Chihuahua is the size of an adult dog. Chihuahua weight standard by month. Weight and dimensions of an adult dog

When buying a Chihuahua puppy, you need to know all the characteristics of the breed and animal factors. First, you should familiarize yourself with the weight and height of your pet. What is his standard at the time of birth and what should he become in the subsequent months of life. Chihuahua weight table by month important information, which you should know future owner. Using it, he will be able to monitor the development of his pet every month. It is necessary to make sure that the animal is eating and growing properly and that its health is not in danger.

The Chihuahua breed is active and agile. They have high intelligence, respect their owner and are always devoted to him. They love a lot of attention and are also inquisitive and playful. At least a dog of this breed small size, she is quite brave and strong. During a walk, the pet loves to play with other four-legged friends, so the owner must control it.

TO strangers They don’t go right away, they look closely first. Experienced dog breeders claim that the Chihuahua breed is endowed with the character of a terrier. She is quite daring and vigilant. Gets along well with his brothers. If there are children at home, it is better not to buy a pet, as it will protect itself and thereby be able to bite the child. They show their love and affection to their owner and are constantly nearby.

Animal sizes

Chihuahua has small parameters. This is the smallest breed in the world, so the owner must forget about his health. The puppy has an average weight of approximately 100 grams. If the female gave birth to many cubs, then the weight may be less, so there is no need to worry too much. Even the smallest puppies can manage to gain all the necessary kilograms in a short period of time.

An adult dog is 15-23 cm tall and should weigh no more than 3 kg. The weight standard varies depending on the age of the pet. Generally, a boy is taller and heavier than a girl. If a person is going to take their dog to an exhibition, then they can be disqualified if the weight is more than 3 kg or less than 500 g.

Types of breed

Since Chihuahuas can differ from each other, they are divided into categories by which dogs can be assessed:

  • Supermini has minimum weight 1.5 kg.
  • Mini dogs reach 1.5-1.8 kg.
  • Small dogs have a maximum weight of 1.8-2.3 kg.
  • Chihuahua standard 2.3-3 kilograms.

When buying a puppy, it is worth looking at the size of the head, the thickness of the paws and the appearance of course, it is also worth looking at the bones. If the puppy has thin bones, then it will weigh very little, so the owner must decide whether the pet’s weight or height will be more important to him.

Appearance and body of dogs

It is considered incorrect that a dog is assessed only by its weight and height. It is also necessary to look at his appearance and the thickness of his bones:

  1. If the dog has light bones, it will appear much larger than it is.
  2. Heavy bones, on the contrary, make the dog very small.

It is not considered a breed standard if the dog is too thin with long paws, or short in stature with thick paws. Ideal breed has a dense build and is not tall. In boys' dogs, the height of the mane should be the same as the length from the withers to the beginning of the tail. Girls of this breed may have a slightly longer body size than the male. The length of these breeds can reach from 20 to 30 centimeters.

A pet's coat can be short or long. What kind of ears does the Chihuahua breed have? The ear can be sharp and weighty, so many owners want to crop them. This way the pet will look more attractive, especially if it has short hair.

Breed Features

In order for an animal to grow and develop well, it needs proper care and a special regime, especially for dogs weighing 1.5 kilograms. If all the features are followed, the pet can live 11-15 happy years.

For proper formation and proper weight gain within the normal range, you need to control that the dog does not run or jump with high altitude. For such small animals high altitude Jumping from a sofa or chair, as well as steps and curbs on the street are considered. Such jumps can create a lot of problems for small Chihuahuas. It is also worth making sure that your pet does not get sick, so walking with it in bad weather is prohibited. It is necessary to exclude drafts in the house where the animal lives. This way the owner will be able to raise a healthy, beautiful and loyal dog.

What can determine the weight and size of a dog?

A puppy of this breed will grow as long as it lasts. This generally lasts up to about 7-9 months. When weight gain occurs, it is very clearly visible. Next, up to 9-10 months, there will be the final stage of bone formation. During this period, the chest and head begin to strengthen, as well as the torso to expand. You can find out exactly how tall your dog will be at about 6 months.

Future Chihuahua owners are concerned about the final growth outcome, but the forecast is not always accurate; discrepancies can be several grams. To accurately determine, you need to look at which litter the puppy will appear in. If the mother had a lot of puppies, then they will all be small, but they will have time to gain their weight later. A newborn puppy usually weighs about 5 percent of its mother's weight.

At three months, the puppy has half the weight of an adult dog. Growth begins to stop after five months, provided that he is healthy, eats properly, has a good bite and lives in normal conditions. Often, exemplary parents can give birth to mini children, so you should not rely on the size chart when selecting a puppy. If a person wants a small dog, then he should wait until he grows up.

How puppies grow

People often think that the sooner a dog grows tall, the better and stronger his health will be. The weight and height of dogs of this breed do not overlap at all during the period of growing up. Up to 1.5 months, the puppy only grows in height, and by two months you can accurately assess what the pet will become in the future.

In six months, the dog should grow three times larger and twice as tall. It is in the first six months that puppies are formed. Everything directly depends on the owner, because care and nutrition play a role important role in the life of a pet. If a person does not know how to properly care for and raise a Chihuahua puppy, then it is better to buy an older dog.

In the first month of life, the puppy develops muscles and bones. This process is quite complex, and at this moment it is worth taking care of. After all, the wrong food will complicate the dog’s growth and cause many diseases. Otherwise, the bones will develop incorrectly and the dog will have underdevelopment. As you get older, this problem can no longer be corrected.

When the pet is well formed and the structure of its body is correct, the time for massive growth comes. The puppy gains weight, its body grows larger and becomes stronger. At this stage, the animal no longer grows in height, but only gains weight. At eight months, a Chihuahua puppy becomes a full-fledged dog. And the dogs female can bear children and reproduce. carries the cubs for 40-45 days, and of course gets better. The female’s weight increases by 25 grams every day, and her belly also grows.

The correct proportions of the dog

There is always a difference in length and height in the breed. It is always slightly smaller in height than in length. Males are always larger and have a square shape. Females, on the contrary, are slightly longer. The dog's head is quite massive, resembling an apple in appearance. The height of the skull and width should be the same. The forehead stands out against the background of the head.

The size of the head narrows towards the nose. In animals, the cheekbones are faintly visible, and the lips are round, with teeth hidden behind them. In dogs small nose, which is often raised to the top. The color of the lobe varies from dog to dog, so any color is normal. Eyes that are round and large are also considered normal. But if the eyes stick out too much, then this is bad.

It is very common for Chihuahuas to lose hair. eyeballs– this is a big problem for such breeds. But at the same time, the eyes and nose are formed into a triangle evenly and correctly. The body is strong and slightly long. The back is massive, the lower back stands out.

How to work with a weight table?

When caring for a puppy, it is worth paying attention to the norms during the period of weight gain over the weeks and months. Proportions can be calculated with individual characteristics dogs, but they must comply with the norm. If cared for, puppies increase in weight every week until 18 months of age. The weight of an animal directly depends on the owner, starting from birth and throughout its life.

Dog weight chart

The breed weight table gives numbers that are not exact, but they are almost close to the standards. The weight of a newly born dog should be 5 percent of the weight of the mother dog. At the age of three months, the puppy weighs approximately half that of an adult pet. By the age of one year, the pet stops growing and gaining weight.

When a puppy is just born, its weight is 100 grams. If the female has given birth to several puppies, then the weight may be lower, but over time it reaches within the normal range.

Looking at the table, the owner will be able to see how much weight his pet is gaining, whether he is healthy or with disabilities.

If the weight is more than expected, it needs to be reduced. For this purpose, the pet is put on a diet so as not to get it. If, on the contrary, the weight is less than expected, another feeding is added to the pet’s diet so that it cannot weaken.

But besides this, every owner must understand that dogs of this breed grow quickly and suddenly stop in height and weight. Such indicators are considered the norm for such breeds. If a person wants to start breeding Chihuahua dogs, he must know all the intricacies of the breed. He must know all the weight ratios and help the pet develop correctly.

Initially, the weight itself depends on the weight category at birth. The indicators in the table and in real life may not be accurate and may differ by 10-20 grams. Such a difference is considered normal, because the pet goes to the toilet every day and at the same time loses grams. The owner’s goal is to weigh the pet every day and make comparisons; if there is not a big difference in the numbers, there is no need to worry, the dog will still gain its weight. At proper care and nutrition, the puppy can grow up healthy and beautiful.

Miniature four-legged friends, whose breed is called, are one of the most common dogs in the world, and they appeared a long time ago, among the North American Mayan tribes. Their small size has always been a determining factor in choosing a breed, since many people in a city apartment cannot afford a large dog.

However, quite a common question is the weight of a Chihuahua by month, since today you can often find advertisements for the sale of mini sneezes, which have their own characteristics, and in puppyhood it is quite difficult to determine to what size this baby will grow.

The Chihuahua weight table will clearly show what your baby will be like, but for now let’s talk about the breed in general. Due to its miniature size, the Chihuahua requires a more gentle attitude, and the care of these babies must be even more thorough. The progress of the puppy’s development depends on this, which will ultimately affect its height and weight.

If we consider the weight of a Chihuahua according to the standard, then it must correspond to the following indicators:

  1. If at birth the baby weighs 70-100 grams, then in adulthood such a puppy will grow to 1.5-2 kg.
  2. If a newborn sneeze weighs 100-120 grams, then an adult pet will weigh about 1.7-2.5 kg.
  3. If a newborn puppy turns out to be large and weighs from 130 to 170 grams, then in adulthood such a dog will weigh 2.5-3 kg.

Before talking about how much it weighs as an adult, let’s figure out what stages the development of these tailed animals is divided into. As a rule, puppies develop in several stages, starting with intrauterine development, when, thanks to proper care of the mother’s body, the foundations for the health of the babies are laid. Here, a lot still depends on heredity and control of reproduction according to the club standard.

From the moment of birth to 12 weeks, breeders are responsible for the condition of the babies, and after one and a half months and up to six months, it is the prerogative of the owners. In that the period is running intensive growth of the Chihuahua, that is, at this age it will already be clear how big the dog will be. In addition, during this period it is necessary not only to monitor the main indicators, but also to observe how the animal gains weight, because the body is subject to multiple changes.

To what age do representatives of this breed grow? As a rule, this happens at 8-10 months, but experienced breeders say that at 6 months the sneeze can be fully formed, and then only gain weight. After 12 months, the height and weight of the sneeze is completely established and the character of the animal, its habits and minor fluctuations in weight are formed.

Mini Chihuahua - how to understand it?

Each breed of dog has its own standards and sneezes are, of course, no exception. However, often, along with the sale of standard Chihuahuas, you can also find advertisements for the sale of mini puppies. For many dog ​​breeders who are not very familiar with the breed, this raises a lot of questions. What kind of mini is this and how much should such a dog weigh?

It should be noted that there is no separate breed of mini-Chihuahua; puppies that, for some reason, were born with less weight than the average dog are sold under this species. Miniature sneezes do not have as many advantages as disadvantages.

Among these are the following:

  • a number of health problems, especially with cardiovascular system and reproductive;
  • female mini-sneezes should not become pregnant, since pregnancy and childbirth are a very large burden on the entire body;
  • not recommended for families with children, since the bones of the minik are so fragile that even a child can break them;
  • the most important thing is that internal organs in such a small body they may not function quite correctly, which reduces the life expectancy of sneezes by about 2 times.

Such risks are not entirely justified, but we will not dissuade you from taking them, since small puppies were born and will be born anyway, and with proper care your four-legged friend will be able to live a quality life.

Sample table.

How does a Chihuahua grow?

As we have already said, sneezes grow depending on how they were born. What height and weight do they reach on average? The ideal height for sneezes is 18-25 cm, and the most optimal weight is 1.5 - 2 kg.

For the convenience of owners, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table of Chihuahua weight by month, and we will briefly tell you how Chihuahuas grow week by week.

So, until the 12th week the puppy gains weight quite well, but after 3 months the weight gain slows down significantly. An increase of 20-25 grams per week is considered normal.

The growth table by month is presented as follows:

By month.

As you can see, according to this Chihuahua growth chart, it is very easy to understand how many pounds your dog can grow to.


- These are wonderful dogs that can become long-lived. If done correctly, this friend can live with you for 12-15, or even more years. However, when choosing a puppy, it is very important to determine its height and weight in order to understand what kind of dog it will be as an adult, and also to understand what subtleties of care need to be taken into account.

The nutritional status of animals within the same breed may differ. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. The mass of the puppy's parents.
  2. His own weight at birth.
  3. Feeding regimen and diet.

Standards for adult dog specified in the standard of the breed to which it belongs. A table of Chihuahua weights by month will help you check whether the puppy’s body weight corresponds to them. In the very simple version a range is prescribed, within which it is normal. There are more detailed options that take into account the weight of the puppy at birth.

How do you gain weight?

Representatives of small breeds grow most actively and gain weight in the period up to 6 months. Usually by 8-10 months they are almost equal to the standard of an adult dog. Below is a table to refer to.

Age, monthsWeight (g) at birth 70 gWeight (g) at birth 80 g
1 110-200 115-230
2 230-315 255-370
3 340-460 425-570
4 485-600 625-740
5 625-710 795-880
6 715-765 910-970

It is very important not to overfeed your dog until six months of age. The right diet- This is the basis of a pet’s health. An overfed dog may remain prone to obesity for the rest of its life. In addition, excess body weight causes health problems. The Chihuahua weight table allows you to evaluate the correctness of the diet and feeding regimen.

If it is not at hand, then you can rely on approximate numbers. So, at 3 months, a puppy should weigh half as much as an adult dog. However, to avoid health problems, it is better to consult a veterinarian or find a resource that contains a weight table. Chihuahuas are small dogs, for which a difference of even 30 g can be significant.

What are the dangers of being overweight?

Excessive fatness causes discomfort to the dog, depriving it of the joy of active games. Obese dogs have a harder time withstanding heat and are more prone to heart disease and musculoskeletal problems.

A responsible owner who wants to grow healthy dog, should pay great attention to developmental indicators as the puppy grows. The Chihuahua weight table will be of great help with this. Dogs live 14-16 years, and the puppyhood period is the foundation for their entire future life.

Chihuahua – miniature dogs, which can have a variety of appearances. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale has established that the Chihuahua standard has certain values ​​for the most important evaluation parameters pet. What parameters are important for the breed will be discussed below.

All representatives of the Chihuahua breed are very small animals. This mini breed has an elegant appearance as well as a compact body. It is worth noting that such an indicator as the height at the withers corresponds to the weight of the pet.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by the fact that the tail is always curled in a semi-ring. At the same time, he must look towards the lower back. Home distinctive feature This mini breed has a special skull structure. A small gap forms between its bones, called a fontanel. It almost never completely overgrows. However, in addition to appearance, the Chihuahua has a specific breed standard.

Standard sizes

One of the most important parameters of the standard is the size of the dog. Animals reach their maximum size before the age of 12 months. Most often, pets grow up to 6 months, and then only gain weight. Males weigh about 1.3–2.7 kg, and females – 1.5–2.7 kg. However, the weight of the largest representative reached 6 kg!

The standard does not precisely specify the height of an adult dog. Usually this parameter varies over a fairly wide range - from 15 to 23 cm at the withers. Whatever the size of the Chihuahua, they still do not go beyond the range established in the standard. The most popular are the short Chihuahuas. Height depends on the breed variety.

What should the proportions be?

In addition to size, the standard for a given breed determines the proportions of the animal's body. The height at the withers should be slightly less than the length of the body. Males have almost square shape body, in bitches it is more elongated (due to the need to bear offspring). Such proportions are observed in both small and larger representatives.

Chihuahua character

This breed of dog is characterized by a mentally stable and cheerful disposition. They also have a quick response. Animals are distinguished by their pride, hardy temperament and curious character.

Head standard

Chihuahuas are distinguished by a large skull, which is apple-shaped. In this case, the height and width of the skull are equal. There are also pronounced brow ridges. The convexity of the forehead noticeably extends to the muzzle. The animal's head is wide at the base, but narrows towards the nose. The cheekbones on the muzzle are poorly defined and rounded. The lips fit tightly and are characterized by a tense structure. At the same time, they must cover the teeth completely.

The nose is small and slightly upturned. The RKF standard allows for any color of the nose. The main thing is that it matches the color of the coat. The eyes of animals are expressive, round and large. On the face they are widely spaced. There is a deep groove between them. The look is slightly sly. The eye color is dark and goes well with the coat color. However, according to the standard, light eye color is also allowed. Along it, the eyes and nose should form an equilateral triangle.

The Chihuahua's bite is straight, but can also be scissor-shaped. The defect will be an overshot or undershot. As for teeth, their number is not regulated. It may be incomplete. The ears are located quite high. They are wide at the base, but taper towards the apex. The tip is rounded. When at rest, the ears hang at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. When the dog is excited, they rise straight up. At the same time, the distance between them decreases. Ear difference between different representatives this breed is minimal.

Ideal case

The body of this breed must be harmoniously and firmly built. A slight elongation is not considered a defect. The back is strong and straight. It goes into the muscular lower back. The croup itself is wide with a slight slope. The chest is quite wide with rounded ribs. The chest itself is also rounded to the elbow of the front legs, forming a characteristic barrel-shaped shape with a tucked belly.

There are two types of housing:

  • dir – elegant or “deer-like”;
  • cobby - heavy.

The tail of all Chihuahuas is of average length and is set high. It is thick at the base, tapering towards the apex. A Chihuahua without a tail is considered a defect.

Miniature Breed Limbs

A characteristic feature of the Chihuahua is its strong and stable front legs, parallel to each other.

If you can notice a difference between them, then this is a defect. Looking at the animal from the side, it becomes noticeable that the metacarpus is slightly oblique and elastic. The elbows should be pressed tightly against the body.

The hind legs are also well developed. Characterized by a vertical posture with a parallel arrangement. The limbs have soft paw pads. Long fingers with slightly elongated claws.

Dog movements

Animals are energetic. They move easily and gracefully. Dogs always carry themselves proudly while moving. When walking, the Cobby's hind limbs push off the ground a little more than the Deer's.


The Chihuahua's coat can be either short or long. Dogs with short hair have soft hair. The fur fits very tightly to the body. If there is an undercoat, the hair is longer. This is usually clearly visible on the tail and neck. Usually short hair is observed on the ears and head. In the throat area it is almost absent.

Chihuahua is the smallest decorative breed dogs. It is very popular among dog breeders all over the world. The smallest Chihuahuas can weigh less than a kilogram. By purchasing little puppy, every owner should know how he should grow and gain weight.

Dogs belonging to the same breed may differ in size. And according to the standard, they can be considered the norm. To track whether your pet is developing correctly, you can use a weight chart. The main thing is to know the puppy’s initial weight at birth.

Standard sizes

Inexperienced dog breeders often try to figure out breed standards, wanting to find the exact number. This is the wrong approach. After all, even Chihuahuas of the same height can have different weights. This can be explained by the individual characteristics of the body: body structure, bone density.

Experienced dog handlers, after much research and observation of the breed, determined normal indicators height and weight of the Chihuahua, a table was compiled to track their dynamics. In adult dogs, the height at the withers is 18-23 cm. The dog's weight can vary from 1 to 3 kg. The main requirement of the standard is that the weight does not exceed 3 kg.

Puppy weight by month

Chihuahuas are born weighing 75-170 g. Ideal weight- about 100 g. During the first 3 weeks, the owner must record weight dynamics every day, then once a week, and after 6 months - once a month.

Each period has its own norms for height and weight gain. On the 2-3rd day after birth, the puppy may lose 5-10 g. But after that, he begins to actively recover. And by week 2, its weight can double.

On average, Chihuahuas should reach their final height and weight by 8-10 months, after changing teeth. During this time they have several sharp jumps growth, as well as periods of its stop. Within six months, the dog becomes 3 times heavier than at birth, and 2 times larger. By 9-10 months, the final formation of the inert system occurs. During this period, the head and chest become stronger, the body expands. You can accurately determine how tall a Chihuahua will grow in about six months.

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Weight norm for a Chihuahua:

Important! If within 4 weeks the puppy does not gain weight or grow, it must be shown to a specialist.

Weight and dimensions of an adult dog

Although a Chihuahua is already an adult dog at one year old, it becomes fully developed by 1.5 years. With proper care and feeding, the dog still continues to gain weight up to this age. Although its fluctuations can occur throughout life.

The weight of an adult dog directly depends on what weight it was born with:

  • 70-100 g - 1.5-2 kg;
  • 100-120 g - 1.7-2.5 kg;
  • 130-170 g - 2.5-3 kg.

But there are “mini” representatives. Their weight can be less than 1.5 kg. Most dog handlers consider very low weight in Chihuahuas to be a deviation. Such dogs have poor health and are not recommended for breeding.

It is also important to correctly calculate the normal proportions of the Chihuahua's body. The dog grows 18-23 cm in height. To calculate what the length of the body should be, you need to divide the height at the withers by 10, and then add the dog’s height to the resulting number. Volume chest varies between 26-37 cm, depending on the dog’s parameters.

What affects a dog's development?

In order for a Chihuahua puppy to develop normally, both hereditary factors and proper care are important. The development of a dog is influenced by:

  • Pedigree. The size of the parents always affects the characteristics of the puppies. Although they may also show genes from older generations. Heredity affects how quickly a dog will grow and what its final height and weight will be.
  • Nutrition. If the puppy receives all the necessary nutrients with food and the owner strictly adheres to feeding standards, he will gain weight correctly. There are a number of foods that can lead to obesity. Then the dog's development will deviate from the norm.
  • Activity. The more time your puppy spends moving, the more calories he burns. Dogs that lead a sedentary lifestyle tend to be overweight.

Today there is a tendency to popularize mini Chihuahuas. Some breeders, for the purpose of miniaturization, deliberately underfeed puppies so that they remain dwarfs. As a result of underfeeding, the dog suffers from many health problems (allergies, vitamin deficiency, metabolic processes). When purchasing such a baby, you need to understand that if he weighs less than 1.5 kg as an adult, he will not be allowed either for exhibitions or for breeding.

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What to do if the puppy is lagging behind but normal

If your pet does not meet the standard requirements, you first need to find out what the reason is. If the problem has genetic roots and the puppy's parents reached the standard quite late, you can simply wait until he grows up.

If your Chihuahua is not growing well due to poor care or past illnesses, you should consult a doctor. He will help you choose vitamin and mineral supplements and other products that will promote weight gain and growth.

Chihuahuas require high-quality, nutritious food. Each serving must be measured to the nearest gram, taking into account the body's needs in accordance with age. You can feed your Chihuahua either ready-made super premium food or natural products. With a natural feeding system, it is important to provide sufficient protein. It is better for a growing body to increase in the diet dairy products. Cottage cheese is very useful for puppies. It contains not only protein, but also calcium, which takes part in the normal formation of the skeletal system.

If the dog has a tendency to gain weight excess weight, it is necessary not only to revise the diet, but also to ensure a sufficient amount physical activity. At the same time, the Chihuahua should not be allowed to become overtired. Jumping from heights and running quickly are dangerous for this fragile dog.

Chihuahuas are small dogs that can live 12-15 years with proper care. When choosing a puppy, it is important to consider its height and weight according to the standard to understand how the dog will grow up. To do this, you can use the weight table. But it is worth remembering that it provides average norms. Not all dogs, due to their personal characteristics, will have actual sizes that match the expected ones.

Video about how Chihuahua puppies grow and develop in the first month of life: