Phrases for sellers. The "Granny" technique or how to start communicating with a buyer on the sales floor


When meeting a salesperson, the first thing you should do is say hello. Moreover, it is highly desirable that the greeting be light and uncomplicated, and also be accompanied by a sweet, pleasant greeting. After all, as you know, it is the greeting that is the seller’s business card and one of the tools to win over the buyer.

After establishing initial contact with the buyer, the seller must immediately ask the visitor point of sale question: “What are you interested in?” (or “How can I help you?”). If the buyer himself approaches the seller, the words following the greeting should be “I’m listening to you.”

If a potential buyer asks the seller for help while he is serving another client, he should apologize and ask the person asking the question to wait or contact another specialist (if possible). But in this situation, under no circumstances should the seller say: “Can’t you see that I’m busy,” much less accuse, raise his voice or shout at an interested store visitor. By doing so, you will not only violate the norms of professional ethics, but also put yourself in an awkward and disadvantageous position.

As soon as you are free, immediately approach the person waiting for you to the buyer, apologize again and say that you are ready to give detailed answers to all his questions.

When dealing with a buyer, the seller must be as sincere and truthful as possible. You should not mislead the client and lie to him, for example, by embellishing this or that product, because any lie will sooner or later be revealed. As a rule, the seller is given away by his own manners, behavior and intonation of communication. In addition, the seller should also under no circumstances hide his lack of interest and ignore his obligations to potential buyer. In this case, we are talking about sellers who make all sorts of concessions in order to quickly sell the product and not spend a lot of time on one client. Such an attitude will not only disrupt contact with visitors to the retail outlet, but will also change the trusting attitude towards you, both from the buyer and from the management.

The successful sale of goods depends on how skillfully the seller convinces buyer that this particular product will satisfy his needs. Working with clients requires mental flexibility, communication skills, and intelligence. If you know how to find an approach, choose a behavior model and the right words, then your personal sales will increase. There are professional secrets that a good salesperson should know.

You will need

  • Working in personal sales
  • Buyers


Gain confidence
The seller and the client engage in verbal communication during the sales process. To make a person willing to communicate, put him at ease: greet him politely, the buyer should feel welcome; listen to him, try to understand his requests. To reduce the time spent on purchasing, you must have a good knowledge of the assortment and be able to communicate the functions and advantages of the products. Get used to several customers at the same time. No one should feel left out. Be creative so that the buyer purchases the product from you, look for options that will suit him.
Your attitude is important. Give yourself a mindset: solve the problem buyer. After all, the buyer does not buy a thing for its own sake, but a solution to his problem! Consider the client’s state at the time of his request for the product, this will help you develop a model of behavior. Plus, priorities matter. buyer: By ignoring them, you risk offending him. So, if he asks about the price, then answer this question.

Convey your confidence
The voice and character of speech are important when communicating with a client. No need to mumble and interrupt. Speak confidently, in a calm tone, building your speech competently. Intercept the style of your interlocutor, adapt to his rate of speech. Don't be prim, smile sometimes. You must inspire optimism and convey to the buyer your confidence in the quality of the product. Ask questions that highlight a broad range of proposals, then narrow the questions to clearly define the client's interests and what information is required from you.
Naturally, the client will have doubts when purchasing, because he must spend his own money on it. Be grateful when the client hesitates, objects, or asks questions. This gives you a reason to discuss the pros and cons with him and convince him to make a purchase. It’s worse when the buyer is silent and doesn’t give you a reason to do so.

Collection of information
If you sell a product not in, but visit buyer home or, you have the opportunity to collect information about both it and your competitors. Each buyer is individual. It is more difficult to work with women than with men, since they spend more time analyzing, comparing, and making choices. K needs a different approach than housewives. Study the interests, standards, and norms of behavior of the group to which the buyer belongs.
During communication, the buyer may mention your competitors; ask him questions: there may not be another chance to get this information. Find out what the client didn’t like there, so as not to repeat the mistakes of others; maybe, on the contrary, your company has weak spots. Remember this, or better yet, write it down.
While at home or at work buyer, try to see him simply as a person: what is valuable to him, what objects or photos are on his desk, what he wears, what he reads, what he is interested in. Think about it, you also like it when people pay attention to you.

The end is the crown of the matter
If at the end of the conversation you still feel the client’s uncertainty, do not leave an open ending: “Think about it some more,” “I’ll leave you a catalog,” “I’ll call you back later”... You are giving chances to your competitors. Close the blind spots: return to the unclear ones, ask additional questions, once again focus the client’s attention on the merits of your offer. And never give up! Even if this time it didn’t work out, after a while, make an offer again: circumstances change, and your buyer may find himself in a different mood, his wishes and financial situation will change - and everything will work out.

Video on the topic


  • the art of trading in 2019

When working with a buyer, you should never forget that in front of you is a living person. People are all different, everyone deserves individual treatment and approach. Considering that there cannot be two identical sales, it is necessary to be able to understand people, the motives of their behavior and master the psychology of communication.


Introduce yourself when selling. Be interesting to your interlocutor. The client should not get tired of you; this will definitely affect his perception.

Expand your horizons, but at the same time eliminate arrogance and know-it-all. The buyer will feel this attitude and simply stop trusting you. Show him respect, then he will feel the same towards you. Try to cultivate empathy and show personal interest when communicating.

Improve your interview technique. When asking questions, adequately perceive the answers given. Constantly check whether you have understood the client correctly. In addition to traditional questions, ask clarifying questions. Don't forget that questions must be relevant. A successful salesperson spends only 20% of the time talking to the buyer and spending 80% of the time absorbing the answers. The ability to listen is one of the most important for a representative of this profession.

Position your offer as unique and unique, not as one of many. Your task is to present it this way product, so that buyers don’t have the question: “So what?” They sometimes ask it, in your opinion, at the most inopportune moment, breaking all your convincing arguments and masterly speeches.

Sell ​​not so much the product itself, but the result of its presence in the client’s life. Find out related problems and complex tasks facing the buyer. Draw a figurative picture where these problems are absent. To help you feel confident, thoroughly examine the property offered for sale. product and the effect it produces.

Don't rely on your client's logical decision making. Here logic is given only 16%. The remaining 84% are motives of a purely emotional nature. Among them are the ordinary thirst for possession, prestige, status, greed, and sometimes even the fear of loss that can be experienced if you do not acquire what you offer. Identify the prevailing emotional motive for early stage your communication and use this strong leverage.

Don't lower your prices. Using this method when persuading buyer, you are more likely to retreat rather than conduct competent business relationships. Adequately value your time and the level of products or services. Set reasonable, appropriate prices. You can sell anything cheap. If competition were based only on price determination, there would be no need for a seller at all.

Pay attention Special attention personal presentations of your product A. Carrying out such events increases sales by about 10 times when compared with sending offers by any other means. Moreover, this unique opportunity produce maximum effect per person and sell not only yourself product, but also to convince buyer in their competence, attitude towards business and people. The best compliment from a customer is recognition of your professionalism, which can be seen in all your actions, words, and also in the way you present yourself.

Be interested and involved in the life and development of your target market and the market of your clients. Discuss pressing issues on thematic sites and in in social networks, publish articles and news letters for target audience. Organize your own blog. The result of such actions will be your fame and authority among colleagues and clients, which best characterizes your activities.

July 8th, 2011 , 06:05 pm

Army of clones. These are the associations that a host of sellers in completely different parts of the country evoke in me, literally asking from the doorstep: “Hello, how can I help you?” It got to the point that in the corporate department Levi's in the main store of the country they said hello to me 5 times! I felt like I was at someone else’s friendly party, and didn’t come for jeans.

In short, there is an obvious problem - the inability of salespeople to establish contact on the sales floor. Why is this not easy to do? Personally, I know of 3 factors that complicate this, in general, simple process. The first factor is the so-called “fear of the seller,” when the buyer is afraid that they will now jump up to him and start pushing and pushing something (in my opinion, we owe this to market trading, which has flourished over the past couple of decades). Or that the seller will now devote time to him, spend energy on him, and in return he will simply be obliged to buy something. This is the second factor, and in psychology it is called the principle of social exchange. It is thanks to him that when we bring souvenirs to our friends from vacation, we count on return gifts and are indignant when this does not happen. When establishing contact on the sales floor, the principle of social exchange works against the seller. The third factor, the weakest, is that a person feels uncomfortable in any new territory. There's nothing you can do, it's a rudiment of biological evolution (hello to our distant ancestors). These factors together determine buyer defensive behavior. As a result, he either avoids the seller (“Thank you, I don’t need anything,” sometimes he simply leaves the store) or begins to attack (aggressive tone, sarcasm, phrases “Help me with money,” “Hold the bag”).

Now that we have sorted out the fears of a buyer crossing the threshold of a store, it becomes clear that an attempt to immediately establish contact with him, as well as extremely popular phrases like “What can I tell you” and “Are you interested in something specific?” these fears only intensify. Accordingly, the seller’s primary tasks are to reduce these fears and get the buyer to talk. How to do it? Using receptionbabushka.

First, let's take a closer look at the unsurpassed aces in starting a conversation - our Russian grandmothers. How do they do this? Let's observe them in places where they gather in large numbers - for example, in public transport. The grandmother, passionately wanting to talk, having gotten a little comfortable and appreciating the prospects of her immediate environment from the point of view of possible communication, throws out some phrase, while not seeming to address anyone. Attention: the information in this phrase must be relevant to the topic of the day, otherwise nothing will work. Anything goes: educating modern youth, high prices, low pensions, etc. If someone responded with some comments, then the job is done, the conversation has begun. If no one answers, the grandmother, after a pause, says something else. As a rule, having made 2-3 attempts and not receiving the desired response, the grandmother becomes offended and moves on - either until her stop, or until her immediate environment changes, when she can resume her attempts.

Experience shows that using this technique in a modified version gives fantastic results when establishing contact in retail sales. It works in 90-95 cases out of a hundred! The technology of its use is as follows.

Let's start with meeting the buyer. Many stores have a standard that requires salespeople to greet customers as they enter. Personally, I have a very ambiguous attitude towards it - it seems to me that it does not give the desired effect everywhere, rather the opposite (I do not take into account stores selling premium goods or with an established circle of customers). However, if such a standard exists, let's say hello correctly, i.e. without harming the subsequent conversation. Firstly, it is advisable to greet the buyer once and one seller - at the entrance to the sales floor - and do so it's better that way who is closer to the entrance. When greeting, make eye contact, a slight smile (sometimes called a smile with the eyes), a slight nod of the head. The greeting needs to show that the buyer is welcome. At the same time, it is highly desirable that the seller take a step back or to the side, thereby making it clear that he is not going to immediately jump towards the buyer! This is very important nuance. If a salesperson is sitting at a table, don’t jump up and go straight out to the sales floor - this only increases the “fear of the salesperson,” although I suspect that this is in conflict with the corporate standards of many retail companies.If for some reason the seller did not have time to say hello, it’s okay - believe me, he will survive it. And please, don’t greet the buyer’s side or back!

Next, you need to give the buyer the opportunity to get used to the new territory. Depending on the area of ​​the store, this can take from several seconds to several minutes (in each individual case this is determined empirically and fixed by a standard: within such and such time the seller must begin communicating with the buyer). At this time, you should not follow the buyer's shadow. If the possibility of theft remains in the store, it is better to take a position convenient for viewing and, observing the buyer with peripheral vision, adjust the price tags and brush away non-existent dust. in other words, to create the appearance of activity.

And now (tra-ta-ta-ta solemn drum roll) - the seller’s exit. More precisely, his approach to the buyer. When is the best time to do this? There are two options: when the buyer begins to carefully examine something or when the standard time allotted for adaptation on the sales floor ends. What's the best way to do this? You need to stand from the buyer at a distance of 1-1.5 m to the side and slightly behind him (so that he can see you with peripheral vision) and begin to voice the buyer’s view. Remember about grandmothers? They succeed only if the phrases have a topical focus. Therefore, the seller’s phrases about the product should arouse INTEREST! For example:

- This color is very fashionable now.

- This door has a special coating... (and be silent, let the buyer ask which one).

- This model has an extended warranty.

- This kettle is a bestseller.

Recommendation: The best impromptu is homemade, so phrases must be prepared and learned in advance. And yet, it is important to be ready to continue your thought at any moment. For example, if a buyer asks why this kettle is most often bought, he needs to answer quickly and briefly (it has an increased service life, famous manufacturer and at the same time the optimal price).

The seller said one phrase, then paused for 2-3 seconds. All this time you need to look at the product, not at the buyer! If the buyer does not respond, you need to say one more phrase, pause again and another phrase. After the third phrase, you need to shorten the distance to the client one step and look into his eyes without a pause ask a question that will begin to identify needs. Question options depend on the assortment, for example:

- Are you choosing for yourself or as a gift?

- Where do you choose: in a private house or an apartment? (options: home or office, living room or bedroom, etc.)

- May be , Are you interested in something specific?

- You cushioned furniture Are you interested or case-based?

At this stage, the use of the word “buy” and its derivatives is highly discouraged, so that the buyer does not feel obligated to do so.

Very often, the buyer will start asking questions after the seller’s first phrase (or after the second). In this case it is necessary briefly answer it and ask your question, thereby retaining control of the conversation and beginning to identify needs. Voila!

What nuances should you pay attention to? The basic state of most customers in the store can be characterized by the word “indecision.” Therefore, they need to be pushed and led a little. The use of alternative questions, the absence of a pause between the third phrase and the question - all this is subordinated to precisely this goal. And one more important point. The buyer may not be at all interested in the product near which the seller began communicating with him. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to start presenting it right away.

P. S . I once read another cool technique that allows you to start communication with the buyer and neutralize the principle of social exchange from A. Derevitsky, when the seller suggests to the buyer: “Let me tell you about this model. I love talking about her.”

Any reprint in electronic or paper media of the text of the article, full or partial, is possible only with the written consent of the author.

It is necessary to approach the client in such a way as not to provoke him internal tension, provide him with the opportunity to review and the opportunity not to enter into active contact with the employee without fear of appearing impolite. Suitable:

· approximately at an angle of 90° (so that the client can see you with peripheral vision);

· parallel: we stand on one line at a distance of 120-160 cm, looking in the same direction as the client;

· a little to the side and a little behind, showing respect.

If you need to change the location to a more advantageous one in relation to the client, manage his position by displaying catalogs, facades, mechanisms. If you want to lead a customer to another product, “move” the triangle, maintaining your position relative to the customer, but do not stand between the product and the customer and do not turn your back to the customer. If you are communicating with married couple, approach from the client side of your gender, while communicating with both.


· Run up/approach the client abruptly.

· Greet the client with a group of employees.

· Approach more than 1 person at a time. If you see that one of the employees is heading towards the client, do not make unnecessary movements.

· Behave obsequiously, showing a false sense of joy.

· Violate the client’s personal space: approach the client more than 120-160 cm, be interested in the client’s name at the very beginning of the conversation, ask him personal questions (solvency, belonging to a certain status, age - taboo in a civilized society).

Pose, look

Postures and movements towards the client should be open, friendly, hands free. It is recommended to “mirror” the client’s gestures and facial expressions.

After the designated time has passed after the client has entered the studio, you must approach the client and say a greeting. It is necessary to adhere to a businesslike, but friendly, open style of communication, without familiarity and excessive display of emotions. You can approach the client earlier only if you see that the client is ready to communicate.

First phrase

The first phrase should be voiced as an invitation to dialogue. You address the visitor very respectfully and unobtrusively, with a slight smile and an open posture.

Imagine that you, the hostess (owner) of a cafe, unexpectedly passed by and saw a new visitor. And you, taking advantage of your position, are ready to offer the client the most comfortable table by the window and treat him to freshly brewed coffee:

“Is this your first time in our studio?”

A: The client came to us for the first time

If the client answered, “yes, for the first time,” invite him to dialogue using the phrases:

“Are you interested in the kitchen or bathroom?”

"In what style? classical or modern?

Depending on the client's answer as to what interior style he/she prefers, allow the client to get comfortable in the studio.

Invite him to the next sales “station” (see paragraph 2.3 “Rules of the game”) using the phrase:

“My name is [state your name], let’s go, I’ll introduce you to the exhibition?”

If the client responds positively (a nod of the head or his smile is enough), introduce him to the range and present specific models that have aroused interest.

If you have managers who are “open to communication,” tactfully include a free employee in your dialogue. See paragraph 2.2.3. Distribution of clients.

What to do if the client is not ready to communicate with you?

Some clients perceive attention to themselves as an invasion of personal space. If you see that the client is deliberately moving away from you, does not look in your direction, avoids observing his actions - in general, feels uncomfortable - do not contact the client directly, but use a “commodity approach”. That is, say interesting fact about the model where the visitor stopped. Perhaps the words you say will “hit the target”, and from a taciturn client he will turn into a “talkative” friend.

· “This kitchen was designed by the Italian architect Riccardo Vincente specifically for the Maria company.

· “One of the most high-tech processes in production is the production of non-rectilinear facades. Therefore, the Jazz model is business card Maria company.

· “Wave means wave.” Here all the details are combined into a single whole, including the countertop, it is continuous along the entire length of the kitchen...”

· “The designer was inspired to create this model by the retro style of the 30s-50s, when the first household appliances appeared in the USA...”

· “The facades of this model, produced in Italy at the MOBILCLAN factory, are made of a valuable type of wood - cherry, which is highly durable...”

For a description of all kitchen models, their technical features and legends of creation, see Appendix 1.

The client is not yet ready to communicate. He directly asks to give him time to look around or, without saying anything, clearly avoids contact (he moves away from you, looks away, puts on headphones), in this case say:

"Feel comfortable."

“I'll be nearby. If you have any questions, please contact us."

B: Repeat customer

If the client comes to the studio again, you need to find out which employee he works with. If the manager is working today and is free, accompany the client to his workplace using the phrase:

“Glad to see you again!”

“Which designers do you work with? Come on, I’ll take you with you.”

“What can I offer you: tea, coffee, water?”

If the designer manager leading the client is absent today:

“My name is [state your name], I am the manager-designer of this studio, how can I contact you?”

“Do you have an appointment? [Manager's name] has a day off today. What issue would you like to discuss?

If you are ready to resolve a customer issue, do it yourself, write down the customer's notes, and pass them on to the shortest possible time leading manager.

If it is not within your competence to resolve the client’s issue, offer assistance with the involvement of a free manager (administrator, manager). It is important to resolve the client's issue in real time. If this cannot be done now, record the issue and tell the client how long it will take and who will contact him to resolve the issue.

“Let me write down your question?”

“Tell me, how will it be convenient to contact you? By phone? E-mail?".

“[Client Name], I will ensure that [Employee Name] contacts you within 24 hours.”

Client distribution

The distribution of visitors between manager-designers must be done by prior agreement. For example, appoint a “traffic manager” for the day who will manage the attention of incoming clients and distribute them among managers based on workload.

The designer manager is ready to work with the client now:

When transferring a visitor to communicate with a manager, use the phrase:

“Let me introduce you to the manager-designer?

His name is [manager’s name], he will conduct a detailed consultation for you and introduce you to the algorithm for creating an individual kitchen.”

All studio design managers in this moment busy:

Present alternative ways of interaction:

“[Client name], I can offer you several options for cooperation:

· develop a design project today, for this you need to wait ___ minutes;

· sign up for a measurement;

· leave a request for an online kitchen calculation.

Which interaction option is most convenient for you?”

The result of your communication with the client will be:

· finding out the client’s contacts (full name, telephone, e-mail);

· answer all his questions so that he wants to return to the studio;

· recording for measurements.

Rules of the game"

Involvement in the purchasing process

Involvement in the purchase process - “game”, begins with getting to know the territory in which this “game” will take place. In this case, it is a studio. This stage is necessary to establish a constructive dialogue with the visitor, and, most importantly, in the process of communication, to identify his leading needs regarding the future kitchen.

On at this stage, it is important to understand at what stage of the purchasing decision the client is:

· Plans to purchase a kitchen (bathroom) within 2 months – “hot client”.

· Researches the market kitchen furniture, the kitchen will be needed in 4-6 months - “warm client”.

· “Estimating”, the purchase of a kitchen has been postponed for a long time - “cold client”.

Determining the client's status will allow us to offer him best option cooperation.

For example, a “cold” client will be interested in the possibility of making a kitchen to order, the number of models and price offers for them.

When meeting with you, a “hot” client must clearly understand the algorithm for ordering an individual kitchen, the timing of its production and the preliminary cost of the project.

It is important for all clients to know the advantages of our company over other manufacturers: a wide range, high quality products, services that allow you to install a turnkey kitchen, 5-year warranty.

So, depending on the client’s answer, what style in the interior he (s) prefers (see paragraph 2.2.2.), you show the lineup and present specific models that have aroused the client’s interest:

“The studio presents popular models in a modern style: this is the Wave model...”

Descriptions of all headset models are given in Appendix 1.

ATTENTION! When presenting models, use a visual demonstration of samples in “movement”: opening sections, pulling out drawers, demonstrating the operation of mechanisms and microlifts.

Identification of leading needs

When familiarizing yourself with the assortment of the Maria furniture factory, find out the client’s leading needs:

ü time when you need a kitchen

ü repair stage

ü material and color

ü planned budget

ü dimensions of the room along the walls.

Start clarifying with the timing, the answer to which will determine the algorithm for subsequent work with the client:

1. “When do you need a kitchen? Is it timed to coincide with a specific event? Date?"

2. “At what stage is the renovation of the premises?”

3. “Has the interior style been determined yet?”

Determining the stage of repair will make it possible to determine the client’s status:

· renovations have been completed on the premises - this is a “hot” client, measurements and recommendations on the placement of sockets and communications will be relevant for him;

· renovation is underway - a “warm” client, offer him samples of facades for choosing finishing building materials (tiles, floor coverings, walls);

· renovation is planned, the premises are open-plan - a “cold” client - for him, an ideal proposal would be to develop a project for which the renovation will be carried out and walls will be erected.

Determine what is most important to consider when creating a new kitchen.

Find out your kitchen design preferences using open-ended questions:

1. “Do you already know what your new kitchen will look like?”

2. “Do you like anything from the presented samples?”

3. “What are your color preferences? Material?

4. “Are you planning the kitchen in light or dark colors?”

5. “With a pronounced wood texture?”

After presenting the price segments, clarify your planned budget for purchasing a kitchen:

1. “Tell me, how much money have you planned for the new kitchen?”

2. “Is this taking into account technology or without?”

If the client answered that he does not care about the budget, it is worth focusing on the information received earlier (style, color, model). Specify:

“Is there a price cap beyond which we won’t go?”

1. I don't know
Buyers don't expect the seller to know everything, but when it comes to questions about products, buyers expect the seller to be knowledgeable enough to find the answer.
Better:“Good question. Now I’ll try to find out the answer.”

2. This is the final sale
Your store's policy may prohibit returns on sale items. And it's okay to let the buyer know, but the retailer must be flexible and make a decision on the spot and, if necessary, accept the product back.
Better:“Let me know if the product doesn’t suit you and we’ll see what we can do.”

3. Calm down
This phrase is simply infuriating. This is one of the main taboos in retail, and indeed in any customer service. If the buyer's emotions have reached boiling point, the best thing you can do is remain silent and listen to the end. Let the client talk. Once the buyer has said everything he or she has to say, he or she will be more receptive to the solution you offer.
Better:"I'm sorry"

4. Didn't you find it?
If a buyer asks you about a specific product, then most likely he has already looked for this product and did not find it. This could mean that you no longer have that particular item or it's out of stock but it's in stock or they just can't find it. The best thing in this situation is to take the buyer to the product, or bring it.
Better:“Yes, I’ll bring it to you now if it’s in stock.”

5. We are closed
The last thing a store employee wants to do is let a customer in after the store closes. Before you send it back home, remember that the buyer may not know the store's business hours or, perhaps, he does not know what time it is. None of these reasons should be missed.
Better:"We close at ... o'clock, and now .... We open at ... o'clock. Can I help you with anything?"

6. Is that all?
There are not many buyers who see anything negative in this matter, but, however, in this way you miss the opportunity to offer to buy something else.
Better:“Did you see that the product ____ is included? Or “Did you also look at ____?”

7. It's over there
We've all heard this phrase from either a busy or uninterested salesperson. Sometimes they just wave in one direction, sometimes they don't even raise their head to look at you. Make it clear to every seller that such an answer is prohibited.
Better:“Let me take you. This product is right here.”

8. I can't do it
This is another negative phrase that should be banned in stores. Either give the employee the opportunity to make a decision, or train sellers on how to act in such cases, for example, instruct them to invite the store manager.
Better:"What I can do is _____"

9. This is not my department
This may be true, but it's an answer no buyer wants to hear. Retailers must train in-store staff on everything they sell. At a minimum, they should know who to contact if a buyer has a question that the seller does not have an answer to.
Better:"I'll be happy to help you. I'll take you to someone who knows more about the products in this category."

10. We are out of stock of this product.
It's unavoidable. Products are running out and customers know about it. What you can do in such a situation is to inform them when the next delivery will be, otherwise they will buy the product they need from another store. Be proactive. Offer to call the customer when the product arrives at the store.
Better:“This item is temporarily out of stock, but it will be delivered ____. If you want, I can call you when it becomes available.”

11. This does not comply with store policy.
In today's competitive environment, retailers cannot afford to be inflexible. It's important to have store policies, but it's even more important to have a satisfied customer. Use this phrase only when you believe the buyer is intentionally trying to break the rules.
Better:"We have the following rules, but we want to do everything to make sure you are satisfied. That's what I can offer."

12. I'm new here
For some reason, the new staff thinks that by saying this phrase, the buyer will be satisfied with this and go look for another seller. The buyer doesn't care whether you're new or old. He would only like to deal with someone who knows the product and can answer the question.
Better:"Please wait a second, I will try to help you"

13. Wait
This is quite rude and does not give the client any idea of ​​when you will be available to help them. There are much softer words to say that right now you cannot pay attention to the buyer.
Better:"Do you have the opportunity to wait a minute?"

14. I'm busy at the moment
Have you ever said or heard the following: “There is no retail without customers. Or, without customers, I wouldn’t have a job.”
Better:"I'll be happy to help you"

15. You are wrong
Of course, buyers are not always right, but a seller should never tell buyers that they are wrong. In such cases, you must always take the blame upon yourself.
Better:"I think there was a misunderstanding"

Phrases for sellers

Using the right phrases for salespeople can make all the difference, especially at the beginning of a conversation. You will never have another chance to form the right impression. Either you will successfully start communication, and your phrase will help you make contact, or communication will not take place, and your commission will go away along with the buyer. The seller’s phrases to the buyer should evoke a desire to continue the conversation, and not look for a reason to refuse it.

Below we provide a list of sales consultant phrases that are undesirable for use, because they have long acquired the form of a “tired cliché”, are perceived negatively by customers, and can often cause irritation. In some cases, these phrases will work if a person urgently needs something or if he came to buy something good mood. But more often than not, using these phrases will incur anger, boredom, or create a negative image in the buyer's mind.

List of unwanted seller phrases:

How can I help you?

Should I give you some advice?

If you have any questions, please contact me (phrase to turn off the buyer)

Are you interested in something? (“No, I just stand there for half an hour and look at the shop window!” Think again about what is better to ask in such a situation)

Good afternoon My name is Max. I . How can I... (the buyer did not listen to the end and had already fallen asleep)

Hello, my name is Maxim, I will be your seller! (a phrase that is too presumptuous; besides, this is how waiters most often establish contact)

I can advise you... (ready to advise, then be ready to answer for the advice!)

What amount are you expecting?

But how then to start a conversation? Are there any correct sales phrases and examples of working expressions that help establish rapport? Yes, there are such phrases! And they work best when they are tailored to your store, assortment and the characteristics of each specific sales consultant.

A big role in the use of words at the beginning of a conversation with a buyer is played by mentality, culture, and habitual forms of communication, which may differ from each other even in neighboring cities, not to mention different countries. We invite you to get acquainted with the list of phrases that sellers use in different countries of the world. Your task is to think about which phrases are suitable for your store’s customers and which are definitely not!

Phrases from a sales consultant for all occasions:

  • Good afternoon It's great that you came to us!
  • Welcome to the most hospitable store!
  • Could you help us? We want to put new carpet here. Which of these designs do you like best?
  • (Walk by holding several small boxes in your hands.) Could you do me a favor? Please fix the top box. You know, if one falls, then all of them will fall.
  • I noticed that your daughter has pierced ears. I also have a girl about her age. She dreamed about it so much
  • I I see you wearing a jacket with the name of a rock band. Would you have been to their concert yesterday?
  • May I ask you? Do you think women prefer to receive candy or flowers on Valentine's Day?
  • I noticed you left the hairdresser. Which barber do you get your haircut from?
  • It's very hot outside today, isn't it?

  • Twins! Twice the hassle, twice the joy! How old are they?
  • How did you celebrate yesterday's holiday?
  • What a gorgeous dress! How long do you think it took to sew on all those sequins?
  • You have a wonderful French braid. How long did it take?
  • Some people were in today McDonald's ! Your children also constantly ask for McDonald's? Mine are asking.
  • It is impossible to believe that it has not rained for so long. Have you already started storing water for future use?
  • I see you are wearing a Zenit T-shirt" Do you think they will win the decider?
  • I spent the whole day in this store. What do you hear about the launch of the shuttle?
  • Three days off are coming. How's the traffic on the street?
  • Great tan! Is your skin color like this or have you just returned from vacation?

  • Did you watch the Oscars broadcast last night?
  • Oh, these are new model skis! Where will you try them?
  • You bought so many books in the bookstore. What books did you buy?
  • May I ask your opinion? The buyer has just ordered this model. Do you think we should order it too?
  • Oh my God, plaster! What happened to your hand?
  • We had a little argument here. When do you think is the best time for us to put up holiday decorations in the store?