How to choose a sleeping place for a dog, puppy? Puppy guide. Where to put a sleeping place for a puppy? Individual place for a puppy

From the first days of the puppy's stay in the house, the animal should be taught that he will have his own separate place to sleep and rest. Unconditional execution of the command "In place!" necessary for representatives of miniature breeds, as well as for large-sized pets. Along with this command, in the dog alphabet of etiquette, toilet training is of paramount importance.

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Arranging a place to rest for a puppy

With the advent of a fluffy fidget in the house, the owner should take care of arranging a cozy nest. It should be associated in the animal with safety, warmth and evoke positive emotions.

For this purpose, it is necessary to arrange a place for sleeping and resting in a quiet corner of the living quarters. A sunbed or a house where the dog will rest should not be located on the aisle, in damp and cold rooms. Air conditioning systems and close proximity to heating appliances should be avoided.

Experienced breeders recommend arranging a place to relax in a quiet and peaceful part of the house. For miniature and medium-sized dog breeds, you can purchase a comfortable bed in specialized pet stores. Pets are happy to settle in foam houses. For big dog there are special sunbeds for sale, reinforced with a frame structure and equipped with soft textile sides.

You can arrange a place for rest and sleep for your pet on your own. For these purposes, a small mattress or blanket is suitable, which should be provided with a removable cover so that it can be cleaned regularly.

Having prepared a warm bed or bed, the owner can start training the puppy. The first steps in mastering the "Place" command should be taken as soon as the animal is tired after or walking.

Tired puppy begins, as a rule, fit to rest. At this moment, the pet should be taken to the equipped bedding or lounger and give the command “Place” in a friendly but firm voice and step aside. If the dog settles down, it should be caressed and treated with a treat. When training, it is necessary to show patience and perseverance, as the puppy can play too much, forget about sleep and follow the owner.

To accustom the animal to sleep and rest in a strictly designated area for this should be every time the puppy is getting ready for bed. Treats and stroking will help to consolidate the skill. The owner should ensure that the young pet executes the command flawlessly and without encouragement. The puppy should develop only positive associations with the “Place” command, therefore, during training, the punishment of the dog for disobedience is excluded.

How to accustom a dog to a new place

If, due to some circumstances, the owner has changed the territory for sleeping and resting the pet, or the animal is in an unknown habitat for him, the dog should be shown his personal territory. It is advisable to take the bedding from the old one and lay it on the new sunbed. This technique will calm the four-legged friend, make him feel safe.

For accustoming to a new place, the dog should be allowed to sniff it, get used to it. Having called the pet with a friendly shout, you need to point to the sunbed prepared for him and give the appropriate command. A positive result must be fixed with a delicacy, affection.

Teaching an adult animal to sleep on your bed

Quite often, an adult animal enters the house. Training in this case is complicated. An adult dog has its own habits, it may lack certain skills. Difficulty learning and unfamiliar environment.

In order for the training process to be successful, the owner first of all needs to introduce the dog to the new housing, let the dog sniff everything, go around all the corners and hidden corners. When the dog calms down, you can begin to accustom him to your territory in exactly the same ways as little puppy.

How to choose a bed for a dog, see this video:

We train the animal for the command "Place!"

To make training sessions for accustoming a pet to a sunbed or bedding effective, the owner must adhere to the following rules and recommendations of dog handlers:

Training a pet to execute the “Place” command should take place in a calm environment. At first, you should avoid distractions and conduct classes without strangers. However, when the dog learns to execute the command flawlessly, you can complicate the task and conduct training in the presence of other household members, achieving its clear execution.

To learn how to train a dog to a place, see this video:

How to toilet train a dog

To teach a puppy to relieve himself in a strictly designated place should be at the age of 2 - 4 months. The tactics depend on the breed of the animal and the toilet chosen by the owner. Miniature pets, such as chihuahuas, in housing conditions are often taught to use a tray or a special oilcloth. Medium and large dogs are most often walked on the street or in the yard of a private house.

Endure until you go outside

Most owners prefer their pets to fresh air. Dogs not only relieve themselves, but also play, develop physical strength and endurance. Adult animals can endure until the next walk and not shit in the apartment. Puppies up to eight months of age, due to physiological characteristics, cannot endure for a long time, and the owner should know this.

By the age of 4 months, puddles and more severe effects on the carpet and floor are common. You should not punish the puppy, and even more so poke his nose in "dirty things." Teaching a dog to cleanliness is a long process, it requires endurance and patience from the owner.

When the puppy reaches four months of age, toilet training should begin. Every time after waking up and feeding the animal must be taken outside. When the pet does its business, you need to praise it, treat it with delicious treats. Only after that you can play and walk with the dog. Choosing a place for a toilet on the street should be quiet and calm, so that extraneous odors and other animals do not distract the dog.

Until the age of 6 months, walk your pet at least 5 times a day. If a puddle still appears, you can not punish the puppy. At the age of six months, the frequency of walks to make the toilet can be reduced to three.

Walk on oilcloth / tray

AT recent times in megacities and large cities, dwarf dog breeds have gained incredible popularity: Yorkshire terrier, chihuahua, toy terrier, petit-brabancon and others. Miniature size allows you to organize a toilet for them in a city apartment. For this purpose, trays or special absorbent diapers are used.

The principle of accustoming a dog to a diaper is to limit free space. To do this, the puppy is fenced off from the rest of the room with boxes, giving him only a place to rest and an absorbent diaper. Carefully observing the animal, it should be praised and treated with a treat at the moment when the puppy does its business after sleeping on a special cloth.

It is necessary to place on a diaper after feeding and active play, each time rewarding for a positive result. The fact that the puppy wants to go to the toilet is indicated by his behavior: he spins in one place, sniffs the floor in search of a diaper.

Some dogs for some reason do not want to use a diaper. In this case, newspapers can be used. When the dog gets used to shitting on them, they can be put in the tray.

For diaper or litter box training to be effective, it is important to choose the right place to place them. To do this, you should watch the puppy. At first, the tray or diaper can be installed in the place chosen by the animal. Gradually, when the pet gets used to walking where it should, the tray can be placed in a place convenient for the owner.

Defecate in one place on the site

If the dog is kept in a country house or in the country, it will be convenient for the owner if the dog will relieve himself in the allotted territory, and not throughout the entire site. You can teach this behavior by walking the dog after eating near preferred location for the toilet. When the animal does its business where it is necessary, it needs to be praised, treated to something tasty.

Such manipulation should be carried out every time you walk the dog. After a while, the dog will develop the habit of shitting in the same territory. But only if it is periodically cleared.

Teaching an animal to the “Place” command and cleanliness is the basis of dog literacy. Knowing your territory and unquestioningly obeying the owner is not an easy task, requiring patience and goodwill. Consistent actions aimed at developing the necessary skill will help to accustom a pet to cleanliness.

Useful video

To learn how to toilet train a dog, see this video:

A dog is not just a fluffy bundle of positive energy, it is a member of the family, a creature with personal needs and character traits. Acquiring a puppy is a serious step that obliges the owner to live together with the pet, in grief and joy, for the next 10-16 years. A few days after buying a puppy, the new tenant adapts to the situation. At this time, you need to carefully observe in which places the dog is more comfortable. Thus, the owner will be able to determine the optimal place for the dog in the apartment.

It’s not worth talking about the role of a personal territory for an animal, this is a prerequisite for proper maintenance.

After the “child” has chosen a place, and the “parent” has approved it, it’s time to start arranging and get a comfortable sunbed.

How to arrange a place for a dog

Sleeping place for a dog, this is the first area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe home to which the puppy must get used. If you do not give the dog a personal place, it threatens to “loosen” the nervous system, giving rise to feelings of insecurity and infringement. The nuances of the arrangement depend on the nature of the pet and the requirements of the breed, and not on the design of the room or the principle "as long as it does not interfere." It is necessary to take into account the habits of the dog and its "adult" size.

Service dogs live in booths that are lined with straw, and in the hot months, bedding is completely excluded. This is not bullying or livelihood, but sanitary and hygienic standards of maintenance. Of course, you want to give your pet everything, but think about whether the dog really needs pompoms, bright patterns, curtains at the entrance, or is it a whim of the owner.

Globally, all bed models can be divided into three types:

  • Oval with sides - for dogs that prefer to sleep in a ball. As a body, a wicker basket can be used, in which a bedding or mattress is placed.

  • Bed-mattress - for large breeds. Options with a soft back, a blanket and sides are possible. For guard rocks an overview of the territory is important even during rest, so the sunbed is installed on the "podium".

  • The foam house is suitable for small or privacy pets.

  • Natural fabrics - exclude allergies, do not become electrified.
  • Durability - the material must be wear-resistant. Living in a new place, the dog can gnaw it. Before going to bed, the pet will spin around, choose a comfortable position, and can “dig” the bedding to rake it under him.
  • Ease of care - the cover or mattress must be removable for cleaning and washing.

A creative and more economical option is to sew a place for the dog yourself. First you need to view photos of possible models and choose the right one, then you need a pattern or advice from a sewing specialist. When choosing materials, you need to rely on the recommendations given above. Making a sunbed with your own hands will take time, but the final cost of the accessory will be at least two times lower.

General rules for the location and care of the dog's place

Determine the limits of the dog's behavior in advance. If the pet is not limited by strict rules, can climb onto sofas or lie on the threshold, then the owner can determine the location of the sleeping place on his own. General principles choices are the following:

  • No draft.
  • Distance from batteries, air conditioners, audio systems and other climatic and electrical appliances.
  • Do not place a place near the doors or the kitchen.
  • The territory should be secluded, even if there are guests in the house.
  • Accessibility for cleaning.

Some short-haired and "sofa" breeds prefer to occupy furniture, even if there is a comfortable place. For the duration of the training, the only way out is to equip a personal lounger in each room.

The dog's skin is constantly producing a protective secret to lubricate the coat, so the litter gets dirty quickly. To maintain a neat appearance and general hygiene standards, the following rules must be observed. Not less than:

Teaching should start from the first day. After several hours of adaptation, the pet needs to be shown the mattress and explained that this is his place. At this stage, do not use commands or commanding tone, imagine that you have a child in front of you, whom you are introducing to a new environment.

The owner needs to show attention and patience. After eating, playing and communicating with the owner, the puppy will begin to look for a secluded corner to sleep on its own. At this point, the puppy should be taken to the place, stroked and calmed, calmly say "Place" and try to leave. Be prepared that this procedure will have to be repeated many times, but at the same time maintain goodwill and calmness.

Natural wool retains odors for a long time, ask breeders to put an old sweater in place of the dogs before purchasing a puppy. If the puppy is bored, make him a pillow or a blanket from a sweater, the smell of his mother will soothe him. Gradually, the thing will acquire the personal smell of a dog and will serve as an aid to self-confidence.

Warn possible problems The following rules will help:

  • Feel free to talk to your pet. Repeat the "Place" command each time you return. Use gestures, strokes, encouragement.
  • Until a clear development, the “Place” command is used only in relation to the sunbed.
  • Praise the puppy for each independent return to the place.
  • The place of the dog must be inaccessible to children, guests and other animals.
  • Let the puppy take toys and treats to the bedding, do not remove the dog's personal belongings until he sees. Thus, the pet will be convinced of the inviolability of its territory.
  • Do not lay down the dog forcibly, try to persuade, not force.

If the training process is delayed or there is obvious resistance, check if the tissue is electrified. Take a piece of woolen cloth and rub it intensively on the bedding, if electrification is present, the cover needs to be changed. Whatever difficulties you encounter, remember that a puppy is a child, make him feel comfortable, be there for him when he is lonely and leave him alone if he does not want to communicate. Act according to your intuition and you will be able to raise a sympathetic and devoted friend.

How to make a do-it-yourself dog bed: patterns, photos

Based on the worldview of Sharik from Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" - a collar for a dog is like a briefcase for a minister. And what can we say about the dog bed! Location is a very important psychological factor in bonding a pet to a home.

It should be noted right away that not all breeds favor rugs on the floor. For example, Newfoundlanders are more likely to prefer the coolness of a tile than an insulated corner in a house. But large dogs are very fond of sofas and voluminous armchairs. Therefore, if it is possible to install an old sofa in the apartment, then it will become the most favorite lounger for a Newf, St. Bernard, Leonberger or Great Dane.

Advantages of a homemade lounger

Despite the fact that modern industry produces a wide variety of sunbeds in a huge assortment, for big dogs and giant dogs, the choice is not large enough. Therefore, for best friend resting place can be assembled with your own hands. After all, no one knows the habits and characteristics of the dog better than the owner. How he prefers to sleep - curled up or stretched out to his full height. Does the dog prefer soft feather pillows, or does he prefer a firm, even hard base?

Another aspect is the presence of sides at the sunbed. When installed directly against the wall, the side of the lounger is necessary so that the pet does not stain the wallpaper after walking in bad weather. No matter how you wipe your pet’s fur, a dog that is wet after walking in the rain still does not completely dry out and can leave dirty stains on the surface of the walls. Well, if, of course, the long-haired giants are not dried with a compressor, then the cleanliness of the walls is ensured.

Did you know? Dogs value their place very much. The biggest advantage homemade couch its ideal dimensions are considered to be the dimensions of the dog. No more, no less, just right!

Types of dog beds + photo

The shape of the bed can be different. The configuration of the place depends, first of all, on the location in the room - square, oval, rectangular or in the shape of a pentagon. Dog bed large sizes usually has a rectangular shape. Often, owners make a dog seat from a children's mattress. This is the perfect base for a dog bed. It remains only to create a side for him to isolate him from the wall.

A typical use case for a baby mattress as a base:

But how from the same children's mattress you can get a cozy place for two:

A more complex option using the owner's skill in working with wood is a real pet sofa with the same children's mattress at the base:

Often, sunbeds are created using synthetic winterizer or foam rubber at the base of the seat. Oval lounger made of dense fabric with sintepon insides:

The photo shows the moment of assembling a round lounger with a foam base and foam sides for a small dog. But according to the same principle, you can create a sunbed for a large dog, only the material will take much more:

The main technological points when sewing a lounger - materials, dimensions, shape

When creating a bed for a large dog, you need to know only two parameters - the height of the pet at the withers and the length of its body, excluding the tail, who has it. Making a bed "by eye" is not recommended. It's better to do it once and not redo it.

Each owner chooses the shape of the product individually. It depends on how the dog sleeps. Which of the pets sleeps in a ring - gets a round or oval sunbed. For those who like to stretch out on the floor to their full mighty height - a rectangular bed. This is where the height of the dog at the withers is needed, since there is a possibility of paws freely spread out on the floor, about which you can accidentally stumble.

It is better to choose a dense and non-staining material for a dog place. The sectional photo shows what the dog bed consists of. Wooden frame lined with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer and covered with dense fabric:

So, we will need:

  • Paper, old paper wallpaper is better. A pattern is made from them.
  • Textile. The choice depends on the intuition of the owner, but the main thing is that it should be lint-free. Even jeans or raincoat fabric are suitable.
  • Filler. Here, the variations can be very different, including hay, bird feather or down, sheep's wool, fillyber or siliconized balls.

How to sew a do-it-yourself dog bed

Important! It is better to sew a zipper from the back of the bed and the lower part of the board so that it is convenient to remove the covers for periodic washing.

Do-it-yourself round dog bed pattern

The pattern of a round lounger is calculated strictly individually, based on the dimensions of the pet. It should be noted that for large breeds this is a costly and time-consuming event:

Did you know? When working with foam rubber, it is best to sew a bed for large dogs manually. This is more labor intensive and time consuming. But the result will be amazing!

The photo shows a pattern of a round lounger for small breeds. But by his analogy, you can create a pattern even for a giant.

  • Round beds for large dogs are equipped with sides assembled from individual pads, fastened with top regular rubber band.
  • The board for an oval bed is best sewn as a separate product, and then attached to the base.
  • It is also desirable to sew a cover to the sunbed.
  • Products filled with sheepskin are cleaned with snow once a year.
  • Straw filler is changed once a year for fresh hay.
  • Once a month, it is advisable to beat the sunbed.
  • Zippers sewn along the edge of the product will help facilitate the replacement of the filler.
  • At the first time of placing the dog on the couch, it is necessary to check that the puppy does not confuse and does not take the place to sleep for a toilet diaper.

Important! Even if you have a puppy, you need to sew a sunbed for an adult dog, because after a while a short time you will have to do this work again. And puppies of large breeds do not even grow quickly, but rapidly!

Video on how to make a do-it-yourself dog bed

This video shows how to make a very simple dog bed. small breed. The basic principles are given, as well as working moments for stuffing and stitching the corners of the lounger. Based on this video, you can independently assemble a bed for a large dog. Only the material consumption will be, in accordance with the dimensions of the pet, somewhat more:

On this resource, we are talking only about dogs - their lives, health problems, proper nutrition and living conditions next to the owner adored with all my heart. It is here that you can get valuable information about how a dog is trained, which, no doubt, will help you to navigate correctly at the moment of growing up a pet. An equally interesting aspect in raising a dog will be information on how to modernize the living conditions of your pet, and what innovations can be brought to its habitat.

With these and other questions, you can contact our consultant cynologists, who are constantly involved in the dialogues of owners of dogs of all breeds. You will be told how to potty train a dog outside, how long it takes to walk a particular breed, and what to do first if you get a dog that is difficult to socialize.

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soft, sleeping in the apartment with your own hands, as well as how to teach to sleep on your own

A dog, regardless of where it lives in an apartment, in a cottage or in the yard, should have its own permanent comfortable place. Well, in order to properly arrange a place for your pet, you need to approach this issue with all responsibility.

Requirements for sleeping in an apartment

Dogs, regardless of what breeds they belong to, and Chihuahua, and Pekingese, and Affenpinscher, feel quite well in the cold, but categorically do not tolerate drafts.

That is why the place of the dog should be located away from ventilated places. Otherwise, the animal will be constantly exposed to colds.

In any case, the place of the dog should not be in the farthest corner where no one goes.

After all, a dog is a pack animal, so it very negatively tolerates prolonged loneliness and the inability to see the owner.

Soft bedding

Bedding for the dog can be a thin mat, or a thicker mattress. Both of these can be done on your own. The base is made of soft filler, which is excellent for sintepon or foam rubber. Next, this base must be sheathed with a dense material that is not afraid of hooks. claws. It will be very practical to sew two removable pillowcases from a less dense, non-shedding material onto the finished bedding.

This pillowcase can be periodically removed and washed. The mattress or rug can be placed in a flat basket or in a wooden frame similar to the frame of a human bed.

How to choose for a puppy

For puppies who are still teething, it makes no sense to buy beautiful and expensive lying baskets, since very soon these signs of the master's attention will be gnawed into small pieces. Therefore, when choosing a basket for a puppy, you need to pay special attention to the material from which it is made. The point is not only that the purchased item may soon be spoiled, but also that the puppy can swallow small pieces of plastic and cause a lot of harm to itself.

Useful video

Watch a very helpful video that will give you some interesting tips for the purchase of a dog bed.

Benefits of wood framed bedding

  1. Raises the lying place above the floor and thus protects the dog from accidental drafts.
  2. The litter, fixed on a wooden base, will not constantly move out of its place and get underfoot.

The size of the litter must match the size of the dog.

For a puppy, you need to prepare the entire apartment in advance, and not just the place. It is better to buy or make a bed for growth, taking into account the size adult dog specific breed.

The bedding should be large enough for the dog to comfortably stretch out on it to its full height. The size of dog furniture is calculated according to a certain formula. The length of the bedding should be equal to the length of the dog from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, the width should be twice the length of the paws.

The most comfortable bedding for a dog will be a simple children's mattress, matched to the size of the animal.

The price of such mattresses is comparable to the cost of high-quality special dog mats. For breeds of small dogs, and especially small smooth-haired ones, it is a great option to buy special dog sofas or soft houses. For the little ones, cat apartments are also suitable.

How to teach to sleep on your bed?

When the place for the dog is completely ready, the most important and time-consuming stage begins - accustoming the animal to the place. You can start accustoming puppies to the place as early as 1.5-2 months. This is best done when the puppy is tired and has eaten. In this case, he will only be happy to go to his cozy place and relax. If the “place” command is given at the moment when the puppy is in an excited state, jumping, playing, or carried away by the smells of food from the table, then it is much more difficult to achieve obedience from him. Such educational actions should be applied to older puppies at 3-4 months.

How to teach a team at home

Training a puppy to a place is continued even at the age of six months. If necessary, send the puppy to the place, he is called and taken to the place. Next, repeat the command "place" and put the puppy on the litter.

When performing the required actions, the puppy should be rewarded with stroking and the word “good”. After the puppy has lain down on the spot for about a minute, he is called to him, played a little and repeats the “place” command from the very beginning. If the puppy does not respond to the “place” command, you need to repeat it in a more strict tone and bring the dog to the place. First you need to try to do this without grasping the collar, and only if this fails, use the collar or leash.

Own living space outside the city

If the dog is supposed to be kept outdoors throughout the year, it must be gradually adapted to outdoor conditions. It is very important to accustom a puppy to the street from childhood, otherwise it is extremely difficult and uncomfortable for the animal to change from pleasant home temperatures to rainy autumn and snowy ones. winter cold.

A puppy that was born in late autumn or winter, if all necessary vaccinations can be determined for permanent street residence not earlier than the second half of April, when he is 3-3.5 months old. For puppies born in the second half of summer and who did not have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather, you need to make a well-insulated booth.

For the first time, you should leave your puppy outside on a warm and sunny day, without rain and strong wind.

dispose dog house you need to be close to the porch or window in order to be able to control the actions of the dog and monitor its behavior. It is best to place the kennel in partial shade, such as under trees. Then in hot weather trees will protect the animal from the hot sun, and in the rain from severe wetting.

The booth should be raised above the ground so that water does not flow into it during heavy rains and snow melts. To do this, low stable bars are placed under the base of the booth.

The floor and walls of the dog house should consist of boards well fitted to each other, without cracks and gaps. Most often, dogs catch colds and get sick from drafts. For dogs that are constantly outdoors, this is especially important.

The internal dimensions of the kennel, that is, its useful area, for a medium-sized dog, for example, for a medium-sized german shepherd should be 100-120 cm long, 90-100 cm wide, and 80-90 cm high. The inlet should not be very large, then heat will be better retained in the booth. However, too small size entrance, can cause a lot of inconvenience to the dog. For the booth described above, the optimal dimensions of the entrance will be approximately 45 * 55 cm. In the cold season, the entrance to the booth should be hung with a rug or a piece of very dense, preferably not wet, fabric.

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choose or make the perfect bed for your pet

Sleeping place for a dog

When a long-awaited new family member settles in the house - your four-legged friend, then at the same time troubles come with him: what to feed, how to bathe and where to put to sleep.

For a dog, a bed is one of the pillars of her confidence in life. Choosing dog beds, the owners are guided, first of all, by the appearance and how this bed fits the overall interior. But after all, an animal is a full-fledged creature and a member of the family, like everyone else, and the right place to sleep guarantees him peace and good mood.

A dog can have an expensive branded dog bed or a do-it-yourself dog bed - the main thing is that the animal is comfortable and convenient. Many owners, especially hosts expensive breeds, believe that only expensive mattresses and dog houses can provide a healthy rest for an animal. But this is not always the case: when choosing a bed for your pet, you need to take into account his preferences: how he sleeps, whether he suffers from allergies, likes closed spaces or space.

  • Some dogs love a fenced area. Put a bed in a dog cage and your pet will be happy.
  • Dogs love to play even more than lying on the couch. From what and how you can make a toy for a dog, read here.

High-quality beds for dogs should serve for a long time, even with active use. animal worthy good materials and a comfortable design that will suit your pet: you should not force a dog to sleep in a small house, which likes spacious beds, and a decorative dog will feel uncomfortable if his bed does not have a roof or at least sides.

Bed for the whole family

Sleeping place for a family pet.

The simple question of what a dog's personal space should be, and how to accustom a dog to a place, often baffles both experienced breeders and veterinarians. Reversing the aphorism, let's say: how many dogs, so many opinions. One factor is unequivocal: the couch should be comfortable for a particular animal. In general, sleeping places for pets are evaluated according to a number of criteria:

  1. The size. The key criterion in the process of purchasing or tailoring a dog bed is exactly the size, but you should not decide the issue radically and take a large bed, hoping that it will suit your pet: add 15 cm to the size of the animal and get the optimal mattress size for the dog.
  2. IMPORTANT! You should not buy a bed that is too large: it can scare the animal and certainly will not become your favorite sleeping place.

  3. The shape of the bed is determined by the habits of the pet: if the dog sleeps curled up all the time, then a small round bed will be the best option. For those who like to stretch out on their backs, it is preferable to purchase a rectangular lounger with small sides. Some dogs look for a place on sofas and beds not out of a desire to commit an “illegal” act, but simply because they are cold on the floor: for such the dog will do a miniature sofa or bed that is both soft and does not blow.
  4. The material is equally important: in this case, it is necessary to strike a balance between reliability, ease of care and convenience for the dog. Durable natural material will keep its attractive appearance longer, and the ability to periodically wash or clean the fabric will keep the animal's bed clean. Since animals often trample on their place and tear it with their claws, the upholstery material must be as durable as possible to withstand the attacks of dog paws and teeth. Removable covers are another significant plus of a dog bed.

ADVICE! Beds made of natural fabrics do not cause allergies and do not electrify, so they are easier to clean from dog hair.

Where to place the bed.

No less important is the location of this very sunbed: ideally, the dog should choose a place for himself, but the corner of the apartment chosen by the dog is not always convenient for him and for the owners.

When determining the optimal place to relax, you should avoid places with drafts or near heaters, at the entrance or balcony door; rooms with tiled flooring (kitchen, bathroom, corridors) are not suitable for an animal, since there is a high probability of earning money on a cold floor colds.

Breeders advise placing dog beds at a height of at least 8 cm from the floor - this not only guarantees the dog protection from drafts, but also allows the animal to feel like a full-fledged member of the family who sleeps "on a hill".

It is highly undesirable to change the place of the sunbed: the dog gets used to one place and may perceive such a change in the interior inadequately, completely abandoning his sunbed. Be sure to consider this if you plan to change the situation and purchase other furniture.

Among the huge variety of sleeping places for dogs are:

  • Mattresses are ideal for large animals, and can be easily carried and placed on the floor, inside a carrier or kennel.
  • sun loungers with sides - they are more often chosen for dogs that have puppies expected, or for older animals;
  • folding beds - an excellent solution for dogs who prefer standard beds to the owner's beds;
  • wicker baskets with bedding and houses are more suitable miniature dogs- they will serve not only as a cozy sleeping place, but also as additional protection.

Suitcase bed.

It is not at all necessary to run to a specialized store for a dog bed: making a place for a dog with your own hands is quite easy. A little imagination and unnecessary things - and the pet will get a sleeping place that is ideal in size and shape, made by loving owners.

A plastic lounger is located apart - a novelty in the market of goods for animals. hallmark such a piece of dog furniture can be considered a body made of high-quality plastic: there is a convenience in the washing process. As the contents of such a basket, you can use special mattresses or blankets for dogs, or you can limit yourself to bedding sewn or made from an old blanket.

  • It will not be difficult for a jack-of-all-trades to make not only a bed, but even an aviary for a dog.

How to choose the right bed for your dog

Choosing the right bed.

Beds for large overweight dogs should be as comfortable as possible: it doesn’t matter if a huge dog, dissatisfied with his sleeping place, seeks shelter on the master’s beds or sofas. Breeders note that large breeds of dogs are most favorable to sunbeds on a raised platform: it can be stationary furniture that looks like an ordinary sofa or bed, or a portable folding bed that you can take with you on vacation.

Beds for small dogs look smaller and neater: decorative dogs are wonderfully arranged in small rattan baskets with elegant flower mattresses - almost a doll's house. You just need to carefully monitor so that your pet does not gnaw such a couch during sleep.

Some small breed dogs feel the need for a closed house: it is so convenient to hide in it and expose only one curious muzzle outside. This natural desire to have a closed protected space is left in domestic dogs from their distant wild ancestors, when reliable protection was a guarantee of the safety of the animal's life.

Dezzie has long and firmly established itself in the pet products market: a dog bed or a pet house will be an excellent acquisition. The loungers combine not only convenience for the animal, safe materials and low price, but also visual appeal. A wide range of dog beds of any size will allow you to choose the perfect item for a particular animal, and a variety of colors and styles will fit a dog pillow into any interior: both classic and modern.

You can buy beds for any dogs inexpensively using the Internet: as a rule, in such stores the assortment is wider, and the price will satisfy everyone.

For your pet - do it yourself

Do-it-yourself dog bed.

Faced with difficult problem choosing a dog bed, many owners pay attention to the possibility of making a bed for their pet on their own. But how to sew a dog bed so that it is both reliable and comfortable? First of all, you need to decide what kind of bed your pet needs: a simple mattress, a bed with soft or hard sides, or maybe a full-fledged house with a small exit.

When starting to make a bed for your dog on your own, pay attention to the basis for the product: foam rubber, of course, is the most common material, but breeders advise turning to polyurethane foam - it is extremely convenient for an animal of any age, as it perfectly follows the contours of the body, reducing the load on the dog's spine .

The upholstery material should be durable and washable so that if it gets dirty, stains can be easily removed, rather than changing the entire bed. Make one of the layers waterproof and the next layer removable: this design will make it easier to care for the dog bed in the future.

ADVICE! The corners and edges of the bed or house for the puppy must be made of the most durable material, otherwise the product may be gnawed before the end of the sewing work.

The correct pattern of a dog bed is a guarantee of a good appearance products with their functionality. The pattern, as well as a master class on making a bed for your pet, can be found on the net: craftsmen not only sew themselves, but also share their findings and tips with dog lovers. Particular attention should be paid to the size of the finished house or couch - it should not fit the puppy for which it is sewn, but an adult of the same breed.

IMPORTANT! Children living in the same apartment with a dog need to be explained that the house is the property of the dog, and you can’t climb there, sit down or play with it.

Creative owners fit various household items into houses for their dogs: an old suitcase, put on stable legs and equipped with a soft pillow, will become a cozy house for a pet. Some make mattresses from their old sweaters or jeans - so the dog gets the impression that the owner is always there.

Video. Where to lie for a dog

DIY dog bed

Even a small apartment for a small puppy can seem like a huge intimidating world. In this space, he should have his own haven, a secluded corner where you can sleep, hide or relax after a walk. A bed is a small item, but an essential one. It is here that our pet will be able to stretch, straighten his legs and relax his muscles, which is very beneficial for the dog's health. Today we will learn how to sew a bed with our own hands using a simple pattern.

The dog's place in the house

Hundreds of options for sleeping and resting places for small dogs have been invented. Some are stylized as a real house, others are made in the form of a cage, reminiscent of beds, cars or flowers. Some pets spend the night in bedside tables, where a bed is made for them. For others, a special corner is built into the master's bed.

Materials for assembling stationary dog ​​"bedrooms" can be wood, cardboard, plastic, wicker baskets, suitcases, and even cases of old TVs. Fantasy knows no bounds here. However, no matter how beautiful the case looks, it must be filled with softness and warmth. This requires a bed. A simple product can be bought in a store or ordered on the Internet, but it is better to do it yourself.

Advantages of a homemade bed

We list the most obvious:

  • it will be sewn exactly to the size of the pet;
  • for manufacturing, you can choose materials that do not cause allergies (in humans and dogs) and do not accumulate static electricity;
  • the model of the lounger will correspond to the character and habits of the dog;
  • in color and shape, it will definitely fit into your interior;
  • an hour of sewing will save money, especially since a trip to the store takes no less time.

But the main thing is that taking care of the baby will bring joy and pleasure to you, which you cannot buy in the store.

Homemade bed and pillow for a small dog.

Choose a model

The shape of the bedding depends on the type of sleeping place for the dog. If a cage, house or basket is purchased, then a pillow of a suitable shape should be sewn to them (read more about choosing a cage). The bed can be completely sewn or knitted with your own hands.

Frameless models can be closed (reminiscent of a hornet's nest, hole) or open. The second option is suitable for curious dogs who prefer to be aware of everything that happens. The height of the walls of the bed will also depend on the nature of the pet.

Round sleeping areas are suitable for those dogs that sleep curled up in a ball (as do Chinese Cresteds, Yorkies and Toy Terriers). If the dog likes to stretch its paws, then a rectangular-shaped lounger is suitable for him (dachshunds, fox terriers, miniature schnauzers, Pekingese often rest).

What do we need

Before sewing, you should collect everything you need:

  1. Pattern paper. You can use any paper, even a newspaper.
  2. Fabric for the base.Choose dense natural fabrics without lint. An example would be jeans, raincoat fabric, teak.
  3. Filler.Here, from natural materials, the best is hay (dried grass, not straw). Fragrant litter of moderate density is an excellent massager. But such a filler will often have to be changed. Down and feathers can become a breeding ground for ticks, so we immediately cross out this material. Natural sheep or goat wool could be an excellent alternative to fluff, but it is difficult to wash and dry. From synthetic fillers, you can take a synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer, filfaber, siliconized holofiber balls, foam rubber and other hypoallergenic fillers. This is the only thing you have to buy or order online.
  4. Fabric for pillowcases. The choice will depend on many factors, the most important of which are artistic flair and expediency. For example, a smooth-haired dog can make a bed out of fur, but a lapdog may not like such a place to sleep. For summer and for winter it is better to sew special pillowcases. Winter ones are made of fleece, wool, cashmere, and summer ones are made of linen or cotton.

We sew a rectangular bed

  1. Decide on the size of the bed. It should fit a dog with outstretched paws.
  2. On our pattern, the sides are solid with a bottom, but they can be cut out as one long rectangle or four short segments.
  3. We lay the first seams along the edges of the rectangle, leaving free corners (they are marked in olive color in the photo of the pattern).
  4. We turn the product inside out, iron it and after that we lay the seams along the perimeter of the bottom. The base can be made without insulation, if you sew a separate pillow into a lounger. If there is no pillow, then the necessary portion of the filler is laid in the bottom. Foam rubber is cut out according to the bottom pattern.
  5. We fill the board with filler. Zippers can be sewn into the corners or a cord can be threaded to make it more convenient to change the filler. If the model is without zippers, then manually sew up the edges of the corners, inserting ribbons to shape the lounger.
  6. The pillowcase is sewn according to the same pattern as the sunbed. The corners in it can be sewn up immediately.

Pattern for rectangular format

In our example, the dimensions of the bottom are 65x50 cm, the product was intended for the Brussels griffin, and was sewn to fit its dimensions.

How to make a round sunbed

  1. Again, we determine the size of the "bed". First, a circle or an oval of such an area is built on the drawing so that the dog fits well - this will be our bottom. Around we build a second circle - under the side (ideally - 20-25 cm).
  2. Transfer the pattern to the wrong side of the fabric. We fold the material “face to face” and cut it out, leaving centimeter allowances for the seams.
  3. We fold the fabric inside out and sew a seam along the perimeter of the bottom. The principle is the same: we do not insulate the bottom in the couch, and the round pillow is sewn separately.
  4. We lay the seam at a distance of 6 cm from the edge of the pattern. We leave an unstitched gap of about 10-15 cm. Through it we fill the rim with filler, then we build up the area.
  5. You can make a side of individual pads. So it will look more magnificent. To do this, we lay seams-beams from the bottom to the edge, not reaching it by 6 cm. The compartments are filled with filler. Now we lay a line along the edge at a distance of 6 cm from it.
  6. We close the open cut along the edge of the bed with a stitched seam. Leave a small hole for pulling elastic or lace.
  7. We tighten and tie the lace - we get an oval bed.
  8. A pillowcase for her can be cut out as a circle of even larger diameter by 15 cm. An elastic band is stretched along the edge.

An example of a pattern for a round shape

Bed care

Everything is simple, the main thing is not to forget to wash the pillowcase regularly. About once every six months, you will need to thoroughly knock out the product in order to beat the filler and at the same time get rid of excess dirt. Dried grass will have to be replaced once a year, for this it is worth providing a zipper or fasteners to simplify this procedure. Natural wool beds can be cleaned in the snow.

houses for them, how best to equip them with your own hands

Each dog should have its own specific place where it will rest - this is a house or a lounger. Mattresses, beds or dog houses replace not only a bed or bedding for them, but also create a personal space around the dog, in which it is calm and safe.

Determine the place for the house should be such that the dog has free access to it. Buying or making a house for a small breed dog with your own hands means providing your pet with its own place and comfort. Besides own house for the dog will wean her to sleep on the owner's bed.

Before you get a dog, you need to prepare for her an individual place where she will feel at ease and safe. Each dog's place is like a home for a person. In dogs of large breeds, these are enclosures or booths, for small breeds - special houses.

Every person who decides to get a dog should understand that he does not get a pet, but a real friend who will be a full-fledged family friend. It is necessary to create all the conditions for her to be as comfortable as possible. About a sleeping place for your pet arises from the owner of a dog of any breed. For many, cabins are ideal.

Cottage or bed?

Owners of dogs of any breed currently have a huge choice - you can choose any:

This can be done at any pet store. Also, all this can be made by hand.

The most classic version of the resting place for a dog that lives in an apartment is a lounger. It is suitable for dogs of any size and breed. Most importantly, you need to determine the correct size of the sunbed.

If you need to prepare a bed for a puppy, then you need to sew it “for growth”. You can make it with your own hands, it can be of any shape (especially for small breed dogs) - this is a heart, a basket and much more. For dogs of medium and large size, standard forms of sunbeds are selected - this is a sofa or an ottoman. On sale there are special sofas with legs, but this is very suitable for dogs. large breed.

For small or medium breeds, owners usually choose houses. Dogs really like to hide in their own housing, which replaces her kennel in the apartment. When choosing a house, a difficulty often arises - how to choose the right house that fits the size of the dog. And it doesn't always work out.

If the owner knows how to do something with his own hands, then it is better for him to try to make a house himself.

How to make a house with your own hands?

In order to make a house with your own hands, there are many methods. For example, the easiest option is soft. It is made according to the principle of sewing slippers - a kind of soft booth, in which, on the one hand, there is a roof, and on the other, an open type bench. The most convenient option is when the animal is cold - it goes under the roof, and when it's hot - it can stretch out on a couch.

Before you start sewing housing for your pet, the first thing to do is to remove all its dimensions. Since it should be freely placed at the bottom of its housing on its side with outstretched paws. Up to the roof, the size should be equal to the dog curled up.

Usually for such houses it takes material:

  • tapestry fabric - 2 meters;
  • reps in the color of the tapestry - 1.1 meters;
  • foam rubber - 1x2 meters, thickness 4 cm;
  • clothesline - 2 meters.

You can make a home for your pet more spacious, if the dimensions of the apartment allow it.

Note to the owner

Before you get yourself a dog, first of all, you need to prepare for her an individual place where she will be calm and safe. Her place is like a home for the owner. Large breeds live in an aviary or booth, and small ones in special houses.

The dog's housing plays a significant role in its training. Having heard the command “place”, she must unquestioningly go to her specially designated place, that is, to her house. In order for the dog to get used to its housing, it should be given a command several times a day, pointing a finger at the house and leading the pet to its place. After she lay down in her corner, she should be given something tasty or sweet. When she begins to understand the command, then everything needs to be stopped.

Houses for small breed dogs are very different - you can buy them or make them to order, if it's not difficult - do it yourself. It is best to make to order, as professionals will make a certain height, width and design. But this is the most expensive option.

You can buy in a special pet store, but this is also an expensive option. Doing it yourself is inexpensive and best of all, you just have to try very hard. After the house is made or bought, something made of wool should be put in it, the dog will sleep softer and warmer.

But, in general, if a dog of a small breed is kept at home, then it is already warm, cozy and comfortable. Because any owner will create all the necessary conditions for his pet.

How to arrange a place for a dog in an apartment or house

Before bringing a puppy into the house, you need to plan and prepare a place for him.

Why this is needed, and what requirements a place for a dog should meet, we will analyze in this article.

Why does a dog need a separate place?

The opinions of dog breeders about a place for a dog are usually divided. Some believe that this is completely unnecessary and allow the dog to choose places to rest throughout the apartment at its discretion. Others, on the contrary, are sure that the dog should know its place and constantly be on it until it is called. adheres to the golden mean in this matter. In our opinion, a dog must have its own, specially designated place in the apartment. But it is not at all necessary to force the dog to be there all the time.

A place for a dog is necessary so that you can always send a dog there on command if its presence in another place is undesirable, for example, guests with a child who is afraid of dogs come to you.

Its place is also very important for the dog itself. She must know that she has her own corner in which she can relax and feel safe. Therefore, immediately warn all your household members, and especially children, that the dog, if it is placed on its rug or lounger, should not be touched. Also, you can not punish the dog in its place.

Choosing a place for a dog

A place for a dog must meet certain requirements.

First, choose a place so that you do not have to change it later. This will make it easier for you to teach your dog to go to his place on command. Therefore, immediately decide where the puppy will live, given the size of an adult dog. The place must be spacious enough.

In no case should the place for the dog be in a draft or under an air conditioner. The dog will avoid it, and if you manage to insist on your own, you risk having problems with your pet's health.

There is no need to have a place for the dog near the radiators - room temperature is already unnecessarily high for most breeds of dogs, and she does not need extra degrees at all.

The dog will be more willing to go home if its place is located so that it has the opportunity to see everything that is happening around. For this reason, you should not equip the dog around the corners of furniture and in similar places devoid of visibility.

How to make a place for a dog with your own hands

Dogs like to be on a small hill. To make your pet feel comfortable, raise his future place a few centimeters from the floor. If you decide to make a place for the dog yourself, first prepare the wood flooring. The board must be edged and processed - without knots, so that the dog could not get hurt. The thickness of the board should be commensurate with the weight and size of the dog. To the bottom you need to nail the bars of the same size so that the pallet is stable. It is convenient to use for this purpose ready-made pallets (pallets) in which various goods are transported. Choose ones that do not have a gap between the boards - if a dog's paw accidentally gets into it, injury cannot be avoided. If you want to paint a tree, make sure that the paint is safe for the dog.

On top of such a pallet, you can put a dense rug that can be easily cleaned. On top of the mat and the entire pallet can be covered with interchangeable covers. You can make them yourself - you will need a dense natural fabric a little larger than the surface of the pallet. The edges of a piece of fabric need to be tucked into a “tube” and threaded into it with an ordinary elastic band. Such covers are convenient because, firstly, they do not move anywhere, do not fall and do not allow the dog to play with them (as, for example, with pillows), and secondly, they are very convenient to change and wash.

Ready-made beds for dogs

The assortment of any pet store now necessarily includes ready-made soft places for dogs, or, as they are also called, ottomans or loungers.

They are made from various materials: there are fabric beds for dogs, plastic beds and even wicker beds. The latter look very impressive, but keep in mind that you still need some kind of filler - a pillow or bedding. However, more expensive wicker dog beds come with a removable, washable pillow or a real mattress with a zippered cover.

Any dog ​​must certainly have its own place and be accustomed to it from the first days of its stay in the house. Let the puppy - within reason :) - determine it for himself. And after that, make this place as comfortable as possible with the help of a comfortable dog bed, bedding, sofa or a special dog house.

In a safe haven, your pet will have the opportunity to relax and hide from the importunity of loving owners) The number of zeros on the price tag of the bed, its exclusivity and compatibility with the interior are factors of little importance for a dog. The place should be chosen primarily taking into account its size, breed and individual preferences. The correct location of the place and the right couch are a prerequisite for the psychological comfort of your pet: a dog with its own cozy corner will be able to feel confident, protected and will go to its place at the first request of the owner (and this is necessary if you want to have a well-mannered dog). A dog that is not accustomed to its place has every chance very soon to turn into a nervous, and sometimes uncontrollable "rod", which will interfere with the owners and annoy the guests.

How to choose a dog bed

- pay attention to the quality of the materials from which the place for the dog is made - it should provide comfort, durability and ease of care.

Dog beds get greasy and dirty quickly, so when choosing, give preference to models from which you can easily remove the covers to wash and dry them.

- choose beds with a coating of natural materials - it does not cause allergies and excludes electrification.

The bed should be the right size for the dog. Observe what positions the dog takes during sleep: some sleep in a "knuckle up", so oval beds with sides are more suitable for them, others like to stretch out during sleep - they will like a bed mattress.

When buying a bed for a dog, it should also be taken into account that, while laying down on it more conveniently, the dog tramples, spins for a while, sometimes, as it were, “scoops up” the place for itself. And if the material is not of very high quality, then soon the couch may fail.

Where to place a dog bed in an apartment

A dog bed is a place where a dog should feel safe. It is necessary to arrange the dog's place so that, on the one hand, it was a secluded corner of the apartment, away from the ways of frequent movement of the household. At the same time, most dogs feel uncomfortable if they cannot see what is happening in the apartment, so position the bed so that the pet has the necessary visibility. In order for the pet not to suffer from drafts, the dog bed should be located at a height of about 8 cm from the floor. In no case do not put the dog's "place" near the batteries, electrical appliances, at the front door and next to the balcony. In order to avoid "occupation" by the dog of sofas and armchairs, sometimes it is necessary to place a couch in each room.

How to accustom a dog to a bed

It is best to accustom a pet to a couch from childhood. Every time, as soon as the puppy eats, plays enough and starts to go to bed in the corner he likes, take him to the couch and say: “Place”. He will try to run away, but you will repeat your actions again. Pet him when the puppy calms down. Remember that a place for a dog is its “inviolable” zone. Here you can’t punish her, you can’t store things on a dog bed, sit yourself and use it as a seat for guests.

It will not be difficult for an adult dog to accustom to a couch if she already knows the “Place” command. You can also throw “surprise treats” on the dog bed. Do not drag your pet to the couch by force - the dog needs time to get used to the new “place”. If the dog categorically refuses to sit on the bed, think - perhaps it is in the wrong place, has an uncomfortable design or material that irritates the dog's skin.

Which dog bed is better to choose

Pad or rug. If the house is warm and there are no drafts, this is - a good place for dogs of large and medium breeds who like to sleep, stretched out to their full height. In addition, a pet has the opportunity, within reason, to move its sleeping place. This type of beds is the easiest to care for. You do not need much time to shake the dust out of it, wash it periodically and dry it in the sun.

Left to right: Ferplast Atlas, Ferplast Freddy, Red Dingo premium bed

Ferplast, Fop, Hunter, Triol, Jusi, Trixie companies offer high-quality bedding at an average price of 270-1100 rubles, depending on the quality and cost of the material. The price may be higher if the bedding is equipped with additional features (for example, a heated dog mat). Trixie bedding with a non-slip base is very comfortable.

Dog beds are soft and plastic. Of course, soft beds are more comfortable for a pet to rest, but caring for them is more difficult. The base of the plastic ones is quite durable, they do not slip and keep their shape. From the point of view of sanitation, such beds are preferable, as they are more practical to care for. You can combine such a plastic lounger with a bedding or cover, which will need to be washed periodically.

Ferplast plastic lounger with and without cushion

From left to right: Dezzie fur lounger, Red Dingo lounger, Ferplast sofa

Dog beds are preferred for large breeds as they help ensure that the sleeping dog's spine is in the correct position. But they are also suitable for small dogs. It’s just that for large dogs, beds are made more “spacious”, and for smaller dogs, more compact beds.

Juicy, Ferplast, K&H, Snoozer Pet, Fop, Hunter, offering a wide range of products, are by far the best manufacturers of dog beds. The price range of beds, depending on the materials and design, is 300 - 3500 rubles.

Dog houses- These are semi-closed or closed beds. They may also look like a mink, a kennel-booth and a cradle. Dog houses are made of soft fabrics, there are models with insulated walls - such dog houses have good thermal insulation properties.

From left to right: Trixie, Fop, Ferplast

It is preferable to buy home "booths" for dogs for small dog breeds. Tiny toy terriers, chihuaha, dwarf spitz and Yorkies love to hide in them - after all, in such a house the dog is both warm and calm. Of course, dogs of any breed are not averse to having their place at the same time a personal home. The desire for security from all sides with the ability to stick out only the muzzle remained in dogs from their distant ancestors. However, a house for dogs of large and medium sizes will cost significantly more than miniature counterparts.

A wide range of dog houses is offered by Trixie, Ferplast, K&H, Snoozer Pet, Juicy. Their price range is very wide and starts from 450 rubles.

If you are at a loss in choosing the type of dog bed, also pay attention to the transforming houses, which, if desired, can easily be turned into a bed with a side or a comfortable chair.

Dog bed sizes

To ensure that the bed is not small or too big for the dog, you need to choose the right size. To do this, you need to measure the "length" of the dog from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. If you are buying a lounger, add another 5-15 cm to the resulting value, or 20-30 cm - to calculate the size of the dog bed. Also measure the height from the legs to the croup of a dog that sleeps stretched out on its side. Multiply the resulting value by 2 - this is exactly the optimal width of the bed for the dog.

Dog bed care

Where to buy a dog bed

You can buy a bed at a pet store, but the choice there is usually limited. Online stores offer a richer assortment. You can also order the item you like on the website of the manufacturer. Those who want to have an exclusive item can buy a custom-made bed. There is another option - to purchase a thing that was in use, however, please note that such a bed must be thoroughly disinfected and treated for parasites before inviting a dog to it.

The question "where to put the puppy to sleep?" - is one of the most important issues. The dog is the new member of the family and has the right to its own space. When you allocate this space to her, you take it away from other family members or give her some of her own space. For a dog, this is a matter of territory, for your family, it is a matter of relationships between people and their relationship to the puppy. In most cases, when I am called to a problem dog, its place in the family is not defined or allocated incorrectly - neither psychologically nor spatially.

The right place for a puppy is the basis for his good behavior in the future!

Gather as a family and discuss the following questions:

1) Can a dog sleep on a bed? The dog will live for about 15 years. If over the years other "candidates for the bed" may appear in the family, for example, spouses or babies, then it is better not to teach her to sleep on the bed. Or be prepared for future conflicts when you want to wean her off the bed.

In discussing this question, it may be useful for you to know that: a dog can be taught not to climb on beds and chairs at all, but it is almost impossible to prohibit sleeping on only one bed out of several. big dog It is easier to forbid sleeping on a bed than a small one. It is possible to train a dog to sleep on a blanket (not on linen), but this will require attention and patience for several years.

Attention! Some dogs have very deep sleep. If you accidentally push them in a dream, they get scared, jump up and bite, not yet understanding who and how they bite. It is impossible to wean the dog from this, because it does not control this behavior. Such a dog should not be allowed into the bed, so as not to provoke an irresolvable conflict.

2) In which room will the dog sleep? This issue should be discussed especially carefully if someone in the family is afraid of dogs, for example, youngest child. Many people remember their childhood nightmare, how they were afraid to go to the toilet at night, because in the corridor they could be barked by a wake-up dog.

It will be useful for you to know that many dogs, accustomed to constantly being in the same room with the door closed - for example, the bedroom of a teenage owner, begin to guard this territory. It is better when, at least for the first few months, the puppy can move freely around the apartment and communicate with all family members in order to perceive the entire apartment as a common territory, and the whole family as his pack.

3) What place to give the dog? A dog can have several places in the apartment, but one should be the main one. She needs a place even if you let her sleep in your bed.

You need to choose a place not on the aisle, but not too secluded, where the dog will feel left out of the pack. There should be no drafts in this place. It should not be constantly moved or cleaned for the day.

By choosing suitable places in the apartment, ask questions:

If a baby appears in the family, would you like to put a crib in the same place? (if yes, it is not suitable for a dog, you can’t move the dog’s place with the advent of the baby). Are there any dangers around him - a shelf from which something can fall on the dog, wires that the puppy can chew on while you sleep, etc.?

After discussing all issues with the household, put the puppy mattress in the chosen place, put toys, horns or other nibbles there, sit with the puppy there together for an hour or two. You can read a book or listen to music. This will give you a sense of whether you have chosen the right place. If you always have to pick up your legs for someone to pass, if you've been spilled twice in something carried from the kitchen, if you're constantly asked about something, or you have to crane your neck or jump up every now and then to do something. then ask your loved ones, which means that the dog will not be able to rest in this place. You need to find another place for her!

Unlike keeping a dog in a private house or in the yard, it carries additional difficulties, requiring increased attention and responsibility from the owners. When planning to get a four-legged pet, remember that he will certainly become another member of your family, so you need to know in advance the opinion of all household members.

Dogs of almost all breeds are suitable for keeping even in a small city apartment, and the choice will depend not only on personal preference, but also on what inconveniences future owners are willing to put up with.

Features of keeping different breeds of dogs in an apartment depend, first of all, on the characteristics of a particular breed, and not on the amount of wool on the carpet, although for many it is this indicator that is decisive.

When choosing a breed, be sure to analyze what you expect from your pet in the future, and also consult with experts for what exactly this or that breed was bred.
Someone gets a dog in the apartment for protection, someone is afraid to leave minor children in the apartment, but someone is just tired of being alone. Therefore, you should get detailed advice about the instincts inherent in the breed, so that later you do not try to raise a formidable watchdog out of a good-natured Labrador or wean the Doberman to react to neighbors passing along the landing. After all, if the Labrador does not even rise from his seat, then the Doberman will raise a formidable roar to the whole house. The majestic Rottweiler will not bark, but will look at the incoming one with such a look, from which even the owners sometimes feel uneasy.

Whatever breed is chosen, there are basic rules for keeping dogs in city apartments:

1. The age of the dog.
There is a misconception that it is best to get a dog when it is approaching one year of age. This is due to the absence of the need to vaccinate, teach the puppy to cleanliness and teach him basic commands. However, in fact, the dog perceives its pack well - people close to it for about five months, getting used to new owners as quickly as possible. The process of getting used to a dog with an already formed character to new owners takes a long time, which can drag on for several months or even years. Therefore, it is best to start a puppy before 5 months, especially this statement is relevant for large breeds.

2. Place for the dog.
First of all, you need to determine a permanent place for your pet. It can be a corner in one of the rooms or a cozy place in the hallway. Dogs, instinctively being protectors, try to choose a place so that, not being in plain sight, at the same time they have an overview of the entire apartment. Observe where your pet prefers to be and, if the place suits your wishes, then simply lay the dog a small mattress, rug or blanket folded several times. For dogs of very small breeds, you can purchase special baskets with mattresses, which are easy to find at any pet store.

Place for a dog should be located in a sufficiently lit place, away from heating devices. It is also necessary to take care of the absence of drafts, which can cause illness for both a puppy and an adult dog.

Remember that by letting a fluffy ball on a sofa or chair, you run the risk of not driving him out of there, even when the dog no longer fits there.

3. Place for feeding.
In addition to its permanent place in the apartment, the dog definitely needs a place to feed. Such a place can be equipped in the kitchen or a warm balcony.
It is desirable that nothing distracts your pet while eating, otherwise the dog may feel uncomfortable and move to another place, for example, under the dining table or on the carpet in the bedroom, at the same time taking with him a tidbit.

For feeding, it is most convenient to use metal utensils, which are less dirty and will not be deformed by the teeth, as is often the case with plastic containers.

For feeding a large breed dog, you should use coasters for bowls of food. The dog should not lean too much when eating, so the height of the stand will depend on the height of the dog. In addition, a bowl of clean and fresh water should always be in place for eating.

4. Feeding mode.
Any dog ​​by nature remains a predator, so meat should make up at least half of its diet. The specific amount and composition of food must be determined taking into account age, as well as the characteristics of the breed. Young puppies should be fed more frequently, while older puppies should not be overfed to avoid becoming overweight. For dogs of all ages, a routine is important, so it is recommended to feed the animals at the same time. Then your pet will absorb everything useful material, and please you with a good appetite.

5. Walk.
When kept in a city apartment, satisfying your pet's need for play and movement is quite difficult, so you need to pay special attention to daily walks. Give your dog the opportunity to socialize with his family and release the energy accumulated during the day.

Also, do not forget that dogs do not empty bladder at a time, so two walks of 20-30 minutes a day is the minimum that an adult needs to fulfill natural needs. Ideally, each of the walks should last at least an hour and be quite active. The dog should be allowed to run off-leash, which is important for both the physical and psychological state of your pet.