Vyacheslav is a small name. When the full name "Slava" is a boy or a girl

Meaning and origin: most glorious (Staroslav.).

Energy and Karma:

The name Vyacheslav is very sonorous, it calls for leadership, primacy, but this is more of a sporting competition than a desire for superiority.

Another thing is whether Vyacheslav will be able to realize such aspirations? Here the point is not even in the association with the concept of fame as such, it is too clearly readable and not so unambiguous, because fame comes in different forms, including bad fame. At the same time, the first syllable of this word has a much stronger impact on the psyche due to its clear rhythm and incomprehensibility.

Secrets of communication:

When conducting any business with Vyacheslav, you should not forget about his sense of justice; he may willingly agree to help you, but if it seems to him that you are simply using him in your own interests, he will most likely stop doing business with you.

  • Zodiac sign: Aries.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Name colors: cherry, brown, red.
  • Talisman stone: sard, jasper, amber.

Meaning of the name Vyacheslav option 2

Comes from the Old Russian “vyache” (more) and “slav” (glory).

These boys grow up strong, and the “winter” ones, in addition, have endurance and good willpower. Therefore, parents will do absolutely the right thing if they send Vyacheslav to the sports section.

In childhood it is difficult to put up with injustice; being unable to protect the offended, little Vyacheslav may cry and, powerless, throw some thing. This trait will remain in the adult Vyacheslav. Faced with injustice, he may explode, flare up, and write a letter of resignation. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes more accommodating. He tries to take an intelligent woman as his wife; in his future wife he values ​​not only beauty, but also a sense of independence, originality and lack of complexes. IN family life reliable, helps his wife with housekeeping, and takes care of the children. As a rule, he does not need to be reminded about a broken faucet, a creaking door, or an unfed dog. He takes the distribution of household responsibilities for granted and does not divide work into men's and women's. Moderately jealous, he builds his relationship with his wife on trust; once deceived, he never trusts again. Women like him for his kindness and charm and courtesy. He remains faithful to his wife, which does not require much effort from him, since he is all about business, thoughts about work. Always puts work first. He completes the work he starts, is punctual, and conscientiously carries out assignments. He does not give preference to any professions; he can succeed equally well in any field, although there is a noticeable attraction to technology. If Vyacheslav has a car, he will devote a lot of time to caring for it. He enjoys receiving guests, loves to drink, but, fortunately, it rarely comes to the point of alcoholism.

“Winter” ones are stubborn, persistent, stronger than “summer” ones. “Autumn” and “spring” are prone to heart attacks and are more severe in nature.

Vyacheslav needs to think hard before proposing to Helena, Vera, Gella or Tatyana.

Meaning of the name Vyacheslav option 3

Vyacheslav - “great glory” (Old Russian)

As a child, he usually has good health, and the “winter” one, in addition, has endurance and willpower. All this contributes to success in sports; parents will do absolutely the right thing if they send the boy to a sports section.

Little Vyacheslav does not want to put up with injustice; being unable to protect the offended person, out of despair he is ready to cry and throw some thing. Adults also have this trait. Faced with injustice, he may explode, flare up, and write a letter of resignation. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes more accommodating.

He tries to take an intelligent woman as his wife; in his future wife he values ​​beauty, originality and the absence of complexes, a sense of independence. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife with housekeeping and takes care of the children. As a rule, he does not need to be reminded about a broken faucet, a creaking door, or an unfed dog. He takes the distribution of household responsibilities for granted. Moderately jealous, he builds his relationship with his wife on trust; once deceived, he never trusts again. Women like his kindness, charm, and helpfulness. He remains faithful to his wife, which does not require much effort from him, since he is all about business, thoughts about work.

Always puts work first. He completes the work he starts, is punctual, and conscientiously carries out assignments. There is no preference for any profession; he will succeed equally well in any field, although there is a noticeable craving for technology. If Vyacheslav has a car, he will devote a lot of time to caring for it.

He enjoys receiving guests, loves to drink, but rarely reaches the point of alcoholism.

In general, Vyacheslav is predisposed to pharyngitis, sinusitis, he has unstable nervous system.

“Winter” - fair, hot-tempered, straightforward.

“Autumn” - specific, reliable. Can become an electronics engineer, programmer, machine straightener. The name matches patronymics: Andreevich, Petrovich, Alekseevich, Valerianovich, Mikhailovich, Valentinovich.

“Summer” is very kind, loves children, not only his own, but also others.

“Spring” is sensitive and compassionate, independent and freedom-loving. Can become a lawyer, lawyer, journalist. The name matches patronymics: Stanislavovich, Vladislavovich, Savelievich, Borisovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Bogdanovich, Afanasyevich, Georgievich, Adolfovich.

Meaning of the name Vyacheslav option 4

Very kind, charming, temperamental. They will flare up, but immediately apologize, if they offended you, they will caress you. If something doesn’t work out, they get irritated, but they finish the job - they are conscientious. As a rule, good fathers and husbands love their children, boys.

Vyacheslav receives guests with pleasure and does not refuse to drink, although he does not descend into alcoholism.

Winter ones are stubborn, persistent, stronger than summer ones. They make good athletes.

Autumn and spring people are prone to heart attacks and are psychopathic.

Meaning of the name Vyacheslav option 5

Vyacheslav - from. other Russian great glory, old man. Vecheslav.

Derivatives: Vyacheslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Slavukha, Vyacha, Vava.

Folk signs.

On the day of Vyacheslav, children are sprayed on the threshold with a sieve - to ward off damage, the evil eye, slander, and in general for health.


Vyacheslav is strong and physically resilient, but the same cannot be said about his mental fortitude: he is touchy, irritable, after an outburst of anger he usually feels awkward, becomes quiet and docile. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife, takes care of the children. But once Vyacheslav is deceived by a woman, he never believes again. He himself is capable of treason. This may be by great love, but can become a “harmless” habit. At the same time, the family remains unshakable.

Meaning of the name Vyacheslav option 6

VYACHESLAV - most famous (old-famous).

Name day: October 11 - Saint Vyacheslav, Prince of the Czech Republic, pleased God with his concerns for the spread of the Christian faith in the Czech Republic, his love for church prayer, and mercy; killed in the 10th century by his brother Boleslav on the threshold of the church where he was going for morning prayer.

  • Libra.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - pale golden.
  • The auspicious tree is hazel.
  • The treasured plant is heather.
  • The patron of the name is the buffalo.
  • The talisman stone is topaz.


Vyacheslav is stubborn and persistent; strong, resilient - but only physically, and spiritually unstable: quick-tempered, touchy. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes flexible. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife, takes care of the children. Once deceived by a woman, he never believes again. He himself is capable of treason. The first time it happens out of great love, then it becomes a habit. But “the family hearth is sacred” is his favorite motto.

Meaning of the name Vyacheslav option 7

Sport is his passion, especially if Vyacheslav is born in the winter month. Always achieves good results thanks to stubbornness, assertiveness and the will to win. Vyacheslav is kind, but very hot-tempered.

Irritable if something doesn't work out. In this state, Vyacheslav is capable of rash actions: write a letter of resignation from his favorite job, sever ties with friends, destroy the only copy of an important document, etc. However, having splashed out his emotions, he becomes flexible and even more conscientious, which is generally characteristic of him. He is good-natured with everyone, rarely enters into conflicts, and is even in his relationships.

Vyacheslav is a reliable family man, but is predisposed to alcohol abuse. Perhaps only sports training keeps him from this. In old age, heart attacks are more likely.

Meaning of the name Vyacheslav option 8

The name Vyacheslav comes from the Old Russian words “vyache”, meaning “more”, and “slav” (glory). The Vyacheslavs are strong boys, have endurance and good willpower, and are good athletes.

Possessing physical strength, he will always fight injustice and protect the weak. Vyacheslav is quick-tempered, can flare up instantly, and is prone to impulsive actions. He can give free rein to fits of anger, but he also quickly cools down and, feeling guilty, becomes more flexible. In a future wife, he will value beauty, individuality, and the absence of complexes. He is reliable in the family, helps around the house, and takes care of the children.

Work occupies an important place in life. He brings everything to completion. Equally successful in any profession.

In numerology the name Vyacheslav corresponds to the number 2

Career, business and money

Vyacheslav is a leader by nature, he is able to withstand any competition. He doesn’t like to lose; such an event harms him.

He is hardworking and can achieve heights in various fields of activity, but he needs certain conditions in which it will be easy to concentrate. Slava approaches the assigned tasks conscientiously. If he starts to do something, he definitely brings it to the end. There must be competition in the activity, which will be an excellent incentive to conquer new heights.

IN financial affairs has great opportunities and is able to achieve material well-being. Slava is a generous person who will willingly spend part of his funds on charitable purposes.

Marriage and family

Vyacheslav will try to choose a smart and beautiful woman without complexes, gentle and affectionate. Relationships are based on mutual trust. When choosing a life partner, he attaches great importance to her appearance. What Slava values ​​most is home comfort, makes every effort to ensure that loved ones do not need anything. He loves his wife and children, tries to make any of their whims a reality.

Vyacheslav is an excellent family man who is ready to help with housework. He spends time with children with great pleasure, becomes a true friend for them, they are always ready to entrust any secrets to their father, because they know that understanding and support await them. In everyday life, he is an ideal owner who does not need to be reminded of the need to repair a leaking faucet. He loves comfort, so everything in his house is perfect.

He is always faithful to his wife; there would simply not be enough time for betrayal, since work and home occupy every free hour he has. Betrayal for Vyacheslav is a serious blow, which will not be easy for him to bear. Divorce will cause significant harm to Slava’s psyche, after which it will take a long time to recover.

Sex and love

Vyacheslav likes spectacular, experienced women. He is an inventive man who will find a way to conquer an unapproachable beauty. Popular with women, capable of caring skillfully. A representative of the fair sex feels comfortable next to such a person; girls like to devote time to him.

Vyacheslav is able to impress a lady and can arrange an unforgettable holiday for two. At the same time, he is absolutely sincere in his expression of feelings. This faithful companion, a monogamous man who will not forgive a woman for cheating. Sex life is important for Vyacheslav; he loves variety and is distinguished by tenderness and warmth.


Since Vyacheslav is predisposed to depression, he needs to take care of his nervous system. A yoga class would suit this man.

Fame may suffer due to illness gastrointestinal tract, has a predisposition to problems with the digestive system. To avoid them, you need to monitor your diet, distribute your strength correctly, have good sleep. Bad habits– not for him, such a person will not abuse alcohol.

Interests and hobbies

Vyacheslav does not like to waste time; he devotes his free time to work and family.

This tech-loving man has a passion for cars. He not only loves to drive them, but also enjoys repairing and tuning his vehicle.

Vyacheslav is the name of a conservative person with traditional living standards. It comes from two Old Russian words: “vyache”, which means “more”, and “slav” - “glory”. Thus, it can be translated as “most glorious”, “most glorious”. In the old days the name sounded like Vecheslav or Vyacheslav. In modern times, it is much less popular than 20-30 years ago.

Name Astrology

  • Libra
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: topaz
  • Color: light golden
  • Tree: hazel
  • Plant: heather
  • Animal: buffalo
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

IN early age Vyacheslav proves himself to be a strong, resilient, slightly naive boy with good willpower. At school he strives to be the first in everything and is diligent in his studies. He has different talents and takes part in competitions.

The adult owner of the name is an honest and straightforward person. By temperament - sanguine. Throughout his life he strives for leadership and expects fame. The secret of the name lies in the activity, fairness and friendliness of its bearer. Vyacheslav can be described as a stubborn, ambitious, hot-tempered person, prone to impulsive actions. But at the same time, he displays modesty, kindness, charm, shyness, and gentleness, as evidenced by the weakness of the nervous system. Friends adore Slavik for his sociability and hospitality.

Vyacheslav's positive qualities: the desire to be first, lack of selfishness, honesty, cheerful disposition, self-improvement.

Negative traits: tendency to depression. The peculiarity of this man is a heightened sense of justice. Under no circumstances should he be deceived, otherwise he will lose his trust in such a person.

The winter owner of the name Vyacheslav is stubborn, persistent, quick-tempered, fair and straightforward. Spring is sensitive, compassionate, independent and freedom-loving. Summer is very kind, loves both his own and other people's children. The autumn representative is specific and reliable.

Interests and hobbies

Slavik loves any active species sports Loves to receive guests at home and show his hospitality. He devotes a lot of time to his personal car.

Profession and business

The main place in Vyacheslav’s life is work. He excels equally in all areas, especially when working with technology. IN professional activity shows himself as an efficient, punctual employee. The work started always brings to fruition positive result. It is difficult for him to be a leader, and he is not inclined to long, hard work. Can prove himself and achieve success in the work of a lawyer, lawyer, journalist, electronics engineer, programmer and architect.


As a child, Slavik is distinguished by good good health. With age, pharyngitis, sinusitis, and the nervous system may bother you. There is a predisposition to heart attacks.

Sex and love

Vyacheslav is popular with women. When choosing a girlfriend, she is careful and careful. A spectacular, gentle, experienced girl can attract his attention. Intimate life filled with variety and passionate adventure. He has great imagination and ingenuity, so any chosen one will remain happy and satisfied. In sex he is frank and liberated, loves to bring women to ecstasy. Intimate individual smells have a huge influence on him.

Family and marriage

Vyacheslav marries early and looks quiet in family life. He chooses a girl who is smart, beautiful and has no complexes as his wife. Particularly pays attention to the sexuality of the other half. He is a faithful and economic husband. Relationships are built on trust and respect. The first marriage, as a rule, breaks up. The reason for this is his tyrannical and hot-tempered character. But in his second marriage he finds complete harmony and idyll. He does not forgive betrayal and treason, and regards this as a severe blow. Treats children with reverence and love, tries to devote all of his time to them free time. Supports with parents a good relationship.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav (Glory) is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Vyacheslav. Slava, Slavik, Vyachik, Vyacha, Vava, Venek, Vyachko, Vatsus.
Synonyms for the name Vyacheslav. Vecheslav, Vyatslav, Wenceslav, Wenceslas, Wenceslao, Wenzel, Wenceslaus.
Origin of the name Vyacheslav. The name Vyacheslav is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Vyacheslav comes from the Old Russian words “vyache”, meaning “more”, and “slav”, meaning “glory”. This name is Slavic and is translated as “more glorious”, “most glorious”. The ancient form of the name is Vecheslav, Vyacheslav. Analogues of the name Vyacheslav, used in other Slavic languages, are Wenceslaus and Wenceslas.

The diminutive address Slava is also a short form for many masculine (Beloslav, Borislav, Radoslav, Bratislav, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Bronislav, Stanislav, Vysheslav, Istislav, Ladislav, Gorislav, Vladislav, etc.) and feminine (Beloslav, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Voislav, Wenceslav, Bronislav, Dobroslav, Svyatoslav, Svetislav, Miroslav, Gorislav, Vaclav, Zlatoslav, Vladislav, etc.) names.

The character and fate of Vyacheslav. Vyacheslav is very hungry for fame. He has a strong desire for leadership and competition. But it happens that the difficulties that arise along the way force Vyacheslav to abandon his plan and completely lay down his arms and not take any further part. In such cases, Vyacheslav can be completely morally crushed and it will be very difficult for him to get back on his feet, gain strength and faith in himself.

Vyacheslav can maintain good relationships with others and would like everyone around him to be happy. But if he decides that he is breaking off any relationship, then it will be very difficult to return to his former disposition or good relationship. Vyacheslav is vindictive, but not vindictive. He will simply stop communicating and maintaining any contact.

It is difficult for Vyacheslav to be a leader. Although he has a desire to be a leader, he does not have such a strong feeling of being the very first. Vyacheslav is very hardworking and painstaking. But he prefers to work on only one thing, without switching to the second, even if there is an opportunity to take a long break in the first.

Vyacheslav likes to combine work with leisure, provided that the work is not stressful and does not require much effort. He likes everything to be fair, but he does not seek to defend someone’s fair claims. He will just step aside and watch how everything develops. At the same time, he will always care for justice and honest relationships.

In family life, Vyacheslav may look quiet, but if his leadership is awakened in him, then he may well begin to seek justice and implement it in the family. Having married one man, over time a woman may see him as a completely different person. Vyacheslav loves children, he can play various board games with them for a long time, but he will not be interested in outdoor games.

Famous people with the name Vyacheslav

  • Vyacheslav Polunin (pop artist, mime clown, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Vyacheslav Kotenochkin (director-animator, creator of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” and others (1927–2000))
  • Vyacheslav Ivanov (Russian symbolist poet, philosopher, one of the ideological inspirers of the “Silver Age”)
  • Vyacheslav Anisin (hockey player, world, European and USSR champion)
  • Vyacheslav Butusov (musician, vocalist of the group “Nautilus Pampilius”)
  • Vyacheslav Ganelin (Soviet and Israeli composer, jazz musician)
  • Vyacheslav Shalevich (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Vyacheslav Tikhonov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin (composer and singer)
  • Vyacheslav Nevinny (actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vyacheslav Pleve ( statesman (1846–1904))
  • Vyacheslav Pietsukh (Russian writer)
  • Vyacheslav Platonov (Soviet athlete (volleyball), legendary Soviet and Russian volleyball coach, Honored Coach of the USSR (1978) and the RSFSR (1972))
  • Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov (Soviet and Russian composer, conductor)
  • Vyacheslav Tsarev (Soviet film actor, best known for his role as a boy with a net in the film “Welcome, or No Trespassing”)
  • Vyacheslav Artamonov (Russian mathematician-algebraist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1990), Professor of the Department of Higher Algebra at Moscow State University (1996); discoverer of clones of multilinear operations and multi-operator algebras (1969))
  • Vyacheslav Zudov (USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Vyacheslav Kupriyanov (Russian writer and translator)
  • Saint Wenceslas (holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Bohemia; Czech prince from the Přemyslid family, a saint revered by both Catholics and Orthodox Christians, considered the patron saint of the Czech Republic (c.907 - 935/936))
  • The name Slava is a name of Slavic origin and is prevalent among Slavic peoples. The most widespread version is that The name Slava means "glorious". All names that use the root "slav" are considered partially related. These are names such as Vladislava, Vyacheslava, Miloslava, Miroslava, Rostislava, Stanislava, Svyatoslava, Cheslava, Yaroslava. In addition, the name Slava is a short form of all these names.

    The meaning of the name Slava for a girl

    Already in childhood Slava’s leadership character manifests itself. She is an active and persistent girl who has an immeasurable amount of energy. Slava prefers “male” games and often becomes the leader of a group of boys. She is a very lively and mischievous girl. It is worth noting the intractable nature of Slava. Don't try to force Slava to do anything. Learn to do what she wants. Parents will have to become an example for the child, because this is the only way they can control her.

    Slava can study well, but only if she is interested in it. Most often, this depends on the talents of the teaching staff, which often causes problems. But if Slava is imbued with sympathy for the subject, then it will be difficult to find a more enthusiastic person. She enjoys immersing herself in a subject that interests her and can achieve very serious success in it. It is worth noting that it is not uncommon for Slava to find a hobby outside of the school curriculum. Usually it is this hobby that has a serious impact on her entire future life.

    The girl's health is usually good, and her high vitality will be noticeable not only in childhood. In addition, Slava is growing up as an athletic child. She enjoys playing any active games available. But forced inaction is very hard to bear. Slava definitely needs to move.

    Short name Slava

    Slavka, Slavchik.

    Diminutive pet names

    Slavochka, Slavushka, Slavonka, Slavulya, Slavulka, Slavunya, Slavunka, Slavusya, Slavuska.

    Name Slava in English

    IN English language there is no name Slava, and therefore the transliteration of the name is used - Slava.

    Name Slava for international passport- SLAVA.

    Church name Slava(in the Orthodox faith) not defined. The name Slava is not in church calendar, which means church name will necessarily be different from the worldly.

    Characteristics of the name Slava

    As she grows up, Slava's determination becomes one of the most important traits of her character. Given her energy, characteristic of her since childhood, Slava almost always achieves her goal. However, for all his determination, Slava rarely shares his plans with anyone. It can also be noted that Slava tries to do everything perfectly. She is a perfectionist, and in all areas of her activity. And almost everywhere she succeeds. It is worth noting that the owner of the name has an excellent sense of taste. She always looks stylish and knows how to make a stunning impression.

    Slava works successfully and with great enthusiasm. The best motivation for Slava is usually money, but other methods of motivation are also important. Slava values ​​his work and demands appropriate wages, but her professionalism is worth it. Whatever Slava undertakes, she succeeds.

    IN family relationships Fame will definitely take the place of leadership. Sometimes she skillfully hides it, but this is rather an exception to the rule. This does not mean at all that Slava will not consult with his loved ones. Not at all. She just reserves the right to have the last word. She's enough Difficult person for living together, but her marriage is often happy.

    The secret of the name Slava

    The secret of Slava can be called her ability to manipulate people. Slava is often skeptical and conscientious about others. However, it is worth noting her ability to cover up her actions with plausible intentions, although this is far from the case. You should be careful with the owner of the name.

    Planet- Uranus.

    Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

    Totem animal- Eagle.

    Name color- Scarlet.

    Tree- Cypress.

    Plant- Carnation.

    Stone- Agate.