Learning to raise a dog. Raising a dog: starting from scratch How to raise an adult dog yourself

Our educational complex is designed for puppies aged from one to three months.

The upbringing and adaptation of a puppy begins at one month of age, and it is better to adopt a puppy until it is three months old.
At this age, all phobias (obsessive fears), all incorrect behavior patterns are formed. And also all the right skills are laid.

What can we teach a puppy between the ages of one and three months? A lot:

Don't jump on the owner
sleep peacefully at night
run on the street after the owner's legs
sit quietly and wait for food to be served
Don't bite people's limbs or clothes
get to know the commands “come”, “fu”, “sit”

How to teach a child all this?
Your willingness and patience are required.

Many people ask: “What can and cannot be punished for a puppy at such a young age?” It is better at this age to do without punishment. Take care of yours and your puppy's nervous system.
I especially want to draw your attention to this listing.

Puppies under three months of age cannot be punished for:

  • piles and puddles on the floor or carpet
  • for all material damage. If at this age the puppy took out one of the valuable things and chewed it up, it means that you did not put it in a place inaccessible to the baby in time. If you have electrical or similar wires in an accessible place, remove them immediately. This is a favorite treat for many puppies.
  • running, jumping on furniture
  • biting pieces off the walls. If the puppy does this, consult a doctor, he may be lacking minerals and vitamins, or he has worms.
  • grabbing and ruffling your clothes as you walk by.
  • biting the owner's hands and feet. These are typical puppy plays and usually go away on their own once the teeth are replaced. Sometimes I even tell my clients: “If your puppy under the age of 4 months does not run after your legs and does not chew them, but lies quietly in the corner. He is sick. Take your puppy's temperature."

Maintaining a positive emotional state in dogs is essential. But in puppies from 1 month to 3 months it is necessary to evoke such emotions that strengthen the nervous system and in the future will lead the dog to balance and restraint. The dog will choose the right situation where you can throw out your emotions, and where you need to remain completely calm.

Puppies, from 1 month to 3 months, are raised in ways that bring them only joy and satisfaction and give them hope that everything will be fine. Therefore, methods of working with a small puppy are based only on positive reinforcement (affection, treats, play). Or targeted exercises based on the right to choose.

In order to start working with your baby, learn how to prepare a treat, give it correctly and, most importantly, learn the correct intonation of your voice. It will be preparatory stage for you. Until you master these exercises yourself, you should not start practicing with your baby.

Let's learn how to prepare a delicacy.

From today you have entered new form home clothes. It’s called “Master of a big pocket with cheese.” Carry the treat with you at all times, and for each right action Reward the puppy with treats and affection.

These can be tiny pieces of hard cheese. The cheese can become hard if it sits for a while without packaging.

The size of the treat is important. If the pieces are large, then the puppy eats up quickly, and further training he will no longer be interested. If the pieces are very small, they will fall out of the baby's mouth.

Therefore, we take the best option, about the size of a pea. It is not necessary to round them; the main thing is not the shape, but the size. I foresee a question: if my dog ​​is on dry food, can I give him cheese? I answer as a veterinarian: Yes. But only during classes. Another question: why cheese and not the dry food we feed? Because dry food is given strictly according to the norm - this is one thing, and secondly, the puppy can choke on dry pieces and will cough in the same way as from dry biscuits. Can I have some sausages? You can, of course, but your hands and clothes will be greasy, and this is simply unpleasant. So, cheese. Learning to give treats. It always lies in the right pocket of right-handers, and in the left pocket of left-handers. We do not use cellophane bags. Otherwise, the dog will react to the rustling of the cellophane. But we don't need this. Therefore, clothing is selected appropriately. We don’t mind getting it a little dirty, and these clothes have pockets.

No more than 5 seconds should pass between the dog’s actions and their reward. Otherwise, encouragement is not effective at all.

The treat is given in two ways. On open palm and in a pinch (between large and index finger). Both methods have their place. And in class we will use both.

So, the owner of the “big pocket of cheese” walks around the house and begins to teach the dog the correct behavior. You can train your puppy in parallel with several methods of correct behavior at once.

We accustom the puppy to his name.

You need to come up with a short and sonorous name for the dog. It may not coincide with the name from the pedigree. There are many names for dogs on the site, take a look and adopt one of them. Example: Siegfried - good name, but very long to attract the puppy’s attention, better than Zigi or Reed.

And when the baby grows up, you can also use full name. And he will respond to it. I like to teach the puppy a name through feeding. Take a bowl and call your baby in a gentle voice: “Zigi, Zigi, Zigi,” repeating the name often and several times. At the same time, show a bowl of food. From the second day, the baby will understand that it is his name and that he needs to run faster, as they will give him delicious food. In such a fun and pleasant way you will teach the puppy to respond to its name.

We teach the dog to respond to the word “Okay”.

The question is why do we need this, so that the puppy reacts to the word “Okay”. Everything is very simple. You won’t always be able to give your dog a treat on time for a job done correctly. For example, working at a distance means your dog is 10 meters away from you. And how can you let him know that you are happy with him? And like this. Say the word “good” and the dog will be aware of your mood. And this is how we teach the puppy. We hand him a treat and, saying the word “good” in a gentle voice, always affectionate, we hand-feed him delicious cheese. You have already read about the delicacy in the previous post.

You can stroke and caress the baby at this time. Learn to pet your dog correctly. Pat her lightly on the chest. Give it a whirl. But make sure that the puppy enjoys it. Do not stroke the head or back. I will explain why to those who will study in our virtual group.

Practice the skill only when the puppy is not doing anything illegal at that moment. For example, he is just lying still or has come up to you and has not yet put his paws on your lap. Praise and give treats.

If a puppy has settled in the house, then you now have to teach him everything necessary that an adult dog should be able to do. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a purebred or a mongrel. You've probably already read a huge number of articles where you learned the basics of raising puppies for dummies. But it happens that the baby came to you completely by accident, and you have no experience in keeping a dog. So how to properly raise a puppy?

First steps in training

Training is a kind of science, by studying which you will find the answer to the question “How to raise an ideal dog?” Remember that without it the puppy will not be able to become a worthy member of society. There are many ways to train, some of which can be found in the video. But you won’t teach a tiny puppy to commands that are still difficult for him. So where to start?

Meeting the puppy

Raising a puppy begins from the first days of its appearance in the house. Now you are both a parent and a teacher for him. The dog baby doesn’t know anything yet and is not familiar with your household.

As soon as you get home, put your baby on the floor and let him sniff the new territory. He will be scared, but natural curiosity usually overcomes fear and forces the puppy to start exploring everything around. At this time, you should be close to him, talking in a calm voice.

Once your puppy has become familiar with his surroundings, squat down to appear smaller in size, and call him. He doesn’t know his name yet, but he will respond to your voice. When the puppy runs up, praise him. If the baby is scared and does not want to approach, then you can lure him with a treat.

After the baby gets comfortable with you, introduce him to your household. At the same time, ask not to make noise - loud sounds will scare the puppy.

But it is advisable to get acquainted with other pets on neutral territory or not from the first day the puppy moves into the house. First, accustom the animals to each other’s smell: let an adult dog or cat sniff the baby’s thing and vice versa. After some time, organize a meeting for them under your supervision. Remember, even if an old-timer animal is wary of a new resident, you cannot beat him! This will develop bad relations between them.

Place and toilet training

The key to successful coexistence of a dog and a person in the same apartment is the absence of problems with the toilet. Naturally, at first the puppy will pee wherever he feels like it - it’s difficult for him to control this process. Therefore, it is very important to correctly explain to your baby where to go to the toilet. Use the following method.

For the first time, choose a place for the WC next to the puppy’s bed. Also place several “toilets” in other areas of the apartment. Absorbent diapers are best suited for these purposes. They can be moistened with baby's urine - the smell will help identify the toilet.

In the next video you can learn more about toilet training a puppy.

The key to success in training is your attentiveness and reaction. Observe your puppy after sleeping, feeding, or playing. As soon as he starts sniffing everything around, you need to pick him up and take him to the place prepared for the toilet. When he recovers, praise him. Be patient: some dogs grasp this science on the fly, others will have to be swaddled many times - you cannot beat them for mistakes.

Gradually reduce the number of toilet diapers to one, which you move to the corridor towards the exit. When the baby learns to endure for a long time, it is thrown away, but until 5-6 months there should be a “duty” diaper in the apartment.

Another command that people start learning right away is “Place”. It's easy to learn how to do it correctly. When the puppy has had enough of playing and is tired, take him to the bedding, saying “Place,” put him on the bed and pet him. This is one of the best ways.

To ensure that your puppy grows up healthy and strong, teach him hygiene and veterinary procedures from an early age. Such as bathing, ear cleaning, nail trimming, etc.

We teach you to answer the call

One of the important commands for a dog is “Come to me.” You can easily get used to it while the baby is small. To do this, say the puppy’s name and, when he runs up to you, say “Come to me.” Be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Repeat for a few minutes every day, and turn your workout into a game. great way secure everything.

This video will tell you what a beginner in the world of dog breeding should know about training.

Night cry

At the very beginning of their life together, a puppy weaned from its mother will cry at night. Many dog ​​owners are not prepared for whining and, in order to calm the dog down, they take it to bed with them. If you don't want your dog to sleep with you always, then don't do it! The best way is to move the baby's bedding closer to the bed and lower your hand towards him. This way he will feel your warmth and will not be lonely.

By the way, in no video you will find a demonstration of training a puppy to sleep alone.

How to properly limit the scope of what is permitted

Any crime entails punishment - the great Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote about this. However, when it comes to dogs, things are not so simple. Remember that animals have their own society, rules and orders, they perceive the world differently - many videos and films have been made about this. Our task is to teach them to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. The main thing is to avoid the verb “beat”, because there are many other ways of education.

Learning to prohibit correctly

Raising a puppy is impossible without prohibitions, but remember that you can only scold the baby while committing a crime. If you come home from work and everything in the apartment is upside down, it is useless to make a row and beat the puppy. He will associate punishment with your arrival, but not with a torn pillow.

The most common mistakes owners make

Now you know how to raise a dog, but there are always shortcomings and aspects that you do not know. Unfortunately, no matter how much literature dog owners study, they continue to make mistakes when training a puppy. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Few incentives. When a dog does everything right, don't be greedy good words, you can give treats and pet them. Prove that she is the best in the world.
  • Poking the muzzle into excrement. The baby should not be beaten for what he has done on the floor. This will only scare him. So just calmly clean up after him and watch him more carefully next time so you have time to take him to the diaper.
  • Lack of games. Yes, puppies can ruin things in the apartment. Therefore, it is important to teach the baby to play. He must distinguish his things from the owner's things. Never let him play with shoes; the dog will not distinguish old sneakers from new ones, which may become his next toy.
  • Lack of communication. It is also important not only to communicate with the puppy yourself, but also to allow him to contact other four-legged animals, as well as people. This is necessary for socialization.
  • Tidbits from the table. A dog drooling at the table is not a pleasant sight. You can wean your animal off being in the dining room using the “Kitchen” command. The method is quite simple: when you sit down at the table, take the puppy out into the corridor and say the command.

Remember that dogs are smart - if things don’t work out right away, then learn to communicate with her, just as she learns to understand you. Proper upbringing of a puppy is the key to a successful life together with an adult dog.

We are all admired trained dogs who faithfully look into the eyes of their owner and carry out all his commands. And, do you know that your dog can be so devoted, faithful, and obedient? Don't believe me? The secret to such ideal behavior lies in... raising the dog. And, depending on how competently and correctly you raise your pet, will depend on how obedient your dog grows up to be. Ready? Then go ahead and get acquainted with the rules of raising a dog...

A dog that does not listen to its owner simply does not respect him. In order for a dog to become flexible and obedient, you need to gain authority in its eyes and earn its trust.

It is noteworthy that a dog of any breed is a descendant of the predator wolf. And, we are talking not only about representatives of large and aggressive breeds, but also about lap dogs, such as a pug or a Pekingese. Therefore, behavioral traits can be traced in the behavior of any dog predatory wolf, who religiously follows the rules of the wolf pack and respects his elders. This elder can be called whatever you like, the leader, the alpha male and the leader - the meaning does not change from the name, this is an individual who has all the privileges and sets the rules of behavior in the pack. Some may say, but my poodle is not a wolf, and I am not an alpha male. Perhaps... But, regardless of whether you accept the rules of behavior, communication and raising a dog according to this principle or not, these rules apply. And it is simply impossible to impose human dogmas of education on an animal. Another thing, learn to dictate rules to the dog in a dog language that the dog understands. Take the place of leader in your pack, which consists of you and your dog, whom the animal wants to respect. Ah, obedience, it will come after respect. It is noteworthy that if you adhere to this line of raising an animal, you will not have to resort to violent methods, beat the dog or cause it physical pain. Extremely humane methods aimed at the consciousness of the animal.
Very often, beginning dog breeders confuse concepts such as education and training. And this is their mistake.

The dog may not know all the nuances of training, but it must be educated, because it is your face, it is a member of your pack.

So, how to raise a dog(not to train is another topic)? First of all, you must be consistent. Having once accepted these rules, you, as the leader of your small flock, must adhere to them constantly, regardless of your mood and circumstances. Some may say that you need to raise a dog from childhood... Perhaps. But you can also educate adult dog(the truth is much more complicated). But difficult does not mean impossible!
So here are these rules of education:

Difficult? Cruel? But, good upbringing requires sacrifice, and the victims in this case are the whims of your animal and your weak character. After all, you want to see an animal next to you that will not betray you, that respects you? Then, be patient and...train your dog.

Shevtsova Olga

Video about raising a dog:

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Puppies are little bundles of joy that require close attention to yourself and proper care. Your puppy is only a month old - does it need to be raised in such a early age, and how to do it correctly?

Despite the rather young age of your pet, right now you should start actively working with him in order to raise a healthy, smart and loyal friend for you and your family in the near future.

Raising and health of a one-month-old puppy

First of all, if you have set yourself the goal of raising your puppy correctly, you need to show him to the veterinarian. The doctor assesses the baby's health and weighs him. After a veterinarian's evaluation, your puppy can receive his first vaccine, but his the immune system still remains fragile.

It is necessary to monitor his weight daily, especially during the weaning process, to understand how complete and well his body is digesting solid food. At the age of 1 month there should not be immediate weaning from mother's milk; the transition to other foods should be done gradually to avoid health problems. Contact us immediately for medical care if the puppy appears anemic, has stopped eating, and/or is experiencing persistent diarrhea or vomiting.

An important part of puppy care is protection from worms and fleas. It is necessary to follow a certain schedule for both procedures. So, about a week before deworming, you need to rid your pet of fleas. It is worth mentioning the preparation for vaccinations: one and a half to two weeks before vaccination, it is necessary to deworm the puppy. The procedure must be carried out so that the baby’s body is not weakened by worms and is ready to fight the infection. The timing of deworming is determined by the veterinarian. Typically, the first preventive procedure takes place at the age of 2-3 weeks, then it is repeated at 4, 8, 12 weeks. Your veterinarian will advise you on the next preventative schedule.

Good nutrition is the basis for proper puppy education

When a puppy is only one month old, a wrong and cruel decision when raising a baby would be to abruptly wean it from its mother’s breast. In the fourth week, the puppies begin to develop milk teeth, and the mother gradually begins to wean them.

If the pet cannot receive sufficient milk from its mother or is orphaned, it is necessary to introduce complementary feeding with a special mixture from a bottle or a very liquid porridge made from dry puppy food soaked in milk. When introducing food, you must carefully follow the instructions on the label to correctly calculate the amount of food your pet needs. Gradually, over several weeks, the milk should be replaced with water, and then the volume of water in the porridge should be reduced so that by 2 months the puppy switches to eating dry food. Babies up to one year old are fed 4-6 times a day, but closer to a year the number of feedings is increased to 1-2 times a day.

During the next bottle feeding, you can try to interest the puppy in solid food by diluting a piece of food with water until soft. Invite your puppy to lick the food off your finger. At first, let him play with his food more than he eats, make sure he actually eats the food. As soon as he begins to eat solid food, bottle feeding should be stopped.

Environmental conditions when raising and caring for a one-month-old puppy

If your puppy is only a month old and has already been weaned from its mother, but you want to raise your pet with love and care, you need to provide it with its own place. Buy a sleep and rest crate that can accommodate an adult dog. Place rolled towels along all its walls so that your baby has enough space to lie down and turn around. Place this crate in a place where your puppy will be close to you or other members of your family, with a soft blanket and a few chew toys. Keep your puppy in a crate at night and during times when you cannot control his movements.

Try to keep your baby clean, wipe him with warm wet wipes or clean it carefully. You can begin introducing regular baths as long as the room is warm and you dry your puppy completely after bathing.

Socialization as the most important part of raising a puppy at 1 month

It is worth mentioning once again that one month is too much for any puppy. early date for separation from mother, brothers and sisters. If he is weaned this early, there is a chance of facing further problems with both health and behavior. Health problems, as mentioned above, can arise due to the lack of mother's milk, which provides the necessary set of vitamins and microelements for the development of a young body. Behavioral problems arise from a lack of basic social skills that come with interacting with other dogs, as well as a lack of a basic sense of security, like a child who did not grow up with his parents in a stable family environment.

The first question many veterinarians ask when they see a dog with strange behavioral problems is: “When was the dog weaned?” And most often they hear in response: “Too early.” In many European countries It is illegal to sell a puppy under 8 weeks of age, and many responsible breeders keep puppies for even longer, especially if they are sent to new house without other dogs.

By the fourth week, and for the next 10 weeks, your puppy's experience with outside world will play a big role in his further development. Puppies that do not live with their siblings and mother until 8 weeks of age can face quite a lot of problems in the future. One of these problems, for example, is the habit of biting, common among abandoned pets, even during play.

How can you help your puppy socialize and survive separation from the family in the least painful way? Try to find an adult nursing dog who will allow the puppy to be with her between feedings. Many bitches who have a puppy will be happy to play with someone else's puppy, they will lick it, raise it and teach it basic skills, just like its natural mother would. It's also worth finding other puppies that your pet can spend plenty of time with. After all, it is precisely when interacting with other dogs that he will receive maximum amount communication skills, so necessary for his successful socialization. There is no other way you can replace or make up for the lack of communication, and in the future you and your dog will live with negative consequences this all my life.

Since at the age of 1 month the puppy has not yet received all the necessary vaccines, during the process of socialization and training, keep your pet away from sick or strange-looking dogs. At the same time, try not to stop his communication with people, including children. The puppy should associate the image of a person with affection and play. He is still too small to walk on a leash, so hold him in your arms during walks, giving him the opportunity to get acquainted with new sounds of cars, sirens, barking dogs and others loud sounds.

How to properly develop and raise a puppy

A healthy 1 month old puppy should be able to eliminate waste and try to clean itself. He can now drink water from a stable shallow bowl and is ready to begin the transition to solid foods. By one month, puppies have fully developed vision and become increasingly energetic and curious. Your puppy is eager to explore his immediate environment, which means he will walk, dig, roll and play. He can safely be left alone for short periods of time, confined to the safety of his crate.

You should start training your puppy with the rules and habits necessary in Everyday life:

Where are his food and water dishes located;

What time of day will he eat;

Where is his place to sleep and rest;

What time does he go to bed?

What time does he get up?

Where is the bathroom?

Where are his toys kept?

When training, a positive emotional attitude is important, which strengthens the dog’s nervous system. And here the correctly chosen gentle and calm intonations of the owner’s voice play an important role.

With a patient and consistent approach to raising a puppy between 1 and 3 months of age, the following skills can be taught:

Don't jump on people;

Follow the owner's feet while outside;

Sit patiently and wait for food to be served;

Do not bite people's hands, feet or clothes;

Know the commands “fu”, “sit”, “come”.

Puppies between 1 and 3 months of age should be raised using exclusively positive methods based on affection, games and treats. It is important to know how and when to use treats or treats while training your pet. Veterinarians advise that when teaching a pet the correct behavior, to encourage it, carry a treat with you, for example, pieces of hard cheese or sausages. Moreover, the size of one piece should be approximately the size of a pea. This treat is convenient to use when teaching your puppy various tricks. But you should not use treats as a method of teaching any command. Situations may arise when you suddenly find yourself in trouble or want to stop your pet while he is performing some action. If you repeatedly use this method with treats, your puppy will decide that he can only obey your commands when he is hungry enough to do so.

Why is it so important to choose the right method of training and raising your pet? If you use the wrong training method, your puppy will decide on his own what role you play in his life. This will lead to conflicts and behavior problems in the future. If you use the right training method, your puppy will be happy to let you set the rules for what he can and cannot do in your family.

It is important to teach your puppy to respect you as the leader in your home. Without respect, your puppy may learn words and commands, but he won't follow them. You probably know dog owners who say that their dog “understands” but doesn’t do what they say. But this is not intelligence - this is disrespect. And such behavior may be associated with an incorrect educational position from the very moment when the puppy was first brought home. Respect for you cannot be shown in the dog's behavior "almost" correctly. You must get it completely and completely, consistently - the way dogs understand it.

Dogs are capable of learning many words, and no the best way making your dog understand your wishes is better than teaching him carefully chosen vocabulary words. First of all, the puppy should be accustomed to its name. This process works best during feeding time, when you take out a bowl of food and call your pet affectionately, repeating his name many times. In addition, for example, you can teach the puppy the word “good”. This simple word will be an excellent substitute for a treat in the future when teaching the puppy new commands.

Tactile contact with the puppy is also important; learn to stroke your baby correctly so that he enjoys your affection.

It is also necessary to know what you can or cannot punish a pet for at the age of 1 month in the process of raising it. Most veterinarians believe that punishment should be avoided at this age. Whatever your puppy does, try to remain calm and patient, treat this still small and defenseless creature with understanding. After all, now he is completely dependent on you, and it is within your power to devote enough time and effort to your pet to raise a wonderful assistant and companion.

The puppy is everyone’s favorite in the house, so everyone present wants to cuddle, stroke it or give it a treat. Over time, such treatment can lead to some spoiling and disobedience in a small dog. Therefore, in order to make her obedient and well-mannered, the owners themselves should teach important rules handling of four-legged household members.

Owners of a puppy must take into account that this animal is a pack animal, and in every such society there is a leader. Therefore, from a young age the owner needs to be shown that he is the leader. If you care for your dog excessively, fulfilling all the requirements, he will stop obeying. The leader must be not only strict, but also loving. Having understood this, the baby will learn to fulfill human demands. Education should begin as early as possible.

Where to begin?

You need to start raising a dog by protecting him from unwanted contacts with strangers. They do not know how to properly raise a puppy and may unknowingly harm it. And by protecting him, you will be able to achieve two goals at once: control the amount of “pampering” and wean him off trusting everyone, because a dog should obey only its owners.

One more important factor Success is to provide your pet with all the necessary attributes:

  • own place
  • adequate nutrition according to the regime,
  • walks and games.

A satisfied dog, feeling that he is loved, will be calm and will be able to easily understand what his owner wants from him. Regularity in active spending time, feeding and rest will make him confident and prevent attempts to whine, begging for food or games.


Knowing how to raise a puppy, the owner must apply several rules that will let the dog know who is in charge:

  • A person should always eat food first. This is what leaders do, according to the hierarchy of the pack. By feeding after the owner, the animal will tune in to submission in all other respects.
  • If you need to get through a narrow passage, the leader will always go through first. You should not allow the dog to go through the door before the “boss”, pushing him, skipping past him or tangling him in the leash.
  • When an owner plays with a pet, he should always win. Even if he is tired, does not want or cannot pull the bone or catch up, he must use the commands “To the leg!” or “Aport!” (“Give it back!”), thus calming the dog.
  • We need to teach her to always follow commands the first time.

How to influence a puppy correctly?

The best way is a system of prohibitions and rewards. As soon as the baby correctly performs any action, he is entitled to a treat, and if he is stubborn and shows hostility, he must be punished. There is no need to hit the dog or deprive it of food, this will only cause hostility and hysteria in it. In an effective way There will be a severe reprimand or a light spanking. The encouragement should not be large - it is not feeding, but a gift.

Before taking punitive measures, you need to find out what the reason for this behavior is. If your pet whines at night, chews shoes, and behaves noisily in the absence of people, then punishment will not help. But a special toy that can be bitten, thrown on the floor and destroyed in every possible way will come in handy. An artificial bone or ball will keep the dog occupied while there is no one to play with him, and at the same time will help sharpen his growing teeth.

You should not punish your child for making piles or puddles on the floor. Having matured, he, in the process of regular walks, will begin to endure it until he goes outside. And with small breeds of dogs it’s even easier - they’re a short time You can train him to use a litter box in the house by showing him several times how to do it correctly. Having noticed that the puppy begins to worry, look for a place and “settle in,” you need to quickly take him to the prepared “toilet” and put him there, and if he did everything correctly, reward him with a small piece of a tasty product.

The skill of communicating with other pets is also instilled in the same way. A dog should not be encouraged to attack other residents, even as a joke. She will take the command seriously and will try to destroy the “enemy” - if not now, then later.

How to handle a very small animal?

When raising a puppy, you need to adhere to the same principles that apply when treating a child. At a very young age (1-3 months), it is very important to establish a warm, close relationship with him - stroke him often, call him by name and even talk to him. With the help of the game, the dog can quickly learn commands, but you just need to do this often and regularly. The earlier the pet's upbringing began, the easier this process will be.

As soon as the baby gets stronger, you can begin to teach him simple orders. It’s good if the same person is involved in this task - this way it will be easier for the animal to tune in, and any command will be mastered very quickly. These skills will make life much easier for both the owner and the puppy himself. Almost from the first day he needs to be given an understanding of how to go to the toilet, behave at home, on the street, with loved ones or strangers and with other pets.

The baby is now very afraid to be left alone, so he can cause inconvenience to both owners and neighbors - whining or causing damage to objects and himself. To prevent a tragedy, it is necessary to remove all dangerous things - needles, caustic chemical substances or electrical wires. Only his numerous toys should remain on the floor, with which he can do whatever he wants.