Why does a man dream about a boar? Attack and defense. A woman dreamed of a wild boar - Miller’s dream book

Meeting with a cruel, evil and ferocious enemy. To drive beyond the fence - the meeting carries mortal danger. A boar rushed at you - expect news of impending treachery against you. Fat, seasoned boar - your boss has taken up arms against you. A skinny, hungry boar - the enemies will not retreat until they see yours complete defeat. The squeal of a boar means you will be put in a humiliating position. You turn into a boar - your cruelty and indifference will cause discord in your family.

Slaughtering a wild boar or observing the process from the side - due to a property dispute, your affairs will be seriously deteriorated. A boar sharpens its fangs on a tree - enemies will take advantage of your miscalculations in business. Sleeping boar - your enemies are hiding for the last decisive throw.

Imagine that the boar turns into an affectionate, flexible pig (see Pig).

Sleep is favorable for people doing business. A successful deal will bring good profits. Defeat the boar - you are able to overcome any obstacles. Chase and catch - you will be able to lead to clean water slanderer. Killing a boar is a perfect triumph over your enemies. Receive a boar's head from someone - the vacancy for which you applied will be offered to you. The boar is covered in dirt and blood - a successful completion of the work begun. Fight the boar and defeat it - you will unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent you from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor. Feed by hand - you will receive respect and trust from your superiors.

Imagine that you are feeding a boar acorns.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Boar, hog, pig

Seeing him in the forest in a dream is a sign that your case in court will be considered in the most serious manner and you do not have to count on leniency. For those who are going on a trip, a dream about a wild boar predicts bad weather and other obstacles. A fat domestic hog in a dream foretells you that your enterprise will bring income, while seeing a skinny boar, on the contrary, means losses and losses. If you dream that you are feeding pigs, then you will soon learn about the betrayal of people you trusted. Petting a pig in a dream is a sign that you are flattering a person who is unpleasant to you. Sometimes such a dream indicates that someone will repay you with ingratitude for a service or friendship rendered. Selling pigs in a dream means that you have to work hard to provide for your family. Nothing will come easy to you. Only through your labor can you provide yourself with a decent life. A dream in which you saw a hog or a pig with piglets is a sign that you will have a good income, success in business and prosperity in your home. The more piglets they have, the more profit this dream promises you. Seeing a wild boar running is a sign of danger; shooting him in a dream means that you will be able to cope with a difficult situation, but at the same time you will suffer losses. Catching a wild boar in a dream is a lucky chance.

Seeing a wild, dirty, skinny boar entering your house (or being in it) is a sign that soon the house will enter a person who will do you a lot of harm. He will bring discord and tears into your home. Hearing the squeal of wild boars in a dream means bad news. This dream also predicts that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. A pig in a dream is a symbol of excitement and anxiety. Feeding him from your hands in a dream means that you should beware of the machinations of your enemies. Seeing it fried in a dream is a harbinger of illness and worries.

Suddenly meeting a pig in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a rude, impudent person who will bring you troubles and grief. In a dream, hearing a conversation about pigs means that your reputation is tarnished and you should think about correcting the current situation. If you dream that you are surrounded by pigs, then in fact you are in bad company, for which others will judge you.

A dream in which you saw that a pig attacked you warns you of danger. The dream indicates that excessive gullibility and promiscuity in relationships with people can harm your future.

Interpretation of dreams from

The dream "Boar" refers to dreams that affect the business sphere of life and housekeeping. However, the Pig is associated with a fierce, cruel competitor, employee, or business partner. IN folk tales and in the stories the boar is presented as an important official of a ferocious disposition. He is always rich and holds a high position. It will not be possible to come to an amicable agreement with such a person; he only knows how to force his way through with force and rudeness.

However, a dream about a wild boar for the most part has a positive interpretation. For example, a boar family with numerous piglets indicates good income in business or on the farm. Also, a white boar dreams of marriage. Therefore, as in other dreams, it is necessary to remember the details and find an interpretation that suits your dream. Below are answers to questions that arise after a dream about a wild boar, and also presented famous dream books, in which there is an interpretation of the Boar dream.

  • Why do you dream of a wild boar - Dream Interpretation: dreaming of a wild boar in a dream - symbolizes the business and economic sphere of activity.
  • Why boars - Dream Interpretation: a herd of wild boars in a dream is an incredibly good time, everything you start will end successfully. For woman similar dream says that she strongly desires to give birth to a child from her beloved man, even knowing that this will be associated with great problems and difficulties.
  • Why do you dream of a black boar - Dream Interpretation: a black boar in a dream means meanness from someone you considered a close person. If in a dream the boar was friendly, in reality this person will flatter you, and then do an exorbitant meanness.
  • Why does a white boar dream - Dream Interpretation: a white boar in a dream - for a girl such a dream speaks of marriage. For the rest, to material improvement of affairs.
  • Why do you dream of a kind boar - Dream Interpretation: a kind boar in a dream - a warning dream - beware of the one who is trying to lull your vigilance with sweet and friendly speeches. He will do something mean and hide.
  • Why do you dream of a fat boar - Dream Interpretation: a fat boar in a dream means brisk trade, successful progress of business, profit on the farm.
  • Why do you dream of a thin boar - Dream Interpretation: a thin boar in a dream - anxiety, grief.
  • Why do you dream of a boar running through the forest - Dream Interpretation: what does a boar run through the forest mean - you will have the opportunity to significantly improve your financial condition.
  • Why do you dream of a resting boar - Dream Interpretation: a resting boar in a dream is a lurking cruel enemy who is waiting for an opportunity to destroy your career.
  • Why do you dream of a wild boar squealing - Dream Interpretation: a wild boar squealing in a dream - unpleasant news, disappointment from the reward that you will receive after the work done, you will have to fiercely defend your “good name”.
  • Why do you dream about being attacked by a boar - Dream Interpretation: a boar attacking in a dream means troubles at work, dissatisfaction with your sex life.
  • Why dream of running away from a wild boar - Dream Interpretation: running away from a wild boar in a dream - changes in life will soon occur.
  • Why do you dream of hunting a wild boar - Dream Interpretation: hunting a wild boar in a dream - you will achieve your goals.
  • Why dream of killing a wild boar - Dream Interpretation: killing a wild boar in a dream means victory over a competitor, an enemy.
  • Why boar - Dream Interpretation: eating boar meat in a dream - increase your capital in business, improve your financial situation. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a boar's head - Dream Interpretation: a boar's head in a dream - you have to make a very important decision, which will determine further development business and career at work.
  • Why dream of feeding a wild boar - Dream Interpretation: feeding a wild boar in a dream means an increase in your well-being is just around the corner.
  • Why do you dream of a killed boar - Dream Interpretation: a killed boar in a dream - if the boar was not killed by you or while hunting, but you saw in a dream an already killed (dead) boar, the dream warns of an imminent serious illness or an accident at work.
  • Why dream of slaughtering a wild boar - Dream Interpretation: slaughtering a wild boar in a dream - defeat your enemies, “whiten” your reputation, stop all negative rumors about you.

Women's dream book

Aesop's Dream Interpretation Boar

  • Why do you dream of a wild boar in the forest - a symbol of ferocity, cruelty and anger. You will face human evil, which your subconscious has transformed into this forest beast. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a boar with fangs - if he sharpened them on a tree, the dream warns of the danger that hangs over you. Calculate your actions and be vigilant.
  • If you dreamed of a wild boar attacking, it means a quick meeting with a tough man who will destroy your quiet family life.
  • Dream Interpretation: you dreamed of a wounded boar - you will put an end to the gossip that is circulating about you and defeat your rival, enemy or foe.
  • If you dreamed of fighting a boar, you will be able to unravel the plans of your enemies, and will not allow yourself to be drawn into an enterprise that turns out to be dubious, bringing great losses and even the collapse of the entire enterprise, criminal or dishonest.
  • I dreamed of a wild boar lying on the grass - bad dream- portends trouble from enemies who are waiting for the right time to strike you. (cm. )

Freud's Dream Book Pig

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream: wild boars are a threat from an evil, tough person.
  • Dream: chasing a wild boar means death, mourning.
  • Why dream of catching a wild boar is a sign of joy.
  • If you dream of frozen boar meat - frozen pig meat in a dream - you have committed some kind of sin.
  • What does it mean when you dream about wild boar meat - a fight, theft.(Cm. )

Russian folk dream book

Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “boar” – cruelty, ferocity and anger that you will have to face.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • I dreamed of a wild boar, which means an implacable enemy, an evil, ferocious man.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wild boar attacks - trouble.
  • The dream of a “boar covered in mud” means success in the work started, the successful completion of previously started work.
  • A boar in a dream for a woman means her husband will suspect him of treason.
  • Dream Interpretation: a boar for a girl, which means a marriage proposal.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: A wild boar is an unpleasant person.

Autumn dream book

What does a fat, fattened boar mean in a dream - you will be pursued by criminal people, or those who have recently become “rich”.

Summer dream book

A dream about fat, fattened boars - there will be fat cattle on your farm.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation: what does a boar dream about - destructive passion, danger.

Islamic dream book Boar ( Muslim dream book Boar)

Islamic dream book: dreamed of a wild boar - sin, money earned through sinful means.

Muslim dream book: a wild boar is chasing - bad news about a villain, a rebel.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Longo

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a boar? It symbolizes an unbridled mind that does not obey any reason or any arguments. You will deal with such a person. To explain something to this person you will have to use all your wisdom and patience. Perhaps we are talking about a fan who decided to get you by any means, and who does not consider it necessary to hide his feelings and passion, even if you are already a family man. Any aggression or refusal on your part will be perceived as a sign to act, and you will be faced with the unbridled power and rage of the person who was refused. Therefore, be careful, choose your words and try to wait patiently for the time when he/she himself refuses further actions. This advice is needed if you yourself do not want to accept this person’s offer.

Dream Interpretation: to see yourself in the form of a boar in a dream - you set restrictions on yourself and do not do what you want. If there are good reasons for such self-control and self-restraint, then be afraid nervous breakdown, which will follow such cruel restrictions. Try to allow yourself at least some small joys, to loosen the reins, so to speak.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a wild boar attacking - if you ran away from it in panic, in reality you will quarrel with a person who is very dear and close to you. The quarrel will be long-lasting, and it will no longer be possible to improve relations.

Modern dream book

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Why are boars so dangerous?
  • Why do you dream about a lot of wild boars - a strong, cruel enemy.
  • In a dream, hunting a wild boar is a sign of joy.
  • In a dream, kill a wild boar - defeat the enemy, avoid falling into traps, and reveal his plans.
  • Why dream about the head of a wild boar - triumph over a strong and worthy enemy.
  • In a dream, giving your head to a person means you will experience humiliation or grief.

French dream book

  • I once had a dream about many wild boars - a warning dream - a merciless enemy is near you, and you don’t even know about him or have any idea.
  • If you dreamed of eating wild boar meat, it means illness.(Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: boar hunting - a dream warns of danger.
  • Why dream of killing a boar - defeat your enemies and enemies.

Miller's Dream Book Boar

  • I dreamed of a boar - Miller’s dream book predicts a revival in business or trade if it was seasoned, well-fed, and fat.
  • I dreamed of a skinny boar - anxiety, grief.
  • I dreamed of a boar with piglets - a rich harvest on the farm, successful business.
  • Hearing a wild boar squeal in a dream is unpleasant news; perhaps you are in mourning, or you have worked for a long time and will receive a meager reward.
  • I dreamed of “feeding my own boar” - an increase in property, property.
  • I dreamed of “trading wild boars at the market” - after great effort and vigorous activity, you will receive significant property.
  • What does a black boar mean in a dream - changes are coming in life.
  • What does a white boar dream about - a quick marriage, an improvement in the situation in business and the household.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Why do you dream of wild boars in the forest - an unpleasant person, a boring thing. A boar in a dream can also symbolize your selfishness and permissiveness that you feel in Lately. Also, a boar comes in a dream to sloppy and sloppy housewives. Perhaps you have qualities that you think are valuable, but people from the outside seem unpleasant and unkempt.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

The dream “boar” has two meanings:

Positive meaning - a dream about a wild boar speaks of an improvement in financial situation. It doesn't matter what you did or what the boar did in your dream. To make this happen, within a week after your dream about a wild boar, eat pork every day, at least a little.

Negative meaning - the only exception is a dream in which you eat wild boar meat. Eating boar meat or cooking wild boar in a dream means heart problems. So that sleep passes by and everything is in order with your heart, go outside at night and through left shoulder Throw three pebbles without looking.

Noble dream book of Grishina

Why dream of a small harmless boar - peace with your enemy.

I dreamed of an angry boar in a dream - if in a dream you were very frightened, in reality you will experience a passion that will destroy your life, a struggle will begin between the animal nature and the spiritual.

New family dream book

  • Why do you dream of a big boar - to vigorous activity in trade and business.
  • Why do you dream about a sick boar? It means grief and worry.
  • Why hear a wild boar squeal in a dream - unpleasant news, disappointment in something.
  • Why dream of feeding a boar from your hand - you will get rich in real life.

Gypsy dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a wild boar - a warning dream - be careful with your business partners.
  • Why dream of running away from a wild boar - you will encounter a truly cruel enemy.
  • Dream: boar hunting is a waste of time, a waste of time and effort.
  • Why dream of killing a wild boar - to win.

Dream book combined

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a boar - to the fact that you need to take a closer look at your financial and economic activities. A ferocious and cruel rival, an enemy is possible.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wild boar attacks - you will encounter cruel person who will try to destroy you as a competitor or ruin your career.
  • Why do you dream about the dead? wild boars– defeat everyone who stands in the way, restore your reputation.
  • Why dream of butchering a wild boar - you will remove all your enemies with your own hands.
  • I dreamed of black boars - changes are coming, beware of the meanness of a familiar person who is in this moment time always “assents” to you.
  • Seeing a white boar in a dream means that a girl will get married soon. Significant improvement in the material side of things for others.
  • Interpretation of the dream "boar's head" - you will have to make an important decision. You may need the help and support of an experienced person who can give practical advice in this matter.
  • Eating boar meat in a dream means your financial situation will improve and your capital will increase. In the near future, after seeing such a dream, feel free to invest money in business.(Cm. )

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a wild boar - danger, enmity with a dangerous person.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “boar” – to troubles.
  • Dream interpretation: a wild boar is chasing - avoid danger.
  • Dream interpretation: killing a wild boar means danger is nearby.
  • Dream Interpretation: catching a wild boar with your hands is a sign of joy.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

If you saw a wild boar in a dream, it means you will have to explain yourself to a person you hate and find unpleasant.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

  • A boar in a dream is a symbol of ferocity, cruelty and evil; you will encounter such a person.
  • In a dream, a boar sharpens its fangs on a tree - a warning dream - you are in serious danger. If you calculate everything, think about your every step and action, then you will avoid it.
  • Why do you dream of an attacking boar - you will have to meet an evil and cruel person. He will try to harm your life or your career.
  • Seeing a wounded boar in a dream means you will avoid victory over your enemy, there will be no more gossip about you.
  • Dream Interpretation: slaughter a wild boar while fighting fiercely - you will unravel all the machinations of your enemies, you will not allow them to drag you into a business that will dishonor you and could also bring financial ruin to the entire business.
  • I dreamed of a black boar resting in a puddle - your enemies are waiting for the right moment to completely crush you.

Indian dream book

  • In a dream, wild boars (wild boars) are a dangerous, evil and ruthless enemy.
  • I dreamed of hunting a wild boar - fighting and winning over the enemy.
  • I dreamed of a boar's head - a triumph over the most powerful enemy, the instigator of everything.
  • I dreamed of a boar lying in a puddle - lazy people, slackers who live at “other people’s expense.”

Generalized dream book

Universal dream book

  • If you dreamed about a black boar, it means you won’t be able to avoid communicating with your enemy, so try to talk to him less about your plans. Otherwise, he will turn all the information against you.
  • If in a dream the black boar was kind, beware of flatterers.
  • A wild boar attacked in a dream - you will encounter an angry, aggressive person.


In conclusion, I would like to note once again that a dream about a wild boar is in most cases positive, foreshadowing success, material reward and profit at work or on the farm. A white boar is dreamed of for a wedding. A herd of wild boars means profit. Not bad, isn't it?

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Boar?

Boar - Seeing fat, seasoned boars in a dream is a harbinger of busy trade and business activity. Selling boars means you will become the owner of significant property, but for this you will have to work hard. Skinny boars dream of worry and grief. A pig with piglets - to a rich harvest or successful business management. Feeding your own pigs in a dream means a significant increase in prosperity in the future.

The meaning of a dream about a Wild Pig (Russian folk dream book)

The boar is considered the embodiment of ferocity, cruelty, and anger. It may be unfair, but this wild beast It's really better not to tease or anger unnecessarily. Apparently, this is why when you dream of a boar, it is assumed that it symbolizes an evil and cruel person whom you had to face in reality. You probably suffered because of his difficult character, which is why the boar appeared. So your subconscious transformed this image. Draw conclusions.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Beast

Boar – The boar is a symbol of ferocity, anger and cruelty. So, if you saw a wild boar in a dream, then in reality you had to face human evil, which was transformed in your subconscious into this cruel forest animal. If you dream of a wild boar sharpening its tusks on a tree, the dream warns you of serious danger. You can avoid it only if you calculate all your actions in advance. Why do you dream that a boar is attacking you? This means that soon you will meet an evil, very cruel person who will try to harm your career and destroy your family life. Dreaming of a wounded boar - in the near future you will be able to defeat your secret enemies and put an end to all the evil gossip that is circulating about you. Fighting with an angry boar in a dream means that you will be able to unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent yourself from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor. Watching a resting boar in a dream is a bad omen. The dream means that your enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a strong, cruel blow from which you are unlikely to recover.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which the Boar dreamed

Boar - The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates violence and even cruelty that are present in your intimate life. Why do you dream that a boar is attacking you? This dream indicates that in reality you are dissatisfied with your sex life and feel that you are fulfilling your partner’s wishes against your will. Fighting with an angry boar in a dream foretells that you will soon quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy with strong passions. Seeing a running boar in a dream means that you are currently busy with your own affairs, so you do not have the time or opportunity to relax, your dream is evidence of this. You subconsciously feel a lack of sexual release, so leave everything and relax, you will feel like a completely different person.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream of a Boar in a dream?

Boar - If you dream of a boar, it threatens you evil person, enemy. To drive a boar out of the enclosure means death. A wild boar is trouble, catching it is a joy.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a boar mean in a dream?

If you see a boar in a dream, you have an irreconcilable enemy with an evil character, whom you sincerely fear. A boar in a dream is his personification, his symbol. But if the dreamer turns out to be an unmarried young woman or girl, then she often dreams of a wild boar to receive a marriage proposal. When you see a boar in a dream married woman- this is a warning that her husband will suspect her of cheating and - not without reason. Thus, in both of these cases, the sexuality of the boar comes to the fore; it turns out to be the embodiment of male power. Seeing that a boar is chasing you means major troubles await you, which will not be easy to cope with. And if in a dream you are pursued not by a boar, but by a hog, and even one rolled in the mud, this is good sign, promising you success in all your undertakings, both those that you have just started and those that are nearing completion.

Slavic dream book

What does a boar mean in a dream?

Boar - to see - to mortal danger and a strong enemy. Sun in Aries.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Boar in a dream

Pig - Sleep is favorable for people doing business. A successful deal will bring good profits. Imagine that you are feeding a boar acorns.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Boar

I dreamed of a Boar - you dream of fattened large boars - your business will go quickly and easily - like a cart on a well-worn road; your business partners admit that they are helpless without you; They will base all their plans on the basis of your plans. You see thin or sick boars - do not expect anything from the future but grief; all your efforts over the next few days will lead to nothing. You hear the squealing of wild boars in a dream - the news will not be pleasant; another interpretation of the dream: you will finish and hand in the work, but the reward will not be as great as you expected - there will be great disappointment. You give food to the wild boars - good dream; your successes will ensure an increase in your well-being; you will acquire more and more property, but do not forget that the main wealth is in your head. It is as if you are selling boars - this dream means the acquisition of very significant property; perhaps you will buy a house or an entire company; however, before this you will have to work hard; you will even deny yourself a lot.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a Boar in a dream?

Boar - see also Animals and Pig. 1. One of the ways a sleeping entity draws our attention to something is a play on words or meanings. Since few people have seen a wild boar in their lives, its appearance in a dream usually means danger. 2. Since the boar is associated with a festival or feast, it is a symbol of lust and insatiability. 3. Excess, abundance and vitality. By association with mythology and children's stories, the boar can also represent evil.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Boars from your dream

The boar is a symbol of serious danger or destructive passion. However, often these two definitions are interconnected, one follows from the other. It is quite possible that you will meet a person for whom you will have an unexpected and almost uncontrollable feeling, which will entail a large number of problems and troubles. Especially if you are already in an established relationship or marriage. This is the meaning of the dream you are having.

The meaning of the dream about Borov (Muslim dream book)

According to the Holy Quran and Sunnah, when in a dream you see a wild boar attacking you, this turns out to be a sign of some kind of social upheaval, which you will soon learn about. If someone dreams that a boar rushed at him, the dreamer can expect that soon news will reach him about rebels and villains, as well as about the atrocities they commit. It is possible that we will be talking about the areas in which your relatives live.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Boar

Boar - Boar is a symbol of something unbridled, not subject to any arguments of reason or decency. You saw a boar, which means that in the near future you will have to deal with an unbridled person. To explain to this Pig man your point of view on what is happening, you will need a lot of strength and patience. Most likely, we are talking about the feelings of one of your acquaintances, who will consider it unnecessary to hide his ardor. Be careful: no matter how much you would like to be harsh and tough, you cannot do this, because a ban can cause discontent and, as a result, the rage of an unrestrained person. Seeing yourself in the form of a boar in a dream means that in reality you forbid yourself to do many things that are very important to you. Perhaps you have really good reasons and motives for such self-restraint, but don’t you think that such control over your your own desires can lead to internal breakdown? Think again, and you will understand that it is better to loosen the reins at least a little. If you dream that a wild boar is rushing towards you in a rage, and you are trying to hide from it in a panic, it means an imminent quarrel with a person close and dear to you. The quarrel will turn out to be very long, and perhaps a good relationship you will never get along with this person again, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

The meaning of the dream about Boars (Modern dream book)

According to modern interpretations, a dream in which you see a wild boar is positive character. If you dream of a boar, it symbolizes an intelligent and very well-mannered person whom you will soon meet. For an unmarried woman, seeing a wild boar very often predicts that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which should be seriously considered. When a man dreams of a wild boar, the dream can promise him a reliable and trusted business partner.

Maly Velesov dream book

Boar in a dream

Boar (boar) – Danger, enemy; drive over the fence - to death; wild (boar) care; catching a boar is a joy.

Boar - Seeing in a dream means a strong and cruel enemy; chasing a boar and catching it marks overcoming the enemy; killing a boar marks a perfect triumph over the enemy; to receive a boar's head from someone foreshadows triumph over a strong enemy; Giving someone a boar's head means humiliation and grief, in the following interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

Ancient French dream book

Boar - interpretation of a dream

If you dream about a boar, it is often a warning about that. that in reality you have a very serious opponent, an evil and merciless enemy, the existence of which you are not yet aware of. If for some reason your affairs are going badly, well-thought-out plans are upset at the last moment, these are the machinations of the very enemy that the boar is trying to tell you about in your night vision. Eating wild boar meat in a dream portends a long and serious illness.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Pig mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, what does a boar dream about - To an unpleasant person.

In the summer, what does a fat boar dream about - a fat, well-fed cattle - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream of a fat boar - to the pursuit of you by the new Russians.

In winter, why dream of hunting for a wild boar is a sign of danger. Killing a boar in a dream means the victory you will gain over your enemies.

A wild boar in a dream symbolizes aggression, assertiveness, prosperity and danger. This is a fast and strong animal, unbridled in its fury. The dream in which this beast appears can be interpreted in different directions. Here it is appropriate to talk about family, business, and danger.

A wild boar may be the main character of a dream, but for general meaning it only completes the picture, so all the details are important here. Most the right way not to miss a single important sign noticed in a dream is to write down the dream immediately after waking up.

Meeting a wild boar in the forest in your dream is a warning. You need to be more careful in showing your negative emotions and beware of entering into conflict with anyone. Even a minor quarrel can lead to serious and extremely unpleasant consequences.

The head of a wild boar - what does such a dream portend?

If you see a boar's head in a dream, it means you are about to make an important decision. It is possible that you will not be able to cope with this difficult task on your own. You should turn to a wise and experienced mentor for advice.

Do not rush to answer, no matter what offer you are given. Now there is a period in your life when your answer determines whether your destiny will be successful in the future.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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BOAR – Miller's Dream Book

If you see fat, seasoned boars in a dream, this promises you a quick revival in your trading affairs. If the boars in your dream are skinny, this promises you anxiety and grief.

Seeing a pig with offspring is a sign of a rich harvest for peasants and business success for business people.

Hearing wild boars squealing means bad news. This dream predicts grief over someone's death or disappointment with a reward received for doing important work.

Feeding your own pigs in a dream means increasing your personal property in the future.

Trading wild boars is a sign that you will become the owner of significant property, but this must be preceded by great effort and vigorous activity.

BOAR – Modern Dream Interpretation

A fat domestic boar in a dream foretells you that your business will go quickly and easily, and the enterprise will bring income.

To see a skinny or sick boar in a dream, on the contrary, means losses, losses and grief. All your efforts over the next few days will lead to nothing.

Seeing in a dream a wild, dirty, strong, wayward boar, with huge tusks, entering your house (or being in it) is a sign that you will soon meet a person who will cause you a lot of harm. He will bring discord and tears into your home.

For those who are going on a trip, a dream about a wild boar predicts bad weather and other obstacles.

A dream in which you saw a hog or a pig with piglets is a sign that you will have a good income, success in business and prosperity in your home. The more piglets they have, the greater the profit this dream promises you.

A pig in a dream is a symbol of excitement and anxiety. Feeding him from your hands in a dream means that you should beware of the machinations of your enemies. Seeing it fried in a dream is a harbinger of illness and worries.

Seeing a wild boar in the forest in a dream is a sign that your case in court will be considered in the most serious manner and you do not have to count on leniency.

If you dream that you are feeding a wild boar, then your success will ensure an increase in your well-being. Another interpretation: soon you will learn about the betrayal of people you trusted.

Petting a boar in a dream is a sign that you will flatter a person who is unpleasant to you. Sometimes such a dream indicates that heaven will repay you with ingratitude for a service or friendship rendered.

Selling pigs in a dream means that you have to work hard to provide for your family. Nothing will come easy to you. Only through your labor can you provide yourself with a decent life.

Catching a wild boar in a dream is a lucky chance.

An unexpected meeting with a wild boar in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a rude, impudent person who will bring you troubles and grief.

A dream in which you saw that a wild boar attacked you warns you of danger. The dream indicates that excessive gullibility and promiscuity in relationships with people can harm your future.

Hearing wild boars squeal in a dream means bad news. Such a dream also predicts that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. Hearing a conversation about pigs in a dream means that your reputation is tarnished and you should think about rectifying the current situation.

If you dream that you are surrounded by pigs, then in fact you are in bad company, for which others will judge you.

BOAR – Slavic Dream Interpretation

BOAR – Indian Dream Book

Boars or wild boars are a symbol of a dangerous, evil and ruthless enemy.

Hunting or catching a boar in a dream means struggle and triumph over an enemy who has a wild disposition.

Receiving a boar's head as a gift, freshly caught on a hunt, predicts triumph over the strongest of one's enemies.

A pig means people who are lazy, idle and idle, living at the expense of others.

Sometimes the pig symbolizes misers, completely useless in life, who enrich their heirs with their death.

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