The Akashic Chronicles: what it is, modern interpretation and Indian philosophy. Where does the Akashic Chronicles begin? Reading the Akashic Records yourself

The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of each soul and its path. This vibrational body of consciousness exists everywhere in its entirety and is fully available at all times and everywhere. Thus, the Records are a body of empirical knowledge about everything that every soul has thought, said and done throughout its entire existence, as well as about all its future probabilities.

Let's break this definition down into parts. Let's start with the dimension of consciousness. The dimension of consciousness is an area of ​​the invisible world that we humans can recognize and experience based on its qualities, characteristics or traits. For example, the dream state is a dimension of consciousness that contains within it the various levels of the sleep process that a person can recognize or experience. Other dimensions of consciousness can be defined as various areas mind - consciousness and subconsciousness, memory zone, zone of musical or mathematical abilities - and as areas of the brain that are responsible for our physical capabilities. Other dimensions of consciousness - various degrees relaxation measured by level brain activity. All dimensions of consciousness have one common feature: We cannot see them, but we know that they exist. In the process of accessing or “opening” the Akashic Records, we move from an ordinary state of consciousness into a state of Divine universal consciousness, where we realize our Union with the Divine on all levels. This state of consciousness allows us to perceive the images and vibrations of the Chronicles.

Thus, the Chronicles have served humanity throughout history by providing an extraordinary state in which we are able to receive Divine insight at our own pace and incorporate it into our human experience. Thanks to these inclusions, we can say that access to the Akashic Records literally allows us to touch heaven on Earth!

Now let us explain the meaning of Akash. Perhaps, best definition This word is contained in the introduction of Levi H. Dowling's book The Gospel of Jesus Christ of the Age of Aquarius: Akasha is a word meaning in Sanskrit “primary substance”, “that from which everything is made”... This is the first stage of crystallization of the spirit... Akasha, or primary a substance that is unusually thin and so sensitive that the smallest vibrations of the ether anywhere in the Universe leave an indelible imprint on it.

When we talk about Akash, the primary substance, we are talking about energy in its original state - before our individual thoughts gave it direction and emotions in this life influenced it. This energy is a property of Light in both the physical and spiritual senses. It is the quality of aliveness or vitality uniquely individualized as a separate soul.

Although Akasha is a Sanskrit word, the Akashic Records are mentioned in many sacred texts. Here are some examples of such mentions:

My wanderings are numbered with You; put my tears in a vessel with You; are they not in Your book?
Psalm 55:9

Then I said: here I come; in the scroll of the book it is written about me: 9 I desire to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is in my heart.
Psalm 39:8-9

Your eyes have seen my embryo; in Your book are written all the days appointed for me, when not one of them was yet.
Psalm 139:16

Then I said: Behold, I come, [as] at the beginning of the book it is written about Me, to do Your will, O God.
Hebrews 10:7

And the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged according to what was written in the books, according to their deeds.
Revelation of John the Evangelist, 20:12

May we and the entire family of Israel be remembered and written in the Book of Life.
Machzor (Jewish prayer book for the holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur)

And Jesus revealed to them the meaning of the hidden way, and the Holy Spirit, and the light that cannot go out. He told them all about the Book of Life, the Grafail Scrolls, the Memorable Book of God, where all the thoughts and words of people are written down.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ of the Age of Aquarius, 158:3-4

The Akashic Chronicles are the Light Body of universal self-consciousness. Therefore, they contain the universal consciousness and its three main components: mind, heart and will. Also in the Chronicles there are shining vibrations of Light that are generated by all things. Every time we turn to the Chronicles, our awareness is influenced by this property of Light, and it makes us pro-Lightened. When this happens, the impact of the light manifests itself in our thoughts and emotions (and in the thoughts and emotions of our clients), and we begin to experience an increased sense of peace and well-being.

The Akashic Records are controlled and protected by a group of non-physical Light Beings called the Record Lords. These creatures ensure the safety and integrity of the Chronicles. They determine not only who can access the Chronicles, but also the information that a person is able to assimilate. The Lords of the Chronicles work with Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones, who serve as intermediaries between the Akashic Chronicles and the earthly spheres, “downloading” into themselves information intended for transmission during our access to the Chronicles.

Although the Lords of the Records and Akashic Masters are non-physical beings, some Teachers and all Loved Ones were previously human and lived on Earth. When working with the Akashic Records, you will never see the Masters, Teachers or Loved Ones as they were in physical form, but you will be able to feel their energetic presence if the Teacher or Loved One deems it appropriate and necessary to come to you and convey certain information. However, usually Masters, Teachers and Beloved Entities prefer to remain anonymous so that we learn to rely on the energy of the Chronicles themselves, and not on the specific entities associated with them.

In the third chapter we will discuss in more detail the role of the Lords of the Chronicles, Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. However, as you may have already guessed from the previous description, working with the Akashic Records requires understanding and accepting the concept of reincarnation. According to the Chronicles, all souls are eternal. From this point of view, the Records represent the archive of each soul from each of its lives as a human being on the earthly plane and its development through time and space. Human incarnation is carried out as a specific manifestation of the ideal program of the soul.

You can touch the secrets of your life with the help of the Akashic Records.

What is the essence of the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Chronicles are a huge world that lies beyond our consciousness. A world that cannot be seen, like we see stars in the night sky, or heard, like an opera in a theater.

Chronicles are a world of information recorded on the subtle plane of our existence.

The world that is all around us. A world that many sought to know, but not everyone was given access to.

The Akashic Records have been mentioned for centuries under different names: Book of Life (Bible), Collective unconscious, Cosmic or Universal mind, information field. The name doesn't matter. It is important to understand the essence of what they, the Chronicles, are. And they are a huge repository of information.

The Chronicles are a constant and ongoing record of everything we do, think and feel. Everything that we have ever done is reflected on the subtle plane in the form of energy vibrations that can be translated into our human language. Those. presented to us in the form of pictures, words, emotions and sensations that our minds can perceive.

Thus, the Akashic Records is a place that contains vast reserves of knowledge about anything and everything. And most importantly, this knowledge can be extracted from there, “read” by a person with the appropriate abilities.

What does the word "akasha" mean?

"Akasha" translated from Sanskrit means "primordial substance." This term was used in the theosophical movements of Hinduism.

Since subsequent generations always accept the knowledge of previous ones and develop them to the best of their abilities and capabilities, the theosophical movement in the 19th century began to use the term “akasha” to name the general “etheric library”.

The idea of ​​Divine Revelations from above has always been present in all religions of the world. And of course, only the will of supernatural forces could convey such information to the chosen ones. Which actually happened in reality. In the sense that only a select few had access to the “records”.

And here we come to the principles of obtaining information from the Akashic Chronicles.

What are the principles for obtaining information from the Akashic Records?

1. We receive information only to the extent that we can perceive, for which our consciousness is ready.

2. We can obtain information about ourselves and other people.

3. It is believed that we can obtain information about other people only with the consent of these people. It is necessary to obtain the consent of the person’s “Higher Self”.

4. Information may be hidden from the person requesting it, either in whole or in part.

5. The reader of the Chronicles himself may have restrictions on access to information.

What information is contained in the Chronicles?

It is a repository of physical and spiritual experience, both of all humanity and of individual people.

This is knowledge about all things, events and phenomena.

These are recordings of all talents.

It is a universal system for recording actions, thoughts, words and emotions.

It is the past, present and future knowledge of all things.

Accordingly, you can work with the Akashic Chronicles in completely different areas of our lives. And receive information about past lives, advice for present life, valuable tips for creativity and work.

Who can work with Chronicles?

There is only one principle - you need to be mentally prepared for what the Chronicles are, what they give, what they contain.

And you need to have an inclination for this kind of work. If you do not accept the very idea of ​​the Chronicles, then you already have a limitation on the perception of both the Chronicles and everything that is contained there.
In other words, you need to be open to what they offer you.

How to access the Akashic Records?

Eat different systems, who offer to teach how to connect to the Chronicles.

There are reiki that open the way to the Chronicles through their symbols.

There are hypnotic and trance states that are induced through meditation.

There is a method of prayers, a set of special words that create a channel for connecting to the Chronicles.

Either way, you are putting yourself into an altered state of consciousness.

All methods of connecting to Chronicles are good. And it is recommended to choose the one that suits you best, to which you feel a predisposition within yourself.

For example, I am not close to the Reiki system, and I use either a trance state or the method of saying a prayer.

The main thing is practice and more practice.

In Indian philosophy, a concept denoting ether or spatial, interpreted as material, substance... The latest philosophical dictionary

In ind. philosophy ether or spatial substance considered as material. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 … Philosophical Encyclopedia

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 ether (40) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Akaki Dictionary of Russian personal names. N. A. Petrovsky. 2011… Dictionary of personal names

Religious terms

AKASA- (Sanskrit) Subtle, supersensible spiritual essence that fills all space; the primordial substance mistakenly identified with the Ether. But it relates to Ether in the same way as Spirit relates to Matter, or Atma relates to Kama Rupa. In fact, she is... ... Theosophical Dictionary

AKASA- the infinite, omnipresent substance of the universe, which is present everywhere and permeates everything, not having its own specific form, but providing the basis for the variety of things. Everything that is a combination of elements, that appears as visible,... ... Eurasian wisdom from A to Z. Explanatory dictionary

Ether, as one of the five material primary elements (bhuta), is always strictly different from space, i.e. place and orientation. In vapsheshika and nyaya A. the substance, the bearer of the quality of sound, is one, limitless and eternal. In Sankhya they differ... ... Dictionary of Hinduism

akasa- (ind) phil disputed is taken into account on the Upanishadite terot, that is, the spaciousness is like a material element, how spacious is the Akashata substance, it is one that is protracted and that is what is wrong with the site of the essence, Akashata is stara od site niv, that is the last one... ... Macedonian dictionary

Akasha- (Akasha) Ether is a form of matter, even less dense than air, just as water is less dense than earth, and air is thinner than water. It is precisely due to the fact that the objects of the world are surrounded by ether and interact with it that they have properties... ... Yoga Dictionary


  • Korean Folk Tales, Akasha D., Tolegula G. (trans.). Children's literature is the common treasury of all peoples of the world. We get the most vivid impressions from books in childhood, and what could be more wonderful than a trip to the magical world of fairy tales?!…
  • Kryon: Human Akasha. Activating the Inner Program, Muranyi, Monica. This book collects and systematizes everything that Kryon, the great and mysterious spiritual teacher Humanity has ever spoken about the Akashic Records. Previously unpublished...

Recently, predictions from the Akashic Chronicles have become very popular. In a general sense, the Akashic Chronicles are considered to be the general information field of the Earth and the human race, a database of all reincarnations, emotions, event scenarios, etc. It is believed that by going into these Chronicles, you can get information about yourself, your life, other people or about events in general. But... as they say, it's all in the "nuances".
There are fundamental differences between the concept of “information field” (or as it is also called “universal library”) and the “Akashic Chronicles”. Akash is intelligent energy whose function is to monitor the development of reality. This is a kind of intelligent matrix that monitors the processes of world consciousness, events, and emotions. Not only monitors, but also creates, develops, and manages all these processes.

What are the similarities between the information field and the Akashic chronicles?

Both are a global database. In the information field, all psychics “take down information” about an individual person, his future, the causes of problems, karmic issues, etc. The Akashic chronicles store knowledge about global changes, world movements, all significant events in general for humanity and also about everyone individual person. Those. if we want to know about Atlantis, this information is not in the information field. There it can only be obtained through viewing the reincarnation of an individual person, if he has lived a life during the Atlantean period. We collect information through the prism of his reincarnation. If we want to learn about civilization in general, its origins, philosophy, disappearance, then this information is only in the Akash. It is impossible to transfer ancient “working” magical techniques from the information field, but those who work in the Akash can “bring” ready-made formulas from there, an example of this is Rudolf Steiner and his “advanced” medical technology. Casey also worked with Akashi - he received information about global events.

How does the Akashic system itself update and evolve?

Each person produces a huge number of thoughts, emotions, and actions per unit of time. This is an indicator for Akasha at what stage of development in this moment is humanity as a whole. Now let's think about globalization and the media. In a couple of hours, the media can generate a powerful “radiation” of emotions and thoughts of millions of people, and usually negative ones. For Akasha, this is like the “building material” from which this reality is woven. “There” there is no concept of good and bad - only information: “millions of people are aggressively discussing the topic of war,” something like this.... These are the “building blocks” that will be laid in the scenario for the subsequent development of events as a whole. And once again let us remember the positive attitude and the fact that thought is material, in the aspect of Akasha.

How does Akashi interfere with dowsing?

All radiesthesists - fans of L. Puchko's theory (working with a pendulum) are puzzled by the question: does Akashi allow you to work with a pendulum at the moment? This is due to a "reboot" of the system. All information “contrived” by humanity over a certain period must be “formatted” and the database updated. During these periods, it is believed that the entrance to the Akash is closed “for re-registration” and information from the chronicles is not given out.

How can you change your destiny in the Akash?

"Everything flows, everything changes". Every person has a karmic guardian (also called a guardian angel). Their function is to create for a person exactly those events, through which a person will acquire the necessary energies, emotions, knowledge and experience. To explain it “primitively”, the karmic guardian goes to Akash and takes from there the desired version of the event. (Field of options according to Zealand). This means that, having learned to work with his karmic guardian and having access to Akash, a person himself begins to shape the events of his life. This happens at a high level spiritual development, by this moment the “knowledge seeker” person - an esotericist acquires the necessary knowledge and skills, awareness and understanding of where and why he is going.
Akashi allows anyone to access the database to understand the causes of their problems. There are several ways to enter the Akash: predisposition (special perception of the world, brain function, etc.) and a ritual method through dedication, initiation.

Meditation for entering the Akash.

The Akashic system allows a person to access the database through a mantra:


This mantra is available on the Internet, but the whole “trick” is in its proper activation in the energy sector. This meditation will not harm the mind and physical body and will not “register” you in the Akash permanently; it can be compared to a “one-time pass.” Meditation allows you to tune in to receive information, a deeper and more conscious understanding and perception of subtle energies. Constant work in the Akash implies prepared consciousness, energy and initiation through a mentor who himself works there.

Before meditation, it is useful to reflect on the topic: why do you need to get into the Akash, what do you want to realize there, what is your motivation.

So, a description of meditation.

Stage 1: Relaxation

We tune in to our breathing or heartbeat for a few minutes. We remove all unnecessary thoughts and emotions from our heads. Those who know how to stop the internal dialogue. You can use your mind relaxation technique that you usually use. You give the intention to get into the Akashic Chronicles.

Stage 2: Concentration on the heart chakra.

We read the mantra in the heart chakra. For every word there is a surge of energy in the heart chakra. At this stage we are tuning into the energies of the Akash. We read the mantra several times, slowly, feeling every word.

Stage 3: Concentration on the earth's disc chakra (anti-brahmalaya).

We recite the mantra in the earth chakra (disk under our feet). For each word of the mantra, an energy spiral-vortex rises around the body in the aura clockwise. You can visualize it. The color is usually white. May be golden or bluish. We say: “OM” - the energy vortex turns clockwise and goes up, “AKASH” - we also visualize the vortex, “Satya”... etc. We recite the entire mantra several times with visualization of the vortex on each word.
At the sound of “ONG” the consciousness tends upward along with the vortex, but there is no need to rush, you need to tune in well and visualize these vortexes.
After some time, “release” your consciousness upward along with the whirlwind and you will find yourself in the starry sky. Go with the flow.

If you have done everything correctly and are well tuned in, your consciousness will enter through the starry sky into a space similar to the interweaving of many light threads. This is what your life looks like at the energy-informational level. In this space, with the help of images, you can understand the causes of problems. For example, at the intersection of light threads there may be a stone, a knot, or a wall. The subconscious will show you through an image what exactly is preventing the passage of your light and the flow of energy. Try to understand what each image is associated with - is it some kind of event, or your thoughts-attitudes, or someone else’s influence. Provide guidelines for disclosure of information for each image. In this space, karmic knots can be untied.
You can do this meditation several times, and each time you will be better attuned to the perception of information, your understanding will improve.

Based on lectures by Andrei Gorodovoy.

It’s no secret that our brain stores only a small part of the information of this life, although psychologists and hypnotists claim that almost all information from the moment of birth is recorded in the subconscious, but imagine the whole world consisting of light and knowledge about everything in this world, even not directly related to your personality - this is where the Akashic Chronicles begin, those grains of light of absolute knowledge, into which if you enter, you can learn about absolutely everything.

We can also call the Akashic Records a Bank of universal Data, as many do, or Prophetic forest, as our Slavic ancestors called it, or whatever you like, but this is a place where knowledge or information about everything is stored, like gold bars in ordinary banks, like in a huge library.

How to translate the word "Akash"

The word Akasha is translated as " visibility"from Sanskrit. But we will try to call visibility as light, since only in light can knowledge and truth be seen. And all modern computers have already reached the point where it is best to transmit large amounts of information using light.

History of the word Akasha

The word Akasha was taken by new religious movements from Hinduism, where the word means " first principle from which the primary elements of this world arise", namely the element of earth, water, fire, wind or ether and space.

Interestingly, in general, a person also consists of these elements. So the earth element corresponds to bones and muscles; the element of water - body fluid; to the element of fire - heat or temperature of the body; the element of wind is the energy that flows through the spiritual channels of the human body and the element of space corresponds to all cavities of the body.

According to some reports, the word “Akashic Chronicles” was coined by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher and esotericist, at the beginning of the 20th century. And in ancient Greek the word “ Arche”, which means the beginning from which everything begins. The Gospel of John says that “In the beginning was the Word.”

Hinduism about the Akashic Records

In Hinduism Akasha- This the fundamental and formless substance that acts as the source of any information and knowledge.

Also in Hinduism the concept of Akasha corresponds to sound or the ethereal substance of sound, through which information is transmitted through words.

And later esotericists called this substance the Akashic Chronicles - a universal and universal database or knowledge where every thought, every word and all the committed actions of everyone is stored.

Mystics can use the Akashic Records

Some mystics of the past, such as Edgar Cayce, Rudolf Steiner, Helena Blavatsky and others, spoke of having access to the Akashic Records and being able to use them. And it is believed that there are quite a lot of people who can also do this, these can be simply sages and yogis high level, meditation specialists and even some prana-eaters get there automatically or at least partially, although naturally these people have a fairly high level of self-development and understanding.

Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records

The famous American mystic and predictor Edgar Cayce, who lived in the last century and made about 26 thousand predictions, left behind a story about how he used the Akashic Chronicles.

In his story, he compared the Akash to a giant library. Before visiting Akasha, he left his physical body and then moved in a column of light. Traveling in this stream of light, he arrived at the elevated area on which the temple stood. Entering the temple, he saw a huge room there, the kind usually found in libraries.

And there he saw books of human lives, where everything accomplished by man was placed in them. And all he had to do was pull out a record about the person who interested him.

In samadhi you can change the entry in Akash

The deepest part of our soul consists of light - this is the seat of our true self. And some masters in meditation can enter a state when cardiac and respiratory activity stops - that’s when immersion into this essential part of ourselves occurs.

Usually in Hinduism and among yogis this is called “samadhi” and is associated with enlightenment.

The Akash contains your entire past.

The Akashic Records contain all the information about the past lives of any person and the likelihood of who and where he will be a man is born based on the actions of the body, speech and mind in this life, that is, the next reincarnation.

Akashic Records within the Earth

Our Planet Earth has its own intelligent energy and it's called Gaia and this energy knows about every person and it also knows how to speak its own language, which is still inaccessible to an ordinary person.

So, inside the earth there is its own alternative Akashic system and it is needed so that when a person’s soul is born on Earth, Gaia creates its own record about this soul that has come to earth again, and everything that a person subsequently does on the planet is recorded and thus affects all the energy of the Earth.

Deep in the earth there is a multi-dimensional cave connected with what is happening on earth and with the cosmos. And in it there is a record of who you are. This place on the planet is special and this is the first place that every soul visits before being born on earth, and it is very surprising that every person first visits this cave, and only then chooses whether to be born or not.

This seems strange for an ordinary person, but this is because he is very limited in his knowledge and understanding of the general essence of things. After all, before the soul is born, it is in a state where there is no time and no sensation of it at all, which is why it first visits the Cave of Creation.

And also, when a person leaves the earth, this is also the last place that the soul visits before going to where we all come from. The Cave of Creation is a library of records of humanity, every human life lived and humanity as a whole. This information is the Akashic Chronicles of the Earth.

And each person has his own spiritual name on the energy level, this is partly the name of God, and it is written on the crystal structure in this cave. And that is why, while a person lives on Earth, Gaia or the energy of the planet “knows” that you are here. And when a person leaves the earth, a crystalline structure with information about him remains.

Akashic within our DNA

All information in the crystals of the Cave of Creation is transferred to our DNA at birth. And this is transmitted precisely in the cave of creation, therefore it is there that the soul is directed first of all.

That is why our DNA contains all the information about past lives or scientific reincarnation, which we have already talked about on our portal. And this is also why there are people who, unexpectedly, when exposed to electric shocks and other problems, can remember unknown languages ​​or receive information that is incomprehensible to them and other unprepared people.

That is why a person has a double helix of DNA - this is so that one can make a record on the second helix, which is interdimensional and connected both to the Cave of Creation and to the Akashic Chronicles, and indeed to our real essence, which is immortal and timeless and space, but more about this in our other articles.


The Akashic Chronicles, in principle, are not located somewhere outside of us - they are also a place in our soul, or as psychologists say in the subconscious, or a place in our DNA while we are here on Earth. Our fundamental principle is light, endless loving light, and we suffer here on earth when we do not see or feel this light, and that is why there are so many religions in the world that lead precisely to it.

Therefore, by constantly improving, you can return to this light and know yourself. Then the Akashic Chronicles and all the necessary knowledge from this universal data bank, familiar to sages and esotericists throughout world history, will naturally be at hand - take it if necessary.

Yes, and in principle there is quite a large number of technique for connecting to the Akash, and how you can get into the chronicles and universal bank knowledge about everything, accessible even to those who are not enlightened, but for now we will leave the intrigue, and for today we say - see you on our Training and Self-Development portal, where you can read a lot more interesting things on this topic, for example, about this, that, and even . Good luck to you in mastering this knowledge, and of course in self-development.