How to use Veracol for dogs: tablets, drops, injection solution. Veracol for cats: a complete description of the drug and its purpose Veracol antibiotic

The drug "Veracol" refers to the means that are not dangerous for pets. It is produced in Russia by AlexAnn LLC from natural ingredients and has no mutagenic, irritating or toxic action.

Veracol for dogs is used to treat various poisonings, gastritis and other inflammations. gastrointestinal tract.

The main criteria that characterize Veracol are naturalness, efficiency and safety. To obtain just such a drug, manufacturers have brought together unique natural substances that have been used separately for centuries for medicine and healing:

  1. White arsenic (Arsenicum album). The substance belongs to list A, the most dangerous and poisonous. In small doses, it tones the body of weakened animals. Improves appetite, increases absorption and assimilation nutrients. As a result of a chemical reaction, arsenic molecules contribute to the formation of hydrogen peroxide in the blood, which destroys pathogenic microbes, relieves the inflammatory process in the intestines, eliminates diarrhea and its symptoms.
  2. Bitter gourd (Colocynthis). Extract from the plant is effective in the treatment of indigestion, pain and spasms in the stomach and intestines. In addition, it provides positive action on organs genitourinary system, liver and kidneys of a dog.
  3. Thyroid nail leaf (Podophyllym). Nail leaf extract has choleretic properties, regulates the work of the pancreas, has regenerative abilities: promotes healing of the gastric mucosa and duodenum. Very effective for diarrhea.
  4. Hellebore white (Veratrum album). The plant is able to increase muscle tone, expand blood vessels. Hellebore white, as part of the drug "Veracol", has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves intestinal motility, helps stop vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.

Release form and price of the drug

Veracol is available in several forms: tablets. solution for injection, drops.

The drug is available in three types:

  1. Solution for injection is a sterile, clear, colorless liquid. In addition to the main active substances, sodium chloride and water are used as auxiliary components. Injections are packaged in glass bottles of 10 and 100 ml. The price of a bottle of 10 ml is 220 rubles, 100 ml is 1050 rubles.
  2. Solution for oral administration- a clear, colorless liquid, packaged in plastic bottles of 20 ml. Excipients- ethyl alcohol (96%) and purified water. The price of the drug is 230 rubles.
  3. white pills, round shape, packaged in plastic jars of 50 pcs. In addition to the active ingredients, sugar grains and calcium stearate are added to the preparation. The price of one pack of tablets is 125 rubles.

Instructions for use

The homeopathic preparation "Veracol" is prescribed by a veterinarian depending on the severity of the disease and the weight of the dog.

Small breeds and puppies up to 10 kg, such as, are prescribed 1.5 tablets per day (0.5 per dose) or 1 drop of a solution per 1 kg of weight, three times a day. Injections are given 1 time per day, in severe cases 2 times, until the condition improves.

The dosage of the drug is calculated by the weight of the animal. The duration of admission depends on how serious the disease is.

Dogs weighing between 20 and 40 kg acute course diseases put injections two - three times a day, at least 5 days. For the treatment of the chronic form of the disease, injections continue to be given after acute period two more weeks, 1 injection per day. Tablets for acute gastritis - 3 pcs per day, 5 days. Chronic gastritis - within a month, one tablet in the morning and evening.

And other large breeds of dogs weighing more than 40 kg with acute gastritis are prescribed one tablet three times a day, after the removal of the inflammatory process, treatment continues for another month. Injections are given three times a day until symptoms are relieved acute inflammation and continue treatment for another three weeks (1 injection per day).

In case of poisoning and indigestion, treatment is prescribed individually.

Attention! Always follow the instructions exactly and carry out the treatment in full. Poor quality treatment can provoke relapses of the disease or the development of chronic forms.

Veracol is safe even for lactating and pregnant dogs.

The drug has no side effects on the body of animals and has no contraindications. It is safe for pregnant and lactating dogs.

Storage of Veracol

Drops are stored for three years from the date of issue, injections and tablets - five years. Open vials for injections are stored in the refrigerator, the rest of the drugs in specially designated places that are not accessible to children.

Veracol is a homeopathic medicine that is used for dogs with various violations work of the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine was created by the domestic company "AlexAnn" (Helvet), which specializes in the manufacture of homeopathy for animals.

The action of the drug is due to the main homeopathic components:

  • White arsenic. The substance is poisonous, but it is used in the medicine in minimal doses, therefore it has therapeutic effect. It is able to tone the body, and also improves appetite, promotes better absorption of vitamins and other nutrients. In small doses, arsenic destroys harmful bacteria that cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nogolist is thyroid. The plant has pronounced choleretic properties. It improves the functioning of the pancreas, starts regeneration processes and restores the intestinal and stomach mucosa. Helps to deal with diarrhea.
  • Gourd is bitter. Used in the treatment of disorders. Helps eliminate pain and spasms in the digestive system, stimulates the liver and genitourinary system.
  • Hellebore is white. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates spasms, improves bowel function, helps get rid of frustration, nausea and vomiting.

In the homeopathic remedy, the listed substances are contained in small doses, therefore they are not capable of harming the animal, but nevertheless, before using Veracol for dogs, you should study the instructions for use.

Release form

The tool is available in three dosage forms Oh:

  • Injection. Externally transparent liquid, in addition to the main components, contains sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, water for injection and other substances. It is packaged in glass bottles with a capacity of 10 to 500 ml, so it is easy to choose a package of a suitable volume.
  • Drops for oral administration. Auxiliary components in drops are purified water and glycerin. It is packaged in 20 ml polymer bottles, which have a dropper for the convenience of measuring the medicine.
  • Pills. White tablets of small sizes are packed in 50 pieces in polymer containers with screw caps. In addition to active ingredients, they contain sugar grains and calcium stearate.

Pharmacological properties

The medication has next action on the body:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • destroys harmful bacteria, including staphylococci and streptococci;
  • promotes healing of wounds in the stomach and intestines;
  • restores the mucous membrane, eliminates irritation;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • relieves spasms and pain.

In addition, the drug helps the animal recover from diarrhea caused by food poisoning and other factors, and helminthic invasions. Often used as adjuvant therapy for pathologies digestive system flowing in chronic form as it speeds up the recovery process.

The medicine belongs to low-hazard substances. There are no local irritating reactions at the injection site. In addition, the tool is not addictive even with prolonged use.


The price of Veracol for dogs depends on two main factors - the form of release and the amount of the drug in the package:

  • injection solution 10 ml - about 290 rubles;
  • drops of 20 ml - about 250 rubles;
  • tablets 50 pcs. - about 140 rubles.

A medicine from a domestic manufacturer can be easily found in any veterinary pharmacy or in an online store.

You can see the current price of the drug and buy it now right here:

When is it applied?

According to the instructions, Veracol for dogs is used as the main or auxiliary medicine for the following diseases:

  • with gastritis;
  • with gastroenteritis;
  • with acute or chronic dysbacteriosis;
  • with enteritis;
  • with enterocolitis;
  • with flatulence;
  • with colic;
  • with diarrhea;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • with dyspepsia;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • with digestive disorders;
  • in diseases that are accompanied by disorders of the large or small intestine.

Veracol can become an auxiliary agent when toxic poisoning. It helps to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in case of malnutrition, the use of low-quality food, or other factors that can provoke disruptions in the digestive system.

Dosage and application features

The use and dosage of drugs mainly depend on the dosage form.


According to the instructions for use, Verakol injections are given to dogs intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The dose is calculated taking into account the weight - 0.1 ml of solution per 1 kg of the animal. 2-3 injections are made per day. The number of injections depends on the condition of the animal, the symptoms and complications present. Treatment with the drug lasts from 5 to 10 days.


A single dose of Veracol tablets is:

  • for pets large breeds- 3 pcs.;
  • for dogs of medium breeds - 2 pcs.;
  • for small animals and puppies - 1 pc.

With pathologies that occur in the mild or average form, the medicine is given in the morning and in the evening, and for severe illnesses - three times a day. Take the drug should be from 5 to 10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after consulting with the doctor.

Giving tablets to animals can be forced or with food. When using the second option, it is better to crumble them first. Some pets eat the pills on their own.


The instructions indicate that Veracol drops are given to dogs, like other forms of medication, 2-3 times a day, depending on the course of the pathology and the condition of the animal. The dose is calculated very simply - for every kilogram you need one drop of medication. Give forcibly, pouring into the root of the tongue, or by mixing with a small amount stern. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.

Contraindications and side effects

Veracol is considered safe drug. It has no contraindications. You can not use it only in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. In such a case, there may be allergic reaction. And although most dogs tolerate the drug well, the reaction of the animal should be observed at the first application in order to provide assistance if necessary.

side effects the drug does not. It does not have a toxic effect on the liver and other organs. Absent Negative influence to important body systems.


An important advantage of Verakol is its high efficiency. The manufacturer conducted studies, during which it was proved that the use of the drug can achieve the following effects:

  • reduce the duration of treatment by several days;
  • prevent the spread of the disease from acute form into chronic;
  • exclude the possibility of recurrence;
  • quickly eliminate vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.

To the pluses medicinal product can be classified as safety. Does not contain harmful toxic substances, has no contraindications and side effects. Excellent for the treatment of diseases of bacteriological origin in puppies, for which the use of antibiotics is prohibited.

Since the medicine is available in several forms, each pet owner can choose the best option. Dog owners who are afraid of injections can purchase drops or tablets. The dose is calculated easily, but even with an accidental overdose, the drug does not cause negative consequences.

Special storage conditions do not need to be observed. The main thing is to choose a dry place away from sun rays and ensure that the temperature does not rise above 25˚C. When working with the medicine, special safety measures are not needed.

Veracol - homeopathic medicinal preparation for dogs suffering from digestive disorders. It is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastroenteritis, intestinal dysbacteriosis etc.) and infectious etiology.

Active substances

The composition of Verakola includes white arsenic, white hellebore, thyroid nogolist, and bitter gourd. These ingredients have been used to treat gastrointestinal disorders for centuries.

The complex remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes recovery functional ability gastrointestinal tract.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of a solution for oral administration, in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution for injection. Tablets are packaged in 50 pieces in polymer packs. The solution for injection is transparent liquid colorless (10ml and 100ml in glass vials). The solution for oral administration is packaged in 20 ml plastic bottles with droppers.

Application instruction of Verakola

Verakeol is prescribed to dogs of all age groups with a dosage of:

Enter medicinal product should be forced or in conjunction with food. Solution for injection is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. In mild stages of the disease, Veracol should be used 1-2 times a day, in severe cases 2-3 times a day until the condition returns to normal.

The course of therapy lasts from 5 to 7 days, but in individual cases, you should consult a veterinarian.

Contraindications and side effects

Subject to the instructions for use, the drug does not cause complications and side effects in dogs.
Veracol can be used while using other medicines.

Veracol for dogs - reviews

Review of Veracole for dogs writes Svetlana. Last summer, the veterinarian put my dog ​​on several medications to improve digestion. Among these drugs was Veracol in the form of tablets. At first I doubted it, because it's all the same homeopathic remedy. It turned out that Veracol is very effective, and most importantly, absolutely safe medicine. Now this drug will always be ready if my dog ​​gets sick again.

Review of Veracole for dogs writes Anastasia. I was very pleased in Verakol that this is a natural remedy, as part of no chemistry. When my dog ​​started having diarrhea and later vomiting, I gave her veracol and it had an impressive effect. The only negative is that it is quite difficult to get.

Veracola price

  • A package of Veracola tablets is about 150 rubles.
  • Oral drops Veracol - about 230 rubles.
  • Veracol injection solution - about 220 rubles.

Storage conditions

Store separately from food at a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees Celsius, protected from direct sunlight, out of the reach of children.
Shelf life: tablets and injection solution - 5 years, drops - 3 years.

One can treat homeopathic medicines in different ways, but one cannot help but admit that over the past few years they have become more and more common, they are increasingly resorted to not only by doctors, but also by veterinarians. Here, for example, Veracol. Even experienced experts quite officially recommend it when it comes to the treatment of a wide variety of diseases of the digestive system.

So called homeopathic remedy, produced in the form of a solution for injection, drops, as well as tablets. Designed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system of all etiologies. So you can inject Veracol to a dog in the most various occasions. Practitioners say that the effects of it are very positive.

The main advantage of the drug is its full compatibility, both with other homeopathic remedies, and with "ordinary" medicines. In addition, for all the time of long clinical trials experts have not identified side effects. A very unusual composition of the product, which includes:

  • Arsenicum album, aka white arsenic. Don't worry, no one wants to poison your dog. Veracol contains this compound in truly microscopic doses. In homeopathic concentrations, arsenic is not harmful, on the contrary, it relieves smooth muscle spasms and has a bactericidal effect. It is known that in the distant past, when people already knew about the high toxicity of arsenic, they still took it in homeopathic doses, for sharp increase muscle endurance.
  • Podophyllum (thyroid stalk). Podophyllum is actually a poisonous plant, but, as in the previous case, its microscopic concentrations can bring considerable benefits to the body. In general, the nail leaf is unique in that in folk medicine it was used to alleviate the condition of patients with breast and testicular cancer. Modern veterinary homeopaths use it to relieve spastic contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestine. Also, as a result of research, it was found that the extract from Podophyllum has a healing effect on ulcers formed in the stomach and intestines.
  • Colocynthis (bitter gourd). This plant contains many glycosides. The peculiarity of these compounds is that they are able to create a dense, thick and durable shell on the surface of the intestine. This protects the mucosa from the action of various toxic and irritating substances, accelerates the healing process after helminthic invasion.
  • Veratrum album (White Hellebore). Notorious poisonous plant widely used in veterinary medicine. His action is very interesting. The fact is that in high doses, hellebore tincture causes violent contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestine (which is what veterinarians use in the treatment of many diseases), and in homeopathic doses, on the contrary, it relieves spastic contractions. The drug improves intestinal motility, prevents the development of congestion in it.

Read also: Roncoleukin for dogs: characteristics of the drug, indications for use, dosage

What can the drug be used for?

So what effect does this remedy on the body of a sick animal? It is very versatile:

  • Relieves inflammation and spasms, normalizes intestinal motility, impaired as a result of an infectious disease or helminthic invasion.
  • Studies have shown that drug injections restore the functional and morphological state of the intestinal mucosa, accelerate the process of restoring the pet's body after prolonged diarrhea of ​​\u200b\u200bany etiology (including cases of poisoning).
  • Regular use of the drug promotes full recovery tissue barrier of the gastrointestinal tract, which is especially important when curing an animal from prolonged bacterial diseases.
  • Interestingly, due to arsenic, which is part of the drug, it inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic streptococci and staphylococci. Recall that not every antibiotic will effectively cope with the destruction of these microorganisms. This is especially important for very young puppies.
  • Some veterinarians believe that the use of Veracol contributes to the restoration of impaired liver function.

As you can understand, the effects of the use of this drug are purely positive. But in what practical cases is its appointment justified? Here are the main pathologies in which Veracol for animals has proven itself especially well:

  • Diarrhea of ​​all etiologies, acute and chronic.
  • Treatment, enterocolitis, and all etiologies, not excluding cases of infectious diseases.
  • Acute and chronic dysbacteriosis. The drug is especially useful in the treatment of poisoning, accompanied by massive death of the intestinal mucosa.
  • You can prescribe medicine to dogs suffering from chronic indigestion due to poor-quality or improper feeding.
  • It is believed that the remedy can normalize the secretion of the glands of the small and large intestines.

Read also: Enrofloxacin for dogs: instructions for use

The exact time of treatment is determined by the veterinarian, depending on the severity of the disease and the symptoms observed. In some cases (mild food poisoning) a couple of injections are enough, while in others you have to use the drug for several weeks.

Important note. Veracol drops for dogs is a good drug, but still you should not consider a homeopathic remedy some kind of panacea, a universal medicine. If your dog only has a slight indigestion due to poor-quality food, then he can really be cured only by this homeopathic medicine. In the case when digestive problems are due to some infectious disease, you can give Veracol to a dog only as additional treatment, no more.

After practical application drugs have been found to be able to significantly reduce the incidence of parvovirus enteritis. The significance of this fact is especially enhanced when we consider that it is undesirable to treat puppies under two weeks of age with antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs: experts have long proved that in this case there is a high probability of developing behavioral disorders.

So injections of the described drug can be a real alternative to more aggressive methods of therapy. In-depth studies are currently underway in the field of action this medicine on the liver. We have already written that it can have a beneficial effect on this organ, but so far the documented evidence in field conditions was not received.

Methods of application and dosing

So, how to use this drug in practice? As we have said, there are three ways to give it: orally in the form of drops and tablets, and also by injection. The last method is the most effective, since in this case you can be sure that the entire dose has gone “as directed”, and has not been processed in the liver.

Some people do not recognize veterinary medicines, as "the chemistry is harmful to the animal's body." Now there are many pharmaceutical companies that produce homeopathic medicines - medicines based on natural ingredients. Such drugs have practically no contraindications and side effects. One of them is veterinary drug Veracol.

Characteristics of the drug Veracol

Verakol is a homeopathic medicine that is used in veterinary medicine for the treatment inflammatory diseases digestive system. generic name Veracola - Veratrum album, Acidum arsenicosum, Colocynthis, Podophyllum peltatum. The manufacturer of the medicine is the Russian company AlexAnn LLC.

The formula of Veracol was developed by Russian scientists

Forms of release of the drug

Veracol is available in three dosage forms:

  • solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections;
  • pills;
  • solution for oral administration.

Solution for injection is sold in glass bottles with a volume of 10 to 500 ml. Each vial, regardless of volume, is sealed with a rubber stopper and rolled in with an aluminum ring. Each unit (except 200 and 500 ml) is packed in cardboard box with instructions for use. The medicine is packed in boxes in transparent glass containers, and large-volume bottles are made of dark glass (this is due to the need to protect the solution from direct sunlight).

This form of the drug is considered the most economical. A 100 ml bottle costs from 200 to 270 rubles (depending on the store / pharmacy).

Veracol is sold in packages of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 ml

Veracol tablets are packaged in plastic jars (50 pieces each). These pills white color and round shape. The polymeric material from which the container for tablets is made is transparent, so additional packaging in boxes is not needed. All necessary information indicated on the jar label:

  • the name of the medicine;
  • the number of tablets;
  • name and contacts of the manufacturer;
  • composition of the drug and method of application;
  • date of issue and expiration date;
  • the inscription "for veterinary use", etc.

One pack of Veracol tablets costs from 105 to 175 rubles.

Veracol tablets are packaged in small polymer jars

Drops for oral use Veracol is a clear, colorless solution, poured into 20 ml polymer bottles. Each vial has a dropper cap with a screw cap instead of a cork. Each unit is additionally packed in a cardboard box.

Some cat owners proudly tell how they fed their pets the remnants of the injection solution. This cannot be done, because these forms different composition. Therefore, if the pharmacy tells you to replace one form with another, look for the medicine in another pharmacy. You probably got an inexperienced pharmacist.

The cost of one bottle of Veracol drops can reach 270 rubles, but this form is considered the most convenient.

Veracol in the form of a solution for drinking is packaged in convenient bottles with a pipette.

Composition of Veracola

The composition of the drug Veracol depends on the form of release. 1 liter of injection solution contains:

  • tincture of hellebore white;
  • arsenic acid;
  • tincture of nail leaf;
  • sodium chloride and water for injection (excipients).

Matrix tinctures are used as active ingredients of the drug. medicinal plants and mineral compounds, therefore Veracol is considered a homeopathic remedy.

The composition of the tablets includes the following substances:

  • tincture of thyroid nogwort;
  • white arsenic oxide;
  • tincture of hellebore white;
  • colocynth fruit powder;
  • sugar grains and calcium stearate (excipients).

Soldering solution (1 l) consists of the following components:

  • tincture of hellebore white;
  • arsenic acid;
  • tincture of podophyllum thyroid;
  • tincture of the fruits of the common colocynth;
  • ethyl alcohol and purified water (auxiliaries).

The composition of the drug is indicated on the packaging box

Under what conditions should the medicine be stored?

The instructions say that Veracol should be stored:

  • in closed packaging of the manufacturer;
  • separately from food and feed;
  • in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight;
  • at temperatures from 0°C to 25°C.

These conditions are relevant for all dosage forms of the drug, only the expiration date differs. Solutions are stored for 3 years from the date of issue, tablets - 5 years.

Indications for use Verakola

Any form of Verakola is prescribed for diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by an inflammatory process:

  • gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • dyspepsia and spastic colitis;
  • food poisoning;
  • pancreatitis.

How the drug works

at the expense mild action components Veracol is able to relieve inflammation and improve gastrointestinal motility. Veracol as a homeopathic medicine belongs to low-danger drugs, therefore it is prescribed for diseases varying degrees gravity. If you are unsure if your cat is suitable for use, contact your veterinarian.

Features of use for the treatment of cats

Important points in the use of Veracol are the selection of dosage and the preparation of a treatment regimen. Usually the veterinarian does this, and the owner of the cat receives a ready appointment. But if you can't visit veterinary clinic, then you can prepare these calculations yourself. The dosage and scheme of application depend on the form of release of the drug.


Verakola injections are given subcutaneously or intramuscularly 2-3 times a day for 5-10 days. The exact treatment regimen depends on the type of disease. For example, in case of poisoning, up to 3 injections per day are made, and in case of acute gastritis, up to 3 injections. For 1 injection, you need to enter a single dosage.

Table: selection of the dosage of the drug

It is more convenient to give a subcutaneous injection (an injection in the withers), but some owners prefer to inject the medicine into the muscle. In any case, it is important to choose the right injection site.

I give injections to my cats and always do it myself. WITH subcutaneous injection everything is clear - even a beginner can handle it. And here intramuscular injection sometimes accompanied by trouble. I ask someone from the household to help by holding the cat by the withers. The fact is that most cats are immobilized if you take them by the "scruff". Release the cat only when the syringe is empty. There is one more secret - it is more convenient to use a needle from an insulin syringe (it is thinner, sharper and shorter). Moreover, you need to enter it quickly, and it is better to press the syringe piston smoothly.

Subcutaneous injections are more convenient to do at the withers, and intramuscular injections - in back hips (widest point)

Tablets Veracol

Veracol tablets should be given to the animal in a course of 5-7 days. If the desired effect is not achieved, the course of treatment is extended for the same period. The number of medications per day depends on the complexity of the disease (2 or 3 times a day). Important: during treatment chronic diseases(for example, gastritis), the course of treatment lasts up to a month. A single dosage is 1 tablet, regardless of the cat's body weight.

Cat owners often face a problem when using pills: cats spit them out, regurgitate them, or simply refuse to open their mouths. You can resort to a deceptive maneuver - crush the medicine and mix it with a small amount of canned cat food. If the animal feels a catch and the “trick” failed, then you can purchase a tablet dispenser at the veterinary pharmacy. This device works on the principle of a syringe, with its help you can put a pill on the root of the tongue, and the cat will definitely swallow it.

I can easily feed my cat medication tablets. The main thing in this case is to put the cat in the right position and correctly throw the pill. I usually place the cat on my lap with her head tilted back a little. I open my jaws only with my left hand so that I can take medicine with my right. The tablet must be lowered into the cat's mouth so that it falls close to the throat (on the root of the tongue). The animal will automatically swallow it and will not be able to spit it out.

An inexperienced cat owner can buy a tablet dispenser (this convenient device is sold at any veterinary pharmacy)

Drops for oral use

The course of treatment with Veracol drops lasts from 7 to 10 days, if the disease has not receded after the use of the medicine, the treatment is extended for another 7-10 days. The dosage is selected based on the weight of the animal.

Table: dosage of Veracol drops

In general, the dosage of the oral solution is measured in milliliters (0.3 ml per 10 kg), but this is not very convenient. Since the bottle is equipped with a pipette, it is more convenient to measure the drug in drops.

Drops of Veracol should be instilled directly into the mouth of the animal

What form of the drug to choose

You can decide on the dosage form based on several factors:

  • ease of use;
  • price;
  • the state of the animal.

Not only the cost and personal preferences of the owner of the cat are important, but also the complexity of the disease. For example, if a cat has serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, then the tablets may simply not dissolve in the stomach. In such cases, injections or drops are needed. The exact appointment can be given by a veterinarian (specialists prescribe the form of the drug based on the results of various tests).

Features of use in pregnant cats and kittens

Veterinarians often recommend Veracol for the treatment of kittens and pregnant cats. The manufacturer does not indicate any restrictions in this regard. And most often, drops are prescribed for kittens, and tablets for pregnant cats (an injection can scare future mother). The main thing is to choose the right dosage.

Interaction with other drugs

The use of Veracol can and should be combined with the use of other drugs:

  • homeopathic;
  • antibacterial;
  • detoxification;
  • immunocorrective;
  • symptomatic, etc.

The effect of the use of Veracol will be stronger if it is used as part of complex therapy.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication to the use of Verakol is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. There are no side effects from its use.

Analogues of the drug according to indications for use

The following homeopathic preparations can be called analogues closest to Veracol according to indications for use:

  • Liarsin (Lyarsin);
  • Nux vomica-Homaccord (Nux vomica-Homaccord).
NameIndications for useRelease formActive ingredientsActionContraindicationsPrice
LiarsinTreatment and prevention of the gastrointestinal tract
  • injection,
  • pills
Matrix tincture plant origin and mineral components
  • regulatory,
  • restoring disturbed functions of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • immunostimulating
Individual intolerance to the components of the drugFrom 250 rubles per 10 ml
Nux Vomica-Homaccord
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • liver disorders,
  • constipation,
  • hepatic colic,
  • poisoning,
  • dysbacteriosis
Solution for oral administrationHerbal tinctures and powders
  • antispasmodic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • hepatoprotective,
  • laxative
From 550 rubles for 30 ml

The closest analogues of Verakol: the complex veterinary drug Liarsin and the German homeopathic drug Nux vomica-Gommakord (it is intended for the treatment of people, but it is often used in veterinary medicine