American Staffordshire Terrier: what does the owner need to know? Without fear and doubt - Stafford dog breed: description with photos, proper care and nutrition White Staffordshire

IN last years Fighting dogs began to gain increasing popularity. Pitbull, Stafford and other similar dogs began to often appear on the streets of our cities. Meanwhile, not every owner of such an animal has an idea of ​​how to properly train and raise their four-legged pet. After reading the article, you will learn about the features of the appearance, character and maintenance of Staffordshire Terriers.

A little history

Breeding of these animals began in the 1800s. As a result of mating a bulldog and a game terrier, a dog breed similar to the Stafford was obtained. Initially, such dogs were called bull terriers, pit bull terriers, or simply pits. A little later, thanks to English dog handlers, they began to be called Staffords.

In the 70s of the 19th century, representatives of this breed were brought to America. They were actively used to work on farms and to protect houses. They hunted wild boars and bears with Staffords. Americans often organized dog fighting involving these dogs.


This is a muscular, strong and agile dog. The Stafford has a strong build with powerful paws and well-developed, wide legs. chest. It has very heavy bones, which greatly influence the weight of the animal.

On a large short-muzzled head with a strong lower jaw there are small, usually cropped ears. The dog's eyes should be dark brown, almost black.

The massive body of the animal is covered with thick, short and fairly coarse hair. However, despite the apparent density, it does not protect the Stafford from the cold. The dog can be any color. Most often you can see black, gray, brown, beige or brindle representatives of this breed.

The weight of a Stafford varies between 25-30 kilograms. At the same time, males grow to 46-48 centimeters at the withers, females - slightly lower. Their height is 43-46 cm. Average duration The lifespan of such dogs can reach 12-15 years.

Character traits

It should be noted that this is primarily guard dog. The Stafford will always protect its owner and his family. He has enormous strength and becomes aggressive if he feels threatened by stranger. In such cases, the dog may attack the stranger and even bite him. Unlike many other breeds, the Staffordshire Terrier is ready to protect not only the owner himself, but also his property.

Due to the fact that this is a very stubborn dog, the Stafford must learn from an early age who is his friend and who is his enemy. It is also important to teach your dog to communicate with children and other animals. Actually this breed was bred to be a companion. Therefore, a properly raised animal will be an obedient and devoted pet. Despite their natural laziness, these balanced and calm dogs will always try to please their owner.

This is a fairly unpretentious breed of dog. The Stafford needs minimal grooming. To keep your dog's coat clean, it is enough to brush it regularly with a stiff brush. You should only bathe your pet if absolutely necessary. During this procedure, it is advisable to use a special dry shampoo. To maintain the shine of your pet's coat, you can systematically wipe it with a piece of suede cloth.

It is also recommended to periodically inspect your dog’s skin for irritation indicating the appearance of bacterial infection. If you notice that wounds or cuts have appeared on your Stafford's body, be sure to show him to the veterinarian.


Like any other dog, the Staffordshire Terrier needs a complete and well-balanced diet. You need to feed the animal thirty minutes after a walk or a couple of hours before it. This will avoid many problems with the digestive system. The dishes from which the dog eats should be placed on a special adjustable stand. Thanks to this, he will develop the correct beautiful posture. Food should be at room temperature. You should not give your dog food that is too hot or very cold.

Staffordshire Terriers can be fed industrial or natural food. Those who choose the first option must remember that in this case the animal must have unlimited access to clean drinking water. It is extremely important to give preference to high-quality premium or super-premium food. They contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of the dog.

Those who decide to feed their Stafford with natural food need to remember that the basis of the pet’s diet should be meat. It must account for at least 30% of the total number of products. Beef, lamb and poultry are best suited for these purposes. Twice a week, meat can be replaced with sea fish. Also, the Stafford fighting dog should receive cottage cheese, dairy products, eggs, cereals and vegetables. From cereals, these animals can be given rice and buckwheat.


Like any other breed of dog, the Stafford, the price of which depends on many factors, is susceptible to various diseases. These animals are prone to arthritis and hip dysplasia. In addition, they often have bloating and genetic patent ductus arteriosus. As a result, the dog may be developmentally delayed and have lung problems.

Quite often, veterinarians diagnose deafness, entropion, progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts in Staffordshire Terriers. These dogs are also prone to cancer.

Names for Staffordshire dogs

As a rule, puppies sold with documents already have a nickname. It starts with a specific letter and consists of several words. Usually this “official” name appears only in the pedigree, veterinary passport and at exhibitions. At home, the dog is called by another, shorter and easier to remember nickname. It shouldn't be too complicated or long. It is desirable that there are no dull or hissing sounds in it.

A short and sonorous name is much easier for a dog to remember. Ideally, it should consist of two syllables. It is not recommended to call the puppy human names. This will be incorrect towards others and can put the dog owner in an uncomfortable position.

The names of Stafford dogs should reflect their appearance and character. Males are often called Tyson, Rocky, Black, Chuck or Rick. For girls, nicknames such as Linda, Jitta, Jessie, Burma, Ambra or Basta are optimal.

If you firmly decide that you need just such a dog, then contact a specialized nursery. In this case, you will have a guarantee of purebred puppy and availability of all vaccinations. When purchasing an animal from your own hands or via the Internet, you risk that it will grow into something completely different from what you wanted.

The Stafford is a dog whose price ranges from $200 to $1,000. Therefore, you need to take the choice of a pet very seriously. It is important to pay attention to the behavior of puppies. They should be shy, but not fearful. A dog barking, growling and attacking, showing aggression, is not the norm. Such behavior is considered a disqualifying vice.

Even before purchasing, you should definitely look at the puppy’s parents, and not at their photographs. The mother of babies should not look exhausted and aggressive. She should show moderate wariness or friendliness.

The puppies themselves should be active and healthy, with smooth shiny fur, strong, even paws and clean eyes. Before you buy a puppy, be sure to feel its tummy. It should not be swollen or painful.

Just like an adult dog, a baby needs a comfortable place to rest. It is advisable to give him a secluded corner, located away from drafts. In order for a puppy kept in an apartment to learn to ask to go outside, he needs to be walked very often. To do this, it should be taken outside after each feeding and sleep. Upon arrival home, the dog needs to be taught to wash its paws.

In the summer, it is useful to bathe the puppy in a pond or river. To do this, you need to gradually accustom him to water, trying not to scare the baby. When changing teeth, it is important to provide the animal with special toys that can be chewed without risk to health.


It should be emphasized that training a puppy of this breed should be done from the first days after it appears in your home. By nature, Staffordshire Terriers tend to be dominant. Therefore, it is extremely important to show them that you are the leader. This needs to be done as early as possible. If you fail to assert your authority, the dog will simply refuse to obey you.

During the learning process, it is very important to avoid rude command intonations. Don't forget to praise your pet if he did what you asked of him correctly. As a reward, you can use not only some tasty treat, but also your dog’s favorite toy.

It is equally important to show the Staffordshire Terrier the difference between behavior in the apartment and on a walk. You also need to pay attention to teaching him peaceful coexistence with other animals. In addition to general training, these dogs can play with frisbees, jump obstacles and participate in agility competitions.

Security measures

A dog that looks like a Stafford causes mixed feelings among others. Strangers are not at all obliged to love your animal, and many are openly afraid of such dogs. In order not to provoke conflicts and not cause discontent among neighbors, owners of Staffordshire Terriers must follow certain rules.

Such animals must be walked on a leash and muzzled. It is strictly forbidden to leave them unattended. A dog living in the private sector must be kept in a special enclosure. Under no circumstances should she be allowed to leave her site on her own.

If during a walk the dog gets into a fight, you need to act very quickly and clearly, trying to maintain composure. In such cases, you should never get between the dogs. When pulling apart fighting dogs, there is no need to hit them. Such actions will only encourage aggression. Two people must separate the dogs, each of whom is responsible for their pet. Immediately after this, you need to separate the animals in different directions and give them some time so that they completely calm down.

Amstaff is the abbreviated name for a dog breed that was bred in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. The ancestors of the staffs were bulldogs and game terriers. Initially, the function of these powerful dogs was to protect territories, and only over time they turned into regular participants in dog fights. But this is not only a fighter. And also a family man who is able to remain faithful and devoted to his human family.

When American Staffies came to Foggy Albion, Europeans called them bull terriers. And only by the beginning of the 70s of the last century the name American Staffordshire Terrier was officially assigned to the breed. In Russia, dogs experienced serious public persecution in the late 90s and early 2000s. There is still an opinion among people that these dogs are uncontrollable, aggressive and extremely dangerous to humans. But given the early socialization of the puppy, the stereotype does not have any worthy argumentation.

One of the ardent defenders of the breed was the famous actor Yuri Nikulin. It was thanks to his social work that the staffs did not come to naught in our country.

Breed characteristics

The breed has two important advantages. First - good health and physical endurance, thanks to which four-legged friends rarely get sick. The second is ease of training. Animals are obedient and flexible. And if you start raising them at an early age, then in a year another real intellectual will appear in your family in the guise of a “brother” from the 90s.

The disadvantages of the breed are willfulness and stubbornness, often perceived by amateurs as stupidity. Amstaffs understand perfectly well what a person wants from them, but are not always ready to fulfill his whims at the first request. According to international classification, the breed standards are as follows.

  • Weight. The maximum weight for males is 30 kg. The weight of females is less - up to 25 kg.
  • Height. The height of males, as a rule, varies between 46 cm and 48 cm. The maximum height at the withers of females is 46 cm.
  • Color. The coat color can be anything - from red and gray to brindle and blue. Cream, black and fawn are also considered the norm. The only color that is unacceptable is the predominant color of white - when the dog is 80% white. Such individuals are considered not purebred.
  • Lifespan. Amstaffs are considered long-lived dogs, because on average they live from 12 to 15 years.
  • Character. Amstaffs love freedom and prefer to insist on their point of view. However, the problem of stubbornness can be stopped at an early age by seriously taking up raising a puppy.
  • Intelligence. Staffs are smart dogs with high level intelligence, which experts rate as four out of five.
  • Security and guard potential. The dog is completely unsuitable for a chain, but can be an excellent watchman when living in the owner’s house or apartment. It must be recognized that first of all the dog strives for its own safety. He considers the entrusted territory his own in front of strangers. Therefore, rest assured: it will drive away anyone who encroaches on it.

The female Amstaff breed begins to go into heat at about eight months of age. At this point, the dog is already considered sexually mature, but its formation continues. Therefore, in Russia, mating is prohibited before the dog is 15 months old. Mating is allowed once a year for up to eight years. Pregnancy becomes noticeable in the fourth or fifth week. A few days before giving birth expectant mother colostrum appears.

Height and Weight Chart

A novice dog breeder who has adopted a Staffordshire Terrier will have to sift through a lot of literature to understand whether the puppy is developing correctly. You can reduce the amount of work using three actions.

  1. Availability of vaccinations. When buying a pet, be sure to ask the seller whether the baby has undergone mandatory vaccinations. And if yes, then with what drugs. Make sure that the puppy has also undergone anthelmintic treatment. His passport must have the corresponding mark
  2. Education from birth. Even if it seems to you that the baby is very tiny, and the educational process is still incomprehensible to him, start training. And the sooner the better.
  3. Guide to the breed standard. The table below suggests standards according to which an Amstaff puppy should develop in the first year of life. Minor deviations from the norm are acceptable.

Table - Weight and height at the withers of Staff puppies up to one year old

Age, monthsWeight, kgHeight, cm
1 2,5-4 -
2 6-9 25-30
3 9-14 30-36
4 14-20 35-44
5 17-24 38-46
6 19-28 42-50
9 24-33 42-50
12 25-35 43-50

At birth, the weight of Staffordshire Terrier babies ranges from 250 g to 400 g, depending on the gender of the puppy. Males are usually larger than females.


The first breed standard was adopted in 1935. The draft standard was written by a man named Brandon, who later headed the first Staffordshire Terrier Club in the history of the United States of America. The standard was re-approved in the 70s of the last century. The table lists the main excerpts from it.

Table - Stafford breed standard

Owners of Staffords resort to cropping and rarely leave their ears untouched. Completely drooping ears are considered unacceptable for the breed.

Origin history and interesting facts

In the second half of the 19th century, small breed pickling dogs from the Old World began to be brought to the United States. They became the ancestors of the staffs. On the one hand, Staffordshire Terriers are true Americans. On the other hand, the blood of many “Europeans” flows in them. Perhaps this is why amstaffs became international, spreading throughout the world, gaining particular popularity in the countries of the post-Soviet space (Belarus, Ukraine, Russia).

Staffordshire Terriers love to lie on the sofa with their owners and stare at the TV. And little Staffies chew on something endlessly, so a potential dog owner should stock up on “chew” toys for the baby in advance. Otherwise, the baby will find them on his own. And it’s not a fact that your new sneaker won’t turn into something similar for your dog.


The breed under discussion is divided into three types - proportional, bulldog and terrier. The first is considered to be closest to the breed standard, the second is more similar in build to a bulldog, and the third has terrier qualities prevailing. Detailed Specifications Amstaff varieties are described in the table.

Table - Body types of Staff Terriers

Amstaffs still struggle with the negative qualities of the breeds from which they originated. A “balanced” dog is a rarity. Most often there are individuals in which either terrier or bulldog qualities prevail.

The Stafford is not a street breed. A chain, a booth or an enclosure is not about him. The contents must be exclusively internal. The dog needs to arrange his personal territory - a large warm nook in which there are no drafts and no dampness. You need to put a bed there or throw a blanket on which the dog will sleep.

  • Daily activity. Stafford needs to walk a lot, and in the warm season, climb mountains and swim in the river. In urban conditions it is not easy to achieve this, but it is still possible to walk for an hour twice a day. Also, don't forget to take four-legged friend take him on forays into the forest, where he can run around to his heart’s content without a leash. But provided that your parking place is located far from strangers.
  • Grooming. You don't have to do anything supernatural. Once a week, it is enough to scratch the dog with a special brush or exfoliating glove.
  • Care for ears and eyes. The organs of hearing and vision must be kept clean. The eyes should be cleaned of mucus every day, and the ears should be carefully wiped once or twice a week with a cotton sponge soaked in clean water. This is quite enough to remove dust and dirt.
  • Claw care. Nails should be trimmed as needed. As a rule, once a month is enough. An active dog that often walks outside wears them down on the road surface on its own. You need to sound the alarm and grab the tongs if the claws tap on the laminate or linoleum.
  • Nutrition. You can feed your Amstaff high-quality food or natural food. High-quality dry food means luxury food. Cheap dry food can lead to irreversible consequences associated with deterioration of the pet’s health.


The basis of the American Staffordshire Terrier's diet should be meat - raw, not heat-treated. It is important that there is a minimum of fat on it. Before serving, the product must be chopped into small pieces so that the dog can easily chew and digest it. The percentage of raw meat in the diet should be at least 70%. For a muscular staff, this is a vital protein - the key to his health and strength. You will learn about other permitted products from the table.

Table - How to dilute meat diet amstaff

Staffs are strictly prohibited from boiled potatoes, legumes, spices and pork. They should not be fed barley, oatmeal or smoked foods. Bones are an absolute taboo for puppies under seven months.


These dogs have high intelligence. But their dominance sometimes makes the owner distrust the opinion of dog handlers that the dog is docile and obedient.

  • Early socialization. A puppy that was raised at the age of two or three months grows up to be an excellent friend and a full-fledged member of the family. He may show aggression towards his fellow tribesmen, but he will not grin or attack a person. This is unacceptable for a healthy and well-mannered representative of the breed.
  • Refusal must be heard. If the dog refuses to follow a specific command, do not insist on your own. Postpone practicing this command for another time, start learning another one.
  • The authority of the owner. The dog will not listen to you and respect you if you do not become an absolute authority for him. The first and most important thing that the owner must demonstrate to his pet is his own leadership qualities. The i's need to be dotted from the very beginning, showing the puppy from an early age who is in charge in his life.
  • “No” to playing with children. Amstaffs get along well with representatives of the younger generation. However, experts do not recommend leaving animals alone for a long time with children of early, preschool and secondary school age. A child, through his behavior, may accidentally provoke a violent reaction from the animal, and may himself be afraid of this reaction.

Representatives of the breed under discussion are not prone to barking for no reason, so the owner will not have to blush for his dog while walking outdoors.

Diseases and treatment

American Staffordshire Terriers belong to that small group of dogs whose health suffers quite rarely. However, it is impossible to say that this breed has no inherited diseases at all. In the list below you will find the most common ailments that the dog breed in question suffers from.

  • DTS. Underdevelopment or abnormal development hip joint- a disease that often occurs in fighting breed dogs. Congenital DTS can be identified by the puppy's lameness. With timely intervention from a specialist, the dog can be helped.
  • Deafness. From time to time, babies are born deaf - completely or partially. Partial deafness is not scary, dogs adapt to it and live full life. Complete deafness makes it impossible to train and raise an animal. The disease cannot be treated.
  • Licked granuloma. If you notice that your dog is licking himself too often in a particular place on his body, pay attention to this. Perhaps you and your pet are faced with a “polyduchum”. This is what people call a licked granuloma - inflamed due to constant mechanical impact area of ​​skin. Wearing an Elizabethan collar and treating the licked area with antiseptic solutions and ointments can help heal the wound.
  • Entropion. In non-medical terms, a torsion of the eyelid. Blepharoplasty, an artificial change in the shape of this part of the eye, can help your dog.

TOP nicknames

Many dog ​​owners are faced with a situation where the nicknames given by breeders are difficult to pronounce and therefore completely impossible to use. Everyday life. You are not required to call the puppy by the name that is written on his passport. Therefore, you can come up with any other nickname that, in your opinion, will be more suitable.

For example, for “girl”:

  • Boni;
  • Alma;
  • Alpha;
  • Gerda;
  • Gina;
  • Button;
  • Bead (Busya);
  • Simba;
  • Sonya;
  • Nyusha.

For example, for “boy”:

  • Tyson;
  • Jack;
  • Caesar;
  • Oscar;
  • Spike;
  • Max;
  • Rex;
  • Milo;

Be sure to check your pet's reaction to the name you like. Say it loudly and clearly. If your dog ignores the name, stop using it and choose a new one.

Photo review

It’s enough to watch a few videos and look at photos of staffs to understand: behind the terrifying appearance these animals are hiding kind soul and sociable character. Staffs are highly socialized dogs, so it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time in a house or apartment. The pet requires a lot of attention from the owner. This means that the breed is absolutely not suitable for busy people.

Cost and where to buy

The price of a puppy varies. It depends on the place of purchase and the “status” of the animal. (Cost data is as of January 2018).

  • No vaccinations or documents. The price of the baby, whose pedigree remains a mystery to the future owner, varies from 6 to 9 thousand rubles.
  • With vaccinations and documents. A vaccinated dog with a pedigree can only be purchased at a kennel. But the price of confidence is high: from 8 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • With a great future. If the puppy is the offspring of famous and titled parents, its value skyrockets. For such babies you will have to pay up to 60 thousand rubles. But know: by making such an acquisition, you are buying not only a friend, but also a future champion.

List of nurseries

During the first decade of the 2000s, the fashion for staffs completely passed away. This had a positive effect on the gene pool of the breed. The number of mestizos declined sharply. The bad reputation that had accompanied these dogs for a long time has also disappeared. Listed below are large Russian nurseries where you can buy a purebred puppy with an enviable pedigree:

  • Bakaroro & Itubori in Moscow-;
  • "Imperial Giant Chance" in Moscow-;
  • "Asti Dog House" in Moscow-;
  • "Style Smile" in Sergiev Posad-;
  • "Staff Prestige" in St. Petersburg-;
  • "Astilars" in St. Petersburg-;
  • FCI-RKF GaidJewel’s in Kaluga-

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to his activity and level of curiosity. Dog cubs, like human ones, tend to poke their noses everywhere, jumping around as if they had a long-lasting battery somewhere in their side. Lameness should be a concern hind legs. Perhaps the dog has congenital dysplasia, which is significantly worse than a bruise.

If it is not prohibited in your country to crop dogs' ears (this ban does not apply in Russia), then cropping ears The puppy needs to be born between the ages of one and a half to three months. Many breeders do this on their own, selling babies with already cropped ears, freeing the potential owner from having to go through the psychological pain of operating on the animal. A small American Staffordshire Terrier purchased from a kennel must have a puppy card. After some time, you will be able to exchange this document for a pedigree in the Club of which the breeder-seller is a member.


Origin: USA

FCI classification: group – 3rd (terriers), section 3 (bulldog type terriers)

Usage: companion dog, family friend

Color: anything other than a predominant white or black and tan color

Dimensions: weight: on average 25-30 kg; height: male - 46-48 cm, female - 43-46 cm;

Lifespan: 12-14 years old

The Staffordshire Terrier dog is a faithful friend of man, a companion that dotes on its owners and does not show aggression even towards unfamiliar people or animals.

This is a kind, sensitive, intelligent and active pet, which is ideal for families with children, as well as athletes.

Previously, the staff took part in dog fights and was considered a guard dog. Today this dog actively takes part in various exhibitions, and is also an excellent protector and friend for the family.

Origin story

In 1898, Staffordshire Terriers were called pit bull terriers; throughout the history of their development, they received many names, including half-and-half, pit bull and others.

The breed received its final name only in 1972.

The American Staffordshire Terrier was considered to be a dog fight between Staffordshire Terriers during gladiator fights.

In the 18th century, the animal began to be seen as a brave and impartial guard with optimal size, strength, mind.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, fighting traditions began to be abandoned, and Amstaffs began to be used as farm dogs.

Today, the staff actively participates in various kinds of exhibitions, and is also an excellent protector and friend for the family.

Many people believe that the Staffordshire Terrier has an aggressive character and does not like strangers. This is not true, this breed is very social, it loves children and loves when guests come to the house


The Taffordshire Terrier dog is an intelligent and kind dog, which is not characterized by sudden outbursts of aggression.

The breeds have the same characteristics. He loves kids, is ideal for large families and will become a friend.

Of course, only proper upbringing will allow the breed to show all its best qualities.

Characteristics of the Staffordshire Terrier dog breed:

  • Obedience and ease of training. The dog of this breed is very smart and easy-going, he easily remembers what can be done in the house and what actually cannot be done, if you devote enough time to training during puppyhood. staff is not difficult, even a child over 10 years old can handle it quite well under the close supervision of his parents.
  • Activity. The Staffordshire Terrier loves active pastime, he likes to run a lot , walk, jump, the more games you can offer your pet, the better. This rule of active life also applies to greyhound dogs. Staffords are not suitable for homebodies; the pet will “pour out” unspent energy at home, disrupting order. Therefore, it is important to devote a lot of time to walking and provide the dog with different kinds activity.
  • Kindness. Many people believe that the Staffordshire Terrier, a photo of which can easily be found on dog forums, has an aggressive character and does not like strangers. This is not true, this breed is very social, it loves children and loves when guests come to the house. But with the same friendliness she treats other dogs that she meets during her walk. The Staffordshire Terrier dog breed is perfect for those who want to find true friend for the whole family.

Stafford loves active pastime, she likes to walk a lot, run, jump, the more games you can offer your pet, the better


How to choose a dog

Features of care


There is no need to bathe your Staffordshire Terrier often; it is enough to do it about 1-2 times a year.

Periodically it needs to be wiped with a damp towel to get rid of pieces of dead skin and fine hair.

The coat needs to be combed regularly. There is no need to use it because the fur is too short for it.

It is important to teach your dog to be clean from childhood, to provide it with its own bedding that needs to be washed frequently, and to teach it to relieve itself outside.

This breed of dog does not really like enclosures; it is most comfortable for it to live in a house.


The Staffordshire Terrier dog breed requires active and regular walking.

It is important to spend at least 1.5-2 hours with her every day, playing, throwing her a stick or a ball.

This dog is perfect for athletes, she loves.

The dog will easily run after you if you suddenly decide to ride a bike.

In crowded places it is worth putting it on your pet.


Each owner who plans to buy a Staffordshire Terrier must choose what kind of food he will give - natural or dry, bought in a store.

Only in the first case will you be able to provide your pet with a balanced diet; if you opt for the last option, then buy exclusively.

The diet of the Staffordshire Terrier must necessarily consist of meat and meat products:

  • fillet and bones of pork, beef, chicken;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • spleen;
  • udder;
  • hearts.

For balanced nutrition It is important to introduce greens, vegetables, fruits, as well as fermented milk products and eggs into the diet.

As a supplement to meat, it is worth giving porridge - barley, oatmeal, rice.

Important! It is not advisable to give vegetables raw. It is better to boil or stew them so that they are easier to digest.

There is no consensus on whether to give raw or cooked meat products to your dog.

It is important to give your pet bones that he can chew on; this is very good for his teeth.

They should not be tubular, since it is impossible for the fragments to get into the dog’s stomach.

It is important not to skimp on dog food, especially during puppyhood, when the pet’s fur, sense of smell, vision, etc. are developing.

Interesting information about how dogs see can be found in the article:

The Staffordshire Terrier dog should always have clean water, it is also advisable to feed her at the same time.


Characteristic diseases

From an early age, the Staffordshire Terrier dog is vaccinated against dangerous diseases, such as parainfluenza, hepatitis and others.

The dog of this breed is very smart and easy-going; it easily remembers what it can do and what it cannot do, if you devote enough time to training during puppyhood. Training a Staffordshire Terrier is not difficult; even a child over 10 years old can do it under the close supervision of his parents.

It is important to visit the veterinarian regularly and provide your pet with adequate care to avoid health problems.


In the first months of life, the puppy’s immunity is formed by absorbing mother’s milk.

After the puppy stops drinking it, it is worth doing; it is usually carried out at 6-8 months.

After 3-4 weeks, a second vaccination is given, and after the same interval - a third.

Before vaccination, the pet is given anthelmintic drugs, which a veterinarian will help you choose. They should be given before each vaccination.

After completing the course of the first three vaccinations, your pet should be vaccinated once a year.

The Staffordshire Terrier dog breed is vaccinated against hepatitis, enteritis, canine distemper and other diseases.

The rabies vaccine is given at around 12 weeks of age.


The American Staffordshire Terrier dog reaches sexual maturity at the age of 8-9 months.

However, a female cannot be bred before she reaches 15 months, and a male - until she is one year old.

The female's life span is individual for each pet and ranges from 9 to 12 months.

Staffordshire Terrier dog: a strong, smart and kind pet

The Staffordshire Terrier dog is a devoted friend, a reliable protector and companion, and an excellent pet for keeping in an apartment. The breed gets along well with children and loves active pastime.

- fighting dog breed, also known under other names: Staffordshire, Stafford, amstaff or simply staff. It appeared in Russia relatively recently. Rumors about the creepy past and bloodthirstiness of the breed quickly spread. The dog quickly gained popularity. However, the point here is not at all the fighting nature of the breed. As it turns out, the Stafford fighting dog is surprisingly sensitive And clever a creature that fits well for family maintenance And home security.

Origin story

History of the breed originates in ancient England. The staff dog was obtained by crossing two breeds - a bulldog and a terrier. From the first, the Stafford received endurance and ferocity, and from the second, he received agility and mobility. The result was a courageous and aggressive dog. The question arises why the British would even need such ferocious dog.

Initially, the British needed strong and brave dog for protecting territory and houses. By crossing various breeds got a bulldog. Then an eccentric belief began that bull meat would be much tastier if the bull was first tortured half to death and then slaughtered. Dogs were used for these purposes. Death grip she bit into the unfortunate animal, and when it could no longer resist, the butchers slaughtered it. By the way, it was no coincidence that the breed was called a bulldog - “bull” is translated as bull.

The British liked the terrible bloody entertainment. Hordes of rats brought little pleasure to people, so special breeds of dogs were bred to combat them. The large breeds of dogs used in bull baiting were too slow and clumsy to fight crowds of rodents. It was then that strong, but clumsy bulldogs were crossed with terriers, and a new breed was obtained - the pit bull terrier, which was more active and nimble and could deal with hordes of rats for the amusement of people.

Then a new bloody sport appeared - dog fighting. The creepy entertainment quickly gained popularity and began to bring considerable income to the organizers. Gradually, the bloody betting spread to other countries - Mexico, the States, Canada. In order to make the dog even stronger and tougher, it was crossed with some other large breeds. The result was the American Staffordshire Terrier.

When dog fighting was finally banned in the early 20th century, dogs were used on farms as guards. Today the staff is an excellent protector and friend of the whole family. The breed appeared in Russia only at the end of the 20th century.

There is one very similar breed- American pit bull terrier. These two breeds are often confused. The main differences between them are that Staffs are wider, stronger and, most importantly, much friendlier than pit bulls.

Gallery: staff (25 photos)


When assessing a Stafford, they take into account not so much the size of the dog, but how the dog looks, in other words, correct proportions body, foldable physique.

Breed standard gives this description:

  • The dog's weight is 27-41 kg. Height for males is 45-49 cm, for females 43-45 cm.
  • The head is small, approaching square. The cheekbones are clearly defined, the eye sockets are noticeable. Flat forehead. Smoothly transitions to a smooth bridge of the nose, which is slightly longer than the forehead itself.
  • Jaw rectangular shape. Wide, powerful. A tight row of strong teeth. Scissor bite. Dense. The lips are also dense. If they sag, it’s only a little. No folds are formed. Strong cheeks.
  • Almond-shaped or round shape. Widely spaced. They are quite low from the cheekbones. Eye color ranges from dark brown to black. Light color allowed only with blue coat color. There are staffs with blue eyes, but this is considered a fault of the breed.
  • The rim of the eyelids is also dark. Light or pink is not acceptable.
  • The nose is big. The color depends on the coat color, but the main one is black or pinkish. Red is unacceptable. The nostrils are open.
  • The ears are set high. They can be either natural or cropped. If they stand up, are broken, or are excessively pliable, it is considered a fault. When evaluating, preference is given to cropped ears.
  • The strong body is covered with tight muscles. The chest is deep and wide, with round ribs. The back is slightly elongated at the croup, but overall quite wide. The shoulder blades are located above the pelvic bone. The skin hardly forms folds. The croup is strong.
  • Paws are widely spaced. Strong. The elbows are parallel to the body. Hips are strong and voluminous. Fingers are small.
  • In its normal state, the tail points down. It is located straight or goes up in an arc when the dog is excited. The base of the tail is large and narrows as it approaches the tip. He is set low.
  • The coat is short. The breed standard almost does not limit the color of the coat, as well as patterns. The main ones are considered to be plain, brindle or consisting of spots. Black color is not allowed brown spots like a Rottweiler. Red-brown is also unacceptable. White color, if it is not completely monochromatic, it should be covered with spots on one fifth of the body, no less.


The dog of this breed is large, resilient and very strong. However, despite his threatening appearance, he has a surprisingly flexible character. Staff puppies cheerful and charming. Adults are calm and have excellent self-control. Loves children and gets along well with families. Unexpected outbursts of anger are completely unusual for him.

However, the staff must undergo proper education and training. In general, the breed is obedient and quickly remembers everything its owner teaches it. Due to its obedience and good obedience, the breed is often used in search and rescue types of work.

One of the main qualities of the staff is activity and mobility. The breed simply cannot imagine its life without long walks filled with running, jumping and other various physical exercise. Therefore, in addition to daily walks, it is necessary to exercise him additionally, gradually increasing the dog’s load.

It is for this reason that the breed is not suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. If you do not allow your dog to splash out the energy that is constantly accumulating in him, he can cause a real pogrom at home.

Staffords love to swim, so this can be a good physical activity for the dog, thanks to which it will become even more resilient and develop muscles.

Contrary to popular belief, the Staff is not at all an aggressive dog and doesn't rush at people. On the contrary, she is very sociable, loves children and is good with other animals living at home or encountered on the street. All owners of the breed say that it is loyal and peaceful. However, will a Stafford puppy turn into aggressive dog largely depends on the owner himself, on how he will raise his pet. The dog obeys orders without hesitation. With proper upbringing, the Stafford turns into a loyal friend and the best protector of the family.

A dog's fighting genes only appear in combat. The dog is very aggressive towards the enemy and if he rushes to attack, it will not be easy to stop him. But during the selection process, all individuals that showed even the slightest signs of aggression towards humans were immediately removed from breeding. This was done so that the dog would not snap at a person, and people at dog fights could fearlessly tear the fighting dogs away from each other with their bare hands.

The dog's short hair does not shed, and the pet itself does not emit any odor and quickly gets used to walking. All this makes the dog ideal for living in an apartment.

Of course, in a country house the dog will feel much more comfortable, but even in the cramped conditions of a small apartment it will not suffer.

  • You don't need to bathe often. Once or twice a year will be enough. You can rub a damp towel over your dog's fur to remove dead skin.
  • Proper care of a Staffordshire Terrier involves taking care of its coat. You need to brush your pet regularly. Thanks to this, the animal’s skin will receive a massage, and the hairs will recover faster.
  • The claws are trimmed with special scissors. Teeth are brushed. You should also take care of your ears to ensure they remain clean at all times. In addition, you should pay attention to the nose - if it is dry or cracked, this means that the dog is sick.

The staff needs to be introduced to the street and other animals as early as possible so that he gets used to them and learns to cope without hassles and conflicts. If the dog does start a fight with another dog, the main thing is not to panic. The dog senses the owner's fear and will instinctively fight even more fiercely in defense of him.

Although the Stafford is a good-natured dog, the opinion that it is an aggressive breed is widespread. Therefore, when walking, you need to put a muzzle on your pet so as not to cause discomfort to passers-by.

When preparing a diet, you need to follow several rules:

  • Food should contain large amounts of calcium.
  • Fatty foods should be excluded - the pet will not be able to digest it.
  • High-quality feed contains everything necessary for healthy life your pet needs minerals and vitamins, but you shouldn’t feed your dog food alone. You can add any food to your dog’s diet, except salty, spicy, smoked and sweets.
  • Meat must be present in the diet.

Raising and training puppies

The Staffordshire genes themselves contain a caring attitude towards people.

But the same cannot be said in relation to other animals, since staffs poisoned large animals and were used in dog fights.

Therefore, puppies need to be raised and trained from an early age to develop into a gentle and calm dog.


  1. First of all, the owner needs to start with himself. When raising puppies, firmness is required so that the person remains an absolute authority for the dog. Puppies need to be taught what to do and what not to do from an early age. For example, you cannot feed him from your hands or from the table, otherwise he will get used to it and then, when he grows up, it will be difficult to wean him off.
  2. From four to six months the puppy is quite timid. You cannot force him to fight his fear, he must overcome it himself. If the puppy is frightened by some object, you should not interfere, but give the pet the opportunity to study it on its own.
  3. The pet's character is fully formed by the age of one and a half years. During this period, you need to introduce the dog to the outside world so that it gets used to it. In addition, during this period puberty begins, and the dog will even try to prove its independence from humans. Those commands that he carried out perfectly before will now be carried out with great reluctance. To prevent the dog from rebelling, you need to be firm and demand unquestioning obedience from the dog.
  4. The fighting genes of the staff should never be forgotten. Even an initially harmless game with another dog can unexpectedly escalate into a brutal fight. The owner must be able to monitor the pet’s mood and stop it in time.


  1. The Staff trains well, and this can be felt from the puppy’s age of three weeks. All the skills that he will acquire during this period of time will be remembered by him for the rest of his life. This must be taken into account when training a puppy, preventing him from developing bad habits.
  2. If the owner feels that he is not in the mood, then training cannot be started at this moment. Staff puppies are very sensitive to the mood of the owner, so his nervousness will affect the dog too, which will negatively affect the quality of training.
  3. Under no circumstances should you force train a puppy. On the contrary, you need to use the carrot method. The main thing is that the treat is not too desirable for the puppy, otherwise it will absorb all his attention, and he simply will not be able to concentrate on the training process itself.
  4. Lessons should be short, but of high quality. They need to be done several times a day. The voice should be given a cheerful, cheerful note. Each individual command should sound clear, clear, but at the same time not rude. And you need to remember that when training a puppy, you must be patient and not take it out on him if he does not immediately understand what is required of him.


The Staffordshire Terrier is a great friend and protector for the whole family. Respect for people is embedded in his very genes. However, due to his fighting past, the dog must be properly raised and trained so that he does not show aggression towards other animals. In addition, staff requires constant grueling physical activity. This should be taken into account when buying a dog. If you don’t have time to properly raise your pet and take long walks with it, then it’s better to look at other dog breeds.

The American Terrier is an active and cheerful dog. She can be a caring nanny for children, a brave protector and a faithful companion on walks. There are legends about the courage of Amstaffs; with such a bodyguard you don’t have to fear for your life. But representatives of the breed have a difficult character; they require serious and consistent education from childhood.

The modern Amstaff cannot be considered a fighting breed, despite its strong, muscular build and deadly grip. The criterion for selecting her for breeding is the assessment of exterior qualities, and not the ability to work. The American Staffordshire Terrier is not bred for fighting. It does not have the fighting spirit for which pit bulls are famous, so classifying it as fighting breeds unfounded these days.

History of the origin of the breed

The dog, bred in the United States of America, was named the American Staffordshire Terrier. Her ancestors participated in fights with bulls. When the standard was established by the FCI in the second half of the 20th century, representatives of the breed began to constantly participate in exhibitions. Loyalty to the owner and the ability to calmly assess the situation provided the Amstaff with a reputation excellent guards and athletes.

American Staffordshire Terrier breed standard

The terrier's average height is 46 cm, weight 30 kg, life expectancy 13 years. This is a wonderful dog for a family - a friend, nanny and guard. A devoted companion who will follow his owner everywhere.

Breed standard:

  1. Appearance The dog is strong, stocky, and quite well-fed and muscular. The movements are fast, powerful, and at the same time elegant.
  2. Head middle length, wide, with a well-defined transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The ears are short, set high, slightly raised above the head or erect. The eyes are dark, with black eyelids. The jaws are strong, with a powerful grip. Sharply prominent cheekbones, black nose.
  3. Body and limbs. Wide chest, tucked stomach. The front legs are widely spaced and straight, the hind legs are muscular. The tail is short, set low, and is not docked.
  4. Color A dog can have any color except liver and black and tan. The coat is short and shiny.

Disadvantages include a light colored nose and eyelids and an incorrect bite.

Purpose and character of the dog

Staffordshire Terriers great friends, they are ready to do anything to please the owner. This is a breed that is people oriented.

Devotion and love for people are the main qualities of Amstaffs. Once upon a time, the breed was used for cruel fun, organizing dog fights. Until now, the description of the breed carries the label of potentially life-threatening dogs.

Amstaffs have interesting feature character - they do not single out one owner for themselves, but are equally devoted to all family members. For children they will be irreplaceable friends in games, for adults - reliable guards and faithful companions. These qualities make the Amstaff an excellent family dog.

Criteria for choosing an Amstaff puppy

You need to buy an Amstaff puppy from a registered kennel. The smartest way to do this is through the club, looking at photos of representatives from several breeding lines. The criteria for choosing a future pet will be health, character, beauty and price.

The cost in nurseries is an order of magnitude higher than in the market, in stores and from private individuals, but there is a guarantee that the money for the purchase will not be spent in vain. The purity of the pedigree is confirmed by documents; the animal will not have hereditary diseases and bad temper.

Each owner chooses the gender of the future pet based on personal preferences. If you don’t want to bother with future offspring, you definitely need a male. The puppy you like is carefully examined; it should have shiny eyes, clean fur, and a color that matches the breed. The baby should be cheerful and friendly, with thick paws and a large face.

When caring, it is important to pay attention to proper feeding, training and daily physical activity, annual examination by a veterinarian and preventive vaccinations.

To develop normally, a dog needs to receive full complex all components of food - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins and water. All components must be in a certain balance.

Feeding dry food makes it possible to provide a balanced, complete diet. In theory, you can get the whole complex nutrients from natural products, but this is very difficult to do in practice. It will take a lot of time, knowledge, and money. The best nurseries in the world use dry food for feeding.

You need to choose food from a good manufacturer, with a clear composition. You should not buy low-quality cheap food; it can cause various diseases. In addition to dry food, you need to give natural products– meat, vegetables, chicken, quality sausage, dairy products.

Once every few months you can transfer the dog completely to natural food, the basis of which is porridge. Such a sharp shake-up in the diet is beneficial healthy dog. A week of “diet” will benefit your pet.

How a dog reacts to food can be seen by how many times and how it goes to the toilet. He should not have diarrhea or constipation. If something of poor quality is eaten and diarrhea begins, it is advisable to give boiled rice instead of the next feeding. If the dog is allergic, old, sick, pregnant, it may only need natural food.

It is necessary to feed your pet after a walk or physical activity, and not before it. Compliance with this rule greatly affects the dog's health.

An adult Amstaff eats little; he needs a 250 ml cup of food in the morning and evening. The dog tends to be overweight, so it will be easy to notice that it is overfed.

Amstaff drinks a lot, he should always have water. The dog drinks throughout the day and even at night.

How to train and raise an Amstaff

Constant training contributes to the physical and intellectual development of the dog. She can learn to distinguish real danger from strangers and animals, and to calmly respond to ordinary noise.

When starting an Amstaff, not everyone is ready to engage in it, train and train it, spend money, time, and effort. But training the American Staffordshire Terrier, like any serious breed, should not be left to chance. It is advisable from childhood to accustom the puppy to the unquestioned authority of the owner and strict obedience.

If the dog begins to growl, showing its displeasure, it is necessary to turn it onto its back. The animal must understand that it has no right to do this. In difficult, conflict-related incidents, it is not the pet’s fault; only the person who got it is responsible and was unable to raise it well.

When an animal does not participate in training, it can regard any unexpected action of a stranger as an attack. If the dog was trained, showed it various situations, explained that there was nothing dangerous for her, she would behave calmly and obey her owner.

A dog should not have a jealous attitude towards food; this must be brought up in it from childhood. No matter how much she wants to eat, she should start eating only after the owner’s permission. It is advisable to teach your dog not to pick up food from the ground.

Pros and cons of the breed

The disadvantages of the breed include its bloodthirsty reputation. If conflict situations involving dog attacks occur, everyone immediately remembers Amstaffs. The main canine federation of Russia has banned protective disciplines with Staffordshire terriers. Amstaffs, which were successfully used in various protective types of canine sports, were outlawed. Their owners forgot about their sporting victories and left rare training sessions private.

The advantage of the breed is its endurance, strength, and agility. For Amstaffs, there are sports competitions in which they will excel. Their serious appearance does not prevent them from deftly catching flying saucers or repeating dance moves after their owner. Dogs are especially successful in strength disciplines where it is necessary to demonstrate grip strength or tow a load.

For strangers, it is often not dogs that are dangerous, but their owners. In the last decade of the last century, muscular dog breeds became popular among the “new Russians”. The angrier and more aggressive the dog was, the more confident and better its owner felt. This strange era is a thing of the past. Not a single dog of those years took part in breeding. But prejudices and misconceptions about the breed remain; some are still convinced that an animal’s anger and aggression are a sign of its strength.

Amstaff is famous for its cold-blooded behavior and stable psyche; the dog quickly changes behavior in different situations. This is her undoubted advantage. She is able to critically comprehend a person’s behavior at the current moment, and does not harbor anger for past grievances.

How much do American Staffordshire Terrier dogs cost?

Amstaff puppies cost differently, it all depends on the purpose of the purchase. If a future champion with excellent data and impeccable pedigree is chosen, his price cannot be low. For such a puppy you will have to pay about 40 thousand rubles.

A puppy with a slight “defect” in appearance, but not excluded from breeding, will cost about 25 thousand rubles. Pet, which cannot be taken to exhibitions and cannot be bred, can be purchased for 5–10 thousand rubles.