What do domestic and wild animals eat? "Pets". Didactic game “Who eats what. What do pets eat?


Since time immemorial, our ancestors lived with the gifts of nature: they collected fruits and roots, fished, and hunted. Sometimes hunters brought home baby animals and they grew up next to humans.

Knowing well the habits of wild animals, primitive people managed to tame them. This is how the first domestic animals appeared. They helped hunt, guarded, transported loads and saved supplies from rodents.

And, of course, they supplied people with milk, meat, wool, leather and much more. It is not surprising that in the old days people deified and worshiped some animals.

Wild animals did not immediately turn into domestic ones; sometimes it took more than one century. This is why pets don't always look like their ancestors.

It is believed that the very first domestic animal was the dog. This happened about 10 - 15 thousand years ago. But some researchers are confident that sheep, goats, etc. can all claim this place of honor. They have been with humans for about 10 thousand years. Then came the turn of the bulls, buffalos,...

But man has domesticated not only animals - mammals. Birds appeared on his farm: ducks, geese, pheasants, turkeys.

There are even domestic insects. For example, the busy bee and the silkworm.

Pets often become family pets. A dog, for example, is not only a hunting assistant or a watchman, but also a companion for games and mischief.


A horse is a mammal of the order of odd-toed ungulates of the equine family. The ancestor of the domestic horse is considered to be the wild Tarpan horse. Tarpans were found in the steppe zone of Eastern Europe and Asia back in the 19th century. The horse was domesticated more than 6 thousand years ago.

Today, about 200 different breeds have been bred. There are riding breeds, draft breeds, draft breeds and others. A thoroughbred horse can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h, and a powerful heavy truck is capable of transporting cargo weighing more than 20 tons.

The usual dimensions of a horse are: body length up to 2.8 meters, height at the withers 1.4 - 1.6 meters. Special group represented by short horses - ponies. Their height is 40-120 cm.

A horse can live up to 40-50 years.

Once upon a time, a horse could be seen on the street as often as a car is today. And no one was surprised. After all, the horse has lived next to humans since ancient times.

Horses transported goods and passengers; they plowed and traveled on horses, fought and hunted. Even today, equestrian sports competitions are held.

The horse is one of the most beautiful animals. The high neck is decorated with a mane. Slender, thin legs are adapted for fast running. The horse swims well and has a keen ear: it recognizes its owner’s steps from afar. And her sense of smell is no worse than that of a dog.

The horse is smart and quick-witted, quickly remembers the way to home and can return on its own from the most distant pasture. This ability was used in snowstorms - they threw the reins, and the horse itself led to the shelter.

Horses graze in herds. They feed on grass and oats. When a foal is born, it does not stand well on its long legs. The horse's mother will gently lick him with her tongue and feed him milk.

A little time will pass, and the foal will happily run around the green meadow. When he wants to eat, he will run up to his mother and drink delicious, rich milk. People also drink horse milk and make it healthy drink- kumiss.

In the old days, a horse replaced a plane, a bus, and a train. The Russian troika is famous all over the world. Three horses are harnessed to a cart or sleigh at once. And the dashing troika rushes along, ringing bells and bells!

And when people found a horse’s shoe on the road - this is a kind of “shoe” for a horse - they rejoiced. It was believed that finding a horseshoe was good luck. Iron horseshoes were placed on horses' hooves to protect the horse's legs from injury.

Horses are well trained and obey their master. And it is not surprising that horses often perform in circuses and sporting competitions. Today horses also help people. Especially where you can’t get through by car!


A cow is a mammal of the order of ruminant artiodactyls of the bovid family. A cow refers to domestic cattle. The ancestor of the domestic cow is the wild bull aurochs.

The aurochs was a strong animal, weighing up to 800 kg, with high withers and powerful long horns pointing forward. It was destroyed by man. The last tour was killed in Poland in 1627.

The wild bull was tamed and domesticated a long time ago, when agriculture arose, almost 10 thousand years ago.

Today in the world there are about 1000 breeds of large cattle. But about 250 breeds are the most common.

There are three main directions in breeding: dairy, meat and combined. There are hornless breeds bred miniature breed cows Their height is about 80 cm, weight 100 - 130 kg. Milk yield is 3-4 kg per day.

The average milk yield of a cow is 5 - 6 thousand kg per year, record holders give up to 20 - 24 thousand. kg

Cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese... All these delicious and healthy foods and many more are made from milk. And cows give us milk.

Cows and bulls are domestic animals. They live mainly on farms. Rural residents have cows in their personal households.

People have always loved and appreciated cows. In ancient times, in many countries they were revered as sacred animals. They were worshiped, temples and palaces were decorated with their images. And when the bull died, it was buried with honors.

In one old book it was written: “Our strength is in cows, our clothing is in cows, our victory is in cows.”

Nowadays, this attitude towards cows has been preserved in India. They even erect monuments to cows and bulls.

Cows graze on a green meadow, eat grass. And a real miracle happens in their body - milk is formed. Not only milk delicious product, it is also used as a remedy.

Cows, like their wild ancestors, are herd animals. And in the herd there is always the most important cow - the “leader”. She is the first to eat grass, the first to lie down to rest, and the first to lead the herd.

And little calves, cheerful and curious, love to be in company. One calf can stick to a flock, herd or. The calves frolic, play, butt heads - this is how they grow and gain strength. Sometimes adult cows also take part in their games.

Cows are smart and quick-witted animals. They know the way to their home. There were cases when she was taken to a new owner, and she returned, after walking many kilometers, to her original place.

Cows have a well-developed sense of time. They feel when their mistress will come.

Cows have lines on the skin of their noses, just like we have on our fingers. Their pattern never repeats. And now they take nose prints from cows. Such a print is like a “cow document”.


The pig belongs to the artiodactyl mammals of the pig family. Domestic pigs trace their ancestry to wild pigs - wild boars. It is believed that the pig became the second domestic animal after dogs.

Today, pig farming is developed in many countries, on all continents. More than 30 breeds have been bred.

Domestic pigs are prolific animals. Usually from 6 to 12 piglets are born. The weight of an adult pig is 250-500 kg.

In many physiological parameters, the pig is closer to humans than other animals, with the exception of monkeys. Therefore, pigs are still used for various medical research.

Once upon a time, wild boars came to feast on the crops in the fields and the harvest in the gardens. People caught them and fed the little wild boars.

So gradually the wild and dangerous beast turned into a good-natured domestic pig. She no longer has the thick stubble of a boar, and her pinkish skin shows through.

In ancient times, the pig was considered a sacred animal. At the courts of pharaohs and kings there was even a special position of “pig breeder”. Made from precious stones pig figurines.

Pigs also don’t tolerate heat well: after all, only the snout sweats. So the pigs cool themselves in puddles.

The pig eats almost everything it can get its teeth into. It’s not for nothing that the pig is called an “omnivore”. Often a pig tears up the ground with its snout - this is its face - in search of roots, worms and beetles.

But the pig’s talents don’t end there. The pig has a very good sense of smell. Pigs, if trained, help to find mushrooms - truffles - underground.

They can also find a person covered with a thick layer of snow. Sometimes specially trained pigs are used instead of dogs to find hidden things.

Some people think fat, with small eyes, big ears, a pretty grunting pig is stupid. But that's not true! They are easy to train. And they even perform in the circus like real artists. They love to listen to music, they can be taught to dance to some tune.

Pigs are very curious.

Little piglets, like all kids, love to run and play. Toys for them can be old tires, rubber balls. One day the piglets were given a tumbler doll. And the piglets played with her all day.

And although the pig “kids” often get into fights, they all sleep together, huddled closely together.

Surprisingly, pigs suffer from the same diseases as humans. And it can be treated with ordinary “human” medicines. If someone is called a pig, he can be consoled by the fact that a pig is an intelligent, quick-witted animal with many virtues.

What should a preschooler know about animals? Firstly, is it a wild or domestic animal, an animal of the forest, the north or Africa, that is, its habitat. Secondly, what kind of “house” does the animal live in if it is wild: it could be a hole, a den, a hollow, or the animal does not make a home for itself at all. Thirdly, what does this animal eat? A captivating story is what you need. And be sure to accompany this story about animals with pictures, because we know that visual memory is very helpful in a preschooler’s learning. Let's talk with the child about wild animals and show cards - mnemonic tables, so the kids will be better interested in the topic and remember all the details visually and figuratively.

Wild animals of the forest


The hare lives in the forest. He does not dig holes for himself, but hides in bushes, in recesses under roots, under branches, where he builds a winter hut for himself. The hare's main food is grass, hay, and young tree branches. The hare also eats vegetables, fruits and berries, if he can find them.


The fox is a wild animal. She lives in the forest, in a hole. The fox is a predatory animal. The main food of foxes is insects (beetles, earthworms) and small rodents (voles). If the fox manages to catch a hare or a bird, which does not happen very often, she will happily eat them too. Often foxes settle next to humans and steal poultry from poultry houses. Sometimes she can also feast on fish washed up on the shore. She will not disdain berries and fruits when she is hungry.


The wolf is an animal of the forest. Wolves live in a den. Wolves hunt in packs, so they are able to catch large prey: elk, deer. The wolf will gladly treat himself to both the bird and the bunny. In hungry years, wolves can attack livestock, but this happens very rarely. Wolves are very cautious and afraid of humans.


Hedgehogs live in the forest. They rarely dig holes themselves, more often they occupy someone else’s or build a nest among protruding roots, under a bush, in depressions in the ground, dragging there a lot of leaves, dry grass and moss. In winter, hedgehogs hibernate. Hedgehogs eat mainly insects. If they come across a snake, they might eat it too. Don't mind eating mushrooms, acorns, berries and fruits.

Brown bear

Brown bear is a wild animal of the forest. For the winter, the bear builds a den for itself and hibernates. The main food of bears is berries, roots, and mushrooms. If a bear finds a bird's nest, he will feast on eggs; if he finds a hive of wild bees, he will eat honey. The bear knows how to catch fish and eats it with pleasure. He can even eat a mouse if he manages to catch it. He will not disdain carrion either.


A squirrel lives in the forest. She finds a hollow in a tree and settles there. The squirrel eats berries, fruits, mushrooms, nuts, acorns and grains. Stores supplies for the winter, hiding them under roots or among tree branches so as not to starve in winter.

Desert Animals


Camels live in desert and semi-desert. They don't build housing. They feed on grass (both dry and fresh), tree branches, camel thorn, ephedra, wormwood, and chew saxaul branches. Camel accumulates in humps nutrients, so he can go for a long time without food.


Fenech lives in deserts and semi-deserts. He digs himself a hole in the sand. Fennec fox is omnivorous. It feeds on insects, lizards, bird eggs, small rodents, and plant roots that can be dug up in the desert.

When the child has become acquainted with animals, their way of life, and nutrition, let him try to tell himself about what he remembers. Pictures and diagrams with an algorithm for composing a descriptive story will help with this >>

At first, you may not be able to get a coherent story, then try printing and cutting the cards above into sectors, and ask your child to arrange the pictures correctly.

More detailed stories for children about animals can be found on our website in the sections:

A few words about what to feed your pet 🐱🐶
I’m not a veterinarian, but I also know something about the health of living creatures on Earth other than humans 👌🏻
Since many are accustomed to considering not only humans 🙈, but also domestic cats and pocket dogs Chihuahuas 😄 as predators, the diet of the latter is generously replenished by the owners with animal (mainly meat/fish) food.
In my opinion, there is no need for domestic “predators” to eat other animals, unless they themselves catch them, guided by instincts.
Day after day, offering your beloved cat or dog “selected” meat from a cow (or who else is fed there?) is unreasonable and wild.
Pets may well be vegetarians and eat “from the table” of their vegetarian owners, since the person decided, at his whim, to keep them at home. In domestic conditions, animals do not require blood food.
It is absolutely clear that neither a cat nor a dog natural conditions habitat (nor at home on the couch) will not be able to catch and eat a cow. Wild animals also catch and eat fish and birds extremely rarely.
Of course, now, it’s not worth starving pets who are accustomed to fish/meat, everything here is like with people - a competent transition is important.
❔What do you think on this issue? Any examples of vegetarian pets? Share in the comments 👍🏻

I pulled out the patison to make soup. I got distracted and heard a noise in the corridor... Ryzhik is eating us again😂😂😂😂 he is already brazenly stealing vegetables and fruits, grapes, raisins, pies and cookies from the table. You can’t just prepare a salad, leave melon or grapes on the table, and you’ll come back and they’ll be slurping away on your plate. Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are:

Leah is 3 years and 2 months old, since she was 2.5 months old, when she came to me, she was fed only vegetables, fruits and porridge. She ate the same way as me. All her teeth have changed wonderfully, her fur is silk! The bones are so strong! I give her nuts, including, or rather, both dogs. They receive adequate nutrition. Very active! And before Leia couldn’t even crawl! There was no strength! When she was taken from the shelter. The muscles were like rags, they were ugly. Little Lada is growing now, and has been 100 percent vegetarian since the first month. Now she is 5 months old. She is very active, her teeth have all changed, I do muscle exercises with her, and I arrange training sessions with games. She has grown noticeably and has become quite strong! With the big one, they will soon be able to fully play toffee! Who will pull who with a rope or toy. 😀💖👍so everything is great! I give them vitamins! This is always the case! WITHobaki without meat is kinder!!! Tested by experience with my beloved Dick, Laika. When given meat and bones, he became aggressive in games! She stopped giving, her character changed, she became calmer and gentle.

Olga Klopova

A game"Who eats what".


For children 1 - 2 junior groups.

Target: to form children’s idea of ​​what they eat Pets.


Continue to introduce children to pets and what they eat.

Teach your child to show which food matches animal.

Create a condition for activating the child’s vocabulary.

Develop the ability to communicate with adults and answer questions

Develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities.

Develop memory, attention, communication skills, fine motor skills hands

Develop the ability to independently analyze acquired knowledge.

Develop the child's cognitive abilities.

Cultivate respect and love for pets, perseverance, desire to take care of animals.

Material: Cut out images of food from cardboard (hay, grass, carrots, etc.) glued to clothespins, a cardboard circle with an image animals.

Progress of the game:

Children sit at the table, the teacher asks them questions based on Pictures:

Who will we feed with milk?

Who loves carrots?

Who will we give the hay to? (and etc.)

Children relying on their knowledge of pets select the right food for animal shown in the picture, they are connected with clothespins.

Publications on the topic:

A game that teaches you to think and speak. “Curious Animals” To play you need cards with numbers from 0 to 9 on one side and different animals.

Didactic game"Wild animals". The age of children for whom the game is intended is 4-6 years. Goal: expanding ideas about wild animals.

DIY didactic game. To create this game, I made a layout on which I depicted a forest on one side and a forest on the other.

Today I want to offer you, dear colleagues, a didactic game “Domestic and Wild Animals” that allows you to consolidate the classification of animals.

“Whose cub?” Didactic game “Pets and their babies” Objectives: consolidate knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. practice the correct sound pronunciation of the rules: place a card with a picture.

Purpose: to clarify children’s ideas about poultry. Objectives: * arouse interest in poultry and a desire to care for them; * specify.

Goal: To expand and systematize children’s knowledge and ideas about the wild animals of our forests. Development of coherent speech in children. Tasks: Fasten.

Topic: "Pets"

(lesson on speech development in preschool preparation

Purpose of the lesson:

Strengthen children's ideas about pets;

Give children an idea of ​​where pets live, what benefits they bring to humans, what they eat, who makes what sounds and how to care for them.

Develop a love for pets and a desire to care for them.


Pets (pictures, cut-out pictures, telegram, recording of the song “pets”, didactic games: “Each animal wanted to call its cub”, “Who eats what”, “Who gives what voice”, “The fourth odd one”.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

Today we have a lesson on speech development. Guys, today we have an unusual activity, because we have a lot of guests, let's say hello.

Hello golden sun

Hello, the sky is blue

Hello you, hello me

Hello my whole family.

Guys, before we start the lesson, listen to the song carefully, and then you tell me who the song is about.

(Knock on the door). The guys sent us a letter from the village from their grandparents. Let's read it! (Takes out a letter and reads: Hello, dear girls and boys. We have a problem - all the animals from our yard have fled. Please help us find them. And to find them, you need to solve riddles.)

1. Moo-moo-moo!

Milk to whom (cow)

2. Soft paws,

There are scratches on the paws. (cat)

3. You stroke and caress,

Tease and bite. (dog)

4. Who has a tail and mane (horse)

5. It gives us milk, although it is not a cow,

She is fidgety and fidgety...

What do we call it? (goat)

6. Thick, clumsy,

Loves dirt and loves puddles,

Loves to sleep and loves to grunt,

Squish with Piglet in the mud?

7. The animal lives with people.

He is cut twice a year.

Gives us wool so that we can dress,

Wearing woolen clothes kept us warm.

She grazes in a flock in a meadow.

What is the animal's name?

(The answers are put on a magnetic board)

Well done guys, all the animals were returned back to the yard. Grandparents are happy with your work. Let's remember which animals we helped bring back?

What animals are hidden in the pictures?

(pig, goat, sheep, cow, horse, dog, cat)

How can they be called in one word?

Children: Pets.

Q: Pets live next to humans and are of great benefit. The cow gives us milk, kefir, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. The goat gives us milk and wool. The sheep gives us wool from which we spin threads. Threads are used to knit socks, mittens, sweaters and make woolen fabrics. Horses help people transport goods. The dog guards the house, the cat catches mice. A person feeds and cares for animals, builds a home for them.

Game “Each animal wanted to call its baby.”

Physical exercise "Cat"

That's what a cat is like, (they walk at a cat's pace)

Round face, (stroking face)

And on each paw (represent claws)

Claws scratch.

All his toys - (jumping in place)

Cube and reel.

A cat is like a ball (jumping in place)

Jumps around the apartment. (O. Vysotskaya)

Game "Who eats what"

Q: -Predatory pets eat meat, fish, bones, sour cream, milk, porridge, etc. Cats and dogs are classified as carnivorous animals.

D: -The dog eats…. (porridge, meat, bones)

D: -The cat eats…. (fish, milk, meat, mice, sour cream)

Q: -Herbivores eat grass and hay.

D: -The cow eats... (grass, hay)

D: -The horse eats….(grass and hay)

D: -The goat loves….(cabbage, grass

D: -The sheep loves….(grass, hay)

f) Psycho-speech gymnastics “Hide the syllables in your hands”

Children clap out the syllabic structures of words: ko-ro-va, horse-horse, ko-za, so-ba-ka, cat-ka, sheep-tsa, etc.

Reinforcing the material learned

Tell us what benefits pets bring.

Q: -The dog guards the house.

D: -The cat catches….(mice)

D: -The goat gives…. (milk and wool)

D: -A sheep gives….(wool and meat)

D: -The horse helps to transport….(loads)

D: -The cow gives…. (milk)

D: -The pig gives... (meat)

B: -The cow moos - “moo-oo”

D: -Pig... (grunts - “oink-oink”)

D: -Dog…. (barks - “woof-woof”)

D: -Cat (meows - “meow-meow”)

D: -Goat…. (mocks “me-me-me”)

D: -Sheep….(bleats “ba-e-e”)

D: -Horse... (laughs - "yoke-go-go")

Game “Fourth Extra”: the first option is to use pictures, the second is to listen.