What can you play with your loved one? Romantic games for lovers

What can you play on paper together?

Games and entertainment “on paper” are familiar to people from school. They are distinguished by their simplicity and the fact that they are able to capture and interest from the first minutes. For such games, you only need a sheet of paper (depending on each: checkered, lined, or blank), as well as a writing pen or pencil.

Games on paper:

  • Tic-tac-toe is a classic game for which you need to draw a grid of 9 cells. Decide with your partner who will draw what (crosses or toes). Start the game, each of your moves is one sign. The winner is the one who managed to draw three identical signs horizontally, diagonally or vertically.
  • Sticks – For this game you will need a squared sheet of paper. On it you need to draw a geometric rhombus. The task of each player is to draw sticks inside the rhombus, which would occupy one side of the cell. If someone manages to find an open cell (that is, sticks on three sides), he immediately draws a fourth, and inside his own sign - a cross or a zero. The one who draws the most symbols on the playing field wins.
  • Hand - you will need a checkered piece of paper (you can also use a line). Circle your hand, inside its outline you should write numbers from 1 to 100 in different places(confused). Your partner does the same on his leaf. Then you exchange leaves. The task is to take turns finding a number from 1 to 100 and circling it after finding it. While you are looking for it, your partner draws zeros around the outline of your hand. The winner is the one who draws a full of foliage leaves in the “free territory”.
  • Sea battle - in order to start the game, you should draw two battle fields (for each player). The field looks like a square of 10 by 10 cells each (the top line is indicated by letters: from a to i, and the left vertical line is from 1 to 10. Inside the field, each player draws ships: 1 of 4 cells, 2 of 3, 3 of 2 and 1 single). Your task is to shoot at the enemy field, calling coordinates, for example: “a-10” or “g-7”. The winner is the one who first “sinks” all the enemy ships.
  • Words - a long word is written on a piece of paper. The task of each player is to come up with as many small words of the long word as possible. The one whose number is the largest will win. For example, the word “parallelogram” and from it the words: “pair”, “gram”, “Lego”, “goal”, “frame” and so on.
  • Word crossword - Write a long word in the middle of the sheet. Your task is to add small or other words that would consist of several letters of the original one. The winner is the one who composes the maximum number of words (1 word – 1 point), the longest word (more than one letter – 2 points).

What cards can you play together?

Many people like to play cards, because they allow you to completely forget about time and have fun.

Interesting card games:

  • The Fool is an old and familiar game. There are two types: “Ordinary Fool” and “Flip-Up”. The objective of the game is to beat a higher card of the same suit or any trump card. Each player receives 6 cards and as they are discarded, they replenish their set. The one who runs out of cards wins.
  • Queen of Spades– players must have an equal number of cards. Among them, all must be paired. One by one, each player draws a card from a partner without looking and, adding a pair to it, folds it back (for example: 9 cross and 9 diamond). Among all the cards there is one - “Queen of Spades”. The one who has this card left (it is the only one that does not have a pair, since 1 queen is discarded from the deck immediately) and its owner at the end of the game will become the losing side.
  • Trump Card – Place the deck face down in front of you. Designate a trump card (any suit) in advance and turn over one card at a time. Whoever is lucky enough to play trump takes the entire stack of turned over cards. The one who has more cards will lose.
  • Drunkard - place the deck face down in front of you. Start turning over the cards one at a time. The one whose card is higher will have to take the entire inverted pile. The loser at the end will have more cards.

Interesting children's card games

Outdoor games for two at home without a computer: what to play?

An alternative to "harmful" computer games can become active, interesting games that can be played at home or outdoors.

  • Edible or not edible - the task of this game is simple: everyone should guess what object their partner will name. Depending on this, he either catches or hits a small ball. The one who hits the “edible word” or catches the “inedible” one loses.
  • Crocodile is a simple and very interesting game, in which everyone must show the word with gestures and movements. You cannot pronounce words or make sounds. The one who doesn't guess the word loses.
  • Cold or hot - your task is to hide some object at home or on the street. Your partner is looking for it, and you help him do this by telling him “hot, warm or cold” as he approaches the hidden thing.
  • Note - the game is simple and interesting: one participant writes words on the back of his partner with his fingers, and he guesses the letters and makes up the word. The one who composes the most words wins.
  • Broken Phone - This game will require a large number of children. Everyone sits in a row. The first child comes up with a word and tells it to his neighbor, but quickly and quietly. He conveys it exactly as he heard it. The latter speaks the word he hears loudly. If the word ultimately turns out to be “spoilt,” everyone voices what they heard and thus the loser is revealed.

Interesting and fun games for children

What games can adults play at home, in an apartment, without a computer?

Adult games are more complex thought processes, since they are mainly designed for logic.

  • Backgammon - for this you will need dice, checkers and a special field for the game. The winner is the one who first throws the checkers around and returns to his place.
  • Chess is a logical game, the meaning of which is to seize someone else's territory and destroy the “enemy's army.”
  • Checkers - the game is designed for white or black checkers to move to the opposite field and “destroy” the opponent’s checkers.
  • Guess who I am (Tarantino) - the game is very simple and exciting at the same time. The names of world figures (actors, singers, politicians) are written on pieces of paper. The leaves are mixed and everyone chooses one for themselves, then attaches it to their forehead. Everyone’s task is to guess what kind of personality they have through leading questions.
  • Mafia is a complex turn-based game in the detective genre. You should use regular or special cards in the game, and you cannot do it without the help of a leader.

What games can a husband and wife play at home, in an apartment without a computer?

  • Lotto is a classic game that makes time literally fly by. To do this, you will need a special set of tickets and a bag with kegs. The first one to fill his ticket with numbers wins.
  • Jenga is a logic game in which you have to remove blocks from a constructed tower by taking them out from the middle. The task is not to destroy the tower; the one whose tower crumbles loses.
  • True or false - each player tells two stories, one of which is fiction, and the other is true. The second player's task is to find out what is what. The one who knows his partner best will win.
  • Associations - your task is to think of a word and tell your partner all the associations with it so that he guesses it. Whoever guesses the most words wins.
  • "What movie?" - for this, players should be real movie buffs. Describe the story of the main character without naming him, and your opponent will guess the movie. The more correct answers, the more points.

What games can a guy and a girl play at home, in an apartment without a computer?

  • Towns - the task of each player is to name the city with the letter that was the last in the already named word. You can also change the theme of the game, for example, not the names of cities, but the names of flowers or dishes.
  • Strip cards - for a young couple, even an ordinary “Fool” will be much more interesting if everyone takes turns taking off their items of clothing.
  • Puzzles – buy a large picture puzzle and try to spend time together putting it together piece by piece. At this time, you can discuss many life issues and tell interesting stories.

Collecting puzzles is an interesting pastime

What games can you play at home, in an apartment alone without a computer with a friend?

  • Fortune telling about your betrothed is an interesting pastime for two young girls, especially since there are many options for fortune telling today: on cards, wax, coffee grounds, phone call and so on.
  • Believe it or not - your friend asks you a question that you must answer correctly and incorrectly, and her task is to choose the correct answer. The winner of the game will be the one who has the most guessed answers.
  • “Weak” - in any game (be it cards, lotto or palms) there can be “weak”. This is the very punishment that should be done. As a rule, this is a funny or shameful activity that is not easy to carry out.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment alone without a computer with your brother?

  • Dominoes are an interesting and exciting game of stacking dominoes.
  • Mosaic - you can add many interesting pictures together.
  • Constructor - build castles, houses or entire cities together.
  • Twister is an active game with a special playground.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment alone without a computer with your sister?

  • Monopoly is an interesting, exciting logic game with many tasks and elements.
  • Modeling from plasticine or plasticine dough - modern modeling dough or plasticine will allow you to create interesting figures and have fun.
  • Puppet show - funny stories with toy characters will certainly amuse you and help you have an interesting time.

What can boys and girls between 10 and 14 years old play together without a computer if they’re bored?

  • Paper dolls – for the game you should draw and cut out dolls, and also come up with paper clothes for them.
  • I am a designer - girls really like the game, as it makes them feel like a real designer, creating collections of fashionable clothes and arranging a show for their friend.
  • Rubber band is a fun and active game in the fresh air.
  • As a hairdresser, it’s very interesting to create hairstyles and styles for your girls friends.

What can you play together in the hospital?

  • Guess the melody - you need to sing a familiar song with your voice, and your partner in the game must guess it.
  • Coloring and drawing are a fun and relaxing pastime that everyone will enjoy.
  • In the questionnaire - compilation interesting questions about hobbies and answers to them.
  • Poems - each player writes one line, which continues the previous one in rhyme.


Adult games for two...

To be honest, I'm a little shocked. Yes, today my husband and I managed to oversleep for work (Dasha ran off to school on her own, and the little one, due to the fact that he went to bed at the beginning of four in the morning, had not yet woken up), then, since the children FINALLY do not interfere with us, I have an hour and a half to myself, I deliberately neglected it - well, that’s rare for us these days, since Akim adjusted his regime to suit ours). But now my dear friend in contact sent me a link with the text “You will need this.” And this despite the fact that in the area of ​​intimacy he is very reserved, well, exactly according to the horoscope). Why would that be, huh?

Many people sometimes don’t have the courage to admit what they dream about or what new things they would like to try in sex. But with the help of sexual play it is easier to open up. Because you can always turn a sexual fantasy into a joke, in case awkward situation. Which game should you choose?

Time bomb

You will need: a clock or a timer.

How to play: Set an alarm or timer for, say, 20 minutes. Caress each other without having actual sex until the end of the set time. You can also gradually increase the playing time by setting the timer on the first day to 20 minutes, on the second day to 30 minutes, and on the third day to 40 minutes.

Why is this needed: many couples in our extremely busy rhythm of life tend to reduce love foreplay to a minimum, depriving themselves both emotionally and physically. “Time Bomb” will allow you to focus just on love foreplay. This will help teach your partner to take his time and enjoy every minute of your communication. You'll be surprised how much foreplay changes the entire sex experience. Just be creative and show a little imagination.

Naked Blind

You will need: a scarf or thick scarf.

How to play: Blindfold your partner. Lay him down on the bed or sofa, or just on the floor. Then start caressing him the way you want: do it slowly, gently and slightly teasing. Let his excitement tell you what to do. Next time, have your partner blindfold you.

Why is this needed: not being able to see what is happening to you during lovemaking, you get two advantages - the sensitivity of your body and the strength of physiological responses increase many times over.

You will need: four short or special safety handcuffs, which can be purchased at any sex shop.

How to play: Before making love, tie your partner's hands, or tie his wrists and ankles to the bed. You can also blindfold your partner, as in the previous game.

What is it for: this is a fairly well-known sex game, popular with many couples. Some people find it very exciting to feel completely defenseless, to be the absolute center of their partner’s attention and not be able to somehow influence the course of events. Others like to feel complete power over their partner and fulfill their sexual fantasies.

Bad girl

You will need: a thin belt or nothing at all.

How to play: Tell your partner about all the bad things you did today. These can be both real and fictitious actions, and the most ordinary ones (for example, they forgot to take change at the store). Then get on your knees by the bed and let your partner spank you lightly, using harmless accessories or just his hand - or punish you in some other way, in accordance with his sexual fantasies. Next time you can switch roles.

Why is this necessary: ​​if your boyfriend is tired of the image of a decent and caring wife, you can become a bad girl for him in bed. The contrast between a partner in reality and this fictitious image excites most men. In addition, the buttocks are a very sensitive erogenous zone.

Tropical beach

You will need: a large towel or blanket and a bottle of massage oil or any body lotion.

How to play: spread a towel on the bed or carpet. Pour some oil on your hands and rub them to warm up the oil. Apply oil or lotion to your partner, making sure not to miss any part of their body. Give him a gentle and sensual massage. To diversify the game, you can rub each other at the same time.

Why this is needed: you will be surprised how much your sensitivity will increase, and how many new sensations such a massage will bring to your love foreplay. The oil gives more freedom to any movements, softens the skin and gives it increased sensitivity. In addition, oiled bodies look very erotic.

Sex school

How to play: Pretend that one of you is a virgin. The partner must teach the newcomer what and how to do. Give detailed lessons: what to do with your hands or lips to excite the teacher.

Why you need it: You can discover a lot of new things about what your partner likes in sex. In addition, you will be able to significantly improve or correct your sexual technique.

Mind Reading

How to play: undress and sit opposite each other, look into each other's eyes, trying to read each other's thoughts and guess what your partner would like you to do to him. After a few minutes, share your observations with your partner and let him tell you whether you guessed right or not.

Why is this needed: maybe you will be pleasantly surprised by your partner’s desires and look at him from a new perspective. In any case, such sexual conversation is exclusively erotic and arousing in nature, writes IVONA.


Romantic games for lovers - WomanWiki

Let's add romance to your life!

Romance games for lovers - entertainment, a game with the goal of rekindling erotic feelings, having fun, having fun, enjoying each other's company.

Romantic games for lovers - games without losers

Such games are not a competition in intelligence, speed, dexterity, knowledge and skills. It doesn't matter at all who lost and who won. The process of communication, touch and closeness of people is important here. Romantic games for lovers are perfect for a date or a romantic dinner alone. This is a great scenario for Valentine's Day, dating anniversary or wedding day, as well as any weekday that you want to make your personal holiday. Romantic games for lovers can lift the mood, break the ice (literally and figuratively) after a quarrel, introduce an element of flirtation into everyday life, and become a prelude to beautiful sex. Next, we will tell you the rules of simple, fun, fun games that you can play with your loved one.

Game "Tender words"

Take turns calling each other tender words. Don't repeat what was said. The loser is the one who cannot say another kind word within five seconds.

Game “Me and Fire, Me and Ice!”

Place an ice cube in your mouth in such a way that, without removing the ice from your mouth, you can draw it on your partner’s body. Draw ice on his body, write letters, draw hearts. The goal is to pass the ice into your partner's mouth without using your hands. Now it’s his turn to write cherished confessions for you with an ice cube.

Game “Guess the inscription”

Give your loved one a back massage. Then use your finger to write words on his back. His task is to read your message.

Game "Spin the Bottle for Two"

Well-known, very popular game. Play it together! Grab a bottle of champagne, spin it and kiss! Funny, cute, fun. Then open a bottle of champagne and drink the sparkling drink to your love!

Game “Where I draw, I’ll kiss you”

Draw lip prints on your partner's body. Use lipstick or multi-colored pastry paints for this. In addition, sponges can be painted with chocolate, jam, and cream. And now your task is to kiss each print. It turns out very funny if you use multi-colored paints.

Today, romantic games for lovers can be bought in the store

Game "Kiss by Kiss"

Take a dice used for playing dice. Agree that each side of the cube means a certain type of kissing. For example, 1- Kiss the cheek, 2- palm, 3- lips, 4- neck, 5- inner side elbow bend, 6-navel. Kiss each other in turns depending on what comes up on the dice.

Game "Magic Word"

Before the date, each partner thinks of a word. If during a date a partner utters a word conceived by another, then at the same moment he receives a kiss for it.

Game "Hot - cold"

Prepare a small surprise (small souvenir) for your loved one, hide it in the room where the date is taking place. Your partner must find a gift. If he approaches in search, say “Warm,” if he moves away, then “cold.” This is a simple children's game, you probably played it as a child. On Valentine's Day, it's time to remember her.

Game "Watching a movie"

Wonderful game. Play it with your loved one while watching a movie at home. Make a wish for a specific action of the characters in the film. When these actions are completed, kiss each other. For example, you can wish the following actions characters: when they eat, kiss, enter a room, swear obscenely, laugh, and so on. For one movie, limit yourself to just one action sequence. For example, while we are watching this movie, we kiss while the heroes are shooting (great for action movies, isn't it?). And in another film we will kiss when the heroes are using an umbrella...

Game "Let's have a snack, darling"

Eat one apple, banana, sandwich without using your hands, passing the treat from mouth to mouth. The task is to eat the whole treat without dropping it or spilling it.

Game "Blind Kisses"

Blindfold each other. Without using hands, partners kiss each other 50 times in turns.

Game "Chocolate creativity"

Erotic game. Write your name on your partner's body with chocolate. And then try to erase the inscription with kisses. Then it’s his turn to please you with his chocolate kisses.

The bedroom is a great place for romantic games for two!

“Erotica is not erotica”

This simple game is an exact copy of the children's game "edible - inedible." Throw the ball to each other in turns, calling “erotic” and “non-erotic” words. This is very fun game! In practice, you will be able to see that what you thought was a completely ordinary word can suddenly be filled with erotic meaning right during the game!

Surely, you were able to see that games for lovers are very simple, even elementary. If you have love, passion and a sense of humor in your life, then you can come up with many games yourself, the main thing is desire and creativity! Let good mood does not leave you not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. May ordinary daily chores never take away your desire to enjoy simple things! May romance always live in your heart.


Romantic games for two

The older we get, the more serious and formal we become. We try to control everything, manage everything, we have no time for entertainment. And then we transfer all this to personal life: we build serious, strong, stable relationships, which in the end are more like business ones. They lose their original carefreeness, joy and lightness.

But there is a way out of every situation. Organize a romantic and playful evening for two, seasoning it with cute pranks and spicy entertainment. Release your inner child, throw away all your worries, allow yourself to flirt, flirt with each other and just feel.

A variety of games for lovers are perfect for such an evening. There is no competition for superiority, there are no losers. There are only seething emotions, feelings and intimacy between two people.

"Find Your Love"

At the beginning of the evening (or maybe even the whole gaming day), we return to the past, when we were lonely and looking for our soul mate. We are looking for her again, but in a more limited space (room, apartment, garden country house, forest lawn, etc.).

Anyone who searches is blindfolded. And the second participant picks up two glasses of champagne, looks for a “secluded” place and stays there throughout the entire game. You can find it by the clink of glasses. When the "seeker" eyes closed raises his hand up, the one who is hiding should clink his glasses. But you can only do this three times. The goal is to find a partner and share a sparkling drink with him.

Variations: You can use a bell to make sounds or simply say “I love you.” If the search space is too small or you can navigate it very well with your eyes closed, then limit the number of sounds given or expand the area, outlining the boundaries of permitted movement. In the latter case, be careful “on turns” so as not to spoil the evening with an accidentally filled cone.

"By the will of fate"

At first, relationships develop on their own, no one is completely sure of anything, so everything is left to chance.

"Mysterious Cubes"

For this game you will need pre-purchased or made cubes. On each face of one of the cubes there are parts of the body written: for example, lips, neck, arm, forehead, etc. And on the other - actions are indicated: kiss, stroke, pinch, bite, etc. Everyone takes turns rolling the dice and getting a combination to perform - kiss the forehead, pinch the hand, etc.

Variations: Cubes can be replaced with cards, dividing them into two groups - body parts and actions. This option allows you to increase the number of possible final combinations.

"Sharp Kiss"

This game will allow you not just to rely on chance, but to try to direct it in a certain direction. Basically, it's a game of darts. But on the field, instead of points, we place the same cards with body parts. Wherever you go, kiss there.

Variations: Instead of writing names of body parts, place an outline of a human figure on the wall and kiss your partner at the point on the body that corresponds to the dart hit. For the effect of surprise, throw the dart blindfolded.

"According to my will"

When you get to know a person better, you begin to understand what suits you about him and what you would like to “adjust.” With mutual trust and openness, everything is simple: we decided, discussed, and resolved the issue. Like in wish games.


We place cards with previously prepared desires in a circle and rotate the “arrow”, which can be any spinning improvised means, including a bottle of champagne. We lay out the cards in two different circles - separately with the desires of one partner and the other, or we mix everything together. This is even more interesting, because it may turn out that you will have to fulfill your own written desire.

Variations: The right to “spin the reel” must be earned. How - choose at your discretion. For example, it may be given to someone who wins some other game. Luck will smile on the lucky one with a large number points scored. But you should be careful with the selection test so as not to turn the evening into a gaming club. Give preference to simple Tetris, games from the series “three in a row” or for two players, use old familiar games: sea battle, tic-tac-toe, card “fool”.

"Closer to the body"

Every established and proven relationship sooner or later moves from knowledge of the inner world to comprehension of the physical. Let's move on.

"38 parrots"

Probably everyone remembers the Soviet cartoon about how a boa constrictor was measured. Taking measurements is a great way to get to know your body. Parrots, of course, will not be required. But you can use whatever your imagination allows - a matchbox, candy, rose petals, kisses. What will we measure? Of course, the volume of the chest, waist, hips. If desired, the “route” can be changed.


Also a well-known game, but with slightly modified rules. As usual, one person hides an item, for example, a gift for a significant other. The seeker's task is to find the surprise using the clues from the hidden one. In our case, they will not be verbal, but emotional. Let’s say when it’s “cold” - the one who hid the object does not express anything, “warmer” - begins to stroke the partner, “hot” - kisses. Everyone chooses their own manifestations of “warmth”, and the second participant must correctly guess them.

Variations: If the item is not too bulky, then it can be hidden on the body, for example, in clothes. Searching by touch will turn into a very exciting tactile entertainment.

"Alone in the World"

When feelings are mutual and bring happiness and pleasure, they completely absorb a person. There are only you two and your love left in the world.

At the end of the evening you may want to take a walk, visit a restaurant or go to the movies. But this does not mean that the romantic games end there.

"Sweet Word/Sweet Action"

Before going out, each partner thinks of a certain word. Then, throughout the evening, if your partner says the word you have in mind, then you instantly kiss him. And it doesn't matter where you are or how many people surround you. A nuance: if you want more kisses, try to guess what word your partner said and repeat it as often as possible.

And when you go to watch a movie, together make a wish for some action of the characters (eating, dancing, laughing). And when these actions are performed in the film - kiss each other.

Churakova Olenka specially for http://anjutiny-glazki.ru

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Romantic games for two lovers

What does it take to give your loved one an amazing evening? Of course, candles and music will come in handy, but for the perfect romantic evening, a board game will always come in handy. The game is bewitching, enchanting, light, but at the same time promising a very serious, full of passion, continuation. Anytime, anywhere it will be a romantic gift for two.

First thing in the cafe

It would seem that there are people around, bustle, a lot of eyes, what romance there is here! How about turning an ordinary meeting into a romantic game? The “Ask Me” cards from the hit game “Party in Bed” will help you with this. The questions here can be extremely sensitive, and the need to answer quietly will only add exciting intimacy to the dialogue.

Do you prefer a social atmosphere? Take the Flirting Flowers set with you and exchange vintage cards with romantic sayings from the last century. However, any, even the most immodest, set can be turned into a romantic board game for two - by correctly selecting the appropriate tasks.

Dropping everything and leaving the city

In the “Tete-a-Tete” and “Shura-Mura” forfeit sets you will find tasks that do not require additional props. At the same time, the forfeits of both decks themselves will offer you and your loved one more romantic than erotic games. If you want to take more decisive action, stock up on the “Chocolate” and “Caramel Paradise” decks, where tenderness quickly turns into unbridled passion.

Or just staying at home

The best romantic games for two lovers to enjoy at home don't stop at the bed. You can spend hours showing each other tasks from “Activity for Adults”, you can tell fortunes together on the erotic Drun tarot or study the “Coffee Break” forfeits.

Anywhere, any minute

But if you are serious, you need a long, varied, unpredictable romantic game for lovers, then choose “For You”. Over the coming weeks, she will teach you how to give joy to your other half every day, how to prepare and receive surprises, how to understand each other, and how to appreciate every movement of your heart. Do you know what's most wonderful? The fact that by completing 15 tasks each from the pink (for her) and blue (for him) envelopes, you will get so involved that then, when the tasks are over, you will somehow naturally continue to please each other. Actually, that’s why romantic games for couples are needed: this is, so to speak, “starter” magic, and you can develop it yourself. And without any hints.


Seven best games to play with your girlfriend

Home page for now social network our vast homeland is struggling to produce related products, we decided to remember why all this fuss was started. The last thing you should pay attention to is chemistry and so on, because that’s not why we love our other halves.

It's always nice to spend an evening with your significant other, especially if you share a common hobby. Today I decided to introduce you to my soulmate’s seven favorite games.

Eleven years ago, Alice's parents died in a fire, and she herself received severe burns. The merciless flames scorched not only the child’s body, but also her mind. The girl ended up in a psychiatric hospital. There she struggled for a long time with the demons that overwhelmed her, escaping into the world of her own fantasies - Wonderland.

Anyone who loves Lewis Carol will understand. Dark, beautiful, bloody. Acid mushrooms and Cheshire, I didn’t notice how time flew by. - Julia

Conquer the world! Guide your people through the centuries - from the dawn of civilization to the era of space exploration. Start wars, negotiate, make scientific discoveries - build the greatest empire in the history of mankind. A convenient, understandable, elegantly designed interface will allow beginners to quickly get used to the gaming world. Veterans will appreciate the depth of development, detail and wide control options that have made the series famous.

It's nice to be Caesar or Napoleon. You can brew a couple of wars or raise an ideal race. Plus this game is almost like a history textbook. - Julia

The walls are shaken by vibration, and an incredible sound displaces the air colored with lights! Meet the third part of the legendary Guitar Hero. It is louder, more energetic, brighter and crazier than the previous ones. No one can resist the temptation to perform on the same stage with iconic rock musicians and personally perform their famous works. Turn up the volume, turn up the bass, forget about time and unhappy neighbors!

Who doesn't want to be a rock star? Debi Hari, One Way or Another and red lipstick. You can sing along (if no one hears) - Julia

You will play as one of four new survivors, using a variety of bone-crushing guns to fight enemies, including updated ones from the first part of the game. Plus, you can unleash your aggression on the infected with brutal melee weapons like the chainsaw, axe, and deadly frying pan.

I can confess my love to left 4 dead forever. Zombie, machete, chainsaw is the best combination. The game will never get boring; you can play it again and again. - Julia

In reality, each person is given only one life to live. But with The Sims 3, this limitation can be removed! It’s up to you to decide where, how and with whom to live, what to do, how to decorate and equip your home. The Sims 3 is a unique life simulator that takes and enhances all the best from previous episodes of the legendary series.

Build the house of your dreams, eat and don’t get fat, get married, have a lover(tsu) or 20 cats. The Sims is like playing with dolls, only for big girls. - Julia

Tekken 6 brought back many familiar faces, but also introduced new heroes, resulting in the largest character lineup in the series. Rich gaming experience, interesting opportunities to create and change your hero will not leave you indifferent. One of the new features of the game is online battles, where you can always try to become the king of the iron fist tournament!

The boss at work bothered you, did you step on white sneakers in the subway? The best way to get rid of negativity. Again, you can play with a guy and make it just by pressing all the buttons in a row)) - Julia


12 Romantic Ideas - World of Entertainment Ideas

Anyone who values ​​relationships will be happy to take care of them. It's no secret that one of the best ways strengthen and diversify your relationship with your loved one - surprise him. Romantic ideas will not only help you take care of your relationship but will also keep you entertained throughout the day.

1. Balls with hints. Some people believe that you can simply give a gift to your loved one, without any surprises, that is, just put it in your hands, kiss it and say how much you love him. If you want to leave more of an impression on your gift, then use this romantic idea. Take several balloons, put notes in them with declarations of love and tips for the next balloon. The last ball will contain a hint where the gift is. For an even greater effect, you can turn on your favorite song in the room where the gift will be and dance a little to it, hugging and looking into each other’s eyes.

2. Kiss for laughter. Sometimes ordinary kisses are enough to make your day with your loved one a success. To kiss more often you can use this game. Download or rent a REALLY funny movie. When watching a movie, when one of you laughs first, he will have to kiss your partner. And whoever laughed the least during the entire film will have to come up with a tempting romantic idea by the end of the day, which will be fulfilled by the same person in the coming days.

3. Puzzles with surprises. Buy bubbles of about 100-200 particles and collect them. On back side write a romantic message, a confession. Anything, as long as it is pleasant to read to the person to whom you are doing all this. When you're done, take the bubbles back and put them in the box. Give them to your loved one with the words that when the puzzles are collected, a surprise will appear. I read on the Internet that there are still companies that can make a mosaic from your photo.

4. Chess night. If you both know how to play chess, then you should try this idea. In the evening, when it gets dark, open a bottle of your favorite wine, pour it into glasses, turn on calm music and start playing. There is very little chance of finishing the game, but later you can start again!

5. Night card games. When you both are getting ready to go to bed, invite your loved one to play cards for stripping or wishes. Remember, desires can be related to sex, in which you can use sex toys. With each round the game will become more interesting and sexier. Believe me, it's worth trying at least once in your life.

6. Lover's Cup. Sports stores sell a variety of cups. Buy one of them. After making love, give your loved one the same cup with the words that he is the best lover of all. Imagine what reaction he might have. Every man dreams of such an award! You can kiss him when you present the award. For kissing, lips must be painted, but I think you know how to paint lips correctly, and if not, then you need to learn. Your boyfriend will appreciate it.

7. We explode the balloons while hugging. Blow up as many balloons as possible and scatter them around the bed. Then both lie down on the bed and start popping balloons with your bodies while hugging. That is, as many balloons as possible should end up between your bodies and you will have to burst them, trying to kiss together. It will be very fun and entertaining. For greater effect, insert notes with declarations of love into some balloons.

8. Basketball strip. Hang a small children's basketball hoop at home, which is sold inexpensively in stores along with the ball. Set the distance from the hoop that you both want to throw the ball from. When a guy gets into the ring, the girl takes off some of her clothes, and when a girl gets into the ring, the guy takes off some of her clothes. After completely undressing, you can play with desires, which is even more tempting.

9. Looking for food. Blindfold your partner and tell him that he will have to find various berries on your body using only his lips. You'll both love this romantic idea!

10. Romantic day. In the summer, in the evening, when it’s already dark, blindfold your girlfriend, put her in the car and take her to a river or lake. There, spread a warm blanket on a hill or other beautiful place. Champagne, fruits and sweets must be on the blanket. The girl must still be blindfolded. Take her out of the car, sit her on a warm blanket and remove the bandage. The effect will be visible on her face. Clean starry sky, a calm river and a loved one. Instant kisses guaranteed! ?? For greater effect, you can use several candles around the blanket.

11. Painted body. Buy several tubes of creams (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, whatever). And start drawing on your partner's naked body using your creativity. Afterwards you can “eat” your creativity.

12. Vulgar children's games. Do you remember how you played hide and seek, blind man's buff and other games as a child? So why not play these same games only with elements of vulgarity? When someone loses, he takes off some of his clothes. When you don't know how to have fun with your partner, such ideas become very tempting.

If you haven't found any romantic ideas that suit you, then you can look for ideas on what to do in free time with your other half.

In the article you will learn:

What to do in the evening with your husband at home to have fun?

Hello, dear readers! There is a fact that you can’t argue with: in any family there comes a time when the usual leisure time becomes boring. I would like to somehow diversify the evenings, but besides the banal watching of films, nothing comes to mind. For this case, I have prepared various ideas,what to do in the evening with your husbandto make it really interesting and exciting!

Relax actively

So, if the working day was not very tiring and you have the energy for an evening promenade, then you should go to the city for new impressions. The simplest thing is to open a poster on the city’s main information resource and choose something you like:

  • visit exhibitions, theaters, cinemas, festivals, concerts;
  • go to sporting events or invite friends, go out with them to play basketball, volleyball or any other favorite ball games;
  • attend dancing and playing classes together musical instruments;
  • go on a bike ride or play mafia.

But what to do if you have no strength or desire to go, you want to stayHousestogether? Or do you live in big city, where there is not a lot of urban entertainment at all? Then my ideas will be useful to you.

After all, as Aristotle rightly said: “Happiness, apparently, lies in leisure.”


Well, of course! When do we have the most fun? When we play! That's whygamesshould become a mandatory part family vacation . Of all their diversity, desktop ones occupy a special place. Firstly, they are very convenient at home. Secondly, they develop thinking, memory, and attention. Thirdly, a huge selection for two.

There are different genres: calm, dynamic, strategy, quests, card games and others. I'll tell you about the ones I liked:

  • Jenga. It is also called the “leaning tower”. It was invented by a girl, Leslie Scott, who, out of boredom, was playing around with bricks from a nearby construction site and invented the rules for a new fun activity. The essence of the game is to build a turret from even bars. When the bars are finished, they are removed from the tower and placed on the upper floors. Accordingly, the one who dropped it lost. I promise it will be fun and also useful.
  • Colonizers. This strategy will make an evening holiday with your husband exciting and exciting. The task will be to develop the colonized island. It will be necessary to build roads, improve cities, reveal the talents of the people, and protect the population. Whoever develops his possessions first wins!
  • Dominion. Another card strategy that will provide you with an intense fight. The main task is, as a lord, to win the right to rule the kingdom.

And of course, classics. Lotto, chess, backgammon. Another huge advantage of board toys is that you can play with husband and a child. The little player will find it interesting and very, very useful. So I recommend it again!

In addition to desktop ones, you can find many logic games for two. And you’ll flex your brains and compete to see which of you thinks better☺ And your husband will really appreciate the idea of ​​playing a console! If you don’t have one, you can rent it or ask your friends.


Another cool idea for what to do with your loved one after a hard day is to collect puzzles. This could be huge beautiful picture. And if you are a gambling couple, then buy each a puzzle with the same number of elements, play rhythmic music and assemble it at speed. The winner is entitled to one wish granted☺

Develop talents

How about singing in chorus? Yes, yes, sometimesif you're bored, singing playing your favorite songs together can have a lot of fun and make your mood great! Of course, not every man is ready to sing; in this case, unusual, relaxing and tasty cocktails will not hurt. Turn on your favorite playlist and start singing along, and then you’ll get the hang of it

Look after each other

For example, take a bath together. But don’t just lie in the foamy water and relax, but be sure to wash each other. Lather and rub each other's back and all other parts of the body. Don't forget about your head and hair. In the process of this piquant action, trusting to do with you what only your mother did in childhood, you will become even closer, dearer to each other and, as a rule, everything goes very fun and positive. Be sure to fill the bathroom aromas. Use aromatherapy candles or oils to enjoy pleasant scents.

Dream and plan

On one of the family evenings Houses when you have great mood, and you want to do something together, invite your spouse to do joint card (collage) of wishes. In my opinion, this should be a must in the plans of any couple in love.

Only you need to reflect in the collage exactly those goals that are desired for both of you, and not personal interests. In this way, you will provide yourself with an interesting activity, because imagining how your most cherished dreams come true is so pleasant, and even more so together☺

Rock out and have fun

Nothing to do on FridayIn the evening? Invite your friends and organize a themed party! Here are some options:

  1. Japanese style. Prepare some rolls, turn on Japanese music and after dinner have a tea ceremony in the best Eastern traditions.
  2. Back to USSR. Set the table with Soviet delicacies and play 80s hits on TV. Let the ladies do their hair and makeup according to the fashion of the time, and the men give them carnations.
  3. Biker. Turn up the rock music, put on your leather suits, pick up the appropriate drinks and get ready, it's going to be hot today!

That's not all. Choose anything as a basis for the party theme: historical era, ethnic culture, favorite films or cartoons, fairies, elves, vampires and other fictional characters, subcultures and art genres. The imagination in this matter is limitless, get involved!

Enjoy and relax

In addition, you can arrange a photo shoot in the apartment, in the countryor make a video for your beloved relatives or friends who are far from you. And you will be interested, and you will please your loved ones.

And if you don’t want to do anything at all, then relax completely, in the literal sense. Sit in a comfortable chair, turn on KVN or another humorous program and laugh heartily. Have a nice weekend and wonderful evenings with your family!

June was with you.

Now you can subscribe and tell your friends about me. Thank you for being with me!

1. go to the movies (especially horror movies: you’ll hug and be afraid together)
2. play snowballs and make a woman
3. go to the skating rink
4. teach how to play billiards
5. karting (take a ride - get adrenaline)
6. city quests
7. walk in the center, in parks (not a button accordion, but a classic)
8. make a horn in some bar, club
9. cottage/walk through the forest (fireplace, bathhouse, barbecue, guitar...)
10. bowling (exciting and fun)
11. horseback ride
12. skydive
13. tea ceremony (you can paint yourself like the Japanese and have a tea party at home)
14. arrange the shooting of an amateur film (a lot of entertainment at once - writing a script, filming, editing, uploading to YouTube, spamming the contact sheet in Ace, flooding the forums with the ceremonial presentation of a link to the film, a trip to Cannes for a prize for the best amateur video (or “golden member” competition, depending on the genre of the film)
15. water park
16. exhibitions and museums (there are very unusual ones)
17. trip to another city
18. handcuffs, whip
19. leave the girl (extreme)
20. study of the Schrödinger equation
21. sign up together for aikido, Latin dance, Chinese language courses

22. go to a commie rally
23. play tic-tac-toe
24. bring a lady and show a shadow theater
25. go to the zoo
26. to the library (in a quiet, distant corner...)
27. curling
28. pub with darts
29. trash band concert
30. go boating/kayaking
31. karaoke
32. cafe with hookah
33. sit with a bottle of wine on the roof of a high-rise building
34. play the fool (preference, stripping)
35. get married
36. dinner by candlelight
37. fighting with laser swords
38. rent bicycles and ride (rollerblades, skis)
39. sauna
40. anti-shopping (wander around the shops and not buy anything)
41. buy lottery tickets

42. circus (you can organize it yourself)
43. start installing Linux (patch KDE2 for fryukha)
44. opera, ballet, theater
45. digging (climbing through the sewer)
46. ​​quiet evening watching TV
47. plant a tree together
48. see the moons of Jupiter, but you will need Spyglass(if your girlfriend's eyes light up like stars, then it's time to take out the telescope)
49. take a ride on the nursery railway
50. go on an excursion with a girl to any city
51. invite the girl to devote the day to photography
52. have sex
53. and then one more time
54. offer to have sex with 2 of her girlfriends, if she starts beating you, then say that she was joking
55. buy a puzzle and put it together
56. read books out loud to each other
57. get offended, go to different rooms, and start exchanging text messages
58. do something occult - for example, tell fortunes on cards, runes. For extreme sports enthusiasts - tying spirits at midnight
59. play trust: one person is blindfolded or black opaque glasses are put on, and the second must take him “to the bus stop/home/through the park” or simply lead him to a beautiful place
60. give a massage and put the bed to bed

What to do in your free time

100 and 1 ideas on how to have fun together


What to do…

in spring

1. Send paper boats on the water and see whose is faster

will swim to the finish line (stone, river bend, etc.).

2. Spend the whole day at an amusement park.

3. Write your wishes on a piece of paper, cork it in a bottle and let it go


4. If you live in a big city, ride around it at night.

5. Learn how to make a Mojito (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and

spend the evening talking.

6. Sit on the deck and kiss.

7. Write essays on the topic “How will we spend this summer” (the more

time has passed since graduation - the more fun).

8. Learn to bake pancakes by flipping them in the air.

9. Buy a balloon filled with helium and write your

desires and release them into the sky.

10. Look at the stars and talk about the eternal.

In summer

11. Go to the park and fly a kite.

12. Swim at sunset.

13. Swim in the pond after the rain.

14. Watch the starfall (mid-August).

15. Let in sunbeams.

16. Go to the zoo: remember your childhood, feed the animals, and yourself

buy cotton candy.

17. Go to the park and lie on the grass, looking at the sky and guessing what

clouds look like.

18. Ride bicycles (roller skates) together. It will be doubly fun

Find a tandem bike for rent and master it.

19. Go to the sea in the middle of the night. 100 and 1 ideas of what to do with your loved one.

20. Have a water pistol fight.

21. Go to the park and rent a boat or catamaran.

22. Get up early in the morning and walk through the dew.

23. Go to the country and eat your favorite berries.

24. Take a walk in the summer rain.

25. Lie together in a hammock.

26. Go to the lake and watch the sunset sitting on a wooden pier.

27. Marinate and fry kebabs together.

28. Spend the night outdoors (in a hut).

29. Swim in the river naked.

in autumn

30. Take a walk through the yellow leaves.

31. Pick up a whole armful of them and arrange leaf fall.

32. Bake charlotte.

33. Carve a monster into a pumpkin for Halloween.

34. Tell horror stories around the fire.

35. Jump in puddles.

36. Have an evening of childhood memories, asking each other questions

queue questions.

37. Ride on a children's swing.

38. Launch a flying lantern (which is set on fire).

in winter

40. Meet New Year in an unusual place.

41. Have a winter picnic, decorate it with candles sunk into holes

In the snow.

42. Make special cookies for birds and hang them on your walk.


43. Organize One Day of Summer: go to a water park.

44. Slide down a high icy mountain.

45. Making snow angels in the snow. 100 and 1 ideas for what to do with your loved one.

46. ​​Cut out snowflakes from paper and decorate your apartment with them.

47. Wrap and sign gifts for friends for the New Year.

48. Cover yourself with one blanket and watch “An Ordinary Miracle.”

49. Turn off the lights and watch the lights on the Christmas tree blink.

50. Learn to make mulled wine.

51. Take a ride on the ice tracks that children roll on


52. Build a snowman.

53. Decorate the Christmas tree and apartment for the New Year.

54. Go to the skating rink, skate on it all day, and then drink tea or

mulled wine from a thermos.

55. Play in the snow. You can even make a snow castle for this.

Ideas that you can implement regardless of the time of year

56. Jump on a trampoline.

57. Bet a small amount on his favorite football team to win


58. Blow bubbles from the bridge.

59. Attend a hockey or football match.

60. Learn to make sushi.

61. Learn to eat with chopsticks.

62. Make a milkshake in a glass, beautifully decorated with sugar


63. Give each other funny roles for one day and perform them.

64. Eating with your eyes closed, or feeding each other with your eyes closed


65. Lead each other around the apartment when one of you is blindfolded.

66. Make a joint video clip.

67. Write a story about you together (how you met, what awaits you

etc.) and print this story in the form of a photo book.

68. Learn to perform magic tricks and have a theme night.

69. Come up with your own gesture (for example, squeeze your palm three times tightly

another means “I love you”).

70. Set up a shadow theater at home.

71. Shake a tree branch when your other half is standing under it and arrange

leaf fall (snowfall, rain).

72. Watch the sunrise and sunset.

73. Sing a duet at karaoke.

74. Talk about dreams.

75. Go on a picnic.

76. Have a pillow fight.

77. Make some popcorn and buy a DVD of a movie you’ve been wanting for a long time

wanted to see.

78. Spend a weekend in the countryside - explore neighboring settlements


79. Choose a book that interests both of you and read it out loud.

80. Have a romantic dinner.

81. Feed each other pieces of fruit placed on the body.

82. Write a letter to yourself to the future: how do you see your

relationships, your dreams, how you feel now, wishes, etc.

83. Paint each other with gouache. You can also draw on the body -

chocolate spread or whipped cream.

84. Arrange a photo shoot for each other.

85. Play first date: take off wedding rings, order

two different tables in a restaurant and meet there “by chance.”

86. Come up with a joint poem about you, your relationship or about

how you met.

87. Play chess/checkers/fool for stripping/desire.

88. Take a shower together.

89. Go for a test drive.

90. Give each other massages according to instructions (or go to a

Training courses).

91. Dance funny dances at home (you can do it without music).

92. Play tag in a big shopping center.

93. Fight for fun.

94. Complete 100 puzzles and 1 idea of ​​what to do with your loved one.

95. Sing each other a lullaby before bed.

96. Make faces and imitate each other (no offense!).

97. Speak only in sign language all day.

98. Play a sea battle.

99. Eating long noodles together (one for two).

100. Go on a “healthy eating” diet together.

101. Go to a nursing home with homemade goodies or

orphanage with toys.

We are sure that you already know what to do at home with your boyfriend. But let's tell you a secret: romantic conversations, kisses and all of the following are not the only way have a good time.

Child's world

Take out the albums that your parents have kept for a thousand years and tell him why you were scared of the stuffed hare in younger group kindergarten and who I was in love with in first grade. True, be careful with the latter - if he suddenly starts talking about himself in response.

Offer to recognize you in a group photo. In 5 minutes, admit that you watched SpongeBob at home that day.

Happily ever after

Sit back comfortably on the pillows and fantasize about the future: tell each other how great it will be to live in the mountains, go to concerts in the middle of the week, and invite friends (except Tolik) over on weekends. Go wherever you want: to Seattle or Vienna, St. Petersburg or Kamchatka.

Plan your vacation - choose a city and several excursions that no guide would think of. Even if you're not going anywhere.

Instead of sushi

Choose a few recipes to have a tasting later, and cook something unusual together. Get inspired by "Kitchen", "Ratatouille" and these sites:

ogoloda.li - with the ability to select according to the ingredients that are in the refrigerator;

sushifan.ru - a website with a cartoon design for fans of Japanese cuisine;

talerka.tv/ru/recipes - video recipes, which are divided by parts of the world and countries.

He's still running

If your boyfriend finds working out as common as brushing his teeth, ask him to be your personal trainer (that's also a compliment). The main thing is not to be too serious. The motto of training at home is “You are allowed to fool around!”

An alternative is arm wrestling (he doesn’t have to carry a handbag with a ton of cosmetics on his shoulder every day, which means you have every chance).

Clean dancing

Turn on your favorite slow composition (or the very song that you call “ours”) and... a table lamp instead of a regular one will already give the desired effect. Let this dance last as long as you want.

To really make it look like something out of a movie, change your T-shirt to a floor-length dress.

bat your eyelashes

It’s unlikely that the guy is a fan of fashion shows (or only knows about them from the Victoria’s Secret show). But his angel is the best, although sometimes he behaves unangelically? Show off a few of your favorite outfits, and let him choose the one you'll wear next time you go on a date.

If you need to choose a set for an occasion (a friend’s birthday or an exam), ask the guy to take a photo of you in each one - he will feel like an artist, and you will see everything from the outside.

Come up with a quest for him

Buy some funny thing in advance and hide it in your apartment. Come up with a quest with hints that will help the guy get there. When there is silence, slap yourself on the forehead: “But I have a gift for you!”

Remember the game “Hot and Cold” and take turns looking for the stuffed otter.

Need a pencil

You can find out a little more about MCH using psychological tests. Just like he is talking about you. Just don’t take it seriously, the result of any test is not a reason for a quarrel, even if it turns out that Hermione is ideal for the guy, and you are more like Ginny.

Make up your own test. For example, how well does he know you, with questions like “What color is my Toothbrush?. And let him come up with something more complicated for you.

Even making soap becomes an adventure when you are together.

Came out of the foam

The girls call it “Beauty Day,” but it’s better not to tell the prince about it. Turn on the ambient music and give each other an aromatic massage. Maybe you can even get him to make a blue clay mask that relieves redness and removes oiliness.

Try learning meditation or yoga lessons on YouTube.

Everything is fine

Shared challenges like cleaning bring us closer together. His strong shoulder and determined look will not let you stop dismantling the boxes in the middle, and his height will be useful (or rather, harmful) for dust on the eaves. Every 15 minutes, have a “minute” during which you are allowed to lie on the couch and check the pages.

Don’t tell him what to do and how to do it, and don’t be offended if he moves the rare Hemiphusus colossus shell a millimeter. Be fun, not boring.

Geek romance

It is much more pleasant to educate yourself together. Learn languages, solve puzzles, virtually walk through museums holding hands (in reality). You can look at a site like universarium.org - this is an interuniversity e-education platform, everything is serious.

If a guy has a technical mind and you have a humanitarian mind, even better. Let him explain physics to you simple examples and using available means, and you will tell him in his ear about the leitmotifs of Bulgakov’s work.

And finally just be quiet

If you suddenly have objectively nothing to do, and all the points above have been tried, just sit next to each other and mind your own business. And these moments will be more beautiful than any crazy parties and adventures.

6 simple games for two

  • “Jenga” (let him concentrate while you distract him with stories about what will happen to the loser).
  • “Sea battle” (immediately warn that if he doesn’t give in and sinks all your ships, you will have a pillow fight in which you have no equal).
  • “Cities”, “blue-haired cartoon characters” or whatever (exclude the use of any gadgets).
  • “Twister” (for advice on yoga).
  • “Mario” (if you can’t find a console, play on the computer - and be sure to comply with your wishes).
  • Reading aloud and role-playing.

Photo: Konstantin Yuganov, Syda Productions/Fotolia.com, Legion-Media