What days do weddings take place? Rules for the ceremony. Wedding in an Orthodox Church

2013-03-16 The ritual of the sacrament of wedding in the church. Church calendar weddings 2019

Church wedding- a serious step in the life of lovers who want to spend their whole lives together. This is a beautiful, touching and very important ceremony. Wedding- this is a more significant event than the registration itself, because it is this marriage that will take place in heaven. And if you are already on the site wedding photographer, then this article will definitely be useful to you. I will share with you, future newlyweds or couples already married but not married, how to properly perform this ritual and what subtleties there are in performing it.

What do you need to know when performing a wedding ceremony?

The very first thing you should worry about is whether it is possible your church marriage. There are factors that do not allow a wedding ceremony. It is forbidden to get married:

  • - unbaptized and those who are not going to be baptized before the wedding;
  • - atheists;
  • - if one of the future spouses is actually married to someone else;
  • - people who are related by blood;
  • - people who are in a spiritual relationship (between godparents and godchildren);
  • - newlyweds professing a non-Christian religion;
  • - those who have taken holy orders or taken monastic vows;
  • - for those who will have this fourth marriage.

Choosing a wedding location

Then you must decide which church you are going to get married in.Please note that you must first agree on your decision with the priest. He must give his blessing. If there are no factors interfering with your decision, then you will needchoose a wedding date. Please note that now in most churches only those who have already officially registered their marriage are married. By the way, you can get married not only on your wedding day, but also a week later, a month later, and even a few years later.

Choosing a wedding date

When choosing a date for a wedding in a church, look at the wedding calendar for 2019.

In the above wedding calendar for 2019 year, temple holidays of a particular church are not taken into account; in different churches these are different dates. Therefore, before you finally decide on the date weddings in 2019, consult your priest.

Necessary items for the wedding ceremony

To commit wedding ceremony to you must have the following things:

  • - marriage certificate, so registration of marriage in the registry office must be before the wedding;
  • - towel (you will stand on it) and scarves;
  • - pectoral crosses for both spouses;
  • - wedding candles;
  • - wedding rings;
  • - icons of the Savior and the Virgin Mary.


Appearance brides

To look your best and avoid possible misunderstandings, follow the following recommendations(but this is not critical):

  • - your makeup should be natural, your manicure should be discreet, and your perfume should not have a strong smell;
  • - you should have a headdress on top of your hair - a veil, scarf or hat;
  • - forget about trouser suits - only dresses or skirts below the knee are allowed;
  • - arms, shoulders, back and chest must be covered. If you are getting married in the dress you were married in and you have a problem with it, use a cape;
  • - it’s better not to wear a long and fluffy veil: it can catch fire if it touches burning candles.

Preparation for the wedding

Before weddings you and your loved one will need to perform all the necessary rituals: communion, fasting, prayer, mutual forgiveness. After this, prayers, memorial services and funeral services usually take place in the church for about an hour. On your wedding day you will need to arrive at the start of the service. Before this, it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke anything the day before, from 12 o’clock at night. You will need to find out in advance whether several couples will be getting married at the same time. Although this is prohibited according to the church charter, in practice this is not observed, because there are quite a lot of people willing, and the duration of one wedding is 30-40 minutes. On weekdays (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) there are much fewer people. Your friends and relatives should already be present during the liturgy, but as a last resort they can come up to the beginning of the wedding. Two of your loved ones will need to become your witnesses. They will hold crowns above your heads. Please note that witnesses must be baptized. Discuss in advance with the priest whether it is possible to take photographs and videos during the wedding - this is not allowed in all churches. You will also need to give your wedding rings to the officiating priest in advance so that he can bless them by placing them on the altar.

(Photo: Ukraine, Kiev, 2012, St. Andrew’s Church. More photos -)

Wedding ceremony

Rite of the Sacrament of Wedding consists of two stages - engagement and wedding itself.

The first part of the wedding ceremony: Engagement

Wedding ceremony begins with betrothal, which can be performed separately. As a sign of the firmness of mutual promises, the priest puts consecrated rings on the fingers of the betrothed. In his prayers, the church representative asks for perfect love, unanimity in truth, firm faith, immaculate life and childbearing for them. Rings are very important during engagement: they are not just a gift from the groom to the bride, but a sign of an inextricable, eternal union between them.

The second part of the wedding ceremony: Wedding ceremony

After the young couple has been engaged, the second part of the ceremony begins. It begins with the priest asking the bride and groom: do they marry freely, are they not bound by promises to others? Afterwards, he places crowns on their heads, and the wedding ends with the priest’s triple blessing: “Lord our God, crown them with glory and honor.” Then the Apostle and the Gospel are read, the Lord’s Prayer is offered. At the same time, those who have entered into marriage drink wine three times from a common cup and three times, preceded by the priest, they walk around the lectern.

Answers to frequently asked questions regarding weddings:

What days can you get married? - The permitted days for weddings are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
How long does a church wedding last? - The wedding time usually lasts about 40-60 minutes.
How much does a church wedding cost?- Each church has its own prices. Approximately 300 - 800 UAH.
Where to buy wedding candles, towels, icons? - can be bought in icon shops at churches or specialized stores (for example, I bought in the icon shop at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra)
Is it possible to get married if the bride is pregnant?- Can. But in any case, you will need to discuss this issue with the priest.

Wedding has long been considered an important and very responsible step for a married couple. With its help, spouses become spiritually even closer to each other. In addition, it is believed that after this sacrament, love gains immortality. The Svadebka.ws portal will tell you when is the best time to get married in 2018.

Is it possible to get married during Lent?

This is a question many married couples ask. To know which days you can get married, it’s easier to keep in mind when you can’t do this. Thus, it will not be possible to perform the sacrament during the Great Fast (February 19 - April 7), Petrov (June 4 - July 11), Uspensky (August 14 - 27) and Rozhdestvensky (November 28 - January 6). In addition, in accordance with the peculiarities of weddings in the Orthodox Church, couples will not be able to do this in:

Also, in the church they do not marry on the eve of temple holidays, which parishes establish depending on their own needs. Moreover, the list of what is necessary for a wedding is the same, regardless of the place where the sacrament is performed.

It is believed that during such days people need to observe abstinence, both in thoughts and behavior. Therefore, according to church tradition A wedding during Lent is prohibited, because it can then turn into a feast and violation of chastity.

Is it possible to get married on Saturday?

The canons give a clear answer to this question: on Saturday, as well as on Tuesday and Thursday, weddings are prohibited. This is due to the fact that Sunday night should be dedicated to God. The night before Wednesday and Friday is fast, so there will be restrictions here too.

Good days for a wedding

The most suitable days for performing the sacrament are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Many people think whether it is possible to get married on Sunday, as well as whether it is possible to get married on Friday. The Church does not object to this day. Moreover, it is on Sunday that there are the most people who want to perform the ritual. You can also have a wedding on your wedding day.

If we take specific dates into account, the church says that the strongest families are those that get married on the first Sunday after Easter. This period is also called Red Hill, and in 2018 it will fall on April 15. It got its name due to the fact that by this time the ground began to be freed from snow. First of all, he left the hills and hills, where youth festivities, round dances, and so on immediately began. Such slides were called “red” - that is, “beautiful”. This day was considered a traditional maiden holiday, because it was greatest number weddings The tradition has been preserved after many centuries, and today it is still revered by newlyweds.

The weeks between Epiphany and Maslenitsa are considered good days: from January 20 to February 12. The period from Petrov to the Dormition Lent (from July 12 to August 13), as well as all the Mother of God days, especially the day of the Kazan Icon, also fits here. Mother of God(November 4). She is considered the patroness and defender of the Russian land. She is also miraculous; it is customary to pray to her for family happiness, the blessing of newlyweds and the birth of children.

The Church gives a clear answer on what days of the week you can get married, and they can also become favorable days for a wedding.

Who shouldn't get married?

Here is a list of people for whom the ritual is prohibited:

  • Unbaptized .
  • For those who are already married or committed to another person.
  • Close blood relatives up to the fourth generation.
  • Same-sex and transgender people.
  • Minors.
  • Godparents and children.
  • Monastics.
  • Those who are in clergy, starting with subdeacon.
  • Adoptive parents and adopted children.

You also need to know that

Many couples prefer not only to legalize their relationship in the registry office, but also to confirm it with a wedding ceremony. This is not only one of the most beautiful Orthodox ceremonies, but also a very serious step. Someone may not know, but you can’t get married at any time; there are days when, according to Orthodox traditions this ritual is not performed. So let's figure out what days you can get married in 2018?

Getting married is a difficult step married couples. It happens that they do it after many years of marriage. But many young lovers who are confident in their feelings perform a mysterious ceremony immediately after marriage.

It's important to remember one thing here: when expressing a desire to carry out this ritual, you should think carefully and be confident in each other’s feelings. After all, this beautiful divine union of two loving hearts is once and for all. It will be valid for the rest of your life. Even if one of the couple is disappointed in the future, this union cannot be broken. Debunking rituals simply do not exist.

If everything has already been decided and after the wedding the newlyweds decided to get married, and this is how it should be, you should fully weigh the decision and approach the choice of date very competently. And here the Orthodox wedding calendar for 2018 will help you.

It was created specifically for those wishing to get married. After all, it is well known that the church does not perform this ritual every day. Namely in Orthodox calendar weddings, the days on which, according to church canons, the ceremony can be performed, and in which it is prohibited.

What days can you get married?

The Church is fraught with many prohibitions, and therefore you need to choose a significant date especially carefully, avoiding all the pitfalls and others unpleasant moments so that the marriage is strong and long.

This is why brides, even the most non-superstitious ones, begin to remember everything, even the smallest details. On the eve of the wedding, they tend to succumb to superstitions and pay attention to all the details, because in their opinion, their happiness depends not only on complete mutual understanding and trusting relationships, but also on the date of the wedding.

A large number of rules and restrictions can lead any bride to despair, but here are some tips to help you make your choice.

The most suitable day for a wedding ceremony is considered to be Sunday, but ceremonies are also carried out on other days of the week, such as Wednesday, Friday and Monday.

The strongest marriages are for those couples whose wedding falls on the first Sunday after Easter. This holiday is called Red Hill. Of course, there are some difficulties, because this event has the same uncertain date as Easter, but in 2018 it falls on April 15, which is definitely worth remembering for those who want to get married on this holiday.

Also, according to beliefs, the second suitable date is the day of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, celebrated on November 4, as well as other holidays of the Mother of God.

It is also worth remembering about the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is also considered very good time for a wedding.

Of course, not many newlyweds will be able to perform their ceremony on such days; they will have to look further, go through different dates, carefully checking them with the calendar. Many do this based on existing restrictions. Quite easy to pick up the right time, using the method of elimination, discarding those days when weddings are prohibited.

Thanks to such simple steps, you can find the most suitable time periods in which any church will agree to hold the ceremony.

You can see which days are suitable for you for a wedding in this calendar:

When prohibited

Do not forget that the church has a rather impressive list of dates on which wedding ceremonies are prohibited. This prohibition primarily applies to long fasts.

Weddings are also prohibited on the days of the Continuous Weeks, of which there are as many as five.

In accordance with church rules, weddings are not held on days of major Christian celebrations. Such days must be spent with the church, not paying attention to your personal, base desires, devoting all your time to prayers, so as not to diminish the importance of the holiday.

This is due to the fact that during church celebrations it is customary to pacify the desires of the flesh, as well as take care of your spirit.

For an unprepared person, it will seem that there are too many prohibitions, and, therefore, there are no days to hold your ceremony, however, if you study everything carefully, you can choose a day that will satisfy you and will also be suitable for the church.

However, in order not to make a mistake in your choice and not to overshadow the ceremony, be sure to consult with the priest, who will definitely tell you the right dates and help you with your choice.

Why can they refuse a wedding?

The Church reserves the right to refuse to hold the ceremony for those couples whose personal qualities are not consistent with the foundations of the church and with social norms. Therefore, a couple will not be married if:

  • They are clergymen;
  • If both partners are not baptized, or at least one of them, then first you need to be baptized;
  • They are atheists;
  • Are in another marriage;
  • Took monastic vows;
  • Relatives, both blood and spiritual;
  • They practice different religions;
  • People over sixty;
  • Minors;
  • If they are responsible for the divorce from their previous spouse;
  • If this is the fourth marriage for one or both of them.

In very rare cases, the Church may deviate from strict principles and allow these people to get married, however, in order to hold the ceremony, a compelling reason is needed. The last word remains with the ruling bishop; it is he who decides whether such a couple should be married or not.

Is it possible to get married in May?

According to the wedding calendar, this month is perfect for a wedding, but people warn against such a step in this beautiful spring month.

The saying goes:

If you get married in May, you will suffer all your life.

Indeed, this spring month is the most suitable for marriage - warm, beautiful. But, sadly, there are few marriages during this period.

Where this statement came to us is now difficult to say. It is known, for example, that in ancient Rome May was considered an inappropriate month for weddings because hard work, as they say, there is no time for celebration.

Perhaps the statements of astrologers also played a role that in May our Sun was approaching the star Algol - the spirit of evil, as the Arabs called it in ancient times. And it, having a negative impact on a person’s consciousness, causes scandalous states that destroy marriages.

But this is the twenty-first century, and it’s good that there are newlyweds who ignore this belief.

They, not paying attention to all the predictions, decide to get married in this most wonderful month of nature awakening from its winter sleep, with its clean, breathtaking air, green lawns, the heady smell of trees covered in flowers, lilacs, daffodils, tulips and other early flowers.

Therefore, each couple who has decided to cement their union must decide for themselves whether to believe all this. Is it possible to accept the statements of astrologers as reality? And choose the day for the wedding that is most acceptable for both.

If marriage is truly for love, then, despite any prejudices, mutual respect, understanding and trust will accompany you all your life. And the bonds with which you bind yourself will not be a heavy duty, but happiness. Your wedding day will be the best day of your life!

Church wedding: what you need to know about the ceremony.

Wedding is one of the seven church sacraments, which is carried out according to strict rules. That is why most clergy advise preparing for it correctly.

But as practice shows, in large cities, due to large quantity those wishing to get married, this sacred action is carried out without preliminary confession of the newlyweds and their communion.

In our article we will try to understand the sacrament of wedding in more detail, and also tell you which church rules it is better not to violate.

Is it possible to get married on Saturday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday, weekends, or in the evening?

The best day for a wedding is Sunday

I would like to say right away that there are days when not a single priest will perform your wedding. According to church canons, this sacrament is prohibited from being performed on Tuesday, Thursday and all Wednesdays and Fridays preceding Lent. Saturday is also prohibited, since on this day absolutely all people must prepare for Sunday service.

That is why most priests advise newlyweds to get married on Sunday before 16-17 hours. In the evening, even on Sunday, no one will perform the sacrament. This is due to the generally accepted church structure, according to which the evening service begins at 17-18 hours, after which all clergy must go to rest.

Is it possible to get married while the bride or witness is on her period?

If you ask a priest this question, he will probably tell you that you cannot get married while on your period. Moreover, some clergy prohibit women from even entering church these days. But if you try to find the answer to this question in the Bible, you will find out that there are no such restrictions in it.

A similar lock appeared in those days when women did not wear underwear and knew nothing about the existence of sanitary pads. For this reason, if they were present at church service during menstruation, they left behind characteristic marks. In view of this, priests began to prohibit women from entering church during menstruation.

Is it possible to get married in a red, blue, pink, wedding dress, someone else's wedding dress, without a veil?

For a wedding, a white dress is preferable

The choice of wedding dress must also be approached responsibly. Ideally, it should be white and completely cover the bride's arms and legs. This outfit symbolizes the bride's chastity and virginity. If a girl gets married a second time, she can afford to wear a red or pink outfit. Wedding dresses in black, blue and purple are best not worn to a wedding.

This is due to the fact that most often such outfits are worn for mourning ceremonies. As for the veil, you must wear it. According to church rules, a woman cannot enter church with her head uncovered, so if your outfit does not require a veil, then throw a shawl over your head at the wedding.

Is it possible for a Catholic and an Orthodox, a Muslim and a Christian to get married?

I would like to say right away that the wedding of a Muslim man and a Christian woman is impossible not according to Christian or Muslim laws. In this case, the newlyweds will have to decide who will accept the other’s faith. As for marriage between a Catholic and a Christian, everything is much simpler.

Since Catholicism is considered one of the branches of Christianity, in this case a wedding is allowed without renouncing one’s faith. The newlyweds will just have to decide in which temple the ceremony will be held and be sure to receive a blessing from the patriarch.

Is it possible to get married without being baptized?

Only baptized people are married

No church will agree to marry unbaptized newlyweds. You will also receive a refusal if one person from the couple is not baptized. This is due to the fact that such people do not have an intercessor before God, which means no one guides or protects them in life.

It is believed that the Guardian Angel, whom a person receives at baptism, is the link that connects an ordinary sinful woman or man and the Almighty. That is why priests insist that a wedding is possible only if a person has undergone baptism.

Is it possible to get a divorce if you got married?

Initially, I would like to clarify that the church does not welcome divorce and advises people to do everything to save their marriage. But if the family cannot be saved, divorce is allowed.

True, in this case you will need to ask the patriarch himself for permission to debunk it. If you do not do this, then before God you will continue to remain a wife and husband.

Is it possible to get married in a monastery?

In the monastery people get married only with permission

Although there is no direct ban on getting married in a monastery, as a rule, the ceremony is not performed there. Sometimes an exception is made, but only if the abbot of the monastery gives permission.

Usually, newlyweds are refused due to the fact that in such places there live people who have given up worldly joys. In view of this, the ceremony is not performed so that the clergy do not become sad for their old life and did not give up serving God.

Is it possible to get married after or on the wedding day?

In the 18th-19th centuries, marriage was considered official only after the newlyweds were married in church. That is why it was forbidden to hold wedding banquets without this ceremony. Nowadays, the church is not so strict about this and allows a special ceremony to be held on the wedding day or immediately after the official registration of the marriage in the registry office.

Moreover, most priests agree to this procedure only after the couple has officially registered their relationship. This is due to the fact that modern man obliged to live in the generally accepted legal field, which dictates certain rules cohabitation of two recently strangers.

Can parents attend the wedding?

Parents must be present at the wedding

Parents not only can, but simply must attend the wedding of their children. If you have read the Bible, then you probably know that according to its commandments, children are obliged to honor the people who gave them life. For this reason, during the ceremony, special prayers must be read for the mother and father, in which they are thanked for their lives and asked for blessings for marriage.

Is it possible to get married on Krasnaya Gorka, Trinity?

In ancient times, Krasnaya Gorka was considered the most perfect time for creating new family. This was due to the fact that after celebrating this holiday, people began field work, and a new member of the family helped make everything a little faster. In addition, people believed that a wedding held on Krasnaya Gorka would make the newlyweds’ marriage strong and happy.

Modern lovers have little faith in omens, but sometimes they also decide to celebrate their wedding on this day. As for Trinity, it is not advisable to get married on this day. Since it is one of the twelve holidays on the eve of which church ceremonies are not held, it is simply incorrect to hold a wedding on this day.

Is it possible for two couples to get married at the same time?

It is not advisable for two couples to get married at the same time.

Although priests now decide to marry several couples at the same time, according to church rules this is prohibited. During the ceremony, the priest must ask for a blessing for the newly formed family, but it turns out that instead of two names, he pronounces four at once.

It is believed that in this case, couples get happiness in half and as a result the marriage is not very strong. In view of this, it will be better if you agree with the priest to perform the wedding ceremony exclusively for you.

Is it possible to remove the rings after the wedding and sell the ring you were wearing?

In principle, if you remove the wedding ring from your hand a couple of days after the wedding, then nothing bad will happen. Yes, it is a symbol of your love and devotion, but it does not have much impact on your marriage. If we talk about whether it is possible to sell a ring that was placed on your hand in church, then it is worth considering the ethical side.

Since the ring was bought specifically for you, its sale can greatly upset your other half, and you will simply quarrel. Therefore, try to take care of your wedding ring and only occasionally remove it from your hand.

Is it possible to film a wedding?

The wedding can be filmed

Initially, weddings were considered a sacrament that was forbidden to be filmed. But since we live in an age of rapidly developing digital technologies, clergy have become calm about the fact that newlyweds are trying to capture this solemn moment on camera. Therefore, most temples allow you to do this, although sometimes they ask you to pay an additional fee for filming.

Is it possible to marry a second cousin?

If you try to familiarize yourself with the generally accepted church rules, you will understand that people who are in the sixth degree of kinship can marry before God. And since second cousins ​​are considered relatives to the sixth degree, marriage between them is possible. Another question is how loved ones will react to this. Therefore, before you decide to take this step, be sure to ask for blessings from your parents and the patriarch.

Is it possible to get married after the birth of a child?

You can get married after the birth of a child

You can and should get married after the birth of a child. If you do not do this, then you will remain strangers before God. In view of this, if you were unable to get married before the baby was born, then do it immediately after you can go to church after giving birth. Please note that the ceremony will be possible only after the special Introduction of the woman in labor into the Temple of God.

Is it possible for godparents of one child to get married?

Until recently, there was a direct ban on the marriage of godparents to one child. The priests explained this by saying that the spiritual parents of a little man cannot marry in a way that could bring him trouble. Modern clergy are less superstitious, so they allow godparents to get married; they simply require special permission from the bishop of the diocese to which the person belongs to perform the ceremony.

Is it possible to get married without confession and communion?

Before the wedding you must confess and receive communion

As you probably understand, a wedding is a rather serious ceremony for which you need to properly prepare. And this means that you must come to it in an uneasy manner. good mood, a and c pure soul. Therefore, it will be better if, before the ceremony itself, you confess your sins and take communion.

After this you will definitely need to visit evening service and you can calmly prepare for the celebration. If you perform the ceremony without special preparation, you will transfer it to your new life all the burden of previously committed sins.

Is it possible to get married after your wife cheats?

Cheating on your wife is not a ban on a couple getting married. True, you must remember that before you decide to take this important step, you will need to forgive your loved one for the offense committed. If during the ceremony one of the spouses is offended by the other, then the wedding will not bring much benefit.

Is it possible to get married if you are married to someone else?

Married men cannot get married without first having their previous marriage annulled.

In principle, if a man was not married in a previous marriage, then the ceremony can be performed. Another thing is that a modern person must take into account the fact that now even the church asks for official confirmation of marriage registration and only after that conducts the ceremony. Therefore, we can definitely say that a man will not be able to marry his chosen one until the previous marriage is annulled.

Is it possible to get married with silver rings?

We are accustomed to thinking that only gold rings can be exchanged in church. In fact, silver rings are also suitable for weddings and, most importantly, such wedding jewelry is even preferable for the bride.

It is believed that silver represents the purity of the Almighty and emits His light. Therefore, if she carries on her hand silver ring, you will always be under his protection. As for the men's ring, it can be gold.

Is it possible to eat before the wedding?

Avoid eating before your wedding

You can eat before the wedding, but not too much. It is advisable that it be a light meal that will not cause heaviness in the stomach. If you overeat, you will most likely not feel normal and the special moment will be ruined. In addition, keep in mind that gluttony is considered a terrible sin and, as it says folk wisdom“A full belly is deaf to prayer.”

Is it possible to wear or sell a wedding dress after the wedding?

There are no prohibitions in church rules regarding the sale of wedding attire. But still, most priests advise taking care of the wedding dress and under no circumstances selling it. This is due to the fact that during the ceremony it is imbued with special energy, which protects the resulting family.

Our grandmothers believed that if wedding dress cover a sick child, he will recover very quickly. There is also a belief that by selling a dress, a woman gives away part of her family happiness with it.

In view of all this, it will be better if you do not take risks and do not sell your wedding dress. As for whether it can be worn, it is allowed to do so. You can only wear it on the brightest holidays or to celebrate a wedding anniversary.

Video: Wedding: rules

So, you have decided to join your destiny with your loved one, not just receiving the blessing of the registry office, but also getting married in Orthodox Church. It is important that this event turns out to be not just a tribute to fashion, but becomes a serious, deliberate step, and for this it is important to know its features. Who can get married and when, under what conditions is the sacred sacrament performed and what needs to be prepared for this?

The editors of the site learned all the details of this amazing and powerful ritual.

Who can and cannot get married

The first requirement for those getting married is to be baptized in the Orthodox Church. If the bride or groom is not a member of the Orthodox Church or the situation with baptism is not clear, it is important to come to the church at least a month before the expected wedding date and discuss the nuances with the priest. Sometimes it is allowed to marry newlyweds, even if someone in the couple is not Orthodox, but! - provided that children born in this marriage will be baptized in Orthodoxy.

The second requirement is the marriageable age of the young people: the bride must be 16 years old, the groom -18. True, the priest will probably make an exception for a younger bride if she is expecting a child (or, as we say in Ukraine, “if there is hope”). The Church is interested in children being born in a married marriage.

It is curious that the couple will be married even if the future spouses have not received the blessing of their parents. In this case, everything is decided by blessing clergyman.

IMPORTANT.Atheists and unbaptized blood and spiritual relatives (for example, godfather and goddaughter), as well as those marrying for the fourth time, cannot get married. The wedding ceremony can only be performed three times. And then provided that the person is widowed or the previous marriage was dissolved according to church rules.

When you can and cannot get married

It is important that you can get married on the day of marriage in the registry office (but this is very difficult to bear physically), and even if your legal marriage is many years old.

By the way, if one of the couple has any misunderstandings with documents or other problems, do not be afraid to contact the priest - they will definitely meet you halfway in the church.

Don't get married:

During fasting:
Rozhdestvensky - lasts November 28 - January 6;
Great - seven weeks before Orthodox Easter;
Petrov - depends on the date of Easter, lasts from 8 to 42 days;
Uspensky - lasts from August 14 to August 27.
Take this nuance into account when planning your wedding (fasting involves abstinence from food, alcohol consumption, loud celebrations, and sexual intimacy);

. weddings will be denied on significant days:
September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist;
September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross;
from January 7 to January 19 - Christmastide;
on Maslenitsa;
on Bright Week (the week after Easter);

If one of the couple planning to get married is married to another person who was not dissolved in the order established by the church;

People get married in church not every day, but 4 days a week on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On the days of four fasts, during them, church marriages are not celebrated;

If the blessing of a clergyman is not given for marriage and wedding.

IMPORTANT. There is one piquant point: according to church laws, you cannot appear in the temple at “ critical days" Well, it makes sense to calculate and choose the right time for the ceremony.

How to prepare for a wedding

It is important to choose a church and a priest who will perform the ceremony. It is advisable to give preference to the temple that you have been going to since childhood, or the one in which you feel comfortable and calm.

You need to agree on a wedding date in advance - several weeks in advance. It is also important to discuss in time: how long the ceremony will last, what to bring with you to the temple, whether it is possible to film the ceremony in the temple on camera or do a photo shoot, how much the ceremony will cost (it is paid).

IMPORTANT. The priest may offer you additional church services: e.g. bell ringing, church choir singing.

How to choose guarantors

Guarantors are witnesses at a wedding who hold the crowns during the ceremony. It is customary to choose them from close (friends), baptized, unmarried or legally married people (the church is not allowed to choose divorced or civilly married people). Guarantors perform the same duties as godparents: they help young people in life with advice and spiritually guide the family.

IMPORTANT. If it was not possible to reach an agreement with witnesses, the wedding can take place without them.

Which wedding dress to choose?

An important rule: young people must wear baptismal crosses. The bride is supposed to wear a dress that is not short (below the knees), without a deep neckline and too open shoulders (a stole can be thrown over the shoulders). A veil is allowed, but massive headdresses or hats are not allowed, since the bride will be wearing a church crown on her head.

The groom is supposed to be in a suit, but... not in a sports suit or too bright or extravagant, and for female guests of the ceremony it is advisable to wear a dress or a skirt below the knee, and for married women - with their heads covered.

IMPORTANT.The bride should not come to church with very bright makeup, and besides, you cannot kiss the cross and the icon with painted lips. By the way, people believe that a wedding dress cannot be given or sold: it is stored like a baptismal shirt, kryzhma and candles.

What you need to prepare for a wedding

Two scarves (they are used to wrap wedding candles).

IMPORTANT. The wedding towel is kept, like wedding candles, which can be lit to cleanse the house on difficult days or when someone in the family is sick.

How to behave during a wedding ceremony

The priest will tell you how the ceremony will take place. The wedding takes place at the entrance to the church, the bride stands to the left of the groom, both stand on a towel and keep candles lit until the end of the sacrament. During the ceremony, the newlyweds are blessed by the priest - after a special prayer, he must change the wedding rings from the young man’s hand to the bride’s hand three times.

Next, the confessor asks the question: “Is the wedding taking place of your own free will? Are there any obstacles? After the young people answer and pray, the young people become spouses before God. They kiss the church crowns and drink the church wine in three gulps.

At the end of the ritual, the priest leads the spouses around the lectern, then to the Royal Doors, the young man kisses the icon of Christ, the young woman kisses the icon of the Mother of God. Afterwards, guests can congratulate the newlyweds!