English bulldog care and feeding. About the exceptional strength and power of the English Bulldog. Estimation of breed characteristics

The main source of potential problems for an English Bulldog at any age is difficulty breathing, which can be noticeably worsened by overheating, increased physical activity, and stress. Don’t plan agility classes, long hikes, or a long game of tag—your bulldog’s body won’t appreciate it. A walk of moderate duration at a calm pace is quite a sufficient level of exercise.

A running English bulldog can reach speeds of up to 25 km/h. But here it is better to take your word for it than to test it in practice.

It is important to avoid overloading during puppyhood: the puppy’s musculoskeletal system is not ready for serious tests, and the risks of sprains and dislocations are high. Puppies gain weight quite quickly, and even a careless descent down the stairs or jumping into the owner's chair can have disastrous consequences for ligaments and joints. The puppy's activity must be controlled. If the puppy is eager to play with his peers and the other owners do not mind, give him this opportunity. Puppy games are good for developing and socializing. At the same time, carefully monitor the process and at the first signs of fatigue, distract, calm, and let the puppy rest.

Cleanliness is the key to health or how to care for an English bulldog

It is equally important to pay sufficient attention to the cleanliness of the skin and eyes every day. Train your puppy to be patient with the procedures. In the morning, the puppy should wipe his eyes with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. boiled water. A bristle brush or mitten is perfect for grooming, once or twice every week easy Using massaging movements, clean the fur from lost hairs. The folds of skin on the muzzle and body and, of course, the area under the tail should be wiped with cotton pads, first wet and then dry. The dog's body folds should never be wet. If you see that they are sweating, use a mild antiseptic, talcum powder, or baby powder. Not doing this is asking for trouble in the form of inflammation and dermatitis: treatment of skin diseases is much more difficult and costly than prevention. Caring for an English Bulldog does not require frequent bathing, but its paws should be washed daily. It makes sense to organize a “bath day” only when there is noticeable pollution, on average no more than once a month. Dermatitis in English Bulldogs can also be a reaction to frequent washing.

Regularly check the space between the fingers and the length of the claws, due to the low physical activity The English Bulldog's claws do not have time to wear down. They must be filed regularly or trimmed with a special nail clipper. It is also necessary to monitor and care for the teeth, gradually accustoming the dog to a toothbrush from childhood.

Who is the head in this house?

In raising an English Bulldog there is key points, and one of them is related to the bulldog’s desire to lead. Keep in mind that English Bulldogs tend to make their own rules unless you make your own to follow. Bulldogs can be trained well if you choose the right incentive for them and be patient. The puppy's sociability and charm should not disarm you, nor your family members, and push you into making concessions. Subsequently, they can lead to problems with obedience and the health of the pet. Your main tools are consistency and persistence. Remember that the effort you put into regularly caring for and training your English Bulldog will be returned in spades if you show patience and perseverance at this stage. Pity should not replace attentiveness, and indulgence in whims - the right way raise a family tyrant. To prevent the dog from claiming the master's chair, take care of a cozy, quiet corner for your bulldog. Bulldogs, especially in puppyhood, love to chew anything that doesn't fit well. You can counter this with special chewing toys. And, of course, do not leave anything near the place where he eats that should not fall into his mouth.

English bulldog(eng. English Bulldog or British Bulldog) a breed of short-haired dogs, medium size. These are friendly, calm, domestic dogs. But they have poor health and keeping an English bulldog is somewhat more difficult than keeping other breeds.

  • English Bulldogs can be stubborn and lazy. Adults don't enjoy walking, but they need to be walked daily to keep fit.
  • They do not tolerate heat and humidity. While walking, watch for signs of overheating and take action at the slightest. Some owners place a cool water pool in the shade to help their dogs cool off. This is a breed for keeping only in the house, not on the street.
  • Short hair does not protect them from the cold.
  • They snore, wheeze, gurgle.
  • Many suffer from flatulence. If you're squeamish, this will be a problem.
  • The short muzzle and airways are vulnerable to respiratory diseases.
  • They are gluttons, eating more than they can if given the chance. They gain weight easily and become obese.
  • Due to the size and shape of the skull, giving birth to puppies can be difficult. Most are born by caesarean section.

History of the breed

The first bulldogs appeared at a time when stud books were not kept, and if they were kept, it was by people far from literature.

As a result, nothing can be said for sure about the history of the breed. All we know is that they appeared around the 15th century and were used to catch and hold animals.

The first was the Old English Bulldog, the ancestor of all modern breeds. Together with a dozen other breeds, the English bulldog belongs to the mastiff group. Although each breed in this group is distinctive, they are all large, strong dogs with a brachycephalic skull structure.

The first term "bulldog" appears in literature from the 1500th century, with the pronunciation at that time being "Bondogge" and "Bolddogge". The modern spelling first appears in a letter written by Prestwich Eaton between 1631 and 1632: "buy me two good bulldogs, and send them with the first ship."

English word“bull” means bull and it appeared in the name of the breed because these dogs were used in “blood sport”, bull baiting or bull baiting. The bull was tied and a dog was launched at it, whose task was to grab the bull by the nose and press it to the ground.

The bull pressed his head and hid his nose, not allowing the dog to grab onto it and waiting for the moment of its attack. If he succeeded, the dog flew up several meters, and a rare spectacle took place without maimed or killed dogs.

This entertainment was popular among the population, and over the years of development, dogs performing in bull-baiting acquired common features. Stocky body, massive heads, powerful jaws and an aggressive, stubborn character.

These fights reached their peak of popularity at the beginning of the 18th century, but in 1835 they were prohibited by the Cruelty to Animals Act. The law prohibited baiting of bulls, bears, wild boars, and cockfighting. However, emigrants introduced the New World to these entertainments.

Despite their slow maturation (2–2.5 years), their life was short. By the fifth or sixth year of life they were already aging, if they lived to that age. And the Old English Bulldog is crossed with other breeds. The resulting dog is smaller in size and has a short muzzle due to the brachiocephalic skull.

Although modern English Bulldogs look tough, they are a far cry from their bull-fighting ancestors. A short muzzle would not allow them to hold the animal, and their lighter weight would not allow them to control them.

The English club for bulldog lovers “The Bulldog Club” has existed since 1878. Members of this club met in a pub on Oxford Street in London. They also wrote the first breed standard. In 1894 they held a competition between two different bulldogs. They had to run 20 miles or 32 km.

The first dog, named King Orry, resembled the Old English Bulldogs, was athletic and light. The second, Dockleaf, was smaller, heavier and was similar to the modern English Bulldog. It’s easy to guess who won and who couldn’t even reach the finish line.


There are probably no breeds as recognizable as this one. The English Bulldog is short in stature, but surprisingly heavy. At the withers it reaches 30-40 cm, the weight of males ranges from 16 to 27 kg, females from 15 to 25 kg.

This is the normal weight for animals in good shape; obese animals may weigh more. In the UK, according to the breed standard, males must weigh 23 kg, females 18 kg. In the USA, the standard allows a weight of 20-25 kg for males, and about 20 kg for mature females.

These are very squat dogs, they are even called tanks in the dog world. They are quite muscular, although they often don't look like it. The legs are short, often crooked. They have a wide chest, and the neck is almost not pronounced. The tail is naturally very short, from 2.5 to 7 cm and can be straight or curved.

The head is located on a very thick and short neck. The head itself is massive, compared to the body both in width and height. Their smooth and square skull is a characteristic feature of the breed. This skull is of the brachiocephalic type, meaning they have a short snout.

In some it is so short that it barely protrudes from the skull. The lower teeth are usually further apart than the upper teeth and the breed is characterized by an overbite. Although most breeders consider dogs undesirable if their lower teeth are visible when the jaw is closed, it is a common occurrence.

The lips are drooping, forming characteristic jowls, the muzzle itself is covered with deep, thick wrinkles. These wrinkles are so numerous that they sometimes obscure other features of the breed. The eyes are small, sunken.

The ears are small and short, located far from the eyes. For some they are hanging, for others they are standing, for some dogs they are directed forward, for others sideways, and maybe backwards. The overall impression of the face is between menace and comedy.

The coat covers the entire body, is short and straight, lying close to the body. It feels soft and smooth, shiny. There are many colors and each has its fans. According to AKC and UKC standards, the ideal English Bulldog should be a red brindle color.

But, besides it, there are: motley (red - white, etc.), plain (white, fawn, red) or distemper - a plain color with black mask or a black muzzle. Sometimes there are black or flesh-colored dogs; most clubs reject them (especially black ones).

But, in character, they do not differ from ordinary bulldogs and are excellent as pets.


It is difficult to find another breed whose character has changed so much over the past 150 years. English bulldogs have evolved from an athletic and dangerous dog, an aggressive fighter, to a lazy and good-natured companion. First of all, they are family and people oriented and want to be around them all the time.

Some of them like to climb into your arms, like cats. It's funny and a little heavy, since they don't weigh that much. Others just have to be in the room with the family but on the couch.

Most are tolerant of strangers and, with proper socialization, are polite and friendly. Much depends on the specific character, some love everyone and instantly make friends, others are more closed and distant. They are rarely aggressive towards people, but can be territorial and have food aggression. Breeders even recommend feeding dogs away from children or other animals to avoid problems.

Guard qualities vary significantly from dog to dog. Some are so lazy and uninterested that they will not give the slightest signal about the appearance of a stranger on the doorstep. Others guard the house and make enough noise to attract attention. They all have one thing in common - they bark but don't bite, and only a tiny number of English bulldogs can be good guards.

Bulldogs get along well with children, they are gentle with them and tolerate pranks. But, it is still worth teaching your child how not to behave with a dog. With the exception of the aforementioned food and territorial aggression, most are excellent with children, although not very playful. Although they are not very playful in principle.

Modern dogs get along quite well with other animals. The breed has a low level of aggression towards other dogs and, with proper training, they live calmly with them. They even prefer the company of dogs. Some problems may be due to territoriality and more due to food aggression.

Sexual aggression can be small quantity males in relation to dogs of the same sex, and this can lead to fights. This can be corrected through training or castration.

They get along with other animals, have a low hunting instinct and are practically harmless. They rarely cause problems for other animals, especially cats. If a bulldog knows a cat, then he simply completely ignores it.

What they are known for is their difficulty in training and education. This is probably the most stubborn of all dog breeds. If the bulldog decides that he doesn’t want something, then you can put an end to it. This stubbornness prevents learning new commands and executing those already learned.

They understand obedience commands without any problems, but they are rarely completely obedient. Only experienced trainers who constantly work with different dogs, are able to prepare those for obedience competitions (obedience).

But they also have misfires. Negative training and correction practically do not work on them; bulldogs completely ignore it. Positive reinforcement is more effective, but often they decide that the treat is not enough to carry out the command.

Although this is not a dominant breed, they accurately determine the commands of which person they do not need to listen to. And so stubborn, then they become completely unbearable. For this reason, the owner always needs to take a dominant position.

Another extreme is low energy levels. This is one of the laziest couch potatoes in the dog world. Most of them prefer to lie on the couch rather than run happily in the forest. And they can sleep all day long, outperforming even cats in this matter.

Adult bulldogs are rarely playful, and you can’t force them to run after a stick. If for most breeds the problem is to provide sufficient physical activity, then for the English Bulldog it is simply to force him to do something. Slowly jogging after the owner, that’s the maximum.

And an owner who loves running is a real misfortune for them. However, they don’t need this, as it leads to problems with respiratory diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

While this has its advantages, they are great for apartment living. Families with low activity levels will be happy with them, but those who need travel and adventure should choose another breed.

Those who are clean or squeamish will not like them either. They drool and can regularly be found on floors and furniture, although not as much as English Mastiffs. They splash water while eating and drinking, but what can be most annoying is the noise.

Like other short-nosed breeds, bulldogs suffer from breathing problems and can make strange noises such as wheezing, grunting, and the like. In addition, they snore loudly and given that they love to sleep, you can expect long and loud trills.

But what will really scare away squeamish people is flatulence. English Bulldogs pass gas frequently, a lot, and it is smelly. This can be controlled with diet, but it cannot be completely overcome, and few owners can say that their dogs do not pass gas.


Uncomplicated, they do not need the services of a professional groomer. But, some of them suffer from skin diseases and then careful care is needed. Although there are no particular problems with the coat, since it is short and smooth, they can arise with the skin on the face.

Due to the large number of wrinkles, water, food, dirt, grease and other particles get into them. To avoid contamination and infection, they need to be wiped at least once a day, and ideally after each feeding.


English Bulldogs have poor health. They suffer from various diseases, and they are more severe than other breeds. This is such a serious issue that animal protection societies are demanding changes to the breed standard, or even banning breeding altogether.

They just changed too much from the natural, natural form that the wolf had. Due to their brachiocephalic skull structure, they suffer from respiratory problems, and problems with the musculoskeletal system are a legacy of the named bones.

They suffer from genetic diseases, especially those that affect the skin and breathing. Maintenance can be several times more expensive than maintaining another breed, since veterinary treatment costs a pretty penny.

The result of all these problems is a short life. Although most clubs and sites claim that the life expectancy of English is 8-12 years, studies say 6.5 years, in exceptional cases about 10-11.

Thus, a 2004 study in the UK of 180 dogs bred average age at 6.3 months. The main causes of death were: cardiac (20%), cancer (18%), age (9%).

The shortened muzzle and massive head led to serious problems. Bulldogs cannot fill their lungs with air and often become short of breath. Because of this, they wheeze, wheeze, snore and make strange noises. They are unable to engage in prolonged physical activity because their lungs cannot send enough oxygen to their muscles.

Breathing helps dogs cool down, and this breed also has problems with this. They are very sensitive to heat; in hot climates and during the summer months, the condition of the bulldog must be monitored especially closely. They should have plenty of water and shade; the dog should not be kept in direct sunlight.

Bulldogs often die from heatstroke! Secretions accumulate in their throats, making it difficult to breathe. The dog faints and may die. It is necessary to urgently take her to the veterinarian.

Air conditioning and ventilation are necessary for the dog to remain in normal form. Bulldogs sweat primarily through their paw pads and therefore enjoy cold floors. Like all brachycephalic breeds, they overheat easily and can die from hyperthermia. The owner needs to remember this and keep the dog in a safe environment.

The head is so massive that they cannot be born. About 80% of litters are born by caesarean section. Wrinkles on the face should be cleaned daily to prevent infections. And the tail can be so twisted into the body that the anus needs to be cleaned and lubricated.

Their body is far from the proportions of a wolf and they suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With improper feeding and stress, bones are formed with changes, often leading to pain and lameness in age. Almost everyone suffers from some kind of joint disease, often developing at the age of two or three years.

Dysplasia is an even greater concern hip joint, which deforms the joint capsule. This leads to pain and discomfort, with severe changes leading to lameness.

According to statistics from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, in 467 bulldogs observed between 1979 and 2009, 73.9% suffered from hip dysplasia. This is the most high percent among all dog breeds, but some experts believe the numbers may be higher.

Against the background of all of the above, cysts between the fingers seem harmless. Since during observation they are detected and easily removed surgically.

About care and maintenance wonderful breed English bulldog

You decided to get a dog, you liked a plump, funny bulldog, and you realized that this incredible creature is missing in your life. How does this decision come? Did you see an adorable baby at the Bird Market? Or were you struck by the hero walking with the owner? Or after visiting an exhibition and communicating with the owners, you understand that you want a bulldog, that a bulldog is the dog for you.

Buying a dog is not such a simple matter. This step needs to be carefully thought through. At the same time, you need to solve many questions for yourself. Are you able to properly care for your dog?

Do you happily take on all the work involved in caring for your dog?

It is important that none of the family members is categorically against it, that the whole family is prepared for the inconveniences associated with the appearance of a dog in your home. Think about where and with whom the dog will be during your vacation.

Each puppy, in addition to joy, brings with it many responsibilities. A puppy is not a toy or a fashion statement, it is a living creature that becomes strongly attached to its family. Remember that it requires a lot of time, patience and care. The worst thing for a bulldog, as for any other dog adopted into a family, is the subsequent loss of interest in it and abandonment of it. Unfortunately, many “living gifts” later become unnecessary, so think carefully before getting a dog, especially one as affectionate to a person as a bulldog.

How to choose a puppy?

We will take the liberty of giving you some, hopefully, useful advice.

First of all, you need to get information on where to find a bulldog puppy. To do this, you can contact a kennel club. Many puppies are sold through advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and dog show catalogs. And now the long-awaited address is in your hands, and you can go see the puppies.

It is very important to decide for yourself the question - what do you want: a dog “just for the soul” or a show-class dog? This does not mean that the first will need to be given less attention. But there are nuances in the acquisition, maintenance and exhibition preparation of the second one. If you are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to ensure that a real winner appears in the house, then, of course, it is better to turn to specialists who have been breeding for many years and have experience in selecting, purchasing, raising and training champion dogs. Although a lot will depend on your perseverance and patience, energy and time devoted to your beloved pet.

When purchasing a dog “for the soul”, you can opt for an adult animal. This will free you from the hassle associated with raising a puppy: multiple feedings, vaccinations, training for cleanliness, and possibly things spoiled during play. An adult dog, as a rule, is accustomed to cleanliness, a leash, and is well controlled. However, it should be taken into account that adult dog The character and habits have already formed; it is almost impossible to re-educate her.

If you want to raise a dog that matches your character, then you need to get a puppy.

Who to choose - a male or a female?

It depends on your character. The right to choose in this matter should be given to the family member who will bear the main responsibilities for caring for the pet.

Dogs of both sexes are slightly different in character: males can be somewhat more restrained in their feelings and more independent, females are more gentle, affectionate, and affectionate. Males are brighter representatives of the breed; their breed characteristics are more pronounced. During a walk, a male dog marks the territory with his scent, raising his leg to all corners, trees, and various objects. Even when trained to maintain cleanliness, some male dogs may mark the house when excited. Males are capable of running when they smell a bitch in heat.

Bitches come into heat 1-2 times a year - bloody issues. During this period, bitches are walked on a leash to eliminate the possibility of accidental mating. It should be taken into account that choosing a female gives another advantage - she can give birth to her own kind. Everyone is good in their own way, so the choice is yours.

Whatever class you decide to buy a puppy: pet class - “for the soul”, breeding class - for breeding or show class - a show dog, the first and main thing you must be sure of is that the puppy is absolutely healthy It is best to take it at 6-8 weeks of age. Before six weeks of age, the puppy must still be with its mother and surrounded by its littermates. Healthy bulldogs are moderately active, inquisitive, and interested in everything around them, especially you. The puppy, however, may be distrustful and wary of strangers, which is not a sign of timidity or cowardice. On the other hand, he, of course, should not desperately try to hide, much less be afraid of his own breeder. Puppies should also not be uncontrollably restless and rush around the room at breakneck speed. These often turn into neurotic dogs who cannot stand closed spaces and cannot be left alone in the house. On the street they seem to become “wild” and run in large circles. In puppies good conditions they have a meaningful look, they are pleasant to talk to.

If general form and you are satisfied with the behavior of the puppies, then you can begin a detailed examination of them. First of all, puppies have different coats than adult dogs. The coat acquires its final appearance during the process of growing and caring for the coat. The puppy's coat is shiny, thinner than that of adult dogs. The skin should not peel, be dry and dull. A healthy bulldog at any age has a shiny coat and a well-fed appearance. A well-grown puppy, already at two months of age, looks like a kind of hero with a powerful chest, a moderately drooping belly and a narrower but stronger rear. If you are offered a tall-legged, narrow-chested baby with an enormous belly, be wary. It is better to take a puppy from a good breeder and protect yourself from many veterinary expenses in the future!!!

The puppy's eyes should be clean, dark, shiny, without any discharge. From the moment puppies' eyes open until about three months of age, they may have a bluish tint. The more saturated the blue of the eyes, the darker their color will be in an adult bulldog.

When checking the bite, do not forget that at the age of 4-7 months the puppy’s milk teeth will be replaced by permanent ones, however, their examination gives an idea of ​​​​the possible bite in the future. The cutters should be arranged in a line. Undesirable as too long upper jaw, and the lower one protruding too forward.

Puppies gnaw and chew everything, so oral cavity infection may occur. For example, brownish coating on the teeth indicates that the plague has been suffered. When teeth change, they will remain with the same plaque. This should be of particular concern to those who want to have a show dog. The smell from the mouth should not be sour or unpleasant. Bad smell indicates that the puppy’s diet is poor or insufficient raw meat good quality, which will certainly affect its further development. Puppies fed too much porridge will appear fat and bloated. Needless to say, puppies must be clean. There should be no scratches or wounds on the skin, and no redness or rashes on the stomach. And under the tail - signs of diarrhea or inflammation. The puppy's coat should not emit a strong odor of urine or excrement.

Of course, you can wash the puppy at home and clean his eyes, but all this indicates how he spent his first, most important month in his life, during which the health and well-being of the dog in the future is laid. Don't forget that there are many other owners who are more responsible with their puppies, feeding them properly and keeping them clean. Let us remind you that it is better to purchase a puppy from a good breeder and protect yourself in the future from many expenses for veterinary problems!!!

Kolyada Elena, nursery “Favorite”

And a little more about puppies and adult English bulldogs...

You brought home a puppy and don’t know where to start: feed it as soon as possible, or better wash it, or maybe put it to bed as soon as possible, or has it already been vaccinated and you need to run outside???

Wait, wait, worry away - after all, you are already ready to meet the baby: there is already a warm, very soft, slightly elevated “place” for the puppy, there are rubber and soft toys, a comfortable bowl for food and a bowl for water. Therefore, as soon as you brought the puppy home, put him in his “place” and let him begin to get acquainted with the house from his sleeping “den”. You need to give him time to look around and settle in, especially if he is a 1.5 month old puppy or a phlegmatic lump. Most often, sociable bulldogs immediately demonstrate their increased need for attention and affection - so pet him every time he approaches you (and let this be your law for the rest of your bulldog’s life). It would be nice if you put in the bowl exactly the food that the puppy is accustomed to (usually prudent breeders give a little food with them “for the trip”). The English Bulldog is prone to allergies, so when purchasing a puppy, it is important to know what you can and cannot feed him. Ideally, of course, you feed your bulldog dry food (and you don’t need to get carried away with protein - especially for an adult bulldog), but you can, of course, follow the rules when feeding homemade food. necessary balance, although it is much more complicated.

An adult bulldog needs to be fed twice a day, after a walk.

In my nursery, I found what is most convenient: in the morning - food sprinkled with yogurt or kefir (not soaked), and in the evening - rice porridge with meat, grated carrots, chopped herbs and vegetable oil. Do not miss the important role of garlic in the bulldog’s diet: it is a strong anthelmintic, intestinal training, prevention of enteritis, and also eases breathing - twice a week we always give a small crushed clove.

Kids also enjoy eating buckwheat milk porridge with raisins and honey or low-fat cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and honey instead of sugar. The main thing to remember is that the English Bulldog is difficult to tolerate changes in diet (even in better side), most of them immediately become covered with pimples, begin to itch, or regurgitate food. If there is a need for a change, then you need to carefully observe the animal and do it as gradually as possible, but in general it is better not to experiment. If a bulldog is accustomed to a certain food, then let him eat it all his life. A dog, unlike us humans, does not need variety; a monotonous diet is always better for it. Snacks between feedings, when the dog is treated to something “tasty”, are very harmful. And, if you can’t stand it anymore, ask him to “earn his bread” by giving him a paw or following some kind of “house” command. Under no circumstances should you give him sausage, smoked meats, sweets, fatty foods, baked goods, canned food - this is harmful for all dogs, and for a bulldog it is simply fatal.

For a while, while the puppy is small, you need to arrange a place that should be well known to him and where he will go on urgent matters. And although they have now begun to use diapers for bulldogs (the tail doesn’t interfere), I think that it’s still better to deal with puddles traditional means, for example, a mop. And of course, you won’t poke the “aristocrat” into a puddle.

Play with your bulldog whenever you have a free minute. The bulldog will be happy to play with children, no matter what age they are, and will arrange a “circus tent” for you. I was always amazed at how easily little puppy transitions from play to sleep and vice versa. There is no way, even a puppy, will disturb you if you suddenly doze off watching TV, and, at the same time, will easily pick up the children’s idea of ​​turning the house upside down. The main thing is not to let him become out of breath until his tongue turns blue, and during games, do not turn him over on his back, but take him in your arms very carefully - bulldogs are prone to stomach volvulus.

The most difficult thing for a small bulldog to learn is usually the place where he should sleep. The Bulldog loves warmth and comfort, and his place should be impeccable in this. And don’t let this “teddy bear” seduce you; it doesn’t cost him anything to seize the bed of the owner or mistress.

As soon as the course of vaccinations is completed, go outside! And here the next science is training to a collar. At first, you need a collar that is not wide and without decorations, preferably a leather one, which will always be on the dog when it is outside the house (even if you spend the night outside your house) and you only remove the collar at home. A bulldog's snub nose is a cause of breathing problems.

And if we add to this a weak heart, it becomes clear that these dogs cannot tolerate heat very well. It's better not to walk your bulldog at all. hot weather, especially not to take it with you to the beach and not allow it to run.

“At one time in the summer, my dog ​​and I generally walked only before dawn and after sunset,” says Maria Viktorovna Shchukina, head of the English bulldog section of the SODOLS club. For a dog suffering from heat, it is best to moisten the stomach, neck (not the head) and take it to a cool place. Transporting an English Bulldog in a car in hot weather is very dangerous, as it adds stress to everything. Even if your dog usually tolerates car trips well, you still need to always have anti-stress and heart medications with you (the well-known Corvalol has helped us out more than once). And, of course, under no circumstances should you leave a bulldog in a closed car, the dog may simply suffocate, unfortunately, such cases have happened.

Another bulldog problem is eye disease (entropion, third eyelid adenoma), which requires the help of a qualified surgeon, otherwise the dog faces blindness. It is better if, when removing the adenoma, the doctor preserves the third eyelid, because it performs important functions and is very necessary in the dog's eye. Sometimes a bulldog puppy that is not yet a year old suddenly begins to limp. This is due to the fact that the dog himself is growing very quickly and gaining weight, and his ligaments are not yet strong enough. It is necessary to reduce physical activity and add foods and supplements containing calcium to his diet. Until four months, to avoid injury, the English Bulldog should not be allowed to jump into chairs or go down stairs on its own. Climbing up is possible, since the load on the puppy’s joints and ligaments is not so great.

The biggest problem with bulldogs is breeding. “All the breed characteristics of the English Bulldog are, for the most part, signs of degeneration, which are the basis for culling dogs in any other breed,” says Maria Viktorovna Shchukina. “They are the ones cultivated in this breed. This, of course, gives rise to a lot of problems, but this is the originality of the bulldog.” Breeding English bulldogs, even from a purely technical point of view, is quite difficult; experienced breeders can only cope with this task between three of them, otherwise nothing will come of it. But even after breeding a bulldog bitch, the breeder may be left without puppies. Because in bulldogs, ovulation does not always coincide with heat; it can generally occur on almost any day of estrus. In the West, a bitch’s readiness for mating is determined using a smear, but in our country, mainly, using the “scientific poke” method.

Bulldogs carry puppies normally, but when the time comes to give birth, difficulties begin again. Only one in ten English bulldog bitches can give birth to puppies on their own; all the rest have to undergo a caesarean section. Due to the short, curved lower back of the mother, the puppy cannot turn around in the birth canal in correct position and it’s normal to be born, besides, the pelvis of bulldogs is quite narrow, and the puppy’s head is large. During childbirth, the life of such a dog and puppies depends entirely on the professionalism of the veterinarian. There have been cases when inexperienced doctors did not deliver all the puppies, or operated on the dog too early and delivered them prematurely, or when, after an inept caesarean section, the dog remained infertile forever. In addition, the veterinarian should always give the bulldog anesthesia very carefully, remembering that dogs of this breed have a weak heart. Therefore, you should always contact only those doctors recommended by the head of the club, the owner of the nursery, and not just anyone.

At proper education There are usually no problems with bulldogs, although some of them have difficulty learning to keep the house clean, but this is most likely due to their specific physiology, and not to their mental abilities.

Bulldogs are calm non-aggressive dogs, sometimes, however, somewhat stubborn and arrogant. For example, I always proudly say that the pedigrees of the dogs in our kennel are dominated by dogs of English breeding: hence the balanced psyche and restrained character. The puppies have always adapted quite easily and quickly to their owners. No confusion and fuss, aggression and rudeness.

All owners talk about the special intelligence of our puppies.

Young bulldogs are, of course, more active, but after one and a half to two years they almost stop playing, many say that they have been replaced - they become respectable gentlemen, some kind of inner dignity. A bulldog is an absolutely unsportsmanlike dog, you cannot exercise it intensively, go to the forest with it, take it on hikes, you cannot force a bulldog to jump over barriers, it is not suitable for this, but for a walk with the puppy, take a rubber toy with you (which, when you get home, is easy can be washed).

While English Bulldogs are thought to be dull and difficult to train, this is actually not the case. Our kennel's stud dog Bon Jo Bowser Lee can carry out commands at the level of a shepherd dog and many have already witnessed the whole show that our Bonik loves to show with courage. The Bulldog is a very intelligent dog and enjoys learning. Another thing is that this dog is not suitable for guarding people; this is absolutely not typical for the breed. After all, for many years, bulldogs that were aggressive towards people were simply not allowed to be bred. And if you still try to teach a bulldog to guard, then it is too easy to disrupt his psyche and make him disabled. However, the bulldog is not averse to fighting with its relatives; its fighting spirit is indestructible. But this trait should not be encouraged.

“Sometimes people ask me why a dog like an English bulldog is needed? - says Maria Viktorovna, - well, what can you answer here, an English bulldog exists in order to be an English bulldog. There are works of art that do not fit into the classical canons of beauty, and the bulldog is a product of genetics."

And I’ll add: there are dogs, and there are BULDOGS. With them amazing ability it is incredible to embellish our lives, with their ability to communicate on a highly emotional level and of course with their unique (completely individual) appearance.

And let this snoring bulldog demonstrate this to you with his whole life!

Nikitenko E. V., English bulldog kennel “Leanto”

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

The English bulldog is one of the symbols of Foggy Albion. He, like a real gentleman, is balanced, phlegmatic, calm and conservative. The breed was developed in England in the 19th century. Today it is very popular all over the world, thanks to unusual appearance, simple care and dedication. Churchill spoke very aptly about the dog’s appearance: “ Bulldog is beauty taken to the extreme».

The Bulldog is perfect for keeping in an apartment; moreover, it has long lost its working characteristics and belongs to the type of companion dog. Friendliness, affection, and calmness can make a dog an irreplaceable and beloved family member. And even his snoring, grunting, gurgling is not a reason to love him less.

English Bulldogs belong to group 2 in the ICF classification, and Molossians belong to the 2nd section.

Bulldog English- a direct descendant of the Old English Bulldogs, which were used by humans as baiting dogs. The word "bulldog" literally means "bull dog", reflecting the purpose of the breed - bullfighting. The English Bulldog's ancestors were also used to bait bears, monkeys, donkeys, horses, badgers and rats.

The heyday of the Old English Bulldog breed dates back to the 18th century, but after baiting of animals was banned in 1835, the purebred dogs were threatened and brought the breed to extinction. Crossbreeding of Old English Bulldogs with other breeds resulted in animals that were smaller in size and had shorter muzzles.

In the 19th century, thanks to clubs created by bulldog fans, it was possible to revive the breed and improve its characteristic features. One of the famous clubs that dates back to 1878 and still exists today is The Bulldog Club. Its participants determined the breed standard.

It is believed that the ancestor of all modern English bulldogs is a dog named Kibi, whose triumph occurred in the 70s. 19th century and he was the best of the breed.

English Bulldogs were widely used as guards, farm guards and bodyguards. Now they are reasonable and faithful friends humans are companion dogs.

Characteristics, description, character

Folds on the cheeks, a powerful square jaw with a protruding lower part, a large head and a small pelvis, low-set eyes, as if drowned in skin and folds, widely spaced ears - “roses”, short crooked legs - this is an English bulldog, the description of the dog is recognizable even among people who have never seen her in person. The breed is characterized by a brachycephalic skull, that is, so short that in some representatives the muzzle almost does not protrude from the skull. Menace and comedy - these are the two extremes that come to mind when you look at these dogs.

Bulldogs have average height, reaching 30-40 cm at the withers. Normal weight for the breed is 15-25 kg for females and 16-27 for males. Most often, English bulldogs weigh more and are more susceptible to obesity than any other breed. Bulldogs live from 8 to 12 years.

Interesting! English bulldogs are called the tanks of the dog world because of their stockiness and bulkiness..

The wide, powerful chest and widely spaced short front legs further emphasize the dog's stockiness. In the gap under the chest and the surface on which the dog is standing, you can conditionally place a square figure.

The appearance of English bulldogs is also characterized by:

  • color: ideally red brindle, but variegated, solid or muddy ( white color with a black mask);
  • smooth short coat;
  • the birth of puppies by caesarean section, the small pelvis of the bitch and the large head of the fetus make it impossible to give birth naturally.

The English Bulldog, whose character fully matches his appearance, is calm, calm and friendly. But representatives of the breed were not always like this; they went through a journey of 150 years, which radically changed their character. From dangerous dogs, ready to kill a bull, from an aggressive baiting animal they transformed into pet, affectionate, lazy, good-natured, family-oriented.

Bulldogs are not hostile towards strangers, but some degree of food aggression may be exhibited. Dogs treat children very well and tolerate their pranks. They are not playful, they like to lie on the couch doing nothing, and they are also reluctant to go for walks.

Security qualities manifest themselves in dogs in different ways: some bulldogs may not react at all to the appearance of a stranger, while others may notify about this by barking, but not biting.

For an English Bulldog, manifestations of attention and love from the owner are extremely important. Otherwise, the dog will become sad and may get sick; if the owner spends little time with it, this may negatively affect the bulldog’s intelligence.


One of the breeds that is most often susceptible to diseases is the English bulldog; the life expectancy of dogs is stated by clubs as 10-12 years, but in practice it is only 6-7 years.

  1. The brachycephalic structure of the skull explains their predisposition to respiratory diseases. They cannot even breathe freely through their nose, but do it through their mouth, so they often suffer from flatulence, which causes some inconvenience to their owners.
  2. They are sensitive to high temperatures, since they do not have the ability to cool themselves with the help of a protruding tongue. Heatstroke– a common occurrence for a bulldog if you do not monitor the dog’s condition in the heat. They may die due to overheating of the body.
  3. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system can lead to pain, lameness and immobilization of the animal.
  4. Diseases genitourinary system, rare among dogs, is a real disaster for bulldogs. Bitches can get candidiasis, and males can get prostatitis.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology are some of the common reasons early death of English bulldogs.

Only regular visits to the veterinarian and eliminating the possibility of illnesses can increase the life expectancy of an English bulldog.


The English Bulldog, whose care does not require complex manipulations, loves attention to itself and will happily accept all manifestations of care.

At about 9 months, the dog begins to shed. Despite the short length of the coat, the bulldog must be combed to remove dead hair, dust and dirt. If a lot of them accumulate, it can cause skin diseases. Combing with a massage brush can be done 1-2 times a week; the procedure will at the same time be a light massage, from which the pet will truly enjoy.

Wetting with water is also well received by the bulldog, especially in the heat. The main thing is that the dog is not in a draft at this time. If the apartment is warm, bathe him once every couple of months; if it’s cold, then it’s better not to risk it. Swimming in ponds is also welcome, but you should not leave the dog unattended, as it is a poor swimmer due to its heavy front part of the body. In winter, wallowing in clean snow will help clean your dog's coat.

Much attention should be paid to the area between the toes. Without proper care, they begin to turn red, swell, and cause pain and discomfort. The area under the tail around anus it needs to be cleaned and washed, as the tail is curled and seems to grow into the croup.

Problems can also arise on the skin of the muzzle. Food, water, and dirt get into the folds, so it is preferable to clean them after each feeding.

English bulldogs are dogs prone to obesity. Balanced diet and moderate exercise stress during walks - these are the two main rules that will help prolong the life of your pet. When feeding naturally, you should practice a mixed diet: vegetables, cereals, meat, and the share of meat should be at least 40% of the total food.

Education, training

If your chosen future pet is an English bulldog, raising a dog will be associated with a number of difficulties. The innate stubbornness of the representatives of the breed will not allow him to be raised and trained as quickly as the owner wants. To learn commands you must be more persistent and patient. Basic commands that are useful when communicating with a dog - Come to me, Beside, Sit, Place, Let, lie down, Fu. As you can see, it is not at all necessary to know the entire OKD.

When you bring a puppy into your home, it is important to let him know that there are rules and they must be followed. Consistency and consistency of requirements and prohibitions will help to form the right habits: go to the litter box, do not sleep on the owner’s bed, do not chew furniture, do not take food from the table or from the hands of strangers, do not bite while playing, do not lean on people with your front paws.

English bulldog puppies adapt to a new place very quickly; within a few hours he will feel in the apartment as if he had lived here all his life. The dog should not be isolated, chained or placed in a cramped enclosure, otherwise you will cease to be a friend to him who can be trusted.

It is worth considering that English bulldogs are very lazy; to start training him, you need to understand his incentives. Use his need for food or praise to teach him what you want. Training a bulldog is not a game by your rules, but by his. That's what the English Bulldog is all about: he won't please you and lives in his own world.

In order to make a bulldog run or at least move more actively, motivation is also necessary. It is not so easy to move him, but it is necessary to do this, since dogs are prone to obesity and they need moderate exercise like air.


Bulldog puppies are taken away from their mother and their usual conditions at 45 days, not earlier. The English bulldog, whose puppies resemble fluffy, plush balls, requires careful attention in terms of care and emotions. After little bulldogs have appeared in the house, it is necessary to organize a quiet place to relax. It is advisable that this place should not be hot or drafty. The puppy will most likely whine without his mother and brothers and sisters, and any owner will want to take him to bed with him. Advice from experts: it’s better not to do this, as it will be very difficult to wean off later.

For feeding, prepare bowls, ideally if they are made from natural materials, since bulldogs are the dogs that are most prone to allergies. The presence of toys will protect shoes, furniture, curtains, wires from the “encroachments” of a small pet.

Curiosity, activity, vigor, and shiny coat indicate the puppy’s health, both physical and psychological. The little bulldog is a pleasure to look at: it is a plump, almost square creature, active and fast.


You can buy an English bulldog puppy through advertisements in newspapers, on websites, in nurseries and from breeders. The purpose of the purchase is an important criterion on the basis of which an English bulldog will be selected; the price for it depends on the purpose. The cost of dogs varies from 10 to 60 thousand rubles. If you need a devoted pet that does not pretend to win at exhibitions, perhaps without documents and a registered pedigree, then you will pay about 10 to 18 thousand rubles for it.

The English Bulldog breed was once bred in England for the aristocratic pastime of bull baiting. This is reflected in the name of the breed: “ bull" - bull, " Great Dane" - dog.

The relatively small size of the animal gave it sufficient maneuverability, which made it possible to dodge the hooves and horns of an angry bull and choose the right moment to attack.

A feature of the bulldog was the desire to grab the bull’s nose (the most vulnerable place), which increased the dog’s chances of winning: the bull lost the ability and desire to resist. As a result, he either fell or ran away from the arena, which was considered a defeat.

These cruel entertainments continued almost until the mid-19th century, when the first Humane Societies appeared. As a result, the House of Commons of the United Kingdom passed a law banning bull-baiting in 1835, and the cruel sport was consigned to oblivion.

But this also had a negative side: gladiator dogs turned out to be mostly unclaimed and the breed could disappear without a trace. Only thanks to the efforts of bulldog connoisseurs with the support of the royal house, the breed was able to be revived by the end of the 19th century.

The result of careful selection was the departure of the fighting dog from its original purpose: it became an excellent protector, bodyguard and simply a companion dog.


The English Bulldog is a true gentleman, which makes communicating with him very pleasant.

Nobility, courage and devotion to man are genetically embedded in him. All these great qualities go well with poise, prudence And friendliness to people and other animals.

Once in the house, the English bulldog adapts perfectly within one to several days.

He excellent student, but if you don’t pay enough attention to his upbringing, the dog can become a spoiled stubborn dog or even pose a serious threat.

Features of the bulldog temperament- stubbornness, which determines the specifics of training.

It means that forceful methods unacceptable, it is much more correct to become a friend to your student, interest him and motivate him to perform the required actions or consolidate useful skills. This strengthens the dog's trust in the person and makes further interaction easier.

In education the boundaries of what is acceptable should be defined from the very beginning for the bulldog..

It is important not to miss the moment when he tries to dominate (and he will try) and show him who is boss in the house. Otherwise, very soon a funny and sweet teenager will turn into a completely mature, established personality, whose re-education on their own will be extremely difficult.

Bulldogs are very self-sufficient and... lazy. They love to lie around, but they can also run around if they want.

They need human company, but do not strive to please him. Therefore, imposing your own rules on them will not bring success, however, instilling in the “English” good manners not very difficult: simple you need to be patient, find the right incentives for your pet and use them wisely.

Among the common problems is helminthic infestation:

Subtleties of care

The unusual appearance of the English bulldog determines the features of its content: only apartment, since it does not tolerate too high and low temperatures and does not require constant physical activity.

All this makes a bulldog ideal dog for city life.

But even with the right conditions keeping the owner will have to carefully monitor the health of his pet: bulldogs have very vulnerable areas - respiratory and the cardiovascular system, nasopharynx, eyes and folds on the muzzle.

What diseases and health problems are the English Bulldog susceptible to:

  • The breed is inclined to allergies, and a reaction can occur to anything.
  • In order not to provoke heart and breathing problems, you should avoid long walks and excessive physical exertion.
  • Features of the structure of the bulldog's head (short nasal passages) - the reason snoring during sleep, you will have to come to terms with this.
  • Eyes and folds on the muzzle need close attention, it is recommended to wash them thoroughly several times a week, their ideal cleanliness is important condition dog health.
  • It’s great if the dog is accustomed to regular teeth cleaning. To make the procedure easier for yourself and your pet, it is better to teach it from puppyhood.

Grooming The grooming of a bulldog is simple; just brush it with a natural bristle brush, after which the dog should be wiped with a damp cloth. This allows you to remove fallen hairs, cleanses the skin and fur of dust, dirt and dandruff, and also serves as a good massage.

There is no special need to bathe your pet, only when necessary.

The body structure of a bulldog - a large head and shoulders combined with a narrow pelvis create difficulties during childbirth, so you need to take care of the help of a veterinarian in advance.

The fact is that the large heads of puppies do not contribute to their normal passage through birth canal, which almost always forces you to resort to a caesarean section.

There is another most delicate feature of bulldogs: they breathe with their mouths open and involuntarily swallow air. Consequently - increased gas formation. The solution is to ignore it or purchase an air freshener that neutralizes odors.

Also these dogs are different high salivation, quite noticeable due to the structure of the jaws. Therefore, those who are intolerant of such “highlights” should not get a bulldog.

Nutrition must be carefully balanced: bulldogs do not complain of appetite, and therefore prone to gluttony and obesity. This is due to the low metabolic rate.


The English Bulldog is a medium-sized dog with a powerful body and short, strong legs.

Main characteristics of the breed:

Head large, flat, with an unpronounced occipital protuberance, covered with folds on the crown and forehead.

Muzzle short, with pronounced cheekbones and drooping jowls. The lower jaw has a noticeable “overbite”, which provides the famous “death grip”.

Semi-standing ears They are low-slung and cannot be docked.

Eyes dark, round, widely spaced, nose- black (required!).

Body The bulldog is slightly elongated, with a slight slope from the withers to the tail, the chest is wide and deep, the shoulders are powerful and muscular, the stomach and groin are tucked.

Limbs strong with pronounced muscles.

Wool very short, dense and shiny. Acceptable color- plain, as well as spotted or brindle.

Tail wrapped in a tight ring, adjacent to the body.

The height of a dog at the withers is 36 cm, that of a female is 33-34 cm. Weight is no more than 25 and 23 kg, respectively.

When purchasing an English bulldog, do not forget that a dog is an individual, and the description of the breed gives only a general idea about it.