How to open the third eye on your own. How to open the third eye? Incredibly effective technique! Opening of the 3rd eye

It is believed that absolutely all people have a third eye, but often it turns out to be closed and practically not used. The third eye, or ajna chakra, is located in the middle of the forehead. With its help, you can see and hear not only on the physical, but also on the intangible level. Some believe that we got such an organ from alien inhabitants who once visited Earth.

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Astral vision can be used not only by psychics, but also ordinary people. The third eye allows you to better control your emotions and mind, awakens intuition.

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      What is the third eye?

      The third eye is most often referred to as the pineal gland in the brain. In its normal state, it is responsible for circadian rhythms (biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness) and the production of certain hormones.

      • In ancient times, this gland was considered the habitat human soul, the point of contact between mind and body. It is believed that the pineal gland plays the role of an antenna and serves as a conductor of cosmic energy into human consciousness. And despite the fact that this organ is not usually used by humans for this function, if desired and diligent, it can be trained: awaken superintuition and open the third eye.

        General rules for performing exercises

        To open the third eye, when using any of the methods, you need to follow several basic rules:

    1. 1. Privacy. It is important to find a quiet and peaceful place - one where you can be alone with yourself. During exercises, you must turn off electrical appliances and eliminate any possible irritants.
    2. 2. Correct breathing. It is this that allows the body and mind to resonate, releasing energy. Breathing should be measured, inhalation and exhalation should be equal in duration and intensity. It is very important that your breathing matches your heartbeat. It should be continuous, smooth, without sharp transitions between inhalation and exhalation.
    3. 3. Relaxation. When performing exercises, it is important to be calm and have a positive attitude - otherwise there is a risk of attracting negative energy.
    4. 4. A competent teacher. He helps the future clairvoyant by following the course of studies.

    The main rule, the observance of which is necessary to open the third eye, is faith. Negative thoughts, such as those about failure, block the flow of energy. In this case, awakening clairvoyance becomes almost impossible.

    Exercise with a candle

    This is one of the most ancient ways to awaken the Ajna Chakra. It will help you concentrate and regulate the flow of cosmic energy through the body. It needs to be done on a regular basis.

    The exercise must be performed in the dark. You need to take a comfortable position: sit down so that it is comfortable. Place a lit candle in front of you. You need to concentrate all your attention on the flame, look at it, not forgetting to breathe correctly. It is advisable to blink as little as possible. If you want to close your eyes, you can do this, but slowly, then smoothly open them again. Making sudden movements is highly undesirable.

    You should try to see all the shades of the flame: from red to blue and white. It is advisable to try to see as many colors as possible, even their halftones: white with a hint of purple or red with a hint of crimson.

    After some time - usually 1-5 minutes - you need to close your eyes again. Colored spots will remain after the flame image. You must try to see them as best as possible. The essence of the exercise is for the practitioner to learn to see “through the eyelids.”


    This is the most ancient, proven method. It was invented by Tibetan monks thousands of years ago. It takes a lot of time, but despite this, it is considered one of the most effective methods awakening intuition.

    When starting meditative practice, you need to relax as much as possible, take a comfortable position, and close your eyes. After this, begin to slowly inhale and exhale in time with your heartbeat, relax your mind, and allow all everyday thoughts to “leak” from your consciousness. There should be a feeling of stopping, like a meditator frozen in time. This feeling must be preserved, listen to the silence. It is important to remember to breathe correctly.

    By resorting to meditation, a person learns to focus on himself, his body, his mind, without thinking about anything. To help yourself, you can turn on relaxing music or mantras. Over time, the state of meditation will become more like a lucid dream.

    The key point in this practice is concentration on yourself. You should focus on the gradual expansion of your own mind, as if it were slowly expanding beyond the body, covering more and more space around the person.

    During meditation, you need to periodically focus your attention on the point between your eyes. Warmth or vibration in this area will indicate that the practitioner is on the right path.

    Meditations are aimed at developing the energy body and increasing the aura. Without this, it is impossible to open the third eye.

    Blue ball method

    This method is a type of meditation and is performed for 10–15 minutes. Step-by-step instruction on its implementation:

    1. 1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position, calms down, and stops the inner turmoil. You can turn on music or mantras.
    2. 2. Closes his eyes.
    3. 3. Directs the inner gaze to the third eye area. When heat or vibration appears there, you need to imagine a small blue ball in this part, no larger than an eyeball.
    4. 4. You need to imagine its rotation, no matter in which direction: the ball itself must begin to rotate, the direction is usually chosen on a subconscious level. It often changes between sessions.
    5. 5. Next, the work of imagination begins. The practitioner imagines how a blue ball attracts pure bright blue energy from the surrounding space. This is how a person subconsciously absorbs positive energy, which saturates him energy body. It will protect the beginning psychic in the future from negative energy that he may accidentally attract during further training.
    6. 6. As you exhale, you need to imagine how this pure energy flows into the ball, is sucked inside, making it denser and brighter.

    It is necessary to ensure that the flow of energy entering the ball is pure of blue color- if it is dirty and cloudy, then it is recommended to postpone the lesson.

The third is considered the so-called invisible organ, which every person has. An increasing number of people are successfully activating it, thereby gaining new opportunities.

In this article we will tell you how to open a person’s third one on your own and what signs will indicate successful completion of the practice.

What is this?

The majority of esotericists, as well as followers of Eastern culture, claim that every person, without exception, has a third energy center. But here's to using it unique abilities Only a few are capable. The phenomenon of the third eye is compared to a sense organ that gives a completely new perception of the surrounding reality. There is an opportunity to contemplate the energy component of the world. Such extraordinary abilities are inherent in psychics.

According to esoteric literature, a child is born with the third eye already open, but as he grows up, this additional sense organ is blocked by his subconscious.

A person does not use it, and very often simply does not believe that it exists at all. In the process of personality formation, society imposes a kind of framework on a person, the fulfillment of which is mandatory. That is why, after some time, physical changes in a person’s condition may occur, which may cause some discomfort, but at the same time will indicate the activation of the sixth energy center:
  1. . Active and prolonged concentration in the front of the forehead is characterized by heaviness and intensification. This is due to increased activity the pineal gland, which previously could have been completely atrophied. Migraines can feel quite intense.
  2. Mild dizziness and hallucinations. This indicates a change in the operating brain waves, namely a switch from the usual beta frequencies to alpha frequencies. Roughly speaking, practitioners remain in a weak state of trance throughout the day.
  3. A burning sensation in the bridge of the nose. Practitioners from India consider this manifestation to be the main symptom that indicates the opening of the chakra. You can cool the open energy center using sandalwood paste, but you can also use any other paste or against burns.
  4. A kind of “goosebumps” on the forehead, which are accompanied by faint crackling sounds that seem to come from.
  5. After drooping eyelids may appear bright flashes light, the activity of lateral vision also increases.
  6. Heaviness in the palms, slight itching is possible.

The way the third eye opens affects the variety of sensations and the degree of their activity. For example, increased headaches may be accompanied by a runny nose.

Often people are afraid of such physical changes in sensations; they may experience panic, anxiety, sometimes even. If this happens, the development of the sixth energy center should be temporarily stopped.

Important! The signs that were listed above can often coincide with underdevelopment of third eye activity. Especially if they are complemented constant fatigue, chronic migraine and constant runny nose, as well as low level attention and . Therefore, you need to take into account this similarity and try to listen to your body as carefully as possible.

Opening techniques

The signs that a person’s third eye has begun to become active are already known; now we can move on to how to open it.

  1. It should be done in the evening, when it is already dark outside. It's best to do this every day for a month.
  2. First of all, you should take an ordinary candle and light it, placing it in front of you. The distance between the eyes and the candle fire should be equal to the distance of the elongated candle. The lights must be turned off so that the room is completely dark. It is also important to ensure absolute silence in the house.

  1. Now you need to look closely at the candle flame, at its center. You cannot shift your gaze; you also need to try not to blink. If your eyes get tired, you can squint a little, thereby washing the eye with natural tears, but you still cannot blink.
  2. First you need to hold out for at least a minute. Then, increasing this time daily, you need to reach 20–30 minutes of unwavering gaze.
  3. After the flame contemplation exercise is over, you need to close your eyes and continue to peer into the imprint of the candle fire that will remain on the retina. Usually it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, after which it completely disappears.
  4. When peering at such a print, you should try to roll your eyes so as to move it to the area of ​​the third eye - the area between the eyebrows.
vision .
The scientific community first turned to the Hindu legends about Ajna in the 1880s. A separate hypothesis was developed by the Germans and British about the correspondence of the sixth chakra of a person with the third eye of reptiles. They differed, according to the hypothesis, in that, as a result of evolution, the third eye penetrated inside the skull. This light-sensitive unpaired organ has been found in many amphibians and reptiles. Most likely, this is an undeveloped pupil that does not have the ability to project the received information into the brain.

Did you know? Among researchers of ancient civilizations, there is a version that the third eye is a gift from alien creatures who became the ancestors of the human race. This all-seeing eye was able to update the information knowledge base using cosmic intelligence, and also help overcome gravity.

This organ in animals determines power magnetic lines The Earth serves as a kind of landmark in the surrounding space. In modern frogs and lizards, a small spot under the skin contains a nerve, a retina, and even a lens. According to information received from paleontologists, the hole for the third eye could be observed on the remains of ancient lizards.
When trying to develop your sixth energy center, it is important to be sure that you are able to handle it. You should not perform the exercise out of idle curiosity. You should listen to your intuition and inner feelings.

Third Eye- the sixth energy center in the human body. This is chakra Ajna.

Everyone has a third eye, invisible to physical vision. There are no exceptions.

The picture of the world becomes more complete, expanded, clear when your innate gift of seeing physical world the perception of the subtle plane is activated.

What can I say! World fully transforms with you!

If you want to learn how to overcome space and time with your inner gaze in all directions of each of the many facets of reality, take on board technology, data in this article.

Third Eye - Ajna Chakra

Having a third eye can be a revelation for you. Unexpected. You are able to acquire the ability to foresee or foresee without even setting such a goal - easily, quickly, simply.

Those who are given this ability from birth are called clairvoyants. But every person at any age can reveal the gift of seeing clearly.

It may happen that you have to go a long way in self-development in order to open your third eye. It's always unique the path of special practices, training, self-discipline.

But for such a lofty goal as opening the third eye, it’s worth working on yourself. Perhaps this work will take very little time and effort from you.

So, the opening of the third eye is the opening of the ability to clairvoyance. But be prepared for the fact that it may not only be clear to you vision, and also:

  • clairaudience,
  • clairsentience,
  • clairtouch,
  • clairsmell.

The usual picture of the world can be revealed not only through visual images. It can be:

  • additional sounds, noises, speech of higher energy entities,
  • emerging emotions, feelings,
  • sensations in the body as clues, the ability to physically sense the invisible,
  • the appearance of odors as if out of nowhere,
  • special dreams.

This will be your personal, unique skill. More precisely, it already you have. You have to open the third eye - it will manifest itself.

The yoga tradition suggests that opening the third eye is impossible without harmonizing all five previous energy centers in the human body:

  • Muladharas,
  • Swadhistans,
  • Manipurs,
  • Vishuddhi.

It is better to open each of them in order, do it gradually. This is how development occurs naturally, harmoniously, holistically, and environmentally friendly for a person, his environment and the Universe.

When the lower chakras are open and balanced, they begin to open the third eye - Ajna.

Ajna is located in the zone on the forehead between the eyebrows.

Minimum knowledge about Ajna, necessary for everyone who aims to open the third eye:

  • Wisdom
  • Sensuality
  • Inspiration
  • Mind's eye
  • Organization
  • Focus

Clairvoyance is the ability to know:

  • past
  • the present
  • future
Paranormal abilities
  • Contact with the Superconscious
  • The ability to penetrate any body by force of will
Energy color Blue, blue-violet, indigo
Mantra AUM
Feeling Coldness in the palms
Ruling planet Saturn or Moon (differently in several sources)
Energy type Female (maternal)
Physical dysfunction Diseases of the eyes, nose, ears, brain
The effect of working on yourself
  • Psychic Power
  • Getting rid of shortcomings (vices, sins)
  • Filling the aura with calmness
  • The ability to calm others with your mere presence
  • Liberation from selfish desires and motives
  • Liberation from negative karmic burdens

Top 5 techniques for opening the third eye


This is the most simple technique. It can be practiced wherever, whenever, as much as you like. Its essence is to concentrate your attention at the point between the eyebrows, slightly deep in the forehead (2-3 cm further into the head).

Correct execution of the technique gives pleasant pressure in the third eye area. This feeling needs to be intensified, and then mentally transfer your vision there. Mentally aim at the fact that you are looking from this area of ​​your forehead, and not with your eyes.

“All-Seeing Eye” Technique

A slightly more complex technique. It requires time, a place, a calm environment.

On the palm left hands draw symbol human eye- a circle with another circle inside (see figure). The color, size of the image, what you draw it with does not matter.

Sit in meditative pose. Fix the palm of your left hand so that the drawn eye is at the level of yours. The palm should be straightened and the fingers pressed.

Keep your eyes open, but don't strain your eyes. Make sure your facial muscles are relaxed. Tuck your tongue in upper sky, as if gluing it at the base of the teeth.

WITH exhale imagine that the energy from your third eye is directed to the center of your palm, to the drawn eye.

Co inhale imagine how in response energy comes from the drawn eye to your Ajna.

After completing the practice, close your eyes, relax and recreate the visual image of the eye in your mind.

Practice with a candle

This exercise helps restore vision. If yours is not perfect, you will notice significant improvements fairly quickly if you practice regularly.

Only suitable for performing this technique dark Times of Day. You will also need a candle.

Seclude yourself in the room, turn off all the lights completely, light a candle.

Place the candle at a distance 20 cm from the eyes at their level.

Approximately two minutes look at the candle flame. It is very important that the look should be relaxed and calm. Don't tense up.

Next step: without turning your head, look up. In your peripheral vision you will continue to see the candle flame. Look up approximately one minute.

Return your gaze and concentrate on the candle again. Look straight at her yet two minutes. Then move your gaze in the same way right, and then to the left.

“Breathing of Fire” technique

A very pleasant technique that requires a calm environment around.

Seclude yourself, light a candle. Place it at eye level at a distance 1-2 m from you. Imagine that the candle flame and the third eye are connected energy channel:

  • a ray of fire,
  • channel of light,
  • golden ray.

Choose the image that you like best.

Slowly deep inhale. At the same time, imagine how the golden energy of fire from the candle moves through the channel connecting you to the third eye, and then goes down the spine.

When she gets to coccyx, the inhalation should stop. Delay breathing and then start slowly exhale. At the same time, imagine how the same golden fiery energy moves back into the candle flame.

After exhaling completely again detain breath.

Start repeating the fire breathing cycle with a new breath and so on.

Visualization of Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra - graphic image Universe. This is not just a picture, but energy in a conditionally dormant state that you are able to awaken (see figure).

Like any visualization technique, it is suitable for those who have a well-developed imagination. The opposite is also true: this technique will develop not only intuition, but also creative thinking, the ability to see in images.

Print on a piece of paper or open the image to the full width of your computer monitor screen Sri Yantra.

The practice is to focus on center Images. You look at the center of the Sri Yantra relaxed, calmly, without straining your eyes, while at the same time you catch its lateral parts with your vision. It is very important to breathe slowly and evenly.

Wish to awaken the energy of the Sri Yantra. Ask your Higher Self to combine this universal energy with yours.

You can say so: “Above Me, I ask you, please unite my energy with the energy of the Sri Yantra!”

The last stage of practice is to close your eyes and imagine the Sri Yantra around you.

Attention! She must be three-dimensional. That is, the triangles shown in the picture turn into pyramids in your mind, squares into cubes, circles into balls.

Eat weight other new ways to discover the gift of clairvoyance. This can be done affordably, quickly, and with high quality using the method of V. Nagorny.

The "" technique is based on performing several secret sacred movements and pronouncing a mantra.

5-7 minutes a day for 7-10 days and you see clearly! Many people can open their third eye using the “Revelation of Clairvoyance” method in 1-2 lessons! Hurry up and move on - open new facets of yourself and reality!

For many millennia in a row, spiritual teachers in yoga have kept special secrets for activating the eyebrow chakra, which are truly effective and safe.

If you are interested in opening your third eye, ancient way You will like the awakening of spirituality and superpowers due to its simplicity and minimal resource consumption. Even without the emphasis on strengthening the sixth energy center, increased intuition and creativity can be achieved with the current exercises.

Basic exercises for opening the third eye

The vast majority of ancient practices are based on classical eastern directions meditation, qigong and yoga, therefore imply visualization techniques and proper breathing.

Concentration in the area of ​​Ajna

To develop astral vision, one must maintain concentration on the area of ​​Ajna until the breath becomes continuous and the body becomes completely relaxed.

In this state the blood naturally rushes to the head, and pulsation begins in the back of the head. Then some pressure will build up behind the earlobes and in the area between the eyebrows.

The three areas create a visual triangle between themselves, on which you need to focus your attention.

An ancient technique for activating the third eye

If the astral gaze is not yet available, you can try using ancient technique to activate etheric vision, which does not require different ways collecting data in the astral plane, but is based on clairvoyance. Practice this ancient technique in the twilight, taking a supine position and freeing your mind from unnecessary thoughts.

  • Relax and extend your palm in front of you. The fingers should be slightly behind each other.
  • Look through your hand for a while so you can catch the glow around each finger.
  • There is no need to focus your gaze on anything specific, just blink as little as possible. This trick will help you adjust the focus of your third eye.

At a distance of about 40 cm from your face, you are able to see your entire hand or just a few fingers in the light at once, which already depends on your overall spiritual experience. The main result is the beginning of contact with a special kind of energy, i.e. with an aura.

Crystal Sword Practice

Practice helps develop inner vision and develop detailed visions.

  • Sit comfortably, calm your breathing and close your eyelids. Visualize in front of you a crystal sword, which will have a thin and durable blade and a carved handle.
  • Energize this weapon with your thoughts. Condense the sword and feel all the changes in it. Such crystal will be stronger than steel.
  • Rotate the object in different sides conscious. There is no need to imagine your hands; you can simply twist the sword and wave it as if your palms are invisible.

Then open your eyes and continue the practice for a few more minutes, holding the sword in space with the help of your inner vision.

Candle method

To nourish the pineal gland - the main source psychic abilities third eye - yogis have long used the candle method.

  • Turn off the light, light a candle and sit next to him.
  • Focus on the flame and imagine that a golden energy beam of fire is coming out, heading straight to your pineal gland and cleansing all the channels along the way. Let this stream of light and heat begin to illuminate your third eye.

Stay in the state of such a golden halo for about 15 minutes. During this time, your soul will be energetically renewed.

Exercise for through vision

To look through vast distances and object barriers, Indian yogis resorted to exercises for through vision. The development of clairvoyance in this case is achieved through concentration of attention.

  • So, sit against the wall with your legs crossed. Only an outstretched arm should separate you from the obstacle.
  • Relax as much as possible by going into a light trance.
  • Focus your attention on any point on the wall, but make sure it is at the level of the eyebrows, i.e. at the level of the third eye, and not the physical pupils. For 15 minutes, try not to blink frequently or move your gaze.
  • Then look at the wall with an already absent-minded gaze to take in the entire object at once. Don't concentrate for 15 minutes.
  • Next, imagine a point behind the wall and begin to peer at this object as if it were on the horizon, in the distance. Look through the obstacle for 15 minutes.

Repeat the practice daily.

Restoration of glands

Opening the third eye is a powerful technique from ancient times, when much was based on the need to create special internal vibrations. This technique helps activate the pineal and pituitary glands through the abilities of the human voice.

We are talking about the so-called attunement of the body with the help of chanting actions. Sound movement in the glands endocrine system always evokes only a certain syllable or musical note.

Exercises with TOU

The sound TOU is ideal for the pineal gland, which is performed in one syllable on the note DO. The exact frequency is not necessary, but it is more important to remember approximately that the sound is in the center of the range between the bass (deep) and tenor (high) notes. In other words, the correct vibration lies where a person sings, neither high nor low.

  • So do it deep breath, hold your breath and exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Repeat twice to slow down the brain waves to alpha frequency, since in a normal waking state a person has beta levels of waves in the head. Relaxation of the body and brain makes it easy to concentrate on sound.
  • Then inhale through your nose, hold it, and before exhaling, stick your tongue through your parted lips.
  • Press the tip between your teeth and slowly release air through your mouth, chanting TOU until all the carbon dioxide is expelled from your lungs.
  • Feel the air passing through your tongue and teeth. After this, you will feel a slight pressure in the cheeks and jaws.

After a short break, repeat the exercise. Say TOU three times in succession. A day later, return to this practice again, observing the interval between the three chants.

After another day, the last stage of the exercise begins. The sound is chanted at this stage once. As a result, a person creates a vibration that finds its way to the pineal gland and causes a resonating effect in it.

The energy activates the third eye gradually, so at first you may not notice obvious changes in the psyche or physical shell.

The first reaction to the lesson may be headache and a feeling of discomfort, but this goes away over time.

Exercises with MEI

After a week of exercises with TOU, you can move on to stimulating the pituitary gland. This is done by chanting the sound MEI. The range between bass and tenor is maintained.

  • First, inhale 3-4 times to relax, exhaling slowly and evenly through your mouth.
  • Then focus on the area between your eyebrows. Concentrate all your attention in this area until you feel heat or pressure.
  • Then take a deep breath, hold your breath for 5 seconds and chant as you exhale - MAY. As you chant the sound, you should feel vibrations and energy that enter the head through the forehead, then penetrate the center of the brain and tend to the crown, affecting the crown chakra.

After you finish exhaling, return to normal breathing and just relax for a couple of seconds. Repeat the exercise 2 more times. With constant experience of such practice, new psychic talents will be revealed, a feeling of a surge of energy will appear, which indicates complete stimulation of the pituitary gland at the physical level. You may also experience slight dizziness and a feeling of euphoria. But the main thing is that the abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience will increase.

If you are interested in opening the third eye, the ancient method can provide an excellent service in stimulating various psychic skills. At the same time, do not forget about other types of meditation practices that have been modernized or developed based on latest discoveries about the functioning of the human brain.

Each of us has a third eye, but not everyone has it in the phase of active work. The likelihood of a person opening a third eye directly depends on the belief in its existence, the use of various practices and techniques. The following signs will help you determine whether your third eye has opened.

All these signs lead to a person experiencing inspiration and grace. Whether a person’s third eye always shows signs of clairvoyance is a controversial issue. Sometimes bright insights are visible, and the ability to read other people’s thoughts arises.

third eye “height=”267″ width=”453″>Headaches appear - the head hurts severely in the front part, there is heaviness and a feeling of pressure. Throbbing and tingling in the forehead are completely normal.

  • There's a burning sensation between the eyebrows - it's a clear sign activation of the third eye. The area on the bridge of the nose is much hotter than the rest of the body.
  • Dizziness and hallucinations - a person is constantly in a light trance, his brain is rebuilt to new level perception.
  • The lateral one becomes more acute, after closing the eyelids, flashes appear under the eyes and images in the fog.
  • Important.The above signs of the opening of the third eye may coincide with its underdevelopment and the beginning of activation. Especially if a person experiences fatigue, suffers from chronic migraines, is susceptible to sudden attacks panic.

    Attitude towards other people

    You yourself may notice how the third eye opens - signs of this will manifest itself in tolerance towards other people. Irritation and nervousness will practically disappear, and life wisdom will appear in their place. Momentary mistakes of family, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and subordinates will no longer irritate you and take you out of a state of peace, tranquility and peace of mind. Such changes are definitely beneficial and help us understand the world around us better.

    Ability to read special signs of Space

    The active sixth chakra makes it possible to see secret signs in everything - nature gives hints about important events for a person. Their interpretation will help in preventing troubles; the owner of a working third eye will learn to appear in right time in the right place.

    We figured out which signs of an open third eye are the most significant. If you have found at least some of the above manifestations, then congratulations to you: your deep Self has learned to use intuition and is ready to interact with energy fields.