Vyacheslav: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character. The meaning of the male name Vyacheslav

The origin and meaning of the name Vyacheslav lies in the fusion of two roots - “vyache”, which is translated as “better” or “more”, and “slav”, that is, “glory”. It turns out that the meaning of the name Vyacheslav is “more glorious.”

The name is used most often in Slavic countries, including Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. It is less common in other states. Its initial forms looked like this: Vecheslav, Vyacheslav. Today they have mutated to Wenceslaus or Wenceslas.

The meaning of a name for a child

For a boy, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav is kindness, mobility, and barely perceptible impulsiveness. The baby will be very cheerful, active and playful. He is distinguished by his peculiar naivety and loves to spend time playing active games in a large friendly company. But his excessive impulsiveness can often serve as a barrier to communication with other children. If parents do not pay due attention to the emotional component of their child’s life, then increased impulsiveness can become a problem in his teenage and adult life.

Vyacheslav Tretyak

For a child, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav ensures good academic performance. It is not difficult for him to delve into the topic and understand almost any school discipline. This is an incredibly talented child who can go far beyond the boundaries of the school curriculum. He will still have a great desire for exact sciences, namely, to implement the acquired knowledge in practice. This can be seen in his great love for construction kits, with which he is ready to tinker with them all day long.

Even from childhood, a child can notice the meaning of the name Vyacheslav for a boy such as pedantry. Adults are very often surprised and touched by the child’s maximum responsibility and his desire to ensure order in his own things. But for Vyacheslav there is a big difference: he will be happy to create his own interesting order, but if you impose an extraneous opinion or desire on him, then his desire will instantly disappear.

It is very important to get your child into the habit of playing sports from childhood. Even though he is naturally in good health, exercise will be very beneficial for him as it will help limit his impulsiveness. At the same time nervous system The child will also periodically take a break from emotional stress. This boy will be endowed with enormous endurance, so he will be able to conquer any sports where functional loads are a priority.

Personal life

The name Vyacheslav - the meaning of the name and fate in your personal life will not be connected with the desire to start a family. Yes, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav will allow a man to become an excellent and even ideal companion for women if they together manage to overcome the moment of grinding into each other. A man with the name Vyacheslav, which means “most glorious,” will never be able to forgive his betrayal of a woman. In other cases, his chosen one will have fun and ease with him. He will sincerely love his family and do household chores with joy.

Very often, Vyacheslav’s complex character leads to a breakdown in relationships. He persistently tries in every way to push the woman away and does not strive to find common ground with her. Therefore, starting a family is often quite late. Men with this name often become good fathers. With age, they gain experience, only then do they become ideal family men and begin to live up to the title of head of the family.

Before marriage, in relationships with women, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav allows a man to behave relaxed in intimate relationships and communication. They often choose more experienced partners, to appearance which have increased demands. Such qualities as the manifestation of imagination, tenderness, affection and ingenuity make women become attached to Vyacheslav for a long time and sincerely love him.

In relation to his chosen one, Vyacheslav tries to be as attentive as possible, studies all her desires and feels his responsibility to her. Smells are very important to this man. If he doesn’t like the scent of his partner, he can break up with her at any time without explaining the circumstances.

Business and career

A talented boy Vyacheslav, who excels in studies in all subjects, will also be able to successfully realize himself in any field of activity. The character and meaning of the name Vyacheslav are best manifested in areas where there is healthy competition. You can see many examples of Slaviks who successfully realized themselves in sports, where they were able to show their perseverance, determination, grit, passion and endurance.

If this team game, then Vyacheslav is usually the most respected person there, that is, the captain. According to the meaning of the name, Vyacheslav can become a leader, where his organizational skills, honesty and justice will be demonstrated. He will become a wise and reliable mentor-friend for his subordinates, who skillfully combine their own interests with the benefits of a common occupation.

Not many people know what the name Vyacheslav means for a man: financial success. He has great prospects and many financial opportunities. Any business started from scratch can lead to material well-being.

This man will most like technical professions. Slava can become a successful archivist or accountant. It would be better for him to be a hired worker, although he would also make a good businessman. Employers will value him for his scrupulousness, responsibility, punctuality, good manners, and conscientiousness. He always finishes what he starts, but does not show much enthusiasm or initiative at work.

Character of the name

For Vyacheslav, the meaning of the name is enormous endurance and patience. This man is a great worker. Since childhood, he has been accustomed to doing everything himself and not asking for help from others, he does not need outside advice. Prefers to cope with life's problems and difficulties alone. His goal is constant self-improvement. He constantly finds new things to do. He likes to study foreign languages, visit various sections, go to the pool, refuse to drink alcohol.

The nature of the name, meaning and fate of Vyacheslav are often associated with his temperament - he is a sanguine person, distinguished by shyness and modesty at the same time. This is the most honest, decent, open and straightforward person. His character simultaneously combines gentleness and enormous pressure, but his nervous system is rather weak.

Sometimes this man is overcome by a wave of anger, which he gives full vent to, after which he very quickly cools down and comes to his senses. Slava’s impulsiveness, not suppressed by her parents even in childhood, can result in the commission of various rash acts in adulthood.

The most glorious, which means the name Vyacheslav, does not tolerate deception, especially from women. If the deception was revealed by him, then his chosen one will forever lose the trust of this man. He attracts women with his charm and kindness.

A person named Vyacheslav, who was born in summer or winter, is distinguished by such qualities as stubbornness, perseverance and has excellent health. Men born in spring and autumn are endowed with a tougher disposition and have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Vyacheslav is a faithful and trusted friend. You should not expect betrayal, envy, gloating or dirty tricks from him. But if he has to choose between his own well-being and helping a friend, then the latter will not receive protection and support from him.

The secret of the name Vyacheslav

The main secret of the name Vyacheslav is a predisposition to pride and narcissism. It is a man’s impulsiveness that prompts the manifestation of these harmful qualities. The people around him should be attentive to such a deficiency and try with all their might to slow down the development of the unfavorable feature.

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav corresponds to the following astrological criteria:

  • patron planet - Venus;
  • zodiac constellation – Libra;
  • totem animal - buffalo;
  • talisman stone – topaz;
  • auspicious tree - nut;
  • shade – pale golden.


Slavik will have successful relationships with women named Valentina, Antonina, Maria, Polina. He should also marry Anna, Irina, Margarita, Larisa, Elena, Yulia. A man will have difficult relationships with Valeria, Inna, Alla, Lilia, Oksana, Tatyana.

The name Vyacheslav is formed from the Old Russian words “vyache” (veche - an older designation of the word) very, more, and “glory”. The meaning of the name Vyacheslav is “glorious, most glorious.”

Vecheslav or Vyacheslav? Which spelling is more correct? The fact is that Vecheslav is the most ancient, ecclesiastical form of writing a name. Therefore, both options are considered correct and have the same meaning. Although in modern society the name "Vyacheslav" is more common.

Prince Vyacheslav (Vaclav) of Czech is considered the patron saint of Vyacheslav - historical figure, an ascetic of the Orthodox faith and passion-bearer, killed by his own brother on the threshold of the temple. He was subsequently canonized and included in the Saints. Until the 20th century, the name Vyacheslav (Vecheslav) was taken by monks when taking monastic vows. Only since the 20th century has it become popular in the world.

Everything about the name Slava. Character

The name Vyacheslav (Vecheslav) carries the energy of stability, calm and firm strength. It has a strong influence on its owner: Slavik is a person for whom spiritual values ​​and traditions are of great importance in life.

As a child, Vyacheslav is a sensitive and emotional boy. With age, he gains strength of character.

Glory - true friend, a reliable and caring husband and family man. Despite the stubborn and firm male character, Vecheslav remains vulnerable emotionally: he is easy to please, but also easy to anger. He is moderately sociable, has a good sense of humor, and is loved by friends and acquaintances.


What will be the fate of the boy named Vyacheslav? The name leaves a strong imprint on fate. Slavik has been in poor health since childhood, but thanks to his perseverance and masculine will in playing sports, he becomes a strong and healthy young man.

Trust is a very significant aspect of relationships for Slava. Because of his conservative views, he is easily disappointed in women, and he is often unlucky in love. However, if he finds the one who shares his vision and inspires trust, his marriage will be strong and his family happy.

Name day

Patron angel - Vyacheslav the Czech. By Orthodox calendar Vyacheslav's Angel Day is celebrated on October 11. Catholic name days are celebrated on September 28.


Physically, Slava is very strong and resilient. But due to increased emotionality, the nervous system is at risk. Vyacheslav should avoid stress at work, emotional overload and lack of sleep.


Vyacheslav will have a successful relationship and a strong marriage with Anna, Larisa, Elena, Irina, Maria, Margarita, Elvira.

Alliances with Oksana, Yulia, Tatyana, Zinaida are undesirable.

Mascot, colors, zodiac sign

  • Colors - red (denoting the fire element) and brown (denoting stability, confidence),
  • Stones - jasper, sard, amber,
  • Zodiac signs - preferred fire signs, especially - Aries
  • Totems: buffalo, meaning strength and endurance,
  • Patron plants: heather and hazel.

Vyacheslav, male name. Old Slavic - “more glorious”.

These boys grow up strong, and the “winter” boys, in addition, have endurance and good willpower. Therefore, parents will do absolutely the right thing if they give Vyacheslav the opportunity to play sports.

Faced with injustice, he may explode, flare up, and write a letter of resignation. In childhood, it is difficult to reconcile with injustice; being unable to protect the offended, little Vyacheslav may cry. This trait will remain in the adult Vyacheslav. After an outburst of anger, he feels awkward and becomes flexible. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations.

“Autumn” and “spring” are prone to heart attacks and are more severe in nature.

“Winter” ones are stubborn, persistent, stronger than “summer” ones.

Always puts work first. He can succeed equally well in any field, although there is a noticeable craving for technology. He completes the work he starts, is punctual, and conscientiously carries out assignments. He enjoys receiving guests, loves to drink, but rarely reaches the point of alcoholism. If Vyacheslav has a car, then he devotes a lot of time to caring for it.

He takes an intelligent woman as his wife, in whom he values ​​not only beauty, but also a sense of independence, originality and lack of complexes. He takes the distribution of household responsibilities for granted and does not divide work into men's and women's. IN family life reliable, helps his wife take care of the children. Women like him for his kindness, charm, and courtesy. Moderately jealous, he builds his relationship with his wife on trust, but once deceived, he never trusts again. Remains faithful to his wife.

Vyacheslav is not only a popular and beautiful male name, but also a monument of Slavic culture: it reflects the rich history of the Russian people. But our ancestors also knew that the origin and secret of the name have great value for a baby. The logical question would be: what does the name Vyacheslav mean? And what is the character of the owners of this name? Where did it come from? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Slavic names are divided into several groups. Vyacheslav belongs to the group of two-basic names, i.e. it consists of two parts, or foundations. The first stem “vyashche” or “vyache” (an old Russian word) means “more, better,” and the meaning of the second stem “slav” is not difficult. Thus, the interpretation of this name from Old Russian is “who has gained great glory”, “the most glorious”.

It must be said that in the name book there are many names with the stem “slav”: Stanislav, Yaroslav, etc. This means that “glory” has been a very important concept for Russians since ancient times.

A little history

The origin of the name Vyacheslav is Old Russian. In the beginning it was worldly, i.e. not church. But after the canonization of Prince Vyacheslav of Czechoslovakia, it became a baptismal symbol.

Vyacheslav became Prince at the age of 18. He had the reputation of a wise and fair ruler. According to history, he built churches and put a lot of effort into the Christian education of his people. And he himself was a peace-loving man who revered the clergy, and he encouraged others to do the same.

After the death of the prince (935), this name lost its popularity until the 19th century. children were not named by it. Only during the period of revaluation of values, incl. spiritual and cultural - the Renaissance, it again became widespread. But then only the “cream” of society chose him for his newborn son. Over time, it penetrated all levels of society and became very popular.

Total in Orthodox Church There are 6 saints with this name. All of them were distinguished by true faith and piety.

Among the celebrities bearing the name Vyacheslav there are many creative people and athletes. It is worth at least remembering Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Vyacheslav Nevinny - actors, Vyacheslav Zaitsev - fashion designer, artist, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Vyacheslav Bykov - hockey players, etc. If you look at these people, the mystery of the name and what it means for a person becomes clear: they all became famous and achieved great success thanks to their talent and hard work.

Basic character traits

Since childhood, the boy has an innate sense of justice and real masculine traits: he always protects the weak and the offended. If he cannot do this, he may flare up and cry. This kind of temper is also present in an adult man. After a “burst” of emotions, a feeling of guilt and awkwardness comes to him, which is why he becomes more flexible and compliant.

Kind and generous - can give, donate his savings to those in need or to charity. In company, Slava has the characteristic of being a merry fellow.

He has been in good health since childhood and enjoys sports. Weak spots– upper Airways, digestive tract. The nervous system is unstable. This means that he needs to spend his energy wisely, avoid stress, get enough sleep, and properly organize his work and rest schedule.

His career, no matter what field he chooses, is always successful. This is facilitated by his character: he is punctual, purposeful, responsible and conscientious. Gravitates towards activities in which there is competition. For example, sports, where he can show endurance, passion, and strong will. He loves technology: cars are his weakness. Can be an excellent leader.

In relationships with women, he is attentive, caring, and kind. When choosing a wife, he attaches importance to the beauty, intelligence, sincerity and independence of the chosen one. In marriage he has the characteristic of being reliable and faithful husband. Helps his wife with household chores. And in general he is economical and “hands-on”. Not jealous - he trusts his wife and does not give reasons for jealousy.

Loves children, enjoys playing and playing with them.

Description positive traits character: justice, cheerful disposition, loves to win and overcome obstacles, desire for primacy, honesty, patriotism, perseverance.

Negative character traits: tendency to depression, promiscuity in people.

Character traits of children born at different times of the year

In addition to the common meaning of the name Vyacheslav, there are some differences depending on when the child was born.

  • “Spring” owners of this name are independent, sensitive and kind-hearted. They make good lawyers, jurists, and journalists.
  • Characteristics of “summer” Slava: kindness, love for children.
  • “Autumn” Vyacheslavs are suitable for the professions of electronics engineer and programmer. They are reliable.
  • A “winter” child named Vyacheslav is characterized by fairness, straightforwardness and a quick temper, i.e. The interpretation of the name completely coincides with his character (see above). They have every chance of becoming athletes.

Compatibility with patronymics and female names

The patronymic name also plays an important role in the child’s fate, which, like the name, carries a certain energy. For “spring-summer” patronymics are suitable: Adolfovich, Vladislavovich, Stanislavovich, Savelievich, Afanasyevich, Georgievich, Borisovich, Romanovich, Bogdanovich, Tarasovich, for “autumn-winter”: Alekseevich, Andreevich, Valentinovich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Valerianovich.

It's no secret that for a happy marriage you also need to pay attention to the woman's name. Vyacheslav can create a good alliance with Maria, Polina, Valentina, Antonina, Maya, Rimma, Gorislava. But Valeria, Karina, Dina, Lilia, Alla, Inna, Tatyana and Vera are unlikely to bring him happiness.

P.S. Now we know that the history of the name Vyacheslav is no less interesting than its interpretation. These characteristics play a big role in a boy's life. The mystery of origin is also important. Knowing all these points, you can predict or program the fate and character of a person so that the chosen name brings him only joy and happiness!

Stories from our readers

DOB: 1928-02-08

Version 1. What does the name Vyacheslav mean?

Vyacheslav - from. other Russian great glory, old man. Vecheslav.

Derivatives: Vyacheslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Slavukha, Vyacha, Vava.

Folk signs.

On the day of Vyacheslav, children are sprayed on the threshold with a sieve - to ward off damage, the evil eye, slander, and in general for health.


Vyacheslav is strong and physically resilient, but the same cannot be said about his mental fortitude: he is touchy, irritable, after an outburst of anger he usually feels awkward, becomes quiet and docile. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife, takes care of the children. But once Vyacheslav is deceived by a woman, he never believes again. He himself is capable of treason. This may be by great love, but can become a “harmless” habit. At the same time, the family remains unshakable.

DOB: 1938-03-02

Version 2. What does the name Vyacheslav mean?

Comes from the Old Russian “vyache” (more) and “slav” (glory).

These boys grow up strong, and the “winter” ones, in addition, have endurance and good willpower. Therefore, parents will do absolutely the right thing if they send Vyacheslav to the sports section.

In childhood it is difficult to put up with injustice; being unable to protect the offended, little Vyacheslav may cry and, powerless, throw some thing. This trait will remain in the adult Vyacheslav. Faced with injustice, he may explode, flare up, and write a letter of resignation. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes more accommodating. He tries to take an intelligent woman as his wife; in his future wife he values ​​not only beauty, but also a sense of independence, originality and lack of complexes. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife with housekeeping, and takes care of the children. As a rule, he does not need to be reminded about a broken faucet, a creaking door, or an unfed dog. He takes the distribution of household responsibilities for granted and does not divide work into men's and women's. Moderately jealous, he builds his relationship with his wife on trust; once deceived, he never trusts again. Women like him for his kindness and charm and courtesy. He remains faithful to his wife, which does not require much effort from him, since he is all about business, thoughts about work. Always puts work first. He completes the work he starts, is punctual, and conscientiously carries out assignments. He does not give preference to any professions; he can succeed equally well in any field, although there is a noticeable attraction to technology. If Vyacheslav has a car, he will devote a lot of time to caring for it. He enjoys receiving guests, loves to drink, but, fortunately, it rarely comes to the point of alcoholism.

“Winter” ones are stubborn, persistent, stronger than “summer” ones. “Autumn” and “spring” are prone to heart attacks and are more severe in nature.

Vyacheslav needs to think hard before proposing to Helena, Vera, Gella or Tatyana.

DOB: 1961-10-15

3 version of the meaning of the name Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav - “great glory” (Old Russian)

As a child, he usually has good health, and the “winter” one, in addition, has endurance and willpower. All this contributes to success in sports; parents will do absolutely the right thing if they send the boy to a sports section.

Little Vyacheslav does not want to put up with injustice; being unable to protect the offended person, out of despair he is ready to cry and throw some thing. Adults also have this trait. Faced with injustice, he may explode, flare up, and write a letter of resignation. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes more accommodating.

He tries to take an intelligent woman as his wife; in his future wife he values ​​beauty, originality and the absence of complexes, a sense of independence. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife with housekeeping and takes care of the children. As a rule, he does not need to be reminded about a broken faucet, a creaking door, or an unfed dog. He takes the distribution of household responsibilities for granted. Moderately jealous, he builds his relationship with his wife on trust; once deceived, he never trusts again. Women like his kindness, charm, and helpfulness. He remains faithful to his wife, which does not require much effort from him, since he is all about business, thoughts about work.

Always puts work first. He completes the work he starts, is punctual, and conscientiously carries out assignments. There is no preference for any profession; he will succeed equally well in any field, although there is a noticeable craving for technology. If Vyacheslav has a car, he will devote a lot of time to caring for it.

He enjoys receiving guests, loves to drink, but rarely reaches the point of alcoholism.

In general, Vyacheslav is predisposed to pharyngitis and sinusitis, and he has an unstable nervous system.

“Winter” - fair, hot-tempered, straightforward.

“Autumn” - specific, reliable. Can become an electronics engineer, programmer, machine straightener. The name matches patronymics: Andreevich, Petrovich, Alekseevich, Valerianovich, Mikhailovich, Valentinovich.

“Summer” is very kind, loves children, not only his own, but also others.

“Spring” is sensitive and compassionate, independent and freedom-loving. Can become a lawyer, lawyer, journalist. The name matches patronymics: Stanislavovich, Vladislavovich, Savelievich, Borisovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Bogdanovich, Afanasyevich, Georgievich, Adolfovich.

DOB: 1934-11-30

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR

4th version of the interpretation of the name Vyacheslav

Sport is his passion, especially if Vyacheslav is born in the winter month. Always achieves good results thanks to stubbornness, assertiveness and the will to win. Vyacheslav is kind, but very hot-tempered.

Irritable if something doesn't work out. In this state, Vyacheslav is capable of rash actions: write a letter of resignation from his favorite job, sever ties with friends, destroy the only copy of an important document, etc. However, having splashed out his emotions, he becomes flexible and even more conscientious, which is generally characteristic of him. He is good-natured with everyone, rarely enters into conflicts, and is even in his relationships.

Vyacheslav is a reliable family man, but is predisposed to alcohol abuse. Perhaps only sports training keeps him from this. In old age, heart attacks are more likely.

DOB: 1947-02-17

6 version of the meaning of the name Vyacheslav

The name Vyacheslav comes from the Old Russian words “vyache”, meaning “more”, and “slav” (glory). The Vyacheslavs are strong boys, have endurance and good willpower, and are good athletes.

Possessing physical strength, he will always fight injustice and protect the weak. Vyacheslav is quick-tempered, can flare up instantly, and is prone to impulsive actions. He can give free rein to fits of anger, but he also quickly cools down and, feeling guilty, becomes more flexible. In a future wife, he will value beauty, individuality, and the absence of complexes. He is reliable in the family, helps around the house, and takes care of the children.

Work occupies an important place in life. He brings everything to completion. Equally successful in any profession.

In numerology, the name Vyacheslav corresponds to the number 2.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

7 version of the meaning of the name Vyacheslav

VYACHESLAV - most famous (old-famous).

Name day: October 11 - Saint Vyacheslav, Prince of the Czech Republic, pleased God with his concerns for the spread of the Christian faith in the Czech Republic, his love for church prayer, and mercy; killed in the 10th century by his brother Boleslav on the threshold of the church where he was going for morning prayer.


Planet - Venus.

Color - pale golden.

The auspicious tree is hazel.

The treasured plant is heather.

The patron of the name is the buffalo.

The talisman stone is topaz.


Vyacheslav is stubborn and persistent; strong, resilient - but only physically, and spiritually unstable: quick-tempered, touchy. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels awkward and becomes flexible. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife, takes care of the children. Once deceived by a woman, he never believes again. He himself is capable of treason. The first time it happens out of great love, then it becomes a habit. But “the family hearth is sacred” is his favorite motto.

DOB: 1979-03-04

8 version of the meaning of the name Vyacheslav

Very kind, charming, temperamental. They will flare up, but immediately apologize, if they offended you, they will caress you. If something doesn’t work out, they get irritated, but they finish the job - they are conscientious. As a rule, good fathers and husbands love their children, boys.

Vyacheslav receives guests with pleasure and does not refuse to drink, although he does not descend into alcoholism.

Winter ones are stubborn, persistent, stronger than summer ones. They make good athletes.

Autumn and spring people are prone to heart attacks and are psychopathic.

Name day named after Vyacheslav

January 14, March 17, August 16, August 23, August 25, October 11, October 13,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people with the name Vyacheslav

DOB: 1928-02-08

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR

DOB: 1938-03-02

Russian fashion designer, painter, graphic artist, theater costume designer

DOB: 1961-10-15

Soviet and Russian rock musician, writer

DOB: 1934-11-30

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR

Vyacheslav Dobrynin

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, People's Artist of Russia

DOB: 1947-02-17

Soviet and Russian pop singer, poet, composer, Honored Artist of Russia

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Russian symbolist poet, philosopher

DOB: 1979-03-04

Russian football player, goalkeeper, Honored Master of Sports of Russia

Vyacheslav Molotov

DOB: 1890-03-09

Soviet political and statesman

Vyacheslav Fetisov

DOB: 1958-04-20

Soviet hockey player, Olympic champion, Russian statesman

Vyacheslav Shalevich

DOB: 1934-05-27

Russian and Soviet theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR

Vyacheslav Klykov

DOB: 1939-10-19

Soviet and Russian artist and sculptor

Vyacheslav Polunin

DOB: 1950-06-12

Soviet and Russian pop artist, mime clown, People's Artist of Russia

Fours analyze everything that happens around them. Knowledge about the structure of mechanisms is important for them; they love science. Since Fours do not like to fantasize, their ideas are always realistic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Vyacheslav

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

H- stubbornness, determination in achieving a specific goal. These people are true philanthropists and are capable of selfless acts. They are very trusting and romantic natures. It would do them good to be less trusting of others.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success.

If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name Vyacheslav in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Vyacheslav in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav: The boy's name means "most glorious." This affects the character and fate of Vyacheslav.

Origin of the name Vyacheslav: Old Slavonic.

Diminutive form of name: Vyachik, Vyacha, Slava.

What does the name Vyacheslav mean: The name includes two roots: “vyache” (most, more) and “slav” (glory). The name translates as “most glorious.” Another meaning of the name Vyacheslav is “more glorious.” A guy with this name kindly wants to succeed everywhere and take first place. He has a desire to achieve justice everywhere, and on this basis he is susceptible to depression, because with age he realizes that his aspirations are unrealistic. This is an ardent patriot who tries to bring real benefits to his homeland.

Middle name: Vyacheslavovich, Vyacheslavich, Vyacheslavovna, Vyacheslavna.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Vyacheslav: the name celebrates his name day once a year: October 11 (September 28) - St. Vyacheslav, Prince of Czech, pleased God with his concerns for the spread of the Christian faith in the Czech Republic, love for church prayer, and mercy; killed in the 10th century his brother Boleslav on the threshold of the church, where he was going for morning prayer.

Signs of the name Vyacheslav: On the day of Vyacheslav, children are sprayed from a sieve on the threshold against the evil eye, the ghost, for health.


  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color - pale golden
  • Auspicious tree - hazel
  • Treasured plant - heather
  • Patron name - buffalo
  • Talisman stone - topaz

Characteristics of the name Vyacheslav

Positive features: The name gives the desire to be first everywhere, while lacking selfishness and ambition. A man with this name loves to overcome obstacles; he finds “sports interest” in this. He "does not look for easy ways." People respect him for his honesty and justice, and love him for his cheerful disposition. He tends to protect those who have lost or are offended. He is a patriot and tries to benefit his homeland.

Negative features: The name brings susceptibility to depression, grief when any injustice occurs. On this basis, he may have conflicts with others and even the authorities. In his youth, a guy with this name is unscrupulous in his relationships with people and can get involved in dubious company. His fame may turn out to be “bad.” But the most interesting thing is that the name Vyacheslav will be respected in the criminal environment for the same desire for justice.

Character of the name Vyacheslav: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Vyacheslav? He is a great worker and patient. From childhood, a child with this name accustoms himself not to use anyone’s help and rejects any advice. He is the lone ultra-distance runner of a lifetime. Self-improvement is his motto. People named Slava learn foreign languages, go to the pool in the morning, and do not abuse alcohol. They are stubborn and ambitious, but usually do not strive to become big bosses. In family life, Vyacheslav is usually unlucky with his first wife - she simply cannot stand the tyrannical nature of her chosen one. But in the second marriage harmony reigns.

Honest, straightforward, sanguine by temperament, modest, shy. Not inclined to long hard work. The Old Russian name Vyacheslav means “the most glorious”, “the most glorious”. This is a soft, not very assertive person, with a weak nervous system.

As a child, Slava was touchingly naive, nervous child. Parents must calm him down and simply look with approval and understanding, otherwise he will have hysterics, it will seem to him that they do not love him, they do not want to communicate with him. It is necessary to strengthen the child’s body and play sports. Then, as a teenager, Vyacheslav becomes a strong and athletic boy, thanks to his will and determination he can achieve high results.

It's sociable cheerful man. He has many friends and just good acquaintances. He treats people well and rarely enters into conflicts. Slava is kind, but quick-tempered, quickly cools down and does not remember insults. Women love him for his charm, courtesy, and gentleness. Frankness in sex is of particular importance to him.

Vyacheslav and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The name's marriage with Antonina, Valentina, Gorislava, Maya, Maria, Polina is successful. The name Vyacheslav is also combined with Rimma. Difficult relationships with the name can develop with Alla, Valeria, Dina, Inna, Karina, Lilia.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vyacheslav promise happiness in love? This faithful companion life, who does not forgive women for betrayal. It's easy and fun to be with him. He loves his family and enjoys doing household chores.

In the sphere of personal relationships, Slava chooses an intelligent and beautiful woman without complexes, affectionate and gentle, capable of guessing his desire by one gesture. In family life he is reliable, helps his wife in running the household, and takes care of the children. He Vyacheslav attaches great importance to mutual trust, and is moderately jealous.

If he is deceived and the deception is discovered, Vyacheslav will never trust this woman again. Women like his kindness and charm, his courtesy. Slava, born in summer and winter, stubborn, persistent, different good health; those born in spring and autumn are predisposed to heart attacks and have a more severe character. He will not betray a friend, will not play dirty tricks on his neighbor, but will not defend himself if this is fraught with a threat to his personal well-being.

In family life, a guy named Vyacheslav is reliable, helps his wife, and looks after the children. He has a strong sense of duty to his family.

The name Slava builds relationships with his wife on trust, but, disappointed, he does not trust a single woman. His wife is usually smart, charming, has personality and lacks complexes.

Choice of profession: He Vyacheslav can realize himself in various fields life, his abilities are especially manifested where there is healthy competition. Many guys showed their determination, passion, endurance, and strength of character in sports. In the team of players, the name Slava is the most respected. Vyacheslav the leader, for example a coach, proves himself to be a good organizer, a fair “judge”, a reliable senior friend who knows how to combine personal interests with the interests of the common cause.

Fame can give vent to anger, but it quickly cools down. Prone to impulsive actions. Work occupies an important place in his life. The name Vyacheslav is an efficient, conscientious, punctual person; he always completes the work he starts. He Vyacheslav succeeds in any field, although he prefers working with technology.

Talents, business, career

Business and career: IN financial affairs The name Slava has great opportunities: he can achieve material well-being by starting a business from scratch. He is Vyacheslav - a generous person and is able to donate part of his money to humane and charitable purposes.

A man named Vyacheslav is a talented person, and not in any specific area, but in many. But for his talents to be realized, life circumstances should turn out favorably. If not, then, having passed the forty-year mark, his nervous system will calm down and he will work normally, without worrying about lost opportunities. Slava is equally good in many specialties, but will excel most of all in technology. His clarity and scrupulousness will help him in archival matters.

Vyacheslav treats any work responsibly, brings everything to the end, but works without passion. Slava loves to drive a car and can repair it himself.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Vyacheslav: The meaning of the name Vyacheslav from a medical point of view. He has a congenital predisposition to serious diseases of the digestive system. He must not deplete his supply of nervous energy. During periods of depression, you should not abuse alcohol, which can increase serious condition. Need to find optimal mode work and rest, correctly distribute your strength. A man named Vyacheslav values ​​good sleep.

The fate of Vyacheslav in history

What does the name Vyacheslav mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Vyacheslav or Vyachko (7-1224) - the son of Boris of Polotsk, Prince Kukeinos, to whom Yuriev, the stronghold of the northern borders of Russia, was later transferred. Having no more than two hundred soldiers, he established his dominance in northern Livonia: he took tribute from the inhabitants, severely punished those who disobeyed, constantly harassed the Germans and happily repelled their attack on Yuriev. Then Bishop Albert summoned all the knights, wandering pilgrims, merchants, Latvians and himself set out from Riga, surrounded by monks and priests. This army settled in tents near Yuryev, and Vyachko looked indifferently at all the preparations of the Germans. In vain Albert offered him peace and freedom to leave the fortress with his people, their property and horses: Vyachko did not want to hear about it, hoping that the Novgorodians would not leave him without help. The Russians defended the longest. None of them could escape from the sword of the victors, except for one Suzdal boyar: having captured him, the Germans gave him a horse and ordered him to go to Novgorod to announce the disaster of the Russians there. The brave Vyachko was among those killed.
  2. Vyacheslav Y. Shishkov (1873-1945) - Russian writer. The present and past of Siberia are the main theme of his work. His novels “The Band”, “Gloomy River” (filmed and became a popular TV movie), and “Emelyan Pugachev” are especially famous. He lived a long life, rich in events and impressions. Vyacheslav Shishkov was not indifferent to the huge world different characters And human destinies who met him on his work path. He deeply studied these people, their simple, strong, figurative language, and came into close contact with nature and the inhabitants of Siberia “in all their curious and rich diversity.”
  3. Vyacheslav Polunin - pop artist, mime clown, People's Artist of Russia.
  4. Vyacheslav Kotenochkin - animator director, creator of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” and others (1927–2000).
  5. Vyacheslav Ivanov is a Russian symbolist poet, philosopher, one of the ideological inspirers of the Silver Age.
  6. Vyacheslav Anisin - hockey player, world, European and USSR champion.
  7. Vyacheslav Butusov is a musician, vocalist of the group “Nautilus Pampilius”.
  8. Vyacheslav Ganelin is a Soviet and Israeli composer and jazz musician.
  9. Vyacheslav Shalevich - theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  10. Vyacheslav Tikhonov - theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  11. Vyacheslav Dobrynin is a composer and singer.
  12. Vyacheslav Nevinny - actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  13. Vyacheslav Plehve - statesman (1846–1904).
  14. Vyacheslav Pietsukh is a Russian writer.
  15. Vyacheslav Platonov - Soviet athlete (volleyball), legendary Soviet and Russian volleyball coach, Honored Coach of the USSR (1978) and the RSFSR (1972).
  16. Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov is a Soviet and Russian composer and conductor.
  17. Vyacheslav Tsarev is a Soviet film actor, best known for his role as a boy with a net in the film “Welcome, or No Trespassing.”

Vyacheslav in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name Vyacheslav into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On Czech language translated as in Czech: Vaclav - Vatslav, in German: Wenzel - Wenzel, on Polish language: Waclaw - Vaclav, on Bulgarian language: Wenceslaus - Wenceslaus, in Italian: Venceslao.