty. And then the question will not arise: “how to teach a dog to give a paw.”

After finishing the training, at home you should periodically ask the puppy to give a paw and observe his actions. If the training was successful and the pet has acquired the necessary skill, then you can make the commands more complex: pronounce them faster, give them different paws. After these simple exercises the result will appear in a couple of weeks, and you will no longer ask how to teach a puppy to follow commands. The pet will be happy to please the owner by correctly following orders.

The appearance of a dog in the house is very an important event in the life of every family. A four-legged friend brings a lot of positivity to the house. To achieve mutual understanding with a new pet, it must be taught the basic commands: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Stand”, “Place”, “Come to me”, “Nearby”.

Knowing these commands, living with a dog becomes much easier than if it knew nothing. The dog can also understand you perfectly, subject to regular training sessions, namely teaching the pet various tricks. The command “Give me your paw” is the simplest element of circus training. There are several ways to teach this command.

The first method is called pushing. Many dogs already know how to perform this command, but just don’t know what it’s called. Usually these are the following breeds: poodle, border collie, terriers, shepherd dogs, etc. A dog may paw at you when it needs something or simply actively use its paws during play. This must be used.

Every time the pet puts its paw in your hand, we repeat the command “Give me your paw” and praise the dog. This method of training is the best and most convenient, but the only drawback is that it is not suitable for every dog.

Second method - development of a conditioned reflex. It is very simple and does not take much time for most dog breeds. We simply say the command “Give me your paw” and take the dog’s forelimb in your hand, after which we be sure to praise it. This must be done at least 5 times. After which, we simply say “Give me your paw” and extend your hand if the dog does not comply. right action– do the exercise 5 more times and check the result again.

The disadvantage in this case is physical contact, which is not suitable for shy dogs, as well as conditioned reflex is generated automatically without any thought processes Your pet.

Third method - expectation. It is suitable for shy and uncooperative dogs; the owner must extend his palm to the animal and wait for the animal to come up with a paw. After performing the desired action, you need to praise the pet, and then add a voice command to the action. The disadvantage of this method is the cost large quantity time, but for a timid dog this is the best option.

From the above we can conclude that teaching an animal this command is very easy. But don't rush to conclusions. There are several rules that must be followed when training; without them, all training will be ineffective.

The very action of a dog giving a paw means to it that she trusts you completely. If there is no trust between the owner and his pet, the dog will flatly refuse to perform this action. The authority of the owner must not only be earned, but also not lost. Usually, if a dog appears from puppyhood, then the owner is almost always the undisputed leader for it, as well as a faithful friend.

It will be more difficult if you are not the first owner of a pet or the animal came into your home from the street. In the second case, you need to gradually win the trust of the newly-made family member, only with affection, praise and attention. Authority can easily be lost when misbehavior owner. This may be in such cases as:

  • Excessive harshness towards the dog or incorrect punishment (untimely, too strong/soft).
  • Unstable psyche of the owner (attacks of anger, alcoholism, etc.).
  • Lack of rules of behavior in the house (the dog does what he wants).
  • Deception (when a dog is teased with a toy/food and then not given; they are called to go for a walk, while they put on a leash and tie it up, as well as similar situations).

The next reason why training results may be absent is lack of stimulus in the animal. The dog does not understand why it needs to follow the owner’s commands. Four-legged friends are by no means as selfless as writers and screenwriters make them out to be.

After each performance of a trick, the dog must be rewarded, especially if the team is in the learning stage. This could be: a treat, a toy; a word or a stroke. Reward must be appropriate to the animal's temperament. It is necessary to choose the right method of praise, as well as skillfully use it.

For active pets, rewarding with a toy is more suitable, and it must be given away for a while, thereby giving a short break from work.

Praise for food is usually universal, but is more suitable for less temperamental dogs. Cheese, boiled liver or tripe are used as treats; sausages or sausages are also possible, but not advisable (they have a negative impact on the dog’s health).

The pieces must be small, otherwise the dog will eat during training, and such encouragement will no longer make him want to work. Also, most importantly, the dog must be hungry before training. At proper operation, the dog in training just eats the standard amount of the missed feeding.

For breeds such as collies and shepherds, in most cases verbal praise is the best incentive to work. This includes the words: “Well done”, “Good”, “Bravo”, “Good boy/girl” and others. In this case, it is not the statement itself that is important, but the intonation of its pronunciation. The owner, when praising an animal, must pronounce the praise with joy and delight, you can even wave your hands, it is necessary to achieve a cheerful mood in the dog. If you see how your dog rejoices at the words, then verbal praise is done correctly.

The “Give Paw” command is one of the easiest tricks to teach a dog. If you follow all the rules of training, teaching your pet this command will be easy and simple.

Most pet owners want to see them not only obedient, but also smart, demonstrating special skills. This is why owners resort to training. Some teach you to bring slippers, others teach you to dance on hind legs, still others prefer to teach how to give a paw. Note that the last skill is useful because it comes in handy when trimming claws and wiping limbs after a walk. The owner is simply pleased when the ward greets him in this way. So, how to teach an animal the “give paw” command?

Basics of training

When it appears in the house four-legged friend, the owner must devote a lot of time, patience, and attention to him. From the first days of a puppy’s appearance in the family, you need to accustom him to his name and place. Usually this and adaptation in the house takes about a week. The young pet quickly becomes attached to its owner, who from the very beginning should become an authority and leader for him. This is the only way to achieve obedience and follow commands.

Experts advise inexperienced dog breeders to start by teaching prohibitive commands, that is, “no” or “fu”. When the dog has mastered them, you need to move on to the commands “near” and “sit”. They are considered basic skills that help the owner to subjugate his pupil and teach him discipline. Dog experts recommend teaching the ability to give a paw young pet at the age of five months. By this period, a relationship of mutual understanding will have already been established between the owner and the ward. Ideally, within a few months, the owner should accustom the dog to the fact that the boss in the house is the owner, and the dog should obey and please him.

So, you have decided to teach your pupil to give you paws. Classes should always be carried out when the dog is in a good mood. Two hours should pass after the meal.

Only the owner should train the puppy, and not other family members in turn. A dog should have one teacher. Then the dog will listen to him unquestioningly and learn faster.

You can teach your pet to give a paw after he has mastered the “sit” command, since the dog will perform it from this position.

You need to immediately be patient and prepare yourself for the fact that nothing will work out from the first day of training, because this is not an easy task. However, you need to train daily.

Skill formation mechanism

Give your dog the “sit” command. Let him position himself in front of you. Take your pet’s favorite treat and hold it in your right palm. Point your clenched fist towards the dog - he will immediately smell the tasty treat and will try to get it, but he will not be able to open your palm with his muzzle. The animal will begin to use its paws. At such a moment, the owner must command “give me your paw,” take it from below, and hold it with your left hand for several seconds. There is no need to lift the limb high and squeeze it too much. Do this carefully so that the animal does not fall. At the moment you hold the paw, you should unclench your right palm and give the dog a treat, praise it, and stroke it. This needs to be done two more times.

Perform the exercise several times every day. And when the pet succeeds in following the command, he finally gives you his paw, you need to improve the skill with a treat in another environment, for example, in a park, yard, forest. Be sure to praise your dog. She must understand that she pleases her owner.

Later, train without the treat. When training, the dog will give you the same limb. Only after he will carry out the command clearly, you need to teach him to give the other paw. First you give a command, the dog carries it out without stimulation. Then you lower the submitted limb to the floor and say “other paw.” As at the beginning of training, you should push the second paw into your palm and praise your student. By the way, with the other limb the process will go faster - this is a complication of an already formed skill. Further, when the animal begins to give you both limbs unquestioningly, only verbal praise will be enough for stimulation.

Only after the dog has perfectly mastered the skill with its owner will it demonstrate it to other family members. It is difficult to predict how much time the owner will need to teach his pet this command, even if he is a purebred, service dog. However, it is this category of dogs that is easier to master than others.

Modern dog handlers divide commands into two types - mandatory and optional. The command “give me your paw” does not carry any meaning, although many note that the paws of a dog accustomed to the command are much easier to wash (for example, after a walk in the slush). Despite the lack of functionality of the exercise, dog experts recommend teaching the dog this command, for general development. Let's look at the basic teaching methods and see what benefits it will bring.

Training - a whim of the owner or a useful skill

Many novice trainers wonder how to teach this command to a puppy? According to experts, it’s all about the approach to training. The process should be presented in the form of a game that will be interesting not only to the owner, but also to the pet. This applies even to those owners who go to cynological groups with their puppy. Each individual lesson must be reinforced at home.

The optimal age for training is 3-4 months after birth. But if your dog is older, it’s okay. This exercise is performed by all watchdogs, starting with one-month-old puppies and ending with seasoned 5-7 year old dogs.

Teaching a puppy command has several important basics:

The moment of encouragement - the execution of an even simple command, which the dog coped with without the help of the owner, instills confidence in him. Don't forget to praise your dog and give him treats for doing something correctly;

The moment of equality - imitation of a person is an important aspect of communication with an animal. By shaking the paw of your pet (as a person), in his eyes he becomes your equal;

Development of the logical component - mastering this simple exercise will help you quickly cope with the study of others.

The main thing in the process is persistence and a good mood. You shouldn’t scold an animal if something doesn’t work out for him. As practice has shown, even the most stubborn individuals learn in 2-3 lessons, no more.

It is best to start teaching your dog the “give paw” command after he is at least 4 months old. During this period, she will be able to more easily acquire this skill. But it is believed that if there is a desire, even a two-month-old puppy can be quite easily led to the point that he will gladly give his paws to his owner.

How to start the learning process

Before starting the learning process, it is important to ensure that a pet is in good condition. This in turn requires a walk 30 minutes before the start of training. The dog should eat well 2-3 hours before the start of classes.

Only its owner should handle the pet. The pet will be wary of other people, which will hinder the process itself. It is very important that the dog has one leader. This applies not only to strangers, but also to other family members.

Before you begin the process of teaching the “give paw” command, it is important that your pet has a good understanding of how he needs to sit still. This is where training should begin - the dog should sit on the floor directly in front of the owner and listen carefully to him.

Choosing the time to study is also quite important. Under no circumstances should the puppy be tired, hungry, sleepy, etc. This also applies to the condition of the owner himself. This is important due to the fact that training requires an appropriate level of patience, Have a good mood and many other factors.

Under no circumstances should you tire your pet. That is why it is worth taking at least short breaks between classes. As soon as the puppy gives his paw for the first time, he should definitely be praised. This can be done with gentle stroking, feeding with some kind of treat, etc.

There are the following options and methods for training a young pet:

You should learn to give not only the right, but also the left paw. To do this, you should use commands such as “give me a paw” and “give me another paw.” This will improve the puppy's understanding of what the owner wants from him.

  1. It’s a good idea to teach your dog to give a paw, both from a sitting position and from a lying and standing position. In that case she will understand better what is required of her.
  2. When the puppy first begins to give his paw, it is necessary that he understands that this must be done not only if the owner is directly in front of him, but also from the side. This also applies to the position of the training leader lying down.
  3. Also, a puppy often needs support to give him a paw. It can be either the foot or the knee. There is no point in restricting an animal from being able to help itself in this way.

Once your dog has learned to give a supported paw, you need to move on to getting him to hold his limb in the air. When she can do this for some time, she should offer her hand.
The ability to give a paw is important because this skill can be useful in everyday life, and also help in teaching many other commands. It is imperative to exercise as correctly and correctly as possible, as this can affect psychological state pet.

Treats are the best motivator in any business.

The command to give the dog a paw is not the most difficult exercise. But there are cunning and temperamental dogs that nothing can stop. And here, dog experts recommend using a tool such as a treat and a dog clicker.

There is a simple and effective approach to teaching a puppy the simplest command:

  • We squeeze the “yummy” in our fist and let the dog smell it (keep the fist close to the muzzle);
  • Initially, the pet will try to get the treat with its tongue, but then, at the level of instincts, it will hit the hand with its paw;
  • The task is to catch the puppy’s paw and hold it for a few seconds, while saying, “Give me your paw”;
  • Then we release him and give him a treat.

A little about training at last

Now you know how to teach your dog the give paw command, but there are other more useful commands. If you are raising an adult pet, then you can do without treats. You just need to sit down in front of the animal, take its paw in your hand and clearly and distinctly repeat the requirement several times. The command “give me your paw” can be repeated several times a day - adult individuals quickly figure out what’s what and after just a few lessons they will freely fulfill the owner’s demands.

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Orders that dogs can understand are divided into mandatory and optional. The first include such commands as “No!”, “Sit!”, “Come to me!”, “Stop!” and others, and to the second - “Roll!”, “Die!”, “Voice!” and similar ones. The latter do not carry any functional load, but are necessary so that the animal can develop fully and comprehensively. In this regard, experts advise spending a little time and teaching the dog the command “Give me your paw!” How to do it right?

Despite the fact that the order seems unnecessary and in no way applicable from a practical point of view, in reality this turns out to be not entirely true. It is more convenient for the owner of a dog who knows how to perform such an action to wash his pet upon returning from the street or trim his claws. In addition, the training process itself educates the animal and has a beneficial effect on its logical thinking.

Regardless of whether the training takes place in a special group under the supervision of a trainer or is carried out by the owner himself within the walls of the house, the exercise must be repeated regularly, and so that the animal feels team spirit and calm.

Preparation: what do you need to know?

Not all owners begin training their pets immediately after they arrive in the family. That is why the question of how to teach a dog to give a paw is relevant for owners of both adults and young dogs. Professional dog handlers note that:

  1. Any dog ​​can learn the order, regardless of age, but the best option is still considered to be training a puppy at the age of 4-5 months, i.e. when the brain center is already able to store information on long time. In practice, the boundaries turn out to be blurred - both 2-month-old fidgets and their 2-year-old relatives, who have seen life, easily cope with the task. As the experience of dog experts shows, adult dogs learn material much faster, but only when they clearly understand what a person wants from them.
  2. The key condition for successful lessons is the permanent dominance of the same person - the dog owner. Since dogs are pack animals by nature, they are able to recognize the strength of only one “leader”. The animal must learn to respond precisely to the voice of its owner and unquestioningly obey, first of all, his will.
  3. Training should always be approached with a positive attitude, but with a fair amount of persistence. Even stubborn and wayward pets begin to make progress in the second lesson and finally learn the new order by the third lesson. Less obstinate people may need no more than 1 evening.

Collateral successful learning is proper preparation. A person needs to properly feed his four-legged friend a couple of hours before training, walk with him for half an hour and, finally, relax him right before the lesson with the help of fun game, scratching behind the ear or stroking the fur.

"Tasty" reward

To begin with, the dog must be seated using the abrupt word “Sit!” If the animal has not yet been trained in this order, light pressure should be applied to the back, in the area next to the tail, so that it understands what position it needs to take. The distance between the animal and the owner should be small, because they will have to reach out to each other quite often.

The method, in which treats play a key role, is perfect for babies or adults with a pronounced temperament. Starting position: the pet is sitting, his trainer is standing. The mentor brings the fist with the “sweetness” clamped to the pet’s nose in order to let the animal smell the delicious smell.

The dog will instinctively hit the hand, and the person will have to have time to grab the limb extended by the dog and hold it in this position for several seconds. At the same time, you will need to loudly and clearly pronounce the phrase “Give me your paw!” After this, the “student” needs to be praised and rewarded with a treat, and then the procedure should be repeated several more times.

Without an appetizing piece (mechanical method)

Is it possible to train a dog to give a paw without the help of food, and how to achieve this? The first thing to consider: this method is only suitable for an adult or an active sanguine puppy that does not need additional motivation.

The starting position remains unchanged. The trainer takes the dog's paw in his hand, clearly pronounces the order and praises the animal. After this, a short break is taken, and then the approach is performed again.

Important! In order to avoid injury, the dog’s paw must be raised low from the ground, and also ensure that it bends like a human elbow and only at a right angle.

Of course, this path will be more time-consuming, however, following it, you can be confident in the pet’s obedience, its ability to obey and learn.

"Give me another paw"

If the owner has already instilled a basic skill in his four-legged “student,” the skill can be further developed. To do this, the dog is given an already familiar order, but after it gives its familiar paw, its remaining “support” is carefully removed and taken into the hand. This position is maintained for several seconds. After just a couple of approaches, the dog will learn to give one or the other paw.

This is not an independent team, but a variation of its basic form. That is why pets usually extend one or the other limb to a person, even when they are not asked to do so.

The owner of an animal should always remember basic tips that will greatly simplify training:

  1. If your pet (especially a young puppy) shows signs of fatigue, hunger or anxiety, exercise should be postponed until his health improves.
  2. A person who is in a bad mood should not take up raising an animal, because activities aggravated by the owner’s irritation will not bear fruit. Dog handlers also categorically prohibit punishing four-legged pets with screams, beatings and other torture.
  3. The most common form of command can actually be modified in different ways depending on what the dog learns best. Sometimes owners try to use even such an atypical phrase in this case as “High five!”
  4. To achieve joint success, you need to maintain regularity in training, and also not diminish the role of at least 30-minute breaks between classes.
  5. 5-6 repetitions per day are enough. However, if the animal begins to get nervous or whine, the lesson is interrupted until next day. The dog may not have the desire to exercise at all - then you should not force it to do so.
  6. It is better to carry out training in a quiet, home environment, when there are no distractions nearby. If there is no quiet corner, in the warm season you can go to Fresh air- to a park or forest. It is necessary that there are not too many people in the chosen place.

In case of assimilation main team You can move on to complicate it, for example, pronounce the task faster, ask for a paw from a dog who is in a lying or standing position, substitute not your hand for support, but your foot, knee, or do not substitute anything. Holding the limbs in the air will have a beneficial effect on the development of the animal’s motor skills.

After just 1-2 weeks of systematic exercise, the pet will perfectly master the new skill and will be able to please its owner.