Lesson in the middle group of kindergarten. Pets. "Pets". Abstract of open GCD in the educational field “Communication” and “Cognition” in the middle group

Lesson topic: Pets: dogs and cats


— expand ideas about domestic animals (features appearance, behavior, movement, nutrition and care);

- cultivate a caring and caring attitude towards animals.

Vocabulary work: nouns (dog, dog, puppy, puppies; cat, cat, kitten, kittens); adjectives (homely, useful, kind, faithful); verbs (start, feed, care for, guard, love, bark, meow, purr).

Preparatory work: design of an album with photographs and stories of children “Pets”; reading poems by S. Mikhalkov “My Puppy”, Z. Alexandrova “Watch” and L. Charskaya “Purly”, fairy tales by R. Kipling “The Tale of the Cat that Walked by itself”.

Equipment: illustrations, video film.

Educator ( shows a toy cat and dog). Our guests today are the cat Murka and the dog Sharik. These are pets. Why are they called that?

Children. They live with a person in the same house. The person feeds them and takes care of them.

Educator. Let's compare these animals. How do they look? What body parts do they have?

Children. Head, muzzle, ears, body, four legs, tail. The body is covered with fur. Dogs and cats are predators.

Educator. How are these animals different?

Children. There are dogs different sizes- large, medium, dwarf, and small cats.

Educator. What can be said about the behavior of dogs and cats, their character?

Children. The dog is attached to the owner, can protect him, and will warn him of danger with a ringing bark.

Educator. Due to their behavioral characteristics, dogs can perform different jobs. (Shows illustrations.) Guide dogs help blind people move along the street. Rescue dogs help find people under snowdrifts in the mountains. Border guard dogs thanks keen sense of smell help the military guard the border. Dogs serve in the police, helping to track down and apprehend criminals. The peoples of the North use dog sleds as transport for moving across the icy desert. Dogs help in hunting and bring prey. A dog can guard the house.

A cat has much fewer “professions.” She knows how to catch mice and purr, lifting the mood of her owners.

Physical education minute

Like our cat

(Children put their hands on their belts.)

The fur coat is very good

(Turn the body left and right.)

Like a cat's mustache

(Spread their arms from the chest to the sides and back.)

Amazingly beautiful.

Eyes are bold

Teeth are white.

(Turn their head to the side.)

Educator. How do dogs and cats move, how do they hunt? The dog runs and catches up with its prey. The cat stalks its prey, slowly creeps up and rushes from its ambush, releasing its claws to grab the victim. The wild relatives of the cat also hunt. Name them.

Children. Lion, tiger.

Educator. Guys, who has a dog or cat at home? Tell us about your pets.

Children talk.

We are responsible for those we have tamed. There are a lot of abandoned animals in Moscow. It is very difficult to look at a dog sitting at a bus stop and watching every car with a sad look. You need to think carefully before asking mom and dad to get a kitten or puppy. And if your parents fulfill your request, you should care for, love and take care of your shaggy friend.

Lesson summary on Federal State Educational Standards in the middle group

Topic: “Domestic animals and their babies”

Educational area: " Speech development"(integration with educational areas "Cognitive development", "Socio-communicative development" " Physical development)

Goal: development of all components oral speech children, generalizing children’s knowledge about the life of domestic animals and their cubs.

Educational objectives:

consolidate and expand children’s understanding of the peculiarities of life of domestic animals;
teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their babies.

Developmental tasks:

develop connected speech;
to form and activate a vocabulary of domestic animals and their cubs: cow, horse, sheep, goat, dog, rabbit, cat, kitten, pig, kid, calf, puppy, kitten, foal;
develop children's curiosity, memory and thinking;
develop visual perception.

3. Educational:

cultivate a caring attitude towards animals;
promote the development of a culture of communication with adults and peers, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness;
interest in fiction.

Methods and techniques: examination, reading poetry, riddles, posing a problematic question, conversation.

Materials, equipment: toys, pets and their cubs, children's play “Whose mother?”, cut-out pictures “Pets”, poems, riddles about animals.

Preliminary work: conversation about animals, looking at illustrations on the topic: “Pets,” holding didactic game“In our yard”, memorizing poems by A. Barto “Little Goat”, “Horse”.

Logics educational activities


Children: expected reactions of children

The teacher creates a game situation to set a goal: reads a riddle about a cat. Activates children's attention. Encourages monologue speech and expression of opinions.

Pointy ears
There are pillows on the paws,
The mustache is like bristles.
Arched back.
During the day he sleeps and lies in the sun.
At night he wanders and goes hunting.

Attracting children's attention. As a rule, most children immediately become interested in what is happening.

Listen to the riddle. They express their opinion.

I wonder how you guessed it was a cat?

Analyze, Gradually most of the children become involved.

Of course it's a cat.

Draws attention to the shelf where the cat sits (realistic toy).

Guys, look, a cat came to visit us today. Tell me this adult cat or a kitten? What does she like to eat?

Children notice the toy, examine it and answer the teacher’s questions. Activate the necessary knowledge.

Invites you to look at illustrations depicting different animals. Encourages constructive thinking. What pets do you know?

Look at the pictures and answer questions. Actively interact, activate their thought processes.

Making riddles about pets.

The teacher activates cognitive activity. Encourages thinking.

It's coming, it's coming,

Everyone is shaking his beard,

Requests some herbs:

“Meh, yes meh,

Give me some grass...” (Goat).

At night he no longer sleeps,

Keeps the house away from mice.

He drinks milk from a bowl. This is our pet... (Cat).

I have a large mane, ears and hooves. I'll give him a playful ride who isn't afraid.

My fur is smooth, who am I? (Horse)

White tail, black nose

He took our slippers away

In the corner under the bed -

And he doesn't want to give it away. (Puppy)

The barrel walks, the tail is crocheted,

Digs the ground with a snout.

And next to it are barrels:

Boys and girls.

And also with piglets,

And crochet ponytails. (Pig with piglets)

Early morning...

The horns go away

Mooing quietly,

To the water meadows:

Pinch the grass

And slowly graze -

Delicious, steamy

Stock up on milk. (Cow)

B. Alternately displays figurines of domestic animals from the riddles.

They activate the necessary knowledge and actively interact. They make judgments.

If the child's answer is incorrect, the children correct the error by giving the correct answer.

Development of free communication with adults and children, development of attention and thinking. Developing interest in fiction.

Physical education minute.

V.: Let’s turn into an affectionate cat, a playful foal, an angry dog, an energetic cow.

Children use gestures and facial expressions to show the named animal (imitation of movements)

A short conversation about pets. Conversation about the peculiarities of life of domestic animals: housing, feeding habits.

The children are talking.

Activate thought processes.

They put forward their thoughts and talk about the lives of pets they know.

V.: Well done, how much you know! How can you quickly name these animals? Reads the poem "Pets"

To pets

We'll take those

With whom we live in close contact;

Cows and horses

Sheep and goats

We shelter them warm from the frost.

We feed and drink them,

If we need a haircut,

We stroke them tenderly and always take care of them.

They are attached to us

Some give us milk and sour cream.

Others take us everywhere tirelessly.


V.: Guys, our cat is a little bored. Let's pet her and

let's say kind words to her

(affectionate, fluffy, sweet, kind, etc.)

B. Offers game exercise"Kitty":

Like our cat
- Little white legs,
- Soft paws,
- Marigolds are scratchy.
We walk with our “legs” - with our fingers, softly, like a cat.
- Let's scratch it a little

We are not guys, but cats.

Children perform finger gymnastics

Physical education minute. Game “Goat”

Let's goat jump - 3 times.

And we jump our legs – 3 times.

Let's clap our eyes, clap our eyes, clap our eyes

And we stomp our feet, stomp, stomp.

Children perform motor movements indicated in the text.

Problem situation:

V.: Guys, our pets lost their babies. What to do?

Do you know what the babies are called?

Children come to the conclusion that they will help find them

Children express their opinions, and children who answer incorrectly are corrected.

Children activate the necessary knowledge to resolve the situation: it is necessary to make the right choice - for each child to find his mother.

V.: Well done, how much you know. Praises the guys.

Q: Who were we talking about?

What new have you learned?

What else would you like to learn about pets?

Children speak out.

MKDOU No. 15, Ust-Katav city.

Summary of GCD for children middle group"Pets"

GCD summary for middle group children. education - communication


Abstract of GCD for secondary children. Educational field - communication.


Target: development of coherent, dialogical and monologue speech of children.


- reinforce the general concept of “pets” in children.
- systematize children’s ideas about domestic animals;
- establish the relationship and dependence of the lives of domestic animals on humans;
- show how pets benefit people.
- enrich the vocabulary: names of domestic animals, “barn”, “shed”, “strays”.
- improve the ability to write a story about your pet(d/i “Interview”).
- develop the ability to formulate plural nouns, use correctly case endings(d/i “One-many”)
— develop skills in dialogue and phrase formation.
— cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, a desire to help adults care for them;
- cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Preliminary work: learning poems about animals, looking at illustrations, solving riddles.

Material: puppy toy, pictures: pets – cow, goat, sheep, cat, dog, barn, dairy products, wool knitted items, cap, glasses, microphone, sound recording with the voices of pets.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development.

Technologies used: health-saving, gaming.

GCD move

Educator: Hello, guys! Today, when I was on my way to see you, I met little puppy. He was all wet from the rain, and whined pitifully, looking at the passers-by.

- Why do you think he ended up on the street?
Children: he lives on the street, he is homeless

Educator: Yes, guys, animals that don’t have a home are called homeless.

—Who do we most often see abandoned on the street?

Children: cats, dogs

Educator: Where do they come from?

Children: they are kicked out to live on the streets, they don’t want to look after them

Educator: Often, the owner gets tired of caring for the animal and stops letting it home. It is through the fault of such people that cats and dogs become homeless and unhappy. And without warmth and love, they begin to get sick and even die. By throwing your animals into the street, a person is acting irresponsibly.

- So I brought such a homeless puppy to the group, he doesn’t have a home!
(showing a soft toy).

Educator: Today, throughout the entire lesson, you will save a puppy...build him a house! And then he will no longer be homeless. Each completed task is a part for the house (I show you a wall, a window, a roof, a pipe).

- So, we are talking about animals, but you’ll only learn about which ones by listening to the recording. (I include a recording of the voices of domestic animals: horse, cow, dog, cat, goat)
(on the board there is a picture of domestic animals and a barn)

Educator: Well done! You have earned the first piece of the house - the “wall” (a child comes up and attaches it to the board).

Educator: How can these animals be called in one word? (domestic)

Educator: Why are they called that?

Children: live near a person, he takes care of them, feeds them, builds housing for them

Educator: What is the name of the house for animals? (I show it in the picture).

Educator: This is a STORY, repeat everything together. Remember this new word.

Educator: The next task for you is a new detail.

Didactic game “One-many”

Grandfather has one cow - but in the village there are many... cows
one horse – many... horses
one dog – many... dogs
one goat - many... goats
one cat – many... cats
one cow – many... cows
one pig - many...pigs

Educator: Well done! You have earned the second piece of a house for a homeless puppy. (the child glues the “window” part to the wall).


Squirrels jump on branches.
Jump and jump, jump and jump!
They are often taken
High, high! (jumping in place)
Let's play hopscotch
Let's play hopscotch
Jump on one leg.
And now a little more
Let's jump on the other leg (jumping on one leg)

Educator: Tell me, please, why did man domesticate animals? After all, once upon a time they were wild and lived in the forest?

Children: (to benefit people)

Educator: Now tell me what benefits animals bring and you will receive the next part of the house.
(I put pictures)

Educator: Who is this?

Children: cow

Educator: What is the use of a cow?

Children: milk, from milk - dairy products

Educator: Who is this?

Children: goat, sheep

Educator: What is the use of them?

Children: goat milk, wool, fluff - knitting woolen things

Educator: Cat

Children: catches mice

Teacher: Dog

Children: guards the house

Educator: Who knows what other help a dog provides to a person?

Children: serves in the police, serves on the border

Educator: And during the war, dogs carried the wounded from the battlefield!

Educator: Well done, you completed this task and deserved a new part - the roof. (The child puts the “roof” in place)

Educator: And for the last task for you, I need to turn into... a journalist. (I put on a cap, glasses and take the microphone in my hands)

Educator: Who is a journalist, how does he work?

Children: interviewing

Educator: I want to interview those who have pets at home. Using the microphone, tell us the name of your pet, what he likes, maybe an interesting incident happened to him. (children's stories)

Educator: Well done! (the child puts the part - the “pipe” in place). So our homeless puppy has a home (show the resulting house). And now there will be one less homeless puppy on the street. Well done to you!

Result: Tell me, what did we do? What did you like? What new did you learn?
(sweet surprise for children).

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Pets and their babies”

Goal: development of all components of children’s oral speech, generalization of children’s knowledge about the life of domestic animals and their cubs.


Educational objectives : consolidate and expand children’s ideas about the peculiarities of life of domestic animals; teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their babies.

Developmental tasks : develop connected speech; form and activate the vocabulary of domestic animals and their cubs; develop children's curiosity, memory and thinking; develop visual perception.

Educational : cultivate a caring attitude towards animals; promote the development of a culture of communication with adults and peers, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness; interest in fiction.

Methods and techniques: examination, reading poetry, riddles, posing a problematic question, conversation.
Materials, equipment: toys, pets and their cubs, children's play “Whose mother?”, cut-out pictures “Pets”, poems, riddles about animals.
Preliminary work: conversation about animals, looking at illustrations on the topic: “Pets,” conducting a didactic game “In our yard”

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher enters the group holding a basket in his hands. Attracts children's attention by creating a playful situation.
Educator: - Guys, guess who I brought to visit you. Read a riddle about a cat:

What kind of animal is playing with me? -

Doesn't moo, doesn't laugh, doesn't bark,

Attacks the balls

Hides claws in paws.

The muzzle is mustachioed,

Striped fur coat,

Washing frequently

But I don’t know about water. (Cat)

Children listen to a riddle. They express their opinion.

Educator: - Interesting, how did you guess that it was a cat?

Children's answers.

Educator: - Of course, this is a cat (takes out a cat toy from the basket). Guys, tell me, is this an adult cat or a kitten? What does she like to eat? Is this a domestic animal or a wild one?

Children look at it and answer the teacher’s questions.

Educator: - What pets do you know?
Children's answers.
Invites you to look at illustrations depicting different animals (horse, cow, dog, pig, goat)

Children name the animal they see in the picture.

Educator: What benefits does this animal bring to humans? (asks about all the animals in the pictures).

Children: Horse - carries heavy loads, cow - gives milk, dog - protects people, goat - gives milk, pig - meat

Educator: Where does this animal live?

Children: Doglivesin the kennel. GoatlivesHorse in the barnlivesin the stable. Piglivesin the pigsty.Cowlivesin the barn.

Educator: There is a place in the village,Wherelivedomestic animals are called "barnyard".

Finger gymnastics.

One, two, three, four, five (we bend our fingers one by one)

What should we call animals? (make a questioning gesture with your free hand)

The closest, most faithful (we wave the same hand towards the interlocutor)

Everyone probably knows them (we clap our hands at the same time)

Horse, cow, dog and cat (bend fingers alternately on the other hand)

What should we call them? Think a little (make a questioning gesture)

They live together in a house with the owner (join hands in the form of a house)

So, everyone calls them home.

Making riddles about pets.

Educator: - I will tell you riddles, and you find a picture with the image of this animal.

There is a beard, fur and legs,

Ears, tail, and horns.

Even though I bleat, I don’t sing -

I'll give you milk.

I'm such a fidget!

And I butt heads. (goat)

Who's jumping along the path? Clack-clack-clack.

Who has such frisky legs? Clack-clack-clack.

Her mane is silky,

She is cheerful and playful.

Her fur is so smooth

It’s running towards us... (a horse.)

He eats grass, chews, is silent...

And then for half a day he mumbles:

Stroke my sides -

I'll give fresh milk! (cow)

I have a question for you -

Who got their mouth and nose dirty?

Who sits in a puddle all day?

Grunting, he looks at you.
Tell me friends -

What is her name - (pig).

White tail, black nose

He took our slippers away

In the corner under the bed -

And he doesn't want to give it away. (Puppy)

The teacher takes turns placing pet figurines from the riddles.

Educator: - Now let's rest a little.

Physical education minute.

Here comes the black cat.

(Steps with legs raised high.)

Hidden - waiting for the mouse.

(Squats, hands to knees.)

The mouse will go around the hole.

(Stand up, turn around.)

And it won't suit a cat.

(Hands to the side)

Problem situation:

Educator: - Guys, our pets have babies, but they are all mixed up. What to do? Let's find every mother her baby.

(On the table there are cards with images of domestic animals and their cubs. It is necessary to make the right choice - for each child to find his mother.)
Educator: - Guys, our cat is a little bored. Let's pet her and say kind words to her.

Children call the cat kind words(affectionate, beautiful, sweet)
Educator: And now guys, I suggest you assemble the animal shown in the picture from counting sticks. Who did you get?
Educator: - Well done, how much you know and can do. Who were we talking about? What new have you learned? What else would you like to learn about pets?

Summary of the developing situation

By natural world(ecology)

in the middle group

Subject: "Pets"


  • form the concept of pets;
  • develop a mental operation - generalization;
  • develop an interest in observing the lives of domestic animals.

Progress of the developing situation

Psychological setting for the lesson.

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds (children raise their hands up)

We will also enjoy smiling faces (Smile at each other)

And everyone who lives on this planet (throw up their hands)

"Good morning!" Let's say together (hold hands)

Our eyes are watching carefully.

Our ears listen carefully.

Our legs don't bother us.

Our hands help us.

Guys, this morning the postman brought us a letter. Let's find out who wrote it for us.

This is a letter from my grandparents from the village. This is what they write: “Hello, dear girls and boys. We had a problem - all the animals from our yard fled. Please help me find them." We'll help you find it. And to find it, you need to solve riddles.

I serve my master -

I look after the master's house,

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.


The very first animal that man made his friend was a dog. This happened during joint hunts of ancient people and wild dogs. The dogs helped the man find and drive the animals into deep holes, and the man shared part of the prey with them.

- Guys, the dog has his own house, what is it called? (Booth).

- Right. What benefits does a dog bring to a person?

Children: The dog guards the house.

There are dogs different breeds: hunting, rescue dogs, guide dogs, herding dogs, sled dogs, guard dogs.

Dogs have lived with people for thousands of years. She guards livestock, warehouses, houses, helps hunters track animals, guards the border, leads the blind through the streets, saves people in the mountains and on the water.

Carrying cargo, chewing hay,

wags its tail,

shakes his mane.

And-go-go, And-go-go,

I'll ride far away.


Where does the horse live?

Children: In the stable.

- Right. What benefits do you think a horse brings?

Children: Helps people on the farm - carries a cart and people.

In the old days, peasants harnessed a horse to a plow and plowed the field. Horses carried both hay from the meadows and firewood from the forest. And now horses are indispensable in the village.

She says "moo-moo!"

At night he sleeps in his stable,

During the day he goes to the pasture.

He gives us all milk. (Cow)

Where does the cow live?

Children: In the barn.

What benefits does a cow bring to people?

Children: Gives milk, and from the milk they make sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir.

Guys, what do cows eat? (grass)

Cows have an excellent sense of smell: they can distinguish between edible and inedible herbs by smell.

Cows are herbivores. In summer they graze in the meadow.

What do they eat in winter? (hay)

People have learned to prepare many healthy, tasty, nutritious foods from milk. Which? (sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese and others.

And sour cream and kefir,

Cream, fermented baked milk and cheese,

Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,

Milk for delicious porridge

Our Buryonka gives us!

Horns, beard,

The wool is long.

Who else gives us milk? (goat)

Where does the goat live?

Children: In the sheepfold.

How do goats benefit people?

Very healthy and tasty goat milk. Cheese, feta cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream are made from it.

Goats of the Angora and Orenburg breeds are valued by people for their wonderful wool and warm fluff. Beautiful scarves, sweaters, hats, scarves and mittens are knitted from goat wool.

- That's right, guys. Warm socks, scarves, gloves are knitted from goat wool and it produces very tasty milk.

I'm small and white

Shy, timid,

I give wool to my owner

For scarves and sweatshirts. (sheep)

In ancient times, sheep's wool was valued more than gold; it was called the golden fleece.

I have a piglet

Instead of a tail there is a hook,

I love lying in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink! Oink!”


Children - Pig.

Right. Pigs give us meat, delicious sausage, frankfurters, sausages.

Where does the pig live?

Children - The pig lives in a pigsty.

What does a pig eat? (grains, vegetables)

Pigs are unpretentious eaters. They are omnivores.

In winter and summer, pigs are kept in a barn and fed grains and vegetables. Pigs' favorite delicacy is acorns.

Although velvet paws,

But they call me "scratchy"

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.


The cat is a flexible, graceful and very clean animal. She loves her owners, her home, she likes to bask in the warmth and comfort, take a nap in the sun or in a soft chair.

Guys, do you want to turn into cats yourself? Then... one, two, three, turn around yourself and turn into cats. We listen and look at me.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Now the window has opened. (hands to the side)

The cat came out onto the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up (throw back head, look up)

The cat looked down. (lower your head, look down)

Here I turned to the left, (turn my head to the left)

She watched the flies. (turn your head to the right, “follow” the fly with your gaze)

Stretched, smiled (appropriate movements and facial expressions)

And she sat down on the ledge. (sit down)

What obedient cats! But it’s time to turn into guys: one, two, three, turn around and turn back into guys.

Well done guys, all the animals were returned back to the yard. Grandparents are happy with your work. Let's remember which animals we helped bring back?

(Pig, goat, sheep, cow, horse, dog, cat)

How can you call all these animals in one word? (Domestic.)

What do all these animals have in common? (all are covered with fur, all have 4 legs or paws, all have a muzzle, a tail)

Game "Whose baby?"

Let's play interesting game“Whose baby?” Stand in a circle, I will alternately throw you a ball and name the adult animals, and you throw it back to me and name the babies.

(Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle, the teacher throws the ball to the children one by one, naming adult animals. Children name baby animals.)

The cow has a calf,

The dog has a puppy,

The cat has a kitten,

The horse has a foal,

The goat has a kid,

The pig has a piglet.

Game "Fourth wheel"

Goat - pig - wolf - cow.
Rabbit – hare – horse – goat.
Bottom line

Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to take care of pets?

"Feed the Animals"

Our animals are probably already hungry. We need to feed them.

On the board there are pictures of food products for animals.

Children choose animals to treat their family.

I'll feed the cows some hay. I'll feed the pigs vegetables


  1. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology. – SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2003. – 160 p.
  2. Shorygina T.A. Pets. What are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents. – M.: GNOM, 2011. – 72 p.