What disease causes vision loss? A sharp decrease in vision

Working on a personal computer has long become a necessary element of life, tightly included in both work and leisure.

For some, their main work is connected with the computer, and in this case, they can no longer spend hours and days at it.

Can vision deteriorate in such conditions? It is not so easy to answer this question unambiguously, because the health of our eyes depends on a huge number of factors.

Why does vision deteriorate?

It should be said right away that the computer itself does not reduce visual acuity, contrary to a widespread myth.

There is nothing obviously harmful to the eyes in the monitor image, and stories about some harmful electron beams are fiction and a ridiculous horror story.

Evolutionarily, the eye has already adapted to long and monotonous reading of small text, so small text on the monitor cannot be a harmful factor either.

But how, then, to explain the fact that some people working at a computer have deteriorating eyesight? The fact is that although the radiation of this device is not harmful in itself, in the presence of other negative circumstances, it can act as an aggravating factor.

If a person is genetically predisposed to developing myopia, or if they are already old enough for the symptoms of farsightedness to appear, or if they have problems with cardiovascular system which makes it difficult to see.

In all these cases, working at a computer can exacerbate and accelerate the degradation of the visual organs.

The blinking mode when working at a computer differs from the usual one; on average, the eye blinks three times less often in this case. This leads to its withering, which is the first negative factor.

Incorrect lighting, when either the screen is too bright compared to the background, or vice versa, the environment is too bright compared to the screen, is also unpleasant for the eyes.

In the first case, the eyes will get tired of the contrast, and in the second case, the screen will light up and the eyes will have to strain to see the image. All this leads to excessive eye strain, the accumulation of their fatigue.

There are sensations of sand in the eyes, tension, vision is "clouded". Finally, too long work also does not have a positive effect on the eyes.

In healthy people, this disappears within a few tens of minutes after completion of work, but in those who are predisposed to visual impairment, this is an aggravating factor for the accelerated development of eye diseases.

In such a case, one should consider proper organization work at the computer with greater care and follow the recommendations below.

Yes and healthy people it does not hurt to perform them, because even without the risk of visual impairment, constant dryness in the eyes is not pleasant.


Preventive measures for the proper organization of the workplace significantly reduce the chance of degradation of the visual organs, they are useful for the eyes and the body as a whole.

The first thing you need to do is set up your monitor. Set the image refresh rate to 75 hertz. On the operating system Windows, this is done in the monitor settings in the control panel.

Keep it clean, dust it regularly with a special cloth, they are sold in kits in computer stores.

Decreasing screen brightness in pursuit of long time running a laptop or tablet is a bad idea.

Eyestrain when trying to see a dim image is too high a price to pay for saving battery power.

If they are out of your field of vision, then move the monitor away or sit further away from it. The optimal distance is 70 centimeters.

It is desirable to work at a computer in a sitting position, do not lie down. The light source should not be behind the screen if it is the only one in the room.

Once an hour, get up from behind the monitor and do light exercises. It is enough just to move your arms and legs, walk around the room, do breathing exercises.

Also try to blink as often as possible during this time to keep your eyes moist. Moisturizing also contributes to the intake of the optimal amount of fluid in the body.

Do not work at the monitor at night, try to give yourself good sleep at seven or eight o'clock.

Lead an active lifestyle, move more. This will increase the whole tone of the body, you will be tired when working in front of the monitor for much longer. These measures also contribute to the normalization cerebral circulation, and the health of your eyes directly depends on it.

It will not be superfluous to conduct regular gymnastics for the eyes. These include exercises to change the focus of the gaze, as well as exercises to follow the gaze of moving objects.

For an adult, the maximum time spent on a computer and other electronic devices(phones, tablets) is no more than eight hours. Children 15-18 years old can work for 5 hours.

Younger students are allowed to spend at the computer no more than two hours. And preschoolers should not be allowed to use gadgets for more than 15 minutes.

This will protect their vision from excessive stress, which is especially detrimental during the formation of the eyeball.

To prevent computer vision from spoiling, you can additionally use the tips from the following articles:


Do not forget about the need for good nutrition, which will satisfy the body's need for minerals and vitamins. Vitamins A and B are especially important for the eyes.

If your diet is poor and does not contain enough vitamins, then make up for this deficiency by consuming pharmacy products. Standard complexes, such as Revit or Complivit, are well suited.

To moisturize the eyes, you can instill (several times a day) an artificial tear and similar preparations. If visual acuity decreases, then you need to use medications that match your diagnosis.

So, with myopia (the most common consequence of working at a computer), emoxipin, taufon, quinax will help you. But do not rush to start taking any drugs at the first sign of visual impairment.

First, be sure to consult a doctor - it is likely that you have begun to see worse due to beriberi or ordinary overexertion, and then you will not necessarily undergo drug therapy.

If visual disturbances are too great and continue to worsen despite compliance with preventive measures, then it will only help surgical intervention, vision correction.

This picture shows the correct body position in which the eyes will not be so tired from working at the computer monitor:


The computer cannot spoil vision, it does not have any negative effect on the eyes, the radiation of its screen is ordinary light radiation, no different from other light sources.

At the same time, some features of working behind it can lead to increased eye fatigue and their drying out. This is due to the fact that a person rarely blinks at work, sits too close and spends too much time in front of the screen.

Causes of a sharp deterioration in vision may be associated with chronic diseases, disturbances in the body, and also simply be a manifestation of age.
Vision problems most often appear in older people.

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Types and classification of visual impairment in the elderly

  • Amblyopia. In this case, vision can deteriorate dramatically, more often it concerns one eye. This disorder cannot be corrected with lenses or glasses. A person cannot adequately assess the volume of an object and the distance to it.
  • Astigmatism. In this case, the disease can double in the eyes, the image is blurred, the eyes get tired very quickly, which can lead to headaches. A person with this diagnosis has to constantly squint in order to improve the visual picture.
  • Prespiobia. In another way, this disease can be called senile farsightedness. Most often, such a diagnosis occurs in people who have crossed the age threshold, forty.

    The peak of this disease is at the age of sixty. A person loses the normal ability to see nearby objects clearly.

  • Cataract. This disease causes the lens of the eye to become cloudy, which can lead to loss of normal vision. This diagnosis is most often characteristic of people who are over fifty.
  • Glaucoma. This eye disease can be called chronic. With this diagnosis, there is a constant increase intraocular pressure. In this regard, disturbances in the outflow of fluid of a trophic nature, which occur inside the eye, may develop. Most often, the retina and optic nerve suffer the most.
  • Age-related macular degeneration. The area of ​​the retina, which is located in the center and has a name - the macula, falls under the blow. It is this macula that plays a very important role in providing the eye with vision.

Age-related macular degeneration can become an irreversible cause of vision loss in people over the age of fifty.

The International Classification of Diseases-10 divides the visual function into:

  1. Vision that is normal;
  2. Vision with moderate impairment;
  3. Vision with severe impairment;
  4. Complete loss of vision, i.e. blindness.

Major Disorders and Problems

Visual impairments include the following problems in the elderly:

  • A person does not perceive color well;
  • Poor reaction when the light brightness changes;
  • Objects around blur;
  • Strong light causes hypersensitivity;
  • The field of view becomes limited;
  • Objects in space cannot be correctly identified.

Negative age-related changes

Most often, the reasons include:

  1. Violation of blood circulation in the eye area;
  2. Heredity;
  3. chronic diseases;
  4. Complication after acute forms of certain diseases;
  5. retinal atrophy;
  6. Intraocular high pressure;
  7. Diseases associated with the lens, retina, cornea;
  8. Work activities associated with heavy loads on the eyes;
  9. Work that may be dangerous to the eyes, such as a welder.

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The impact of the computer on the eyes

Studies have proven that frequent contact with a computer can adversely affect the quality of vision.

The main reasons for this:

  1. Dry Eye Syndrome. With this syndrome, there are discomfort as:
    • redness;
    • fear of the world;
    • feelings of sand in the eyes;
    • rez.

    All this happens because, looking at the monitor, a person begins to blink less often than expected, and this can lead to drying of the mucous membrane of the eye.

  2. The monitor is too close. When a person focuses their eyes on a monitor that is too close for a very long time, visual fatigue syndrome can occur, which negatively affects vision.

Therefore, it is worth following some rules in order to maintain your vision until old age:

  • The distance between the monitor and the eyes should not be less than 70 centimeters;
  • Looking straight ahead upper edge monitor must be visible;
  • Periodically looking away from the monitor for half a minute, examine the surrounding objects at different distances;
  • Leave the place near the computer for 10 minutes every hour;
  • Do not forget to drink plenty of liquids, plain water is best;
  • Can be used pharmaceutical preparations to moisturize the eyes.

Reasons for unilateral deterioration

Sharp deterioration vision of one eye may be the result of diseases:

  1. Optical neuropathy. That is, unilateral loss of vision occurs due to ischemia, which can be provoked by such diseases as:
    • diabetes;
    • hypertension;
    • atherosclerosis.
  2. Temporal arteritis. This is damage to the vessels: eyes, head, arteries, which can cause visual impairment. Why such problems arise medicine has not fully figured out.

    The inflammatory process associated with the temporal artery can lead to complete blindness on one side. Elderly women are often at risk.

  3. Stenosis carotid artery. In elderly patients, vision may temporarily deteriorate due to changes in blood flow in the retina. With this diagnosis, unilateral visual impairment can last from several minutes to several hours.

    After such an attack in a third of the patients, cerebral circulation is disturbed.

Diseases that can lead to a sharp deterioration in vision:

  1. Diabetes. This disease can be called the main one among those that can affect visual impairment. Diabetic retinopathy appears due to formations in the retina of a large number of blood vessels. This is due to metabolic disorders.
  2. Hypertension. High pressure damages the capillaries that help transport oxygen to the retina. Sometimes this disease can even lead to blindness.
  3. Atherosclerosis. This disease can lead to a heart attack of the eye due to blockage of the arteries that go to the retina.
  4. Inflammation of the kidneys can also affect the quality of vision, although this rarely happens. Inflammation can disrupt the metabolic processes in the retina.
  5. Diseases thyroid gland. In this case, partial loss of vision occurs due to atrophy. optic nerve.
  6. Organic lesions of the brain. Vision very often worsens after microstrokes.
  7. Hepatitis. Hepatitis C is particularly responsible for vision loss.

Effective treatment of pathology

  • If the cause of visual impairment is associated with underlying diseases, then they should simply be eliminated.
  • With diabetes, the patient must constantly monitor the level of sugar and undergo regular examinations.
  • For glaucoma and cataracts, surgical intervention using a laser or scalpel.
  • Myopia is treated conservatively or with the intervention of a surgeon. That is, they either prescribe glasses and lenses, or perform an operation using a laser, with which they change the lens for an implant.

With the help of special gymnastics, you can reduce the risk of falling vision from age to a minimum.


  • No. 1. Highly effective exercise, this is the movement of the eyes from side to side, as well as up, down and clockwise.
  • No. 2. Drawing the nose will help improve blood circulation. When drawing, only the neck and head should be in motion. You can draw letters, numbers and various geometric shapes.
  • Number 3. Move your gaze, first to a nearby object, then to a distant object.
  • No. 4. Having fixed your gaze on one object, make different head movements, these can be turns, as well as movements up and down.

It is much easier to prevent vision loss than to restore it - be sure to visit an ophthalmologist and follow his recommendations.

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  • If the eyes are constantly subject to overexertion, then it is advisable to include carrot juice with parsley in the diet.
  • The vessels of the eyes will be strong and elastic if you eat apricots and drink a decoction of wild rose.
  • If there is myopia, then it is very good to eat a pumpkin and take a tincture or decoction of hawthorn.
  • Glaucoma, cataracts and optic nerve disease, parsley juice treats well, you can drink it in a tablespoon daily.

Poor vision with hepatitis C

If there is a sharp deterioration in vision, you should immediately contact your doctor. There are problems associated with visual impairment, according to a bilateral principle. Then, as experts note, we can talk about deviations of a neurological nature.

Often as a reason for which a sharp deterioration in the state of vision in a person can occur, there is viral hepatitis C.

Now science distinguishes several stages of this disease.

Among them, the following are usually distinguished:

  1. Acute stage of the disease. It is characterized by increased pain in the abdomen and may be accompanied by a number of other symptoms. It continues for about a week. At the same time, a person's temperature may also rise slightly.
  2. Protracted form of the disease. It manifests itself with almost the same symptoms as in the first case. However pain are rather not sharp, but pulling in nature. In this case, the temperature can both rise and return to normal.
  3. Chronic form of the disease. This current The disease is characterized by the fact that for a very long time the patient practically does not feel the signs of the disease. Sometimes he may be disturbed by small drawing pains. After a certain period of time, this disease with big share probability goes into an acute phase.

It should also be borne in mind that if over time a qualified treatment of the disease is not performed, then it can cause a number of complications. Among these complications is a sharp deterioration in vision. This is due to the fact that there is inflammation of the tissues of the eye. Therefore, a rapid and irreversible process takes place, which has a harmful effect on the state of the organ. As a result, a person's vision falls very quickly, and it is very problematic to restore it later.

The eyes are an organ that is constantly in great tension. We use it almost all day in our activities. Only at night does he get a little rest. Therefore, it is not difficult to assume that the eyes are very susceptible to harmful effects. At the same time, the consequences of such actions are the deterioration visual function in a person.

As one of the methods designed to restore vision in humans, is a periodic reception certain groups vitamins.

Among the many vitamins, you should pay attention Special attention to the following:

  1. Riboflamin. This tool is actively used in the prevention or treatment of changes in the cornea of ​​​​the dystrophic type. It is recommended to eat it together with dairy products. It will also be effective when used with mushrooms, meat, fish and nuts. In this case, one rule must be remembered. This vitamin has the property of rapid destruction in a situation where boiling occurs. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in food along with decoctions and teas in a hot state.
  2. Thiamine. This vitamin seems to be very important in terms of impulse translation. nervous type which are transmitted from the brain directly to the organs of vision. With its help, it is possible to actively resist glaucoma. Also, the use of such a vitamin allows you to normalize the pressure of the intraocular type. It occurs naturally in bakery products and liver.
  3. Cyanocobalamin. This substance, according to experts, allows you to normalize the processes associated with blood circulation and stabilization of work. nerve fibers present in the eyes. This vitamin is found in a number of foods. Among such products, doctors recommend eating dairy products and eggs. It is especially abundant in egg yolks. Also, this vitamin is found in fish and liver.
  4. lutein. Application this vitamin strengthens the lens of the eye and its retina. However, you should be aware that it can be found in a fairly limited number of products. Now experts recommend eating spinach and sweet paprika to replenish the reserves of this vitamin.
  1. Lutein Complex. It is produced by the Ecomir company.
  2. Optics.
  3. Doppergelz Active. This drug can be purchased at pharmacies. Naturally, based on the name, it is produced by Doppergelz.
  4. Strix with blueberries. They are manufactured by the company. Ferro Sun.
  5. Tears.
  6. Focus and Focus Forte.
  7. Aevit. These are the most common and inexpensive vitamins on the market.

The most effective vitamins in the form of eye drops and ointments

  1. Riboflavin. These drops should be used in a situation where there is increased eye fatigue. They should also be used in case of visual impairment or in a situation of scarring of wounds that occur as a result of burns. Yet this remedy allows you to cure a couple of days and conjunctivitis.
  2. Tuafon. It is used for cataracts. It is also effective in case of eye injury. In addition, such drops can relieve fatigue and dryness in the eyes.
  3. Sancatalin and Quinax. This series of drops is mainly used during the cataract treatment process of the eye. About a couple of weeks after the start of the use of such drops, most patients see progress in improving their vision. Also, these drops can eliminate inflammation of the eyes.
  4. Vitafaloc and Katahrom. This drug is recommended by specialists for use during the treatment of eye cataracts in the initial stages. It is interesting that these drops have the greatest effect in psychological terms. When they are used, the lens is cleansed, and dryness in the eyes is eliminated.
  5. Kromoheksal. Experts recommend using this medicine to patients at the time of the presence of flowering plants. It is also effective in the treatment allergic diseases in the eyes of the patient. As a result of its use, burning and tearing in the eyes practically disappears. There is also a high effect of its use in the treatment of allergic-type conjunctivitis.

Prevention of visual impairment

In order to prevent visual impairment in time, a number of preventive measures should be taken.

Among these preventive measures, experts recommend the following:

  1. Doing exercises for the eyes. It is recommended to do this exercise three times a day. It includes several simple exercises that are performed independently in a normal home environment.
  2. Taking preventive medications prescribed by a doctor. In this case, you should strictly adhere to the doctor's prescriptions and the period of time that is recommended for taking medications. In most cases, such drugs are drops.
  3. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle. To do this, you must observe the regime of the day and carry out a good diet rich in essential vitamins.

A sharp deterioration in vision - the reasons for the decline

This will help:

  • Visual impairment

A person who has had a deterioration in vision in one eye becomes uncomfortable to live. It's good when the difference in the vision of the eyes is barely noticeable. And if the eyes see completely differently, for example: 1 - left and 0.5 - right, then the person himself notices that a veil hangs on one eye. The difference in vision of the eyes leads to headaches, muscle tension.

Visual impairment

The eye is a very important organ. It is thanks to him that a person receives most of the information about the world around him. However, visual impairment is often not a major concern for people. They think that this is due to age-related changes or fatigue.

Indeed, visual impairment is not always associated with diseases.

The following factors can also lead to this symptom:

  • overwork;
  • lack of sleep;
  • constant stress;
  • prolonged eye strain (for example, at a computer).

Often, in order for vision to normalize, it is enough just to rest, do eye gymnastics. One of the exercises is called palming. The essence is to relax the eyes by placing warm palms on the eyes so that the hands do not come into direct contact with them.

To perform this exercise, you need to put warm palms on your eyes so that the fingers overlap one another, and the palms cover part of the nose and do not let in sunlight. They sit in this position for 4 minutes. You can use another technique, which consists in various eye movements along predetermined trajectories. You need to look at close and distant objects alternately, rotate your eyes in one direction or the other, draw imaginary crosses with your eyes. All this helps to restore the muscles of the eyes and improve vision.

If these exercises do not bring benefits, and the ability to see worsens, then you should consult a doctor for further diagnosis.

There are many reasons for vision loss:

  1. Loss of eye muscle tone. The reason lies in the constant reading of the text, the use of a computer. Since the eye focuses at one distance, and the muscles that control the lens of the eye weaken. It is necessary to do exercises for the eyes, looking at distant and near objects alternately.
  2. Age-related loss of vision, or aging of the retina. The only way out is to increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin A.
  3. Poor circulation. It is better to regularly consult with specialists.
  4. Eye strain. The rooms should have good lighting: not bright and not dim.
  5. Dry eyes. It can occur both due to frequent use of the computer, and due to the fact that a person has not cried for a long time. Salvation will bring him moisturizing eye drops.

Subject to all these conditions and rules, you can not only maintain the ability to see, but also improve it a little.

Most often, visual impairment is a symptom of any of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the eyes themselves;
  • general diseases;
  • violations of the tissues surrounding the eyes.

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Loss of vision in one eye

Very often, visual impairment in one eye indicates the presence of some kind of disease, for example, Leber's syndrome. it hereditary disease, which is transmitted mainly through the female line to men and women, but men suffer from it twice as often.

Another disease that affects vision is stroke. It is also the most common among those who complain of loss of vision in one eye. The ability of one eye to see well can also fall in the case of retinal detachment, acute glaucoma with severe pain, or migraine.

A very common cause are diseases of the lens, which entail cataracts or other visual impairments, the main of which are nearsightedness and farsightedness. The names speak for themselves. With farsightedness, a person sees better at a distance, and with nearsightedness, near.

Farsightedness is mostly considered an age-related change, while nearsightedness occurs in many people. It can be caused by eye strain, poor blood supply, head injuries and various diseases.

Vision may deteriorate over time or fall sharply in a matter of days. It is very important to note the fact with which the vision deteriorated in one eye. This will help the ophthalmologist to identify the cause of visual impairment.

When diagnosing the cause of vision loss, age, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels are taken into account. All this directly affects the quality of vision. The doctor at the reception will offer you to determine the vision according to the Sivtsev table. After that, he will scan your fundus in both eyes. Then you pass all the necessary tests. After that, you are diagnosed and treated.

What does decreased vision in one eye mean? Usually, vision is reduced in two eyes at once, but a situation may arise when one eye begins to see worse than the other (i.e., vision decreases in only one eye). You should not leave this situation unattended, you should definitely go to a specialist and find out the cause of this symptom. A sharp deterioration in vision in one eye can occur at any age and a serious illness can be the cause.

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The reasons

Vision in one eye can deteriorate due to various reasons. Let's break them down.

Retinal detachment

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If the vision in one eye has dropped sharply, you see “flies” or a “veil” has appeared in front of the eye, retinal detachment may occur. This pathology can occur against the background of dystrophy of the peripheral zones of the retina and their rupture. Intraocular fluid flows into these zones, which leads to detachment of the membrane.

This disease can occur:

  • in people with myopia;
  • due to injury;
  • against the background of other eye diseases;
  • by inheritance;
  • during work associated with lifting weights and heavy physical exertion. In this case, you need to without fail undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist on a special apparatus (slit lamp) once a year.

Leber syndrome

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A hereditary disease in which the cells of the retina and optic nerve are destroyed, while in just two to three weeks vision deteriorates and a “blind spot” appears in one eye, and after a few months it may appear in the second. Most often, this disease affects men at an active age, about twenty to thirty years old.

Although this is genetic disease, but it has been proven that some factors provoke it:

  • nervous shocks;
  • abuse of tobacco and alcohol;
  • exposure to toxic substances;
  • the use of various medicines;
  • transferred infections.

Only recently, scientists at the University of Miami managed to develop a method for treating Leber's syndrome.


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If you have a sharp deterioration in vision in one eye, and you also notice the following symptoms, that is, the risk of acute form angle-closure glaucoma.

With these accompanying symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor:

  • sharp pain in the eye;
  • the eye turned red and a veil appeared before it;
  • sometimes disturbed by bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • increase in intraocular pressure.


If vision has fallen in one eye, this may indicate the presence of any pathology of the lens, for example: various types of cataracts (i.e. clouding of the lens). As a rule, this is an age-related change, but it may also appear in connection with injuries, a disease, chemical poisoning or irradiation.

Treatment of cataracts is possible with conservative methods, only on initial stage diseases, but it is cured exclusively with the help of a surgical operation - cataract extraction, in various ways.


This disease occurs at different ages, but children are more susceptible to it. Strabismus is a disorder in the work of the eye muscles in one eye, due to which vision may fall on it. The diseased eye, due to weakness in the muscles, gives a picture different from the healthy eye and eventually stops working, which leads to amblyopia.

Strabismus can be congenital (rare) or acquired. In the second case, it is associated with:

  • consequences of prematurity;
  • diseases and the use of various medications by the mother during pregnancy;
  • various eye diseases, ametropia;
  • Trauma and damage.

Correcting strabismus is easiest in childhood. That is why it is so important to see a doctor.


This disease is more common in children, in adults in Russia only in two percent of cases. Amblyopia develops against the background of:

  1. strabismus;
  2. congenital pathology of the lens or cornea;
  3. differences in visual acuity between the eyes.

The organs of vision of the child develop up to the age of eleven, his eyes, adapting to the perception of the world around him, suppress the visual image obtained from the blurred eye with the good seeing eye. This is how "lazy eye" or amblyopia develops.

The disease itself does not go away, but children rarely complain if their vision begins to deteriorate. Therefore, parents are required to be vigilant. During this period, it is possible to correct the pathology if the cause is eliminated! However, at an older age, it is very difficult to reconfigure the eyes for proper functioning, which is why it is so important to detect it in time and start treatment.

Amblyopia can be cured by correcting the ametropia of the eye, using pleoptic methods, especially direct occlusion (turning off the healthy eye) and various physiotherapeutic actions. Diagnosis and treatment must be prescribed by a specialist - an ophthalmologist, sometimes a consultation with a neuropathologist is required.

eye injury

No one is immune from eye injury. If you have blind spots in front of any eye, this may be the result of injury. The injury can be mechanical or chemical in nature:

  • the ingress of various kinds of particles (motes, soaps, varnish, shampoos, midges, and so on);
  • mechanical damage (knife, glass, finger, injury, correlation, and so on);
  • various kinds of burns (thermal, frostbite, chemistry, radiation).

The main conclusion that you must make is not to wait for the deterioration of vision, but to constantly undergo examinations by specialists, lead a healthy lifestyle, be careful, walk as much as possible and not overstrain your body.

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A sharp deterioration in vision greatly changes the quality of life. The reasons for this may be different. When vision gradually falls, a person manages to adapt to violations. But the rapid loss of the visual ability of the eye causes panic, can plunge into severe depression. After all, more than 90% of the information received from the outside is provided by the eyes. To preserve vision, you need to pay attention to the eyes not sporadically (from time to time), but constantly. The visual function of the eyes also depends on the state of the body as a whole. Why does a person begin to see badly?

What happens to vision?

The first symptoms of impaired visual function are considered to be the inability to qualitatively distinguish the contours of more or less distant objects, the blurry picture, the “veil” before the eyes, the inability to read, etc. Loss good quality vision is associated not only with defects in the visual organs themselves. Decline in visual acuity, its loss may be a symptom of serious systemic diseases organism. The pathological condition of the eyes can be temporary (passing) or permanent, persistent.

Loss or deterioration of visual ability can be:

  • bilateral - the lesion is most often the cause of a neurogenic disorder;
  • unilateral - usually associated with a local problem (eye tissue defect, local vascular pathology).

Why does vision fall rapidly, suddenly? The causes of a sharp, spontaneous loss of visual consistency of the eyes (one or two) are usually classified as ophthalmic (directly related to the physiology and anatomy of the eyes) and general - those causes that are associated with various common diseases organism.

Not always the loss of the main function of the eye is associated with organic disorders organism.

Temporarily, but sharply, visual acuity may decrease due to overwork, constant lack of sleep, long stay in front of a computer monitor, especially if a person's daily work activities are associated with it.

Ophthalmic factors

Spontaneous decrease in the ability of one or both eyes to see well, its complete or partial loss are the result of many ophthalmic pathologies:

  1. Injuries (mechanical, chemical) of the visual organs. We are talking about bruises of the eyeball, thermal burns, the ingress of aggressive chemicals into the eye, foreign objects, fractures of the orbit. Particularly severe wounds are caused by piercing and cutting agents, the loss of the eye's ability to see is often the result of their impact. Chemical agents often affect not only the surface layer, but also more deep structures eyeball.
  2. Hemorrhage in the retina. The reasons for this may be different - excessive physical exercise, fragility of vascular walls, prolonged generic activity, venous congestion, intraocular hypertension.
  3. Acute eye infections (usually affecting not one, but both eyes) - fungal, viral, bacterial. This includes blennorrhea, conjunctivitis various etiologies, keratitis, ulcers eye membranes. The loss of visual quality is usually transient.
  4. Detachment of the retina and eyeball, their breaks.
  5. Optical neuropathy. The nature of the lesion is ischemic. There is a sudden drop - usually one-sided - of vision, pain syndrome while it is absent. Examination reveals false edema of the optic nerve, pallor of the retina.
  6. Retinal migraine is characterized by a monocular scotoma (blind spot in the visual field). Its appearance is associated with discirculation in the central artery of the retina. It can alternate with another type of migraine - ophthalmic, in which attacks of a sharp headache are associated with visual dysfunction (sparks before the eyes, flashing, scotomas).

All these pathological conditions are sharp. If your vision deteriorates sharply, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely assistance in most cases helps to restore vision, stop its fall, and save the eyes.

Intracranial hypertension - benign

An increase in intracranial pressure of a benign nature is usually characteristic of girls who are prone to fullness, suffering from a cycle disorder. A variety of pathologies predispose to the disease endocrine system, pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia.

Accompanied by severe pain in the back of the head, which can also be asymmetric, generalized. Another characteristic symptom is a sharp visual dysfunction (reduced visibility). A special study indicates swelling of the optic nerve, congestion, hemorrhage.

Temporal arteritis

Inflammatory lesion of arterial vessels: vessels of the head, eyes. This is accompanied by visual impairment. The causes of this pathology have not been finally established. The disease quite often provokes complete one-sided blindness. The disease mainly affects the elderly representatives of the female half of the population.

In addition to eye symptoms, there is a headache, tension and soreness. temporal artery. Indicators of laboratory tests are changing, which indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

Amavrosis fugax

Amavrosis fugax - sudden blindness. Stenosis of the internal carotid artery is observed in age-related patients. As a result of this pathology, vision suddenly disappears in a person. The reason is a transient fluctuation in the level of blood flow in the area of ​​the retina. Other characteristic signs: noise in the projection of the artery (determined during auscultation), contralateral hemisymptoms, weakness in the limbs, etc. Vision in one (usually) eye deteriorates quite unexpectedly, over several minutes or hours. The violation continues - the loss of the visual ability of the eye - for several hours.

Amavrosis fugax may be due to vascular embolism eye retina. The cause of the pathology is damage to the carotid artery (internal). With the blood flow, the embolic formation penetrates into the vessels of the retina of the eye, provoking ischemia. The nature provides for a special function in the body - the dissolution of blood clots, therefore blindness is often transient. In the acute phase, the retinal artery is soldered, and a thrombus is determined in it with the help of additional research methods (angiography).

Other causative factors

Among the other reasons, due to which vision falls, we can distinguish the following:

  • toxic neuropathy (optical) - a consequence of poisoning with methyl alcohol, various alcohol surrogates, cyanides, etc. Intoxication with these substances can cause complete blindness;
  • cervical osteochondrosis, infringement of hernias, squeezing of blood vessels in this part of the spine, injuries lead to disruption of the blood supply to the eyes;
  • tumors located in the pituitary gland. Why is vision impaired in this case? The neoplasm compresses the optic nerves, due to which there is a decrease in visual perception;
  • various disorders of cerebral circulation - accompanied by a sharp vasospasm, as a result of which visual acuity suffers;
  • venereal diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies (hypo- or hyperthyroidism, diffuse toxic goiter);
  • fracture of the base of the skull - if the injury occurs in the region of the optic canal, there are serious impairments to visual ability, its loss;
  • retrobulbar neuritis - inflammation of the nerve tissues. In addition to a pronounced decrease in visual function, there is a flicker before the eyes, pain in them. The pathology occurs more often in young people. Usually the lesion is unilateral, but may be bilateral. At first, there are even no changes in the nature of the fundus. Such a state happens early sign multiple sclerosis, syphilis.

A person's vision gradually decreases due to vascular damage in diabetes mellitus (diabetic retinopathy), the formation of a walleye, cataracts. Vision worsens such pathologies of the visual organs as farsightedness, myopia. The progression of these diseases leads to the loss of the ability to see clearly. The natural wear and tear of eye tissues, the presence of many concomitant diseases are the causes of vision loss in old age.

On the basis of acute stress, visual dysfunction can occur - “psychogenic blindness”. It threatens more often the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Why? Women are distinguished by emotionality, psychological susceptibility. The patient complains that her vision has dropped sharply. The reactions of the pupils of the eye are preserved, no pathological changes eye fundus.

inattention to eye symptoms may result in complete visual loss. Treatment depends on the cause of the disorder, the severity pathological disorder. In any case, contacting a specialist is urgency. Take care of your eyes, take care of their health!

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It is no secret to anyone that visual function deteriorates over the years, because the inevitable aging spares no one. If in old age this process affects both eyes, then the cause is most likely age-related changes in the body. However, if visual impairment occurs in one eye, then this symptom may be a manifestation of a pathological process, and it may also develop at a younger age.

Why can vision deteriorate in one eye?

There can be many reasons for visual impairment in one eye, a similar symptom manifests itself, for example, in the following conditions:

  • retinal damage;
  • pathology of the cornea and lens;
  • some general somatic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • eye injury;
  • strabismus;
  • amblyopia.

Making an accurate diagnosis with such symptoms is difficult, requires additional research. Visual impairment can be both persistent and temporary, and is not always associated with any disease. It can also be caused by stress, overwork, very long work at the computer, lack of sleep, etc. Temporary disorders often do not require any therapy and resolve on their own after a while.

Persistent visual impairments are associated either with pathologies of the optical system of the eye (cornea, lens, vitreous body and retina), or with innervation disorders. Often, decreased vision in one eye accompanies diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes mellitus, in which retinal vessels are damaged. If black circles or a veil appear before the eyes, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as this may indicate a rupture or detachment of the retina. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention.

In addition, visual impairment in one eye may be a sign of keratitis, which often occurs after an acute respiratory viral infection while wearing contact lenses. In any study, it is imperative to get expert advice and, if necessary, carry out a full ophthalmological examination to avoid possible very serious consequences.

Treatment for decreased vision in one eye

important role in therapy given symptom plays accurate and complete diagnostics, since the treatment in each case depends on the cause of the visual impairment. For example, for the treatment of keratitis after SARS, eye drops with anti-inflammatory and regenerating drugs are used, and in case of retinal detachment, an immediate surgical operation is required. Therefore, with a decrease in vision in one eye, you should not postpone a visit to an ophthalmologist, the possibility of maintaining the ability of the eye to see may depend on the speed of treatment.

Clinic ARTOKS offers consultations of highly qualified ophthalmologists, accurate diagnosis on modern equipment and effective treatment of any pathologies of the visual system. Our experienced specialists will help you see the world with new eyes and enjoy life.

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Today, more and more people turn to ophthalmologists with complaints of visual impairment. This problem is becoming more acute every day and does not lose its relevance. Vision deteriorates not only in the elderly, but also in young people, and even in children. Every year there is a tendency to more and more rejuvenation of this vice. Patients are getting younger every year.

Not surprising, because in this digital age, the workload is increasing. Tension at work, stress only grows, and the time for proper rest is reduced. Hygiene of vision today is completely ignored. A person works at a computer all day, and in the evening he relaxes watching a movie or favorite program in front of a TV or at a computer.

It is possible to recognize the pathology in a timely manner, and take the necessary measures, only if you know the main symptoms that may manifest as a decrease in vision.

ICD-10 code

H53 Visual disturbances

The risk group is primarily people whose professional activity associated with computer work. In second place are people whose work requires a high concentration of attention, as well as high level concentration of vision. These are people who work with small objects, with magnifiers, microscopes. The third group includes people working in enterprises. Where there is a large load on the eyes, where there is a large number of annoying factors. For example, people working with flashes, bright lights, sharp drops light, welding. People who are forced to deal with poisonous and toxic chemicals, dust, and fumes are also at risk.

The risk group includes people who once underwent eye surgery, suffering from diabetes, cervical osteochondrosis. People who regularly take some medications, as well as those suffering from nervousness, mental illness, pathologies of the brain. For example, people taking isoniazid are at risk of losing their sight quickly.

Read about other common causes of visual impairment in this article.

Signs of impaired vision

The first and main symptom is hard to miss. A person cannot see the image that he needs, or the object. When reading, the letters merge, they cannot be disassembled. If a earlier man saw objects clearly and distinctly, then in case of violation, the image will be blurry, fuzzy, blurry. On the distant objects only silhouettes, common features can be seen.

In this case, it should be noted what type of change is taking place. In some cases, a person sees only those objects that are located far from him, but cannot clearly see those objects that are located near. For others, it may be exactly the opposite: a person sees only those objects that are located next to him, but cannot consider distant objects.

In some cases, a person sees well at night, but cannot see a single object in the daytime. For others, it's the other way around.

Often there are cases when a person does not complain at all about vision when he looks in a straight direction, but is not able to see anything when he looks away, changes position, turns his head. Color perception may be impaired. Sometimes there is poor vision only in bright light, or its lack.

Also, one of the symptoms is tearing and pain that occurs with prolonged fixation, and when a person simply focuses on a certain object for a long time.

The first manifestations should be recognized as a decrease in acuity. A person cannot see the object, the image blurs, becomes fuzzy. Sometimes pain and pain in the eyes can be felt. There may be circles, spots before the eyes. The appearance of such symptoms should immediately alert and become a reason for contacting an ophthalmologist.

A sharp deterioration in vision

Sharply worsen with trauma, damage to the retina, inflammation and swelling ophthalmic nerve. There are many reasons for acute visual impairment, therefore, when the first signs appear, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology as soon as possible and carry out necessary treatment. Sometimes surgery is required. Only early diagnosis guarantees the success of therapy and a favorable prognosis.

Age-related visual impairment

With age, the eye undergoes age-related changes. The number of light-perceiving cells, enzymes responsible for normal vision, is reduced. Both the retina and the optic nerve undergo degenerative processes.

Decreased vision may occur as a result of the fact that the nerve loses sensitivity, or distorts the signal that comes from the brain. There may be changes in the corresponding part of the brain, which regulates visual processes, is responsible for processing the sound signal and its transformation into a visual image.

Degenerative processes, sclerosis, can also develop against the background of impaired cerebral circulation, as a result of which the retina experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrients, an excess of carbon dioxide of harmful metabolic products.

Loss of vision in one eye

Age-related changes almost always begin with a decrease in vision in one eye. Only then, after some time, the pathological process extends to the second eye. Also, the reason that the condition of only one eye worsens is an injury, a disease. Often, such pathologies manifest themselves with retinal detachment, damage to the cornea or lens, as well as ambiolipy, strabismus, and vascular thrombus. Similarly, diabetic reticulopathy, which is a complication of diabetes mellitus, can manifest itself.

The deterioration begins with one eye, gradually the pathology spreads to the second eye. When the pathology is not associated with age, the cause may be cerebrovascular accident, trauma, disease. In this case, which eye will be affected depends on the localization of the pathological process. So, if the right vessel of the brain is affected and there is a violation of blood circulation right lobe brain, then vision will decrease in the right eye.

Temporary and short-term visual impairment

Often this is not a sign of a permanent disease, but a temporary, short-term pathology.

The main reason is overwork resulting from prolonged exposure to irrational loads. In medicine, they use the term asthenopia. It is observed in people who are forced to work at a computer for a long time, drive a car. Especially if it happens at night.

Many hours of watching TV, reading in low light, in transport when moving, in the wrong position leads to overwork of the muscle. What causes pain and tearing. Gradually, changes occur in the muscle, it weakens. The image becomes blurry, a veil appears before the eyes, clouding. All this happens along with dizziness.

Today, there are many ways to correct vision. Laser vision correction opens up huge prospects for children. But the operation is contraindicated before the age of 16. But besides surgical methods of correction, there are many ways to maintain and restore. It is necessary to perform special exercises aimed at training the eye muscle, relaxing tense areas. This contributes to the restoration of vision, prevents further deterioration.

It is also important to observe the rules of eye hygiene. The child should study only at the desktop, must maintain the correct distance between the eyes and the book or notebook. Timely correction is very important for a child, since the development of vision pathology in childhood entails serious mental problems. The child may develop an inferiority complex, the child becomes withdrawn, stops communicating with peers, is shy. This is reflected in the further development and performance of the child.

It is also important to eat right, observe the regime of work and rest. The diet should include the required amount of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

Stages and types

Visual impairment occurs in three stages. The first is presbolia, during which a periodic, temporary decrease in vision develops. Usually this happens with overwork, stress. If you have a good rest, perform gymnastics for the eyes, vision can be restored. Also during exacerbations various diseases possibly reduced vision.

At the second stage, there is a periodic decrease in vision, which becomes relatively stable, occurs on an ongoing basis. At the same time, a person does not see well at certain times of the day, blurring of the image develops. A person sees only silhouettes, but cannot see a detailed image. Sometimes double vision develops. Usually this condition occurs during the day, during work, constant workload. During rest, holidays, the condition improves markedly.

In the third stage, permanent visual impairment occurs. The accommodation of the eye is disturbed, the muscle becomes atonic, the curvature of the lens and its elasticity change markedly. Vision during rest n changes, remains still low. It is almost impossible to recover without special therapy.

Deterioration of lateral vision

Peripheral vision refers to its type, in the formation of which the peripheral structures of the brain are directly involved. It gives a person the opportunity to navigate in space, to perceive white light well. Provides visibility within an angle of 120 degrees. Allows you to consider an object when reflective light from it hits the peripheral parts of the eye. The development of pathological phenomena leads primarily to the appearance of non-functioning areas. The patient perceives black spots in front of him, or certain areas simply fall out of sight. A narrowing of the visual fields is quite a common phenomenon. This is one of the main signs of a violation of the lateral structures.

Often a small island appears before the eyes. A person gets the impression that he cannot see the whole world, but we look at it through spyglass. Observing only those areas that are directly in front of the eyes. This phenomenon is known to science under the concept of tunnel vision. Often peripheral vision is disturbed as a result of injuries to the vessels of the eye, inflammation, stratification, which has rather serious consequences. Often, peripheral vision is impaired as a result of a neoplasm, mechanical or chemical damage, disease, inflammation, in which areas of the brain responsible for innervation are damaged.

Deterioration of peripheral vision

This is a type of vision in which perception occurs with the help of peripheral structures of the eye - the most important components of the eye. Represented by fixed indicators for each person. Quite often there is a partial loss of visual fields. Such areas are called scotomas. There are physiological (natural) scotomas and pathological ones that occur with visual impairment. With this form of pathology, a person, for example, can read normally, but is not capable of orientation in space. In case of violation peripheral vision, it is important to diagnose the disease as soon as possible and start treatment, otherwise it will progress, up to loss of vision. For diagnostics, you need to visit an ophthalmologist, or a neurologist. Basically, the conclusion of both specialists is required.

To detect deviations, the perimetry method is used. There are 2 varieties of this method: kinetic and static. Despite the fact that these methods are used quite widely, they are still considered obsolete. For research today, the method of computer perimetry is increasingly used, which allows you to accurately diagnose pathology using special programs.


In order to diagnose changes in the visual organ, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist. He will conduct an examination, check visual acuity, prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental research. The goal is to determine the cause that provoked the decrease in vision. If several diseases have similar manifestations, and it is impossible to determine the exact cause, differential diagnosis is carried out. Only then can the necessary treatment be prescribed, aimed at eliminating the cause and correcting the damage that has occurred.


To determine the overall picture of what is happening in the body, a clinical analysis of blood and urine is required. Clarifying results can be obtained using a biochemical blood test. A special diagnostic is also carried out, aimed at examining the organ of vision.

If a bacterial infection is suspected, a bacteriological culture lacrimal fluid, the contents of the conjunctival sac. If necessary, biomicroscopy is performed.

Instrumental diagnostics

The basis for the diagnosis of visual impairment are instrumental technologies. A complete picture of what is happening can be obtained by measuring the productivity of the lacrimal glands. For this, the methods of computerized keratotopography and echobiometry are most often used. Pachymetry measures the angle of curvature and thickness of the cornea.

Practically universal method, which gives the main diagnostic information, is the study of the fundus. In parallel, examine the optic nerve head. According to the indications, the value of intraocular pressure is measured. The determination of the refractive capabilities of the eye, the measurement of visual acuity, and ultrasound examination of the eye can be carried out.

Vision correction methods

With the help of spectacle correction, various complex vision pathologies can be corrected, such as astigmatism, hypermetropia, myopia. Also, glasses can eliminate farsightedness, prevent strabismus and reduce its severity. Glasses are very effective, but have certain disadvantages. They significantly limit the field of view, create obstacles for certain types of work, and cause many inconveniences when playing sports.

Lenses are preferred by people for whom their appearance is important. The method is also quite effective, but has a lot side effects and contraindications. So, lenses can not be worn with the development of inflammatory and infectious diseases in the eye, with a tendency to conjunctivitis. Contact lenses increase the risk of bacterial, protozoal, and fungal infections. A big disadvantage is the violation of the normal air circulation in the eye, respectively, the gas and material exchange is disturbed. Modern ophthalmology can offer a new generation of lenses that are breathable.

On the early stages massages, gymnastics for the eyes are carried out, which allow you to normalize blood circulation, increase the contractile activity of the eye muscle.

Hardware techniques allow you to practice on special installations that train your eyes. Exercises are performed under the supervision of an instructor. Can be done with or without glasses.

In many cases, the problem can be corrected only if the underlying disease that causes the decrease in vision is eliminated. For example, if a tumor is the cause of vision loss, it must be urgently removed, then special antitumor therapy should be carried out. If the cause is inflammation of the optic nerve, it is necessary first of all to remove the inflammatory process.


If visual impairment is not treated, the situation will only get worse. Vision does not recover on its own. The disease may progress to complete blindness. Visual impairment may also be a sign of serious illnesses like cataracts, glaucoma, tumors and inflammation of the eye. They may aggravate to the point where treatment is not possible.


For the prevention of visual impairment, hygiene requirements must be observed when working at a computer, during hard work. There are special computer glasses that prevent visual impairment. Designed for those who have to spend a lot of time at the computer.

Every 2 hours you need to take mandatory breaks of 10-15 minutes. At this time, it is advisable to perform general physical exercises or gymnastics for the eyes. You can simply look out the window for a while in order to switch your eye to far vision.

Good for the eyes green color. It helps to relax tense eye muscles. Therefore, it is necessary to keep green plants in the workplace, to which you should periodically switch your eyes. You can put a green card in front of you, which you need to periodically look at without taking your eyes off for 5-10 minutes.

It is necessary to ensure that the food is complete, contains a sufficient amount of vitamin and carotenoids, see Useful and harmful foods for vision. Good sleep is important. The optimal duration of sleep ranges from 6-8 hours. Both excessive sleep and its lack negatively affect not only the quality of vision, but also the state of the body as a whole. Also, for prevention, it is necessary to take special vitamin complexes designed to restore vision and maintain the normal functioning of the eye.


Visual impairment - serious problem, for the resolution of which it is necessary to make considerable efforts. Need therapy, observance of hygiene of vision. Need to practice regularly exercise doing exercises for the eyes. This is the only way to achieve positive results. If no measures are taken, the prognosis will be unfavorable, since vision does not recover on its own. The disease can only progress.

The problem of many modern people is poor eyesight. Some do not attach any importance to this, they associate it with age. In fact, such a problem often signals a disease. And it cannot be ignored.

Retinal pathologies

If the lens or cornea changes, the light gets worse to the retina. This is manifested by visual impairment. In addition, CNS disorders also affect. Regular overwork, systematic lack of sleep, frequent stress, prolonged stress visual organs - all this negatively affects vision.

Of course, you can try to fix the problem with proper rest and periodic exercise for the eyes. However, it is better to immediately contact an ophthalmologist. He will find out the cause of the manifestation of the problem and find the best solution.

The retina is the most important part of the eye. This is where the nerve endings are located. They perceive light rays. Subsequently, these rays form an image. If the retina flakes off, vision is impaired. Symptoms are manifested by a veil or sparks in the eyes. This process covers various parts of the retina, which contributes to reduced vision. Restore the state of the retina will help only surgery. Therefore, to do without treatment will not work.

One of the most dangerous reasons visual impairment is considered to be a retinal tear. So, the vitreous body is a substance that fills the eyeball from the inside. It is firmly attached to the retina. vitreous body initially elastic and dense. But over the years, it liquefies and simply separates from the retina. This is fraught with rupture and detachment. Only surgery can fix the problem.

Macular degeneration

This reason is relevant for people after 45 years. This ailment manifested by damage to the nerve receptors that are sensitive to light. Scientists agree that this is due to a lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body. Macular degeneration can be cured with the help of photodynamic therapy, laser therapy, the use of special injections or tablets.

diabetic retinopathy

This pathology occurs in most diabetics. It occurs due to damage to small vessels and capillaries of the retina. As a result, its entire sections are deprived of the necessary blood supply.

With a decrease in vision in one of the eyes, irreversible deterioration in visual function develops. Therefore, diabetics should be systematically examined by an ophthalmologist.

Nearsightedness or farsightedness

Frequent pathology due to a hereditary factor, a change in the shape of the cornea, eyeball or lens, as well as weakness of the muscles that control eye movement, is myopia. With such an ailment, laser correction, glasses are used, or microsurgical interventions are resorted to.

It is impossible not to mention the farsightedness due to the reduced diameter of the eyeball, a violation of the ability of the lens to change shape. As a rule, the problem occurs at an older age. It is corrected with glasses or contact lenses. There are also surgical techniques treatments involving the use of special lasers.


This pathology of the lens develops mainly in adulthood. It is rarely congenital. Cataracts are caused by metabolic disorders, exposure to free radicals, and trauma. Visual acuity decreases sharply, up to the onset of blindness in one visual organ. Initially, the problem can be solved using eye drops. A more radical solution is surgery.

Eye injury

After an eye injury, vision often deteriorates. Often this is due to burns, bruises, injuries to the visual organ. Also, the cause may be the ingress of a foreign body. In some cases, due to trauma, hemorrhage occurs in the orbit or retina. Such situations cannot be ignored. The ophthalmologist must conduct a thorough examination, determine the degree of damage, prescribing the appropriate treatment.

Clouding of the cornea

This process is called "an eyesore". It is a clouding as a result of the formation of an infiltrate that disrupts vision. To solve this problem, apply special drops or perform keratoplasty.


Keratitis is a group of diseases characterized by the presence of inflammation in the cornea. This problem occurs due to virus or bacterial infections. But keratitis is also toxic, can be of allergic, autoimmune or fungal origin. Vision is impaired, and only medical intervention can eliminate the problem.

Corneal ulcer

This defect can be caused by injuries, inflammation, infections. All of them cause visual impairment. You can fix the problem with hormonal drugs that produce an anti-inflammatory effect, or drops with antibiotics.

Spinal disorders

Vision is subject to the activity of the spinal cord, which passes through the spine. As a result, vertebral injuries or unsuccessful childbirth can provoke a deterioration in visual function.

Other diseases

Any infectious or sexually transmitted diseases can affect nervous system which will affect vision. But thyroid diseases deserve special attention. So, with toxic diffuse goiter, bulging eyes can occur. That is, there will be double vision in the eyes, and vision will gradually decrease. Treatment is predominantly conservative.

Bad habits

Vision is detrimental to the effects of alcohol, nicotine and drugs. This is reflected in the state of the vessels of the retina and eye muscles. Sooner or later, when the blood supply to the visual organs is disturbed, vision decreases. Refusal of all bad habits, as well as a healthy lifestyle, compliance with the regime of work and rest, balanced diet and supplementing the diet with vitamin-containing foods will help to avoid such problems.