Top most loyal dogs. The most loyal dog breeds: description and character of the breeds. What determines a dog's loyalty?

You decided to get a dog, but you immediately had questions, among which the most important one is, what breed of dog will be most devoted to its owner, will not harm small children, will simply become a true friend?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

The most loyal dogs in the world

Naturally, every existing breed has been studied for a long time, and there are a huge number of articles, studies and other things devoted to this topic. But when choosing a pet, unfortunately, not everyone is ready to re-read tons of literature, analyzing abstruse articles in search of the ideal option. For such cases there is a so-called “top”. So, the top 10 most loyal and reliable pets:

  • Border Collie;
  • Labrador;
  • Akita Inu;
  • beagle;
  • Epagnole-Breton;
  • bulldog;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • boxer;
  • dachshund;
  • German Shepherd.

Answering the question of which dogs from this list are the smartest and most loyal, it is worth noting that each of the above breeds is good in its own way, and it is impossible to single out a clear “favorite” of dog lovers. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail, and only then decide.

Border Collie

This breed always tops such lists and is included in the top 5, because, oddly enough, it is considered one of the smartest dogs. The Border Collie has a quiet and calm disposition and is suitable for those who prefer a slow and steady lifestyle.

Such a pet very quickly becomes attached, not just to one person, but to all family members. Left completely alone, the dog will be incredibly sad, wanting attention. The breed is easy to train, amenable to training and, importantly, is distinguished by its special neutrality in relation to other pets. It is very difficult to anger such a dog, given its docile nature. However, in dangerous situation she will protect her master no matter what.


Initially, these dogs were bred for hunting, but extraordinary sincerity, kindness and all-encompassing love did their job, turning representatives of this breed literally into the favorites of dog lovers around the world. Kind, loyal and sincere Labradors love children very much and follow them literally on their heels, protecting and protecting them from anything that could harm your child.

They are also easy to train, have a more playful character than border collies and are suitable for those who love an active lifestyle, as such dogs can become not only a good friend, but also an excellent companion when playing sports.

Akita Inu

Perhaps many have read books, heard stories, or watched films about the tender friendship between a dog and its owner. One of these is the story of the devoted dog Bobby and his owner, after whose death Bobby guarded his grave for 14 years. Based on this story, the well-known film Hachiko was created.

Main role faithful dog played by an Akita Inu dog and for good reason. This Japanese woman is distinguished by her patience, strong affection and loyalty to her owners. Slightly possessive, they tend to defend their territory to the last. They are also distinguished by special cleanliness and a good mentality. Such a dog will become a loyal friend and protector to anyone, asking only your love in return.


Beagles are quite loyal hunting dogs. They can be said to be in love with their owners and are ready to spend every minute with them day and night, actively participating in any business or undertaking. Get along well with other animals.

They love children and happily participate in children's activities. However, despite being extremely friendly, this breed requires a firm hand and good training.


Another a true friend human - epagnol-Breton. He easily adapts to any conditions, is smart and attentive and, most importantly, has a balanced psyche. Such dogs are quite energetic when walking, they love hunting, but they are always ready to adapt to your pace, desires and mood.

Among the important advantages are:

  • intelligence;
  • the passion of the hunter;
  • Well developed instincts.


Contrary to popular belief that bulldogs are large and unattractive canines - not at all! These cuties have no equal in their affection and love for their two-legged best friend. Such dogs can either take an active part in games with children or lie on the couch and watch TV with you.

Why bulldogs are so loyal is a mystery, but they perceive parting with their owners as a strong blow, and the loss of a family as an incredible psychological stress.


What other dog can satisfy your requirements? Of course, St. Bernard. These animals are incredibly calm and phlegmatic, and express love with their presence. Such a dog may simply lounge at your feet and snore quietly, or slowly wag his tail when he meets you. This may seem like indifference to some, but know that for them this is a manifestation of true affection. Adults are excellent babysitters, and puppies are not averse to taking advantage of the opportunity to participate in little pranks.

What’s interesting: these dogs are considered the smartest of the entire canine family. Despite high level intelligence and easy learning ability, when receiving a command, the St. Bernard first analyzes the situation and can make an independent decision, depending on the circumstances.


Why are boxers so loyal to their owner? Everything is very simple. This breed is distinguished by its excellent intelligence and ability to distinguish good man from a person with bad intentions. Therefore, if you fall into his soul, believe me, this is love for life. They are incredibly loyal and idolize their owner, preferring not to let him out of their sight for a second.

Can be a little noisy, but all this can be corrected through training. Moreover, boxers are highly trainable, becoming wonderful watchdogs or guide dogs.


The Dachshund dog also blindly follows its owner. Despite their extremely cute and funny appearance, these dogs are very obstinate and are famous for their hot temperament. Nevertheless, he adores and loves his family members tenderly and selflessly.

They are not deprived of a sense of humor, which is quite rare, they are active and love to participate in various teasing games. Due to their hunting nature, they prefer active walks. Excellent watchmen and bloodhounds. May also become a wonderful gift for a child.

German Shepherd

And finally, last in the top, but far from least in terms of affection, an excellent friend, protector and just a wonderful dog - the German Shepherd. Surely you have noticed more than once this breed in all sorts of films and books, and for good reason: these dogs are so functional that it seems that there is no job or task that they cannot cope with. In the distant past, representatives of this breed were used as shepherds, but now, having proven themselves in other industries, shepherd dogs are often used as orderlies, patrol officers, signalmen, scouts, security guards and bloodhounds. Yes, yes, such a dog can do anything!

Having recognized their master, they remain faithful to him until the end of his days, following on the heels even in the most difficult situations. Purebred representatives of the “Germans” are not at all have bad traits character like wouldn't it seemed strange. May with it is easy to say that such a dog lives entirely for his two-legged God, obediently and selflessly fulfilling any assignment. Perfect for hunters and people living in difficult conditions, where you need a reliable four-legged friend.

Why dogs are so loyal: results

There is still no answer to this question. It just so happens that, being not such weak representatives of the animal world, dogs are still quite attached to humans and are ready to serve him faithfully, asking in return only care and love. When choosing a furry friend, be extremely careful and careful, be patient and be prepared to give a lot of attention little miracle. Have no doubt: a dog raised with love, care and proper discipline will become an irreplaceable best friend and a true member of the family.

Since ancient times, the dog has been one of the most faithful to man animals. Almost everyone knows many legends about their connection with people and their manifestation of love for us. From this article you will learn which dog breed is the most loyal in the world.

Several popular legends

The very first example is the story of the dog Hachiko with Japanese roots. For those who don't know, this dog became Japan's most famous example of love and loyalty after he waited to meet his owner at a train station for the rest of his life. Such attachment greatly influenced people's consciousness, resulting in a film based on real events. A monument was unveiled in the dog’s homeland back in 1934.

A large number of stories are associated with German Shepherds. For example, in 2012 in Mildura (Australia, Victoria), baby Dante Berry was lost in the forest. The child spent the whole night there and was found the next day safe and sound. All this time, in the wilderness, he was guarded by Dasher's shepherd dog. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the dog was nearby and did not go anywhere.

In Italy, Maria Margherita Loci fed the homeless Tommy. As a thank you, the dog always accompanied his nurse, even to church when she went to church. After Maria passed away, Tommy, hearing the ringing of bells, immediately went to the church to see this kind woman. The dog visited everything church services, behaved quietly and did not disturb the parishioners.

Judging by these examples, it is very difficult to determine the most faithful breed among the many representatives. We told you only about the most popular stories from real life. In fact, there are many such examples.

It is interesting to note that loyalty to the owner in dogs is inherent at the genetic level. Previously, these animals lived in wild conditions in flocks. Then each group had its own leader, to whom everyone obeyed. Subsequently, the dog became a pet, and man became its leader. Accordingly, you need to obey him.

A dog's loyalty directly depends on its owner:

  1. The pet feels good attitude and affection.
  2. An animal always feels gratitude to someone who will give it care, feed and shelter.
  3. Over time, with such a relationship, a powerful emotional connection is established between the owner and the dog, and if the first dies, the pet remembers him. The animal maintains the belief that the owner will return soon.

The most loyal breeds

The quality in question depends not only on upbringing, but also on genetics. Accordingly, the character of a dog is based on its membership in a particular breed.

So let's get started:

  1. German Shepherd.
  2. Akita Inu.
  3. Labrador Retriever.
  4. Rottweiler.
  5. Doberman.
  6. Cane Corso.
  7. Collie.
  8. Leonberger.
  9. Sheltie.
  10. American Staffordshire Terrier.

Now let's take a closer look at a few breeds.

Descriptions of breeds

According to many people, the German Shepherd is the most loyal dog. An adult becomes strongly attached to its owner and remains faithful until the end of its days. The German Shepherd, despite its character, is a very reliable companion.

Akita Inu is a very smart and loyal dog that will be a good friend in the family. The breed is popular among hunters.

The Labrador is great for families with small children, where such dogs become kind of nannies due to their kindness. The pet remains faithful to everyone living in the house, will never run away, and if it accidentally gets lost, it will definitely look for its way back. It is interesting to note that the Labrador will make every effort to protect its owners in absolutely any extreme situation.

Rottweiler may seem too serious dog, which is often used by the police or military. However, in practice this is far from the case. When interacting with its owner, it is a sweet and affectionate dog.

Many people are afraid of Dobermans, because if a dog is not raised correctly, it grows up to be an aggressive dog from which you can expect anything. However, with the proper approach, the pet will show good attitude and it will become great friend. Dobermans are very smart dogs with quick response. The breed responds well to training.

To summarize the article, we note: now you know which breed of dog is considered the most loyal in the world. As the practice of many dog ​​breeders shows, the German Shepherd is the undisputed leader in this regard. But this does not mean that other breeds are less devoted to their owner. As we have already said, everything depends on the relationship between the person and the dog. If treated well, almost any dog, regardless of breed, will show kindness and loyalty.

Anyone who decides to get a dog is faced with the difficulty of choosing the breed of their future pet. Before you decide on this, you need to study: appearance various breeds; their character; features of their care. Of course, everyone wants to see a reliable companion in their dog, so you need to approach the choice of breed with all responsibility.

The most faithful and smart breeds dogs are:

  • Border Collie;
  • German and East European Shepherds;
  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Doberman Pinscher;
  • Sheltie;
  • Australian Shepherd;
  • rottweiler

This is a breed that belongs to the first section (shepherd dogs) of the first group (herding and cattle dogs) according to the classification of the International Canine Federation. It was developed in Great Britain in the 19th century. She is rightfully considered one of the smartest and most loyal breeds.

Border Collie - large dog, like most other shepherd dogs. Its height at the withers ranges from 0.47 to 0.53 m, and its weight ranges from 15 to 20 kg. The color of the border collie is black and white or red and white, tricolor is also found, but White color should never dominate the color. The fur of these animals can be like middle length, and long.

Animals of this breed have a graceful, proportional body with strong muscles. In order for the musculoskeletal system to develop normally, the border collie, like all other large dogs, needs daily long walks and intense exercise. physical exercise. Also useful for her are all kinds of training and competitions that involve not only strength and agility, but also intelligence.

Border Collies are energetic and highly intelligent. Dogs of this breed are usually very loyal not only to their owner, but also to all family members. Because of this, the Border Collie is an excellent pet for people who have children.

German and East European Shepherds

It is also a large dog that requires daily mental and physical exercise.

The German Shepherd was bred for service purposes in Germany at the end of the 19th century. The first representative of this breed was Greif - a dog with an off-white color, first shown at an exhibition in Hanover in 1882.

The height of the German Shepherd at the withers is from 0.55 to 0.65 m, weight is from 22 to 40 kg. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by high intelligence. German Shepherds can be used as guards, police officers, herding dogs, and guide dogs. In addition, thanks to their intelligence, animals of this breed are often featured in films. Since the German Shepherd has an easy-going character, it gets along well with children.

Despite the fact that the German Shepherd is usually most devoted to its owner, it also tries to protect his family members. There was once a case in Victoria where a German shepherd named Dasher spent 14 hours guarded the child lost in the forest.

If a dog of this breed, for some reason, separates from its owner for a long time, it will still never forget him and will faithfully wait for his return. So, in Italy there is a dog named Tommy, who previously belonged to Maria Loki, who found him in the middle of a field. After her death, the dog comes to church every day, where the owner's funeral took place.

The East European Shepherd was developed in the USSR in the 1930s. This is a large dog with a long graceful body. Height at withers - 0.62-0.76 m, weight - 30-60 kg. This dog is an ideal companion and guard. The East European Shepherd is rightfully considered one of the most loyal dog breeds. Despite the fact that she is flexible and balanced with her owner, she always treats with mistrust to strangers, and in case of danger will defend the owner to the last.

The Labrador Retriever was developed in Canada. It has a strong build, a wide skull and powerful paws. Its height ranges from 0.54 to 0.57 m, weight - 27-40 kg.

Dogs of this breed are very good swimmers and love to work in water, which is why they often used as rescuers. In addition, they are usually very attached to the house and to their owner. Due to its kind and friendly nature, the Labrador gets along well with children; you can even leave it with the child as a “babysitter.” Labradors are also often used as guide dogs for the blind.

There was a case when a guide dog of this breed helped its owner survive during terrorist attack, despite the fact that the blind man no longer hoped to be saved and released the dog so that it could run away.

This breed was developed in 1890 in Germany by Friedrich Louis Dobermann. Initially it was called the Thuringian Pinscher, but after the death of the breeder it was decided to name it in his honor. The Doberman is strong, muscular, but at the same time graceful body and long muzzle. Animal parameters:

  • Dog height - 0.63-0.72 m
  • Weight - 32-45 kg.

With proper training, a dog of this breed is faithful defender for its owner and his entire family, especially children. Unlike many other dog breeds, the Doberman can attack an ill-wisher not only on command, but also on his own decision if he feels that the owner or members of his family are in danger.

This dog is very similar to a collie, but is smaller in size. Its height at the withers ranges from 0.33 to 0.40 cm.

Sheltie is considered one one of the smartest and faithful dogs . She has a gentle character, the ability to understand her owner well and sympathize with him in Hard time. This animal is always ready to protect its owner in case of danger and is not very trusting of strangers. Sheltie rarely allows herself to be petted by strangers, but she is always affectionate with family members and friends of her owner and never shows aggression. The Sheltie is very easy to train, which is why it is very popular among novice dog breeders.

It is also one of the most loyal dogs. It was developed in the USA by crossing a Pyrenees Shepherd and several varieties of Collies. This is a graceful animal with long hair. His height is 0.46-0.58 m, weight - 16-32 kg.

The Australian Shepherd is a very energetic dog that requires constant walks and active games, so it is more suitable for keeping in a private home with a large yard. Animal of this breed has high intelligence and learns quickly. The Australian Shepherd, due to its high intelligence, hard work and responsibility, is often used as a service dog.

It is also one of the most true breeds dogs. It was developed in Germany in the 18th century. Animal of this breed has a powerful muscular body. Due to its difficult nature, the Rottweiler needs proper training. The animal of this breed is distinguished by high endurance and determination. The Rottweiler can often show aggression towards other dogs and strangers, it is always ready to protect the owner, but with proper training the animal will never attack stranger without a reason.

Any dog ​​living with loving people, reveres the owners as a deity. But these breeds are particularly loyal. If you or your child needs a real friend, choose from them

1. German Shepherd

This breed rightfully takes first place in the ranking of the most loyal dogs. German Shepherds are incredibly smart, easy to train, and will follow their owner through thick and thin. It’s not for nothing that these are service-search dogs that successfully help police officers, customs officers and the military. German Shepherds rarely become attached to all family members; they choose one owner and serve him faithfully until death.

2. Labrador

This is an excellent family dog. Labradors are extremely smart, they love their owners madly, but they cannot be raised to be protectors; this breed is distinguished by its exceptional good nature. Labradors make excellent companions, guide dogs, and become children's best friends. They have a cheerful disposition and will willingly play with the baby. Labradors require minimal grooming and shed moderately, making them hassle-free to keep. The Labrador's sense of smell is 25% better than the German Shepherd's, making him an excellent detective.

3. Dachshund

These long dogs follow their beloved owner everywhere with their tail. They are easy to train; it only takes them a few minutes to remember a command. Dachshunds cannot be forced into anything, otherwise they can become stubborn, but it is very easy to get them interested in playing. Dachshunds love their owner so much that they absolutely cannot bear to let him go to work even for a few hours. They are ready not to part with their owner even for a minute.

4. Rottweiler

These dogs are incredibly loyal to their owner. They are distinguished by obedience and intelligence, have a stable psyche and are perfectly trainable. The Rottweiler is one of the best protectors; it’s not scary to let your child go for a walk with him in the evening. A Rottweiler will never offend its owner. Despite his remarkable strength, the Rottweiler is affectionate and loving. He constantly needs his owner's attention, affection and care. The only negative is that the Rottweiler can accidentally injure the owner during games because it weighs adult dog He doesn’t know how to count a lot of strength. Therefore, before getting a Rottweiler, you need to wait until your children grow up.

5. Doberman

This is great guard dog. The Doberman's mental abilities are high and he can be taught a lot. Unfortunately, the Doberman's image was greatly spoiled by films about the use of these dogs in the police and in war; he is considered one of the most evil breeds. It cannot be said that the Doberman is not at all aggressive, but he has a balanced psyche and is well trained, is strongly attached to the children in the family and will never offend them, but will always defend himself. True friend and a reliable security guard rolled into one.

6. Collie

Collie or Scottish Sheepdogs They are friendly and get along well not only with their family members, but also with other animals in the house. They are loyal to their owner and in a critical situation are ready to stand up for him. TO strangers They are suspicious, but once they love a person, they will never forget him. The only minus of the collie is labor-intensive process coat care, the dog must be constantly combed, to prevent tangles from appearing, and, of course, you will have to vacuum it more often than usual.

7. Boxer

Boxers are considered stupid, but in fact you just need to find an approach to them. They are extremely loyal to their masters and will give their lives for them without hesitation if necessary. They willingly join in any game, need the constant presence of their beloved owner, and can even be obsessive in the fight for his undivided attention. Therefore, dogs need to be raised from childhood if you do not want to be endlessly licked and loved for the next 15-20 years.

8. Terrier

All representatives of terriers love their owners more than is possible to imagine, regardless of the size and characteristics of a particular breed. Although some terriers can have a rather difficult character, this problem can easily be resolved with the help of proper education and training. Terriers are active and life-loving dogs; there will always be noise and commotion in your home; together with children, the terrier will form a real gang.

9. Sheltie

This is a type of collie that differs from its older brothers in color and miniature size. But they have a lot of devotion and love for their owner. Shelties have a very difficult time with any separation from their owner, they can even get sick from melancholy, so get ready to take your pet with you everywhere. Shelties are friendly and sweet, they best companions for life.

10. Pitbull

This fighting breed closes our top ten. If you still thought that a pit bull is angry dog, remember that dogs are raised by people. Like the owner, like the pet. IN good hands pit bull grows up friendly and loving dog, who boasts great devotion to his master.
And remember: there are no bad dogs, only bad education!

Almost every family today has some kind of pet. Owners are guided by completely different criteria when choosing a future family member, but they always expect devotion and fidelity from the dog. Most become attached to their owners and therefore it is difficult to say which breed is the most loyal and which is not. Each animal has its own character and characteristics. But experts distinguish some breeds from all that exist today.

So, the top most loyal pets:

Border Collie

The first to make it into the top 10 most loyal dog breeds is man’s wonderful friend – the border collie dog. The progenitor of the breed was the English dog Old Hamp, who was distinguished by his quiet and calm disposition. His descendants are today considered the smartest among other representatives of the canine family.

They become attached to the whole family at once, and not specifically to one member of it, and are incredibly sad if there is no opportunity to communicate or play with someone.

They are easy to train and learn, and with strangers they are neutral and do not show aggression. It takes a lot of effort to make this dog angry.

She prefers bad world a good quarrel, but on its territory it is quite capable of protecting its owner from the offender.


The Labrador was bred for hunting, but the dog's unique mix of character traits such as enthusiasm, playfulness, all-encompassing love and true, pure friendship has ensured the dog's popularity as a family friend around the world.

The retriever can play the role of a children's nanny for all small family members. Nobody loves babies more than representatives of this dog breed.

The dog is easygoing, learns commands well and can be an excellent sports companion.

She has a high need for activity, so if you have your own house with an area where she can freely frolic, then you will not find a better friend.

German Shepherd

The most loyal dog breeds include: German Shepherd. And this is understandable, only this dog chooses one owner and remains devoted to him until the end of his life.

The dog is so multifunctional that it is difficult to name a task that it cannot cope with.

And if initially she helped a person graze cattle, then later she established herself as an indispensable orderly, patrolman, signalman, scout, security guard and bloodhound.

Purebred "Germans" do not have negative traits character, but only positive ones. They live to serve their master and rejoice at any opportunity to be useful.


What other dog breed is the most loyal? The most intelligent and loyal dog of the Beagle breed. She was also originally bred for hunting, but later her attitude towards people was appreciated. The dog, one might say, is in love with his owner and is ready to be with him day and night, to keep him company in any business. He gets along well in a family with small children and is happy to take part in various children's fun and pranks. These animals are extremely friendly, but require a firm hand and training.

Epagnol Breton

Who else should you pay attention to when choosing a devoted friend? For a dog from the Epaniol family

She easily adapts to any environment, is sociable, intelligent and attentive, and most importantly, mentally balanced. The dog is energetic when walking, loves hunting and easily adapts to the mood and desires of his two-legged friend.

The main advantages of the breed include hunting passion, instincts and intelligence.

And if you are interested in which dog breed is the smartest and most loyal, then pay attention to the Epagnol Breton.

Japanese Akita

In Japan, Akita Inu is considered a symbol of devotion. Representatives of this breed have an independent, proud and independent character, but at the same time they are so attached to their owner that they cannot imagine life without him.

And if you are looking for a faithful and reliable life partner, then the Japanese Akita will be the right choice. This dog is incredibly lively and playful and is able to retain these character traits into old age.

It definitely requires training and easily senses weakness in its owner. Therefore, you need to be persistent, demanding and self-confident in order to get a puppy of this breed, otherwise the grown-up dog will simply "sits on his head".

Saint Bernard

What other breed meets the above requirements? Saint Bernard These are the calmest and most phlegmatic animals, expressing their attitude towards the owner by leisurely wagging their tail and lying relaxed at their feet. Having earned the love of a dog, the owner can receive a friend who is gentle and devoted until death.

An adult dog can become an excellent nanny for a baby, and puppies will not fail to take advantage of the opportunity to take part in children's fun.

Without exaggeration, St. Bernard can be called the most intelligent animal of the canine family.

He understands all commands, but when executing them, he evaluates the situation and makes an independent decision.


The boxer is also in the top 10 of our list - smart, loyal and different good character. He adores his owner and tries never to lose sight of him. Sometimes it can create a lot of noise, but experts recommend combating this through training. Easy to learn and can become good watchman or a guide.


The dachshund is also blindly devoted to its owner. This creature with short legs has a hot temperament, and loves all family members tenderly and selflessly. It will be appreciated by the owner with a sense of humor, because a dog of this breed also has it. Can become a good watchdog and is ideal as a gift for a child.


The Bulldog is a charmer who has no equal in love and affection for the main person in their dog’s life.

Friendly and sociable, he can equally well accompany a child in active games and lie down with his owner near the TV. The bulldog perceives parting with its owner as a heavy blow, and having lost its family, it experiences severe psychological stress.

Here is the entire selection of the most loyal dogs to their owners.

Guided by this list, you can always determine the breed of dog that is most preferable for yourself and choose a pet with whom you will live in harmony until the end of its short dog life.