What temperature is considered normal in a dog - the main reasons for deviation from the norm. What should be the normal temperature for large breed dogs? Detailed data Normal body temperature in small breed dogs

A dog’s temperature is one of the most important indicators of a pet’s health; it is the one that will tell the owner if something is wrong with the pet. Any owner must navigate such issues as normal indicators thermometer, how to measure your pet’s temperature, and what to do if he has a fever. It is to these questions that we will give completely comprehensive answers in our article.

Do dogs always have the same temperature readings?

Not all dogs have the same thermometer readings as the norm; it depends on what breed the animal is. Puppies or adults small breeds have more high standards than animals of large breeds. This factor is influenced by the metabolic rate.

When the animal is stressed, for example, visiting a veterinary clinic or exhibition can lead to a more agitated state, then these indicators increase. High temperature in pets is also observed during estrus, in the heat, after prolonged exercise. The body temperature of each individual pet is individual, so it is better for the owner to know what temperature is considered normal and will not cause concern for the pet’s condition.

What temperature is considered normal for dogs?

A healthy animal has readings from 37.5 to 39 degrees, but they can vary depending on various factors. Below is the normal temperature different breeds animals:

  • Small breed puppies 38.6-39.3, adults from 38.5-39.0.
  • Puppies of medium breeds 38.3-39.1, adults 37.5-39.0.
  • Large breed puppies 38.2-39.0, adults 37.4-38.3.

Factors such as thermometer readings are influenced by the time of year; if it’s hot outside, an increase of 0.5-1 degrees is possible.

A pregnant dog should have its temperature measured regularly, because it is possible to determine the approach of labor using this indicator; it decreases to 1.5 degrees.

What to do if your dog has a fever?

If an animal’s temperature rises to 40 degrees, then first of all you need to remember what events happened to it the day before. Maybe he experienced some kind of stress, perhaps a trip on public transport or a visit to the veterinary clinic. But in any case, if your pet has a fever, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible. When an animal has a high temperature, it is necessary to bring it down quickly. To bring down your pet’s fever as quickly as possible, you need to do the following:

  • Place ice on the animal's neck and hips.
  • The pet's fur needs to be wetted cold water.
  • Give your dog water in small portions.
  • Opening the windows when the pet is lying on the floor helps to reduce the animal's fever a little.
  • You can try to reduce the fever by wrapping yourself with a wet and cool towel. It is especially good to reduce heat with the help of water evaporation from the forehead, neck and inside hips
  • When your dog has a high fever and visiting a veterinarian is not possible, you can give your pet Nurofen or Paracetamol. But there is no need to abuse this method, because a pet’s fever can cause a rather serious illness.
  • When an animal develops a fever as a result of a reaction to teeth, you can bring it down at home by mixing ampoules: diphenhydramine, no-shpa, analgin. If you can’t give an injection, you can try to drink it through your mouth.

There is no need to give antipyretic drugs without consulting a veterinarian, as they may do more harm than good.

What happens to a dog when it has a fever?

When a pet has a fever, its body experiences serious changes, which include:

  • If the rise is above 40.5 degrees, then dehydration occurs, the pet experiences decreased appetite, heart rate increases, lethargy and apathy appear.
  • Particularly serious changes occur in the body when rising above 41.1 degrees. At this time, the dog’s fluid loss approaches critical levels, resulting in cerebral edema and dysfunction. internal organs. The pet develops rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, wheezing, loss of consciousness, convulsions, impaired motor processes, the outflow of urine worsens, which causes poisoning of the body and hemorrhage. All these changes can lead to the rapid death of the dog.

How to measure a dog's temperature?

Some owners believe that they can tell if their dog is feverish by their dry nose, but this is a myth. Dry and warm nose IC is not an indicator of your pet's health and is not a reason to visit the veterinarian. It is better to take measurements electronic thermometer because it is safer to use. The animal should have a separate thermometer; it should not be used for people.

Before taking measurements, it is better to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline. Measurements should be taken rectally, so it is necessary to calm the animal, talk to it affectionately, and treat it with something tasty. When measurements are taken for the first time, it is better to take them with the dog lying on its side. The thermometer is inserted into anal hole animal, a calm environment should reign around, better than a pet hold him so he doesn't hurt himself. After this procedure is completed, you need to disinfect the thermometer and reward the animal with some kind of treat.

If your dog is looking for the coolest place in the house, then you need to pay attention to this; maybe he has a fever? You need to try to surround him with care and attention, bring down his temperature as soon as possible, and it is important not to put off visiting the veterinarian. Only he will prescribe the right treatment.

– the question is quite broad and ambiguous. It is simply impossible to characterize the temperature norm of all breeds and ages of dogs, because in each individual case, the norm may be different.

How to find out what the normal temperature is for your dog, and what to do if the readings differ from normal? Today we will figure it out together with you.

It is a well-known fact that normal temperature animal body - indicator proper development And physical activity dogs.

It is this flashing “light” that will signal you if something has gone wrong with the animal. The difficulty is that the “normal” temperature indicator for each breed will be slightly different from all the others.

If we consider constant temperature of the human body, this is due to the mechanism of sweating. In dogs, unfortunately, not all dogs are equipped with this function and some, instead of a comfortable air conditioner, get a slightly open window in the form of rapid breathing with their tongue hanging out.

Second interesting fact is that the temperature indicators of a dog, already within the same breed, may have some differences depending on age, or simply change throughout the day, but this value will be insignificant. Significant changes will indicate a deterioration in the animal’s health.

Temperature levels vary greatly among dogs of different ages.

What is normal temperature in dogs?

This indicator can be affected by:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • age of the animal;
  • habitat;
  • breed.

In hot weather, your pet will very intensively look for a cooler place, and by increasing its breathing, it will cool the body. In such conditions, for dogs, an increase in body temperature of 0.5-1.5 degrees may not be considered a very big problem.

This problem affects large breed dogs the most. A larger body surface area helps absorb a greater proportion of thermal energy.

The puppy's temperature is higher than adult dog.

How will dog breed and size affect body temperature?

Dog handlers around the world and research organizations have identified certain relationships between the body temperature of dogs and their age and size. For example, the body will be slightly warmer than that of larger animals.

It all depends on the features metabolic processes pet's body. In small dogs, these processes proceed a little faster, so the puppy’s body will be much warmer than that of an adult animal.

If we take absolutely healthy dog, then an adult’s temperature will be within 37.5-38.5 degrees. For a puppy, this indicator will be 1-1.2 degrees higher.

The dependence of body temperature on the size of the dog in puppies will look something like this.

  • small breeds 38.5-39.3;
  • medium size breeds 38.5-39.0;
  • large breeds 38.0-39.0.

For adults, the dependence will look like this:

  • small breeds 38.5-39.0;
  • medium size breeds 37.5-39.0;
  • large breeds 37.5-38.5

And even within a specific age and a specific breed, some deviations from the average temperature parameters may be observed. This may be due to some individual characteristics organism, be a consequence physical activity, exposure to the fear factor, or estrus or childbirth in females.

If we are talking about a healthy individual, then you do not need to monitor the animal’s body temperature every day. Measurements should be taken only to find out what temperature the dog will have, in your particular case, will be normal.

If we are talking about an unhealthy animal, then you need to measure the temperature in the morning and evening, recording the data in a notebook. This way you can track changes in your health.

Deviations from the norm

Not very experienced dog owners consider a dry nose. This information is not absolutely correct. For a dog to have a dry and warm nose at night is absolutely normal.

During sleep, the animal simply does not lick it. A dry nose is not a reason to run to the veterinary clinic, unless it is one of the set of symptoms observed in your tailed one.

A healthy animal, in most cases, looks cheerful. The dog will actively react to what is happening around him, actively play and will have a good appetite. The coat will lie tightly and have a healthy shine.

In a sick animal, everything will be completely opposite. Lethargy, refusal to eat, anxiety, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, rapid pulse and breathing - these are signs when you should sound the alarm.

And if the picture of the animal’s health takes on one of the above colors, then in this case, body temperature measurements will help determine the seriousness and danger of the situation. The reasons for the change in this case will be various diseases or infections.

A strong increase in temperature will be observed with plague, piroplasmosis, heatstroke, endometritis. Low body temperature can be caused by parvovirus enteritis or other diseases.

Taking the temperature at home

In order to measure a dog’s body temperature at home, you need to take a regular medical thermometer, mercury or electronic. The procedure itself is not very complicated, but it requires some particularly careful handling of the animal.

Body temperature measurements are carried out through anus, into the animal's rectum. Main points of the procedure:

  1. Before measurement, the values ​​on the measuring device should be reset to zero, and the tip should be lubricated with Vaseline.
  2. The dog needs to be laid on its side, the tail raised and carefully, slowly, insert the measuring device into the anus, to a depth of 2 centimeters.
  3. The dog should be as calm as possible at the time of measurement. A stressful situation can provoke sharp increase temperature. Sudden movements of the animal are unacceptable. They can cause damage from a broken thermometer.
  4. You can give your animal treats as a reward. The animal should be praised and encouraged both before and after the procedure.

This method is more suitable for inexperienced owners. In more prepared cases, body temperature measurements are carried out with the animal standing. This method can be useful when the animal has undergone the procedure and does not experience severe stress from it. IN veterinary clinics, experts often resort to the second method.

What is the difference between a mercury and an electronic measuring instrument? The answer is simple and obvious - the only advantage of a mercury thermometer is its cost. The positive aspects end there.

In order to accurately measure temperature mercury thermometer, we will need at least 5 minutes. Not every dog ​​will lie still during this procedure. And if we are talking about an animal that is worried about something, then the risks are visible to the naked eye.

An electronic device can give an accurate answer in just 1 minute, so it is more advisable to acquire electronic thermometers, even if it is a little more expensive.

What to do when an animal has a fever?

It is best to use either a rectal or a universal thermometer.

To clearly understand why this characteristic of a dog’s body can be increased, you need to understand the basic rules of the animal’s heat exchange.

Under normal conditions, the dog receives the necessary amount of heat, which must be given off in external environment. When, for some reason, the amount of heat removed is less than the heat received, an increase in temperature can be observed in the animal.

If we are talking about diseases, then along with an increase in the animal’s body you can observe the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting or retching;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • convulsions;
  • hair loss.

Any combination of the above is definitely a trip to the vet. Remember than earlier illness will be diagnosed, the less dire the consequences of the disease will be for your pet, and in some cases, for your family members.

Endometritis and similar diseases. Heatstroke can also cause fever. A low temperature can be caused by parvovirus enteritis, mainly in young animals, or by worms.

What is the normal temperature for dogs? The veterinarian knows, and in these cases it is the veterinarian who must diagnose your dog's illness and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Often self-medication can lead to fatal consequences due to incorrect diagnosis of the disease.

If an animal needs to be taken to a veterinary hospital, then during transportation you need to remember:

  1. If the dog’s body index is above 40 degrees, then the animal should be disturbed less. If possible, place an ice bag on the animal.
  2. If the value is too low, then the animal should be wrapped and a heating pad placed on the body.

Emergency methods to reduce fever

To bring down the temperature a little and make the animal feel better, before starting a large-scale fight against the disease, you should resort to the following actions:

  • ventilate the room;
  • cool the room by 2-3 degrees;
  • close the windows with curtains to prevent the room from warming up from the sun's rays;
  • wet the cloth in cool water and place it on the dog’s stomach;
  • Place a bowl of cold water next to the animal and change it as the water warms up.

You should resort to medication only if the dog’s body is already warmer than 40.5 degrees.

A dog's body temperature is an important indicator of the animal's well-being. Normally, dogs' temperature is usually slightly higher than that of humans. On average it is 37.5 – 38.5 degrees.

A healthy puppy usually has a slightly higher temperature - up to 39 degrees. However, there are also more subtle nuances, which, in particular, are determined by age, size, body weight and even breed. As a result, normal temperatures may vary slightly.

So, the most hot» there are puppies of small breed dogs (up to 39.3 degrees). The older and larger the dog, the lower its temperature. And in adult dogs of large breeds, the norm is in the range of 37.4-38.3 degrees.

In dogs, a short-term increase in temperature can occur after physical exertion, from fear or excitement, in bitches and, of course, in hot weather.

An increase or decrease in a dog's body temperature is a sign of illness.

The reason for measuring temperature should be such signs of ill health as refusal to eat for more than a day, general lethargy, dry hot nose, pale tongue and gums. Moreover, with such symptoms as diarrhea, cramps.

Temperature may deviate from normal at very various diseases. For example, it increases with heat stroke, endometritis (in bitches), distemper, and other diseases. The temperature may drop when helminthic infestation, parvovirus enteritis in young dogs and puppies and other diseases.

Also, causes of increased body temperature in dogs can be:

  • eruption of molars in a puppy between the ages of 3 and 9 months;
  • graft;
  • stress, which is also called Shar-Pei fever;
  • a wound, or rather an abscess after advanced skin damage;
  • joint inflammation;
  • allergy;
  • infections.

When to Monitor Your Dog's Body Temperature

A healthy dog ​​should have its body temperature measured during pregnancy and before and after birth. The fact is that a pregnant bitch a sharp decline temperature usually indicates that labor will begin in a few hours.

It is also necessary to measure the temperature before and after vaccinations. According to a certain schedule, the temperature of breeding puppies is measured, starting from birth.

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A dog’s body temperature is a question that worries many four-legged owners. After all, there can be many reasons for both its growth and its decline. However, knowing about the normal temperature that your pet should have, it is much easier to detect the problem and begin the required treatment. Correctly measuring the temperature of an adult dog or puppy is not difficult, but there are some subtleties here too.

First, you need to understand exactly what is considered the temperature norm. In a puppy of any breed, an elevated temperature can most often be measured before the age of six months. It stays within 39 degrees. If we don’t talk about the presence in the body inflammatory processes, then the reasons for its jumps healthy babies there may be several:

  • due to the growth and development of systems, internal organs;
  • reaction to the environment, external stimuli;
  • an insufficiently established mechanism of thermoregulation (for example, in the absence of the mother, the body cools, and in the summer when it’s hot, the puppy’s temperature will have to be measured more often, since it will rise);
  • teething.

The temperature in dogs of such a young age is not a static indicator, and in order to know what is normal for a puppy, you should measure it at least once a week. Wet and cold nose- not a completely reliable criterion for the health of an animal, which is mistakenly trusted by supporters of traditional methods.

Features of body temperature of adult pets

A mature dog already has conventional body temperature values, which vary from 37.5 to 39 degrees depending on a number of factors. For example, the degree of hairiness does not play a role and is not a determining factor in what the temperature norm for an animal should be. Here are the pets dwarf breeds, if you measure their temperature and compare it with indicators more large dogs, have always been distinguished by greater heat transfer. Human short-haired friends succumb to overheating and hypothermia much faster than their counterparts with thick woolen coats.

In addition, a dog’s body temperature, just like a person’s, is the main indicator of the presence of an infection in the body or the course of an inflammatory disease. pathological process. Of course, if the increase is not caused by weather conditions: it is quite possible that in the heat the body temperature will be higher than normal. However, additional symptoms are a clear signal that it’s time to sound the alarm. For objective information about your pet’s condition, it is advisable to measure its temperature several times during the day. If an increased or decreased temperature (by 1-1.5 degrees) has been regularly observed over the course of a week, the body is probably affected by some kind of disease.

Causes of changes in a dog's body temperature

More often heat dogs, which had to be measured day after day, indicated:

  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • internal bleeding;
  • intoxication of the body.

No matter what temperature your dogs have, there is no need to panic. In addition to pathologies, other circumstances can also affect the animal’s body:

  • after sleep or towards the end of the day, some animals may experience a slight increase of no more than 0.5 degrees. Meanwhile, dogs' normal body temperature may drop during sleep.
  • Stress or excessive exercise can cause an increase in body temperature;
  • in case of prolonged exposure to the street, where it is cold or very hot.

If there is the slightest doubt, you should immediately measure the dog’s temperature. It’s great if, worried about the pet, the owner has to go with him to the veterinarian, who will say that everything is fine with the dog. This visit will be carried out for preventive purposes. If during the examination one of the above diseases is discovered, it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible.

In order to measure the temperature of a furry pet, the dog is usually laid on its side or placed on its paws. The main thing is that the animal remains calm. You should not put your pet down by force. Once you are at peace with yourself, you need to begin the procedure. Once you start measuring your dog’s temperature, you should constantly talk to it, pet it, and act gently and naturally. In order for the thermometer to enter the anus without pain, its tip must be lubricated with a lubricant (vaseline is ideal for this purpose). Immersion of 1 cm is enough if the pet’s weight does not exceed 20 kg, but if the temperature of a large breed dog has to be measured, then it can be moved another 1 cm. In the absence of an electronic device, you can only use a mercury device, although the advantage in convenience and safety is given to the first.

The main recommendation before measuring the temperature of dogs is the following: you should not start the procedure if there is no confidence that you will be able to hold the four-legged one yourself and, perhaps at such a moment, even aggressive dog. It is better to find yourself an assistant in advance. The point here is not only the danger for the owner, which is threatened by an angry pet. If you measure the temperature incorrectly, you can damage the integrity of the intestine or injure the anus, which will require additional treatment.

First aid for high and low temperatures

No matter what the thermometer shows, no matter what the dog’s temperature is, the norm can only be achieved by consulting a doctor. It is strictly prohibited to arbitrarily prescribe treatment to an animal, and even with drugs intended for humans. Not all components are suitable for temperature balancing human body, can benefit dogs. But this does not mean at all that you need to sit back and do nothing.

In case of elevated temperatures, the following actions can be considered as optimal first aid measures:

  1. Give the animal to drink cool water in small portions.
  2. Cover your back and sides with towels soaked in cold water.
  3. Apply ice wrapped in cloth between the ears and to the paws.

At low temperature The owner's only goal will be to warm the tailed pet. The actions are almost the same as those that need to be performed when elevated temperature. But there is one difference: instead of ice there are warm heating pads, instead of cold water– warm.

At the first opportunity, the dog must be shown to a specialist. You should not risk the health of your faithful and devoted friend.

The value of body temperature in dogs is a very important indicator that indicates general state animal, the presence or absence of inflammatory processes, intoxications, as well as shock and poisoning in its body. Exactly this physiological significance helps the dog owner to objectively assess whether his pet is sick and determine whether he needs emergency veterinary care. The dog's body temperature is normal is 37.5-39.0 0 C and is a very individual indicator, which depends on a huge number of factors, both from the animal itself and its external environment. Therefore, every breeder should know what indicators of this parameter are typical for his pet, periodically measuring his dog’s temperature in a quiet and comfortable environment.

What should a dog's normal body temperature be?

Normal temperature in dogs– a relative indicator, which depends on the age of the animal, its breed, physiological state, intensity of physical activity, stress, changes in conditions environment etc. Typically, in healthy representatives of the species, the temperature ranges from 37.5 to 39.0 0 C. Dog owners should be aware that body temperatures in puppies are always higher than their similar values ​​in adult animals, in addition normal temperature in small breed dogs differs from the body temperature of large pets.

Table of normal temperatures for dogs of different ages and sizes

Body temperature



Small breeds

38.6 - 39.3 0 C

38.5 -39.0 0 C

Medium breeds

38.3 – 39.1 0 C

37.5 – 39.0 0 C

Large breeds

38.2 – 39.0 0 C

37.4 – 38.3 0 C

Normal body temperature in dogs also depends on the physiological state of the animal. For example, in females in a position in last days During pregnancy, the temperature drops by a whole degree, which serves additional method diagnosis of labor that is approaching. An increase in temperature can be observed in animals during estrus or stressful situations when the dog feels unsafe.

Dogs' body temperature is influenced by weather factors. In hot weather, this value tends to increase, so animals will drink a lot, look for a cool place and avoid physical activity. In the cool season, dogs feel much lighter and do not experience such discomfort.

To find out What temperature is considered normal for a dog?, it is necessary to measure it periodically. This will allow you to determine the average temperature (norm), deviations from which can then be regarded as health problems for the pet and serve as a reason for a visit to the veterinarian.

Methods for measuring body temperature in dogs. How to do it right?

There is an opinion that a dog's body temperature can be judged by the condition of its nose. Unfortunately, it is erroneous and has nothing to do with modern ideas about determining temperature indicators in animals. Most The right way, thanks to which you can find out what is the body temperature of dogs, - use of an electronic thermometer. Mercury thermometer It is not advisable to use in accordance with safety regulations. Naturally, it is better for the device to be individual.

In order to measure a dog's body temperature, you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. Take a thermometer, which must first be reset to zero, and lubricate its tip with Vaseline or baby cream.
  2. Before, how to measure a dog's temperature, you need to calm the animal, pet it or praise it. At home, it is better to place your pet on its side, although veterinarians measure the body temperature of dogs in a standing position.
  3. The thermometer is inserted into the animal's rectum to a depth of no more than 2 cm. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to injure the pet or frighten it. The mercury thermometer should be held for about 3-5 minutes, and the electronic one - until characteristic sound signals appear.
  4. After the time required to determine the temperature indicator has passed, the thermometer is removed, and the measurement result is recorded and, if necessary, written down in a notebook.

What to do if your dog's body temperature is different from normal?

An increase or decrease in a dog’s body temperature should alert its owner, especially if this phenomenon is accompanied by a change in the animal’s behavioral reactions and the appearance of various pathological symptoms. All such manifestations may indicate that the pet is sick. You should not try to treat your dog yourself or wait until alarming symptoms will disappear on their own. Such actions are regarded by experts as very dangerous in relation to a sick animal and its state of health, because they can lead to dire consequences, the emergence severe complications or even death.

Any changes in the dog’s body temperature are a good reason to visit the veterinarian’s office. Only a qualified specialist is able to determine the reasons for the increase or decrease in temperature in an animal and take adequate measures to normalize it.