How to open a kebab shop on the highway, what documents. Your own business: how to open a kebab shop. Barbecue room

The best option– open an individual entrepreneur, it's fast and inexpensive. A significant plus is simplified accounting.

OKVED code 55.30.– “Activities of restaurants and cafes.”

The following permissions will be required:

  • The conclusion of the SES on the establishment’s compliance with sanitary standards is issued for five years, then extended. To obtain, please read the requirements. SanPiN;
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to open a cafe in the selected location;
  • Certificate from Rospozharnadzor. A fire protection system, evacuation plan and emergency exit are required.

Each employee needs a medical record and certificates of passing basic tests to obtain permission to work in the catering industry.

If you plan to sell alcoholic drinks(very important for such an establishment), you will need to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages from the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. The requirements for the enterprise are given in Law No. 171-FZ.

The cost of obtaining all permits ranges from $900-1000.

Menu and delivery

The main product is shish kebab. Popular are kebabs made from pork neck, balyk, lamb, chicken, and red fish. It is important to include side dishes, sauces, salads, desserts, and bread products in the menu.

Additional customers are brought by home delivery when ordering for a certain amount (for example, from 1000 rubles).

Barbecue room

The best places for accommodation are on the highway, on the banks of a river or sea, near a park. The kebab business should be located in a busy place - near the roadway, where people stop to rest and have a snack, or in places for recreation. The premises must meet the requirements of SP and SNiP 2.04.01-85.

Required area– 90 square meters: 40 sq. m – hall with 10 tables, 30 – kitchen, 10 – bathroom, 10 – utility rooms.

For the warm season, organize a summer area in front of the establishment.

Rental cost is 1000-1100 dollars per month. About a thousand dollars will be spent on repairs and communications.

Basic requirements for the premises

  1. Water supply (hot and cold water) and sewerage, ventilation system;
  2. Availability of a bathroom;
  3. Floor with non-slip coating;
  4. Kitchen walls are tiled to a height of at least 1.7 m;
  5. When placed in a residential building, the entrance and emergency exit are isolated from the residential part. Reception of products is organized from the side of the building, where the minimum number of windows opens.

Equipment for barbecue

What equipment is needed to open a kebab shop? Prices are indicated in dollars.

  • Barbecue with a roof for grilling outside in summer – $250-300. Good producers— “Forge of style”, “Gardener”;
  • Electric kebab maker for indoor cooking – $140-200. Quality companies - Sterlingg, Gastrorag;
  • Exhaust ventilation hood – $200-300. Iterma, EuroVentGroup, HiCold;
  • Industrial washing – $70-100. RADA, HESSEN;
  • Two cutting tables – $100-150. ATESY, Hicold, Cryspi;
  • Dishwasher – $400-500. Smeg, Bosch, Mach, ABAT;
  • Two refrigerated cabinets - about $1000. Polair, Astra, Ariada;
  • Kitchen utensils (pots, pans, etc.), skewers, small utensils (cutting boards, measuring utensils, knives, graters, etc.) – $800. Merxteam, TECNOEKA, Luxstahl, MAC.PAN, APS, BOK, Westmark;
  • Two racks for dishes – $120-160. Cryspi, ATESY;
  • 15 sets of dishes for visitors – $500-600. Baltic, Tvist. Disposable tableware is suitable for selling barbecue to take away;
  • 11 wooden tables – $800-900. Equivalent, Delacosa;
  • 40 chairs or 20 wooden benches with backs – $900-1000. Equivalent, Delacosa, PremierDecor.

In total, equipment for a kebab shop requires an investment of 5-6 thousand dollars.

Raw materials

All products must have quality certificates. Many establishments buy already soaked meat to save time and resources.

But the main dish in a kebab shop should form a corporate identity; many visitors return for their favorite taste.

Therefore, develop own recipe marinade and soak the raw materials yourself. You will need 2000-3000 kg of meat per month.


For a small establishment, two waiters, two grillers, a cook, and a cleaner will be enough. We outsource accounting. Salary fund – 2000-2500 dollars per month.

Costs and profits

How much does it cost to open a kebab shop? Approximately 18 thousand dollars, taking into account the rental of premises for three months in advance and the purchase of raw materials for a month. Monthly expenses – 10 thousand dollars. Average bill – 15 $. Monthly revenue is from $15,000, that is, the company will earn at least 5 thousand net per month.

A properly organized barbecue is relevant in any city, will quickly pay for itself and bring in good income.

No matter how much you feed a Russian person sushi and “cutlet buns,” his love for aromatic, steaming, juicy kebab will not decrease. It is this circumstance that can be turned into an excellent business idea - think about how to open a kebab shop and get the maximum income from it. And valuable recommendations from those who have already become venerable “food service gurus” will help with both.

Business specifics

Like any “one-dish establishment,” a kebab shop is a place where kebab is presented in the largest assortment (grilled meat can complement the menu). Despite the fact that “to a first approximation” such a business seems seasonal, this is not at all the case: in most large Russian cities you can find kebab shops where the flow of customers does not dry out throughout the year. Therefore, it is almost equally profitable to open a summer barbecue cafe and to create a year-round business in this area.

The main feature of opening a kebab shop is the fact that it is a catering enterprise, and a domestic one at that. Why is the last factor so important? The fact is that the state is extremely reluctant to allow people to be fed - and therefore, without first collecting an impressive package of certificates and documents, you cannot open a kebab shop. In a word, it is from the bureaucratic stage that the enterprise should begin.

What kind of documents are needed for a barbecue business?

The first thing you need to do is register as a business entity. If you want to open one (and not just a chain of them) kebab shop, it is better to become acquainted with the corresponding 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.” As for the choice of taxation regime (“imputation” or “simplified”), you should not hesitate with this, otherwise the government agency will impute OSNO, and this is far from the most convenient and profitable way of settling with the state. The ideal option is to pay a single tax amounting to 15% of the difference between income and expenses: an entrepreneur who has chosen this regime will not be able to make a loss even in the most unfavorable scenarios.

After registration, it’s time to collect documents. The list is small, but the procedure for obtaining each paper is far from fleeting. Here is what you will need to present to the government agency:

  • licenses for the right to trade certain categories of goods, in particular, wine and vodka products;
  • medical records for each employee of the institution;
  • permission to locate a catering establishment in a specific location;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (hygienic certificate) of the SES.

If you want to transport meat for an establishment yourself, you also need to take care of a sanitary and epidemiological document for transport.

If at the start stage there are no clear ideas about how many personnel will subsequently work in the kebab shop, you should not delay collecting documents: of all the procedures preceding the submission of papers to government agencies, issuing medical records is the fastest. Unlike the process of collecting other permitting documentation.

Finding premises and purchasing equipment for a kebab shop

What do you need to know before you start looking for the ideal premises for your future catering establishment? There are two objective criteria that it must satisfy:

  • compliance with all requirements fire safety;
  • availability of all necessary conditions for kitchen operation (electricity and water supply).

Well, from the point of view of profitability, the kebab shop should also be located in a place with high human traffic. Even if we are talking about how to open a very small kebab shop on the highway, it must be a full-fledged highway with several lanes. It is most appropriate to locate a restaurant with barbecue as the main dish in the city center (if the city is small) or district (in metropolitan areas).

An interesting and attractive interior concept for an establishment is one of the key success factors. It is extremely difficult to give advice here: everyone has their own ideas about beauty. However, there must be a concept - and its implementation should be given increased attention.

Whatever the kebab shop, you will need the following equipment to open it:

  • refrigerated cabinets (at least two for meat, and preferably three);
  • cutting tables;
  • dispensing stand;
  • dishes and kitchen utensils, including barbecue and skewers;
  • hood (the higher its power, the better).

If the business idea is how to open a takeaway kebab shop, then this is an exhaustive list. Otherwise, you will also need a wardrobe and furniture for the hall (bar stools and counter, tables, chairs).

"Grocery" question

The fact that it is the choice of meat supplier that will determine the entire future fate of the establishment is unlikely to be an unexpected statement. And it’s best to look for one among local farmers. At the start-up stage, with a small establishment, you can make purchases on the market, and reach the level of cooperation with recognized large suppliers as the business develops.

The main criterion is the meat’s compliance with all existing sanitary and veterinary standards. However, this also applies to the rest of the products from which menu dishes will be prepared, albeit to a lesser extent.

As for the menu itself, it is advisable to pay maximum attention to its “main character” - kebab. The greatest demand is for pork neck kebab, with slightly less (but still high) demand for chicken, lamb, and red fish. However, we must not forget about other dishes (salads, side dishes, desserts): their composition must be carefully considered. It is also worth considering the presentation of the main course and taking care of bonuses that are attractive to the client, for example, sauces and fresh herbs. It’s hardly worth mentioning how much attention needs to be paid to compiling a wine list. But it probably makes sense to remind you that each table should be decorated and equipped with napkins, a salt and pepper shaker, and toothpicks, since all this must be purchased in advance.

How much does it cost to open a kebab shop and what kind of profit can you expect?

According to statistical calculations, a kebab shop with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters will pay for itself in one and a half to two years, while its annual turnover will be about 13 million rubles. And you can enter the business with a relatively small amount - about 600 thousand rubles, but you should expect to spend about 150 thousand rubles on equipment.

Kebab houses are traditionally popular among Russians: it’s always a good time to have a good time or just have a snack, enjoying the smoky aroma of meat and watching the chef’s masterful work. A small cafe with a menu consisting mainly of grilled meat dishes is sure to attract customers and bring considerable income to the owners.

How to open a kebab business? You should start with a business plan and cost estimates, then find suitable premises and begin processing all necessary documents and permits - for the type of activity, raw materials and products, and personnel compliance with certain requirements. The next stage is the purchase and installation of equipment, searching for suppliers, hiring workers and developing a menu. After that, all that remains is to get to work, reach the planned turnover and get a well-deserved profit.

Obtaining permits from authorities

It will take some time to complete the necessary documents. Although the deadlines for issuing permits are regulated, just in case, add about 20% to them, taking into account the well-known human factor.

A beginning entrepreneur will need to register with the tax authorities: either an individual activity or an LLC is declared ( entity). Choose code 55.30 called “Activities of restaurants and cafes” and a simplified tax payment scheme of 15% of profit. In both cases you will need a passport and a receipt; For LLCs, the list of documents has been expanded. The duty is 800 rub. for individual entrepreneurs and 4000 rub. for LLC.

Rospotrebnadzor issues a permit for entrepreneurial activity after the sanitary-epidemiological service (SES) will draw up an opinion on the product and premises, issuing a hygiene certificate within 60 days (free of charge), valid for 1 to 5 years. Vehicles for transporting meat also require a certificate from the SES.

If the kebab shop sells alcohol, you will need a license to sell these goods. All employees are required to have valid health certificates.

Business Features

Firstly, the kebab shop belongs to the category of “one-dish” establishments, where the priority place on the menu belongs to kebab and its variants - for example, grilled meat or fish. Means, the cafe is unlikely to attract gourmets and it is worth paying attention to simpler clients, choosing a location for a kebab shop.

Secondly, count on vegetarians and adherents healthy image life is also not worth living, and taking into account the price, schoolchildren and students “fall out” from the ranks of clients.

Third feature: if your cafe is open and the cook works outside, then the seasonality factor of services comes into force. After all, in winter, hardly anyone would agree to freeze while waiting for an order.

But the most weakness when opening a kebab shop there is a bureaucratic stage: a catering establishment, even the smallest one, cannot be opened without all sorts of certificates that ultimately allow you to feed visitors.


Barbecue area about 100 sq. m. pays off in one and a half to two years. Let's calculate the approximate costs: purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles, utilities - up to 3 thousand per month, staff salaries will cost from 15 thousand rubles, rental of premises - about 50 thousand rubles. plus the cost of purchasing raw materials.

Production: per working day (12 hours) one cook can use two grills cook 50 kg of meat or 170 servings. In season from May to September for small cafe this is normal attendance, but in the period from October to April the numbers are reduced by at least half. With a serving cost of 150 rubles. We receive revenue of about a million rubles per year, including 30% of income from the sale of drinks and other menu offerings.

Total costs for raw materials and other goods will be about 450 thousand rubles. in year; turnover, taking into account seasonality - 11,880,000 rubles, gross income 6,504,000 rubles, net profit 2,487,000 rubles. The profitability of the kebab shop is 21%, the payback period for the enterprise is 2 years.

Where to open?

The main thing is that the selected premises must comply with fire safety requirements, otherwise there will be no work permit. Functioning water supply and sewerage, electricity, ventilation in the kitchen are mandatory conditions for obtaining a certificate from the SES.

The best location for a kebab shop is next to a large flow of people who are not particularly demanding when it comes to food and who have time to wait, until the order is ready. These could be train stations and bus stations, markets or a busy highway, embankments with a promenade area and beaches.

When choosing a location for a cafe, it is worth considering that not everyone likes the smoke from the barbecue, and neighboring businesses may not be happy with you; Therefore, try to find a place a few tens of meters away from the nearest fellow entrepreneur, no matter what he is doing.


Approximate costs for equipment for a barbecue area up to 100 square meters. meters - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. You will need:

  • barbecues and skewers;
  • oven and microwave oven;
  • separate refrigerators for storing meat and a refrigerator for other goods;
  • powerful kitchen hood;
  • cutting tables;
  • kitchen utensils, dishes;
  • distribution stand;
  • tables and chairs.

You can save money by offering takeaway kebabs: then you won’t need furniture for the hall, and regular utensils can be replaced with disposable ones made from cheap cardboard or plastic.

Menu development and supplier search

Shish kebab is the main dish on the menu, but It can be prepared from almost any product. Meat of various varieties and from different parts carcasses, chicken, fish and shrimp, shellfish (including snails), vegetables, even fruits and marshmallows on a skewer as dessert, and toasted bread (of course, several types) with cheese... Delicious! Add all sorts of flatbreads, polenta toasted over a fire - in general, use your imagination or look for recipes from craftsmen on the Internet. The main thing is to differentiate yourself from competitors by offering something original and inexpensive, and good word of mouth will do everything to attract new customers without advertising costs.

Additional dishes in the form of pastries, desserts and drinks can bring up to 30% of the total profit! Don't neglect the assortment of juices and sodas, tea and coffee, and frozen desserts - buns, pies - are easy to prepare and last a long time. Think about the children's menu, because children always bring their parents and their friends, also with their parents, and so on.

Side dishes and salads, sauces and marinades, herbs and pita bread are an excellent decoration for barbecue and additional income. “Free additions” to the main course in the form of mini-sliced ​​vegetables or a couple of pieces of pita bread will certainly delight guests and increase orders, but they can cost you pennies.

The wine list and cognacs are barbecue classics, into which modern cocktails and beer fit perfectly different varieties. It is more profitable to buy alcohol in bulk and only from official dealers who guarantee quality.

It is better to start searching for suppliers of raw materials based on recommendations, otherwise problems will go from possible to inevitable. A reputable butcher with a reputation will naturally charge more for his products than a beginner, but the quality of the meat and the presence of real certificates are a clear plus. If you want to save money, look for a farmer who personally raises livestock or poultry and is very interested in regular customers. Retail chains are also suitable for the role of supplier, but they are essentially resellers, and the price will definitely be higher than that of manufacturers or a large wholesaler.

The main rule for everything edible that ends up in your kebab shop: it must comply with all standards (sanitary, veterinary) and, as a result, visitors will like it.


There are always problems, where would we be without them... The main trouble for a novice entrepreneur lies in wait at the start: registration of all kinds of permits and certificates can take a long time, Therefore, be patient and treat everything philosophically.

To protect your nervous system, even before deciding to open your own business, be sure to consult with people who have practical experience in business. You will learn a lot of interesting and necessary things, but to save time, make a list of questions that interest you in advance.

The second problem is find normal workers, and the key figure is the cook. If this is a beginner, then he has a lot of energy and optimism, but not enough experience. A professional can be a champion barbecue cook, but if he has a quarrelsome character... Ideal options are rare, so you have to work quite a lot during interviews with applicants to create your team.

Finding a supplier, seasonality of business - this has already been discussed. Force majeure is always possible, no one is immune from them, but many problems can be solved if you have the financial resources and time.

To summarize, we can confidently say that a kebab shop is profitable business. Its main advantages are low start-up costs, quick payback and positive traditions, which are supported by the majority of the population, which creates a constant demand for tasty dish.

In this material:

A kebab shop business plan allows you to predict the development of your own business from scratch, minimize costs and prevent losses, achieving a stable profit. How to insure yourself against seasonal downturns and how to attract customers, beating your competitors?

The aroma of barbecue evokes thoughts of relaxation, sea, sun. Rarely is a picnic complete without meat grilled over coals. But it is not always possible to light up the grill whenever the desire arises. This is exactly what barbecue houses are for: a hospitable and skillful cook, in front of an astonished audience, will turn pork, beef, lamb, chicken into a hearty and tasty dish that Russian people like so much.

Features of the kebab business


Despite the huge number of catering establishments operating in different formats, the popularity of shish kebab remains unchanged. Neither fast food, nor a coffee shop, nor a deli can compete with a kebab shop. Shish kebab is self-sufficient (although this does not exclude the possibility of diversifying the menu with cold appetizers, vegetable slices and salads), it acts as a separate dish and is an ideal snack for both beer, wine, even champagne, and stronger drinks - vodka, cognac. The idea of ​​opening a kebab shop will pay off quickly enough if you approach the organization wisely. First of all, you need to decide on the format:

  • seasonal trade involves organizing a mobile point - a grill under a canopy (the chef cooks in front of clients) and tables for visitors;
  • a stationary establishment, decorated and equipped in accordance with all rules and regulations.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • relatively small starting capital;
  • payback period – 14-16 months;
  • The cook is not required to have the ability to prepare other dishes, which greatly simplifies the task and reduces the waiting time for an order;
  • the presence of alcoholic beverages on the menu significantly expands the range of orders and increases the quantity of kebab ordered;
  • mobile kebab shops can be moved from one point to another, in search of best place and more profit.
  • seasonal fluctuations affect business profitability;
  • meat is a perishable product, so violation of sanitary standards (especially in the hot season, during the season) is fraught with either loss of money or problems with visitors.

Meat cooking technology

To prepare a classic kebab, you will need fresh meat - lamb, beef (veal), pork, goat; 3% vinegar, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomato sauce, green and onion, lemons.

The meat is cut into cubes, the weight of one cube is 35-40 g. There are 4-5 pieces per serving of kebab. The meat is salted and peppered, sprinkled with vinegar. If veal, lamb (fish and chicken) are used in cooking, then the meat does not need to be marinated, vinegar is not needed and onions are not added to this kebab.

In other cases, the meat is mixed with onions, cut into rings, and left for 5-6 hours.

The shish kebab is fried on coals or on a grill, after placing the prepared meat on a skewer.

Not everyone adheres to the classic recipe, and not always; masters have their own versions of marinades; in addition to meat, they fry vegetables - tomatoes, eggplants, Bell pepper, zucchini.

Where to start a kebab business?

Objective of the project

The goal that an entrepreneur sets for himself when opening a kebab shop is to organize a stationary or mobile catering point, the main dish of which will be kebab. Business involves conducting an advertising campaign and attracting customers in order to make a profit.

Description of services

  1. Cooking shashlik from different types meat and fish on an open fire (charcoal). The more varied the assortment of main courses, the more popular the establishment will be. A prerequisite is that the kebab listed on the menu must be on the client’s table within the prescribed time. Nothing harms the image (except for stale products) more than the phrase: “Sorry, there is no beef (pork, fish, veal) at the moment, we can offer chicken kebab.”
  2. Sales of related products - drinks, bread/lavash/unleavened flatbread, vegetables, sauces, herbs.
  3. Delivery of barbecue and vegetables to the specified address, takeaway trade.

You can diversify the leisure time of visitors by organizing musical accompaniment (live music) and hookah.

The target audience

The establishment is designed for young people aged 20-35 with average income. As a rule, men prevail, but with due diligence, the kebab house will become a place of leisure for youth groups and family vacation. Parties and holidays in a free format without officialdom will optimally fit into the concept of a kebab shop. However, it is important to maintain a balance here: a low bill is justified by high traffic and the kebab shop expands due to turnover. Companies that, after ordering a serving of shish kebab, spend several hours at the table, become a hindrance to new visitors, and therefore threaten profitability. For organized events, it is important to agree on the check amount in advance and encourage subsequent orders.

Assessing the level of competition

The kebab business cannot be called low-competitive. In addition to direct competition from kebab shops, trade is influenced by nearby catering establishments, especially fast food. However, a competent marketing campaign and tasty, smoky meat will allow you to advance in the market and recoup your business.

Risk assessment

A stationary indoor establishment is less susceptible to seasonal changes and decreased profits, which cannot be said about a mobile outlet or an open kebab shop. When choosing a format, it is important to assess the risk of downtime during the low season. It is especially important to take this factor into account in regions with short summers and low average annual temperatures and high humidity.

In addition, the work of a kebab shop is directly tied to a stable supply of meat. When choosing a supplier, you should make sure of his reliability and integrity.

In general, a kebab shop is characterized as a business with low risks. Start-up capital low and mostly invested in liquid assets. If the business does not go well, you can sell it entirely or sell off the acquired property to cover the losses.

Organizational plan

Business registration

To open a kebab shop, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax authorities. However, if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, you will have to register a legal entity with the preparation of all the necessary documents and compliance with formalities (making a seal, opening a current account).

To operate the establishment you will need:

  • sanitary and hygienic conclusion;
  • permission to operate a kebab shop;
  • trade license (if necessary);
  • medical records for each employee.

Search for premises

Like any catering establishment, the premises for a kebab shop must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and not cause complaints from the fire inspectorate.

The location in a noisy, crowded place, on the one hand, ensures an influx of customers, on the other hand, it guarantees huge competition. It is profitable to open kebab shops on the outskirts of the city, along the highway. There should be convenient access to the establishment and the ability to leave a car. The idea of ​​opening your own establishment in a space that previously housed a cafe or bar is justified from several points of view. Firstly, it will probably have the necessary communications, and secondly, visitors will be interested in the new point and stop by, at least out of curiosity. Whether they will come again depends on the employees of the kebab shop.

Menu creation

For obvious reasons, the center of the menu, its main dish, will be shish kebab. The more diverse the options offered, the more fans the kebab shop will gain. However, it is worth considering the possibility of timely supply of all necessary types of meat.

The shish kebab will be complemented by: charcoal-grilled fish and seafood, baked and fresh vegetables, savory pastries, salads, and drinks. The format of the establishment determines and price range menu.

Equipment and furniture

To work you will need:

  • grill (one or more) with skewers;
  • grill grates;
  • kitchen utensils and dishes;
  • distribution counter;
  • furniture for visitors (tables, chairs);
  • hangers for outerwear.

Chairs can replace soft sofas and armchairs - the choice depends on the design and style of the room.

To store meat and other products, you need refrigeration chambers; a modern, powerful hood will help provide ventilation; a dishwasher will be a useful purchase.

A separate item of expense in a stationary establishment is the equipment of the sink and bathroom.

Barbecue staff

In addition to a qualified cook (or two, if the kebab shop will work seven days a week for 10-12 hours a day), waiters, kitchen workers, cleaners, an administrator, an accountant, and a security guard are needed. In order not to keep visitors waiting, a kitchen assistant can cut salads and serve orders.

Advertising and Marketing

A bright, catchy name and an attention-grabbing sign are the tip of the iceberg. Start off advertising campaign necessary several months before opening, during renovation and equipment of the premises. Information on the Internet, distribution of flyers and leaflets, advertising in public transport, on light screens, billboards - the more active the work on preparatory stage, the more interest the opening of a kebab shop will generate. It’s worth celebrating this day with treats and discounts, showing yourself in all your glory. For regular customers, you can provide bonuses, promotions, a cumulative or incentive discount system.

Financial plan

Investments in business

  • purchase of equipment, furniture, kitchen utensils – 350 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of workwear, packaging materials for takeaway trade – 40 thousand rubles;
  • arrangement and renovation of the premises - 300-350 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork - 4 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • rent – ​​30 thousand rubles;
  • salary – 150 thousand rubles;
  • utilities – 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of food, coal - 100 -120 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 10 thousand rubles.

Income, profit calculation

Profit calculations can be determined only after the location has been selected and the estimated attendance of the establishment has been assessed.

If it is possible to process and sell 0.5 centners of fresh meat per day (about 38 kg of fried meat), then the figure per month is about 1.1 tons. Purchasing meat from peasant farms guarantees an acceptable price and a stable supply of quality meat.

Let's look at how to open a kebab shop from scratch, how much it costs today and whether it is profitable to do such a business. And before implementing such delicious idea, you should prepare for various difficulties and know how to solve them. And for a novice businessman, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with what exactly is required to organize a successful establishment.

A kebab shop refers to a catering establishment where the basis of the menu is meat products cooked on the grill or grill. In our country, these dishes are very popular, so when the right approach your establishment will always attract visitors.

  • Important nuances
  • Official registration
  • Selecting a location
  • What do you need to purchase?
  • Raw materials and suppliers
  • Menu creation
  • Preparation
  • Staff
  • Financial calculations
  • Owner reviews

Important nuances

The kebab shop as a business has its own characteristics:

  • This is an establishment that is unlikely to be visited by vegetarians, adherents of a healthy lifestyle, children's groups and even students will become rare visitors due to the high cost.
  • This cafe is focused on preparing one type of dish or several of its varieties.
  • With an open type of establishment, the business will be seasonal and highly dependent on the weather, therefore profitability is calculated not by month, but depending on the duration of the summer period.
  • A new businessman may have difficulties with the initial stage – the bureaucratic process of paperwork.

If you don’t have confidence in your abilities, you can use a franchise. At the same time, an experienced entrepreneur who has a whole network of kebab shops will help in opening and establishing your establishment. And only after understanding all the intricacies, you will be able to create your own business over time.

Official registration

To start your own business, you will need to deal with registration issues. Exactly what requirements the authorities in your region impose on the production of barbecue and the opening of the corresponding establishment can be clarified in tax service or administration. Typically the following documents are expected to be collected:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the first case, you will pay only 800 rubles, and the waiting time will not be longer than a week. The second option will be much more expensive (4,000 rubles) and the paperwork will take about a month, but will make it possible in the future to open a whole network of your own catering establishments.
  2. The taxation scheme chosen is simplified, according to which you will only need to pay 15% of total income. Please note that OKVED indicates 55.30, which involves the activities of restaurants and cafes.
  3. Wherever the production and sale of shish kebab is carried out, the premises must comply with the requirements of the SES (SanPiN, SP and SNiP 2.04.01-85). After checking the food storage area, kitchen, Vehicle, an appropriate permit will be issued for a period of 1-5 years.
  4. Also inform Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your business activity. They must control the quality of the products offered and clarify the place where you are allowed to feed people.
  5. Rospozharnadzor should also monitor the condition of the premises. They check the availability of an emergency exit, the drawn up evacuation plan and the quality of the installed fire protection system.
  6. Each employee must have medical records. They are prepared individually by the staff themselves at regular intervals (once every six months).
  7. When concluding an agreement with suppliers, do not forget to ensure that the purchased raw materials are certified and that sanitary and veterinary control is carried out.
  8. If your establishment intends to sell alcohol, then you will additionally need to arrange for obtaining the appropriate license.

Be prepared for this process to take some time. Therefore, it would be a good idea to start it in advance, especially if you want to open a kebab shop only for a certain season.

Here you can download a free kebab shop business plan as a sample.

Selecting a location

First, decide what format your business will have:

  • Open – it’s enough to rent a small area in a crowded place. But such an establishment operates only during the warm season (summer or from April to October) and is highly dependent on the weather conditions and climate of the region. At the same time, financial costs are minimal and quickly pay off.
  • Closed - can work all year round. It includes separate areas for cooking, resting for visitors, the presence of bathrooms, warehouses, etc. This type kebab business organizing is more difficult and will require large expenses at the start, but will provide the opportunity to make a profit on an ongoing basis.

It is very important to think about the location of your establishment. The following options will be beneficial:

  1. Places with a lot of people passing by - different zones recreation, on the highway, near industrial buildings where many workers work, near train stations and bus stations.
  2. If your priority is delivery of barbecue to order, takeaway, then you can cook it at home or in some residential area.
  3. For a seasonal business, it is important to place a tent with a barbecue near crowded recreation areas - on the beach, in a park, near reservoirs, etc.
  4. The modern version of a kebab shop suggests the ability to organize such an establishment “on wheels”, then you find yourself more free in terms of choosing where to prepare and sell dishes.

If you have a barbecue in an open area, it is important to ensure that the smoke from the cooked meat does not disturb others, since not everyone likes it. Therefore, locate your establishment at some distance from other entrepreneurs and neighbors.

While creating closed type premises, you need to try to make it meet all the requirements and standards:

  • The total area is 90 m2, of which 40 are allocated for the hall for visitors (about 10 tables), 30 for the kitchen, 10 for the bathroom and another 10 for utility rooms and storage.
  • Don’t forget to decorate the establishment according to any chosen theme, create a pleasant atmosphere, arrange comfortable furniture and provide lighting.
  • One of the most important SES requirements It turns out there is a bathroom. Even when opening the tent for fresh air It is advisable to purchase or rent a dry closet.
  • Another prerequisite is the presence of running water with hot and cold water.
  • Conduct sewerage and install a ventilation system.
  • The floor must be non-slip with a durable and wear-resistant coating.
  • In the kitchen, pay attention to the wall decoration. To a height of 1.7 m they must be covered with tiles.
  • If you want to open your own kebab shop in a residential building, then the entrance and emergency exit are located separately from the general entrance. But it is better to organize the reception of food in such a way that it takes place on the side of the building where fewer residents’ windows face.

What do you need to purchase?

Obviously, your establishment will only work if you have certain equipment and inventory. Fortunately, you don’t need much to open a kebab shop:

  1. Brazier, grill or electric kebab maker and skewers in sufficient quantity according to the expected visitors.
  2. Refrigerator for storing fresh meat, marinade, etc.
  3. A counter for placing and issuing orders, separating the hall for visitors and the kitchen.
  4. Furniture (tables, chairs, benches).
  5. Depending on the menu, you may also need an oven, oven or microwave.
  6. Good hood in the kitchen.
  7. Tables for cooking.
  8. Kitchen utensils and other supplies.
  9. Wardrobe rack or hangers for outerwear.
  10. Racks for dishes.

If you prepare all your food to-go and deliver it to the customer's home, then most of the furniture and equipment will not be needed. To reduce the initial investment, you can purchase some used equipment.

Raw materials and suppliers

You need to take a very responsible approach to choosing the person or company where you purchase fresh meat or other products. It is advisable to do this based on ready-made recommendations from experienced friends. But if you have no one to consult with, then pay attention to the provided certificates indicating high quality products.

You can cooperate with farmers who raise their own animals or poultry and are interested in regular customers. If you have established contacts with retail chains or importers, you don’t have to worry about the quality of raw materials, but this will be more expensive than working directly with manufacturers.

It is advisable to purchase fresh meat and cut it yourself. Sometimes entrepreneurs believe that it is more profitable to buy ready-made pickled product in buckets, since there are no additional costs. But it is advisable to do everything yourself to be sure of the freshness and taste of the finished kebab.

Menu creation

This type of business assumes that the establishment will have only one dish in its assortment. But even in this case, you can make some digressions and attract visitors with related products and variety ready meals. You can include variations of the meat itself in the menu:

  • lamb kebab;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • Chicken;
  • vegetable;
  • fish, etc.

Additives include toasted bread, flatbread, pita bread, simple side dishes, desserts and fruits for children, cheese, sliced ​​vegetables, salads, fresh herbs, sauces, etc. Using your imagination, you can come up with an assortment that will attract more visitors and set you apart from your competitors. .

It is very difficult to do without drinks in this matter. These can be non-alcoholic (juices, mineral water, fresh juices, compotes, tea, coffee) and alcoholic options. In the second case, you need to take care of a special license, but this will quickly pay off, since barbecue and any other cooked meat is most often consumed with beer or stronger drinks.


The process of preparing shish kebab must be approached especially responsibly. This should be done by a person who is well versed in this matter. Depending on the taste of the finished product, the attendance of your establishment will depend, and therefore the final profit.

When setting prices, it is important to remember that during the cooking process the weight of the product decreases.


By opening a small tent to sell shish kebab on one grill or preparing it at home only for takeaway, you don’t have to worry about the availability of staff. But if this is a separate establishment or the number of clients exceeds your capabilities, then it is better to hire employees.

For a closed establishment operating all year round, you will need:

  1. Cook, barbecue maker, barbecue maker (can be called differently) - the point is that the meat will be cooked by a person who knows how to do it; if there is high attendance or an expanded menu, there may be two of them.
  2. There are one or two waiters, depending on the size of the establishment, but you can do without them if you use the self-service system.
  3. Bartender - when selling alcoholic beverages.
  4. Cleaner - the kebab shop should always be clean, tidy, free of trash, and dishes should be washed in a timely manner.

You can perform the functions of administrator and accountant yourself.

Financial calculations

To determine how much it costs to open a kebab shop from scratch, you will need to draw up a business plan with calculations.

Don't forget to take into account the ongoing costs of maintaining the establishment.

Next we calculate profitability. Experienced entrepreneurs claim that on two grills you can cook 50 kg of meat per day, which is equivalent to 170 servings. With an average cost of 150 rubles, the total revenue for the month will be 765,000. In total, the net profit is 372,000. As a result, you will recoup your initial investment in just two months.

Video: how to open a kebab shop - a small business idea.