Allergic dermatoses in dogs and cats. When and how to use antihistamines for dogs

Allergy is an increased reaction of the body to foreign agents. These include absolutely everything that enters the body: food, medicine, pollen and much more. Some animals do not react to them, while others develop too strong an immune response, leading to allergies. Therefore, every owner should know what allergy medications exist for dogs in order to provide first aid to their pet.

Clinical signs and types of allergies

With all the variety of types of allergic reactions, Clinical signs they are similar. These include:

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. The fact is that the signs of allergies very often have similarities with other diseases, so it is important to differentiate them correctly, and only a veterinarian can do this.

Depending on the allergen that caused the body's reaction, allergies are divided into the following types:

Diagnosis of allergic reactions

The doctor will first ask you in detail about the care and feeding of the dog, then he will send your pet to donate blood and feces, they will definitely take a scraping from the affected surface of the skin, and perhaps do a culture for bacteriological contamination. This will eliminate diseases such as diabetes, scabies, helminthic infestation and many others. In addition, during an external examination, the doctor will determine whether the dog has fleas or not.

Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe correct and effective treatment.

Treatment at home

To provide first aid to your pet, it is necessary to exclude the influence of the allergen on it.. Of course, this is not always possible, since the owner does not immediately notice changes in the dog’s health. If you still know what caused the allergic reaction, then you need to immediately remove it from your pet. For example, if it is food, then stop feeding it; if the drops are for fleas, then you need to bathe the dog with laundry soap.

After this, the animal must be taken to the clinic. If this cannot be done immediately, then you can alleviate the dog’s condition:

  • During the day, give your pet calcium chloride in a dose of 1-5 tablespoons, depending on the weight of the animal. This dose should be divided throughout the day. This drug is very bitter, so it is recommended to mix it with milk and add a little sugar.
  • If you notice itchy rashes on the skin, you can bathe the dog in a decoction of the string or wipe these areas with a swab dipped in the infusion.
  • Hydrocortisone spray has an excellent antipruritic effect. It can be made at home, for this you need to mix hydrocortisone 4 ampoules, cold boiled water 350 ml, medical alcohol 80 ml, glycerin 50 ml. Mix everything well and pour into a spray bottle.

It is important to know what to give your dog for allergies before going to the clinic. Suprastin is most often used. Its dosage must be calculated based on the dog’s weight, and in no case based on age. It is worth remembering that here it is better to give less drug than to play it safe and increase the dose.

Suprastin for dogs dosage in tablets is as follows: if the dog weighs 20 kg, you can give half a tablet, if the animal weighs 10 kg, then ¼ tablet. For a small breed dog or cat, it is best to use tablets for children; it is easier to break off the required amount from them. In any case, you should refer to the instructions for use of the drug.

Suprastin is also available in injection form. Injections are used for acute form diseases. The drug is administered subcutaneously into the withers area or intramuscularly into the hind limb (thigh). The dosage should not exceed 2 mg per kg of weight. It is better to divide this dose into 2-3 injections during the day.

In general, the type of allergy plays a huge role in choosing allergy pills for dogs. allergic reaction. If an animal has a food allergy, then Suprastin is a good choice. For the skin form, you can give Suprastin or Citrine. Loratadine helps well when reacting to insect bites, but remember, it is contraindicated during pregnancy, so it should not be given to puppy dogs. If this type allergies are not very pronounced, then Suprastin or Tavegil will help.

There is a whole list of drugs that can help your friend:

All of them are aimed at desensitizing (reducing an increased reaction) the body, but it should be remembered that Dexamethasone is a very strong hormonal agent and is used only as a last resort.

All antiallergic drugs are prescribed by a doctor, because only he can make the correct diagnosis and apply the necessary treatment regimen, including, if necessary, the following means: antihistamines, for the skin form, glucocorticoids, vitamins, homeopathic, sulfur preparations, drugs that remove toxins, to relieve inflammation and maintain liver function, Execan sugar. As well as many other medicinal substances that can alleviate your pet’s condition.

The doctor prescribes a diet, and when food allergies treats the animal, and then controls the slow introduction into the diet of foods that could provoke an increased reaction in the body.

Preventive measures

Treatment must be entrusted to the doctor, but prevention falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner. It includes the following mandatory items:

  • Careful attention to the animal, including regular examinations.
  • Avoid using household chemicals when cleaning your apartment.
  • Gradual introduction of new foods into the diet.
  • Feeding should include only foods that are healthy for the dog. And it is strictly forbidden to give smoked, fatty, fried, or spicy foods to animals.
  • Periodically carry out fortification.
  • Mandatory deworming once a quarter for preventive purposes.
  • It is necessary to promptly remove fleas from animals.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for use of any medications.
  • See a doctor in a timely manner and do not self-medicate.

Only by following all these simple rules and recommendations can you prevent an allergy from occurring, and if it does appear, you can cure it in time, without causing unnecessary unpleasantness to your pet, and often even painful sensations.

Allergies are not unique to humans. Many pets can suffer from this disease. For example, dogs often have an allergic reaction to flea and other insect bites. And also ours four-legged friends often suffer from atopic dermatitis or experience various discomfort after vaccinations and deworming. That's why antihistamines For dogs, it is advisable for every owner of a furry pet to have in their veterinary medicine cabinet.

When are antihistamines useful?

These drugs are also prescribed for neurodermatitis and the occurrence of various allergic reactions. They can occur when changing food, mosquito bites (on the nose, paw pads, stomach), or when inhaling odors of household chemicals, aerosol deodorants or perfumes. Vaccine administration can lead to anaphylaxis. It also happens that against the background of drug therapy for any disease, a hypersensitivity reaction occurs.

Antihistamines can also be used for motion sickness of an animal while traveling, for nausea during pregnancy, for debilitating skin itching. Occasionally, drugs with a strong sedative effect are prescribed for motor agitation.

What is used for dogs

Most often, in veterinary practice, the same drugs that are used to treat allergies in humans are used for dogs of all breeds. But the sensitivity of receptors in animals is somewhat different, and the development side effects in the form of slight motor retardation and drowsiness is of little relevance. Therefore, it is possible to use most existing antihistamines.

Most often, dogs are prescribed Suprastin, Tavegil, Bravegil, Diphenhydramine, Benadryl, Claritin, Fenistil, Telfast, Zyrtek, Peritol. Some of them are available not only in tablet form, but also in injection form. Intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of the drug may be required if a severe allergic reaction develops rapidly.

In addition, there is a specially developed veterinary antihistamine - Allervet.

Features of Allervet

This drug's structure active substance and its mechanism of action is similar to diphenhydramine. It is available in two concentrations: 10% - for large animals (mainly livestock) and 1% for small domestic animals. This tool is only for intramuscular injection. It is suitable not only for relieving hypersensitivity reactions, but also for course treatment of diseases caused by allergies.

How to use antihistamines

When choosing a drug from the approved list, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of its use and the weight of the animal. For small breeds it is better to use 2-3 generation products or Diazolin. This will reduce the risk side effects in the form of anxiety, heart rhythm disturbances and changes in urination. The same tactics are recommended for older dogs or pets with chronic diseases of internal organs.

But in case of severe allergic reactions, it is better to take more strong remedies. In such a situation, the need for rapid relief of symptoms is more important than potential harm with the development of side effects.

Acceptable one-time and daily dose are calculated either according to the “children’s” scheme (per kilogram of weight, according to the instructions), or some part of the tablet is taken. The last method is very approximate and is used for emergency assistance or for a single prophylactic dose of the drug. The bioavailability of antihistamines in dogs is significantly lower than in humans. Therefore, dosage inaccuracy for large breeds unlikely to cause significant side effects.

For suprastin, the maximum daily dose should be no more than 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight, and it must be divided into 2-3 doses. Bravegil and Tavegil can be given at the rate of 0.02 mg per 1 kg of body weight 2 times a day. Pipolfen (active ingredient promethazine) is prescribed in a dose of 1–2 mg per 1 kg of animal weight every 12 hours. And for Peritol (cyproheptadine) a single dosage is 2–12 mg per 1 kg.

If your veterinarian has prescribed your dog treatment with antihistamines, you may not need to purchase a special veterinary drug. Suitable for almost any available home medicine cabinet medicine, you just need to correctly calculate the required dose.

Dosage in tablets

The dosage of Diazolin depends on the weight, size and age of the dog. To calculate the approximate dose, you can use the instructions inside the package and give the dog the amount of drug calculated for a child.

The approximate dosage is 1 tablet per 30-40 kilograms of weight. If the dog is smaller, you can give it half or a third of the tablet. However, it is highly undesirable to do this without a doctor’s prescription and supervision; the exact dosage can only be prescribed in a veterinary clinic.

How to give?

There are several ways to give the drug to your dog:

  1. Crush the tablet and mix with food or water.
  2. Crush the tablet, mix with water and administer to the dog through a syringe without a needle, pouring the solution between the teeth.
  3. Place it in the dog's mouth and let it chew.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Diazolin should be given with greater caution to puppies up to one year old, because... It is more difficult to calculate the dosage. Puppies' bodies may be more susceptible to irritants. It is also not recommended to give the drug to pregnant and lactating females. The medicine may cause negative reaction, both in puppies and in the mother.


There are no special exceptions for any breeds; the only thing that can cause difficulties is that individuals of different subspecies need different dosage, depending on size, weight and breed.

Also, dogs of some breeds may have individual intolerance to certain foods. In some cases, it can be inherited, so it is advisable to find out about this in advance from the breeder or veterinarian.

It is forbidden to give the drug to dogs with an upset stomach or duodenum, ulcer and others inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract. Treatment with Diazolin can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If it gets bad

In general, the drug is well tolerated by dogs. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can be caused either by personal intolerance to the drug or by overdose.

In case of an overdose or other suspicious reactions, doctors recommend giving your pet Activated carbon and make him drink as much as possible clean water. It is also necessary to immediately contact a veterinary clinic.



Diazolin is prescribed quite often; there are reviews from dog breeders on the Internet:

  • “The doctor prescribed Diazolin to the dog, German Shepherd when I discovered her subcutaneous mite so that she does not gnaw the fur and does not itch. The drug was very inexpensive, only about 20 rubles, there were 10 tablets in the package. The most important thing is that it helped, the itching went away, and the dog didn’t itch anymore.”
  • “The doctor prescribed an antiallergic drug before the vaccination, advised Diazolin. The product is not expensive, there were no side effects.”
  • “Recently, the dog began to itch a lot, we took him to the veterinarian, he advised me to take a course of Diazolin, and come back after the course. They gave the dog a week, the itching subsided significantly.”
  • “One day I noticed that our 9-month-old puppy was itching. I immediately went to the vet to find out how to help the dog. Then the doctor advised me Diazolin. It cured the itching almost immediately. Now Diazolin is always in the medicine cabinet.”


The drug also has positive reviews from doctors:

  • “Russian drug, quite inexpensive. Good antipruritic effect. I prescribe it after meals, in my practice there have been no complaints of intolerance. The period of use is better not to exceed 5-7 days, then, if it does not help, you need to contact the clinic again.”
  • “I advise all dog breeders to have Diazolin in their “dog first aid kit.” The product is inexpensive and not very aggressive. Just the thing as first aid for allergies.”

What to replace with itching?

The following medications can also be given to dogs against allergies:

Suprastin- a first-generation antiallergic drug against itching, and also helps relieve attacks bronchial asthma and symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Suprastin is good because it is fast in action. The drug in tablets begins to act 30–40 minutes after taking the medicine and continues to work for 12 hours.

Injections begin to act 5–10 minutes after administration of the drug, but the duration of the effect of the injection form does not exceed 3–4 hours. Maximum daily dose this tool should not exceed 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight.

Tavegilthis drug may be suitable for dogs, both large breeds and smaller ones. The recommended dose for large pets is 1 tablet per 60 kg of weight. If the dog is a small breed, you can give from half to one third of the tablet.

Tavegil has many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a specialist and not self-medicate.

Loratodine– the drug is available in the form of syrup, oral suspension and tablets.

Used when allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hay fever, urticaria, itching and other allergic reactions. Contraindicated during lactation. Particular caution should be used when liver failure and pregnancy.

The dosage can only be determined by a doctor based on health factors, weight and breed.


So, Diazolin is an inexpensive antihistamine that can be taken to dogs when different symptoms. However, you should be careful with the dosage. If there is any suspicion of an overdose, as well as severe side effects, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

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There are often situations when, when allergies occur in dogs, there are no specialized veterinary drugs. Then medicines from human pharmacies come to the rescue.

Instructions for use are slightly different due to the characteristics of metabolism. This will be discussed below.

Reason external manifestation Allergy in dogs is the release of histamine into the blood under the influence of various factors. Once in the bloodstream, it affects the blood vessels: it narrows the large ones and dilates the small ones. Therefore, there is increased permeability capillary network and, as a result, Quincke's edema, skin hyperemia, the appearance of nodular rash, itching.

Tavegil is an antihistamine that blocks H1 receptors. Other names: Clemastine, Angistan. Its action is based on reducing the body's response to histamine, as well as increasing the ability of blood serum to bind this substance.

In dogs, as in people, tavegil has an antiallergic and antipruritic effect on the body. It also reduces vascular permeability and has a mild sedative effect.

Other indications

Histamine affects the body not only in case of an allergic reaction. Its other influence is its rapid and powerful effect on many internal organs. For example:

  • it causes an involuntary spasm of the muscles in the intestines, which leads to diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • affects the release of adrenaline, which increases heart rate and blood pressure;
  • in large quantities can cause anaphylactic shock, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

In these cases, the use of Tavegil in tablets or injections will also be effective in an emergency.

Dosage of tablets and solution

Tavegil is prescribed to dogs in daily dosages of 0.015-0.02 mc/kg body weight, orally before feeding, twice a day. The drug is well absorbed and begins to act on average after 15-20 minutes. The action lasts about 10 hours.

How long does the course last?

The duration of treatment is up to 10 days, although it is possible to increase the course if necessary. For a quick effect, it can be used subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously, in case of urgent need.

For puppies

The use of the drug is possible from the age of at least 6 months and weighing more than 5 kg, in the appropriate dosage.

Due to developmental characteristics nervous system dogs at a young age, reactions such as increased excitability, nervousness, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, as well as exacerbation of symptoms of allergic reactions, may occur.

Pregnant and lactating

The use of tavegil can cause heart defects in puppies, as well as deformation of the limbs. This is confirmed by conducted clinical studies. In the second half of the period, the use of the drug is possible only according to vital signs, in the case when it is impossible to replace the medicine for one reason or another.

Since Tavegil is released with breast milk in small quantities, it is safe to use for lactating bitches.

Breed exceptions

The exception to the use is the difficulty of correct dosage for Toy group dogs due to their low weight and high content of active substance in the drug.

Since Tavegil is available in the form of tablets of 0.0001 g and 2.5 mg, in the minimum dosage one tablet is designed for a dog weighing 10 kg. There is a special mark on it for halving. If the dog weighs less than 5 kg, it is recommended to choose another drug, as the wrong dosage may be possible.

Side effects

Diarrhea and nausea are also possible. At severe symptoms overdose, it is necessary to induce vomiting if it does not occur spontaneously. If more than 2 hours have passed since taking the drug, gastric lavage is required. Subsequently, symptomatic therapy is carried out.


In veterinary medicine, a wide range of antihistamines of three generations is used; the effects of most of them are similar, but there are nuances.

They manifest themselves closest to Tavegil Diphenhydramine and Setastin (Lederix). They also reduce the response to histamine and have a slight sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. They are prescribed for all types of allergies.

Diprazine– effective for itchy dermatitis, has a hypnotic effect.

Diazolin– the action is aimed at blocking serotonin receptors. In dogs it has a strong sedative effect and depresses the central nervous system. Prescribed for eczema, reactions to insect bites, food and drug allergies.

Suprastin– prescribed for all types of allergic reactions. Available in ampoules and tablets. It is more convenient to use on Toy group dogs, as it has a lower dosage of the active substance compared to Tavegil.

Ketotifen (Zaditen)– the essence of the drug’s work is that it inhibits the release of histamine from mast cells, thereby preventing the development of severe allergic reactions and edema, as well as bronchospasms. Produced in Slovenia, Switzerland and India.

All these drugs belong to the first generation antihistamines. Second-generation H2 receptor blockers have a prolonged effect, since they bind to them non-competitively.

The following drugs are most often used in veterinary medicine:

  • Astemizole– especially effective for urticaria, allergic rhinitis and food allergies. Produced in Belgium;
  • Cetirizine– differs from other drugs in the absence of a sedative effect.

Third generation drugs have a selective effect and are more effective in relieving an allergic reaction, are not addictive and do not depress the central nervous system.

  • Bicarfen– combines antihistamine and antiserotonin effects. Effective when atopic dermatitis, hay fever, conjunctivitis.
  • Adekin (Peretol, Tsiprodin)– used for urticaria, skin itching, serum sickness, increased reaction for insect bites.

Important! According to the observations of experts, drugs of the same group have a similar mechanism of action on the dog’s body. If the effect of the initially prescribed drug is insignificant, other drugs from the same generation will also be ineffective.


Antihistamines should always be in the veterinary medicine cabinet of dog owners. Sometimes when an acute allergic reaction occurs, minutes count.

And no matter how much we want to protect our pets from diseases, the allergen can be found in the most harmless product. And in the summer, a reaction to insect bites accompanies almost all smooth-haired dogs.

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An allergic reaction in dogs is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. They prevent the pet from living a full life and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

You can help your dog using the same antihistamines that people use in moments of exacerbation of reactions. A proven drug is Zodak. Many veterinarians prescribe it in their practice.

Allergies in dogs manifest themselves in two ways:

  1. cumulative - the reaction appears some time after contact with irritants;
  2. immediate – symptoms appear immediately after interaction with allergens.

Due to the thick undercoat, pet owners do not always immediately recognize the occurrence of allergic reactions. Due to complications in the course of symptoms, wounds and scratches may appear on the pet’s body as a consequence of severe uncontrollable itching.

These processes are often accompanied purulent inflammations due to dirt and bacteria entering the wounds.

Allergic reactions in dogs can be of the following types:

  • for food - for example, after changing the usual food;
  • on medications – often occurs after vaccination;
  • chemical - occurs on animal care products or household chemicals;
  • infectious – when affected by bacteria or fungi;
  • for insect bites - bees, hornets, fleas, horseflies and others;
  • autoimmune reaction is a rare phenomenon that occurs due to malfunction the body's defense mechanisms.

Important! In some cases, an allergic reaction in a dog causes anaphylactic shock. This process develops very quickly and requires immediate help, otherwise the matter may end in death.

For all of the above types of allergies, veterinarians prescribe antihistamines, including Zodak. It relaxes smooth muscles, reduces spasms and reduces swelling.

If your dog has a tendency to skin diseases and allergic reactions, the drug is prescribed before routine vaccinations. Such measures help to avoid unpleasant consequences in advance.


  • rapid impact within 15 minutes after administration;
  • effectively relieves symptoms various types allergies;
  • valid for 24 hours;
  • no sugar in the composition;
  • does not cause sedation.


Zodak is available in tablets, drops, syrups and injections. For animals, the release form in drops and tablets is suitable. Injections are used less often. They are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously in cases where immediate assistance is required, such as pulmonary edema.

The dosage of antihistamines is based on the weight of the pet.

Important! If you suspect an allergy, you should contact your veterinarian, he will prescribe complex treatment And correct dosage, based on the parameters of the animal.

In drops

Drops are used at the rate of 1 mg per 1 kg of dog weight, the interval between doses is 24 hours. It is better to divide the recommended dose into two times.

To make it easier to take the medicine, it is diluted with water or added to food. But under no circumstances should Zodak be mixed with hot food.


Dogs weighing up to 20 kg are given ¼ tablet twice a day. Individuals weighing over 20 kg - ½ tablet twice a day. If the animal is less than 10 kg, then it is better to take the medicine option for children. For convenience, tablets can be crushed.

Important! The maximum daily dose should not exceed 2 mg per kilogram of body weight. It is better to divide the dose into 2-3 times to avoid excessive concentration of active substances in the blood.

What's better?

Tablets and drops are completely identical in their properties. Both forms of Zodak contain cetirizine as an active ingredient. Cetirizine has a dosage of 10 mg per tablet and 10 mg per 1 ml drops.

The only difference between these two forms is Excipients. If we consider it from the point of view of using the medicine for dogs, it should be noted that the drops contain sodium saccharinate. This substance is called a sugar substitute or food additive E954.

At excessive consumption saccharinate may harm the animal. Tablets, in turn, have safer auxiliary components.

For puppies

It is recommended to give the drug to puppies only from one month of age. Since the body has not yet formed, it is necessary to use a minimum dose. This may be half the dosage calculated for a child or ¼ tablet 2-3 times a day.

Sometimes Zodak is given to puppies before vaccination, but this must be agreed with the doctor.

Pregnant and lactating

Zodak is allowed to be used for pregnant bitches and while nursing puppies, but the dose should be minimal.

The correct dosage can only be prescribed by a veterinarian monitoring the course of pregnancy. He will assess the condition of the animal, take into account individual characteristics and compare possible risks from the use of the drug.

In some cases, Zodak is prescribed to dogs for nausea during pregnancy.


Zodak is a relatively safe drug for animals. It has virtually no side effects and is well tolerated by the body. But still, in some cases, the medicine must be used with extreme caution:

  1. If your pet has diseased kidneys, you need to monitor the dog’s condition and the body’s reaction after administration.
  2. Caution should be used when giving medication to dogs with chronic diseases. During the examination, the attending physician must be told about the presence of such.
  3. For older pets, the minimum dosage is prescribed, since a large number of active substance in the body can negatively affect its well-being.
  4. If after several doses the medicine does not work, it is necessary to choose another treatment.
  5. At aggressive form allergies Zodak may not be very effective.

  • motor excitement;
  • convulsions;
  • dilated pupils;
  • dry mouth;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of coordination;
  • infrequent urination.

If your pet shows signs of overdose, you must stop taking the drug. It is also recommended to rinse the stomach or give a sorbent in order to speed up the withdrawal medicinal substances from the body.


If the Zodak is not suitable for some reason, it can be replaced with another one antihistamine with a similar effect.

Allervet. This medicine is created specifically for animals. Allervet is available in two concentrations: 10% for large pets and 1% for small pets. It is suitable not only for relieving allergic reactions, but also for course treatment of diseases caused by allergies.

The drug is more suitable for large breed dogs. The recommended dose is 1 tablet per 60 kg of weight, divided into two doses. More small breeds divide the tablet into several parts. Tavegil has a pronounced antihistamine sedative and anti-inflammatory effect.

Levocetirizine. Medicine prevents the development and facilitates the course of an allergic reaction. Levocetirizine is quickly absorbed into the blood and remains active for two days.

It is excreted by the kidneys, so it should be given with caution to dogs with kidney disease. It is recommended as prophylactic to prevent allergies. Has a slight sedative effect.


Any antihistamines can only relieve symptoms and alleviate the animal’s condition. In order for your pet to be healthy, it is necessary to identify the cause of the allergic reaction and prevent contact with allergens.

Untimely help can end very sadly, so it is important to conduct periodic home examinations and not self-medicate.

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