George: translation and meaning of the name. The name Egor and Gosha: the origin of the names, are they different names or not? What is the difference between the name Egor and Gosh? Egor, Gosha: what to call correctly, how to write the full name in the passport

Short name - Gosha, full name- Georgy. No one will doubt this. This abbreviation is more often used in Russia, and no one is surprised when the full name is “truncated” in this way. Gosha, a masculine abbreviation for the name Georgy, is rare among other nations; other options are allowed there. Boys are called their full name not only in our country; it is very common in the same sound or slightly changed among Armenians and Greeks.

In other countries, the name George is pronounced as Jorge, George, Jiri, Yorgus, Georges, Givi, Gevorg, Jurger and so on. In short, the bearers of these names can be called not only Gosha, but also Goga, Zhora, Goshunya, Gogi, Zhorik, Hero and similar variations.

Name selection criteria

Both in ancient times and today, no one doubted that a person’s name determines his destiny. Previously called by external signs, according to character traits or those that they wanted to give to the child, even according to birth order. Quite often the real name was hidden.

With the adoption of Christianity, children began to be named like canonized saints. According to tradition, it was named after the revered great martyr. St. George the Victorious was extremely popular from the earliest stages of the emergence of this religion.

But since these names were borrowed, they were often unpronounceable for the Russian language. They were transformed into simplified versions. A truncated name was usually formed by removing part of it and adding the ending "a" or "ya". Some short names began to be used especially often and became widespread. For example, Gosha (full name Georgy), Misha (Mikhail), Petya (Peter) and so on. Some diminutive (truncated) variants can only live within a separate family, among relatives or friends. For example, Tatyana may be called Tata.

The choice of a name used to be influenced, to a greater extent than now, by various kinds of canons and traditions. Today there are practically no restrictions. You can give your child a chosen, used or invented name, or change it in adulthood.

Full and abbreviated names

Names are studied by the science of anthroponymy. The object of her research is both personal and family names. Throughout life, the name can be used both in full form and in abbreviated form, in diminutive versions (derivatives).
In the Russian language there are no generally accepted rules and canons for the formation of truncated names. Therefore, disputes often arise regarding how full and short names relate to each other. Can Alya be called Alesya, or is this abbreviation only suitable for Alevtina? Is it only Georgy (full name) - Gosha, or can Yegor also be called that? In these discussions there is not and cannot be a clearly correct answer: there are no laws or clear rules.

Even Evgeny, if he likes it, can introduce himself as Gosha. The full name should be at least a little consonant. Only if Gosha decides to call himself Ippolit or Artem, it will be completely wrong and will not find the understanding of those around him. But in the end, only the name indicated on the identity document has official significance.

Names Egor and Yuri

Short name - Gosha, full name - Egor or Yuri. Is this acceptable? Yes, since both Egor and Yuri are Russified versions of the name Georgy. They have the same etymological origin, from the ancient Greek word “georgos”, which means “farmer”. Egors were more often called among the common people, and Yuri among the nobility. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to call our contemporaries with such names Goshas.


Igor is his full name. Gosha will not be suitable as a shortening option for him. This is explained by the fact that the name Igor has absolutely nothing to do with George and his derivatives. Both versions of its origin are associated with the northern countries. Therefore, Igor does not have the right, legitimized by decades of practice, to introduce himself as Gosha. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, the recent trend of calling Goshas Igor has every right to exist. The rules for using short names are dynamic. Over time, a momentary trend can become a generally accepted norm.

Name symbol: "farmer".

Little Zhorik is unlikely to eat the bitten candy. He has disgust from childhood to old age. school age keeps aloof from his comrades, but not so much that it is regarded as arrogance. As soon as opposition to the team arises, he takes a step back, and warmth reappears in his relationships with peers. What attracts people in Georgiy is her ability to listen to her interlocutor and keep other people’s secrets. He has a talent for beautifully expressing his thoughts on paper. Wherever he works, he will always treat the assigned work with great responsibility. In society strangers- closed, not averse to gossiping in his own circle, although he treats people kindly. Purposeful and cunning; Indecisive with women. Family life things are going well with Georgiy. You just need to remember that he cannot tolerate lies. Even a woman’s sweet lies make him different from himself. True, after shouting, he quickly calms down.

Cheerful, a lover of cheerful companies and parties, he is looking for a wife who is cheerful and easy-going. She does not strive for leadership in the family; power is wisely divided between both spouses. He doesn’t mind that the family money is kept by his wife, considering it even convenient, since it saves unnecessary hassle.

Georgy is not vindictive; he makes fun of those he doesn’t like, but without anger. After drinking, he becomes thoughtful. IN free time loves to walk with children, but constant communication with them tires him.

“Winter” George has a well-developed sense of proportion. Obligatory, pedantic.

“Autumn” - clearly represents the goal in life and sensibly assesses his capabilities. Can work as a manager, massage therapist, trainer. The name matches patronymics: Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Vasilyevich, Petrovich, Andreevich, Alekseevich.

“Summer” is compliant, has the gift of a good style.

“Spring” Georgy is an excellent speaker. Can become a writer, circus and film performer, lecturer. The name matches patronymics: Arturovich, Olegovich, Stepanovich, Romanovich, Efimovich, Karlovich, Avgustovich.

  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Blue color.
  • Auspicious tree- poplar.
  • Treasured plant- lily of the valley.
  • Patron name- White Eagle.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire.

Favorable for marriage: Vera, Lyubov, Marina, Natalya, Nina, Olesya, Rose.

Not suitable: Angela, Elena, Zhanna, Leonora, Lyudmila, Rimma, Roxana, Yana.

Health: He has a weak heart, spleen and pancreas. To strengthen them, you should take fish fat(omega-3), enzyme Q-10, food enzymes and lemon balm infusion. It is useful to include rice, jellies, jelly, and corn in your diet.

Other meaning of the name:

This is a proud man loving praise and flattery. But, unfortunately, he does not know how to distinguish when praise is sincere and when it is pronounced for selfish purposes. He knows how to make friends and keep other people's secrets. This is a cheerful, cheerful, witty person, not vindictive, sometimes he is quick-tempered, but even in anger he does not show rage and aggression.

It is based on energy, willpower and the ability to find interest. However, what worries him most is the future. He is ready to spend all his strength to become the first among the first, the leader among leaders in the future. He needs unlimited power, giving him the right to create or influence the future.

He has a strong, strong-willed character who loves praise and attention. Being physically very strong man, who has a good supply of energy (doctor, teacher), has his own opinion about everything, does not recognize any authorities, has excessively inflated self-esteem and goals and the strongest possible spirituality, he would like to become an undeniable leader influencing the future, or go down in history as a strong personality. For this cherished goal he is ready to suffer, endure and even suppress his pride for a while. But only for a while. If he is not the first, then his whole life is worthless. His weak memory and logic, combined with a lack of interest in reading books, lead him away from studies and any science. He could become good athlete, military man, boss, official, politician, but only on the condition that he reaches the maximum in any industry (champion, general, director, mayor, president, etc.). Considering him negative attitude to books and other people's thoughts expressed in them, two other choices are closer to him: a thief in law or a religious figure (minister). In both cases, it all starts with sports, where he receives physical power and strength that attracts people, and then everything depends on the spirituality that was embedded in him. If she allows direct violence and physical force, then he will go into crime to achieve the maximum, becoming a thief in law. If his upbringing is such as to restrain his physical strength, then he is ready to exercise patience in order to become a religious leader or minister. He will become the first after God, his servant or propagandist. Let us add that he stands above envy, resentment and greed - all this is too petty for him. He is a good worker, knows how to earn money, loves a structured life, stability, and comfort. Family is not the most important thing for him, but it can become a stepping stone to his goal if it gives him connections or money. He doesn’t understand women well, preferring to take quantity rather than quality. If necessary, he may not think about them at all, turning his attention to food or external comfort (including clothes, housing, luxury cars). He doesn’t need a wife (like a family), but if he has one, he should be attractive, stupid, tolerant, absolutely obedient (to the point of masochism), able to cook deliciously and keep the house clean.

The most important thing is that his pride does not lead him into crime, and for this it is necessary to build into his spirituality a ban on violence. However, if you manage to overcome his dislike of books in childhood and develop in him an interest in reading and science, then you can get out of him good doctor, teacher, traveler and even writer.

- გიორგი IX King of Kartli 1525 1527 ... Wikipedia

George X გიორგი X Sketch from the sketches of the Italian traveler Don Cristoforo di Castelli ... Wikipedia

- გიორგი II King of Imereti 1565 1585 Previous ... Wikipedia

Greek Manufacturer forms: Georg, Gosha, Zhora, Gora, Grief, Goga, Hera, Herkava Foreign language analogues: English. George Arab. Jurj جرج, Jurjus جرجس‎‎ arm. Գևորգ (Gevorg) belor... Wikipedia

Victorious (Greek Γεώργιος Τροπαιοφόρος, in Russian folklore Yegor the Brave, Muslim Jirjis), in Christian and Muslim legends a martyr warrior, with whose name folklore tradition has associated the relict pagan ritual of spring... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

St., Great Martyr, Victorious, according to the legends of Metaphrastus, came from a noble Cappadocian family and occupied a high position in the army. When Diocletian’s persecution of Christians began, he resigned his military rank and appeared as a confessor... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

- (king of Georgia) son of Bagrat III 1014 1027; George I Komnenos, sixth Emperor of Trebizond in 1266-1280; George I Terter Bulgarian king in 1280 1292. See also Archbishop George (Konissky), years of life: 1717 1795; George... ... Wikipedia

Biographical Dictionary

See the article George (the name of the Georgian kings) ... Biographical Dictionary


  • Georgy Berezko. Selected works in two volumes. Volume 2, Georgy Berezko. Georgy Sergeevich Berezko (1905-1982) - Russian Soviet prose writer, film and cartoon screenwriter. The second volume of the writer's selected works includes the novel "Extraordinary Muscovites". Novel…
  • Georgy Gulia. Selected works. In 2 volumes (set), Georgy Gulia. Gulia Georgy Dmitrievich (1913-89) - Russian writer, Honored Artist of Georgia (1943) and Abkhazia (1971). The first volume included the trilogy “Friends from Saken”, the story “The Chestnut House” and…

When choosing this name for a boy, the first thing that comes to the minds of future parents is the famous namesake - St. George the Victorious. This name is proud and sonorous! What does the name George mean? The bearers of this name strive to assert themselves. They are purposeful individuals and are not distracted by trifles. This is the characteristic of anyone who bears the name George.

By naming a child this name, parents are preparing a glorious fate for him. Own implementation for them has great value. George's character will allow him to earn respect in society and achieve a lot in life.

Meaning for a child

From childhood, a boy is distinguished by masculine, adult behavior. If the parents do not know the interpretation of the name, then where this seriousness comes from from their son is a mystery to them. Little Gosha is a lively, talented child. His openness to new knowledge is of great importance for the development of abilities. Parents need to encourage the boy! Reasonable family support builds Gosha’s self-confidence!

By the way, not only Gosha, but also Zhora and Egor are forms of this complex name. Yes, and Yuri, the same means George.

History and origin

George - "georgios" translated from Greek means "farmer".

Biblical legends contain a description of George's victory over the Serpent (Dragon). George tames the Serpent with the power of the word of God, after which he brings him to the city. This story convinces the townspeople to accept baptism. This origin of the name George imposes responsibility on its owner. The name George entered the calendar in the 4th century, when the Great Martyr George was canonized.

In the West, he was considered the conqueror of the pagans, because there is an interpretation that the serpent is a pagan symbol. In Rus', this plot is depicted on many icons. St. George the Victorious appears on the coat of arms of Moscow. Later, we see the same plot on the coat of arms Russian Empire. For courage and bravery in battle, the Tsar's army was awarded the Order of St. George, perhaps the most honorable award!

The history of the name Georgiy in Russia began more than a thousand years ago; princes were given this name at baptism. Most of the Ruriks are Georgies.


George, the meaning of this name leaves an imprint on its owner. He will treat any assigned task very responsibly. For Georgy, what matters is how the task is completed, and not the fact of its completion.

Despite the fact that George will invariably be strict towards himself, he is friendly towards those around him, however, not without arrogance. This means that he approaches himself with a different standard, and treats others with some condescension. Because of this, the boy may have misunderstandings with his peers. But the child’s disinterest in conflicts suggests the right behavior. Georgy will be ready to retreat so as not to stir up quarrels. Possessing natural nobility, Georgy is not vindictive and will generously forgive a friend’s offense. If one of your friends is named George, it means that you have a true friend!

Relationships with friends

In general, Georgy may be good friend. His ability to listen and reason, to give serious advice and keeping secrets are very valuable qualities. A secret entrusted to a child by a friend will, without a doubt, be kept. After all, since childhood he has been distinguished by masculine behavior. The one who bears the name George will not gossip behind his back; he is too squeamish for that. But the desire to emphasize his importance can fail the boy. After all, for the sake of a nice word, he can blurt out too much, or even embellish the story! In any case, this unexpected lie will not go further than a close circle of friends, because Georgy is wary with strangers and will be closed off.

Character and relationships in the team

Such a character may prevent an employee named Georgy from fitting into the new team. He will not conflict openly, but he sometimes treats people he doesn’t like with cruelty and irony. Unconsciously realizing that his name has an exceptional origin, Georgy sometimes treats others arrogantly. And character plays an important role in choosing a profession.

  • Choice of profession

Georgy does not accept lies, and will not choose an activity where hiding something can change the whole meaning. Rather, the child will be interested in the exact or natural Sciences, where you can reveal all the secrets, understand the history of the origin of things and the nature of phenomena. Basically, get to the point. He can study biology, geology or chemistry

With his ambition and scrupulousness, Georgiy will have an excellent characterization from his superiors. Although, soon he himself will climb the career ladder.

  • Family relationships

The owners of this name are cheerful. They have an easy character. For George, the character of the future chosen one also matters. She should also be easy-going and sincere with George. This does not mean at all that George is very picky in choosing a bride. But he should be comfortable with his chosen one. With a girl with a complex, strong character, Georgy will be squeezed and constrained. Such relationships have no future!

Often, in his youth, Georgy starts many affairs until he finds a girl whose characteristics correspond to his aspirations. To whose children he will be happy to give his middle name! He will be happy to work with children, but he will not be a 24-hour nanny. This tires him.

  • Family life will develop organically with Svetlana, Vera, Natalya, Galina, Nina.
Stories from our readers

This male name is originally Russian. His homeland is ancient Greece. The meaning of the name George reveals a neat and very diligent personality. Gosha will complete the task given to him exactly on time. To keep his promise, this man will do any tricks.

Goga is not capable of revenge. Even a serious offense can be forgotten after some time. The meaning of the name Georgiy for a boy reveals a rather unsociable child who prefers to play by himself, without peers. But this does not at all indicate natural tightness. It’s just that Gasha is afraid to be the first to approach the guys and invite them to join the game together.

The interpretation of the name allows us to judge such a man as having a cheerful disposition and a wonderful sense of humor. He has a good memory and this man definitely has a valuable ability to keep secrets. Unknown people cause fear and wariness in Goga.

The meaning of the name George for a child makes the boy friendly and good-natured. Thanks to these qualities, people always gather around Georgiy. a large number of friends and girlfriends.


Gosha attracts women with his outward cheerfulness and ease of communication, in addition to his romanticism. For representatives of the fair sex, interesting conversations are also important in relationships with such men.

Goga always has a large selection of partners, which has a serious impact on the choice of a life partner. This is what often pushes people to make mistakes in choosing a woman. He likes girls who are cheerful and easy-going, which means he is intolerant of bores and brawlers.


Due to Gaucher’s great popularity among women, it is not easy to make a successful choice of a life partner. This means that married life rarely goes well. This situation can be changed if Goga reconsiders his attitude towards family life and begins to appreciate the woman next to him more. Mutual respect is of great importance in such a marriage.

Goga usually shifts the rights and responsibilities of a leader in family life to his wife, but is also not against sharing them equally. In such a family, it is the wife who keeps the money. Transferring the rights to manage the family budget to a woman seems convenient to Goga.

Gosha communicates with children only for a short time. Loves to walk with them on the street and in parks. It is of great importance what kind of woman Gosha chooses for marriage. Zhora’s family life can develop with Vera, Varvara, Nina, Natalya and Svetlana.

Business and career

Gaucher should choose the one for himself professional activity, which is associated with the need to use your developed imagination. It's easy for Zhora to succeed in scientific activity. In addition, Goga often makes a military career, which means he is able to regularly carry out the orders of his superiors.

Origin of the name Georgiy

The origin of the name George is ancient Greek. History reports that the dialect originated from Γεώργιος (Georgeios). God, whose name was Georgos, in mythology Ancient Greece was the main conqueror of agriculture.

Its etymology is "farmer". Where this name came from and its exact designation allows us to speak of a man named exactly as a loving, generous and generous person. In addition, the secret of the name also allows us to judge the unsociability of these representatives of the stronger sex.

Characteristics of the name Georgiy

Gosha is quite squeamish. Moreover, this quality manifests itself from childhood. It doesn't even matter how related a person is. Zhora will never drink from the same glass with him and eat one pie for two.

The characteristics of the name Georgiy reveal a person who is able to listen and keep everything he hears secret. This quality is especially appreciated by Goga’s friends. IN adolescence always senses when relationships with other people may deteriorate and takes measures to establish contacts.

The pros and cons of her character will give Goga the qualities of a pleasant interlocutor. This person knows how to beautifully express his thoughts and has great responsibility for the actions done and words spoken. Gosha loves to gossip, but there is no anger in such conversations.

To achieve their goal, such men are capable of cunning. Moreover, a big trick or a small one doesn’t matter to George. Zhora cannot stand lies. Having learned that someone told him a lie, he quickly loses his temper, but also quickly calms down.

Gosha likes to spend time in cheerful companies. Usually does not miss a single friendly party. It is of great importance for Goga that his partner also shares all his hobbies.

If Zhoret is unpleasant for some reason to this or that person, he can make fun of him, but there is no malice in these jokes. Use alcoholic drinks makes him thoughtful and silent.

Gosha is a little unstable nervous system. Those born in winter are endowed with a well-developed sense of proportion. They are distinguished by commitment and pedantry. “Autumn” Gogis are able to sensibly assess their life opportunities and firmly move towards their desired goal. These men should try themselves as a trainer, massage therapist or manager.

Goshas born in summer can be compliant and endowed with the gift of good style. “Spring” ones will make excellent speakers. They should try their hand at cinema or the circus. Also, Zhors may well become talented lecturers or writers.

The mystery of the name

  • Sapphire stone.
  • Name days January 12, 25 and 29, February 6, 11, 17, 24 and 28, March 6, 16, 18, 24 and 25, April 5, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 26, April 2, 6, 11, 26 and May 29, June 8, 18, 19 and 27, July 4, 9, 10, 15 and 23, August 2, 3, 13 and 30, September 6, 8 and 11, October 2, 11, 14, 16 and 29 , November 10, December 9, 16 and 31.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aries, Gemini, Capricorn and Sagittarius.

Famous people

  • Georgy Dronov is a director, film and theater actor. He starred in the TV series “Voronin”. Also known for his leading role in the television series “Sasha-Masha”.
  • Georgy Martynyuk is a Russian theater and film actor, as well as People’s Artist Russian Federation. He starred in such films as “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts”, “Once Upon a Time There Were an Old Man and an Old Woman” and others.
  • Georgy Millyar - People's Artist of the RSFSR, Russian theater and film actor. He starred in 123 films (“Ka-ka-doo”, “Detonator”, “Marya the Mistress”). He took part in dubbing 33 animated films.

Different languages

The translation of the name George from the ancient Greek language is “cultivator of the earth.” How the adverb is translated and how it is specifically written depends on the language:

In Chinese – 格奥尔基 (Geaorji) In Japanese – ゲオルギイ (Georugii) In French – Georges In Latin – Georgius In Arabic – جرجس (Jurjus)

Name forms

  • Full name – Georgiy
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Goga, Hera, Gorya, Herkava, Gora, Zhora, Georges, George, Jurger, Gyorgy, Jiri, Jerzy.
  • Declension of the name - Georgiy - Georgiy - Georgiya.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is George.