The quatrains about school graduates are short. Graduation Congratulations

School time is over! Over the years, you have all matured and from touching chicks have turned into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. Ahead - long interesting life, and we wish everyone to find their own path in it. Let all the knowledge and skills that you received at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and let the people who have been with you all these years remain in everyone’s heart for a long time. Bon Voyage!

High school graduation! And the heart skips a beat:
What's next ahead?
The ceremonial balls will die down,
And you will find yourself on a new path!

Don't let the unknown scare you,
It just gives you more strength!
Happy graduation! We sincerely wish
So that you don’t miss the chance of life!

Once the entire set of knowledge has been collected,
It's time for you to move on to a greater life.
And everyone who is ready to go,
Dancing in a festive outfit.
Today is a holiday - graduation,
Big holiday date.
May life give you love,
A job, a better salary.
May life lead you dearly
To prosperity, joy and happiness.
Do not know meanness and evil,
Live long and well.

Childhood is over, youth is coming.
Everyone will go their own way.
And graduation is like the final frontier.
A time of doubt... But so much hope!

Life is not a toy, don't joke.
We need to try to love people,
You need to learn, dare and create,
To make your dreams come true.

Today is your farewell to school.
Don't be sad, let's dance!
May miracles happen to you,
Joy, luck and happiness are just waiting.

Remember one thing, graduate:
You've just begun to live
Total yourself from hundreds of books
It's been ready to fold for a long time.

And every day, let yourself in
Dreams and faith in them,
Creating myself out of mistakes,
Ours or others.

And the world is not complicated, figure it out
Everything is given to you:
Life flows like a fountain inside you,
Grow the grain within yourself!

Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of the educational institution, we enter new life. So today, let each of us be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright and his plans will be grandiose. May everything that is wished for us today come true, and may the people who said kind words not be forgotten.

Evening, bright lights,
Shine of hair and jewelry.
Everything is available, peace is inside.
A time of dreams and transformations.

Clutching the certificate,
Gathering all the hopes
You're going to a parade
And everything will not be the same as before.

The moment of growing up has arrived
Changeable fields
Conquering the pedestal
Avoiding steep reefs
We need to achieve goals
Build your life skillfully.
To tear, suffer and win,
So that the soul bursts and boils!

The exams and worries are behind us,
And in your hands is the desired certificate.
I'm reading congratulations now
For kids who have suddenly become adults!

Today you said goodbye to childhood,
There are countless roads ahead.
I wish you not to get confused
And walk on them confidently!

And always, no matter what happens in life,
I wish you not to lose heart.
The school raised and taught you,
You shouldn't forget it!

We know that in years to come you will return,
We will open the door for you again.
Come with your children
Learn again. First grade only!

It seemed like only recently
We hold hands with mom
They showed up for the first lesson.
The years have flown by
Spinning like a carousel.
The final bell rings.

Farewell! Farewell!
And fly up!
The trill of a bell was flowing.
And to new roads
Behind the school threshold
The magic door opened.

Thank you! Thank you!
For the light from smiles,
For knowledge there is a seething stream.
Saying goodbye to school
We promise to keep it
The first lesson in their hearts.

Spinning. Spinning.
Today, like a bird,
Our farewell graduation party.
Let everything happen again!
It will happen again and again!
But it’s a pity - not with me, not with you...

Today we will say “Farewell” to the friends with whom we spent a large part of our lives. When we part at the prom, we may lose touch with someone, while others, on the contrary, will walk hand in hand towards a common goal. So let everyone, regardless of what they strive for and what they hope for, choose the most correct and shortest path and ultimately realize their dream.

As soon as he laughs or becomes embarrassed, he becomes redder than beetroot. Has a sense of humor and is friendly. Lover of table sausages and porridges. Fast as lightning - that's about him. Savvy, but very fawn.

Probably no one has yet been able to fully understand it. An insanely naive, but sometimes cunning young man. Always takes part in all class events and gatherings. And we will only remember him with a smile.

The conscience of our class. The most exemplary student, the eternal prefect. This little hamster will never refuse a snack. Since first grade, everyone knows her number by heart. The only one who does homework. And just a good person. An excellent hostess, she will always please you with her baked goods.

Our vanilla! Enjoys a lot of attention from the opposite sex. A true blonde, and everything that this concept includes is inherent in her. During her medical training class, strange desires and emotions awaken in her.

Cheerful, sociable, good-natured, sympathetic... Loves films with Chuck Norris. He loves his pets very much.

The most straightforward person who always says what he thinks. It is very difficult to convince her of anything. He dreams of successful admission and makes every effort to achieve this. Regular supplier of delicious-smelling creams and perfumes. Not afraid to be funny.

Soulful, purposeful, diligent, kind, patient. Role model in learning. A real housewife (she cooks well). Gorgeous friend. He feeds his room, prepares everything for his homework))) Always looks great. Marina is the star here!

Calm, modest, peaceful. He always listens to what he is told and is influenced by the team. He takes other people's opinions into account in everything. He is very vulnerable and emotional. He tries not to disturb anyone, and deserves respect.

Stylish, pretty, interesting personality. Fluent in German language and often amazes us with this knowledge. He will never refuse to fool around in the company of our class. Amateur high heels and short skirts.

An oriental beauty with large velvet eyes and a shock of resin hair; knows how to turn any lesson into a pun. Always trying to attract everyone's attention. A cheerful and creative person. Satellite school life- button accordion

Calm, kind and generous person. Prefers a close circle of friends big company. Respectful towards the opposite sex. He enjoys playing the guitar and computer games. Loves sweets.

I like: When people understand you perfectly, when there is something to talk about, as well as walking around the city with friends, going to the movies, relaxing, sports. What I value in people is: kindness, mutual assistance and just good communication.

A very kind, good and spontaneous person. Always smiling and always in good mood. Classroom duty is her calling. An extremely creative person.

Turgenev girl with a charming smile and kind eyes. Purposeful, bright, deep man. The main friend of all tailed animals, he collects cat figurines. Loves to ski.

A person with strong leadership qualities. Knows how to unite and direct the team's activities in the right direction. An extraordinary and active girl. Infects everyone with positivity. A face with the features of a truly Russian beauty. Loves books and movies. Inspired by photography and people.

Unapproachable in appearance, but tender and vulnerable inside. Soft, friendly and nice girl. Impulsive, quickly loses her temper, but cools down instantly.

A very mysterious girl who has not fully revealed herself, but she is very kind at heart. If you get to know her better, she is very sociable and cheerful man. Like a true lady, she is never late, but simply delayed.

I have many, many, many different qualities. The most important thing, perhaps, is that I am very modest))) And the list goes on: kind, cheerful, active, neat, attentive, polite, creative, sociable and disciplined. And it's all ME!

Shy but purposeful. I have been involved in sports (rowing) for many years. Yours free time I prefer to spend it in training. The main goal in life is to achieve success in sports and get a large number of awards

Strict, smart and power-hungry. I can't live without music. I like to watch films and TV series, read books, and I am also the author of several books, but only my friends read them. I am interested in basketball and volleyball. I also study chemistry and biology, and I really like it.

A lazy person is a perfectionist. I'm annoyed by the mess, but I'm too lazy to clean it up. I love good music and charming people.

I am cheerful, kind, with a great sense of humor. I love and know how to cook. I love to sleep, eat, travel, take pictures and hang out with friends. My dream is to go to Cyprus. In the future I want to go to live in Europe.

I like to eat delicious food, sleep long hours, listen to music and go to the movies with friends. My hobbies are drawing, watching movies and TV series. My plans for the future are to find myself and my place in life, unleash my creative potential and self-realization.

I love walking down the street, watching people or just breathing fresh air, enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature. I'm leading healthy image life, I regularly go to the gym and swimming pool, and go on bike rides.

I love life with all its advantages and disadvantages and try to take everything from life. I think that you need to do what you really like. For me, this music is my everything! J I am very emotional and do not know how to be offended. I like to talk about the meaning of life, sing and drink fruit tea.

As a child, I wanted to become a doctor. I value kindness and honesty in people. In the future I want to be a lawyer. I would like to visit Prague. I like to sleep, walk and take pictures. My dream is to jump with a parachute. My favorite subject is English.

I am a sociable, cheerful person, I love my motorcycle, girls and guitar, and I play sports. I have many good friends and I don't want to lose them. I have found the purpose of my life and am going towards it, I hope that I will achieve what I want.

I connect my future with medicine, so I am interested in anatomy. I love my dog ​​very much, I love looking at the stars, dreaming, listening to music. I plan to visit exotic countries on our planet.

A purposeful and ambitious girl. I am a leader in life, so I am not used to losing. I love exploring the world and finding something new. I value people close to me. I'm always ready to help.

A positive guy with a great sense of humor and good taste in music. I love sports, computer games and cheerful girls. I have a negative attitude towards an unhealthy lifestyle. I believe that you need to treat people the same way you want to be treated, so I try to find mutual language with all people.

Sociable, but very quiet. I love leisure, good and interesting people for me. I have been studying at a music school for many years and play the accordion and piano. I try to help others as much as I can.

Curious, direct, honest, capable, creative, self-confident. My main activity is creativity. It doesn’t matter what or how, the main thing is to create. My hobbies: embroidery, beadwork. I like to listen to music, I like to walk in the evening, eat sweets, and I also love animals. I haven’t thought about plans for the future yet.

Shy, cheerful, but at the same time very careful. People like to be around me. I love sports, so I go for a morning jog. I represent our school at all sports competitions.

Kind, sympathetic, I like to joke and listen to rock music))) I copy faster than a bullet so that the teachers don’t notice. Principle: “Achieve the set goal.”

The longest-legged guy in our class. Prefers to sleep during boring lessons. Always ready to help in solving complex problems. Professional computer game player. Repeatedly awarded Olympiad participant.

Mommy of our class. Kindest man, very sociable, easily finds a common language with new people. She has the most beautiful and sincere smile in the class. Constantly keeps his finger on the pulse of the World Wide Web.

The future president of some state. The organizer of all cool events, a famous ladies' man, a conqueror of women's hearts since childhood. In addition, he is one of the best students in our class and a good athlete.

An aspiring star of rap culture, the best consultant in matters of technology, especially computer technology. Good friend and comrade. A regular at the school cafeteria. Sit down with him and you are guaranteed a fun lesson.

An attentive student and an excellent musician. Just a minute - it's about him. He won’t go out of his way to talk and will give a thousand arguments in his favor.

A real man. Have you got any problems? He will deal with everyone, just ask. Our stylish guy is always dressed to the nines. An activist with a capital letter.

The main experimenter with his appearance. Groovy, sometimes even crazy, super positive. He loves to read and flip through pages.


1. There is some kind of mystery in this girl,

why compare the Mona Lisa with her!
He speaks a little, is silent furtively,

but the boys will not yield. ...

2.If Roma it comes to class very well!
Where Roma is, there are no quarrels; where Roma is, there are no fights.
We all love Roma very much, we respect him just like that!..

3.Who is always neat, cultured and pleasant among us?
And helpful, and courteous, and moderately playful?
Our UmrilovKirill !


4. He is tall, slender and handsome, handsome, fit and neat,
And in erudition, he will not yield and anyone will go to college...

5. This lady is combative, energetic and courageous,
Very, very pretty... who is she, who is she? ...

Surely, Diana !

6.Brave like an empress

and, like a princess, young,
And impulsive like a tigress

and, like a novice, kind,

sometimes talkative, sometimes timid
Anechka , worried for sure! ...

7. We have one girl!
Both beautiful and modest.

There is still a lot of mystery in it,
But we are always sure that you won’t let us down,

Victoria , all of us you never!

8.If you stop bySusanna in notebooks,

The letters, like birch trees, stand in order.

Warmth and tenderness, happiness and attention!..

9. Karina loves to sing and dance,Problems are difficult to solve.

10. Anna We wish you true friends,May your life be full of joy! (Kharitonova)

11. Lisa - ringing voice -And slender as a spikelet.Loves help adults, And you couldn’t find a kinder one.

12.The name is beautiful, ancient -Igor ,

Only reliable and strong men
It would suit best

The world doesn't have a better Igor!

13. Irina - this is the name of joy,

Float through life like a butterfly,

And don’t lose optimism!

14.FastVadik matured
He managed to learn everything.
Strive for new knowledge.
This will come in handy at school.

15. Fair and calm,
Always worthy of praise.
Sasha children respect
Everyone wishes him success. (Veretennikov)

16. From any position
You will always find a way out
You love to fantasize
You will never be lost. (Bogdan)

17. Ruslan we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Meet good friends
To be as kind and nice
And get straight A's.

18. CShevket sad to leave
But we will still smile.
After all, there are so many interesting things in high school,
Unknown, wonderful.

19 . Danila see you off to high school
With all our hearts we wish him:
At school you try
and study diligently.

20. Sasha ours is a shirt guy!
he won't disappear anywhere.
Well, if necessary,
He will lead you. (Androshchuk)

21. At the gymDima there are no equals.
We wish him victories.
Best read, decide
And “great to receive.”

22. Masha doesn't let go of grudges
Walks through life boldly.
Always be cheerful and brave
Skillful in all matters.

23. OurRoller loves without fail

A change from all my studies.

You can run around here

Measure your strength.

Nikita - means “winner”.

Lead you to victories.
Trust him on your journey!
You are stubborn and persistent
But we are very vulnerable.
Their best properties
Keep it forever.



with ending primary school

Nikita means “winner”.
Capable Angel - your guardian
To your victoriesnews
Trust him on your journey!
You are stubborn and persistent
But we are very vulnerable.
Its best properties
Keep it forever.



with graduation from primary school

Our Roller certainly loves

A change from all my studies.

You can run around here

Measure your strength.



with graduation from primary school

Masha doesn’t let go of grudges,
He walks briskly through life.
Always be cheerful and brave
Skillful in all matters.



with graduation from primary school

Dima has no equal in the gym.
We wish him victories.
Best read, decide
And get straight A's.



with graduation from primary school

Sasha is our guy!
he won't disappear anywhere.
Well, if necessary,
He will lead you.



with graduation from primary school

Danila to high school

see you off
With all our hearts we wish him:
At school you try
and study diligently.



with graduation from primary school

It’s sad to say goodbye to Shevket,
But we will still smile.
After all, in high school there are so many

Unknown, wonderful.



with graduation from primary school

We wish Ruslan from the bottom of our hearts
Meet good friends
To be as kind and nice
And get straight A's.



with graduation from primary school

From any position
You will always find a way out
You love to fantasize
You will never be lost.



with graduation from primary school

Fair and calm
Always worthy of praise.
Children respect Sasha,
Everyone wishes him success.



with graduation from primary school

Vadik grew up quickly,
He managed to learn everything.
Strive for new knowledge.
This will come in handy at school.



with graduation from primary school

Irina is the name of joy,
Sparkling, splashing, colorful.
A pinch of pepper, a handful of sweets
And the laughter in her is fused into one.
I wish with ease as before,
Float through life like a butterfly,
Greeting friends with a gentle smile
And don’t lose optimism!



with graduation from primary school

The name is beautiful, ancient - Igor,
You wear it with dignity, with honor.
Only reliable and strong

It would suit best
Maybe someone won't believe us
And, doubting, he won’t trust words...
We won't argue, it's just for us
The world doesn't have a better Igor!



with graduation from primary school

LISA - ringing little voice -
And slender as a spikelet.
Loves to help adults
And you couldn’t find a kinder one.



with graduation from primary school

We wish you true friends,
Lots of health and sunny days,
Success in your studies and only good things.
May your life be full of joy




with graduation from primary school

KARINA loves to sing and dance,
Problems are difficult to solve.
We wish you to study it only with “5”
and develop your talents at school.



with graduation from primary school

If you look at Susanna in


Letters stand like birches

in order.
We wish you joy and charm!

Warmth and tenderness, happiness and




with graduation from primary school

We have one girl!
Both beautiful and modest.

There is still a lot of mystery in it,
But we are always sure - no

you'll let me down,

Victoria, you never did us all!



with graduation from primary school

Brave as an empress

and, like a princess, young,
And impulsive like a tigress

and, like a novice, kind,
Now, suddenly, sharp, now silent,

sometimes talkative, sometimes timid
Anechka is definitely worried! ...



with graduation from primary school

This lady is combative, energetic and

Very, very pretty...

who is she, who is she?

Well, of course, Diana!



with graduation from primary school

Who is always neat among us, and

cultured and pleasant?
And helpful, and courteous, and in moderation

Our Umrilov Kirill!



with graduation from primary school

If Roma comes to class this

Very good!
Where Roma is, no quarrels are heard,

where Roma is, there are no fights.
We all love Roma very much,

We respect you just like that!



with graduation from primary school

There's something about this girl


that only the Mona Lisa is with her

Talks a little, is silent


but the boys will not yield.



with graduation from primary school

He is tall, slender and handsome,

handsome, fit and neat,
And in erudition - it will not yield

and anyone will go to college...



with graduation from primary school

Vadik grew up quickly,
He managed to learn everything.
Strives for new knowledge.
This will be useful at school.



with graduation from primary school

Irina is the name of joy,
Sparkling, splashing, colorful.
A pinch of pepper, a handful of sweets
And the laughter in her is fused into one.
I wish with ease as before,
Float through life like a butterfly,
Greeting friends with a gentle smile
And don’t lose optimism!



Krasnogvardeyskaya secondary school

schoolI – III stages No. 1

announces Gratitude

Balyasny Anatoly Pavlovich

for the assistance provided

for classroom renovation

School director I.V. Nikitin

Every year, hundreds of graduates leave their home schools to the sounds of a waltz. An adult, independent, mysterious, now adult life begins. All celebrations were preceded by long years of study and serious preparation for passing exams. Solemn events take place in all cities, in every village.

Festive scripts are prepared, poems and songs are written, and the halls are decorated with balloons and flowers. Traditionally, the official presentation of state certificates takes place first. letters of thanks, awards and medals for educational and sporting achievements. And finally, the solemn sounds of the last, farewell, school waltz sound. Young people dressed in formal suits invite girls in fluffy ball gowns to dance. Classmates form pairs and dance in a circle in front of their parents, friends, loved ones, and teachers who have become native teachers over these many years. Afterwards, some ride on ships until dawn, others celebrate in a cafe with jokes and pranks. Of course, years later, each class will get together to remember the carefree school years, look at the photos, and, of course, remember that magical school ball.


Beautiful girl, something to be proud of...
Today - especially. You are a graduate.
And you are entering a new life now,
Just like the day you came to first grade!

Everything is alien, and new, and scary, of course,
But don’t be shy, even though your childhood is over.
There are many good things ahead
I wish you - go boldly!

Let life be beautiful and fabulous,
Don't be afraid of obstacles, smile at them.
May the future distance be blue.
Believe me, Fate will smile on you!

Today is your graduation.
And there are a lot of roads in front of you,
And there is a lot to come.
Go through life boldly!

You choose the right path
You taught something - don’t forget,
All ideas are brought to life.
Good luck ahead!

Perhaps one of the most important days in your life has come - graduation. So many paths have been trampled around the school, and so many roads open to a new life. I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to do right choice and take the road that will help you master your beloved and the right profession, bypass all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never retreat.

Today is your adult holiday -
Today is the best graduation ever!
All congratulations to you!
Accept them from us, loving one!

Go through life boldly,
Let the flowers bloom for you,
And let every day give only
Good luck, happiness and prestige!

Exams passed. You have received your certificates.
So dressed up that you can’t take your eyes off them!
May your life be bright and rich.
Good luck to you and have a safe journey.

That is good, reasonable and eternal,
What have you already achieved?
Keep it within yourself. Be humane
And don't go astray.

Make your dreams come true,
Do good, rejoice, and let
A fair wind will fill the sails,
And the path of your life will be easy.

School days flew by like a moment -
Here adult life your draft.
An old diary will hide in a drawer,
Finished school, you are a graduate.

Changes await you ahead,
Walk boldly along the ladder of life,
Believe in your strength, live without fear,
After all, graduation is just the beginning of the journey.

Graduation is a wonderful holiday,
He is a secret pass to a different life.
And yesterday's high school student
The old school will wave its hand.

All tests and disciplines -
Everything is left behind now.
I wish you to be happy.
Go into a great life fearlessly.

Achievements to you and success,
And, of course, great love.
A sea of ​​happiness, success and laughter
May your path be on yours.

May all plans, hopes come true,
And problems will melt away like smoke.
Congratulations on this first,
Happy graduation to the best graduation in the world.

Today is a very special day,
When dreams come true.
After all, the school is behind us:
Study, desks and calls.

And there is a wide path ahead,
Where great achievements await.
May the sun be a joyful ray
It will help you get to your goal in no time.

Let failures temper you,
Let the peaks attract
Let the song help in life,
And all the envious people cry!

May you be very big today.
I will be talking about you as children for a long time.
The bell rang yesterday, but now the time has come
For you to leave school, say goodbye.
My parents got a little older
And you are much taller and stronger.
I wish you that the road is yours
It was special, it was easy to walk along it.
Strong, reliable friends to you,
Good work, my love!
Successful destiny, unique!

Let your graduation be remembered for a long time,
This holiday only happens once.
I wish you a bright and successful life,
May all your dreams come true!

May everything go smoothly everywhere for you:
You will find your way, love will come to you.
I wish you to appreciate life and live in abundance,
In short, may you all always be lucky! More graduation pictures →

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1. Attention, residents of Vyatka!
We want to tell you riddles
About my students
Guess who it is!

2. This guy is going anywhere,
Always sparkles with humor
And in any Olympics
Performs without difficulty.
He might, by God
Claimed for a medal
If only for lessons
I didn't wake up in the morning.

3. And who is always and everywhere polite,
Ready to help at any time?
Everyone will answer that, of course,
This is our school president.
You don't need to guess
Answer together.

4. He is both a singer and an artist,
Journalist and activist
In a beautiful yellow tie
And in a bright blue shirt
He doesn't know peace
Guess who he is?

5. You can see him two miles away,
No need for binoculars here
He's on friendly terms with the computer,
And friendly with sports,
He's passionate about guitar
Guess who he is?

6. This is a super student
Both an athlete and a singer,
Claims for a medal
We are sorry to part with her.
And cultured and smart,
Guess who she is.

7. There are two friends, two artists,
Good in any role
And tall and broad-shouldered,
Well, guess them.

Who's always at school, guys?
From dawn to dusk.
Helps everyone with all their hearts
And he doesn’t know fatigue.
Tell me this is ours
(Natasha Polutova)

It's very easy to notice
He is taller than everyone in his class
And God did not deprive him of his intelligence!
If only he taught lessons,
Then our school would be proud,
What do they have (Sasha Maksimov).

Guess again, children,
What kind of sun is shining on us?
Morning, evening and afternoon
Red solar fire.
Only goes to classes
The sun is barely
He aches all the time
Either the stomach or the head.

And beautiful and slim,
Both polite and modest,
Soon to be Miss Universe
Ours (Plekhova Elena).

They are intelligent and modest,
Both have enormous talents
One of them dances divinely,
The other will bewitch you with a wonderful song.

But she has no desire to study for “five”,
Because of the great public work.

There are two namesakes, two athletes
In class "A" and in class "B",
They both certainly
They will announce themselves to everyone!

Literature is her hobby,
He writes all the school news in the newspaper.
Let's tell you more: her composition
Recognized as the best in the Kirov region.

Two athletes, two friends,
Everyone in the area knows this
Claiming for a medal
It's a shame to part with them.

Let him rarely go to school,
But he hits the goal accurately,
In his class he is higher than everyone else,
Did you guess it? (Misha Suslov).

She was awarded diplomas in Moscow,
She can draw and read poetry.
She's in the Local History Olympiad
In the capital, the school defended its honor.

Athlete, smart, and at the same time
Recently became president.
She was a prize-winner of competitions;
Easy to do good deeds!

He is rarely in class.
Where is he? The answer is clear to everyone:
"He's on the frigate today
Wins the regatta!”

Everyone knows that she draws wonderfully,
She is always active in all matters,
She (for those who haven’t found out yet) -
Presenter of the Last Call.

Who is the best geography expert in the city?
Who difficult task will you find a solution?
We are sure that his photograph
It will take pride of place in the museum.

Who is always the initiator of all undertakings?
Who is usually the generator of all the ideas?
She is active and sociable in all matters,
Well, she dances - simply amazing!

These guys are a sight to behold,
Music and sports are their passion,
We will remember in many days,
How they sang to us about horses.

Who is seriously interested in chemistry?
Good knowledge of computers
But at school they wish her, oddly enough,
To be the heroine of a novel that is not hers!

Emotions are his enemies
He is calm like the mountains
And he has the size of his feet
Almost like a school number.

Poems about students

In business good people it is seen,
And Julia was always active in them,
She does everything easily and quickly
And then she wants to become a lawyer.

Facing difficulties Olga
Not lost at all:
This is the highest rating
After all, she is our athlete.

Seryozha doesn’t interfere in class
And he doesn't break the rules
He has a huge talent:
Sergei is both polite and modest.

Anya is friendly, loves to communicate,
She loves to joke and laugh.
Be more serious, be responsible,
May your life path be happy.

It's always easy with that person
Who treats you well!
Christina is very good-natured,
And it is very difficult to quarrel with her.
May this remain with you for the rest of your life,
It will be easy for you to live and study.

Julia is very delicate,
Cheerful and elegant
And beautiful and generous,
And always kind to everyone.

Tatyana is smart and honest,
Known at school for her kindness,
And smart, of course, and smiling,
Very fair and responsive.

Everyone knows that Zhenya draws decently,
She designs newspapers perfectly,
This talent will always be useful in life,
Any place where you have to work.

We are not tired of talking -
Vitaly is good for everyone,
Any question will be answered,
With a sharp glance he will notice everything,
Grow up big quickly -
We need a president like this.

There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with his mind,
Responsive, kind at the same time.
Therefore on life path,
You should be lucky, Katyusha.

In vain they grumble about youth,
Misha is good for everyone,
Kind, modest, non-smoker -
He is a real person.

If Svetlana frowns,
Expect a hurricane today
But she's smart
Both beautiful and slim

He will always be right before everyone,
Someone who has a cheerful disposition
And, keeping it as a gift,
Anyone can take a hit.

Looks like our Katerina
On Pushkin's heroine:
Quiet, sad, silent,
Modest, calm - everyone is amazed.

To tell everything about Lena,
A poem needs to be written
So we will say briefly:
Elena has no flaws.

Igor is a great football player,
You won't get bored in life
And an optimist in life,
It will work out.

We believe in your inevitable success,
That you will shine at the institute,
Like at school you were a friend to everyone,
So you can join the new team.

Our Stepan knows how to get along with people,
And God gave him considerable intelligence,
But sitting in Kamchatka he was modest,
Without showing all that he is capable of.

A handsome man in every way,
Well-mannered, kind and smart,
I am confident in my difficult decisions,
No wonder he works so hard.

Who has a perpetual motion machine inside,
Eternal runner, eternal jumper,
Everyone will say without even thinking,
That this is our Kropanev Sasha.
Always be in everything, Sasha, you are the first,
Try to do everything to perfection,
And your great energy
Spend only for peaceful purposes.

Our Anastasia is a beauty,
And he is famous for his kindness,
Always helps with everything,
Helps everyone out of difficulties.

It’s not in vain that everyone respects you,
You are polite, you draw beautifully,
You will always be an example for others,
We wish we had more students like this.

You're always so sedate
And always so calm,
And during recess
Have you ever been restless?
You are kind and reserved,
And polite to everyone.

You can share your sadness with her,
And Lena will always understand
And he will be upset with you,
And he will find the right word.
There are fewer and fewer such people
And the more expensive they are
Continue to grow smarter
Be kind and good.

Everyone knows that Katya is
A sea of ​​grace and light,
Her main skill is
Have your own opinion.

Svetlana is a sweet soul,
Even in your name you are bright,
There is so much goodness and warmth in him,
And she herself is good to everyone.

Our Anton is active in business,
Sweet, kind and sporty,
But touch him with your finger,
He will turn into fire.

Our Anton is very busy -
He doesn't sit idle.
He plays football all day,
He's walking down the street,
Either a movie or a disco -
A person has a lot to do.

Katya always tries everywhere,
That's why everything works out for her,
All kinds of drawings
And the problems are difficult,
Cultural and tactful
And she's an excellent student.

You're crazy,
Rich in a sense of humor
Think about how you will live
To apply your mind.

Everyone knows that Zhenya is a reliable person,
And this will help her in a difficult life,
In studies and various types sports,
We expect victories and records from you.

Julia is very businesslike,
Friendly, direct,
Never remembers evil
Both smart and funny.

Ira is kind, very active,
And she’s just a wonderful singer,
He will support everyone with a radiant smile,
And then he wants to become a makeup artist.

Over the years at school you have opened up,
Like a beautiful, bright flower,
You studied quite well,
Having received a decent result.

Certificate. But is this the main one?
The result of your school years,
You are a kind and nice person -
This is more than a certificate.

How much we love you, you know
That's why there is sadness in my heart,
To whom are you leaving us?
Why don't you feel sorry for us?

A person must have beautiful
Soul, and clothes, and letters in notebooks.
Masha - and this is generally clear to everyone,
Always, and everywhere, and in everything there is order.
Keep your love for neatness,
You will avoid any vicissitudes.

Nothing is so valuable
Like politeness and kindness,
You have tact, attention, devotion,
Intelligence, sincerity and simplicity.
Try not to lose this,
To become a real man in life, Alyosha.

Katya is rarely seen at school -
This is a holiday for all of us
But offend yourself to others
She will never give.

Zhenya is wonderful in everything,
Both polite and attentive,
Very kind, smart,
Responsive is amazing.

A lot can be said about Olga,
She loves shaping, she loves to dance,
Graceful and sociable
And sweet and amazing.

To whom can you entrust any task?
And don’t be afraid that you won’t cope,
Who is easy to learn and who is easy to teach,
Who likes any business,
And we will say without further ado,
What is this Sasha Saltykov.

Are you entering great life,
We are confident in your luck,
As with us, continue to share your warmth,
And you will become richer in everything.

People are calm and modest,
Very efficient, kind,
And we believe that Elena is for you,
Happiness will certainly smile.

We can say that many at school
They love to communicate with Olya Lopatkina,
Olya is always good at everything,
Kind heart, simple soul.

Let your enthusiasm for good deeds not dry up,
The friendly chorus of praise and admiration will not satisfy you.
You're on the right track,
Don't let yourself be driven away from him.

Who will always help and understand,
He will regret it, he will find the right word,
And she has a sea of ​​charm and beauty,
Responsiveness, light, kindness.

Do you know how to set the table?
You know the meaning and sense of farming,
Do you know how to sew and knit?
Great to sing and draw.

Your smile makes everyone brighter,
the world immediately becomes kinder,
It gets sadder without you
More uncomfortable and colder.
Remain the same sunshine
And shine more often through our window.

You are good to everyone, and we will say lovingly,
You are kind, responsive, polite, delicate,
Hardworking, smart and you,
The grades on the certificate are not bad.

Nelya always knows everything about everything,
And he will share this with everyone,
She knows how to carry on a conversation
You can always trust her
Don’t lose optimism, be less upset,
And in any difficult tasks
Achieve victory.


You're just brilliant, you're just cool,
When you're on stage
You were incomparable with us
At our KVN.

Let your star rise
Higher, higher, higher...
And so that all girls always
They shouted: “Call me, Misha!”

School presentation poems

The native school is a temple of beautiful muses:
Museums of the past carry a heavy burden,
And the future is created beautifully
Two exemplary musical groups.

We will be happy to tell everyone about us
Believe us: half our school sings,
He who does not sing is an ace in painting!
And someone else is busy playing volleyball!

But we would like to pay tribute to the choirs:
They raise not only musicians
Among the choristers, let's be honest with you,
There are many diverse talents.

And Vanya Babkin is also among them,
He has long been passionate about not only the choir,
And at the city Olympics
He was a prize-winner in exact disciplines.

Yes, there are many names on the honor rolls!
There is Pasha Kovtonyuk in our class
He is in a drawing competition (all-Russian!)
Became a winner! And this is not all of a sudden!

Another talent we have is Sasha Egorov,
He is a winner of the regional quiz!
For all of us, our school was the best,
The union of beautiful muses is to blame!