Film chapaev mental attack. Psychological attack. Battle on the bridgehead: what happened

Modern world just filled with stress, there are no people who would not experience this from time to time. Stress itself is not dangerous, but sometimes excessive experiences lead to not very good results. good consequences, for example, now a huge number of people suffer from panic or, as they are also called mental attacks, which are not so easy to deal with, as it might seem from the outside.

Statistics show that panic attacks occur in five percent of the population, which is quite a lot anyway, and every year there are more people who suffer from this disease, this is also a proven fact.

Panic attack is a sudden onset of a strong inner fear, which covers a person, penetrating into his consciousness, creating stress, panic, horror, obsessive thoughts and mental illness, it is quite difficult to cope with this feeling, a person feels severe anxiety. This anxiety is accompanied by heavy breathing and a strong heartbeat.

Is different panic attack from ordinary fear by the fact that with it a person cannot control himself at all. His body does not obey, he shakes, twitches, cannot calm down on his own and pull himself together, loses control over what is happening. Prolonged exposure to such attacks can lead to a process of gradual destruction of both the psyche and the body as a whole.


A mental attack can be identified by the following features:

  • All-consuming fear - it blocks the entire consciousness and the human body completely, affecting the physical well-being.
  • Violations of the will: a person is not able to think rationally and do adequate actions, as his will and intellect are dulled due to an attack.
  • The internal energy of a person goes out, self-confidence, his skills and abilities, knowledge and abilities, self-control is blocked.
  • Often even the appearance changes and the person looks like crazy.

Panic attack and its causes

A panic attack occurs in people who have been in difficult life circumstances for a long time, experiencing constant stress. In order to thoroughly understand how a panic attack arises and manifests itself, it is necessary to know not only the principles of the functioning of consciousness, but also the principles of the impact of human feelings.

Possible reasons:

  • Childhood . Very often, the reason why a panic attack occurs is rooted in childhood, when a person experienced wild fear, for example: verbal threats provoked by another person. Or a feeling of resentment inflicted in childhood can form wrong beliefs in a person. As a result, a person sometimes takes on someone else's fault and may even go to his death, not understanding why he did it.
  • Karmic reason . It also happens that the reason lies not in this life, but in the past incarnations of a person. What is karma, you can read here: In this case, it is advisable to contact a competent specialist - a spiritual healer, since karmic "tails" can have a rather complex structure. A spiritual healer will help identify deeper karmic causes and eliminate them.
  • Exposure without consent . Another common reason for a panic attack is magicians and psychics, those who, without voluntary consent, invade the human brain, without understanding at what fundamental level they harm themselves and the one whose life they invade.

How to deal with a psychic attack on your own

Do not try to deceive yourself that you can solve the problem by using medicines, or even worse - alcohol, this is pure self-deception. In such a situation, you only suppress your feelings for a while (in the truest sense of the word), dulling emotional (mental) pain for a short time. In the future, the problem can only get worse.

1. Cause. In order for a panic attack to be eradicated, it is first necessary to establish what caused its appearance, i.e. find the root of this problem. It must be understood that this is a temporary ailment, but if a person does not learn to cope with it, then everything will become much more difficult, very often people with such disorders generally refuse to leave the house, become isolated.

Once the cause of fear is established, it must be eliminated. To achieve this goal, you need to be aware.

It should be remembered that most often fear is just an illusion, and in reality there is nothing to be afraid of. However, any fear always has its own reason. If you know it, then conquering fear is not difficult. At the end of this article, you will see a small exercise that will help you deal with this problem.

2.self-control. Acquisition of the ability to manage oneself, one's feelings and emotions in any situation. A strong personality is able to keep everything under control and not let any fear break free. Such a person is unlikely to have a panic attack. But a weak person who cannot control his condition will always be a prisoner of fears and other negative emotions.

3.Meditation- achieving complete peace and tranquility. Having reached such a state, the Human Soul will automatically burn out all the accumulated negativity, which is the initiator of any fear, and as a result, panic attacks. What is the Human Soul, read

With proper meditation, a person becomes absolutely protected from any kind of influence of negative information, both at the internal “subtle” level and at the physical one.

4.Faith in a Higher Power. To form and strengthen Faith in God. If there is real Faith, this step will help to solve the problem by at least 70%.

Mental exercise to eliminate psychic attacks

1. Light a church candle.

2. Take a sitting or lying position so that you are as comfortable as possible and place a candle in front of you.

3. Looking at the candle, try to relax as much as possible.

4. Imagine how a candle sucks out (and burns at the same time) a black energy mass (negative feelings and thoughts) from you.

Continue until there is a feeling of lightness and freedom inside. This exercise is also useful for those who suffer from insomnia.

5. Then mentally imagine how a stream of light energy enters your body, which brings harmony and peace.

Do this exercise until the psychic attack subsides. This is not a single day's work, for some it can take up to six months, for someone a couple of weeks is enough. Do the exercise sensually (you need to feel it) and be sincere to yourself.

It is worth noting that any kind of fear is the result of exposure negative feelings to the inner world of man. These feelings include: resentment, guilt, revenge, envy, hatred, jealousy ...

Feelings and thoughts are real energy, which is primary both in the inner world of a person and in relation to the physical structure, all these structures of life levels (feelings, thoughts, physical) are interconnected.

We all know the feeling of anxiety. This feeling appears in a difficult life situation, in conditions that threaten our health, and maybe life. Many have experienced anxiety for the health of our loved ones, we often worry about the failures of our children, someone is afraid of the uncertainty and instability of the future… Needless to say, there is always a place for anxiety in our daily life. Anxiety signals some kind of trouble and helps us find a way out. difficult situation- after all, this unpleasant emotion triggers the production of stress hormones in the body, thanks to which our internal resources are mobilized and we can overcome a difficult period of life.

How do we experience anxiety? The heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, sweating appears (the palms sweat especially often), nervous trembling is possible, someone turns pale. These reactions are the results of the hormonal restructuring of the body, which is triggered by anxiety. Anxiety itself can be described as a feeling of tension, discomfort, unpleasant expectation.

It is clear that anxiety is an integral part of our lives when there are reasons for it. But there are diseases when anxiety becomes the main symptom, while it does not help a person to adapt to the world around him, but, on the contrary, interferes with daily activities. To diagnose such pathological anxiety, many criteria have been developed on the basis of which the doctor makes a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder. This disease is very multifaceted and has many different manifestations. In this article, we will talk about panic attacks - this is perhaps the most striking manifestation of an anxiety disorder.

What is a panic attack

By the term "panic attacks" the psychiatrist means sudden onset and recurring bouts of intense fear. These attacks are accompanied by all the changes in well-being characteristic of anxiety - sweating, increased heart rate and breathing, pallor, etc. Usually such an attack lasts less than an hour, occurs 2-3 times a week. These attacks may occur in different situations, but in most patients, seizures occur in public transport, crowded places, confined spaces. At the same time, there are no visible reasons for alarm - i.e. Nothing directly threatens the life and health of the patient and his relatives. Attacks occur "like a bolt from the blue."

Causes of panic attacks

What are the causes of this disease? This question has not yet been found a clear and exhaustive answer. Most experts believe that panic attacks develop in people who have been in a long-term traumatic situation, or who have experienced severe stress once. But at the same time, not every person who has been in difficult troubles in life has panic attacks. Therefore, of course, it matters hereditary predisposition to such reactions, as well as features of temperament and hormonal levels. There are studies that have revealed a predisposition to panic attacks in people with low exercise tolerance. In addition, panic attacks can also occur with diseases internal organs- Thyroid, heart, pancreas. People who abuse alcohol have an increased risk of panic attacks, especially in a state of withdrawal syndrome (the so-called "hangover")

Panic attack symptoms

So how can we distinguish between a normal physiological anxiety response and a panic attack that requires treatment? The main criterion here is the quality of everyday life. When a person feels helpless, cannot adapt to the world around him, when anxiety is unreasonable and reaches a high intensity, the help of a specialist, neuropathologist or psychiatrist, psychotherapist is needed. A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if panic attacks last more than a month, are spontaneous and entail disturbances in daily life.


Attempts to self-diagnose a panic attack for yourself or your loved ones, and, moreover, self-administration of any drugs can lead to sad consequences. Panic attacks can also occur with various pathologies on the part of vital organs (for example, with diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, cardiopathy - various diseases heart, bronchial asthma, hypertension), also conditions similar to panic attacks can be observed in epilepsy, neuroses and some mental illnesses, so specialist help is needed to determine the patient's condition and prescribe adequate treatment.

Most likely, you will need to go through the standard and familiar medical procedures: medical examination, blood test, urine test, ECG. Sometimes electroencephalography is needed - a painless study of the brain. If necessary, the doctor may refer the patient for additional examinations to clarify the diagnosis.

After the diagnosis of panic attacks is established, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Treatment for panic attacks

The patient will be given a drug from the group of tranquilizers - these drugs relieve excessive anxiety. The doctor will select a tranquilizer that best suits the patient's lifestyle, in addition, during panic attacks, sleep and mood disturbances are possible - these problems can also be solved by choosing a drug. When prescribing a tranquilizer, the specialist will take into account the presence concomitant diseases, the patient, in turn, must inform the doctor about the medications he is taking, allergic reactions. Be sure to discuss with the doctor the possibility of driving while taking medications, and if the patient's profession requires increased concentration of attention, you should also report this before starting treatment.

Of course, alcohol is not allowed drugs during treatment with tranquilizers - this combination can lead to irreversible consequences: for example, severe poisoning is possible, even death, in addition, there is a risk of a psychotic state - when a person ceases to comprehend the surrounding reality and cannot control his actions. For effective and safe treatment, the patient should strictly observe the dosage of the drug recommended by the doctor, report changes in his condition. The partnership between doctor and patient is the key to successful treatment of any disease.

There are drugs that are not strong and are sold without a prescription, but they can alleviate the condition of panic attacks. it medicinal herbs such as valerian, sweet clover, oregano, motherwort, birch leaves, lemon balm, chamomile. The most common and most effective remedy from this group is valerian, when symptoms of an attack appear, you can take 2 tablets of valerian. In addition, there are drugs that are similar in action to tranquilizers, but are available without a prescription in pharmacies.

These are normoxan (a drug based on the same valerian), grandaxin (a weak tranquilizer that does not cause drowsiness), as well as the well-known persen, afobazole and novopassit. And yet, it is better to discuss the intake of even such more or less harmless drugs with a doctor.

As for drugs traditional medicine, folk remedies, although they are made on the basis of natural ingredients, still contain active substances that can be harmful if they are used illiterately. Perhaps such drugs will serve as a good additional treatment for panic attacks, but also after consulting a doctor.

But any, even the mildest drugs, can provoke complications during treatment. If, when taking tranquilizers, sleep disturbances appear (both insomnia and excessive drowsiness), mood changes (in any direction), decreased concentration, as well as allergic reactions, muscle weakness, you should immediately inform your doctor about this. A timely appeal to a specialist will help reduce the side effects of the drug, contribute to the effective and safe treatment of panic attacks.

The second most important component of successful treatment of panic attacks is psychotherapy. Today, there are a huge number of psychotherapy methods (from auto-training to the Kurpatov method), a specialist will help you understand them and choose the best one for a particular patient.

The effect of treatment will be more complete if the patient pays attention not only to taking medication, but also to his lifestyle. To completely get rid of panic attacks, it is advisable to get enough sleep, regularly eat healthy, high-quality food, excluding stimulants from the diet (coffee, caffeine-based carbonated drinks, strong tea, chocolate, alcohol, overly spicy and spicy foods). Moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air are useful.

And, of course, as we all know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. And panic attacks are no exception. The doctor can teach the patient the technique of auto-training to prevent a panic attack, there are breathing techniques for the same purpose (for example, full yogic breathing, holotropic breathing). It is also possible to prescribe weak tranquilizers as a drug prevention of panic attacks. A healthy lifestyle of the patient, yoga classes also has a good preventive property.

Timely and correct treatment started will help to avoid unpleasant complications this disease.

Complications of panic attacks

As the daily life of the patient becomes more complicated, there is a risk of new ones joining the panic attacks. mental disorders- depression or hypochondria. On the part of the internal organs, there may also be negative changes, for example, with prolonged panic attacks, myocardial hypertrophy may develop (which is fraught with heart rhythm disturbances and increases the risk of myocardial infarction), diseases are possible blood vessels(and this reduces the quality of the blood supply to the organs)

Thus, following the doctor's prescriptions, striving for a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body will help you get rid of this forever. unpleasant state like panic attacks.

Psychiatrist Bochkareva O.S.

Update: October 2018

A panic attack is an attack of strong (deep, "animal") fear that occurs suddenly, sometimes at night, reaches its greatest intensity in a few minutes. It is accompanied by a strong heartbeat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chest pain, nausea, a feeling of "lump" in the throat, a feeling of blurring, unreality of what is happening. The state appears without apparent reason, lasts from 10 minutes to 2 hours (usually up to 30 minutes), passes by itself, during the first hour, accompanied by moderate anxiety, leaves behind a fear of a repetition of such a paroxysm (attack).

A panic attack (it is also called a vegetative, sympathoadrenal crisis or cardioneurosis) is rarely solitary. Most often, a person who has experienced it once goes through it again and again. In this case, he develops phobias, changes occur in his personality. Similar state lasting a year or more is called panic disorder or panic attack syndrome. That is, if it occurred 1 time or pursued only a month, this is not considered a disorder. It can develop not only in adults: children from the moment awareness appears (from the age of 3) can also experience a panic attack.

Panic attacks in and of themselves are not life-threatening. Not a single case of death from them has been recorded, and this is due to their mechanism: it is aimed at mobilizing the body in case of a threat (the same develops in case of real danger or with pronounced unusual physical activity). The same symptoms can become a harbinger of other diseases - both severe, such as bleeding, stroke, bronchial asthma, or temporal lobe epilepsy, and not as life-threatening as or. Similar symptoms may also appear side effects from certain drugs. How to distinguish a panic attack from other pathologies, what to do when it appears and how to extinguish a wave of vegetative attacks following one after another, we will consider further. We will also analyze panic attacks in children.

Statistical data

Panic attacks are a common condition. At least once in a lifetime, every fifth person suffered it, but no more than 1% of people are subject to frequent disorders that recur for more than a year. Women are 5 times more likely to get sick, and the peak incidence occurs at the age of 25-35 years. But an attack can also appear in a child over 3 years old, and in a teenager, and in people over 60 years old.

In 70% of cases, panic attacks are the causes of depression and suicide attempts. And every fifth sufferer “fights” with alcohol or drugs, becoming addicted to them.

It is possible to get rid of panic disorder completely if you put more effort into it than remembering to take pills.

What underlies panic attacks

There are several hypotheses, each of which in its own way correctly describes the processes occurring in the body during the development of panic attacks. They are the culprits of all those signs ("vegetative storm") that are characteristic of a panic attack.

Catecholamine hypothesis

Here, catecholamines are at the forefront - hormones of the adrenal medulla: adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine. The main one is adrenaline. It mobilizes the nervous system under stress: to ensure that each organ has enough blood, for the same purpose it increases pressure, changes the rhythm of breathing, so that all organs have enough oxygen, stimulates the brain. Such a reaction is included if you need to fight or flee.

With vegetative crises, the level of catecholamines increases not only in the blood and urine, but also directly in the nervous tissue. And if adrenaline is administered intravenously (this confirms the hypothesis), then a typical panic attack will develop. That is, catecholamines can be called correlators of this condition, and whoever has more of them in the body is more prone to the development of crises.

genetic hypothesis

If one identical twin suffers from panic attacks, there is a 50% chance that the second will develop the same condition. Close relatives note a similar ailment in 15-20% of cases. On this basis, it is believed that the disease is encoded by certain sections of the genes, and is predetermined from the very beginning. It manifests itself in a favorable situation, against the background of stress, hormonal changes, serious illness, and so on.

Theory of psychoanalysts

Sigmund Freud and his followers believe that panic attacks occur in people who have intrapersonal conflict, who constantly suppress it without emotional release.

Behavioral hypothesis

The occurrence of a panic attack is provoked by a person’s fears (to drown, crash, get into a car accident) that arise in a certain situation.

cognitive hypothesis

Proponents of this theory base the syndrome on a person's misinterpretation of their sensations. For example, they interpret a rapid heartbeat that has arisen in response to fear or physical activity as a harbinger of illness or death, which provokes a state of panic.

What happens during an attack

Although the symptoms of panic attacks appear almost simultaneously, the reactions that cause them occur in a cascade:

  1. stress activates the release of adrenaline;
  2. adrenaline constricts blood vessels, speeds up the heartbeat and speeds up breathing;
  3. vasoconstriction leads to;
  4. increased breathing leads to the removal of carbon dioxide, which increases anxiety even more;
  5. the removal of excess carbon dioxide changes the pH of the blood, which leads to dizziness and a feeling of numbness in the extremities;
  6. vasospasm occurs only in peripheral tissues (skin, adipose tissue, muscles), which impairs local blood circulation and their nutrition (all blood is mobilized to the center: brain, heart, in order to survive, as the body believes). As a result, lactic acid accumulates in malnourished tissues, it is absorbed into the vascular bed and increases its own concentration in the blood. It is lactic acid that, according to recent data, is an amplifier of the symptoms of a panic attack.

Causes of panic attacks

The condition can be triggered by any disease, fear, or operation that the person was worried about. Most often, an attack develops against the background of mental pathologies, but it can also be caused by:

  • transferred;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • childbirth;
  • pregnancy
  • the beginning of sexual activity;
  • pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal glands, in which too much adrenaline is produced);
  • thyrotoxic crisis;
  • taking drugs cholecystokinin, glucocorticoid hormones, anabolic steroids.

Panic attacks can be symptoms of the following mental illnesses:

  • phobia;
  • depressions;
  • schizophrenia and schizotypal disorders;
  • post-traumatic disorder (after an accident, burns, natural disasters)
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder - a state when there is always some kind of fear (getting sick, burning out), leading to the appearance of obsessive actions (checking electrical appliances, frequent washing of hands, and so on).

Panic attacks can be caused by an accelerated rhythm of life, constant stress caused by working in an unpleasant team or at an unloved job. Children with panic attacks may also develop encopresis.

Risk Factors for Panic Attacks

People who have one or more of the following factors are more at risk of "earning" a panic attack:

  • Sedentary lifestyle without exercise especially during adolescence. Sports and physical activity contribute to the discharge of negative emotions, bringing the imbalance of the emotional background in order. Without this, restlessness, impulsiveness, and unwinding appear. They are followed by panic attacks.
  • Abuse of caffeine. It leads to exhaustion. nervous system.
  • Smoking, changing the structure of human vessels, weakens the body's resistance to stress.
  • Keeping emotions "in".
  • Lack of adequate sleep. At the same time, an additional amount of adrenaline and other hormones are released into the blood, leading to the development of a panic state.

How the attack manifests itself

Consider what are the symptoms of panic attacks. Conventionally, they are divided into physical and mental. The former include sensations of the body, the latter occur "in the head".

Mental symptoms

These symptoms prevail over the others due to their severity. It:

  • a sense of impending danger;
  • fear of death: it is usually present only during the first 2-3 crises, after which it transforms into a fear of getting sick, a fear of getting a heart attack or stroke, and so on;
  • fear of going crazy
  • sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • derealization: the world fades into the background, there may be distortion of sounds and objects, it may seem that slow motion is taking place;
  • depersonalization can be observed: one’s own actions are considered as “from the outside”, it seems that a person cannot control them;
  • may feel "pre-fainting" or "lightheadedness".

At the same time, a person can make attempts to hide and run, but he can also seem to be paralyzed.

Mental symptoms are not necessarily the same every time. Sometimes the same person can develop panic attacks with both pronounced (before affect) phobias, and crises completely without emotional overtones. Only rare people always develop only crises with advanced symptoms. Usually their frequency ranges from a few times a week to a single appearance in a few months. The development of poor symptoms of an attack can be observed up to several times a day.

Physical symptoms of an attack

They are the following:

  • Increased heart rate with a feeling of "the heart is jumping out of the chest" (the latter is due to an increase in the strength of contractions of the heart muscle). This is due to the release of adrenaline and its precursor dopamine into the blood. Thus, they mobilize the body to protect or flee from a danger that does not exist.
  • Sensation of flushes of heat or cold. This leads to a change in the tone of the vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with a tendency to narrow them (so that the internal organs do not experience a lack of blood and oxygen), despite the fact that the body tries to supply the muscles with blood as “normally” as possible.
  • Increased breathing: this is how adrenaline and other catecholamines maintain the level of oxygen in those tissues where the vessels are constricted.
  • Increase sweating: so the body using vegetative system cools down to save energy that would be spent on warming the body.
  • Dry mouth. The cause of this symptom is stimulation of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Diarrhea or, conversely, constipation "owes" its appearance to a deterioration in the blood supply to the intestines (it is not the most important organ for survival, here the vessels narrow).
  • Pain in the left side of the chest.
  • Coldness of feet and hands.
  • Signs from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, belching, discomfort in the upper abdomen, vomiting, loose stools.
  • Chilliness with great trembling.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Feeling of "blurring", "unreality" of what is happening.

The last three signs are due to changes in blood pH and cerebrospinal fluid, which leads to a lack of carbon dioxide (it is all “exhaled” with frequent breathing).

This state lasts 10-30 minutes. The attack ends with profuse urination or vomiting (more often this reaction is observed in children), which is also provided by the autonomic nervous system. After it, there remains a feeling of depression, weakness, a certain unpleasant aftertaste.

Such symptoms are also noted in some diseases, such as stroke, bleeding, a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma. But their difference from a panic attack is that in diseases these symptoms last longer than half an hour, accompanied by other signs, some of which remain after the attack (for example, facial asymmetry or difficulty breathing). We will consider in more detail the difference between panic attacks and other pathologies later.

Atypical attacks

It happens that the symptoms of a panic attack are not at all similar to the fact that a person had a panic attack. There is no terrible animal fear, there may be a slight emotional stress. The physical symptoms described above are practically absent. Instead, there is a temporary dysfunction of one of the sense organs, which then disappears. So maybe:

  • lack of voice
  • loss of vision;
  • inability to utter a word;
  • gait disturbance;
  • a feeling of twisting of the hands.

Such attacks most often develop in a crowded room, but do not appear when a person is left alone. They are also called hysterical.

How can an attack start?

A panic attack can debut in the form of one of three options.

  1. The attack begins against the background of full health, but - after stress, minor operations, physical overstrain or alcoholic excess. In this case, a person cannot understand the cause of the condition, but can clearly indicate the date of the attack.
  2. Against the background of existing astheno-depressive or anxiety disorders, crises occur with physical symptoms but without much emotional overtones. If at this moment a person suffers stress, surgery or a serious illness, a full-scale panic attack occurs.
  3. Against the background of depressive or anxiety disorders, a bright panic attack suddenly develops.

When the attack is worse

People with the following personality traits feel more pronounced attack:

  • timidity;
  • anxiety;
  • drama;
  • artistry;
  • unstable thinking.

It turned out to be important how the person explained the first panic attack to himself. If he considered it a heart attack, or the beginning of some kind of illness, the likelihood that the attacks will recur and become the beginning of the formation of phobias is much higher.

There is also a relationship between the emotional and mental symptoms of a crisis and the formation of a further interictal period: the more pronounced the fear, the greater the chance of anxious expectation of a new attack in the future.

When a person is easier to tolerate an attack

To do this, he must have the following qualities:

  • independence;
  • internal content;
  • industriousness;
  • trying not to deviate from the chosen path;
  • do not lose their heads in anxious and conflict situations.

Night crises

Nighttime panic attacks bother more than half of the people. It has been noticed that such attacks often develop in people who are strong-willed and responsible, who during the day completely “keep themselves in hand”.

A night attack is usually preceded by a prolonged inability to calm down and fall asleep. A person lies for a long time, he is overcome by anxiety, but against the background of which a panic attack develops. It may also happen that an attack wakes a person, then he wakes up in a state of wild fear, trying to find salvation or run away, not yet understanding where.

Most often, an attack develops from midnight to morning, with the advent of natural light, it passes on its own. Some people note that it becomes easier if you wake up all the household members and turn on the light (or just the last action). Moreover, this trend persists during all attacks, and not just the first.

Symptoms of night attacks are the same: fear, severe chills, nausea, palpitations. Often they are more intense than their daily version. The duration of a panic attack can vary. Most often, their appearance is associated with a nightmare that a person does not remember, so a person does not go to the doctor, but continues to experience an attack after an attack. And to treat a nighttime panic attack you need:

  • As a result of the crisis that has arisen, a person does not get enough sleep, and throughout the next day he feels drowsiness, fatigue, and apathy. Because of this, he may make mistakes in his work, put himself or other people in danger. He might even get fired.
  • A vicious circle begins to form, when a person is afraid to go to bed due to fear of an attack, because of this, drowsiness overcomes him during the day, and he is getting worse at his job. Dissatisfaction with oneself and drowsiness lead to a new attack.
  • Due to lack good rest may exacerbate chronic somatic diseases, as well as develop mental disorders: neurosis, depression, .

Night panic crises are especially dangerous for such categories of people who cope worse with them. These are pregnant women, elderly people, small children.

Menopause and panic attacks

After 40-45 years (less often - earlier), a woman has the right to have the first symptoms of premenopause. These symptoms during menopause are very similar to the signs of panic attacks. It:

  • bouts of rolling heat in the upper half of the body, which may be accompanied by redness of the face, chest and neck;
  • sweating, especially during hot flashes;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • irritability.
  • these signs are not accompanied by an attack of strong fear, anxiety, turning off all other thoughts;
  • at the same time, a woman notices changes that occur with her menstrual cycle;
  • symptoms are significantly reduced when taking hormones prescribed by a gynecologist to reduce discomfort during menopause,

then the above manifestations are the symptoms of menopause, and they will soon pass.

Actual panic attacks occur in about one in six women. menopause. The chance that they will develop increases if the lady suffers from:

  • migraines;
  • diseases of the heart or blood vessels;
  • emphysema;
  • allergic pathologies;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • she had had panic attacks before.

To provoke panic attacks in women with a changed ratio of sex hormones can:

  • stress;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • lack of sleep;
  • significant physical activity.

During menopause, as well as before menstruation, it is easier for provoking factors to cause panic attacks than in other periods.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

VVD and panic attacks are often inseparable things, so domestic doctors can diagnose "Vegetovascular dystonia with panic attacks", although there were no symptoms of VVD before the onset of panic attacks.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is an imbalance between the two parts of the autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic. You can “earn” this disease at any age, and it can be caused by stress, surgery, strong excitement, trauma, infectious diseases, genetic predisposition, blood loss.

Against this background, panic attacks develop. They are characterized by pronounced vegetative symptoms: trembling, panic animal fear, cold sweat, sweating, hot flashes, numbness of the extremities. Fear can be framed in the form of fear of a stroke or heart attack, sudden death.

The diagnosis of "VVD with panic attacks" is made after an examination that shows the absence of organic damage to the internal organs (heart, thyroid gland, brain). The treatment of such panic attacks and the disease itself is the same as will be described below.

Symptoms between crises

If a person develops a panic disorder, they may experience one or more of the following symptoms after a panic attack. They can be practically unexpressed (a person considers himself healthy), or they can manifest themselves so strongly that it becomes difficult to understand where the attack was and where the inter-crisis period was. These signs are the following:

  • anxious mood or premonitions ("sluggish, lingering anxiety");
  • fear of the place or situation when or where the first attack occurred. Gradually, such fear can cover an increasing number of places / situations;
  • social maladjustment may develop when, due to fear, a person cannot walk on his own / stay on his own / ride in any transport;
  • the appearance of phobias: fears of open space, insanity, serious illness, death, swallowing, driving, and so on;
  • astheno-depressive syndrome: weakness, fatigue, rapid exhaustion, decreased concentration and concentration, increased tearfulness, bad mood;
  • depression: depressed mood with limited social contacts, interests. A person thinks only about the disease and concentrates on it;
  • hysterical disorder. These are not intentionally occurring seizures with loss of consciousness, a temporary violation of the movements of the limbs, a temporary inability to speak or hear;
  • constant worry about the future;
  • intrusive unpleasant thoughts;
  • fussiness.

In diseases that may be accompanied by panic attacks (thyrotoxicosis, miscarriage, stroke, and others), there will be no such symptoms after a panic attack. Each of these diseases has its own symptoms.

If the crisis arose against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the inter-crisis period is supplemented by periodic ones:

  • sensations of lack of air;
  • pain in the chest;
  • dry mouth;
  • unexplained and transient nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rumbling in the abdomen;
  • an increase in temperature to small numbers without signs of a cold or any other disease;
  • dizziness;
  • periodic chills;
  • sweating: local or generalized.

Algorithm of actions in the development of a panic attack

What to do if a panic attack develops? Here is an algorithm that people who are not far from medicine use when they have signs of rolling fear:

  1. To measure arterial pressure, temperature, respiratory rate and pulse at the height of the attack is not informative for diagnosis: everywhere the indicators will be far from the norm, and this will not make it possible to distinguish the prodrome of a serious illness from the panic attack itself. But it still needs to be done: a panic attack may be accompanied by a sympathoadrenal crisis, when the pressure is increased, the pulse is quickened; Also, panic can be caused by a vagoinsular crisis (the predominance of the parasympathetic system), when there is a decrease in the pulse. The algorithm of actions in these cases is different.
  2. Be mindful of your medications- could the condition develop after taking or, conversely, a sharp withdrawal of some drugs. Especially cardiac and neurological drugs can contribute to this. If discontinued, take your usual dose of your medication. If you drank a new drug for the first or second time (if you drink it for a month, it is not his fault), drink Activated Carbon, Atoxil, "" or a similar drug; find in the instructions what side symptoms and signs of an overdose this medicine has, what to do in this case.
  3. If you feel a strong heartbeat or interruptions in the work of the heart, start coughing. In this case, the lungs will help the heart return to a normal rhythm.
  4. If a panic attack is accompanied by chest pain, are localized closer to the left hand, do not wait for the end of the attack. Here you need to drink 1-2 tablets of Aspirin (Aspecard, Aspeter) in a total dosage of 150-320 mg and call " ambulance».
  5. Need to call an ambulance and in such cases:
    • if the deterioration occurred after several hours with one / more of these symptoms: malaise, sore throat, body aches, fever. Until help arrives, follow all of the following self-soothing recommendations;
    • panic appeared in a person suffering from bronchial asthma. Before the ambulance, you need to use the usual inhaler 1 time, and then focus on breathing with an extended exhalation (described below);
    • accompanied by the appearance of facial asymmetry, impaired movements in the arms or legs,;
    • accompanied by pain in the abdomen (in any department), the appearance of blood in the stool or on the pad (outside of menstruation in women);
    • before the panic there was a feeling of unreality, "haze", "fog" or hallucinations - visual or auditory. This is how migraine can manifest itself - a non-life-threatening disease. Similar symptoms can be observed with temporal lobe epilepsy, which requires urgent treatment;
    • if the panic does not go away within 30 minutes.
  6. Anaprilin - if the pressure is increased, and the pulse is more than 65 beats per minute, and you do not suffer from bronchial asthma, it helps if you put an Anaprilin tablet under the tongue at a dose of 10 mg. This drug will reduce the oxygen consumption of the heart muscle, making it easier for the latter to work. In addition, the pressure will decrease and the pulse will become less frequent. This stimulation will help the body calm its sympathetic system.
  7. Turn your left hand with your thumb up, lift it up. At its base, a fossa is formed, made up of three tendons (it is called the "anatomical snuffbox"). Lower thumb of the left hand and pinch the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "snuffbox" with the index and middle fingers of the right hand. There you should feel the pulse. Holding this zone, calmly count to 60 at the pace of the second hand. This will help if your panic attack was caused by a heart rhythm disorder such as paroxysmal tachycardia, this should stop her seizure. If you clearly feel an uneven pulse, call an ambulance. At the same time, try to focus on your breathing.
  8. Force a smile on your face: mimic muscles have a connection with the brain, and if it is forced to depict positive emotions, they will soon come.
  9. Breathe deeply, focusing your attention on the breathing process. In this case, the inhalation should be longer than the exhalation. Start with the rhythm: 1 second (counting "one") - inhale, 2 second - exhale. Gradually deepen the inhalation and exhalation: “one-two” - inhale, “one-two” - pause, “one-two-three-four” - exhale. At the same time, try to breathe with your stomach, at the same time imagining how the air fills the lungs, penetrates into every structural part of them.
  10. Don't Let Your Worrying Thoughts Take Over You. Focus on your breath. You can look out the window, counting objects on the street that have a certain color (for example, red cars).
  11. Rest assured that all is well and this will end soon.- on the surface of the subconscious there should be the thought that the panic attack itself is not fatal and not dangerous, that the human body is smart and strong, it is designed for emergency situations, and even if trouble happened to it, it must endure and recover.

There is also a recommendation from traditional Chinese medicine for people who have a fear of developing cerebral stroke obscures the mind. In this case, the house should have syringes with sterile needles. With the development of panic, Chinese healers are advised to puncture the skin (so that blood comes out) of each of the fingers on both hands. Thus, they say, it is possible to save a life in a stroke.

Panic Attack Diagnosis

Looking at a person during a panic attack, even an experienced doctor cannot immediately tell if there is a panic here, or if he sees a prodrome of some serious illness. To say this, it is necessary to examine the skin, determine various reflexes, take an electrocardiogram, feel the abdomen for internal bleeding, listen to the lungs and heart, measure the pulse and the level of oxygen in the blood (oxygen saturation). Only when normal examination results are obtained, it is possible to assume a panic attack.

A similar diagnosis, even after the attack has passed, and health is fully restored, is made after the exclusion of diseases such as:

  • violation of the heart rhythm: sometimes it is not enough to record 1 ECG film for this, it may be necessary to wear a device that records the heart rhythm for 1-2 days;
  • myocardial ischemia: an ECG is needed, taken not only at rest, but also during physical activity (on a special exercise bike or treadmill), as well as ultrasound of the heart;
  • stroke: to exclude this diagnosis, computed or magnetic resonance imaging is performed;
  • : the examination is similar to the previous one;
  • bronchial asthma: for this you need to conduct special breathing tests and perform skin allergy tests;
  • internal bleeding: it is easy to identify with the help of the small pelvis;
  • mental illness: they are put on the basis of an examination by a psychiatrist.

A panic attack is diagnosed if these diseases are excluded and at least 1 of the following symptoms is present:

  1. the attack peaks within 10 minutes;
  2. accompanied by emotions deep fear to discomfort;
  3. have 4 or more symptoms:
    • frequent heartbeat;
    • "lump in the throat;
    • rapid breathing;
    • suffocation;
    • dry mouth (at the same time it was not);
    • dizziness;
    • abdominal discomfort;
    • a feeling of unreality of one's own body;
    • fear of death;
    • pre-fainting state;
    • flashes of cold/heat;
    • fear of going crazy
    • "formication;
    • chills;
    • body numbness;
    • chest pain;
    • sweating.

The diagnosis is also established in the case of atypical attacks, if there are symptoms such as temporary disturbance of gait, movement, hearing, vision, cramps in the limbs.

If such a condition has developed 1 time, this is not considered a sign of the disease.

Treatment of attacks and prevention of their occurrence

How to deal with a panic attack? Both doctors and relatives can help. A person can cope with an attack on his own:

Action type If a person is alone If family can help
Emotional Support To think that all this is not dangerous, this is the wrong training of the body. They should say: “What is happening to you is not life-threatening. I will be there and help you cope with this condition "or" I believe that you are strong, together we can handle it.
Breathing exercises

Breathe with your belly, concentrating on your breath so that the exhalation is a little longer than the inhalation.

You can exhale into a paper bag or palms folded in a boat

Together with the panicked person, breathe deeply, counting the seconds (once - inhale, two or three - exhale. Gradually move to the rhythm: one-two - inhale, three-four - pause, five-six-seven-eight - exhale).

Help find a paper bag or put together 4 palms into which you need to exhale

Physiotherapy Take a contrast shower: 20-30 seconds warm, the same time - cold water, massage your own ears, little fingers, thumbs focusing on feelings. You can rub cream or lavender oil into your hands. Make a massage of the back, shoulders, neck with aromatic oils (lavender, pink), help in taking a contrast shower, prepare tea with herbs of mint, lemon balm, or linden, offer a picture for coloring, a video game, turn on a film or audiobook of a calm content
Distraction techniques

You can get distracted by counting objects outside the window.

You can “get angry” at an attack and as if challenge it to a contest

  • Solve math problems together
  • count cars/burning windows, billboards
  • it is easy to pinch, prick the sufferer;
  • sing songs together
medicinal plants
  1. Valerian tincture: 10 drops;
  2. Motherwort tincture: 10 drops;
  3. Peony tincture: 10 drops;
  4. Valocordin: 10 drops

Any of these agents dissolve in a glass of water.


Taken only by doctor's prescription. These can be tranquilizers that eliminate anxiety (gidazepam, phenazepam, sibazon) or antidepressants. In this case, you need to take the drug at the dose recommended by the psychiatrist for a panic attack. An overdose of drugs of these groups is dangerous.

Also, while taking antidepressants, it is important to follow a diet with the exception of cheese, smoked meats, alcohol (especially beer and wine), fish: smoked, dried, pickled, legumes, sauerkraut.

After stopping the attack, treatment takes place at home. The main thing here is not taking medications or hoping for them, but such methods:

  1. Relaxation through alternation deep breaths and exhalations. You concentrate on breathing, imagining how the lungs, and then the whole body, are saturated with life-giving oxygen. In parallel, you can say any phrase that will calm you down. For example: "I calm down, I relax." After such a session, heaviness in the head should not be felt, but, on the contrary, clarity and a feeling of cheerfulness.
  2. Relaxation through tension. To do this, you need to sit comfortably on a chair, unfasten clothing that restricts movement, or dress in loose clothing. Next, stretch your toes, tense your feet and calves. Hold your legs in this position, then relax sharply. Now, being in the same sitting position, lean on the floor with your heels and, raising your toes up, strain your feet and calves. Relax after 10 seconds. Next, you need to raise straight legs parallel to the floor, hold for 10 seconds, relax sharply.
  3. Meditation. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position with a straight back, cover or close your eyes, turn on relaxing music. Nobody should interfere. Focusing on deep breathing, you need to think not about business and not about fear, but to inspire yourself that there will be no more panic attacks, that you are not afraid of them and learn to control them. The effect of meditation is not immediate. When you learn how to get a charge of vivacity from this lesson, only 4-6 months after that, gradual control over panic states will come (see very detailed practical tips on how to meditate correctly on the website -meditacii/ and how the author coped with panic attacks with the help of meditation
  4. Sports, which is a powerful source of endorphins. It can be running, cycling, rollerblading, swimming, dancing. Even a simple daily jog through time can be a source of your healing.
  5. Muscle relaxation: based on self-suggestion, or relaxation through tension, or yoga, or visualization (when you imagine your body in a situation where you are very comfortable).
  6. Exercises that increase stress resistance:
    • increasing self-esteem: do not compare yourself with others, write down your achievements, choose attractive bright clothes, learn to refuse;
    • trying to get rid of feelings about the mistakes made;
    • viewing humorous programs: laughter increases resistance to stress;
    • doing things that evoke positive emotions;
    • acquisition of new knowledge;
    • art therapy: drawing, coloring.
  7. You definitely need to sleep.
  8. Helps well conducting personal diary . In it, you need to write down for yourself in what situations seizures occur, when what emotions and symptoms occur. This will help to analyze the situation and, together with the psychotherapist, resist panic.
  9. Cut down on alcohol, black tea, nicotine and other stimulants.
  10. Don't skip meals: lowering blood sugar is not good for a brain prone to psychic attacks.
  11. give Special attention herbal medicine. Periodically take decoctions and teas from linden, motherwort, lemon balm, hop cones, valerian root, chamomile flowers.
  12. To prevent panic attacks, you need products:
    • with vitamin C: oranges, bell peppers, apples, kiwi;
    • with magnesium: avocado, brown rice, dried apricots, beans, bananas;
    • with zinc: whole grains, beef, turkey;
    • with calcium: tofu, salmon, cottage cheese, cheese. These products should not be consumed while taking Aurorix or Pyrazidol.

When the psychiatrist establishes that the symptoms belonged to a panic attack, the treatment of it comes from this. So, he can assign:

  • tranquilizers: diazepam, dormicum, signopam;
  • tricyclic antidepressants: melipramine, anafranil, desipramine;
  • antidepressants-monoamine oxidase inhibitors: aurorix, pyrazidol. It is during their intake that you need to follow a diet with the exception of cheese, smoked meats, legumes, alcohol and sauerkraut;
  • serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants: Prozac, Zoloft, Fevarin, Paxil, Cipramil;
  • nootropics:, lecithin, pyritinol,.

The dosage of these drugs is selected only by a doctor. You need to take them as prescribed by the psychiatrist. Abruptly canceling them is extremely dangerous.

Psychotherapy is also used to treat panic attacks. They are performed by a psychotherapist. It:

  • body-oriented psychotherapy;
  • psychoanalysis;
  • neurolinguistic programming;
  • gestalt therapy;
  • systemic family psychotherapy;
  • hypnosis: classical and Ericksonian;
  • desensitization and processing by eye movements.

Panic attacks in childhood

Panic attacks in children under adolescence are rare but possible. Both boys and girls get sick equally often, especially those who are shy, responsible, often experience anxiety, fixate on their experiences.

The reasons are stressful conditions: moving, divorce of parents, their quarrels, relationships with the class and with the opposite sex. The peak incidence is observed at the age of 15-19 years, at the age of puberty.

Panic attacks in children preschool age may in the form of an acute respiratory attack: respiratory arrest that occurred without fever, without visible chills or wheezing.

Symptoms of attacks in older children and adolescents are increased heart rate and breathing, increased pressure, sweating, chills, "goosebumps" on the body against the background of severe fear. Also, children may complain of pain in the abdomen, in the head, they often develop diarrhea, vomiting during anxiety attacks, and the attack ends with profuse urination. In girls, there is often a violation of the body scheme, as well as a "haze" through which it is seen during an attack the world. Often there is an increase in breathing, clouding of consciousness, transient asymmetry of the face, the inability to make active movements with the limbs, arching of the body.

Children are diagnosed by a child psychiatrist. Only he can distinguish between panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder (associated with obsessive thoughts and fears that force certain rituals to be performed). So, in panic disorder, children avoid certain situations or places, while in obsessive-compulsive disorder there is no fear, and the child's social activity does not suffer. Before contacting this specialist, the pediatrician and neurologist exclude epilepsy, stroke, heart disease and other diseases.

In the inter-crisis period, phobias, transient pain syndromes, hearing and vision impairment develop.

Treatment in children is carried out mainly combined:

  • medication: mainly antidepressants-serotonin reuptake inhibitors are used. It is supplemented by the appointment of vascular, nootropic, desensitizing drugs, B vitamins, venotonics and;
  • psychotherapeutic: the leading technique is cognitive behavioral therapy, but other methods can be used;
  • physiotherapy: bromelektroson,.

It is important for parents not to focus on the child's fears, but to teach him relaxation techniques that allow him to adapt to the object or situation that causes fear.

The truth about the "psychic attacks" of the Whites

The publication of a significantly supplemented and revised edition dedicated to General V.O. Kappel (Kappel and Kappelians / ed. and comp. R.G. Gagkuev. M., 2007), in the White Warriors series, is caused by a number of reasons.

The main one is that at the beginning of this year the ashes of the commander returned to their homeland and on September 1 a monument was erected on his grave in the Donskoy Monastery. Finally, the first edition of the book, which appeared in 2003, has long been sold out. Since that time, historians specializing in the study of the Civil War in Russia have managed to learn a lot about the general. This information is supplemented by previously unpublished documents.
Against the general cruel background of the fratricidal Civil War, Kappel was distinguished by the fact that he tried not to shed the blood of his compatriots unnecessarily. Now, on the days of the 90th anniversary of the creation of the Volunteer Army, I would like to talk about the military path of the general and his subordinates.
Vladimir Oskarovich Kappel was born on March 16, 1883 in the family of a native of Sweden, a retired officer and a hereditary nobleman. After graduating from the Second Cadet Corps, Kappel entered the Nikolaev Cavalry School, which he graduated with honors in 1906. He was promoted to cornet, then to lieutenant. In 1908, as reported in the documents, Lieutenant Kappel had “very good morals, an excellent family man. Loved by comrades... Developed and very capable... Has a great ability to instill in people the spirit of energy and a desire for service... endures all the difficulties of camp life courageously. He is not subject to gambling, drinking alcohol and revelry.
Then there was the Academy of the General Staff, which Kappel graduated with the first category. After the outbreak of the First World War, he participated in the battles, from the middle of 1916 he was on the Southwestern Front. By October 1917, he was a lieutenant colonel, awarded many military orders.

At first, Kappel served in the headquarters of the Volga Military District, but after the start of armed uprisings against the Bolsheviks, he joined the counter-revolutionary-minded officers.

Although he was aware of the shortcomings of the old system, but unlike many other leaders of the White movement, in his views he was a monarchist and was not ashamed of it.
On the night of June 8, 1918, Soviet power in Samara was overthrown. The Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly (Komuch) announced the creation of new authorities. Kappel's soldiers fought against the 1st Army under the command of M.N. Tukhachevsky, participated in the capture of Kazan.
However, fate soon changed them. The Reds occupied Simbirsk, then Ufa. Fierce battles followed with the 25th division under the command of V.I. Chapaev, which found their artistic reflection in the famous film "Chapaev" (a separate article is devoted to him in the book). The author of the article is E.V. Volkov rightly notes that in the film, directors and actors, despite the influence of the era, tried to avoid an unambiguously negative interpretation of the image of the Kappelites. According to the creators of the film, the famous "psychic attack", memorable to the audience, "was designed to demonstrate the" clash of two wills, two forces in the Civil War. In reality, “such attacks took place as follows,” writes Volkov, “the battalions, advancing, went to full height without stopping. But not in columns, as in the film, but in a chain.

Along the way, those who were out of action were immediately replaced by other fighters from the reserve battalion, following behind along with the orderlies ... the enemy had the impression of the invulnerability of the approaching whites, which brought confusion and panic into his ranks.

By the way, in a real battle, when the Kappelites used a kind of “psychic attack” against the Chapaevs, the division commander himself did not participate, as he was wounded.
After the Kolchakites left Omsk and Novo-Nikolaevsk, Kappel was appointed commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front. A.V. Kolchak accepted his plan to withdraw the armies beyond the Yenisei. The exodus has begun. Most of the book is dedicated to the people who fought and died next to the general.
Near Krasnoyarsk, the remnants of the army, due to the transition of one of the brigades to the side of the Reds, were surrounded. Many were captured or surrendered voluntarily. Among those who remained with the general, believed him, there were many civilians who also had a difficult path ahead. Frost, skirmishes with the enemy, fear of death, uncertainty and a huge number of typhoid patients. F. Puchkov, whose memoirs were published in the book, wrote about this: “I had to put the sick three or four on one sled, tie and entrust the will of God and the supervision of one of the comrades.”
Other testimonies of those days have also been preserved: “With the fall of Omsk, a tragedy began along the entire great Siberian railway line, which, in its horrors, stands out even on the common bloody front of the Russian revolution. Echelons with refugees and hospital trains stretched out in a long ribbon between Omsk and Novo-Nikolaevsk, from which the locomotives were forcibly taken away by the Czechs, driven by them to their sites. The wagons stood silently on the rails - sarcophagi with a terrible load dying in them from hunger and cold. The main, if not the only, culprit of this indescribable horror was the Czechs. Famous poet Arseniy Nesmelov of the Russian Diaspora described the tragedy of the Whites in Siberia in verse:
Echelons, echelons, echelons, -
You can't go far along the rails! ..
Frozen red wagons
Along the entire Siberian route ...
Catch up, overtake, press,
Enemies do not give us rest,
And a silver-gray blizzard
Sleeps us in the middle of the taiga ...
In Nizhneudinsk, the train A.V. Kolchak was detained by the Czechs, who gave the admiral to the Irkutsk Revolutionary Committee.

Kappel decides to organize a campaign against Irkutsk and release the former Supreme Ruler of Russia.

But soon Kolchak was shot. Feeling responsible for his subordinates, Kappel began crossing the Kan River. The ice that bound the rivers was fragile, and during the transition, Kappel fell into a polynya. Despite the illness and fever, he continued to walk along with everyone. When the whites reached the dwelling, the doctor amputated the general's frostbitten heels and part of his toes. He continued his march, wishing to ride. All persuasion was in vain. The general refused to transfer to a sleigh or lie down in one of the Czech hospital trains, remaining in the ranks. The Kappelites believed in their commander, who remained with them until the last moment of his life. The general carried loyalty to his comrades to the end. It is no coincidence that people who knew him once wrote: "I am faithful to my friends to the last ... an excellent officer."
January 26, 1920 Kappel died and was buried in Chita. Then, in the fall of 1920, his ashes were transported from Transbaikalia to Harbin. In 1929, at their own expense, the soldiers erected a modest monument on the grave of their commander, which was a granite block with a stone cross, at the base of which was a crown of thorns. Soviet soldiers, having entered Harbin in 1945, they did not touch the monument to the white general, but in 1955 it was destroyed.
In 2007, thanks to the philanthropic activities of the head of the White Warriors project, A.N. Alekaev's ashes of the general returned to Russia, and soon a tombstone appeared on the grave, which is almost identical to the one in Harbin. And now, finally, Kappel's battle path has found its detailed presentation on the pages of the collection, which, in addition to rich factual material, is also distinguished by scientific objectivity and maximum balanced assessments, which, unfortunately, is rarely found in books dedicated to the Civil War - our nationwide tragedy. .

Essence of Psychic Attack

Psychic attack is an attack from outside, coming from another person with whom the attacked person is not in direct contact. The consequence of a mental attack is various negative psychophysiological states: low vitality, loss of interest in life, anxiety and more. Psychic defense is a defense against psychic attacks.

A psychic attack is essentially an attack on a person's bioenergetic field through a negative charge or outflow of energy.

As mentioned above, the human energy field has three components - a bumpy field, also called an energy shell (the field of the physical and etheric body), emotional (the field of the astral body), and intellectual (the mental body).

A person is able to perceive objects not only of the external, but also of the internal world. In the inner world, there are at least three qualitatively different types of objects of perception: intellectual, emotional, and the so-called energy - a special type of sensations associated with a general psychophysical tone. These three various areas internal perceptions turn out to be external in relation to the one who observes them: they “surround” him, having received in connection with this the name of “shells” or “subtle bodies” - etheric, astral (emotional, vital) and mental.

Closest to us is the intellectual (mental) shell, followed by the emotional (astral or vital), and after it - the energy ( etheric body together with their field). In this model, the hierarchical order of closeness of the shells to us is determined by the degree of our natural identification with them. It is easiest for a person to disidentify with that part of “self”, which is part of outside world- with his physical body, "physical shell". If necessary, a person can usually observe his body as “not I” without much difficulty, but the above three shells are experienced by him as a kind of integral undifferentiated “I”. However, it is important to learn to distinguish between them, since a psychic attack does not occur on the physical plane.

The reaction to the negative charge sent by the inductor proceeds in the percipient first at the outermost of the internal levels, the energy level. A negative charge, penetrating into this shell, causes a sharp violation of the energy balance, deformation of its power frame. The percipient subjectively experiences this event as a drop in the general psychophysical tone, a feeling of general weakness, loss of strength, or, if his sensitivity is high enough, as specific sensations in the chakras (it should be said that very often a sharp decline tone during communication between people occurs as a result of a natural mismatch of field characteristics, and not as a result of a mental attack, with such a mismatch of fields more strong field desynchronizes the weak field). This phase of a psychic attack is safe, because the energy shell is very mobile and quickly restores its structure. And if the inner shells - emotional and intellectual - are not affected, then no external influence can pathologically change its structure for any long period, disrupt stability, produce "destruction". If the deeper membranes are not affected, then even in the absence of any special protection, the result of a mental attack is reduced solely to a drop in physical tone and general weakness, which can last from several hours to several days.

If a negative charge penetrates through the energy sheath into the emotional sheath, the percipient internally reacts accordingly: his mood deteriorates, he becomes irritable or depressed, he projects his emotions outward or inward - in short, the penetration of a negative charge into the emotional sheath is subjectively experienced in the entire range. negative emotional states, the specificity of which is determined by the temperament of the percipient and other individual qualities, and all this is associated with a negative physical state (as a result of the “perforation” of the energy shell). If the percipient begins to experience emotional anxiety and tries to find out what it is connected with, this means that the charge has penetrated from the emotional sheath into the mental sheath.

Penetrating into all three shells, the negative charge in itself does not bring illness, although it can be qualitatively focused on the performance of a particular task. It only creates an appropriate pathogenic "negative dominant" (a focus of dominant excitation) in the consciousness of the percipient at all its levels - mental, emotional and energetic (especially if the perceptive, realizing that he has been subjected to a psychic attack, turned on his imagination, playing with this event, and frightened). This "negative dominant" disturbs the balance and leads to a general desynchronization of the function at all three levels, that is, it creates the conditions for the disease.

Types of mental attack

Of all the possible psychic attacks, the most common and at the same time the most dangerous to the health of the recipient is the so-called "energy" attack. In attacks of this type, the energy impulse first penetrates into the energy shell, causing a drop in tone or discomfort in the body, and then spreads to the other two shells - astral (vital) and mental. Unlike energy attacks, vital and mental attacks are more subtle. Vital attacks manifest themselves directly in the emotional sphere, bypassing the energy shell (although a prolonged loss of emotional balance can also affect the general psychophysical tone), and a mental attack aims at a general reorientation, leading away from the “true paths”. The question of the last two types of attack is not as relevant as the question of "energy" attacks, for three reasons. First, they are not as common as energy attacks. Secondly, they do not pose an immediate health hazard, only affecting our emotional purity and mental clarity. Thirdly, they can be considered as attacks only by a limited number of people, while the overwhelming majority of cases with purity and clarity are in such a way that additional "induced" impurity big picture practically does not change; in other words, the person cannot distinguish the “attack” from their habitual emotions and thoughts.

Energy attack with energy outflow

We all live in a vast ocean of energy. Energy moves and penetrates into our individual fields and leaves them (the degree of energy penetration depends on the degree of mastering the correct breathing through the nose, skin breathing). Penetrates into our fields and the energy of other people. Within a group of people there is often a stimulating exchange of energy. Sensitives can see brilliant lines of energy connecting two people who are intensely interested in each other. In the auditoriums and auditoriums at the time of the performance of talented artists or speakers, a unified energy field is created. The emotional field (aura of the astral body) of the speaker expands and spreads in all directions until it covers all spectators. The emotional field of the auditorium is mixed with the widespread field of the speaker. There is what can be called a unified emotional field. When the performance ends, the audience's applause interrupts the unified field, and the sensitive sees each person again with a separately functioning energy field. If an artist or speaker fails to create a unified field, then his performance is said to have been mediocre or poor.

Those who pump out energy with their voice or eyes do not need physical proximity with their victims. When pumping out energy with his voice, the "sapper", being an extremely egocentric person and a passionate talker, captures the attention of his victim with the help of speech. If the victim listens long enough, then his vital and mental fields begin to weaken, become dim, indicating to the sensitive that the victim is very exhausted. The more exhausted the victim becomes, the more difficult it is for him to find the willpower to save himself. Some "sappers" use the eyes to drain energy. In the course of their "work" they look at the victim calmly, continuously and decisively. The victim gradually becomes tired, restless, she has irritation and an inexplicable desire to escape from something.

Minesweeper often uses the eloquent language of an altruist. He can talk for a long time about his worries and feelings towards his acquaintances and friends who are his victims. He likes to assure his interlocutors that they are wonderful people and do a lot of good for him, but he also tries to do everything good for them. Being an extremely egocentric person, in most cases he is not aware of this, just as he is not aware of what he is doing with the people around him.

Aura Manipulation Attack

To influence a person's personality, to subordinate it to one's will, the method of psychic attack is used, which is based on the manipulation of auras. To test this method, special exercises. Before you begin to train, you need to clearly imagine the motives for a mental attack. If you intend to use psychic attack for the benefit of society or another person being attacked, then psychic attack is justified; otherwise, you should not start training. It should also be remembered that any exercises with the aura can be dangerous if you follow the path of least resistance, replacing mental breathing with pulmonary breathing (in this case, there may be premature sharp wear on the lungs, heart, central and peripheral nervous system). The following preparatory exercises allow you not only to influence your aura on the aura of another person, but also contribute to the development of telekinesis (the ability to set objects in motion without visible touching them):

  1. On a thin silk thread, hang a light small ball from any material. Imagine that prana is concentrated in the solar plexus. Breathe through your lungs as often as possible. Then gradually pass to psychic breathing, at the same time nullifying the pulmonary. Putting your elbows on the table, bring your fingers closer to the ball at a distance of up to 2-3 cm. Imagine that the process of mental breathing either deflects or brings the ball closer to the fingers of the right or left hand. After you make sure that the ball really responds to your movements, move on to the next exercise.
  2. Having fixed the ball with your eyes, concentrate maximum attention on it. Try to imagine that the force of your gaze deflects the ball to the side.
  3. After fixing the ball with your eyes, close your eyes. Try to imagine that a sharply directed jet - the flow of the aura - deflects the ball to the right or left, keeping it in a certain position, at a certain angle to the horizon. Opening your eyes, check the result of the exercise. If the aura mental exercise does not work quickly, use the power of the word, that is, speak out loud about what you expect, talk about why and how it should happen. The power of the word can excite (with a lack of imagination, ideas) the exchange of energy and its sending more than silent desires.
  4. In the next exercise, try to cause the movement of light objects (light pieces of paper, pieces of foam rubber, matches, etc.), concentrating on them. It should be remembered that neither the fingers nor the eyes are a source or a focusing device for directing energy. You need to imagine that here your body, all your "I" has turned into a point from which energy flows. The exercise can be done with both open and closed eyes.
  5. Imagine that a wall, an obstacle suddenly appeared in front of the person you want to stop, and the object is unable to move on. Having mastered this exercise, proceed to the exercise, and in which try to stop any mechanism. At the same time, it is very important not to think about the mechanism of influence, but on the basis of previous experiences, to believe that what you planned will happen.

You can not only move objects and stop people at will, but also influence even the sky, for example, dispersing clouds. For some sensitives, this is far from the most difficult method of influencing with the help of energy. An example is the well-known author and performer of the program “Your Opportunities, Man” A. V. Ignatenko. In 1981, he worked as a psychologist for the rowing team at the Olympic base in Birštonas (Lithuania). For fifteen days, while the team was training, Ignatenko provided sunny weather by influencing the clouds. The technique of influencing the clouds is as follows: you need to imagine that the palm of your hand radiates energy. After some time (from several minutes to ten), you can see twinkling points in the palm of your hand, from which a beam rises to the clouds. A beam of energy is sent to the place where it should be in this moment sun. When the beam reaches the clouds, you need to mentally see the process of their absorption taking place there. Gradually, heaviness begins to be felt in the hand, as if she is holding a heavy object. Then there is a slight vibration in the body.

Among the methods of influencing the aura on the aura of another person, the following stand out:

  1. Incorporating another person's aura into one's own aura. Mentally, in your imaginations, put on an aura, embracing the person chosen for the experiment with it. Try to focus your thoughts on the fact that you and he are one, that your thoughts and your desires are his thoughts and his desires, and your strength is his strength. If the object of influence strengthens its aura (perhaps, suspecting the intentional impact of someone else's aura), this method turns out to be ineffective: the "egg" of the object's aura seems to roll from side to side and the aura cannot be stretched. In this case, the method of "turning into a point" is used.
  2. "Transformation into an edge." Mentally imagine that you are turning into a point from which a powerful pointed information-energy stream flows down, fixed at the weakest point of the object's aura. From the point of view of psychology, such a “weak point” can be considered as a passion for some subject, business, or it is a vicious inclination, a physical defect. Making several visits, playing each time on one or another weak string, tuning the train of thought into resonance with the object, sooner or later the telepath succeeds first in one chosen area, then the result spreads to the entire aura. There are people who are not easy to influence. Then the most insidious method is applied - the method of dissolving one's own aura in the object's aura.
  3. The dissolution of the aura in the aura of the object. Before the beginning of the impact, it is necessary to highlight the good qualities of the character of the object. Mentally admire these qualities, his aspirations, his aura. Just as in the previous methods, "ecstasy of luck" should be felt.

In each of the three methods, the telepath as an attacker has the advantage of acting covertly and purposefully, while the consciousness (and hence the aura) of the percipient remains under the control of changes in the environment of various stimuli.

Attack with energy strikes

I remember such an episode. Several volunteers are on stage. Albert Ignatenko warns the participants of the experiment that he will hit one of them from a distance of several steps, while others should not let him fall. Ignatenko moved to the edge of the stage and waved his hand towards the smiling guy. In the next instant, he bent over, then an unknown force tore him off the floor, turned him around in the air. The assistants barely had time to pick up the fallen guy.

This experiment was repeatedly carried out in the presence of expert psychologists. They concluded that the number described above, called by Ignatenko "karate strike", is based on Ignatenko's ability to collect, concentrate his energy and send it to a distance.

Energy blows are theoretically and practically developed in the astral karate system of the School of Aharata Sansei Var Avera.

Guru Var Avera (V. S. Averyanov) practiced yoga for a long time. Having achieved great success in it, he moved into the sphere of astral karate, creating his own ideology. In the system of astral karate, much attention is paid to the development of an energy attack. For this purpose, special exercises are practiced - kata, with the help of which chakras are awakened, energy channels are cleared, energy is accumulated in certain parts of the body, and on the basis of this, energy strikes are practiced.

A small "kata of rage" serves to work out an instantaneous release of energy into the surrounding space in all directions and in a certain direction through the Ajnachakra. Active energy (Guru Var Avera uses the term “sansa” instead of the terms “prana” and “energy”) radiation, along the entire perimeter of the body’s aura, external energy influences on the student of the School (karateka) are destroyed, and the astral field of the enemy breaks through the radiation of Ajnachakra, causing loss of energy and a sense of fear, as a result of which the enemy refuses to fight. The general meditation when doing this kata is to generate in oneself a feeling of rage and implacable hatred for everything that interferes with karateka and his school. There is a mental statement like: “I am so terrible and merciless that no one dares to approach me!”

Here it should be said that V. S. Averyanov, in contrast to the point of view of Indian yoga (he considers himself a representative of Russian yoga), has a different attitude to the creation (generation) of the power of the human energy field. Yogis prefer to enhance the energy of a person's biofield through positive currents (they are formed by cultivating feelings of kindness and love for people) and ennobling their positive field on a person even in response to the negative impact of this person. Averyanov believes that in response to an energy attack, one must respond with a strong negative charge that breaks through the energy field of the attacker. In 1976, in his report “The Secret Roots of Modern Global Psychoenergetic Systems”, Averyanov said: “What I definitely teach my yogis is the ability to instantly provoke rage in myself. Rage is an intense generation of sans-energetic fields. If you were twisted in the astral plane, remember everything that is bad in the world around you, and instantly hate it in yourself, an energy field will be born in you that will destroy any hostile astrofield. If someone threatens an adept of Russian yoga with violence or death, and this always comes from semi-criminal elements, then the adept is obliged in response to generate such fury so that anyone will forever discourage the desire to frighten him. To go at someone with a threat is, first of all, to crowd his life field with your astral field. If the threat is strong, there is a breakdown of the field, and the frightened person will begin to deteriorate energetically.”

Kata is performed in a standing position: legs apart, light squat, hands put forward to deliver and deflect blows. For a short moment, relax the muscles of the whole body, feel how holes open in the aura of the body (and the pores of the skin), and through them, sansa (prana) begins to flow into the body from space along thin radial direct rays 30-40 cm long. The body should be felt as a homogeneous buzzing mass of corpuscles (in school it is customary to represent sansa as a stream of microscopic bodies - corpuscles). Having previously relaxed, one should then sharply compress all the tissues of the body, as if reducing its volume. Sansa in the beams receives a reverse current impulse, an instantaneous release of energy into the surrounding space in all directions occurs. Compression comes out with the sound “ha”, the mouth and lips are tensely parted, the hands make a half-hit jerk, the legs change position with a jump. Then again a short relaxation and subsequent contraction, and so repeat for 2-3 minutes. Then move on to the release of energy through the Ajnachakra, first sequentially squeezing certain parts of the body. Start compression from the feet, move to the buttocks, lower abdomen, then to the back, chest, shoulder girdle, neck. With consistent contraction in the lower abdomen, in the Manipurachakra, a concentrated column of sansa is created (feel or imagine). As it contracts, the column grows and flows through the neck to Ajnachakra, leaving it as a monolithic beam (thickness and length are limiting for a given level of development of karateka). An energy beam from one's Ajnachakra is sent to the Ajnachakra of a partner (opponent).

In the “beam strike” kata, you work out your influence with the help of energy flows on the chakras of another person. Kata is performed standing, in pairs. The flow of energy is thrown through the hands. Moving your hands along the partner's body at a distance of 10 cm from the body, emit a sans flow from the middle of the palm or from the fingertips. You determine 7 chakras in your partner and first act by pumping sansa energy from your hands into him (the partner must feel and admit that his chakras are starting to activate), and then alternately pull sansa from the partner’s chakras to your hand, accumulating the energy received in your identical to the chakra. The partner must be aware of the weakening of his biofield.

The impact on the chakras of a partner should be careful. It is enough for karateka to achieve minor pain in the chakra area or slight dizziness in a partner. Otherwise, if the outflow of energy is carried out intensively, the part of the partner's body corresponding to a certain chakra will be provided with it below the vital necessity. Muscles and organs will start to hurt, they may be cramped, they will lose the ability to perform their functions - a person will go into a faint and fall to the ground. The partner will also lose consciousness if a strong sans beam is emitted from the hand into his head (crown, forehead, back of the head). This means that the brain is saturated with more energy than it is used to processing, and the coordination of its nerve centers is disturbed.

You must remember how important is the meditational contact with the astral karate system of your school, which will not allow you to shift the focus to personal hatred, fear of the enemy in the process of practicing beam strikes.

Psychic attack directly on the emotional shell

People living with emotions, consciously or unconsciously identifying themselves with their emotional shell, are subjected to a psychic attack directly on the emotional shell.

The “emotional charge” emanating from the inductor is nothing more than a catalyst, an enhancer of certain processes already present in the percipient. If in the astral body of the percipient there are no vibrations akin in spirit to those coming from outside, then the latter cannot act on him at all. The high moral and ethical qualities of a person are the best protection, because the astral (and mental) body of such a person is not capable of responding to low vibrations. If an evil thought, sent with the same intention, hits such a body, it will only “bounce” off it like a ricochet (and with a force proportional to the energy with which it hit it), rush back along the magnetic line of least resistance - that is, along the path just trodden - and strike his own creator, and since he has in his astral (and mental) body matter similar to the matter of the thought-form generated by him, he will be subjected to the action of response vibrations, which will lead to the consequences that he wanted to bring on another.

Psychic attack directly on the mental sheath

A psychic attack directly on the mental sheath, as a rule, is experienced by people who live mainly by intellect, identifying themselves with their mental sheath. At the same time, the impact is directed directly to the mental shell, bypassing the energy and astral ones. An attack of this type is designed not to evoke “bad thoughts” in the percipient (bad thoughts arise as a result of an attack on the emotional shell), but to confuse him, shake the pillars of his belief system, destroy the stereotypes of seeing the world, in short, activate the inherent property of the intellect to doubt everything and always - including its own conclusions.

Only those mental orientations that are fixed in the deeper layers of the psyche are able to withstand such an attack. It should be noted that a mental attack can often turn out to be a boon, because as a result of it all random formations are swept away and all dots are put over the "and". After all, the fact that the “foundations” trembled and disappeared, like a mirage, revealing their illusory nature, can be considered not only as a fiasco in life, but also as an awakening from sleep, as a guarantee of the beginning of a “new life”. Note that the beginning of a “new life” cannot be delayed, since the throwing of the intellect in search of support inevitably affects emotional state person, and through him - and on the general psycho-physiological tone. If a person falls into a panic in this situation, he risks becoming a victim of a mental breakdown. In this situation, a way out of the crisis is possible in two ways:

  1. restoration of the old "mental frame". This is an easier way, but it usually cannot be achieved in the old frame, and it becomes emergency;
  2. the path of rebirth. And although this path does not guarantee a quick process of mental stabilization, it is only on this path that a new, more perfect frame can be found. He is able to lead a person even further: having experienced himself in a state in which there is no support for the intellect, as well as the process of the formation of a new “mental frame”, a person can catch the mechanics of disidentification with mental body which will lead him to mental state, at which mental attacks will not affect him.