Black magic and runes banishing cross. The expelling cross: how to apply it correctly, interpretation and features. What is the cross that drives out evil?

To suffer from unrequited love is a sweet thing, and I myself, as a living person, sometimes allow myself to do so. But as a witch, I understand how much of my energy this process consumes and where my energy actually goes, who it feeds. Therefore, I do not allow myself to suffer for long, a couple of weeks maximum. And then I take action.
I will tell you today about emergency magical help in those cases when you need to quickly forget a person and get rid of all expectations, suffering and passions towards him.
We will work with Runes. Of course, it’s good if a person understands them at least a little, but the formula that I will give you is so simple and effective that everyone can do it.
Take your photo. Slobber a simple pencil (saliva is the binding of the action of the formula to you) and draw the first formula on your forehead, a combination of the Nautiz Rune (compulsion) and Raido (road), all together - forced care. This formula is called BARGAINING CROSS

You specify its action, for example, like this:

I (my name), with the power of these Runes, expel from myself all warm feelings for A. (man’s name), expel love for A., ​​expel passion and desire for A., ​​expel all expectations associated with him, no matter what they are , I expel and cease all hopes associated with A.; I expel and stop depression, tears, melancholy, suffering, jealousy, grief and all other feelings that tormented me (my name) associated with A.
With the power of these Runes, Nautiz and Raido, I expel A. from my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions, my memory, my soul, from my head, my heart, my body, I expel, I expel, I expel.

Now draw the second Rune, Isa, next to your image in the photo, and visualize an ice wall rising from earth to sky between you and that person. You stipulate:

With the power of this Rune, I cut off and freeze out any ties that were between me (my name) and A., whatever they may be. With the power of Isa, the power of Ice, I cool and freeze all the feelings for A that were in me (my name).
Let it be so!

If you have a photo together, draw Isa between you, it’s even better.
Remove the photo, and to consolidate the result, draw a Banishing Cross on your forehead or chest, you can even just use your finger, as if imprinting the runes into yourself. That's it, you have completed the ritual and started the work of the Runes.
I did this cooling for myself, so I’ll tell you what will happen next from my experience; yours may be different, but it will definitely have a cooling and sobering effect.
The runes begin to act very quickly, as if the scales fall from your eyes and you begin to see the real image of a person, and not a pink-sugar ideal. Various ambiguous moments of your relationship come to mind and suddenly you realize that the man behaved very, very badly both with you and with others. Thoughts about him first change from plus to minus, and then disappear altogether. There is a disgust towards a man and a desire to stay away from him, as if from something disgusting in which one can get dirty. Depression, melancholy, insomnia and other special effects of unrequited love disappear within a day. Anger may appear, but it is good, healthy anger, which gives energy and strength to move forward and live on.

This is how the ostuda EXILES CROSS works. It can be used both on its own and as a preparation before hexes and love spells, because such rituals only take place with absolute calm and indifference. To be loved, you need to stop loving yourself.
Stop suffering, use this coolness, and if suddenly it doesn’t work out, come to see me, there are other ways to press the *stop* button and stop burning yourself at the stake of unrequited passion that no one needs.
And yet - I understand that many will be tempted to use this formula not for themselves, but to expel rivals from the life of a loved one - so, of course, you can experiment)), but I personally do not advise you to do this - here you need something -what subtleties to know .

A rune such as a runic cross is a tool that helps get rid of envious people and enemy forces on a person’s path. If you use the runic cross correctly in magic, it will help you achieve any goals. The essence of the runes is this: they get rid of everything that interferes and stands in the way of the runologist. Two symbols add warmth to the soul and strengthen the body.

It is enough to put symbols with a cross on an object or put a talisman on yourself, and everything will begin to change for the better. But you need to believe that everything will come true.

What is the banishing cross used for?

The cross includes two runic signs, so it is not surprising that the energetic connection between them is so strong. This includes the following runes that banish the cross:

  • Raido- directs magic in the right direction, helps a person make the right decisions and pushes him to correct actions. The symbol is associated with tongues of flame.
  • Another symbol used in this stav is Nautiz. A sign limits one thing and stimulates something else.

When used together, these symbols produce a curious result. After all, signs can not only drive out the enemy, but also help in achieving specific goals.

How to use

Unfortunately, it is not enough to know how and in what direction the rune cross works. To use it, it is important:

  • Decide what your ultimate goal will be. Accordingly, if the goal is voluminous, then a lot of energy expenditure during the ritual will be required. But if your goal is minor (for example, you want a noisy company to leave your yard), then simply imagining a cross in your mind is enough.
  • You also need to decide for yourself what exactly you expect from the runes. And if you are not prepared for some fatal consequences (for example, the final loss of a person), then you should not even start the ritual.
  • Do not forget that any runes, regardless of the purpose of their application, need a reservation. You can either come up with such a clause yourself or use one that already exists.

It should also be taken into account that you cannot use it constantly. Listen to yourself after each use of runes - how tired you are and how quickly you recover. If you feel positive, you can continue to use stav. However, as soon as you feel any discomfort, you need to urgently interrupt the action of the runes. It should be remembered that the formula has a very strong effect, so you need to resort to it as rarely as possible. Otherwise, the essence and consequences of the banishing cross can be sad for the runologist - what he would like to direct against the enemy will turn against him.

Even correctly applied runes will not work just like that - they need to be specified or, more simply put, activated. This is done thanks to a special text that directs the runes on the right path.

When choosing the right clause, decide what you want to get in the end.

  • If we are talking about an enemy, ask for runes so that the person does not interfere with you on the way to your goal. Don't forget to mention the enemy's name.
  • If you want to get rid of demonic entities, ask for runes so that they will expel all evil from your body. After this, all the blackness will leave you, and your soul will be cleansed.

During slander, you can ask runes for what you want. You also need to be specific and ask that no harm will come from it. If you don’t want this, then best case scenario you won’t get anything from the runes, and in the worst case, expect trouble.

Slanders are pronounced while standing on the cross is read. Speak all your words clearly and clearly so that the runes do not feel your uncertainty.

Becoming the "Banishing Cross"

Becoming - “Expelling Cross”.

The stav is based on two symbols that are close in meaning. In the formula they are intertwined into one. If they work together, they will be able to expel any evil from your life while overcoming the goal.

If you look at the formula, it is similar to English letter R, but with a line through it. Becoming has enormous power, so you should use it only in cases where you have an exact goal and feel a sufficient amount of energy within you.

However, sometimes it happens that what is done is not enough to achieve the goal or drive out evil. Then it is recommended to use reinforced steel. To do this, you can use one of several methods:

  • Alternatively, you can draw a circle or square around the runes. As a result of such an outline, energy will be concentrated inside.
  • Here, in the circle, it is recommended to draw a galdrastav. It is applied with blood, which means it can be dangerous. It is better for beginners not to use it without the help of a mentor.
  • Once the formula is applied and specified, you need to get rid of it. This is done through the fire element, so that the smoke from the rune reaches the rune gods. However, remember that the result of applying the cross will be unchanged, so before the ritual it is better to weigh everything carefully.
  • Also, the symbols are strengthened if you apply four crosses at once and roll them into a wheel. And then ask the gods for whatever you want.

And remember that you must be confident in the spoken goals. The rune gods can punish for uncertainty.

There are often situations in life that we would like to avoid. And even more so in the life of a magician: larvae, aliens, opponents and simply unpleasant individuals are the practitioner’s constant companions. And in order to get rid of unnecessary things, magicians use a banishing cross - a runic galdrstav, which can help in removing obstacles.

What can a rune help with?

The banishing cross rune is a universal galdrstav developed by Dmitry Voron. For many years now, this ligature has successfully expelled from the lives of magicians what they do not need.

The versatility of the banishing cross rune lies in the fact that it can be used if:

  • You need to rid yourself or another person of negativity, alienation, larva, illness, or simply bad thoughts.
  • You want to keep your kitchen free of cockroaches and your home free of pests.
  • You are obsessively worried about some situation (in this case, a cross is mentally drawn on what you associate this situation with).
  • You want to get rid of the person as quickly and painlessly as possible without harming him.
  • You want to get rid of unnecessary feelings and thoughts.
  • Are you tired of your neighbors' constant renovations?
  • You need to limit your communication with anyone.
  • There are many other situations where you want to eliminate something from your life.

Analysis of runes into components

In general, the runic banishing cross consists of two and Nautiz.

Raido in the above galdrstav is interpreted as a path or road. This rune sets the direction and is the focus for magical energy.

Nautiz in the meaning of need makes the road provided by Raido inevitable. So those who are expelled will not be able to resist fate and will soon leave you. In addition to need, Nautiz, along with Thurisaz, are considered “shackles of war” that can stop any negative impact.

Another vision of runic script

You can also interpret the expelling cross as merging and Nautiz. If, when drawing the galdrstava, you consider it as a fusion of these runes, then the road for the one being expelled will be very successful. This version of runic script is suitable for those who want to gently push away unwanted individuals or problems without harming them.

How to use the banishing cross?

It is not enough to know what runes make up the banishing cross; the Galdstava clause is also very important. So, for the runic script to work correctly, you need:

  • Determine what exactly you want. The required strength and scale of influence of the galdrstav determines how much strength you will spend on it, how your magical actions will be perceived by the gods and other higher entities, as well as what kind of food and offerings you need to provide as payment. If you want to drive a noisy group away from the entrance, then it will be enough to visualize a sign on their image and repeat the necessary clause several times. But to escape the tutelage of an overly fussy mother-in-law, you will need something more serious, and you will no longer be able to do without a small ritual.
  • Determine whether you will drive something away with goodness or not. With a soft expulsion, runologists advise imagining galdrstav as red or golden, with a hard expulsion - black.

  • Determine whether you are absolutely sure of your intentions. The person you banish may disappear from your life forever. The ways of his disappearance are different: from a pleasant move or marriage, to illness and death. Are you ready for this?
  • Make a reservation. In general, a slander is a message with which you feed the working runic script. You can wish something to leave your life (and it will go away very softly and smoothly), or you can mentally shout at it to get out. In the second case, different outcomes are possible, but the situation will be resolved quickly and harshly, which can also hurt you.

Strengthened formula

If it seems to you that a simple banishing cross suits you in action, but not in strength, then there are several simple ways strengthen its influence:

  • Enclose the banishing cross in a circle or square. This will concentrate the forces of the runic script, which will significantly affect its power.
  • Write galdrstav in blood. Be careful and do not use this method if you are not confident in your abilities: writing runes this way creates a powerful connection between you.
  • Destroy the written galdrstav in any way. Preference, of course, is given to fire, since it is believed that smoke will convey your intention to the gods themselves. Keep in mind that when something written is destroyed, the result is almost impossible to reverse, since burning runes is one of the strongest ways to prove the firmness of your intentions.
  • An enhanced banishing cross can also be created by painting it four times from one point. The angles between the bases of the runes must be straight. Such a “wheel” of runes will loop their action, which is why the power of the galdrstava will increase.

And remember that the rollback from the enhanced formula will also be stronger, so calculate your strength accurately. The banishing cross rune is a serious magical tool that does not tolerate uncertainty and weakness.

Is the help of the gods needed?

If you are not sure that your magical powers are enough to expel someone, you can call on the gods to help you. For such actions, Odin is usually called upon if you are confident that you are right and that there is injustice going on around you. However, if you are going to banish someone for selfish reasons (for example, to get that person's position), then it is undoubtedly better to perform a ritual invoking Loki. Remember that in case of “illegal” use he may become angry, and what his dissatisfaction will lead to is unknown.

When calling the gods, do not forget about the ransom and gifts for them. Address the gods by name, politely but firmly. Remember that the gods of the north extremely dislike excessive lisp, uncertainty and disrespect. And in general, the north is a harsh place where they say little and do a lot.

Side effect

Like any runic amulet, the banishing cross has one by-effect: if you are weaker than the one being banished, then the galdrstav will turn against you.

This refers to weakness of any nature. Runes can turn against you if:

  • Your desire, for which you used galdrstav, is weaker than the desire of the one being banished.
  • You are weaker than the one being ostracized mentally or emotionally.
  • During a slander, you are not entirely sure of the correctness of your actions.
  • You have no confidence in your own magical potential.
  • Yours magical powers less than that of the expelled one.
  • You have offended the gods or the norns.

As one unknown skald once said: “The runes should not be cut by those who do not understand them.” Therefore, if you are not confident in your own abilities or that the banishing cross is the rune you need, it is better to think for a while. You must approach rituals with runes with an honest heart and a clear head.

Powerful individual runes in combination with each other turn into strong stakes that radically change a person’s life. The banishing cross contains a power that is not so easy to withstand or overcome on your own. Why is the runic cross dangerous, and how can it be used for good?

Becoming the Banishing Cross contains a power that is not so easy to withstand or overcome on your own

Runic magic

The cross that drives out evil - runic formula, changing a person’s destiny.

Such bets should be treated responsibly and not used for fun. Incorrect position of the runes will lead to the opposite effect, which will harm the customer. A formula is applied to change lives for better and worse. The expelling cross can become a weapon in the fight against enemies or an instrument of revenge. The runic cross is not used in Everyday life due to the risk of consequences.

Runes are an attribute for fortune telling, a talisman against monetary losses and the main component of a powerful formula that changes the energy of another person. The banishing cross consists of only two runic symbols. The powerful sign Raido and Nautuz combine into a single formation, the effect of which is difficult to cancel.

A runic cross is applied to the body, item or furniture. The main purpose of the formula is to expel the essence that sits in a person. An evil entity or soul - for the stav, the state and nature of the entity does not matter.

Two runic symbols connect and begin to work. It is important how and when, under what circumstances, the formula was applied. The location of the cross determines its impact. Before you decide to use runic magic, you should assess the possible risks.

How to prepare for applying the stave? The banishing cross, like any other formula, is not without risk. Any sign applied will work either on the victim or on the customer. The consequences of existing runic symbols cannot be avoided. Before performing a secret ritual, you should protect yourself. For these purposes, a protective rune or an entire formula is applied that can protect against the effects of extraneous magic. Making a reservation without preparation is dangerous and unwise.

What is the cross that drives out evil?

The runic cross, capable of expelling any entity from an enemy or a loved one, works on the same principle. The cross is rarely used for protection, but correct application stava will protect enemies from tricks better than amulets and amulets. Such a formula, made for protection, will not only repel the attacks of ill-wishers, but will also repel them with obvious actions. Working as a stav all year round will not be beneficial, so you should resort to runic magic only in extreme cases.

It is also not recommended to solve simple everyday problems with the help of the cross. A reply of such force will only do harm and bring even more troubles into the house. Whether caused by ignorance or stupidity, the damage caused will be worse than a curse. To achieve grandiose goals, a cross is used, but only for a short period of time. Why do you need a stave?

A clause for expelling an entity will come in handy if an urgent need arises:

  • cleanse the aura of the body or the energy of the home
  • get rid of foreign entities
  • to defeat sworn enemies
  • for moving neighbors
  • to kill cockroaches or other pests
  • to destroy damage or deadly disease.

Becoming the Banishing Cross is used so that the patient can overcome a fatal disease

You cannot use the formula too often. Such actions can disrupt the harmony in the home and a person’s peace of mind. The rune sign or several symbols should not be too large. Size is not as important as quality work done. The drawn becoming should be activated. Experienced magicians use several ways to activate the formula. The ancient magic is made to work by the earthly elements, blood or fire.

Dangerous expulsion of essence and consequences of the expelling cross

If I become, what will happen? A question to ask yourself before applying the stave. Using the formula requires grit and determination. The essence of the formula is liberation. From circumstances, from imposed blocks, from factors that constrain the soul. Liberation of mind, soul, body. Universal remedy in the right hands it will not harm, but only help.

To understand the formula, it is necessary to consider each of its component parts. What does the expelling cross hide within itself? Two parts of a complex and powerful stave:

Rune Raido

Symbol of directed energy. One of the strongest rune symbols that pushes a person to action, to movement, to self-improvement. The second meaning of Raido is liberation, the destruction of everything superfluous and unnecessary. By removing obstacles, the rune opens up new opportunities for a person and cuts off his path to the past. The sign of a leader, a leader, a person who decides her own destiny, in the formula of the cross directs its power.

Runa Nautiz

The contradictory rune, which destroys any manifestations of a person’s will, serves the stav as a coercive force. Together with Raido, the second part of the formula reproaches the victim of the will of the conspirator. Runes do not need motives; they do not distinguish between good and evil. Their direction is the desires of the conspirator, his whims, his deepest feelings.

Just two parts, when combined into one, destroy any protection. Without Nautuz there will be no working goal, and the absence of Raido will not allow you to make a sharp breakthrough or free yourself from damage. Any cramped circumstances will go away, disappear, as if they never existed.

What is the formula for? A force that destroys and pushes towards future achievements receives outlines and boundaries in the hands of a person. A universal combination of runes nullifies the work of damage to death. If the enemy has encroached on the most precious thing - life, it is Raido and Nautuz who will help get rid of someone else's energy influence.

Rune Nautuz helps to get rid of other people's energy influences

How to make a stave?

The energy of the formula affects the essence sitting in a person, circumstances or any other mental or real substance. You can even expel a living person with the help of runes. Externally, the formula looks like the Latin letter R. An oblique line runs through the middle of the letter, which conditionally divides the symbol into two parts. The traditional scheme of the formula can change, and experienced magicians use an improved cross. Such manipulations with the finished formula are contraindicated for a beginner.

The second type of cross is an even symbol. On each side of the cross there is one rune, Raido and Nautuz. The process of applying runes will take a little time and all your strength. When drawing straight lines, a person must be aware of his own goal. Stats charged with human aspirations are the strongest.

Use of the banishing cross

The method of applying staves or special formulas depends on what they are needed for. The process of getting rid of the entity will go without complications if you apply staves to the victim’s house or his clothes. It is important that the victim does not realize that uncontrollable changes are taking place in her life. The found rune no longer works.

The method of applying the formula depends on the sphere of influence.

If you need to harm the work or business of an enemy, then a combination of runes is applied inside the work premises or directly at the place of work of the ill-wisher. The working runic plot in the victim’s house is the strongest and most difficult. It is difficult to get rid of its influence, even with the help of experienced magicians or witches. It will be possible to destroy the staves only after thoroughly cleaning the house or work space.

A conspiracy reinforced by a stave to settle or destroy an entity is always fraught with many dangers. A person, whatever his motives, should not play with runic magic. In the universe, all processes and phenomena tend towards harmony, the violation of which will entail consequences.

Should we be afraid of the consequences? When resorting to the help of magic, you need to know its price. It is not difficult to teach an enemy a lesson or to harm a traitor, but it is not so easy to accept the consequences with humility. Runic symbols can help, they can protect and even take revenge, but not only magic is unable to restore balance and calm to the soul of an angry person.

I advise anyone who wants to try this method to turn to the original source, namely Dmitry Voron, and read about him on the black magic forums. The banishing cross is never applied to entities; it will not take them. It was created to expel a person from somewhere, from a place, work, residence, there is experience in using it to expel someone from a person’s life who is bothering him (not death!). So read real sites and forums, and do not try to repeat what is written here, you will only make the situation worse.

Runic cross

The runic cross of Bureus is composed of fifteen adulrunes. Seven runes placed vertically represent the path from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven. The two parts of the crossbar each consist of four runes, mirroring each other. In the runic cross, Bureus distinguishes seven “contemplations” or “differences,” which he also calls “grapes.” These are groups of runes or so-called runic roads (by “road” here we mean a row of stones in the wall).

Runic cross

The first three clusters: a road of seven runes and two roads of four runes.

The second three clusters: 1) the shepherd and protector of four rods; 2) a flock of seven rods; and 3) the four-wand stealer.

Third cluster: crossbar of nine wands and vertical of seven wands.

The fourth group (bunch) is associated with the calculation of time.

Fifth group: two regions and their ruler.

Sixth group: the wands from the generated quintet become the five wounds of the cross.

Seventh group: obedience to the law. Runic bow and arrow.

The first cluster begins with the “road of seven,” that is, with a group of seven runes taken from the runic cross. However Haghal, located in the center of the cross, was removed. The remaining seven runes correspond to the seven days of the week and the seven alchemical planets.

"The Road of Seven" depicts Christ on the cross, as well as the crucified Odin or Birger. Wanting to explain why the third section, describing the priestly ministry of the shepherd, begins with this symbol, Bureus quotes Matthew 16:24: “If anyone wants to come after me, forget about yourself, and take up your cross and follow me.” The Road of Seven" illustrates the crucifixion of the body. Carrying the cross should be a daily task.

Bureus explains that Thursday is considered the most sacred day among northerners. It stands above the Christian Sunday or the Jewish Sabbath. This holiday, according to Bureus, dates back to the time when Nin, king of Babylon, lost his father Bel, also called Jupiter in the chronicles (Job, Jehovah = Thor). He made Thursday his father's memorial day.

The two “roads of four” in the first cluster are composed of eight runes that do not form the body of Birger or Christ (that is, the “road of seven”) and seven days of the week. Four of them ( r, n, a, u) are located on the horizontal side of the cross: this is the first “road”. They make up a word RUNA. Bureus explains that the word runa means "experience" (Sw. r?n) and here means “trial” or “experiment”. It can be added that another meaning of the word “rune”, which goes well with what Bureus gives, is “secret”, “hidden wisdom”. Runes that make up a word "runa" can be depicted as a gate.

This is the gate of mercy (Nadh) and honor ( Ar), leading to eternal peace (runes r And u or o = ro, i.e. “peace”, “peace”). The word itself runa is the gateway to higher worlds. But these same four runes can be added in a different order, so it turns out: AURN(Sw. orn)- eagle, aquila, two-headed symbol of the Gothic warriors of the Roman emperor Tiberius. This is “the mediator humiliated, beaten, naked and crucified.” Bureus adds that the rune Haghal, standing in the middle of this symbol of the crucifixion, indicates the betrayal committed for thirty pieces of silver. Number Haghal - 30: for Bureus it symbolizes Christ and the holy spirit.

The second “road of four” consists of four vertically located runes, which do not mean either the days of the week or the crucified body. These four runes

can be read as PIGKynd, virginis filius, that is, "son of a virgin." Swedish word pig related piga -"young woman", "girl". Kynd- the same root as, for example, German kinder- "children". This son of a virgin must free the human race from its fetters (Byrghal) through the rune Idher(repentance) and acceptance of grace and honor (this idea is expressed by equalizing Haghal with a combination of runes N?dh And Ar) through the RUNA gate to the divine Thors, what is achieved through Kyn- son of a maiden.

The second trinity of clusters is called the “shepherd and protector of the four wands,” “the flock of the seven wands,” and the “snatcher of the four wands.” The shepherd or protector of the four wands is equated to a spiritual sheep pen in which the sheep are protected by a wall of fire. It consists of a trinity TOF and runes Byrghal, which corresponds to the human nature of the shepherd. Rune Oden corresponds to his divine nature. TOF- Trinity, a Byrghal - humanity. Byrghal, appearing in this bunch is equated to the breast of the Blessed Virgin, with which she feeds the shepherd when he becomes a man in the quintet of begotten ones. Besides, Byrghal - it is a double door, a door for the sheep to enter and exit. More Byrghal is the cornerstone, the foundation on which the flock rests. Its name can also be interpreted as b?rg-all(“save everyone”)

A flock of seven wands is composed of five runes located vertically between the runes Byrghal And Thors(that is, between Christ the man and Christ the god), including those who are in the middle of the horizontal line: N?dh And Ar. These runes represent the multiplicity of the flock and the sevenfold unity of the spirit of holiness. Bureus links these runes together with a special symbol or linking rune that appears frequently in his work. This symbol is called signum foederis -"sign of the covenant." For example, this symbol is placed above the Rosicrucian altar on the cover of his early Rosicrucian pamphlet "Ara Feoderis Teraphici F.X.R." The runes in this group can be arranged so that they form

call "G?GHN MIS" - occure mihi, which translates as “come to me” or “run to meet me”: this is the call and mission of Christ calling humanity. IN "Antiquitates Scanziana" Bureus mentions In this regard. 21:19. This call comes from top to bottom. And the “summoned” person responds with the same runes, but in reverse order, from bottom to top:

SIM AGHN K(ynd), simus possessionis filij, quasi unus- “we are all as one - the heritage of the son [of God].” As often happens in the works of Bureus, one rune, in this case Coop, stands for a whole word here (kynd).

The "kidnapper" group consists of four wands standing at left side from the four rods of the shepherd and the seven rods of the flock, forming a cross. These excluded runes are:

TRUL - that is troll- evil spirits, demons, spiritual wolves, hungry to scatter and devour the flock. They correspond to the forces of chaos and thurses of ancient Nordic mythology. First they seduce using law and time

and then push their duped victims into the abyss with a three-pronged pitchfork

If you read the four wands of the “kidnapper” in a different order, you get

LURT- defraudatorum symbolum,"sign of the fooled", which can be interpreted as mud or swamp (LORT).

The third cluster describes the horizontal crossbar of the runic cross, called "nine rods wide", and the vertical one, called "seven rods high". In the middle of the runic cross, at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines, there is a rune Haghal. The right side of the nine-wand crossbar consists of runes

forming NORD. At first glance, it seems that this side of the world is north; But secret meaning this combination - "N(adens) Ord och N(?dens) Ord","word (Sw. ord) grace and the word of sorrow." If you read the runes on the right side of the cross in reverse order, you get TRON - fides(“faith”, “loyalty”). Rune Tidher, as we have already seen in the section on the fifteen runes, it means t, And d. On the left side are the runes

giving the combination AFUL; to interpret it, you need to read the first rune in full. Then we'll get the word A(r)FUL ?rofull(“glorious”, “valiant”). So the two parts of the crossbar can be read as ?ra(“honor”), and trohet("loyalty"). Right side means the word of God, and the left one means the spirit of holiness, “without them nothing can be called or appear.” The calling and appearance remind us of the “caller” - Christ, who calls to humanity from heaven, calling on them to respond and come to God. If you read the runes on the left side in reverse order, you can read

LOF - “praise”; but Bureus believes that the correct adulrunic interpretation is

LYF, which he believed meant "love" in ancient Swedish - a word with the same root as English love or German Liebe. If we take all the runes of the crossbar except the middle ones (Nadh And Ar), that is, all the runes of the nine-wand horizontal, except for the three internal ones ( n, h, a), then the runic cross will give us the word TROFUL - “faithful”. The nine-rod horizontal describes the qualities necessary for the transcendental transition, depicted by the “seven-rod vertical.”

The seven-rod vertical row of the runic cross is one of essential elements adulrun systems of Bureus. His runes depict the seven steps of ascension (ascensus) or descent (descensus). Bureus explains that the son of God (Christ/Odin) descended from heaven, being born a man, and then ascended the same way back to heaven. The task of a person (follower of the doctrine of adulrunes) is to rise from the lower rune Byrghal to the highest rune Thors. The mediator in this process is Christ or Odin, represented by the rune Haghal. IN "Cabbalistica" This seven-step path of ascension is given in several versions. It is, for example, associated with the alchemical process - with the seven steps to obtaining the elixir. IN "Antiquitates Scanziana" these seven runes describe the seven stages of Christ’s saving feat, from conception to resurrection and ascension to God.

If the nine-rod crossbar depicts the outstretched arms of the “Gatherer-Christ” (Odin/Birger), then the seven-rod vertical symbolizes his body. His head is Thors, legs - Byrghal. The body itself is depicted with five runes, which also symbolize the “five-step ladder” between the divine and the human. The runes here are the steps of the stairs.

These five steps of the ladder help Byrghal ascend to the rune Thors. This is Bureus's ascent "Adulruna Rediviva" illustrates with a combination Byrghal with all these five runes on the way to the rune Thors. This way is up, or ascensus, and this is the goal of the rune adept.

Bureus weaves the five steps of the runic ladder together and turns them into a single symbol, which is repeated in his work again and again. This symbol is an arrow: Bureus correlates it with the Hyperborean Abaris, the hero of ancient Greek mythology. In addition, this arrow is also a wand or magic staff, decorated with runes, carrying mystical secrets and magical powers. By illustrating the ascent, Bureus shows that his goal is to connect Byrghal And Thors, man and god. We are not talking about complete dissolution in God: man, as shows Byrghal, retains its distinctive features- it's just an ascent to a higher level.

Connection symbol Thors And Byrghal appears in the works of Bureus in various forms, but in "Adulruna Rediviva" he gives a special version "indicating the immeasurable power that those who become one with God receive."

Descent, descensus starts with the Thors rune and ends with the rune Byrghal- only to begin a new ascent and reunite with Thors. Byrghal interpreted here as double gates, open in both directions. Through these gates, God descends into the material world - and through the other side he returns back to the divine plane of existence. For humans, the double gates of Byrghal symbolize birth and death, the womb that brings us into the world and the grave that leads us out of the world. The descent begins with the rune Thors- “the door from which all good gifts come out.” Further, the runes, according to Bureus, describe the steps of descent: rune Kon means the supreme kingdom of the father, Haghal - father's will. Man or Mappa - heavenly bread, a Idher- repentance following guilt. Rune Sun represents temptation, a Byrghal - a prison in which a man sits, imprisoned in chains, in fear of imminent death. The one sitting in prison, says Bureus, is waiting for his savior; Only he can doubt this who does not understand that life itself is the greatest reward. These seven runic steps correspond to the lines of the Lord's Prayer in Matt. 6:9-13:

Thors- Our Father, hallowed be your name,

Kon- let your kingdom come,

Haghal- Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Man(na)- Give us our daily bread for this day,

Idher- and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors,

Sun- and do not lead us into temptation,

Byrghal- but deliver us from evil.

IN "Cabbalistica" the same meanings are applied to the process of primordial ascension. These same seven steps correspond to the alchemical process of making the elixir of life.







Tinctura -

On the same page "Cabbalistica" slightly different stages of the alchemical process are listed: 1) sublimatio; 2) descensio; 3) destillatio; 4) calcinatio; 5) solutio; 6) coagulation; 8) caeratio; 7) fixio A. It is not entirely clear why 8 comes before 7. Since we are dealing with a manuscript, this could simply be a typo. However, one cannot exclude the adulrunic or hermetic meaning of this inversion.

The vertical of seven wands is also the hermetic path of enlightenment. The adept rises from the darkness of ignorance, tenebrae

via splendor

to principium absolutae primum (

A 1) sublimation; 2) sedimentation; H) distillation; 4) calcification; 5) dissolution; 6) coagulation; 8) probably from caerimonia - cult rite, sacred rite; 7) fixation. Points 1–6 are standard alchemical terms. - Approx. ed.

B Tenebrae - (darkness, gloom); splendor - (brilliance, beauty, greatness); lumen - (illumination, light); lux - (light, daylight); luminarae - (lamp, luminary); modus - (measure, limit, boundary), entis - possibly from entitas (essence); principium - (beginning, basis, root cause, origin), absolutae - (absolute, independent), primum - (first, for the first time, also - prerequisite, principle). - Approx. ed.

Here the seven runes are arranged in the shape of a double-sided pyramid: the bottom three (Byrghal, Sun And Idher) belong to evil (mala), and the top four (Man, Haghal, Kop And Thors - good (bona). In addition, the vertical of seven wands describes a person and his composition:

6 - 1 Unum

5 - 2 Men

4 - 3 Ratio

3 - 4 Opinio

2 - 5 Nature

1 - 6 Corpus Byrghal

The fourth group (bunch) is dedicated to the calculation of time associated with the numerical mysticism of the runic cross. The numerical values ​​that Bureus assigns to the runes are listed in "Runa ABC-bok". The right side of the crossbar of the runic cross consists of runes t, r, O, n, the numerical values ​​of which are 300, 9, 7 and 50, which when added form 366. Hildebrand’s runes when added give 362, although, following Bureus, he also names the number 366. The number 366, according to Bureus, corresponds to the solar year, and the rune Haghal, standing in the middle of the runic cross and denoting the number 30, corresponds to the cycle of the moon.

The left side of the crossbar of the runic cross consists of runes a, f, u, 1 , having numerical values ​​90, 1, 3 and 700, which when added gives 794. This, according to Bureus, is the number of years between the combinations of Saturn and Jupiter (“Jovis”). Bureus gives the following explanation:


indicate that the coming of the bride, the merger and the double pleasure should take place in the year 1648 from the time of the previous merger.

The previous merger coincided with the birth of Jesus; therefore, here we are dealing with apocalyptic calculations. With the words “presence of the bride,” Bureus indicates that the rune must be included in the calculation Haghal, and “double pleasure” means that the amount received should be doubled. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, or their “fusion”, 794, is added to the number of the rune Haghal, 30, and multiplied by two. This gives 1648, a year of great significance in adulrunic texts. To understand the meaning of this date, let's look at what happened on the right side of the crossbar: the solar year was increased by one year (366), so we can get the real solar year by subtracting one year (366 - 1 = 365). Let's do the same with the left side of the crossbar. Subtracting one year, we get true meaning- 1647. This year in the works of Bureus has great value, in contrast to 1648, which does not have any special significance, despite the fact that it was in this year that the Treaty of Westphalia was concluded, which put an end to the Thirty Years' War. Bureus identifies himself with the talking lion of Revelation 5:5, as well as with the cherub who appears as a lion at the throne of God in the book of Ezekiel. Likewise, Bureus identifies himself with Leo of the North. Der Mitternacht L?we, appearing in the prophecy of Paracelsus. Bureus saw himself as a prophet of a new time, called to revive the adulrunes and ancient wisdom:

Then the last messenger, the lion, will come into action, and the eschatological process will become more and more dramatic. Signs and events will begin to accumulate. The third empire, the kingdom of Solomon, begins in 1641; However, something much more important will happen in 1647 - the year of the coming of the Holy Spirit and the true judgment (Mishpat), in which, however, only the righteous will be judged. This year the sixth seal of the book of Revelation will be broken and the sixth bowl will be poured into the Euphrates.

The year of Christ's return is 1666: then the first judgment should take place, after which the millennial kingdom will begin. From Bureus's discussion of the number 666, the number of the beast, it is clear that the year 1666 has a special meaning. But everything that should happen in 1666 already happens in 1647 thanks to the fact that 1666 was shortened by 19 years. Bureus explains that in 1647 a sign will appear on the moon (the number 19 is associated with the moon). In the Nordic runic calendars that Bureus studied, there are a number of so-called golden numbers with which you can calculate the exact date Easter. These calendars are built according to the principle common to all Christian calendars: it is assumed that every 19 years the lunar cycles are repeated day after day. In the runic calendar, Latin numerals are replaced by runes. Here is what Bureus writes about the number 19 and these runes:

For the golden number of the Moon is nineteen years: the first twelve are years calculated in the usual way, and another seven additional years, which every Upland peasant knows how to calculate using ring runes.

The number 19 reappears in the works of Georg Stirnhielm, a student of Bureus. He compares the Greek myths of Apollo returning every 19 years with the golden numbers of the runic calendars.

The years 1647/1666 are followed by an era of supreme happiness, consisting of six years, in which each day is like a millennium. In the seventh year, 1673, the final judgment will take place. Then the eternal kingdom of God will come.

The vertical line of the runic cross consists of runes b, s, i, m, h, k, th, having numerical values: 500, 100, 70, 900, 30, 10 and 5, giving a total of 1915.

In connection with the calculation of the horizontal line of seven runes, the manuscript contains an image of a tombstone with a mysterious caption: “In honor of his wife, he erected an adulruna monument.” The inscription on the monument: "ADVLrVnakkVML"(i.e. “adulruna-monument”). Capital letters stand for Roman numerals, giving the number 1615: DVLVVML = 500 + 5 + 50 + 5 + 5 + 100 + 50. In the same way as we substituted one at the beginning and end of the nine-rod row, we must, according to Bureus, subtract one from beginning and from the end of the seven wands vertically. This gives us the year 1613, "which is usually written IVDICIUM" (= 1 + 5 + 500 + 1 + 100 + 1 + 1000); that is, the year of judgment is 1613. This year Bureus gained enlightenment and learned the secrets of the adulruns. Late autumn this year he traveled with King Gustav Adolf in order to organize a new printed edition Bible. On December 5, at six o'clock and twenty-two minutes in the evening, while being with the king in Thun, in Dalarna, Bureus felt momentum excitationis - moment of ecstasy. He heard a voice singing: "RIVos IaM CLaVDe pVer sat prata blberVnt"- “Boy, block the streams - the meadows are already full of water.” These words contained the Roman numeral 1673 - according to Bureus, the date of the end of the world.

The events of 1613 had an influence on Bureus that he could never forget. He changed many of his previous views and took on a new role - the role of a prophet in the midst of a troubled world. Manuscript "Cabbalistica" in the parish library in Linköping begins with the words:

This book is mostly (fantasy).

Collected before I

In 1613 he received knowledge


Which no writer can discover.

In his own language, in 1613 Bureus (Byrghal) connected with god (Thors), having passed through the mysterious path of runic initiation, which is depicted by a vertical line of seven runes.

The fifth group depicts the three kingdoms and their rulers. It is made up of runes t, O, f(i.e. the divine triad TOF) and k, n, e together with h.

The sixth group consists of the runes of the generated quintet (that is, the last of the three groups in the series of runes), which is here called the quintet of wounds of the crucified. Rune Sun nails both feet, Tidher- right hand, Lager- left; Byrghal- shackles on the legs, Man- a spear pierced into the chest and opened the way for the flow of blood flowing from the heart.

Seventh and last group in the third section "Adulruna Rediviva" portrays a "threat to the rule of law". Here the runic cross turns into a bow with an arrow aimed at the target - that is, at Byrghal/humanity: this rune is called here a target of one rod.

The highest rune Thors, is called a bowstring made of one rod, a nine-runed crossbar is called a nine-staff bow, a ladder of five runes turns into an Abaris arrow - the same five-rod arrow that repeatedly appears in the works of Bureus. It is worth noting that the arrowhead is made up of a rune Sun, corresponding to the sun and especially its rays. Abaris catches one of Apollo's arrows, that is, one of sun rays. Abaris's arrow is a ray of light, the weapon of Apollo himself. And Apollo is the sun and can be identified with the rune Thors, which Bureus usually equates to the sun at its zenith.

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