How to treat meniscus after knee surgery. Recovery after a torn meniscus of the knee joint. Educational video: Quick rehabilitation after meniscus removal

The meniscus is a layer of cartilage in the knee joint that acts as a shock absorber. It is the meniscus that protects the joint from destruction. Quite often, during a fall or severe physical exertion, the meniscus ruptures or is damaged. Symptoms of a meniscus injury are:

  • the occurrence of sharp pain in the knee;
  • swelling knee joint;
  • sometimes there may be an accumulation of blood or synovial fluid in the joint;
  • movements in the knee are severely limited.

If you suspect such an injury, you should contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. To determine the extent of damage, magnetic resonance imaging or less accurate radiography is used. For minor injuries, conservative treatment is carried out; for serious injuries, which occur much more often, surgical treatment is necessary.

During the operation, complete or partial removal of the meniscus is performed. Recovery after surgery is serious and quite long; rehabilitation after meniscus resection is very important condition full recovery.

Since the joint is immobilized after the operation, after removing the immobilization bandage it is necessary to restore the usual gait and return the patient to the ability to run and play his favorite sports.

The rehabilitation program after resection of the meniscus includes massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, and exercise therapy. The choice of a set of measures is individual and depends on the complexity surgical intervention. Rupture, removal and installation of meniscus implants require different time frames and sets of rehabilitation measures.

A physiotherapeutic complex after surgery allows in the first stages to eliminate swelling and speed up healing; subsequent measures are usually aimed at improving the mobility of the knee joint and preventing possible complications.

The first physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed when the joint is still immobilized. They stimulate tissue regeneration and improve blood circulation in the joint, reducing inflammation. After removing the cast, the prescribed physiotherapy procedures restore muscle tone and increase the effectiveness of massage and physical therapy.

Massage normalizes blood flow, relieves frequent muscle spasms associated with such injuries; proper manual manipulation significantly improves the condition of the joint, increases the range of motion, and helps reduce pain and swelling.

Since knee joint injuries are often fraught with complications, rehabilitation must be carried out under the guidance of good specialist strictly following his recommendations. The rehabilitation period takes about 2 months and depends on individual characteristics the human body and its age. Of course, a young body recovers much faster and without serious consequences for the patient.

Loads must be strictly dosed; decreasing the load, as well as increasing it, without consulting your doctor can lead to unpredictable and unpleasant results. Rehabilitation after arthroscopic resection of the meniscus is possible as early as 2-3 days after surgery. Since the intervention is low-traumatic and is performed through several punctures, the recovery period after it is much easier and takes much less time.

Important: arthroscopic resection is contraindicated in the presence of acute inflammation of the knee joint.

For rehabilitation, exercise in the pool is excellent; a treadmill and exercise bike are often used.

Is it possible to study independently or is it better to do it under supervision?

A person’s knee joints experience serious stress almost constantly, which is why after injuries the likelihood of developing degenerative diseases increases significantly. To prevent this from happening, it is better to carry out rehabilitation under the supervision of professionals.

A knowledgeable massage therapist will perform the necessary manipulations much better than the patient himself or one of his relatives who do not have the appropriate education. The benefits from such a procedure will also be significantly greater. The same can be said about the physical therapy complex. The doctor knows how to properly carry out exercises and dose loads.

However, if there is no opportunity to attract a specialist, do not despair. Explain the situation to your doctor and ask him to tell you how to massage correctly and what exercises to perform during the rehabilitation period after resection of the meniscus of the knee joint. You can attend a couple of massage sessions to remember what actions the doctor performs and in what sequence.

Restorative measures must be systematic and performed 2-3 times a day. To reduce pain, you can use various pain-relieving ointments. Exercises in warm water, 36-40° C, improve blood flow and increase efficiency, however, it should be remembered that too hot water It's better not to use it. Statements about the benefits of a bath or sauna during the recovery period are controversial. Walking backwards on a treadmill helps to develop the joint perfectly.

Important: the exercises may be a little painful at first. It is necessary to continue them, avoiding too heavy loads.

Over time, the pain will certainly decrease, gait will be restored, and all the consequences of the injury will disappear.

Set of exercises

If possible, exercises can be performed in the pool. Water can not only reduce pain, exercise done in water is more effective for damaged joints.

Swimming and exercise on an exercise bike go well with a complex of physical therapy.

Exercise No. 1

Performed while sitting on a chair. The sore leg slowly rises, while unbending.

Exercise No. 2

Leaning against a wall bar, the back of a chair or a window sill, you need to slowly roll from heel to toe and from toe to heel.

Exercise No. 3

Lying on your back, perform rotational movements with your legs, usually this exercise is called a “bicycle.”

Exercise No. 4

Sitting on the floor, straighten the sore leg and slowly, carefully tilt the body towards it.

Exercise No. 5

Squat while holding onto a support. The exercise begins with shallow squats. Gradually switch to regular squats.

Exercises are performed at a comfortable pace; from 7-10 repetitions gradually reach 15-20. The complex is performed 2-3 times a day. During exercise, you can use a rubber band or jump rope. The practice room should be warm; damaged joints are very sensitive to cold. Getting rid of excess weight significantly reduces the load on the joint.


Rehabilitation after arthroscopy and meniscus resection is mandatory. In order to never remember the injury in the future, you should carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Systematic walks and swimming will help you recover much faster. You should not force things too much, since excess stress on a weakened joint can lead to gonarthrosis. At the same time, the lack of load and the desire to “save” the sore leg lead to similar consequences.

If recovery after an injury was successful, and after some time the pain and stiffness of the joint unexpectedly returned, immediately consult a doctor.

Reviewer: Alexandra Larina

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The functions of the menisci of the knee joint are shock-absorbing and stabilizing, in addition, they help reduce friction of the contacting bones of the lower extremities. The knee joint has two menisci - internal and external or medial and lateral.

Injuries to the meniscus of the knee joint

Injuries to the meniscus do not always lead to its removal. Bruises, minor tears and injuries are usually treated conservatively and often with a complete recovery. More severe pathology, such as a meniscus tear varying degrees severity, accompanied by severe pain, joint blockade, or even separation of part of the meniscus requires emergency surgical intervention.

A meniscus tear can be of several types: complete or incomplete, longitudinal or transverse, in the form of flaps or completely fragmented. Often such injuries result in removal of the meniscus.

Meniscectomy or removal of the meniscus is performed when more than half of the meniscus is torn, since such injuries do not heal on their own and are accompanied by severe pain with the development of edema and sharply limit the movement of the joint due to its blockade.

Modern medicine has the ability to perform such operations using arthroscopic devices, which reduces additional trauma to the limb and significantly shortens the postoperative and rehabilitation periods. Also, such methods reduce the risk of complications after surgery.

Arthroscopic removal of the meniscus is a more gentle operation than meniscectomy. Therefore, many experts prefer it. This is also due to technical conveniences, for example, when performing an operation with an arthroscope, the doctor has the opportunity to see the joint from the inside, using a light bulb and a video camera attached to one of the three tubes. Using the second tube, sterile fluid is supplied to the joint as needed, and the third is designed to insert a special instrument.

To perform this operation, it is enough to make three half-centimeter incisions required to insert the arthroscope, which is also advantageous in cosmetic terms, since there are no visible damage. Removing the meniscus is no different than if it was performed with an open meniscectomy; the surgical technique remains the same. It takes about two hours in length. After pumping out the fluid from the joint cavity, the arthroscope is removed, the incisions are sutured and covered with a sterile bandage.

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Rehabilitation after removal of the meniscus of the knee joint

A rehabilitation period is mandatory after such a surgical intervention. Its duration depends on the degree and nature of the damage and is determined individually for each patient. In most cases, after 24 hours, you are allowed to get up and move around with minimal stress on the sore leg.

When removing a meniscus, it is recommended to avoid horizontal loads on the injured limb if possible for about a week. Functional support during this period is provided by crutches, allowing the patient to move independently and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Therapeutic exercise promotes faster recovery of knee joint functions. In order to prevent inflammation in the cavity and to relieve pain, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications are usually prescribed. Products are used topically to improve blood supply and relieve swelling.

On average, the rehabilitation period lasts two to three weeks, which is significantly less than with open surgery. Arthroscopic operations make it possible not only to shorten the postoperative period, but also to begin working out the joint with a light load almost within a day. All this contributes to the rapid return of the patient to work and reduces the material costs of treatment.

Modern medicine has the ability to carry out a rehabilitation period in the shortest possible time with complete restoration of the functions of the knee joint.

Complications of meniscus removal

Like any surgical intervention, removal of the meniscus also has a risk of developing complications that can occur during the operation (intolerance to anesthesia) and after it. It is possible that an infectious process may develop in the joint as a result of infection, or the formation of nerve endings near the knee joint. It is very rare for vascular damage or blood clots to form in the knee joint.

Physical education classes or simply physical exercises that train the ligamentous apparatus, maintaining its plasticity and flexibility are an excellent prevention of injuries to the knee joint.

Surgeries to remove the meniscus of the knee joint - meniscectomy and arthroscopy

If a large part of the ISS has been torn apart, it is often performed meniscotomy(the injured area cannot heal on its own; swelling and severe pain appear, sharply limiting the movements of the joint due to its blockage).

IN modern medicine this type operations are performed using arthroscopic equipment, which can reduce the risk of additional damage to the limb and shorten the recovery time after removal of the meniscus. Complications may develop due to surgery; this method reduces the risk of their occurrence.

Knee arthroscopy (meniscus removal)– the operation is easier and more gentle, thanks to which it has become popular among specialists.

It is more convenient purely technically - the doctor, while performing certain actions, can look at the joint from the inside, using a light bulb and a video camera attached to the arthroscope tube. Sterile liquid is supplied through the second tube (if necessary), and a special instrument is inserted through the third tube, with the help of which the ISS will be removed.

The doctor makes three 0.5 cm incisions to insert the device (no visible damage remains after them), pumps out the accumulated fluid, removes the equipment, sutures the incision and covers it with a sterile bandage. The operation lasts at least 2 hours.

Rehabilitation after meniscus arthroscopy – exercises

The patient is in the hospital for 1-2 days, where he is monitored by doctors and nurses. After that Isometric exercises are recommended(muscles are engaged, the knee does not bend), involving tension without movement.


The patient needs to take a lying or sitting position in bed, and then tense the quadriceps femoris muscle so that the toes point upward and the cup is pulled up in the same direction. Alternate rest with tension for 10 seconds 10 times.


The patient is in the same position, while the back of the thigh is tense (similar to the desire to bend the lower leg). Alternating tension and rest is similar to the first option.


Having taken a lying or sitting position on the bed, the patient moves his leg to a distance of 20 to 30 cm, raising the heel. The limb then returns to its original position. Repeat ten times.


While sitting (if sitting is difficult, then lying down), a person straightens his leg and raises it up to a height of 10-20 cm up to 10 times. This position should be held for 10 seconds. If pain occurs, the height of the leg lift or the time it is held should be reduced.


The patient sits or lies, while pulling the heel (the operated leg is working) towards him, maintaining this position for about 5 seconds, then straightens it (initial position).

You need to do up to 30 repetitions. If this exercise does not cause any difficulties, you should raise your heel to a height of 3 to 5 cm above the level of the bed, while bending your leg at the knee.


A ball or bolster (a blanket folded into a roll) is placed under the knee. The patient raises his lower leg, straightening his leg as much as possible. This position must be maintained for at least 5 seconds (up to 10 seconds). Repeat 30 times.


This exercise after surgery on the meniscus involves developing flexion in the joint, using the weight of the lower leg. The patient should sit on the edge of the bed, hang his shin, and then, gradually relaxing the anterior thigh muscles, bend his leg at the knee.

Actions must be performed slowly, resisting gravity with the help of the thigh muscles. The healthy leg plays the role of insurance.
The operated leg should be lifted with the healthy one, placing the second one under the first and straightening it. The extension amplitude should be maximum (as far as possible).

To shorten the rehabilitation period after a meniscus tear, it is better to perform all of the above exercises, supplemented with the following two.


Here you will need a walker or a chair with a backrest. The operated leg should be bent at the knee and hip joint. At the same time, they, as well as the foot, are directed forward. The leg returns to its original position without changing the posture. Repeat about ten times.


Leaning on a chair or walker, you should straighten the sore leg in the same places as in the previous case, only now with the intention of reaching the buttocks. The direction of the hip, knee and foot is similar. The leg returns to its original position without changes in posture. The number of repetitions is ten.

You need to be especially careful here, as too much extension can lead to cramps in the calf muscle. If this does happen, you need to quickly pinch yourself for it and then perform all actions less intensely.

All of these rehabilitation exercises will be highly effective and will help restore knee movement after meniscal arthroscopy if perform them regularly and at least 5 times a day(Doctors recommend increasing the number of repetitions up to 8 times).

Physiotherapy after surgery for ruptured ISS

The purpose of using physiotherapy during the rehabilitation period– improve blood circulation and metabolism in the knee, speed up regeneration processes. Massage, magnetic and laser therapy, electrical stimulation of muscles. However, massage is carried out only if the knee has limited mobility or swelling; doctors do not recommend massaging the joint itself.

After removal of the meniscus by a surgeon, the longest lasting problem is intra-articular swelling, which interferes with normal recovery leg functioning. In this case it will help lymphatic drainage massage . It should be performed by a specialist, as experience is very important here. If the massage is performed manually, the therapist makes wave-like movements, starting from the bottom of the leg, gradually moving upward (the direction of the lymphatic vessels).

As a medicinal symptomatic treatment apply anti-inflammatory, painkillers And accelerating the repair process medicines.

An alternative, but no less effective way of recovery after meniscal arthroscopy is the use of strength training equipment aimed at training absolutely all muscles, including the damaged one. The most popular option is a bicycle ergometer. Additionally, swimming lessons are offered in the pool.

A set of exercises for rehabilitation

If a complete or partial removal of the meniscus was performed using arthroscopy, then a set of exercises begins 2-7 days after the operation.

In the event that the ligaments were damaged due to injury, resection was carried out open method, then physical therapy is postponed for a certain period. Initially after surgery, the leg needs maximum rest and immobilization. The same thing happens if the edges of the meniscus are sutured; they will need to heal before repeated loads are placed on the knee. The period during which physical therapy can be performed can be several months.

Early period recovery

Goals that are achieved with early rehabilitation include:

  • Stabilizing the knee by strengthening the thigh muscles.
  • Eliminate inflammation and normalize blood circulation in the joint.
  • Limiting range of motion to prevent contracture.

This type of early rehabilitation is carried out in the following positions: sitting, standing on a healthy leg and lying down, with tension in the thigh muscles. These procedures are performed only as prescribed by a doctor and if there is no effusion in the joint.

Late period recovery

Objectives of late rehabilitation:

  • If a contracture forms, eliminate it.
  • Strengthening the muscles that stabilize the knee.
  • Restoring joint mobility and normalizing gait.

Examples of exercises

  • Walking backwards. It is recommended to perform this exercise on a treadmill, leaning on the handrails. The driving speed should not exceed 1.5 km/h.
  • Squats with a ball. It is necessary to hold the ball between your back and the wall and squat so that the squat angle does not exceed 90 degrees. Doing the exercise is not painful.
  • Using a step (a small ledge used for aerobics). First of all, use a low step (no higher than 10 cm) and gradually increase the height. It is important that the shin does not swing to the sides when ascending and descending.
  • Jumping over a line, then over a bench, is necessary for training muscle strength and coordination of movements.
  • Balance training is performed on an oscillating platform; first of all, you need to maintain your balance.
  • When performing exercises on an exercise bike, you need to make sure that at the lowest point your leg is straight.
  • Jumping on a step or on a flat surface.
  • Walking and running with side steps can be done in water.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

During the rehabilitation period, physiotherapy is aimed at improving metabolism and blood circulation in the joint, and it also helps speed up regeneration processes. For these purposes, magnetic therapy, electrical stimulation, laser therapy and massage are highly effective.

Massage can be performed only in the absence of reduced knee mobility and swelling. For greater effectiveness, the patient should do self-massage several times a day.

Postoperative period

Full recovery after meniscus removal will occur within a few months. First, doctors will take a set of measures to reduce swelling, relieve pain and restore the necessary range of motion. In a hospital setting, the patient will undergo electrical stimulation of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

This procedure is necessary to restore stability to the knee joint. There will also be a course of massage aimed at reducing pain and swelling.

In some clinics, rehabilitation after meniscus removal involves passive development of the operated joint. It is carried out using manual therapy or a special device - artramot. This device is a robotic splint that flexes and extends the knee joint within doctor-recommended limits. In addition, a set of individually selected exercises is prescribed to maintain muscle tone. Taken together, these measures can speed up recovery by 1-2 weeks.

Possible consequences of surgery

Traumatologists warn that the consequence of meniscus removal may be a number of complications associated with the use of anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia is quite popular now. However, it is not recommended for use by people suffering neurological diseases and congenital disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, before choosing a method of pain relief, it is necessary to consult an anesthesiologist. It should also be taken into account that some patients may not tolerate anesthesia due to a weak cardiovascular system and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Often after removal of the meniscus, damage to the nerves in the area of ​​the operated joint is observed. They manifest themselves as numbness or, conversely, the appearance of chills, a sensation as if goosebumps are running down the knee. This complication goes away on its own within two weeks after surgery. However, at first the patient will feel discomfort, which, unfortunately, cannot be relieved by using medications.

Also, after surgery to remove the meniscus, damage to blood vessels, accumulation of blood in the joint cavity, or thromboelic complications are possible. But, judging by statistics, these complications are quite rare. More often, arthritis develops due to infection entering the cavity of the operated joint. Arthritis manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling and pain in the joints, which aggravates the general condition of the patient. Therefore in postoperative period The doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics to prevent possible consequences of infectious genesis.

Basic rehabilitation measures

In order to remove the meniscus of the knee joint (the consequences of the operation can be avoided by choosing good clinic) did not affect the patient’s further performance, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to recovery. It is known that a dense scar forms closer to 6 weeks after surgery. During this period, it is necessary to develop the limb under the supervision of a physiotherapist. First, a set of measures is carried out to restore normal gait, then they begin to give strength loads. Until this period, traumatologists categorically prohibit walking without support - crutches.

Popular exercises after meniscus removal include:

  • extension-flexion movements in ankle joint and toes;
  • isometric tension in the quadriceps femoris muscle;
  • fixation of the knee joint in extension or flexion;
  • raising and lowering a limb.

Each exercise should be discussed with a physiotherapist or sports doctor. In just 1.5 months you will be able to squat, rise on your toes, and walk up the stairs. And after 2 months, doctors recommend cycling, running, jumping, swimming and squats with alternating loads on one leg to fully restore the previous physical form.

Sports rehabilitation

Athletes return to training fairly quickly thanks to the use of alternative techniques. For the purpose of quick rehabilitation, strength training equipment is used that is designed to train all muscle groups, including the muscles of the operated limb. The most popular exercise machine of this type is a bicycle ergometer. Also used are exercises in the pool, which consist of walking on water, special exercises to completely eliminate the finishing effects of contracture, crawl style swimming on the back and chest for 30-35 minutes.

At the last stages of recovery, running on a treadmill, receiving and passing a soccer ball, as well as simulation exercises according to your sport are used. Thanks to active training, athletes, on average, return to their previous shape within 2 months after surgery. Provided that all recommendations are followed, the functional indicators of the operated limb will correspond to those of the healthy leg.

In general, the medical prognosis is favorable for everyone. A removed meniscus cannot cause gait disturbance if the patient undergoes an adequate recovery course in time.

Meniscus of the knee joint

To ensure mobility of the knee joint, cartilaginous structures are located in its cavity, which serve as stabilizers and shock absorbers; these are the menisci. Thanks to this arrangement, the knee can withstand heavy physical loads and is not limited in movement.

Normally, the knee joint has 2 similar structures, internal and external (medial and lateral), they are connected to each other by a transverse ligament in the anterior section.

The outer one is more susceptible to injury, since it has greater mobility and is located at the edge of the joint. If a meniscus rupture of the knee joint suddenly occurs, surgery must be performed as soon as possible.

Types of knee injuries

What type of injury can lead to disruption of the integrity of the joint? There are quite a lot of such injuries, and pathology occurs:

  1. If at the time of injury the shin bones are displaced in different directions (for example, the foot to the left and the knee to the right).
  2. Against the background of severe hyperextension of the knee.
  3. In case of strong physical impact on the knee area (collision between a person and a car).
  4. With a simple fall on a bent leg.
  5. In a previously injured knee, the meniscus is restored incorrectly or incompletely, and another awkward movement of the leg can damage it again.
  6. During the course of some diseases (gout, rheumatism), destruction of the cartilage plate occurs.

There is a high risk of cartilage injury in people who spend a lot of time standing on their feet, in athletes and weightlifters (frequent microtraumas).

All of the above situations can most likely lead to a violation of the integrity of the knee joint. How to recognize that a person has damaged such cartilage?

Clinical signs

Any excessive physical impact on our body is accompanied by the appearance of severe pain, knee injury is no exception. The peculiarity of a joint injury is that when the integrity of any of its structures is violated, the mobility of the limb is sharply limited. Additionally, there is pronounced swelling of the joint, a local increase in temperature and stiffness (especially in the morning or evening).

Treatment of joints can be conservative (medicines), surgical and folk. Most people prefer to be treated with tablets and ointments, but this is not always the case best solution. Depending on the injury and the extent of the damage, surgical treatment is sometimes more preferable and effective.


Surgery is the last resort to cure the patient. The operation is performed if the following criteria are met:

  1. Large gap.
  2. crush cartilage tissue.
  3. Rupture into several large and small parts.
  4. Conservative treatment methods are not effective.

Only after a thorough examination is the patient sent for surgery.

Surgery to remove the meniscus can be performed using an open approach (cutting through the skin, ligaments and other structures to reach the desired area) or endoscopically (arthroscopy of the meniscus is performed). Method 2 is much safer and is the “gold standard” today. Its main advantages:

  • Low impact. Instead of large incisions, small punctures are made and thus reach the desired area.
  • Good review and diagnosis. Modern devices allow you to evaluate the joint cavity using a small, movable camera.
  • Dissection of the joint capsule is excluded. This is where joint fluid accumulates and is stored to lubricate the joint.
  • Damage to nearby tissues and structures is excluded.
  • At the time of surgery there is no need to fix the leg in one position. The more mobility is preserved, the easier it is at the rehabilitation stage.
  • Removing the knee meniscus in this way reduces the time spent in a hospital bed and in the hospital in general.

In progressive countries, this method of treatment is chosen for patients with damaged joints.

How is arthroscopy performed?

The patient is prepared for surgery (anesthesia is given), the required area of ​​the leg is sterilely isolated from the body and the surgical field is formed. Then 2 punctures are made into the joint cavity. The arthroscope itself (a small metal tube) is inserted into the first one; it transmits the image to the monitor to the surgeon, thanks to which a physiological solution is injected into the joint (this is necessary to enlarge the joint cavity, which will allow more mobile movement of the manipulators). The second hole serves as a conductor for other tools (for scissors, scalpel, clamp, etc.). After arthroscopy of the meniscus, the surgeon assesses how much work needs to be done and what surgical tactics to follow:

  1. Restoration of damaged cartilage plate. Performed if the injury was received not so long ago (no more than 48 hours ago). If there is a small tear of the meniscus, the operation is performed as follows: the edges of the meniscus are brought together and sewn together with a special suture. Additionally, the entire structure is fixed to the joint capsule to limit mobility.
  2. Partial or complete resection of the meniscus of the knee joint. This procedure is performed in case of total destruction of cartilage tissue, with its complete dysfunction. Partial removal of the cartilage and its destroyed structures is performed, and the whole, undamaged part remains without intervention (partial meniscus replacement). Complete removal of the meniscus of the knee joint is much more difficult and traumatic. All damaged structures are identified and removed. All this is replaced with prostheses or other cartilaginous tissues that can perform a similar function.
  3. Transplantation of a new cartilage plate (transplantation). This is a method of transplanting cartilage tissue from a donor (frozen identical tissue) or transplanting synthetic material.

After surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint, there is a risk of complications. Which undesirable consequences may occur:

  • Bleeding from damaged vessels. It can be noticed and eliminated at the stage of surgical intervention.
  • Damage to nearby ligaments. A very serious complication that can lead to complete dysfunction of the joint.
  • Attachment of an infectious process. The joint capsule is a very favorable place for the development of inflammation.
  • Injury to nerve endings and roots.
  • Surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint may result in rejection of the installed implant. In this case, surgical procedures will be aimed at repeated revision and replacement of cartilage.
  • Inadequate revision of the joint capsule can lead to the loss of some parts of the broken cartilage. In the future, the symptom of “joint mouse” may develop. This is a symptom in which there is a sharp limitation in the mobility of the knee due to wedging of the free part of the cartilage into the joint space during movement.

Depending on the complications encountered, recovery after meniscus surgery should include a combination of medications and physical methods treatment, long-term observation and further monitoring of the patient’s well-being.

Rehabilitation period

Recovery after meniscus arthroscopy lasts at least 2 months. Combine application medicines(painkillers, anti-inflammatory, chondroprotectors and others), physiotherapy and gymnastic exercises. For successful and effective postoperative rehabilitation it is necessary:

  1. Use additional support when walking. This could be a cane or crutches.
  2. Gradually increase the load on the affected leg. Daily training should restore muscles and ligaments.
  3. After some adaptation of the body to new structures, it is necessary to maintain them in good shape using orthoses. These are specialized products that protect and fix the knee in the correct position.
  4. It is necessary to start full-fledged therapeutic exercises from 6–7 weeks.

Rehabilitation after meniscus removal occurs a little further, as the body needs to adapt to the foreign tissue. It often happens that the body does not accept the installed implant and its rejection begins. This is a very dangerous complication, as our own defense mechanisms begin to work against us. To prevent such situations, they try to transplant the patient’s own tissue or special synthetic prostheses. If the resection of the meniscus is partial, then the patient long time monitored for timely response to possible rejection.

Further rehabilitation after surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint consists of following a gentle regimen for the knee, following a diet, and regularly performing gymnastics and physical therapy (we help restore muscle tissue). To ensure good blood supply to the limb, it is recommended to attend massage sessions, physical therapy and manual therapy. After resection of the meniscus, you are under the supervision of a doctor for a long time and note all your sensations in the knee.

The content of the article

The menisci in the knee joint are two additional layers of cartilage between the most tightly pressed sections of the heads of the tibia and femur. They are necessary not only to reduce contact stress and absorb shocks that occur during movement. With their help, the load falling on the component elements of the joint is distributed, which protects them from damage.

The location of the menisci provides stabilization of the knee joint and limits the range of motion. Therefore, restoring the meniscus after a tear helps stop further destruction of the cartilage, and therefore prevent arthrosis and preserve the function of the knee joint.

What determines the choice of treatment method for meniscus injury?

Even two injuries of the same type different people may require different tactics treatment.

The choice of treatment method is influenced by:

  • Cartilage condition. In the absence of its degenerative changes, the likelihood of independent recovery against the background of conservative therapy is much higher than in the presence of signs of aging, inflammation and dehydration of the cartilage.
  • The degree of meniscus tear. Transverse tears up to 3 mm in length and longitudinal tears up to 10 mm in length either do not manifest themselves clinically at all, or, if pain and swelling occur, they heal on their own within several weeks with conservative therapy. If the tear extends longer along the length or through the entire thickness of the meniscus, especially in combination with the resulting instability of the joint, surgical correction is required.
  • Localization of injury . If the rupture occurs on the periphery of the meniscus, which is richly supplied with blood and therefore capable of fast healing, conservative therapy is justified. The closer to the center of cartilage, practically devoid blood vessels, the less chance of independent recovery without surgery.

Preservation of the meniscus affects the positive condition of the joint in the future

  • Is the stability of the joint compromised? The main task pursued by treatment and rehabilitation after meniscus rupture, - to preserve a person’s ability to make full range of painless movements in the joint. Ligament laxity that appears after an injury can lead to additional trauma to the damaged cartilage due to stretching of the joint capsule and friction of the articular surfaces.
  • Profession and degree physical activity sick. Meniscus removal in athletes leads to the impossibility of further training and loss of work. Therefore, such an operation is performed extremely rarely today for young and physically active people.
  • Patient's age and health status . After 40 years, with concomitant arthritis, with an old process or massive hemorrhage in the joint, the ability to spontaneously heal a meniscus tear is reduced.

Conservative treatment for meniscal tears

Less than ten years ago, conservative therapy and recovery after meniscus surgery were carried out with the mandatory application of plaster cast. As a result of prolonged complete immobilization, degenerative processes occurred in the damaged cartilage, leading to the rapid development of arthrosis. In addition, the strength of the muscles supporting the joint was lost. Because of this, when resuming walking, and even more so sports training, new meniscus tears easily occurred again in the loose joint.

In order for the cartilage to heal on its own, it is necessary to reduce the load on the knee joint for several weeks.

a special bandage on the knee will protect the joint tissues from excess stress

To do this, it is enough to wear an orthosis or elastic bandage that prevents excessive bending or hyperextension, twisting the legs along the longitudinal axis. In the first week, it is advisable to avoid relying on the sore joint. In the future, until complete recovery, they are canceled for several weeks. sports training, but therapeutic exercises and massage are performed to strengthen the thigh muscles. This is necessary to maintain joint stability. Various physiotherapeutic techniques are used : laser and magnetic therapy, electromyostimulation, heat therapy, phonophoresis of drugs that accelerate healing and improve nutrition of all joint structures, including menisci.

Meniscus removal – recovery and rehabilitation

At the dawn of the development of traumatology and orthopedics, meniscectomy, that is, complete removal damaged cartilage through a large incision was considered the main method of treatment. This is how they tried to eliminate the resulting blockade of movement in the joint and pain syndrome. But after 15 years, a retrospective analysis showed that in the majority of patients, rehabilitation after surgery did not lead to recovery. Complaints of pain and limited range of motion persisted, and arthritis and arthrosis developed. Therefore, today removal of the entire meniscus is extremely rare.

  • After surgical removal For the first three weeks of meniscus repair, the patient is recommended to perform passive exercises and rely on crutches when walking.

For damage to the meniscus, it is prescribed various treatments, which depends on the stage of development of the disease. At severe injuries, or due to the lack of results of traditional treatment, removal of the meniscus of the knee joint is prescribed, and the presence of consequences after surgery depends on the rehabilitation period.

Purpose of the meniscus

To deal with possible consequences torn meniscus of the knee joint, you need to know about the purpose of this inner part of the knee.

The meniscus is a cartilage plate that performs special functions:

  1. distributes the load on the articular area, increasing its supporting surface;
  2. more elastic cartilage tissue, in relation to other cartilages, serves as a shock absorber for the limb during various movements;
  3. if damage occurs cruciate ligaments in the knee, then thanks to the meniscus, displacement of the large femur.

Each knee is equipped with two menisci (internal and external). The outer (lateral) meniscus is fixed more freely in relation to the articular parts, and therefore is rarely subject to injury.

Damage occurs mainly to the medial (inner) knee shock absorber, due to the rigid fixation to the tibia.

Injuries and consequences from damage

Not all meniscus injuries result in surgical procedures. Damage can occur independently, or it can be caused by certain provoking factors.

Meniscus injuries include:

  • tears of the ligaments and the menisci themselves (partially or completely);
  • separation of the shock-absorbing cartilage from the fixing area.

The most dangerous injury to the meniscus of the knee joint is considered to be its tear, and the consequences of late treatment medical assistance may be the most serious:

  1. joint tissues begin to deteriorate, which can lead to disability;
  2. at an advanced stage and unhealed damage, the knee joint goes through several stages of chondromalacia (gradual destruction of torn meniscal flaps and other tissue surfaces of the joint). Osteoarthritis begins;
  3. friction of the joint parts is created, arising from a lack of synovial fluid;
  4. the occurrence of pathologies inflammatory in nature in the knee.

If you treat in a timely manner, the consequences of a knee joint injury can be avoided and you can get by with the traditional method of treatment ( medications together with physiotherapy).

Types of surgical treatment methods

The following methods of knee meniscus surgery are distinguished:

  • excision (incomplete);
  • reconstruction of cartilage tissue by stitching;
  • resection of the damaged area and its replacement with an implant;
  • arthroscopic method.

Arthroscopy is considered the most effective method of surgical intervention, and at the same time the least traumatic.

Surgery to remove the meniscus of the knee joint can be complicated by consequences. This happens due to sharp increase joint load, and the subsequent course of arthrosis or arthritis of the knee joint.

Complete resection of a damaged meniscus is rarely performed. If the meniscus is removed, the consequences may overshadow the entire effect of surgical manipulations.

When an operation is performed with sutures, it is possible that postoperative consequence as a re-tear of the meniscus.

The sooner they start therapeutic measures, the more opportunities to avoid surgery and further unwanted complications.

Recovery after surgery

The rehabilitation period after meniscus surgery depends on the severity of the injury, the type of surgical intervention, and will be individual for each patient.

The following complications are possible after surgical procedures:

  • inflammation may develop due to infection entering the cavity;
  • injury to blood vessels (rare cases), and the occurrence of blood clots;
  • pinching nerve fibers periarticular region;
  • allergic reactions after undergoing anesthesia.

The listed complications are possible, but they do not happen often.
To restore motor activity, it is necessary to adhere to medical prescriptions in the postoperative period on the meniscus of the knee joint. When the cartilage plate is removed, you need to take care of the limb for a week, avoiding stress. To move around, it is recommended to use crutches to reduce the load and because a splint is placed on the limb.

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Performing special gymnastics to recover from a meniscus injury begins on the second day after surgery. Specific classes are selected for each patient.

Regardless of the method of surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint, it is necessary to prescribe traditional treatment. To exclude postoperative pathologies, anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed, which simultaneously eliminate swelling and normalize blood flow. In the first days after the operation, painkillers are prescribed.

It is necessary to follow the following basic rules for the rehabilitation and restoration of the meniscus after a rupture and surgery:

  1. in the first week, when moving, be sure to use support (cane or crutches);
  2. Loading on the operated limb should be done gradually. To do this, perform special exercises to restore muscle tissue and joint ligaments;
  3. it is necessary to use special knee braces(orthoses). Orthopedic products protect the fragile limb from damage and support the knee in the correct position;
  4. more complex physical exercises can be started 6 or 7 weeks after surgery.

If resection of the meniscus of the knee joint is performed, recovery after surgery lasts longer compared to arthroscopy. It happens that the body does not accept the implant and rejects the foreign body. To exclude such a serious complication, the patient’s well-being is monitored medical supervision. Light exercise is allowed no earlier than 6 weeks after surgery.

For professional athletes who have suffered a knee injury and subsequently undergone surgery, a special recovery technique has been developed. Rehabilitation activities are aimed at developing individual muscle groups. Specially designed exercises are used for this purpose.

Recovery after arthroscopy

The operation using arthroscopy is a modern and gentle method of partial resection of the meniscus. The essence of the manipulation lies in the following surgical points:

  1. several incisions are made in the articular cavity through which the optical device is inserted;
  2. with the help of an inserted probe, the torn part of the cartilage is removed;
  3. the edges of the pointed fabric are carefully sewn up;
  4. At the last stage of surgery, the remaining elements of the meniscus are fixed to the joint capsule.

The gentle technique eliminates postoperative complications, and with further adherence to the recovery period, return to your previous lifestyle.

During the recovery time after arthroscopy, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Complete restoration of the knee joint is possible after 3 months or a year. The recovery period is calculated according to the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the injury;
  • starting from the second day after arthroscopy, you need to perform special exercises. Walk with crutches for at least 3 weeks, and then for the same amount of time with a special brace (orthosis);
  • Any full-fledged physical activity or sports activities are allowed after six months from the date of surgery. If the patient was involved in a team sport before the injury, then training is allowed no earlier than after 9 months.

During the entire rehabilitation period, it is necessary to follow medical prescriptions. Usually massage sessions, physiotherapy courses, and special physical education are prescribed. To restore joint tissue, a course of medications is prescribed.

Rehabilitation after suturing a torn meniscus

First postoperative days any movement is carried out only with crutches. Small, partial loads are allowed after a month.

Normal, everyday exercise is allowed at week 5.

If a doctor’s permission has been received, then you can start training after 2 months, once the recovery measures are completed. Extended, long-term training is allowed after six months from the date of surgery.

Injury prevention

Anyone can get injured in the knee. But, if you exercise basic caution and follow preventive actions, you can avoid injury.

If you engage in professional sports, you must definitely use special fixing knee pads that protect the knee from impact and prevent injuries when falling.

Moderate physical activity is required. Among sports activities, it is better to give preference to such as cycling, race walking, jogging. With such sports activities, the knee joint will be strengthened, and the likelihood of injury will be minimal.

With increased physical activity, there is always a possibility of damage to the knee joint.

How to forget about joint pain forever?

Have you ever experienced unbearable pain in your joints or constant pain in back? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already familiar with them personally. And, of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • constant aching and sharp pain;
  • inability to move comfortably and easily;
  • constant tension in the back muscles;
  • unpleasant crunching and clicking in the joints;
  • sharp shooting in the spine or causeless pain in the joints;
  • inability to sit in one position for a long time.

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already spent on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish, which reveals the secrets of getting rid of joint and back pain.

Any surgical intervention aims to restore the functioning of various organs or parts of the body. The knee, despite the fairly high wear resistance and protection of the joint, is quite often subject to injuries and diseases that require surgical correction. The most common surgical methods for treating the knee include reconstructive surgery on the meniscus. An important part of such therapy is rehabilitation, on which the outcome of the operation largely depends.

The role of rehabilitation after surgery

After any surgery to repair a meniscus tear, additional specific treatment is required. In fact, surgery is only one of the stages of knee recovery, after which it is extremely important to choose effective ways rehabilitation.

Often, immediately after surgical procedures, swelling occurs, as well as severe pain in the operated knee, accompanied by an inflammatory process. This reaction is explained by damage to nerve endings and blood vessels during injury or during surgery. Pain and swelling prevent movement of the limb, which is associated with fear or involuntary protection of the joint. As a result, the development of contractures and signs of arthrosis is observed. However, all restoration measures do not bring results.

Therefore, proper rehabilitation after surgery is so important, which should

eliminate swelling and pain; accelerate tissue fusion; normalize the secretion of joint fluid; restore the range of motion abilities of the knee.

Typically, rehabilitation consists of a set of measures, including:

drug therapy;
physiotherapeutic procedures;
specific therapeutic exercises.

The rehabilitation specialist decides which rehabilitation measures to use based on the type of intervention and the patient’s body’s reaction to the procedures performed.

Activities in the early postoperative period

Typically, early rehabilitation is carried out in the hospital immediately after surgery.

Early recovery has several goals, including:

withdrawal inflammatory reactions; reduction of pain; restoration of damaged tissues; prevention of muscle atrophy and contractures; improvement of local blood supply.

The operated limb is provided with rest for a certain period, for which the knee is immobilized.

To eliminate negative symptoms, medications are used. Doctors prescribe nonsteroidal medications that must be taken until the inflammatory reactions disappear. Injections of analgesics may be used to relieve pain.

If fluid accumulates in a joint, a puncture must be performed to remove the intra-articular pressure that causes pain. To prevent development infectious processes, especially after open operations, antibacterial drugs are used.

To restore damaged cartilage tissue, which provoked a meniscus tear, you need to use chondroprotectors. These drugs are prescribed to be taken immediately after surgery with a fairly long period of therapy. There are quite a lot of effective chonroprotectors in the form of Teraflex, Dona, Arthra, Elbona, Chondrolone. However, you need to take such medications for at least 3 months and repeat the courses periodically. Doctors believe that after operations it is better to use injections of chondroprotectors. This will speed up the process of cartilage tissue regeneration.

During this period, you can do absorbable physiotherapeutic procedures. To prevent muscle atrophy, rehabilitation specialists select lung exercises exercise therapy course. When the joint is immobilized, gymnastics are performed for the muscle tissues of the thigh and foot. Add exercises of impulsive forced contractions of muscle tissue under the splint.


Video - Recovery after meniscus surgery

Activities of the late rehabilitation period

Late rehabilitation begins after the sutures are removed and the immobilization of the knee joint is eliminated, which usually coincides with discharge from the clinic in the absence of postoperative complications.

The patient is prescribed to take painkillers if necessary. The course of chondroprotector therapy started at the clinic continues.

Restoration of knee functionality occurs more intensively. Doctors recommend increasing the load on the joint in stages. The volume of physical activity is determined by the appearance of mild pain. This complex should last about 20 minutes and be repeated three times a day. Once the complex is fully mastered and pain disappears, the range of motion of the knee joint is corrected. You can gradually increase the distance and period of walking, introduce exercises with a ball, as well as on exercise machines.

Allowed to practice on:

exercise bikes; steppes; stabilizers; leg press; Biodex simulator; with elastic bands or shells; water treadmills.

With permission from doctors, you can move on to play sports and swimming in the pool.

The set of exercises includes:

active movements of various types using safety nets; squats with weights; walking with feet rolling backwards; exercises to develop endurance and balance.

Recovery is complemented by massage. It should be borne in mind that after any operation to remove the meniscus, as well as if a resection was performed or the tear was stitched, it is prohibited to massage the joint. Such manipulations can cause damage to the joint capsule and incompletely restored tissues. The massage is performed on the lower leg and thigh area. This helps ensure blood flow and accelerate regeneration.

At this stage of rehabilitation, it is advisable to add reflexology, laser and magnetic therapy, and ultrasound procedures. You can make applications with paraffin and ozokerite.

If possible, it is advisable to undergo late rehabilitation in a specialized sanatorium, where all conditions are created for the restoration of the knee after surgery according to special programs under the strict supervision of narrow specialists.

Terms of rehabilitation

The duration of knee joint recovery directly depends on the type of surgery performed to treat the meniscus and the severity of the damage.

Repair of ruptures

If it happens to the meniscus, then in most cases it is eliminated by stitching. This operation is performed arthroscopically. The patient stays in the clinic for no more than a couple of days during arthroscopy. Outpatient treatment can last from a week to three.

A favorable outcome of surgery to repair a rupture depends on compliance with rehabilitation recommendations,

Which is built according to a certain scheme:

On the second day the patient is allowed to walk using support. The volume of the load must be determined by the doctor.

Orthosis for fixing the knee during rehabilitation

For three weeks, the patient is recommended to move with the help of crutches. It is forbidden to allow the operated limb to bend more than 90 degrees. From the fourth to the sixth week, you must wear an orthosis; you can try to bend the limb. Until the eighth week, the orthosis is used both during walking and during gymnastics. After the eighth week, walking without support is allowed. After approximately six months, sometimes 4 months, physical activity is allowed, as well as some sports at the doctor’s discretion. If the gap was stitched, complete recovery is observed after 9 months. In some cases this period is a year.


If meniscus resection was performed, rehabilitation is surprisingly faster than repairing a stitched tear.

The phased terms, of course, are regulated by the doctor.

But on average they correspond to accepted standards:

From the third day, available exercises begin to be performed to prevent contractures and muscle atrophy. The complex is developed individually and is constantly adjusted. On the eighth day the sutures are removed. Until the end of the third week, the knee is not loaded, and movement is carried out with the help of crutches. After this, the patient is discharged and rehabilitation continues at home. On average, the operated patient can begin work in the fifth to seventh week. After a couple of months, or at most three, you are allowed to play sports.

The timing of complete recovery may vary due to non-compliance with rehabilitation recommendations and the occurrence of complications.

The question of in what situations is knee surgery on the meniscus needed is heard quite often. It is difficult to answer this unequivocally. Reviews from people who have experienced various problems with this organ indicate some caution before surgery, so they sought conservative treatment methods. In order to more fully cover the topic of the need for surgical intervention, you need to understand what the meniscus is.

What are knee menisci?

Cartilage pads, which are a kind of shock absorbers and stabilizers, as well as increases its mobility and flexibility, are called menisci of the knee joint. If the joint moves, the meniscus will compress and change its shape.

The knee joint includes two menisci - the medial or internal and the lateral or external. They are connected to each other by a transverse ligament in front of the joint.

A feature of the external meniscus is its greater mobility, which is why its incidence of injury is higher. The internal meniscus is not as mobile, it depends on the internal collateral ligament. Therefore, if he is injured, then this ligament is also damaged. In this case, knee surgery on the meniscus is necessary.

Causes of various meniscus injuries

So why do they get damaged, and in what cases is knee meniscus surgery necessary?

Injuries that are accompanied by movement of the lower leg in different directions lead to rupture of the cartilage lining. The meniscus of the knee joint can be damaged (treatment, surgery and other methods will be discussed below) in case of excessive extension of the joint during adduction and abduction of the lower leg. Ruptures are possible with direct impact on the joint, for example, from being hit by a moving object, hitting a step or falling on the knee. If a repeated direct injury occurs, chronic trauma to the meniscus may occur, as a result of which a rupture may occur during a sharp turn. Changes in the menisci can occur with certain diseases, such as rheumatism, gout, chronic intoxication (especially in those people whose work involves prolonged standing or walking), with chronic microtraumas.

Meniscus treatment methods, reviews

Surgery is not indicated in all cases, since damage to this tissue can vary. There are several ways to restore the functionality of the meniscus. For this purpose, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, various medications are used, and traditional medicine recipes are also used.

Many patients choose more conservative methods, as evidenced by their reviews. But they also note the risk of losing time for recovery. When, instead of carrying out the operation that was recommended by specialists, they chose physiotherapy or treatment with folk remedies, it only got worse. In such cases, an operation was still performed, but it was more complex and with a long recovery period. Therefore, it sometimes happens that knee surgery on the meniscus is inevitable. In what cases is it prescribed?

When is knee meniscus surgery prescribed?

When the meniscus is crushed. If there is a rupture and displacement of it. The body of the meniscus is characterized by circulatory insufficiency, therefore, in the event of a rupture, there is no question of independent healing. In this case, partial or complete resection of the cartilage is indicated. In case of hemorrhage into the joint cavity, surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint is also indicated. Reviews from patients indicate fairly rapid rehabilitation in this case. When the body and horns of the meniscus are completely torn off.

What types of manipulations are used?

Surgeries are performed to stitch together or partially remove the cartilage. Sometimes surgery to remove the meniscus of the knee joint occurs for the purpose of transplanting this organ. In this case, part of the damaged cartilage is removed and replaced with a graft. This is not a very dangerous surgical intervention, although some patients, according to their reviews, were afraid to resort to transplants. After such manipulation there are few risks, since donor or artificial menisci take root without any problems. The only disadvantage in this situation is long-term rehabilitation. On average, it takes 3-4 months for the transplant to survive successfully. After this, the person’s performance is gradually restored. Anyone who does not want to waste so much time on rehabilitation resorts to radical methods restoration of torn cartilage.

Recently, medicine has reached such a level that it is possible to save even a torn meniscus. To do this, it is necessary not to delay the operation and, in a calm state, with properly organized treatment, spend at least a month in rehabilitation. This also plays a role proper nutrition. Feedback from patients can be found to be opposite: some are inclined to replace cartilage with donor or artificial cartilage, while others prefer their own. But in these two cases a positive result is possible only if the right approach to rehabilitation after surgery.

Application of knee arthroscopy

With arthroscopy, the surgeon can see most of the structures inside the knee joint. The knee joint can be compared to a hinge, which is formed by the end sections of the tibia and femur. The surfaces of these bones adjacent to the joint have a smooth cartilaginous covering, thanks to which they can slide when the joint moves. Normally, this cartilage is white, smooth and elastic, three to four millimeters in thickness. Arthroscopy can detect many problems, including a torn meniscus in the knee. Surgery using arthroscopic technique will help solve this problem. After it, the person will be able to move fully again. Patients note that today this is the most best procedure to restore the function of the knee joint.

Knee meniscus surgery - duration

During arthroscopy, surgical instruments are inserted into the joint cavity through small holes. The arthroscope and instruments used in this procedure allow the doctor to examine, remove, or stitch together the tissue inside the joint. The image through the arthroscope appears on the monitor. The joint is filled with liquid, which makes it possible to see everything quite clearly. The entire procedure lasts no more than 1-2 hours.

According to statistics, among all knee joint injuries, half are due to damage to the meniscus of the knee joint. The operation makes the patient feel better and relieves swelling. But, patients note, the result of this procedure is not always predictable. It all depends on the looseness or attrition of the cartilage.

Rehabilitation during treatment with conservative methods, reviews

Rehabilitation is required not only after meniscus surgery, but also as a result of any treatment for this cartilage. Conservative treatment involves two months of rehabilitation with the implementation of the following recommendations:

Apply cold compresses. Dedicate time every day physical therapy and gymnastics. Use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Slightly different recovery requirements involve surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint. Rehabilitation in this case requires a little more effort, as patients note. This is due to the fact that there was more serious damage to the meniscus, as well as penetration through other tissues of the body. To recover after surgery you will need:

Initially, it is necessary to walk with support so as not to load the joint - this can be a cane or crutches, the duration of use of which is determined by the doctor. After this, the load on the joint increases slightly - movement occurs with the load distributed on the joints of the legs. This occurs 2-3 weeks after the operation. Then independent walking is allowed with orthoses - special joint fixators. After 6-7 weeks, it is necessary to begin therapeutic exercises.

Postoperative complications

Which Negative consequences Can surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint leave a legacy? Reviews indicate that postoperative complications are rare, but they still happen.

The most common infection is intra-articular infection. It can get into the joint if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed. An existing purulent focus in the joint can also lead to infection. Damage to cartilage, menisci and ligaments can also occur. There have been cases of breakage of surgical instruments inside the joint. If you approach rehabilitation after surgery on the knee joint incorrectly, its stiffness, even ankylosis, is possible. Other complications include thromboembolism, gas and fat emboli, fistulas, adhesions, nerve damage, hemarthrosis, osteomyelitis , sepsis.

Exercising after surgery

Professional athletes try to return to activities as quickly as possible after a meniscus injury and surgery. With a specially developed rehabilitation program, this can be achieved within 2 months, they note. For quick recovery, strength machines (bicycle ergometers), swimming pool exercises, certain exercises, and so on are used. When rehabilitation comes to an end, you can run on a treadmill, pass a ball, or imitate exercises related to a particular sport. Reviews from such patients indicate difficulties in rehabilitation in this way, since it is always difficult to treat a diseased joint. But after hard work and patience, you can achieve good and quick results.

Proper rehabilitation after surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint leads to a complete recovery. The doctors' prognosis is favorable.

The meniscus is the cartilaginous layer of the knee joint, which is located between the surfaces of the tibia and femur. The meniscus acts as a stabilizer and shock absorber. But under certain loads, especially when playing sports, it may rupture.

Such knee injuries occur quite often. They account for 75% of all closed knee injuries.

Restoring the meniscus after injury is possible through surgery (arthroscopy), during which the tissue is stitched together with a special thread. If this method is not suitable for some reason, resection is resorted to. Sometimes, to eliminate the gap, joint replacement is performed, replacing it with an implant that assumes the function of the meniscus.

The essence of arthroscopy is to perform two punctures of the knee joint, which are made using special video equipment.

Rehabilitation after surgery consists of a whole complex, including physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.

The length of the recovery period depends on the nature of the injury and the extent of the rupture.

Exercises for recovery after knee arthroscopy

If partial or complete resection of the meniscus was performed through arthroscopy, rehabilitation should begin within 7 days after surgery.

If at the time of the injury there was a rupture of the ligaments or resection of the meniscus was carried out using the usual open method, rehabilitation exercises will have to be postponed, since in this situation the knee needs rest for some time.

Physical exercises cannot be introduced immediately and after suturing the edges of the meniscus.

First they must grow together, and only then the knee can be given loads. Rehabilitation after surgery can take up to 7 weeks. More precisely, the recovery period depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Initial recovery

Early rehabilitation after arthroscopy has the following goals:

Strengthens the thigh muscles to stabilize the knee. Elimination of inflammation and normalization of blood circulation in the knee joint. Limitation of range of motion.

Recovery exercises are carried out in different starting positions:

Standing on your good leg. Sitting, easily straightening the sore leg. There should be a cushion under the heel. Lying down, straining your thigh muscles for 5-10 seconds.

Important! Any exercises after an injury or tear of the meniscus of the knee joint can only be performed with the approval of the attending physician. Moreover, as a result of the operation, there should be no effusion or blood in the joint.

Further recovery

The tasks of late rehabilitation include:

Formation of normal gait and restoration of gait lost due to injury motor function. When a contracture forms, its elimination is necessary. Strengthening the knee muscles.

Exercises in the pool or gym. Walking and cycling are very beneficial.

A set of health exercises

Walking backwards. It is advisable to perform this exercise on a treadmill. The patient must hold on to the handrails. The driving speed should not exceed 1.5 km/h. It is necessary to achieve full straightening of the leg. Squats with a ball. In the initial “standing” position, the patient should lean back a little. There is a ball between the lower back and the wall. You need to perform squats, reaching an angle of 90. You should not sit lower, otherwise the load on the joint will be excessive. Exercise with a 2-meter rubber band. The tape is fixed on one side to a stationary object, and on the other to the healthy leg. By swinging to the side, you train the muscles of both legs at once. Gymnastics on a steppe (a small platform used for aerobics). If little time has passed after the operation, use a low step. Gradually the height should be increased. When performing descents and ascents, it is necessary to ensure that the shin does not deviate to the side. Ideally, this can be controlled in the mirror. Balance training is performed using an oscillating platform. For the patient, the main task is to maintain balance. Jumps on the leg, which are first performed over a drawn line and later over a bench. This exercise trains muscle strength and coordination of movements. Jumps can be performed on the steppe or on a flat surface. For greater efficiency, you need to jump both sideways and straight. When performing actions on an exercise bike, you need to make sure that your leg is straightened at the lowest point.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

In the postoperative period, physiotherapy is aimed at improving metabolism and blood circulation in the tissues of the knee and accelerating regeneration processes. In this regard, massage, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation are effective.

Massage should be done for swelling and loss of mobility in the knee joint. The patient must learn to perform massage independently in order to carry out this procedure at any time. free time, several times a day.

The joint itself should not be massaged during the rehabilitation period. All other physical procedures are carried out in the clinic.

Surgical meniscus repair

The meniscus plays a role in the functioning of the knee joint important role. Therefore, they do not completely remove it, but try to preserve healthy tissue as much as possible, which is exactly how meniscus surgery is performed. In medicine, there are two methods for meniscus repair surgically: suturing and prosthetics.

The first method is used for linear breaks, if no more than 7 days have passed since the injury. It is advisable to apply a suture only in areas of good blood supply. Otherwise, the tissue will never heal, and after a while the injury will recur.

Meniscus endoprosthetics using special polymer plates is performed quite rarely. It is most often prescribed when most of the cartilage has been removed and there has been extensive destruction of the joint. In addition, there is the possibility of transplanting fresh frozen donor tissue.

To summarize, I would like to remind all people that if you have a knee injury, you must immediately contact a traumatologist. The doctor will determine the nature of the damage and prescribe adequate treatment.

Performing simple exercises to restore meniscus function will very soon help you forget about the sad incident and return the patient to his former active life.