What does a small dot on a lung mean? Darkening in the lungs on fluorography, what is it?

Fluorography - method x-ray examination, which involves photographing an image of an object from the screen. Darkening in the lungs on fluorography - what is it? This question is asked by many people whose fluorographic images are ambiguous.

An eclipse can simultaneously speak about a lot or nothing at all, so if the radiologist gives such a conclusion, you should not be nervous - because such patients are prescribed a pre-examination. Darkening on fluorography can be either a sign of pathology or a simple defect in the image.

Darkening in the lungs can be due to: pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, tumors, cancer, injuries, exposure foreign objects, abscesses, fluid accumulation and prolonged smoking. In medicine these are the most common reasons the appearance of eclipses.

Digital codes used in fluorogram evaluation

Code Decoding
1 Ring shadow
2 Darkening in the projection of the lungs
3 Focal shadows in the projection of the lungs
4 Widening of the mediastinal shadow
5 Pleural effusions
6 Fibrous changes in lung tissue (common)
7 Fibrous change in lung tissue (limited)
8 Increased transparency lung tissue
9 Pleural change (common)
10 Pleural change (limited)
11 Petrifications in the lung tissue are large, numerous (more than five)
12 Petrifications in the roots of the lungs are large, numerous (more than five)
13 Petrifications in the lung tissue are small, numerous (more than five)
14 Petrifications in the roots of the lungs are small, numerous (more than five)
15 Large petrifications in lung tissue (single)
16 Petrifications in the roots of the lung are large (single)
17 Petrifications in lung tissue are small (single)
18 Petrifications in the roots of the lung are small (single)
19 Changes in the diaphragm not associated with pleural pathology
20 Condition after lung surgery
21 Changes in the chest skeleton
22 Foreign body
23 Cardiovascular disease
24 Other
25 Norm
26 Marriage

Darkening in the picture is not necessarily a pathology

Darkening in the picture does not necessarily mean oncology or tuberculosis, although this, of course, can also indicate a serious pathology. In addition, an eclipse may appear in the picture if you smoke cigarettes for a long time (see).

Hence, it is difficult to immediately determine what darkening in the right or left lung may mean on fluorography. Maybe a foreign object got there?

This often happens with curious children. Note that the types of eclipses are not directly related to pathologies, and the problem cannot be immediately determined by the shape of the spot.

A dark spot on the lung on fluorography is divided by number and size. Single spots indicate tumors; they can be malignant or benign.

If there is more than one darkening in the lungs on fluorography, then this indicates the presence of several pathologies. The location of the spots is also important.

So, if a darkening in the lungs on fluorography shows damage to the apex of the organ, then this may indicate tuberculosis, but the doctor must prescribe, in addition to tests, a repeat image.

Interpretation of a fluorography image

If there are shadows, the doctor writes out a presumptive diagnosis.

Strengthening the vascular pattern

Typically, increased vascular pattern is caused by shadowing pulmonary arteries or veins His increased appearance may be a sign of bronchitis, initial stage cancer or pneumonia. Also, this may indicate shortcomings in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Compaction and expansion of roots

Compaction and expansion of roots are characteristic of: pneumonia, bronchitis and other chronic and inflammatory pathologies.

Pleural sinus

The pleural sinus is a cavity formed by pleural folds. The sinus is free when normal lungs, and, conversely, sealed for pulmonary pathology.

Fibrous tissue

Availability fibrous tissue- indicates that the patient has already suffered from pneumonia.


The presence of adhesions indicates that the person had inflammation of the pleura in the past.


Safe dense round shadows. They say that the person had contact with someone who was sick: or pneumonia.

In other words, an infection entered the lungs, but it was localized and did not develop, and was isolated by deposits of calcium salts.

White is calcifications in the lungs (focal drawing)

Aperture changes

Changes in the diaphragm indicate an anomaly in its leaves. Usually this pathology develops due to bad genetics, deformations due to adhesions, overweight, past illnesses.

Focal shadows

Focal shadows are dark spots approximately 1 centimeter in size. It may indicate that it is tuberculosis or tuberculosis.

Displacement of the mediastinal shadow

The mediastinum is the space between the lungs and other organs. The extension talks about high blood pressure, increased heart size, myocarditis or CHF.

Types of shading

Darkening with pneumonia

Pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is characterized by an acute onset, severe general condition, high temperature body, shortness of breath, cyanosis, tachycardia, signs of intoxication, focal dullness of percussion sound, crepitus, the presence of wheezing. Pneumonia can be complicated by pleurisy.

On fluorography of the chest organs, focal lesions (foci of inflammatory infiltration) are detected; in the case of abscess formation, cavities with a horizontal level are found, and in the presence of exudative pleurisy, intense homogeneous darkening is found. From sputum, contents pleural cavity, discharge from wounds, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is cultured.

Darkening with paragonimiasis

The initial stage of paragonimiasis occurs as an acute allergic disease. Changes are detected in the lungs (“volatile” infiltrates, pneumonia, pleurisy).

Allergic myocarditis and meningoencephalitis are quite often observed. Basically, the initial stage of the disease is asymptomatic. With transition to subacute, and then to chronic stage changes in the lungs predominate: chest pain, cough with sputum, effusion in the pleural cavity, fever.

Later develop fibrotic changes in the lungs, the fluorogram reveals foci with characteristic radial darkening and light vacuoles in the center, areas of infiltration in the lung tissue, calcification, and sometimes diffuse pneumosclerosis.

Darkening with candidiasis

With a mild course of the disease, candiosis resembles clinical picture bronchitis. The x-ray reveals an increased bronchovascular pattern. IN late dates and at severe course Pulmonary candidiasis manifests itself as focal or lobar pneumonia, unstable “volatile” infiltrates are possible.

On fluorography there will be a spotty eclipse, which means small pneumonic foci, atelectasis. Sometimes miliary shadowing (“snow flakes”) occurs. Candidiasis pneumonia can be complicated by pleurisy.

Darkening with diffuse pneumosclerosis

Peculiarities clinical course diffuse pneumosclerosis. Patients complain of cough with sputum production (as a result of concomitant bronchitis), shortness of breath, which first occurs during physical activity, later at rest and finally becomes constant, general weakness, sometimes in case of activation inflammatory process fever appears. Upon examination, cyanosis (as a result of hypoventilation of the alveoli), swelling of the neck veins, and shortness of breath (symptoms of pulmonary heart failure) are revealed.

The chest may be compacted, but more often the presence of pathological airiness is determined by widened intercostal spaces - the emphysematous form of GC. The respiratory excursion of the lungs and the mobility of the lower pulmonary edge is limited. On percussion, as a result of concomitant pulmonary emphysema, a box sound is detected.

When auscultating the lungs, hard, sometimes weakened, vesicular breathing (with emphysema), dry and moist rales are heard. Using X-ray examination, increased transparency of the peripheral pulmonary fields in combination with severity, focal darkening and increased vascular pattern, and sometimes signs of bronchiectasis are determined.

Features of the clinical course of diffuse pneumosclerosis

A biochemical blood test reveals an increase in the content of alpha-2 and gamma globulins, fibrinogen; There is moderate proteinuria in the urine. X-ray of the respiratory organs allows us to identify eclipse of the corresponding segment/lobe of the lung and areas of infiltration. With gangrene of the lungs, pronounced symptoms are observed respiratory failure and intoxication.

Darkening with fever

Complaints (remitting fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, cough with purulent sputum with unpleasant smell in quantities from 200 ml to 1-2 liters per day, sweating). X-ray of the chest organs (large focal eclipse with jagged edges and fuzzy contours - in the infiltration phase and the presence of a cavity formation syndrome with a horizontal fluid level in another period).

Darkening in cancer

Lung cancer is more common in men who are over 40 years old and long-term smokers. Against the background of eclipse of part of the lungs, there is mainly clearing, which indicates the collapse of the lung tissue, as well as bronchogenic focal metastasis to neighboring areas.

Darkening of exudative pleurisy

Very often, exudative pleurisy in the early stages of detection is considered as pneumonia, since they have many of the same symptoms. A small amount of fluid in the pleural cavity is often very difficult to determine from a fluorographic image.

In this case, complications are very easily resolved ultrasound examination lungs, which determines 150-200 ml of effusion in the pleural cavity. In addition, for exudative pleurisy Characteristic is a specific cough with the release of mucous and purulent sputum.

If after fluorography you are found to have signs of illness, you should not be completely upset. Life doesn't end there even if you have dark spots on your lungs. Find out how to treat tuberculosis in this article.

Is it possible to treat tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis, which causes dark spots to appear on the lungs, is the most common disease today. The disease does not spare people of any age. But with proper treatment and timely detection, tuberculosis is completely curable. Only earlier it was believed that only people from the lower social classes could suffer from such a disease, but this is not so, this disease can overtake anyone, the main thing is to detect it in time.

How to diagnose tuberculosis?

The most accessible and common way to diagnose tuberculosis today is, of course, fluorography. How more spot. The greater the likelihood of contracting this terrible illness. Dark spots on the lungs detected during fluorography will tell you much more than just listening or tapping the area of ​​the lungs by a doctor.

In addition to fluorography, it will help to think about the fact that not everything is in order with the lungs following symptoms:

dry, prolonged cough lasting more than three weeks, cough with hemoptysis;

fast fatiguability even after small physical activity– this may not only be a sign of the presence of spots on the lungs and tuberculosis as a consequence, but a sign of other diseases, so it is necessary to urgently seek help medical assistance;

may indicate the presence of dark spots in the lungs low-grade fever – 37 – 37,3.

The most great danger This disease is something that it may not make itself known for a long time. A patient may come to the attention of doctors already in an advanced state and have either one dark spot on the lungs - infiltration, or many dark spots - disseminated tuberculosis.

Progressive factors of tuberculosis

Helps dark spots on the lungs progress the following factors:

frequent stress;

harmful working conditions;

chronic diseases other organs (ulcer, diabetes)


After infection of the body, a person for a long time may not be aware that bacteria are multiplying in his lungs and dark spots are expanding. The truth is revealed after developing the photo from the fluorograph. The doctor sees dark and light spots in the image and makes interpretations based on them. In the picture, dark spots on the lungs, on the contrary, appear light, and light spots appear dark, so there is no need to be afraid if the doctor says that the picture shows dark spots.

How to treat tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is a rather serious disease that is simply impossible to ignore, since in the absence of proper treatment it can usually lead to fatal outcome.

It is impossible to treat tuberculosis on your own, since uncontrolled drug intake allows Koch's bacillus to develop immunity and resistance to the drugs taken, in which case treatment becomes, at least, ineffective.

Typically, treatment for the common form of TB (the form that is sensitive to drugs) lasts at least 6 months and can even take up to two years.

To destroy dark spots on the lungs and infection, treatment is carried out systematically; pauses should not be allowed, in this case tuberculosis will not progress.

After identifying the disease, a person infected with tuberculosis is placed in a hospital, where he must stay for about two months, during which time the bacteria of the disease cease to be actively released. And, when the doctor considers that the patient no longer poses a threat of infection to surrounding people, he prescribes ambulatory treatment.

Treatment regimen for dark spots on the lungs

The treatment regimen for the usual form of tuberculosis includes the following drugs:






How to treat tuberculosis - main principles

The doctor selects an individual combination of drugs that will be taken for two or three months while the patient is in the hospital. If the treatment has a weak effect or no effect at all, this may mean that the infection has developed immunity to certain drugs, then the doctor makes adjustments to the chemotherapy process and prescribes other combinations of drugs, or the method of administering the drugs into the patient’s body changes (inhalation, intravenous) . If after two or three months it is detected positive effect from treatment, then the doctor prescribes only rifampicin and isoniazid for the next four months.

After completing the course medicines, the patient must be tested again, if Koch's bacillus is detected again, it is determined that tuberculosis has acquired a drug-resistant form. Treatment of this form of the disease can last for years; second-line drugs are added to the main drugs: ethionamide, cycloserine, ofloxacin, pasque.

The most important thing in treating dark spots on the lungs is never to lose heart and always follow the doctor’s instructions and avoid self-medication.

Chest X-ray is a traditional radiographic examination that still plays an indispensable role in medicine. Diagnostics is used as the first imaging method in inpatients and is part of the investigation before surgical intervention. A simple X-ray image provides a wealth of information and reveals the first signs of tuberculosis.

Dark spot on x-ray of the lungs

When detected in the picture dark spot in the lung area, the presence of increased airiness in the tissues of the organ is suspected. The dark spot can be either widespread or limited, oblong in shape, rounded or similar to a triangle.

A dark, rounded spot on the lung is often the cause of an Echinococcus cyst (the causative agent is a helminth of the cyclophyllide order). The formation has a clear outline white, formed by a cystic tumor.

A rounded darkening, on the sides of which there is complete clearing, is diagnosed as emphysema. The disease is characterized by pathological expansion of the space of the distal bronchioles.

Also, dark spots may indicate the presence of alveolar cysts. Education is limited to a few ribs.

Causes of spots on lung x-rays

There are many reasons for the appearance of dark spots, for example, serious pathological processes or residual effects after treatment of bronchitis.

Extensive darkening and spots in the lungs on x-ray, exceeding a diameter of 1.5 cm, are a consequence of tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy or pulmonary edema. In addition, such spots indicate the presence of a foreign object, which is more common in young children.

Darkening can appear after pneumonia and persists for more than one year, which is not regarded as a pathology, but is perceived as a residual phenomenon.

Pericardial cyst. Changes in the right cardiophrenic angle

What is the seriousness of darkening or brightening?

It is difficult to answer unequivocally only based on an x-ray image whether such enlightenment is dangerous. To assess the situation, you will need to take additional tests and analyzes and consider the patient’s condition.

X-ray is an auxiliary diagnostic method designed to supplement information about the condition of the patient’s tissues and organs. If you look closely, there is no “diagnosis” in the X-ray description report; instead, there is a “conclusion.” Only a specialized specialist can make a diagnosis based on the diagnostic results, as well as answer the question about the danger of such darkening during fluorography.

What causes spots in the lungs?

White (dark) spots appear in the background pathological processes or are characterized as residual effects after therapy for respiratory diseases.

Darkening of the lungs causes compaction of the organ tissue during the inflammatory process or the growth of neoplasms, atypical and benign. In addition, darkening and similar phenomena in the image are interpreted as:

  • Availability cystic formations and abscesses;
  • collapse of the alveoli with atelectasis;
  • tuberculosis damage to lung tissue;
  • accumulation of secretions in the pleural cavity;
  • neoplasms localized in the ribs and segments of the spine;
  • development of tumor processes in the mediastinum;
  • enlarged nodes of the lymphatic system;
  • pathologies of the upper digestive tract;
  • fatty benign tumor in the costal sinuses.

Types of darkening for different types of disease

When there is close collaboration between the doctor who ordered the chest x-ray and the radiologist, the examination makes it easier to make the correct diagnosis and further treatment.

The formation of morphological elements on the surface of the lungs during radiography may indicate the presence of certain pathologies.


Extensive damage to the upper parts of the lung occurs. The image clearly shows multiple dark spots up to 2 mm in size. Some of them merge, forming extensive foci.


The disease is characterized by the appearance of dark circles in lower sections lung tissue. As the pathology develops, the lesions become distinct, the pulmonary pattern changes, and shadows of different diameters appear.

Malignant formation

It is almost impossible to determine tumor formation in the initial stages of development using x-rays. Tumors smaller than 2 mm are extremely difficult to differentiate. A medical opinion will be made when the tumor reaches 3 mm.

In the picture cancer tumor is a shadow without a clear outline, against which White spot, indicating the collapse of education.

Pleurisy (inflammation of the pleural layers)

The disease is characterized by darkening that does not have clear geometric contours. In addition, there is an accumulation of secretions in the pleural cavity.

Smoker's shot

Darkening on an x-ray does not always indicate a disease. Stains often occur as a result of prolonged smoking. The appearance of darkening is associated with an increase in pulmonary vessels during the development of respiratory failure.

Foreign object

The reason for the appearance of light elements is often the presence of a foreign object. This is often diagnosed in children who swallow small objects and parts from toys. The foreign object is visualized as a spot with a vague outline, however, a qualified radiologist will be able to tell about this.

In addition, the artifact turns out to be acute helminthiasis, where the foreign bodies are helminths.

What should a patient do if elements in the form of darkening are detected on x-ray? The right decision will not panic or try to self-medicate. Darkening or clearing should not be treated until the full examination. The pathogenesis of the spots is extensive and may require detailed study. For this reason, it is not recommended to diagnose yourself; you should contact a specialized specialist with the diagnostic results.


X-ray of the lungs is very informative method diagnosis of organic pathology, and, despite the emergence of more modern methods its detection is still widely used in medical institutions. Detection of darkening in the lungs on an x-ray is a reason for a diagnostic search. In some cases, it does not present any difficulties, but sometimes finding the true cause of the appearance of a pathological shadow in the lung can be quite difficult. Therefore, additional examinations are required to prescribe treatment.

    Show all

    What is a shadow on an x-ray, probable causes

    A shadow on an x-ray of the lungs most often occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the lumen of the pulmonary alveoli: transudate (edematous fluid) or exudate (inflammatory). In addition, detection of pathological shadows is possible with obstruction of the bronchus and the development of atelectasis, with compression of the lung, with replacement of the pulmonary parenchyma by other tissues (for example, connective tissue).

    Sometimes shading in the projection indicates changes in the surrounding tissues: in chest, diaphragm, mediastinum, pleura and pleural cavities.

    If shadows are detected in the image, it is necessary to treat organic pathologies, and not about functional ones (asthma, etc.).

    X-ray syndromes

    X-ray manifestations of lung tissue diseases:

    1. 1. Extensive shading of the pulmonary field.
    2. 2. Limited shading.
    3. 3. Round shadow.
    4. 4. Outbreaks.
    5. 5. Extensive focal dissemination.
    6. 6. Extensive enlightenment.
    7. 7. Limited enlightenment.
    8. 8. Change in pulmonary pattern.
    9. 9. Changes in the roots of the lungs.

    In the group of pathological shadows, the following syndromes are distinguished:

    • extensive shading of the pulmonary field;
    • limited shading;
    • round shadow;
    • foci and limited focal dissemination;
    • syndrome of extensive focal dissemination.

    Extensive shading in image projection

    Extensive shadowing syndrome is characterized by the formation of a shadow in the projection of the entire or almost the entire lung. This phenomenon is based on the compaction and airlessness of the lung tissue. Differential diagnosis extensive shadows is based on identifying the characteristics of the nature of the shading, the position of the mediastinum (displaced or not).

    The mediastinum is an anatomical space bounded by the sternum (front), spine (back) and lungs (side). The organs of the mediastinum (heart, blood vessels, nerves, thymus, esophagus) are surrounded by fatty tissue.

    Peculiarities possible pathology for extensive shading syndrome:

    Limited shading

    Limited shading may indicate both pulmonary pathology and extrapulmonary localization of the pathological process. To definitively determine the cause, it is necessary to perform x-rays in several projections. With intrapulmonary localization, the pathological shadow is located in the pulmonary field in all projections and moves along with the elements of the lung tissue during breathing. The formations emanating from the mediastinum during breathing do not shift and compress the surrounding structures. Education chest wall move with breathing along with the ribs and are usually clearly visible on one of the projections.

    The presence of limited shading, determined by x-ray or fluorography, may indicate inflammation such as:

    1. 1. pneumonia (infectious, paracancrosis, infarction pneumonia due to pulmonary embolism);
    2. 2. infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis;
    3. 3. atelectasis;
    4. 4. hydrothorax (pleurisy, edematous fluid, pleural mesothelioma, etc.);
    5. 5. neoplasms of the chest wall, diaphragm and mediastinum.

    Round shadow in the photo

    The round shadow is limited shading, but in all projections retains the shape of a circle with a diameter of 12 mm. The syndrome of such a shadow requires differentiation of the localization of the process (intra- or extrapulmonary).

    Among intrapulmonary pathological processes, a round shadow on an x-ray can be caused by tuberculosis (tuberculoma, spherical infiltrate, cysts, tumors, etc.). It is sometimes difficult to distinguish them from each other, but sometimes it is still possible to determine the reason for their appearance by the number and nature of the shadows. Single shadow with magnification lymph nodes at lung root indicates a high probability of primary lung cancer, multiple round shadows - about the metastatic nature of the lesion, etc.

If spots are found on the x-ray, do not despair. The presence of darkening or flashing does not always indicate development serious illnesses. Often the cause of the formation of spots is the poor quality of the fluoroscope. And even the incorrect position of the patient during the procedure also shows spots on the lung image. To find out the exact cause, you need to consult your doctor.

White spotty formations on an x-ray of the lungs may be a consequence of the following diseases:

  • Inflammation of the lungs.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Tuberculosis.

If a patient has had pneumonia or bronchitis in the recent past, and an x-ray shows spots on the lungs, this means that residual effects of the disease are occurring in the body. With proper treatment, the nodules will soon resolve.

When diagnosing tuberculosis, light-colored formations will be located in upper sections lungs. Given that proper treatment, the area of ​​inflammation decreases. During the recovery stage, dark spots in the lungs will appear on x-ray, which indicates tissue scarring.


If fluoroscopy shows dark or black spots, this may indicate chronic form the course of pneumonia. As a rule, darkening appears in the acute stage. During the healing process, the darkening disappears.

Black spots on an x-ray of the lungs may indicate development cancer diseases. However, no conclusions can be drawn based on fluoroscopy alone. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a series of tests and additional examinations. If you suspect cancer lungs, a complex analysis of lung tissue is prescribed, which is carried out in a hospital.

Dark formations on an X-ray of the lungs, provided the patient is in relatively normal health, can confirm the fact of many years of smoking. In children, darkened areas on the image indicate the presence of foreign body in the organ. In this case, surgical intervention is required.

Unfortunately, a light spot on an x-ray of the lungs is not always a sign residual effects diseases.

Often, white formations in the image indicate the development of such ailments:

  • Inflammation.
  • Atelectasis.
  • Pathological processes in pleurisy.
  • Development of diseases associated with professional activity person.

If light spots are detected in the image, the doctor must prescribe a series additional research. Since any deviations from the norm must be clarified through a comprehensive examination of the patient. An experienced specialist will never make a diagnosis based on one analysis result. To identify the real reason, a radiologist, can determine repeated fluoroscopy in different projections.

In the initial stage of tuberculosis, white formations also appear in the image. This process speaks of primary tissue damage by pathogenic bacteria. An eloquent sign of tuberculosis at the first stage is a characteristic light path from the site of inflammation to the root system.

Pneumonia spots

To understand that the picture showed the presence of pneumonia, the specialist must know what it looks like this pathology. Spotty formations in pneumonia can have different locations and dimensions:

  • Small with limited margins up to 3 mm.
  • Segmental – located within the boundaries of a segment.
  • Subtotal – all fields, with the exception of the upper lobes.
  • Total formations covering the entire surface of the lungs.

As inflammation develops, white spots with unclear, blurred contours form in the lungs. In this case, the severity of the severity depends on the degree of development of the disease. The more advanced the disease, the more pronounced the spots in the picture.

Summing up

If there are black or white spots on the X-ray image, additional examination is necessary. It is important to understand that if the radiographer’s work is poor, white and dark formations are only side effect functioning of the device. To establish an accurate diagnosis, a specialist will definitely prescribe a series of examinations and tests. Only after receiving all the results, the doctor has the opportunity to assess the picture of the patient’s condition.