Pagan goddess Makosh. Makosh in the pantheon of Slavic Gods. Pagan goddess and Christian saint

She spins threads
rolls into a ball,
not simple threads - magical ones.
From those threads weaves
our life -
from the beginning - birth
and until the end,
until the final outcome - death.

This is how the most ancient goddess of the Slavs, Makosh, was poetically described in the “Book of Kolyada” (1st century).
She is the only goddess of the ancient Russian pantheon, whose idol stood in Kyiv on the top of a hill next to the statues of Perun and other deities, according to the Tale of Bygone Years.

Who is this Great Goddess?

Her name is traditionally considered to be formed from two words - Ma - the essence of “mother” and kosh - fate.
This is the Goddess of all human Fate, the Great Mother, the goddess of fertility.
The wife of the Great God Veles - one of the greatest Russian Gods, who sets the world created by Rod and Svarog in motion.

Mokosh (Makosh) – one of the most controversial goddesses Slavic pantheon, patronizing fate.
The goddess is compared to Greek goddesses fates of the Moirai and the Germanic Norns.
Some consider Mokosh to be the most ancient Mother Goddess, while others associate her image with the Orthodox Saint Paraskeva.

The elements associated with Mokosh are earth and water. Both of them represent in the cult of Mokosh the giving birth and at the same time absorbing principles, uniquely united in ancient ideas about the Raw Earth, that is, earth and water as elements merging in unity.

It is no coincidence that people even have a stable reference to this “tandem”: Mother of Cheese, Earth. Like a mother, she gives birth, but at the end of her earthly journey, she absorbs into herself.
And the mighty and great Mokosh rules all this.

Makosh - Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Law, Correct. The third face of God. The first face is the Father, the second is the Son, the third is the Mother. For the Mother is the Spirit of God who sets the World in motion. It is the Mother who gives life to the Son. And this means - the World changes, after the Father the Son appears, then the Son Himself becomes the Father and again gives birth to the Son.

The Goddess Mokosh, as the spinner of the Threads of human destinies, is in Heaven, where she binds a person with the fruits of his labors - good or evil, with hidden threads, and predetermines his final fate.

Makosh knows the secret of destinies, the secret of previous lives and new incarnations. It requires a person to follow a destined path.
It also gives freedom of choice between good and evil, where good is following the path of Rule, and evil is deviation from it.
Those who go aside, destroy themselves and their souls - Makosh punishes mercilessly.
They reincarnate on earth again, but no longer as people.

Makosh, the eldest of the goddesses, is the spinner of fate. High in the heavenly palace she sits with her assistants Dolya and Nedolya, spinning the intricate threads of fate that connect a person with the fruits of his labors - good or evil. Pokuta is what connects the beginning and the end of every matter, cause and effect, what is done by the doer, creation and creator, intention and result.

Makosh knows the secret of destinies, the secret of previous lives and new incarnations; life and death are equally subject to her. This is the goddess of magic and sorcery, the mistress of the crossroads of the universe between worlds.

Mokosh is also in charge of the patronage of female fertility and motherhood, productivity, prosperity in the house, and all kinds of women's work- especially spinning and needlework, because she is the protector and patroness of housewives and wives.

If Makosh does not look kindly at the farm, then there is no need to expect a bountiful harvest, a good profit, or prosperity in the family in this house.

Makosh, as the Mistress of Living Nature, was celebrated every full moon.

Makosh is a woman, and therefore changeable - she can bring both joy and sorrow. She has mercy and rewards only those who are strong in spirit and who are fighting for happiness. It provides a way out of the most hopeless situations, if a person does not despair, if he goes with all his strength, if he has not betrayed himself and his dream. And then Makosh sends the goddess of happiness and good luck to the person - Srecha. And then the man opens the door, takes a step and Srecha meets him.

But if a person has given up, lost faith, betrayed his dream, got tired and given up on everything - they say. The curve will take him out, then he will be bitterly disappointed. Makosh will turn away his face. And the outcast will be led through life by monstrous old women - Dashing One-Eyed, Crooked, Not Easy, Week, Nesrecha - to where they are already wailing over the graves of Karn and Jelly.

Makosh strictly monitors the observance of customs and rituals. She has mercy and rewards those who firmly stand for ancient customs. Among the Eastern Slavs, wooden sculptures of Mokosh were placed on wells, and sacrifices were made to her (fabrics, tows, threads, and sheep's wool were thrown into the well).

Messengers of Mokosh - bees, spiders, ants - insect workers.
Therefore, if you see a spider in your house, do not be afraid and remember: to kill a spider is to lose luck.
If a spider crawls into a house, it is carefully caught, taken outside and released.

A bumblebee or a bee flying into a window is also a harbinger of an upcoming event associated with Makosh. Catching the first bumblebee you see in spring has always been considered to be great luck for the whole year until next spring.

A caught bumblebee should be wrapped in a scarf or rag so that it hums for a while, then it is released.
The rag, which then smells of the subtle scent of pollen and honey, is a talisman kept in the house for good luck. This custom has survived to this day. It is still performed in villages.

In Christianity, the image of Mokosh merged with Paraskeva Friday, for Mokosh’s day is Friday (“Paraskeva” in Greek is “Friday”). Some women who revered Makosh “honored Friday more than Sunday.” The Church had a negative attitude towards mixing Christian and folk (pagan) rituals, therefore in Stoglav all beliefs regarding Friday were called “ungodly”.

Numerous images of Mokosh have been preserved in Russian embroidery. Makosh was often depicted between two moose cows - Rozhanitsa. She was also depicted as a female figurine with raised arms, in which there is the Horn of Veles (Horn of Plenty) and a Bird. Nearby may be depicted: Goddess-Protectors Share (on the right, with a raised right hand) and Nedolya (on the left, with her left hand raised), Sheaf of Ears (embodiment of the harvest), heavenly cow Zemun (mother of Veles, divine nurse), magic spinning wheel, etc.

"... One day, just under New Year In the bitter cold, a poor old woman approached the mill. The mill stood in a grove near a stream, and no one saw where it came from. And this was not a simple old woman, but a sorceress named Mokosh. She could turn into a bird, a snake, or a red maiden, and she could also do good and evil. Woe to him who offends her! Mokosh lived among the swamps on the edge of the swamp, where the Sun descended in the fall.
There, at Mokosha’s, the Sun spent all the long winter nights. The sorceress took care of the weakened winter Sun, treated him medicinal herbs yes by conspiracies, and by spring it again became strong and powerful..." ( Croatian fairy tale"Sun-Matchmaker and Neva-Bride").

Russia is ruled by Makosh, the Great Mother of the World, the main Goddess of this land.
She is neither lower nor higher than Svarog. Great Mother. And - Mother of all Gods...
Loving, all-forgiving and... merciless in her justice.

They also consider the first full moon of May, or the last one of April (but this is less common) to be Mokosh time.

And when trouble comes, click: “Mother”... All the gods are like one family.
Everyone is equal before Makosh, everyone is her children.

There is another sun on our earth... and the Sun has many names... not one, several gods - hypostases of the Sun... Is it difficult? It’s okay, get used to it... The lace of grass, the songs of rivers, the fury of life... It’s easy... But it’s not primitive...

Although over the centuries the importance of Mokosha has been “downplayed,” she is one of the main great Goddesses of the Slavic pantheon.

Its attributes are, first of all, a spindle with tows, personifying the threads of the destinies of all things, and sometimes two horns with destinies, marked with a swastika.

Gradually moving into the category of “small”, domestic, female Deities, Makosh, nevertheless, remains the Great Goddess of the Lot, like the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian Norns (Urd, Verdandi, Skuld - three aspects of time, i.e. past, present, future, respectively old, mature and young), weaving destinies at the three roots of the Ash Tree - Yggdrasil, and clearing the source of Urd.

Mokosh also has two assistants - Dolya and Nedolya, respectively, weaving good and evil destinies and intertwining one with the other under the supervision of the eldest Mokosha.

Therefore, Mokosh was especially worshiped, for in the hands of Mokosh is human life and its thread, which she is free to cut

Makosh is a Goddess who possesses and pours out her special Power on people - the power to create their own destiny.

She is with you, for example, when you do your job and do it as well as you understand and as best you can. And if Mokosh likes it, she “tailors” the circumstances of your life to you, bestowing special success in business, and, turning to you with Doli’s face, a special feeling of happiness and good luck.

Well, and, naturally, on the contrary - taking away luck, success, abilities and opportunities, if you acted in some way against her will.

Like a true Mother - teaching, encouraging and punishing - she takes care of her child.

If she appears to you in one form or another, if this happens often, and you don’t understand why and why, then it’s better to ask her herself at the moment of her appearance.

Mokoshi symbols

Mokoshin metal is silver, stone is rock crystal and the so-called “moonstone”.
Mokoshi's beast is a cat. The symbol of this goddess is yarn, a ball of wool, a spindle, and they were brought to the collection.
Mokoshi’s idols could be made from “female woods,” primarily from aspen.
The idol of Mokoshi could often also be horned or have a cornucopia in his hands.
Mokoshi's servants are spiders, so it is considered a good omen if a cobweb flies into your face.
Also associated with Mokosh is a rope talisman tied on the right wrist.

Makosh (Makosh, Mokosha, Mokusha) is a Slavic goddess. Occupies one of the most important and significant places in the pagan pantheon of the Slavs. It is worth saying that the idol of Makoshi was among others in the Kiev temple, which was erected and then destroyed by Prince Vladimir. The fact that Makosh was awarded such an honor as an idol on the main princely temple speaks of her extraordinary significance in the beliefs and ideas of our ancestors. Among other idols, Makosh was the only female deity.

Makosh is the goddess of earth and rain, harvest, spinning, weaving, patroness of crafts, patroness of women, goddess of fate. The very name “Mokosh” or “Makosh” is associated with several versions of its origin. One of the versions put forward by M. Vasmer is that Mokosh comes from the word “to get wet,” and in ancient times this goddess was directly associated with rain and the harvest. Other researchers - V.V. Ivanov and V.N. Toporov, suggested that Mokosh comes from the word mokos, which can be translated as “spinning.” That this goddess was closely associated with weaving and spinning is not in doubt. There are still beliefs that one should not spin or do handicrafts on Friday, since this day is dedicated to Mokoshi and the goddess can punish for such an offense. For the same reason, Mokosh was often depicted as “punctured with needles and twisted with spindles,” because wicked women do not obey, they sew and spin on Fridays. As sacrifices, Mokoshi brought yarn, tow, and threads, which were thrown into the well. This ritual is called mokrids. Surprisingly, in one ritual two aspects of this goddess are emphasized - the patroness of needlewomen and the goddess of rain and harvest. According to a famous researcher, the name Makosh comes from the phrase “ma” - mother and “kosh” - lot. This phrase can be translated as - Mother of Fate. In ancient times, “kosh” also meant a basket for grain, a barn, a pen for livestock, a cart for sheaves, and from this we can conclude that Makosh is the mother of the harvest. None of the names of the goddess are erroneous, that is, you can call her both Makosh and Mokosh, but later in the article, so that there is no confusion, we will call her Mokosh.

Like a spinner who spins divine threads, Makosh appears and goddess of fate. According to the beliefs of the pagan Slavs, it is she who spins the threads of life (pokuta, pokutnye threads). The assistants of this goddess are Dolya and Nedolya (Srecha and Nesrecha).

Makosh was, without a doubt, one of the central figures of the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs. The cult of Mokosh is especially popular among women, whose direct patroness is the goddess. Makosh is mentioned in chronicles and teachings against paganism: “Bow before the invisible God: people praying to Rod and women in labor, Perun, and Apollo, and Mokosha, and Peregina, and do not approach any vile demands of gods” (XVI century, Teachings to Spiritual Children) , “For this reason, it is not appropriate for Christians to play demonic games, who eat dancing, gudba, Myr songs and the sacrifice of idols, who pray to the fire with the barn and pitchfork and Mokoshi and Sim and Ragl and Perun and Rod and Rozhanitsa” (XVI century, Word on bribery ), “...the same gods are required to create the Slovenian language: Vilam and Makoshi and Diva, Perun. Kharsu...” (XV century, The Word on Idols) and many others.

It is worth noting the fact that during the times of dual faith the image of Mokosh was transferred to the Christian saint Paraskeva Friday or Paraskeva Pnyanikha. Mokosh's Day has always been considered Friday, which is why Paraskeva is called Friday; Pnyanikha or Lyanikha - a flax spinner, also refers to the image of Mokosh. Paraskeva, translated from Greek, means “Friday”. Perhaps also for this reason, the Slavs, who had not yet lost contact with the pagan gods, saw in this name something very similar to Makosh and all the features that were inherent in the pagan goddess were transferred to the Christian saint, thus making a unique "castling". Some ancient churches, which date back to Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, stand on the site of former temples dedicated to Mokosh. The connection between Mokosh and Friday is proven by many different pieces of evidence, ranging from the tradition of holding rituals on Fridays in honor of this goddess, various Friday prohibitions, and ending with the similarity of goddesses identical to Mokosh in other traditions. For example, the German Freya, which is very similar to our Makosh, has a direct connection with the name of Friday - Freitag.

Makosh is often compared to such goddesses as Hecate (ancient Greek goddess of the moon, night visions and sorcery), Freya (Scandinavian goddess of love and beauty), Aphrodite (ancient Greek goddess of beauty and love). Makosh existed not only on the territory ancient Rus', but also in other countries. For example, among the Czechs, Makosh is the goddess of rain and dampness, to whom they resorted with prayers and sacrifices during droughts.

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, like her pagan predecessor, is considered a dressmaker who patronizes girls engaged in manual labor. There is also a belief here that Friday prohibits all women from working on this day or doing any handicrafts. It is believed that Paraskeva Friday became especially popular in the 12th-13th centuries, when Christianity was already flourishing. In Christian times, people continued to pray to Paraskeva, seeing in her image that same archaic Makosh, for patronage in needlework, fate, and also for rain. Prayers were held for Paraskeva at wells and springs, which indicates a direct connection with ancient rites dedicated to this goddess. Another interesting comparison of the “old” and “new” goddesses was the idea that icons of Paraskeva miraculously appear near bodies of water or directly in the water of reservoirs, which is also an echo of ancient pagan myths and legends. In the first time after baptism, when pagan customs were still very strong, people brought various fruits to the icons of Paraskeva (the cornucopia is one of Mokosh’s attributes), flax, left the first compressed sheaf on the field, and so on. In order for Makosh-Paraskeva to give good harvest fruit trees, in villages they still place fruits under the icon of this saint and keep them there until next year.

For the same reason that You can't do business on Friday, the floor is swept the day before so that on the holy day the house is clean, and the goddess who comes to visit the house is pleased with what she sees. On Friday, do not leave the yarn in the spindle, threads and needlework utensils uncleaned. You cannot comb flax, wash clothes, dig, plow, harrow the ground, sweep floors, or clean manure. It is believed that the one who does such things dusts the eyes of the goddess, pricks and cuts her skin with needles and scissors. Friday among the Slavs was revered on a par with Sunday (Week).

associated with the cult of water and rain, she is considered closely related to the reverence of the earth and protects fertility. She is often depicted as a female figure with horns and also belongs to the lunar cult. As you know, in Rus' the Moon has always been considered the “star” of women and patronized women. Thus, Makosh is the goddess of the moon, the goddess of rain and earth, the patroness of women, the patroness of handicrafts, housekeeping and the eldest of the spinners - the goddess of fate. There is also an opinion that not only the Moon is the personification of Mokosh, but also the planet Venus. Venus has always been considered the patron saint of women, and therefore some researchers bring together Dennitsa, Zorya (the goddess of Venus) and Makosh.

Researchers of this goddess pay special attention embroidery, where Makosh is presented in some detail. Here she is always portrayed as the central figure. Makosh with raised hands means the goddess-giver of rain (prayer for warmth, light and rain - spring and early summer); the goddess with her hands down is the patroness of the earth and the fertility of the earth (prayer for the fertility of the earth - summer and autumn). Often in embroidery it is accompanied by two figures. These are the same figures that Boris Rybakov wrote so much about in his studies: the once mistresses of the universe - the heavenly elk or the Rozhanitsa - Lada and Lelya. In their instructions against paganism, medieval clerks often placed Makosh next to Bereginya and pitchforks. You can read about Bereginya and pitchforks in the article ““. Makosh is considered their mentor, their main goddess. Vilas or Vilas-mermaids, Beregini are Mokosh’s assistants in agricultural matters, as well as in protecting and helping people. The same assistant is the sacred dog Simargl, who protects the seedlings and harvest.

Since Makosh is associated with the moon, the amulet stone of this goddess is considered to be moonstone and rock crystal. Mokosh's metal is silver. Animal: cat. At the same time, a cat can be an animal of a goddess for two reasons. Since ancient times, the cat was considered a nocturnal animal that walks under the moon and is closely associated with the night element, night spirits and night Gods. The cat is also considered the beast of Mokosh due to its consonance: Kosh-ka - Ma-kosh. The symbol can be yarn, a spindle, a ball of wool or other handicraft items. The idol often looked like a female figure with horns and a cornucopia in his hands. It is preferable to make an idol or an idol from female wood species, for example, from aspen. Another symbol of Mokosh is the spider and spider web. The spider, like Makosh, spins a thread (of fate). This is where the belief comes from that if you suddenly get caught in a spider’s web in the forest, then this is a good sign, that is, Makosh favors such a person and gives a sign that his thread will be smooth and happy. Also, its symbol can be the most famous and widespread amulet-amulet - Lunnitsa, which in ancient times was a women's decoration and amulet, and looked like a crescent with various inserts and images, such as: oblique lines of rain, stars, and so on.

Makosh was present not only in many chronicles, writings, teachings and in the courtyard of Prince Vladimir in the form of one of the idols. The image of the goddess is also found on the famous Zbruch idol. Among the other Gods who are depicted on each of the four faces, Makosh is represented on the front face with a horn (of plenty) in his hand.

Friday, aka Makosh, was considered patroness of trade. The researchers came to this conclusion, judging by the numerous names, including: the Church of Friday at Torg in Veliky Novgorod, built in 1207; Church of Friday at Torg in Chernigov, XII and XIII centuries; Church of Friday in Okhotny Ryad in Moscow and so on. In addition, since ancient times, Friday has always been considered the day of trade, bazaars, and fairs. The very name “Mokosh” was not forgotten after baptism, but was transferred to the house god (as in the case of Rod, who, after the baptism of Rus', turned from an omnipotent creator into a house god). Mokosha now appeared as a house spirit female with a big head and long arms. There are legends that the house spirit Mokosha spins at night while everyone is sleeping and if you leave the tow untidy, Mokosha can ruin it. There is also the following mention about Mokoshi, recorded in the 19th century in the Olonets region: “A sheep, no matter how much its wool is sheared, will sometimes dry itself out; and they say: Mokusha sheared the sheep. Otherwise: they are sleeping - the spindle is purring. They say that Mokusha was spinning. When leaving the house, she (Mokosh) will sometimes come up and click on a beam or a spindle.”

Another holiday dedicated to this goddess is Veshnee Makoshya (Earth Day) - May 10.

Makosh, together with women in labor Lada and Lelya, are the main patron goddesses of the Babi Porridge holiday, which is traditionally celebrated on January 8th.

Feasts of the Christian saint Paraskeva: Paraskeva Gryaznikha (October 14) and Paraskeva Linen (October 28).

The features of the original Slavic gods are clearly visible in many Christian saints. One of these “reborn” is Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, a strict and fair patroness of women, handicrafts and any women’s craft. And the one from which Christians copied almost everything characteristic features- the ancient goddess of the Slavs, Makosh.

It is not known for certain how the cult of worship of Mokosh was formed, nor is the origin of her name known. There are two interpretations. The first states that the name of the goddess consists of two parts: “ma” (mother) and “kosh” (fate). The thesis is based on the fact that in addition to her many “responsibilities,” Makosh was also the goddess of fate. Together with her younger sisters, Dolya and Nedolya, Makosh shaped and reshaped human destinies, distributing happiness and misfortune. The ancient Greek Moirai and the ancient Germanic norns acted in a similar way: spinning goddesses, in charge of the threads of fate, existed in the pantheons of many nations.
The second version of the formation of the name goes back to the word “kosh” - “basket”. We can conclude that the goddess of fate patronized the harvest and harvest; Moreover, Makosh was considered the mother of the other gods. But this did not stop some tribes from seeing her in the male guise of Veles-Mokosh - maybe that’s why many idols of the goddess on the temples have a small, neat beard?

The degree of “reverence” of the goddess was already indicated by the fact that she was the only goddess for whom a place was allocated in the princely pantheon; and also that as many as 12 holidays a year were dedicated to Mokosh. But the demand from her was greater than from an ordinary deity. Of course, the Slavs asked for a good harvest, but at the same time they understood perfectly well that Father Chance had great value; and therefore Makosh was also considered the goddess of chance.
But most of all, the goddess of women was revered, since she embodied everything feminine principles. Any work performed by a Slavic woman. “supervised” by Makosh. The personification of the ideal housewife, the goddess is now remembered precisely in this form. All household chores, handicrafts, field work - all this was under her protection. Like any strict woman, Makosh could not stand careless workers, and roughly punished those who were guilty. In Belarusian legends there is a belief that if you leave a tow overnight, the goddess will re-spun it and leave the quality at her discretion. And woe to the woman who was too lazy to finish the lesson on time - the next morning the tow turned out to be terribly tangled, and it took a long time to comb it again.

The Slavs had their own idea of ​​how Makosh distributes fate. No one would have suspected a deity in the young, simple-haired woman, and she calmly walked around the villages. I looked closely at the dexterity and hard work of the Slavs, and noticed who endured the difficulties. Makosh favors those who, even in an unbearable situation, do not think of giving up, but still go forward. Makosh sends his beloved younger sister, Srecha, to such people. Otherwise, a person will never meet the goddess of happiness: Makosh will deprive him of his protection and turn away. At that very moment he will be in the power of Likh and Nedolya, and will be accompanied by them until his death.
From the same legend we can conclude that Makosh is in charge of the Transition, through which souls from Reveal go to other worlds. It is believed that one of the lower forms of the goddess is Baba Yaga, known to everyone, and Makosh has all her qualities.

In popular perception, the goddess looks like a tall, portly woman with a kika on her head. The embroideries preserved her stylized images, in which Rozhanitsy in the guise of moose cows stands on either side of Mokosh. The goddess always holds a cornucopia in her hands. An interesting fact is that there was a strict ban on depicting the face of the goddess. This is connected with the fateful image of Mokosh - no one should see even an approximate appearance of him.

It can be summarized like this:

  1. Makosh is a goddess who distributes human destinies.
  2. Mother deity, patron of fertility, and is honored 12 times a year or every full moon.
  3. Magic in all its manifestations and the Passage between the worlds of Rule, Reveal and Navi - all this is subject to Mokosh.
  4. Considered to be the wife of Veles; wise and skillful housewife.
  5. She patronized and protected diligent women who did all their work well.
  6. The lower hypostasis of Mokosh is Baba Yaga, who, according to some beliefs, commands life and death.
  7. The entire animal world obeyed the goddess.
One of the rituals dedicated to Mokosh is throwing skeins of spun thread into springs or wells. This ritual was mainly popular among young girls who sought to attract the attention of the goddess and come under her special protection.
The cult of Mokosh is one of the strongest in Rus'. Apparently, thanks to his power, the goddess was not forgotten, but simply merged with a Christian character in the person of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, considered by Christians to be the patroness of women. A reverse analogy can also be drawn: if Paraskeva has all the features of Mokosh, it means that the image of the ancient Slavic goddess also contains the features of Paraskeva. For example, the latter is considered the benefactor of trade - is this why Friday is considered the best day for making transactions?
The only difference between Mokosh and Paraskeva is the date of the day of veneration. For the Christian saint it is October 28, but for Mokosh there is no “fixed” day - festivities in her honor were held on the Friday closest to April 8.

Makosh loves silver, rock crystal, moonstone and cats. The gifts that the Slavs brought to her idol at the temple were most often wool, balls, spindles and other “women’s little things.” The idol itself was made from “female” wood, but for some reason they preferred aspen to birch. The idol always stood in a prominent place, and the masters always decorated his head with a stylized kick.

The Slavic goddess Makosh is one of the most revered female deities of our ancestors. She was originally portrayed as adult woman, included in full vitality. As the patroness of crafts, the goddess Makosh supposedly favored weaving. However, the works of the Russian historian-researcher A.S. Nikitin prove that she was assigned broader powers.

  • The mysterious image of Mokosh

    The Slavic goddess Makosh and her place in the pantheon are shrouded in a mysterious aura. The cult of the female deity was studied by historians and ethnographers A. S. Nikitin, D. S. Likhachev, B. A. Rybakov and M. N. Tikhomirov. The data they collected proves that the goddess Makosh belongs to ancient ethnic cults from the 5th to 8th centuries BC. However, it is impossible to say exactly where and when the name of the goddess was first formed. Who was the first bearer of her wisdom is also difficult to establish. The authenticity of Mokosh’s existence in the Slavic pantheon is confirmed by folklore and numerous archaeological finds.

    What did the goddess know?

    It is impossible to say with certainty what role our ancestors assigned to the goddess. The chronicle sources do not specify how the goddess Makosh appeared. Her image is inextricably linked with the Mother - the Raw Earth.

    B. A. Rybakov, based on the collected evidence, compiled an approximate list of aspects included in the area of ​​​​influence of the goddess. According to generalized information, she patronized midwives. She was worshiped by women who got married and gave birth to children. Elderly women sang songs with the name of the goddess while working with yarn. This ritual is still popular in the Ryazan and Bryansk regions.

    Makosh in folklore

    The goddess Makosh is actively mentioned in folklore as the intercessor of the family, the patroness of herbalism and witchcraft. Friday was considered the day of worship of the goddess. If a woman wanted to find a quick marriage, she would definitely carry out household rituals in order to draw Mokoshi’s attention to her request.

    Such rituals included:

    • sprinkling poppy seeds on the threshold;
    • a saucer of milk left outside the threshold;
    • tying four fence posts with a wreath of willow, burdock and nettle;
    • washing the most fertile cow with warm water.

    In oral and song folklore, these actions are reflected in sayings and conspiracies:

    • I'll clean up on Friday and get ready to get married.
    • Friday's sponge, Monday's wedding spaghetti.
    • I will wash the calf with warm water. Just as the udder is full of milk, so is the house full of happiness.
    • The yard is washed clean, matchmakers are invited and it’s Friday. (Belarusian proverb)

    According to beliefs, the Slavic goddess Makosh carried the magic of the earth within herself, which contributed to divination and various ritual actions in her honor. The main symbol in such actions was a candle. The wax for its production was collected in May. In this case, the candle was made by the petitioner or the witch herself.


    From the data collected by ethnographers, it becomes clear that the goddess Makosh patronized decorative crafts and spinning. In embroidery, several symbols are dedicated to her:

    • bereginya with her hands raised and placed on the lower back;
    • a crossed diamond with dots in each field;
    • Blooming tree;
    • running horse;
    • Bereginya with two doves;
    • pavychi (peacocks);
    • birds;
    • a circle with an inscribed cross or rhombus.

    Thanks to her graphic reflection, the Slavic goddess Makosh gained a foothold in folk art. Christianization could not supplant her image. Mentions of women bringing Makosh’s services are found in church books until the end of the 18th century.

    Wood carving symbolism of Mokosh

    Often the goddess Makosh was carved as an image on various objects home life. Spinning wheels and wooden dishes were decorated with her images. The solar and earthly symbols combined in the symbolism of the goddess adorned shutters, trim and tiles.

    Carved items with symbols depicting Makosh were present along with Veles in utensils for livestock. The depicted burdock often covered dugout ladles for milk and honey. Since this plant, along with willow and nettle, was one of the favorite plants of the goddess, it was applied to these objects.

    Song creativity

    The Slavic goddess Makosh was famous for her love for folk festivals. After all, during fertility holidays, couples came together in marriage. A whole series of songs and rituals appealed to the mercy of the goddess.

    The goddess Makosh responded to sincere requests for marriage, the birth of a child or fertility in the field. The following word forms were widespread:

    Makosh mother, cover it with a hem. Bring darling to my house. Lead us like swans across a pond. So that life is like a cup of honey.

    You are Makosh, Makosh! Your look is beautiful, dear face. The wide field is covered with blue for summer, and scarlet for autumn.

    Let the geese and swans circle over the porch. Come on, they'll cover the yard with white fluff. As I walk across that yard into my dear one’s arms, and through them to my husband’s house.

    Makosh is the intercessor of the bed with rye, the yard with a white feather.

    How did they honor the goddess?

    In the folk ritual cycle, the goddess Makosh belongs to the deities of fertility and home life. A study of the sacrificial stones of the Bryansk and Izhevsk temples showed that they brought her as a gift:

    • oilseeds;
    • dairy products;
    • bread, wheat grain;
    • berries.

    Chemical analysis of the found sacrificial vessels showed that on the walls there are remains of plant elements ground into pulp. A detailed analysis confirmed the presence poisonous mushrooms and medicinal plants. These finds confirm the involvement of the goddess in the healing profession.

    What did goddess worship supposedly look like?

    The Slavic goddess Makosh was a female idol to whom married and elderly women sent prayers. Anyone could bring tribute to the goddess, thus enlisting her support. But the rites of honor and glorification themselves were performed exclusively by the female part of the community.

    The wise goddess Makosh was praised in song ritual verses. Before her statue, certain words were spoken, collected field herbs and gifts from the harvest were placed. Unlike Lada, the celebrations and departures did not have dance elements. The so-called “lingering choirs” were present. The action looked like a rehash of several voices, each of which writes the same line.

    Makosh: from the ancient Slavs to the present

    Even after Christianization, the Slavic goddess Makosh did not leave the thoughts of the Slavs. She found a display in Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. The translation from the Greek name “Paraskeva” just means “Friday”. A reference to the ancient goddess in the name of the Christian saint is given by her other nicknames:

    • Flax;
    • Spinner, Spinner;
    • woman's saint;
    • mother of Saint Week.

    The described holidays on Saint's Day are inextricably linked with ponds, laying herbs on altars and all kinds of glorification of marriage. The Friday celebration for the Slavic peoples was more important than the Sunday one. Which caused a tense attitude towards the very process of praising Paraskeva on the part of the clergy. However, they were unable to get rid of the traditional perception of the celebration.

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Miraculous words: Makosh Slavic goddess prayer in full description from all the sources we found.

In honor of the Wise Heavenly Mother of God, the Slavs and Aryans erected the Great Kummirni and Temples, for the Goddess Makosh personified not only fate, luck, prosperity in the Slavic Clans, observing the Laws and commandments of the Ancient Light Gods, people also turned to her with a request to increase their Ancient Clans, t .e. asked for more children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Mokosh's prayers

Makosh - goddess of fate and female magic

Makosh is the goddess of fate and sorcery, the Great Mother of the ancient Slavs. She is capable of both granting a happy fate and punishing with hardships and failures. Find out how to appease a demanding Slavic goddess and improve your life.

Makosh - goddess of fate and sorcery

Makosh is a goddess revered by the ancient Slavs as the patroness of the family hearth, but she has nothing to do with fire - in the old days, the family hearth often meant happiness. She was also responsible for fertility, because a good harvest and the birth of children in the old days, as now, were considered integral elements of happiness.

She enjoyed special honor among women as the goddess of family happiness, female witchcraft, motherhood and needlework. Makosh is the intercessor of housewives, mothers, wives. She patronizes traditional women's activities, especially spinning.

Goddess Makosh is the Great Weaver, in whose hands the threads of the lives of all living people and even the gods of the Slavic pantheon are concentrated. On the canvas of the world, from these threads she weaves intricate patterns in which even the gods are unable to find the essence. At any moment she can completely change the picture of the world or break one of the threads for fun, but she never does this. The Slavic goddess Makosh was considered the goddess of fate. They often turned to her in order to improve their lives.

Makosh is not alone in weaving the destinies of the world. Two sisters help her - Share and Nedolya. When Makosh spins the next part of the universe, they take turns touching the threads of the fabric. This is how periods of people’s lives and even entire destinies are determined. Luck, income and, in general, happiness of people depend on Doli and Nedolya. Makosh is often compared to the Norns and Moiras from the Greek pantheon. With her threads, she connects each person with his good and bad deeds, and then decides his fate. A person still has a choice, but the goddess creates the basis, the main thread of the lace of his life.

Makosh is a clear female archetype of the creator of the world, the Great Mother; Svarog, whose wife she is, is masculine. This is an image of the Earth from which life emerges. There is such a stable expression - Mother of Cheese Earth. Life emerges from it, and into it it goes over time. Therefore, Makosh is also considered the goddess of motherhood. Mokosh is an exceptional image among the female deities of the Slavs. She became the only female goddess in the pantheon of Prince Vladimir, and the idol of Makoshi was the only female idol on the main Kiev temple next to the idols of Perun and other gods.

In addition, among the Slavs, Makosh was considered the patroness of sorcery, especially women’s. Fortune telling and witchcraft are under her jurisdiction, especially with regard to the creation of sciences. This goddess was also the patroness of sacred wells and springs. Her needs were brought to her precisely from such sources of water, throwing yarn, wool and fabrics into the well. Idols of this goddess stood on almost every well. Makosh also patronizes places of power, absolutely any, regardless of their degree of harmfulness or usefulness to humans.

Since Makosh is the goddess not only of magic, but also of fate, she has access to knowledge about all past incarnations of people, as well as about those they still have to live. Crossroads between worlds and doors to other worlds are also under her jurisdiction. If you are interested secret knowledge, you can ask Makosh to become your patroness.

If you compare Makosh with the goddess Lada, her image is deeper from the point of view of esotericism. She was presented as beautiful woman aged, sometimes with horns or a cornucopia in their hands. This beauty was precisely feminine, not girlish. Mokosh corresponds to silver, moonstone and rock crystal. Its elements are earth and water. Makosh patronizes the Hall of the Swan in the Slavic horoscope.

Mokosh's messengers are spiders, bees and ants, that is, animals that spend almost their entire lives working. There are many superstitions about spiders that stem from the belief that they are messengers of one of the most revered goddesses. You can't kill spiders, really. Bad sign- to failure.

The image of this Slavic goddess is far from the all-forgiving Mother of God. She does not love all of her children without exception. Mokosh turns his face away from people who have given up, lost hope, and are tired of life. She patronizes only those who are strong in spirit and able to fight for their happiness. To those who do not betray their dreams, she sends the goddess of luck Srecha. If a person has disappointed the demanding goddess of fate, Nesrecha, Not Easy and Dashing One-Eyed become his constant companions.

In addition, Makosh monitors the implementation of traditions by people. She will definitely reward a person who follows the ancient precepts of his ancestors with good luck and an easy fate. The goddess punishes those who have forgotten Slavic traditions with failures and gives them a difficult fate.

Mokosh Day - a holiday of the ancient Slavs

Mokosh Day is Friday, if we mean the days of the week, and not the only day of the year that is dedicated to this goddess. It is recommended to make amulets with the Mokosh symbol on Friday, on the waxing moon or on the full moon. With the transition to Christianity, they began to identify it with the Orthodox Saint Paraskeva Friday, perhaps the assignment of the status of Mokosh day to Friday is connected with this.

According to ancient beliefs, on Friday you cannot do needlework, especially sewing and spinning. According to Christian sources, Saint Paraskeva Friday can appear to violators, stabbing women who decide to break the rule with needles.

There is also information that Makosh was celebrated every full moon. However, according to some sources, the first full moon in May, and sometimes the last one in April, is considered a special day for her admirers.

In addition, October 26 is considered Mokosh Day. It was on this day that our ancestors brought demands to the idols of this goddess or threw yarn or threads into the well. You can also honor the goddess in this way. But you shouldn’t do household chores; she may be offended by non-compliance with ancient traditions. You cannot do needlework, do laundry, or bathe children. In the old days, round dances of two circles were performed around the aspen idols of Mokosh on her day - the outer one spun clockwise, the inner one counterclockwise.

An ancient ritual - a rite to the goddess Mokosh, or what needs to be done to correct fate

Makosh is the goddess of fate and sorcery, therefore ritual actions addressed to her to facilitate life path will be especially effective. This ritual or rite dedicated to the goddess Mokosh will be the best answer to the question of what needs to be done to get rid of everything bad and attract what you want.

For the ritual you will need three balls of natural wool in white, red and black colors. Stock up on fresh chicken egg and milk. It is better to take natural products; you can buy them in the village. You also need a clean saucer, matches and any candle. It is best to carry out this ritual in nature, ideally near any natural source water. But if you don’t have this opportunity, do it at home, but only near open window. Best time for such witchcraft - the full moon. It is better to speak texts loudly, clearly and intelligibly.

First you need to get rid of the negativity caused by other people. Light a candle. Roll the egg on the saucer with your left hand and say this seven times:

I spin the egg, I spin it around the saucer, I swing it, I collect all the bad things from myself, I put them in the egg, I tear them off.

At the same time, you need to imagine how your negativity goes into the egg. When finished, smash it into the center of the saucer with these words:

I break the egg, I destroy everything bad, I defeat Koshchei!

If the egg looks the way it is supposed to, there was no curse, damage or evil eye on you. But if blood, rot, or something else that shouldn’t be there is found in the egg, there is clearly a strong negative presence. Perhaps it has not come out completely, and will have to be dealt with in the near future.

Then move your left hand clockwise over the milk and read three times:

Milk will rejuvenate life, bring joy, return life, happiness and good luck, I drink for the Glory of God!

You need to drink the milk completely, so it is better to choose a glass of a volume that you can handle. After that you need to read the threads. The words are pronounced for each knot three times. Start with a white thread; you can tear it off from the ball only after you have tied all the knots.

Words for the first knot on a white thread:

Makosh, Makosha, Makoshenka, don’t forget me, be next to me.

Makosh, don’t forget about me, a happy fate for a month, two, three ahead.

The knot is strong, the knot of wealth and good luck.

After the white ball, move on to the red one. Do the same with it, read the words addressed to the goddess three times on each knot, and then cut the thread.

Words for the first node:

My destiny is happy, my destiny is successful.

My destiny is rich, my destiny is beautiful.

Love and luck in business will bring me luck, day after day and always.

Do the same with the black thread. The words for the first node are also said three times:

The enemies are not near, not close, but far from me.

Everything bad is out of my way, everything bad will pass me by.

All troubles passed me by, they forgot about me.

Now tie all three threads together, continuously reading as you do:

Fate Makosh, three threads leading me, hold tightly to each other, without breaking, intertwining, they weave my fate, life in knots.

Once you're done with this, say:

Now the moment has come, cut off, save me Makosh from this thread of fate.

Cut the black thread with these words:

So all the bad things go away with her, leaves me, forgets me, Makosh’s fate meets me.

Burn the black thread on a candle flame. What's left of it, throw it on a saucer with an egg. Its contents should be poured into the toilet or out of the window. If you are performing the ritual outdoors, pour the egg where people do not go.

In general, Makosh is the image of the Mother of the Raw Earth, the mistress of human destinies and the patroness of women. She enjoyed special honor among the ancient Slavs. It is believed that if you perform the Mokosh ritual correctly, you can beg a happy destiny from the goddess.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Damage
    • Charms
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive celebrations, people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the bins were full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got stuck!” On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, Saint Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

    Sanat Kumara:: School of Ascension

    Mother of God Makosh

    VIRGIN MAKOSH– Heavenly (Sva) Mother of God, Just Goddess of a happy lot and Fate.

    Together with his daughters, Dolya and Nedolya, he determines the Fates of the Heavenly Gods, as well as the fates of all people from the Great Race and all descendants of the Heavenly Family living on our Earth and on all the other beautiful Lands of the Most Pure Svarga, weaving the Threads of Fate for each of them.

    Therefore, many people turned to the Goddess Mokoshi so that she would trust her youngest daughter, Goddess Dole, to weave the Thread of Fate into a ball.

    Goddess Makosh at all times was a very attentive and caring Patron of weaving and all kinds of handicrafts, and also made sure that a good harvest grew in the fields where the orachi (peasants) put their Soul into their hard work.

    It should be remembered that the great Heavenly Goddess Makosh is not only the Patron Goddess of growth and fertility, as many might think, but a Goddess who gives hardworking and diligent people a good harvest.

    To those Clans from the Great Race and to all the descendants of the Heavenly Clans, who were not lazy, but worked in the fields, gardens and vegetable gardens by the sweat of their brow, putting their Soul into their hard work, the Goddess Makosh sent her youngest daughter - the blond Goddess Share. Those same people who worked poorly and carelessly in their fields (no matter what Family they were from) received a bad harvest. Therefore, people said that “Makosh Dolya came from Makosh to measure the harvest” or “Makosh sent Nedolya to measure the harvest.”

    For hardworking people, the Goddess Makosh is the giver of all sorts of blessings, therefore, on the Images and Kummiras of the Goddess Makosh, she was very often depicted with the Horn of Plenty or its symbolic image in the form of a Heavenly Bucket of Seven Stars (in the Slavic-Aryan cosmogonic system, the constellation Ursa Major is called Makosh, i.e. e. Mother of the Bucket).

    Goddess Makosh rules the Hall of the Heavenly Swan in the Svarog Circle. Therefore, the Goddess Makosh is very often depicted as a White Swan floating along the endless Sea-Ocean, i.e. in the sky.

    So, Makosh herself:

    1.Goddess of all Fate

    2. The Great Mother, goddess of fertility, is associated with the harvest, has 12-13 annual holidays (and can be celebrated every full moon)

    3.Goddess of magic and sorcery, wife of Veles and Mistress of the crossroads of the universe between worlds.

    4.Protector and patroness of housewives.

    6. Mistress of Living Nature.

    Makosh-Sudbinushka, blue-gray dove,

    The witch of fate, the spindle,

    Threads are twisted, destinies are handed over

    You've had enough of your share of goodness,

    Mother is great, many-sided,

    The fertile land is native,

    May every belly have strength!

    Goy you are Makosh-Mother!

    You are the all-bearing Mother,

    Filled with Veles's power,

    Makosh-Mati, be glorious,

    Lead the threads of fate smoothly,

    Be kind to your cats,

    On bright days, on dark nights,

    Spinner mother, let me see

    The essence of pokuta for your children,

    Vedna Mati give to the nobility

    Rule the essence in an honest army,

    May you be Mati again

    Long may Mother's life last

    With oratoi in the field,

    Give the power to the ore

    To every honest person,

    Glory to Makosh-Mati today,

    Yes, according to all relatives!

    Share the water, give birth to life,

    Lead the threads, live people,

    Judge right, so be it!

    Connecting the threads of fate!

    Long and Nedol commanding,

    Makosh Slavic goddess prayer

    “Bow before the invisible God: people praying to Rod and women in labor, Perun, and Apollo, and Mokosha, and Peregina, and do not approach any vile demands of the gods.”

    1. Goddess of all Destiny

    2. The Great Mother, goddess of fertility, is associated with the harvest, has 12-13 annual holidays (and can be celebrated every full moon)

    3. Goddess of magic and enchantment, wife of Veles and Mistress of the crossroads of the universe between worlds.

    4. Protector and patroness of housewives.

    5. In the lower hypostasis she is the famous Yaga, in this case we can say that she is the mother of the winds, that life and death are equally subject to her.

    SkyVokrug. Sincere blog.

    Sun forever, happiness forever - this is what Man commanded!

    Mokosh's prayers

    Makosh-Sudbinushka, blue-gray dove,

    Makosh, touched and a hundred-backed,

    Glorified in the Family, appeared among us,

    Give me some water to drink from your roof,

    Let me drink some water, let me bow to you!

    The birch is slender, and the camp itself is driven!

    All-good mother, rejoice today, joyful day!

    Makosh our mother allowed us to magnify

    Today we glorify you

    In the good yard, in the field with bread,

    With right strength, with all beauty,

    And in an honest house, a bright mansion

    Amulet for my entire family!

    Mother Cheese Earth protected me!

    Mother Cheese Earth protected me!

    Mother Cheese Earth protected me!

    Makosh is wise, mother is wise,

    The witch of fate, the spindle,

    Threads are twisted, destinies are handed over

    They are crowned, rightly crowned,

    You've had enough of your share of goodness,

    Take a little time, scatter in bulk.

    Mother is great, many-sided,

    The fertile land is native,

    Bless Porlyushka with honest bread,

    Give wisdom to your children,

    May every belly have strength!

    Goy you are Makosh-Mother!

    Most pure Mother, self-shining star,

    Pokuty of the whole Volodya, holding the threads of destinies,

    Mistress of waters, keeper of keys,

    The giver is healthy, and the guardian of all is alive,

    Goy, you fertile womb of the earth,

    You are the all-bearing Mother,

    Filled with Veles's power,

    Glorious are the glory to you, may our demands be honest,

    Be merciful to us, Mother,

    May you empower us with your mighty power!

    Makosh-Mati, be glorious,

    Lead the threads of fate smoothly,

    Be kind to your cats,

    On bright days, on dark nights,

    Spinner mother, let me see

    The essence of pokuta for your children,

    Vedna Mati give to the nobility

    Rule the essence in an honest army,

    May you be Mati again

    With the Magi in the ecstatic evening,

    Long may Mother's life last

    With oratoi in the field,

    Give the power to the ore

    To every honest person,

    Glory to Makosh-Mati today,

    Yes, according to all relatives!

    Makosh-Mati yarn strands,

    Share the water, give birth to life,

    Lead the threads, live people,

    Judge right, so be it!

    Oh, Mother Makosh! O great Goddess!

    Connecting the threads of fate!

    Hear us, your children calling to you!

    Praise be to you, O great Mother of all things!

    The heavenly spinner spins intricate threads,

    Long and never commanding,

    Righteous judgment that mends every belly,

    The beginning of every business and the end unite!

    O wise Mother of the harvest,

    Hail the queen of the sheaf,

    Like the damp Earth itself is fertile!

    Oh, great Mother of children,

    Live and command Mara!

    Oh, female patroness,

    You taught our foremothers

    Spin yarn and weave linen.

    How you yourself twist the threads of destinies,

    You rule every corner,

    Also give us your earthly paths

    Pair with the heavenly ones,

    Rule your earthly path over the World!

    Glory to Mother Mokosh!

    Goy-ma! Glory! Glory! Glory!

    (Prophetic Dictionary: Glorification of the Native Gods. Vlkh. Veleslav)


    The page of the Slavic Goddess Mokosh is beautifully presented. The prayers collected are very acceptable. Who is the author of the paintings? Beautiful! Strengthening to you and the artist

    I thank the creators of the site. Timely, beautiful and necessary.

    Good evening, tell me the rumor about your son.

    Makosh is a goddess who belongs to the dark gods. Therefore, the texts glorifying her do not use the word “GLORY”, but use the word “GREATNESS”.

    In the Rodnoverie practices of glorification, this manifests itself very clearly in fact:

    1. Read this text with the word “glory”, you will get a scolding.

    2. Replace “glory” with “welcome.” read this text with the word “welcome”, you will get a series of events in life that develop perfectly.

    Victor, why did you classify Makosh as a dark god? Please point me to the link, please. All the authors of the Vedas, researchers of Rodnoverie, will be extremely grateful to you. They, being naive, believe that Makosh is the creator of life, just on this side of the Kalinov Bridge, from the world of Revealing, not Navi. A link? As many as you like! For example, “Alive and Mara” - Magus Veleslav. And if, by chance, you came here from Christianity for the sake of confusion and instability, say so. We will understand. We won’t beat you, go with your god...

    For you, Makosh is a goddess who brings a bag of goodness into the house.

    1. For me, Makosh is a goddess who forms the unmanifested future in the form of a fate that has not yet occurred, allows herself to be shown in the future or goes wrong.

    2. At the moment when Makosh appears on the field at the time of harvest, then healthy plant wheat (or rye) ends its incarnation in the form of a plant and turns into a sheaf (sheaves) - a product for processing.

    Thus, Makosh is on the verge of transition from one state to another. You, together with Veleslav, believe that Makosh is in the pantheon of Manifest Gods, waiting for the events she has prepared to happen. I believe that Makosh is an unmanifested goddess; she is engaged in preparing events from the unmanifested (Navna) side of our World.

    Goy, Makosh-Mati,

    Let us begin to greet you,

    What has been sent down by you, magnify you:

    In the good yard, in the field with grain,

    Beauty and goodness, beauty and stateliness!

    And in the bright mansion he was a talisman for my entire Family!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Makosh, you are great, Mother of many faces!

    Mother, you are dear, fertile with bread!

    Makosh, you are a free-spirited, harvest-rich one!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    You are gracious, pleasing to people,

    The distance is free, the breadth is wide!

    Show me, Zemlitsa, with your krynitsa

    Drink in strength, bow to you!

    Give joy in the house, give tenderness to the heart,

    Honor and honesty, faith and fidelity,

    Help with care, happiness with love,

    Dear Mother, Raw Earth!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Goy, Rozhanitsa! Hey, fertile!

    You are the creator of warmth and love,

    Prophetic Veles is filled with power,

    The birthing womb is filled with mystery!

    Today you have eternal greatness,

    With honest demands, with heartfelt prayer!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Makosh, you are a wonderful heavenly spinner,

    Mother Almighty, giving lessons,

    Weaving fates for us with hidden threads!

    Mother Destiny, little blue dove,

    Hanging, inspired, illuminated by the moon,

    Makosh is touched and unbroken!

    Good mother, hug me with your palms,

    Warm with care, wrap with love,

    Deliver from trouble, save, guide!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Makosh spinning the patterns of existence,

    You create our future destinies!

    You fill us with bright colors

    The joys of home care are wonderful!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Great Makosh, you are primordial,

    Greatness to you, hidden in mystery!

    Silver light, heavenly brocade

    You embroider wonderful patterns!

    Wind easily like a spider's web,

    Lead us happily, flying threads!

    The path is unfinished, the paths are untrodden,

    The destinies are appointed, the lots are cast!

    You send us on a long journey,

    Where you teach strict lessons!

    Don't send us misfortunes in bulk,

    Give us good luck and plenty of joy!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Mother eternal, you are endless,

    Nurture with love, become worthy!

    Don't leave us at the crossroads,

    To understand and correct mistakes!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Take care of us, Vedna Mati,

    Give protection in our house,

    Give me strength to plow,

    To sow and reap,

    Multiply the cattle in the farmstead,

    Give me health and beauty,

    Guess borscht and porridge

    Our table is full of cups!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Give me the opportunity, Makosh-Mati,

    Good luck to us!

    Give us strength, give us urine

    Plenty of share prophesied

    In white days, in black nights,

    To the homeland, to destinies,

    Sweet speeches meet us,

    Every hail, every weight,

    An open field, a dark forest,

    In the courtyard, in every house,

    In the secluded place, in the expanse.

    Never leave us!

    Save us, Bereginya!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Mother spinner, be okay,

    The threads of fate flow smoothly through us,

    Make the threads very strong

    On bright days, on dark nights,

    Comforting us in times of need,

    Surrounding us with care,

    In the house, without offending us,

    Multiplying our economy!

    Harvest in Rodny Vesi

    Bring us full of koshi!

    Vlike Makosh! Goy!

    Vedna Mati, grant to the nobility,

    How can we not sully our honor?

    Makosh-Mati, let me see

    The essence of pokuta for your children!

    May it be a bitter meeting

    With the Magi in the ecstatic evening,

    May the will of God come true,

    Give me health and share,

    Give blessings from everywhere,

    Give strength to honest people!

    Give us guiding threads,

    Best of luck!

    For our happiness, give birth to children,

    Yarn strands, share water!

    Great, we need to continue. This forms and motivates to be bright, honest, proud, gentle......

    yes kogda 4itaew to radostj v duwe pojavljaetsja, spasibo.