What does an ATP molecule contain? Pathways for ATP synthesis in the body. Instructions for use of ATP

The source of energy in cells is the substance adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which, if necessary, breaks down to adenosine phosphate (ADP):

ATP → ADP + energy.

Under intense load, the available ATP reserve is consumed in just 2 seconds. However, ATP is continuously restored from ADP, allowing the muscles to continue working. There are three main ATP recovery systems: phosphate, oxygen and lactate.

Phosphate system

The phosphate system releases energy as quickly as possible, so it is important where rapid effort is required, such as sprinters, football players, high and long jumpers, boxers and tennis players.

In the phosphate system, ATP restoration occurs due to creatine phosphate (CrP), the reserves of which are available directly in the muscles:

KrP + ADP → ATP + creatine.

The phosphate system does not use oxygen and does not produce lactic acid.

The phosphate system only works for a short time - at maximum load, the total supply of ATP and CrP is depleted in 10 seconds. After completing the load, the reserves of ATP and CrP in the muscles are restored by 70% after 30 seconds and completely after 3-5 minutes. This must be kept in mind when performing speed and strength exercises. If the effort lasts longer than 10 seconds or the breaks between efforts are too short, the lactate system turns on.

Oxygen system

The oxygen, or aerobic, system is important for endurance athletes because it can support long-term physical performance.

The performance of the oxygen system depends on the body's ability to transport oxygen to the muscles. Through training, it can increase by 50%.

In the oxygen system, energy is generated mainly from the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are consumed first because they require less oxygen and have a higher rate of energy release. However, the body's reserves of carbohydrates are limited. After they are exhausted, fats are added - the intensity of work decreases.

The ratio of fats and carbohydrates used depends on the intensity of the exercise: the higher the intensity, the greater the proportion of carbohydrates. Trained athletes use more fat and less carbohydrates compared to an untrained person, that is, they use available energy reserves more economically.

Fat oxidation occurs according to the equation:

Fats + oxygen + ADP → ATP + carbon dioxide + water.

The breakdown of carbohydrates occurs in two steps:

Glucose + ADP → ATP + lactic acid.

Lactic acid + oxygen + ADP → ATP + carbon dioxide + water.

Oxygen is only required in the second step: if there is enough of it, lactic acid does not accumulate in the muscles.

Lactate system

At high intensity the load of oxygen entering the muscles is not enough to completely oxidize carbohydrates. The resulting lactic acid does not have time to be consumed and accumulates in working muscles. This leads to a feeling of fatigue and soreness in the working muscles, and the ability to withstand the load is reduced.

At the beginning of any exercise (with maximum effort - during the first 2 minutes) and with a sharp increase in load (during jerks, finishing throws, on climbs), a deficiency of oxygen occurs in the muscles, since the heart, lungs and blood vessels do not have time to fully engage in work. During this period, energy is provided by the lactate system, with the production of lactic acid. To avoid the accumulation of large amounts of lactic acid at the beginning of your workout, you need to do a light warm-up.

When a certain intensity threshold is exceeded, the body switches to a completely anaerobic energy supply, which uses only carbohydrates. Due to increasing muscle fatigue, the ability to withstand the load is depleted within seconds or minutes, depending on the intensity and level of training.

The effect of lactic acid on performance

The increase in lactic acid concentration in the muscles has several consequences that need to be taken into account during training:

  • Coordination of movements is impaired, which makes technique training ineffective.
  • IN muscle tissue Micro-tears occur, which increases the risk of injury.
  • The formation of creatine phosphate slows down, which reduces the effectiveness of sprint training (phosphate system training).
  • The ability of cells to oxidize fat decreases, which greatly complicates the energy supply to muscles after carbohydrate reserves are depleted.

Under resting conditions, it takes the body about 25 minutes to neutralize half of the lactic acid accumulated as a result of maximum power effort; 95% of lactic acid is neutralized in 75 minutes. If, instead of passive rest, a light cool-down is performed, for example, jogging, then lactic acid is removed from the blood and muscles much faster.

High concentrations of lactic acid can cause damage to the walls of muscle cells, which leads to changes in the composition of the blood. It may take 24 to 96 hours for your blood counts to normalize. During this period, training should be light; Intense training will greatly slow down the recovery process.

Too high a frequency of intense exercise, without sufficient rest breaks, leads to a decrease in performance, and subsequently to overtraining.

Energy reserves

Energy phosphates (ATP and KrP) are consumed within 8-10 seconds of maximum work. Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen. As a rule, they are enough for 60-90 minutes of intensive work.

The reserves of fat in the body are practically inexhaustible. The proportion of fat mass in men is 10-20%; for women - 20-30%. In well-trained endurance athletes, body fat percentage can range from extremely low to relatively high (4-13%).

Human energy reserves
* Energy released during transition to ADP
Source Stock(with a weight of 70 kg) Duration Length

logical system
Phosphates(phosphate system energy supply)
Phosphates 230 8* 8-10 seconds Phosphate Provides "explosive" force. No oxygen required
Glycogen(oxygen and lactate systems energy supply)
Glycogen 300—
60-90 minutes Oxygen and lactate When there is a lack of oxygen, lactic acid is formed
Fats(oxygen system energy supply)
Fats More than 3000 More than 27000 More than 40 hours Oxygen Require more oxygen; work intensity decreases

Based on the book Heart Rate, Lactate and Endurance Training by Peter Jansen.

4.2 out of 5

ATP or adenosine triphosphoric acid is a vital element for a living cell, ensuring the flow of all energy processes inside the body. The role of ATP is difficult to overestimate: strictly speaking, without ATP, the synthesis of not a single structural unit of the body is possible - neither proteins, nor carbohydrates, nor fats.

Pharmacological action of ATP

ATP naturally is formed in the body by the reaction of glycolytic breakdown of carbohydrates. Largest quantity ATP is found in smooth muscle cells.

The main role of ATP in the body is participation in energy processes and improvement of metabolism. In particular, the most important tasks that are carried out with the help of ATP are the transmission of excitation to the heart through vagus nerve, strengthening of coronary and cerebral circulation, increased peripheral blood flow.

A drug containing ATP has the ability to reduce the concentration uric acid and regulate the balance of potassium and magnesium ions. In addition, the use of ATP is recommended:

  • To increase the activity of ion transport membranes of cells;
  • To normalize the lipid composition of membranes;
  • To increase antioxidant protective system myocardium;
  • To activate membrane-dependent enzymes.

The role of ATP in the formation of metabolic processes in the myocardium is well known., which is why the drug is used as a membrane-stabilizing, antiarrhythmic and anti-ischemic agent. Along with this, ATP has the following properties:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the ability of the myocardium to contract;
  • Improves the functioning of the left ventricle and stabilizes coronary circulation;
  • Helps increase physical performance by improving cardiac output.

For patients with ischemia, the use of ATP helps reduce oxygen consumption by the myocardium, resulting in less shortness of breath during intense physical activity, and the manifestations of angina are reduced. Persons suffering from tachycardia (both paroxysmal and supraventricular), as well as patients with fibrillation and flutter of both or one of the atria, thanks to the use of ATP, note recovery sinus rhythm, as well as suppression of the activity of ectopic foci.

Composition and release form of ATP

The drug is available in the form:

  • Ampoules with a solution for administering ATP intramuscularly. One ampoule contains adenosine triphosphate (triphosadenine) in the amount of 10 mg. The package contains 5 or 10 ampoules;
  • 3% solution of adenosine triphosphate salt in glycerol. It is packaged in 1 ml bottles, one package contains 100 bottles;
  • Tablets containing an extract from animal muscle tissue - adenosine-5-triphosphate molecule. Other ingredients of the tablets include potassium ions, sucrose, calcium stearate, anhydrous silicon dioxide, and corn starch. The weight of the tablets can be 20 or 40 mg, one blister contains 10 pieces. Blisters are located in cardboard packs of 4 pieces.

Indications for use of ATP

According to the instructions for ATP, the drug should be taken for ailments listed below:

  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Unstable angina;
  • Cardiosclerosis (post-infarction and myocardial);
  • Paroxysmal or supraventricular tachycardia of the supraventricles;
  • Autonomic disorders;
  • Hyperuricemia of various origins;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Microcardiodystrophy.

In these cases, ATP can be used both in the form of tablets and ampoules. For polio, muscular dystrophy, pigmentary degeneration retina, weakness labor activity, multiple sclerosis, intermittent claudication, it is recommended to administer ATP intramuscularly.

Contraindications to ATP

Some medical reviews about ATP note the impossibility of its use in acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension, hypersensitivity to triphosadenine, inflammatory diseases kidney

Side effects

When administering ATP intramuscularly, it is extremely important to monitor the patient’s condition, because possible appearance adverse reactions: headache, increased diuresis, tachycardia, hyperuricemia. Intravenous administration of the drug in some cases can lead to nausea, headache, flushing of the facial skin, and weakness. In addition, regardless of the method of application of ATP, there is a small likelihood of allergies.

Instructions for ATP

In case of violations peripheral circulation and muscular dystrophies, the drug, as noted in the instructions for ATP, is administered intramuscularly. In the first few days of use, it is necessary to administer 1 ml of a 1% solution once a day. Subsequently, the frequency is increased to 2 times a day, or the previous frequency is maintained, increasing the volume of the medicine to 2 ml of a 1% solution once a day. The course of treatment with ATP is 30-40 injections. It is possible to repeat the course after 1-2 months.

Relief of supraventricular arrhythmias is carried out using intravenous administration ATP in the amount of 1-2 ml of 1% solution. Administration should be done quickly (no more than 10 seconds). The effect occurs after 30-40 seconds. The drug can be re-administered after 3 minutes.


Consumption of ATP in quantities exceeding those recommended can lead to arterial hypotension, bradycardia and the development of AV block. Medical reviews about ATP, the following type of treatment is recommended: discontinuation of the drug and symptomatic treatment. Thus, for bradycardia, it is recommended to administer atropine sulfate.

ATP storage conditions

According to the instructions for ATP, the drug should be stored in a dry place, away from children's reach. The storage period should not exceed 2 years.

ATP is the abbreviation for Adenosine Tri-Phosphoric Acid. You can also find the name Adenosine triphosphate. This is a nucleoid that plays a huge role in energy exchange in the body. Adenosine Tri-Phosphoric acid is a universal source of energy involved in all biochemical processes of the body. This molecule was discovered in 1929 by the scientist Karl Lohmann. And its significance was confirmed by Fritz Lipmann in 1941.

Structure and formula of ATP

If we talk about ATP in more detail, then this is a molecule that provides energy to all processes occurring in the body, including the energy for movement. When the ATP molecule is broken down, the muscle fiber contracts, resulting in the release of energy that allows contraction to occur. Adenosine triphosphate is synthesized from inosine in a living organism.

In order to give the body energy, adenosine triphosphate must go through several stages. First, one of the phosphates is separated using a special coenzyme. Each phosphate provides ten calories. The process produces energy and produces ADP (adenosine diphosphate).

If the body needs more energy to function, then another phosphate is separated. Then AMP (adenosine monophosphate) is formed. The main source for the production of Adenosine Triphosphate is glucose; in the cell it is broken down into pyruvate and cytosol. Adenosine triphosphate energizes long fibers that contain the protein myosin. It is what forms muscle cells.

At moments when the body is resting, the chain goes into reverse side, i.e. Adenosine Tri-Phosphoric acid is formed. Again, glucose is used for these purposes. The created Adenosine Triphosphate molecules will be reused as soon as necessary. When energy is not needed, it is stored in the body and released as soon as it is needed.

The ATP molecule consists of several, or rather, three components:

  1. Ribose is a five-carbon sugar that forms the basis of DNA.
  2. Adenine is the combined atoms of nitrogen and carbon.
  3. Triphosphate.

At the very center of the adenosine triphosphate molecule is a ribose molecule, and its edge is the main one for adenosine. On the other side of ribose is a chain of three phosphates.

ATP systems

At the same time, you need to understand that ATP reserves will be sufficient only for the first two or three seconds of physical activity, after which its level decreases. But at the same time, muscle work can only be carried out with the help of ATP. Thanks to special systems in the body, new ATP molecules are constantly synthesized. The inclusion of new molecules occurs depending on the duration of the load.

ATP molecules synthesize three main biochemical systems:

  1. Phosphagen system (creatine phosphate).
  2. Glycogen and lactic acid system.
  3. Aerobic respiration.

Let's consider each of them separately.

Phosphagen system- if the muscles work for a short time, but extremely intensely (about 10 seconds), the phosphagen system will be used. In this case, ADP binds to creatine phosphate. Thanks to this system, a small amount of Adenosine Triphosphate is constantly circulated in muscle cells. Since the muscle cells themselves also contain creatine phosphate, it is used to restore ATP levels after high-intensity exercise. short work. But within ten seconds the level of creatine phosphate begins to decrease - this energy is enough for a short race or intense strength training in bodybuilding.

Glycogen and lactic acid- supplies energy to the body more slowly than the previous one. It synthesizes ATP, which can be enough for one and a half minutes of intense work. In the process, glucose in muscle cells is formed into lactic acid through anaerobic metabolism.

Since in the anaerobic state oxygen is not used by the body, this system provides energy in the same way as in the aerobic system, but time is saved. In anaerobic mode, muscles contract extremely powerfully and quickly. Such a system can allow you to run a four hundred meter sprint or a longer intense workout in the gym. But for a long time working in this way will not allow muscle soreness, which appears due to an excess of lactic acid.

Aerobic respiration- this system turns on if the workout lasts more than two minutes. Then the muscles begin to receive adenosine triphosphate from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In this case, ATP is synthesized slowly, but the energy lasts for a long time - physical activity may last several hours. This happens due to the fact that glucose breaks down without obstacles, it does not have any counteractions from outside - as lactic acid interferes with the anaerobic process.

The role of ATP in the body

From the previous description it is clear that the main role of adenosine triphosphate in the body is to provide energy to all numerous bio chemical processes and reactions in the body. Most energy-consuming processes in living beings occur thanks to ATP.

But in addition to this main function, adenosine triphosphate also performs others:

The role of ATP in the human body and life is well known not only to scientists, but also to many athletes and bodybuilders, since its understanding helps make training more effective and correctly calculate loads. For people who do strength training in the gym, sprinting and other sports, it is very important to understand what exercises need to be performed at one time or another. Thanks to this, you can form the desired body structure, work out the muscle structure, reduce excess weight and achieve other desired results.

The main source of energy for the cell is nutrients: carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which are oxidized with the help of oxygen. Almost all carbohydrates, before reaching the body cells, due to the work gastrointestinal tract and liver are converted into glucose. Along with carbohydrates, proteins are also broken down into amino acids and lipids into fatty acids. In the cell, nutrients are oxidized under the influence of oxygen and with the participation of enzymes that control energy release reactions and its utilization. Almost all oxidative reactions occur in mitochondria, and the released energy is stored in the form of a high-energy compound - ATP. Subsequently, it is ATP, and not nutrients, that is used to provide intracellular metabolic processes with energy.

The ATP molecule contains: (1) the nitrogenous base adenine; (2) pentose carbohydrate ribose, (3) three phosphoric acid residues. The last two phosphates are connected to each other and to the rest of the molecule by high-energy phosphate bonds, indicated on the ATP formula by the symbol ~. Subject to the physical and chemical conditions characteristic of the body, the energy of each such bond is 12,000 calories per 1 mole of ATP, which is many times higher than the energy of an ordinary chemical bond, which is why phosphate bonds are called high-energy. Moreover, these connections are easily destroyed, providing intracellular processes with energy as soon as the need arises.

When energy is released, ATP donates a phosphate group and becomes adenosine diphosphate. The released energy is used for almost all cellular processes, for example in biosynthesis reactions and muscle contraction.

Replenishment of ATP reserves occurs by recombining ADP with a phosphoric acid residue at the expense of energy nutrients. This process is repeated again and again. ATP is constantly used up and stored, which is why it is called the energy currency of the cell. ATP turnover time is only a few minutes.

The role of mitochondria in the chemical reactions of ATP formation. When glucose enters the cell, it is converted into pyruvic acid under the action of cytoplasmic enzymes (this process is called glycolysis). The energy released in this process is spent on converting a small amount of ADP into ATP, representing less than 5% of the total energy reserves.

ATP synthesis is 95% carried out in mitochondria. Pyruvic acid, fatty acid and amino acids, formed respectively from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, are eventually converted into a compound called “acetyl-CoA” in the mitochondrial matrix. This compound, in turn, enters a series of enzymatic reactions collectively called the tricarboxylic acid cycle or Krebs cycle to release its energy. In the tricarboxylic acid cycle, acetyl-CoA is broken down into hydrogen atoms and carbon dioxide molecules. Carbon dioxide is removed from the mitochondria, then out of the cell by diffusion and removed from the body through the lungs.

Hydrogen atoms are chemically very active and therefore immediately react with oxygen diffusing into the mitochondria. The large amount of energy released in this reaction is used to convert many ADP molecules into ATP. These reactions are quite complex and require the participation of a huge number of enzymes that are part of the mitochondrial cristae. On initial stage An electron is removed from a hydrogen atom and the atom becomes a hydrogen ion. The process ends with the addition of hydrogen ions to oxygen. As a result of this reaction, water and a large amount of energy are formed, which is necessary for the operation of ATP synthetase, a large globular protein that protrudes in the form of tubercles on the surface of the mitochondrial cristae. Under the action of this enzyme, which uses the energy of hydrogen ions, ADP is converted into ATP. New ATP molecules are sent from the mitochondria to all parts of the cell, including the nucleus, where the energy of this compound is used to provide a variety of functions. This process ATP synthesis is generally called the chemiosmotic mechanism of ATP formation.

Energy metabolism, or dissimilation, or catabolism, is a set of enzymatic breakdown reactions organic compounds(proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and the formation of energy-rich compounds (adenosine triphosphate, etc.) .

ATP and similar compounds (they are called macroergic) provide a variety of vital processes: biological synthesis, maintaining differences in the concentration of substances (gradients) and transport of substances across membranes, conducting electrical impulses, muscle work, secretion of various secretions, etc.

The chemical energy of nutrients entering the body is contained in covalent bonds between atoms in the molecules of organic compounds. For example, when a chemical bond such as a peptide bond is broken, about 12 kJ per 1 mol is released. In glucose, the amount of potential energy contained in the bonds between the C, H and O atoms is 2800 kJ per 1 mole (i.e., per 180 g of glucose). When glucose is broken down, carbon dioxide and water are formed, and energy is released according to the final equation:

SbN 1 gOb + 6O2-IZN2O + 6C02 + 2800 kJ.

Some of the energy released from nutrients is dissipated in the form of heat, and some is accumulated, that is, stored in the energy-rich phosphate bonds of ATP. ATP molecules store more than half of the energy that can be extracted from organic molecules when they are oxidized to H20 and CO2. Through the formation of ATP, energy is converted into a more convenient, concentrated form from which it can be easily released. On average, a cell contains about 1 billion ATP molecules, the breakdown of which (hydrolysis) into ADP and phosphate provides energy for many biological and chemical processes that occur with energy absorption.

ATP molecule consists of the nitrogenous base adenine, the sugar ribose and three phosphoric acid residues (14). Adenine, ribose and the first phosphate form adenosine monophosphate (AMP). When a second phosphate is added to the first one, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is formed. The molecule with three phosphoric acid residues (ATP) is the most energy-intensive. The cleavage of the terminal phosphate from the ATP molecule is accompanied by the release of 40 kJ of energy instead of 12 kJ released when ordinary chemical bonds are broken. Thanks to the energy-rich bonds in the ATP molecule, the cell can accumulate large amounts of energy in a small space and expend it as needed. ATP synthesis is carried out in special cell organelles - mitochondria.

Stages of energy metabolism

Energy metabolism is usually divided into three stages. The first stage is preparatory, also called digestion. It is carried out mainly outside the cells under the action of enzymes secreted into the cavity digestive tract. At this stage, large polymer molecules break down into monomers: proteins into amino acids, polysaccharides into simple sugars, fats into fatty acids and glycerol. This releases a small amount of energy, which is dissipated as heat.

At the second stage, small molecules formed during the digestion process enter the cells and undergo further breakdown. The most important part of the second stage of energy metabolism is glycolysis - the breakdown of glucose. Glycolysis can occur in the absence of oxygen.

As a result of a series of sequential enzymatic reactions, one molecule of glucose containing six carbon atoms is converted into two molecules of pyruvic acid (C3H403), containing three carbon atoms each. Phosphoric acid and ADP are involved in the breakdown of glucose. Pyruvic acid is then reduced to lactic acid (in the muscles), and the overall equation looks like this:

SbN120b+2HzP04+2ADP-^ -*2SzH6OZ+2ATP+2H20

Thus, the breakdown of one glucose molecule is accompanied by the formation of two ATP molecules.

Anaerobic breakdown of glucose (glycolysis) can be the main source of ATP in the cell in organisms that do not use molecular oxygen or live in its absence, as well as in the tissues of multicellular organisms that can work under anaerobic conditions (for example, in muscles) during intense exercise. Under these conditions, pyruvic acid molecules are converted either into lactic acid, as described above, or into other compounds (ethanol and CO2 in yeast cells, acetone, butyric and succinic acid in different microorganisms, etc.).

The formation of ATP in glycolysis reactions is relatively ineffective, since its final products are relatively large molecules containing a large number of chemical energy. Therefore, the second stage of energy metabolism is called incomplete. This stage is also called fermentation. The extraction of energy from organic compounds in the absence of oxygen - fermentation - is widespread in nature. Most natural compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and/or nitrogen are fermentable under anaerobic conditions. Such compounds include polysaccharides, hexoses, pentoses, trioses, polyhydric alcohols, organic acids, amino acids, purines and pyrimidines. The products of carbohydrate fermentation are butyric acid, acetone, butanol, propanol, etc. The polysaccharide cellulose, as a result of processing by microorganisms, is converted into ethyl alcohol, acetic, formic and lactic acids, molecular hydrogen and CO2. Bacteria living in the rumen of ruminants (10 9-10 10 bacterial cells in 1 ml of ruminal fluid; break down cellulose contained in plant feed into easily digestible simple compounds - organic acids and alcohols.

There are substances that cannot be fermented under anaerobic conditions. These include saturated aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, plant pigments - carotenoids and some other compounds. Under aerobic conditions, all these substances are completely oxidized, but in the absence of oxygen they are very stable. Thanks to this stability, hydrocarbons remain in oil fields for a long time.

The third stage of catabolism requires the presence of molecular oxygen and is called respiration. The development of cellular respiration in aerobic microorganisms and in eukaryotic cells became possible only after molecular oxygen appeared in the Earth’s atmosphere as a result of photosynthesis. The addition of an oxygen step to the catabolic process provides cells with a powerful and efficient way to extract nutrients and energy from molecules.

Reactions of oxygen splitting, or oxidative catabolism, occur in special cell organelles - mitochondria, where molecules of pyruvic acid enter. After a number of transformations, the final products are formed - CO2 and H0, which then diffuse out of the cell. The overall equation for aerobic respiration looks like this:


V6CO2+6H2O+36AT0+36H2O "

Thus, the oxidation of two molecules of lactic acid produces 36 molecules of ATP. In total, during the second and third stages of energy metabolism, the breakdown of one glucose molecule produces 38 ATP molecules. Consequently, aerobic respiration plays the main role in providing the cell with energy.

Not only pyruvic acid, but also fatty acids and some amino acids enter the mitochondria, where they are converted into one of the intermediate products of oxidative catabolism. Mitochondria are the center where energy is extracted from the chemical bonds of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, mitochondria are called the energy stations of the cell.