Competitions for children 7-11 years old. Ideas, quizzes, competitions for children's birthdays

These competitions will help teachers and parents entertain their children. They can be carried out in classes, festive events, at home, on the street.


Turn out the sleeves of two jackets and hang them on the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter with their backs facing each other. Place a two-meter long rope under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. At the signal, they must take their jackets, turn out the sleeves, put them on, and fasten all the buttons. Then run around your opponent’s chair, sit on your chair and pull the string.

Who is faster

Children with skipping ropes in their hands stand in a line on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. In 15 - 20 steps, a line is drawn or a cord with flags is laid down. Following the agreed signal, all children simultaneously jump in the direction of the placed cord. The one who gets near her first wins.

Hitting the ball on target

A pin or flag is placed at a distance of 8-10 m. Each team member gets the right to one throw, he must try to knock down the target. After each throw, the ball is returned to the team. If the target is shot down, it is replaced in its original place. The team with the most accurate hits wins.
- the ball does not fly, but rolls along the ground, launched by hand,
- players kick kick the ball,
- players throw the ball with both hands from behind their heads.

Ball in the ring

Teams are lined up in a single column, one at a time, in front of the basketball backboards at a distance of 2–3 meters. After the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that hits the hoop the most wins.


In the center of the circle or stage are two easels with paper. The leader calls two groups of five people. At the signal from the leader, the first from the group take the coal and draw the beginning of the picture; at the signal, they pass the coal to the next one. The task is for all five competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents. Everyone must participate in drawing.
The tasks are simple: draw a steam locomotive, a bicycle, a steamship, a truck, a tram, an airplane, etc.

Roll a ball

The players are divided into groups of 2 - 5 people. Each of them receives a task: within a set time (8 - 10 minutes) roll a snowball as large as possible. The group that rolls the largest snowball by the specified time wins.

Three ball run

At the starting line, the first person conveniently takes 3 balls (football, volleyball and basketball). At the signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and places the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1 m, places them on the floor.
- instead of large balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,
— instead of running, jumping.


In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

Blow up the balloon

For this competition you will need 8 balloons. 8 people are selected from the audience. They are given balloons. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to inflate the balloons, but in such a way that the balloon does not burst when inflated. The one who completes the task first wins.


Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip.
Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

Hoop relay

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, go back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that completes the relay first wins.

Counter relay race with hoop and skipping rope

Teams line up as if in a relay race. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a jump rope. At the signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping through the hoop (like jumping rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the starting line of the opposite column, the player with the jump rope starts and moves forward by jumping the rope. After completing the task, each participant passes the equipment to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and change places in the columns. Jogging is prohibited.


4 players (2 from each team) stand on the starting line. Everyone gets 3 large balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and picking up a fallen ball without outside help is also not easy. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too great). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player throws the ball back between the players' spread legs. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between his spread legs, etc. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Three jumps

Participants are divided into two teams. Place a jump rope and a hoop at a distance of 8-10 m from the starting line. After the signal, the first person, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The second person takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and alternates between the jump rope and the hoop. The team that finishes it faster will win.

Hoop race

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up along the side lines of the court. On the right flank of each team there is a captain; he is wearing 10 gymnastic hoops. At the signal, the captain takes off the first hoop and passes it through himself from top to bottom, or vice versa and passes it to the next player. At the same time, the captain takes off the second hoop and passes it to his neighbor, who, having completed the task, passes the hoop on. Thus, each player, having passed the hoop to his neighbor, immediately receives a new hoop. The last player in the line puts all the hoops on himself. The team whose players complete the task faster receives a winning point. The team whose players win twice wins.

Quick threes

Players stand in a circle in threes, one after the other. The first numbers of each three join hands and form an inner circle. The second and third numbers, holding hands, form a large outer circle. At the signal, the guys standing in the inner circle run to the right with side steps, and those standing in the outer circle run to the left. At the second signal, the players release their hands and stand in their threes. Each time the circles move in a different direction. The three players who come together faster receive a winning point. The game lasts 4 - 5 minutes. The trio whose players score the most points wins.

Prohibited movement

The players and the leader stand in a circle. The leader takes a step forward to be more noticeable. If there are few players, then you can line them up and stand in front of them. The leader invites the children to perform all the movements after him, with the exception of those prohibited, which were previously established by him. For example, it is prohibited to perform the “hands on the belt” movement. The leader begins to make different movements to the music, and all the players repeat them. Unexpectedly, the leader performs a prohibited movement. The player repeating it takes a step forward and then continues to play.

Courtesy check

This competition is tricky and is only held once. Before the start of the boys' competition, a girl passes in front of them and, as if by accident, drops her handkerchief. The boy who guessed to pick up the scarf and politely return it to the girl wins. After this it is announced that this was the first competition.
Option: if the competition is between two teams, then the point is awarded to the one from which the most polite boy was.

Good fairy tale

The basis is a fairy tale with a sad ending (for example, the Snow Maiden, the Little Mermaid, etc.). And the children are given the task of thinking about how this fairy tale can be remade, using characters from other fairy tales, so that it ends happily. The winner is the team that plays out the fairy tale in the form of a mini-play in the most funny and cheerful way.


The game participants are divided into two equal groups. The players of each group hold on to each other and form one chain with their arms bent at the elbows.
Stronger and more dexterous participants – “groovy” ones – become ahead of the chain. Standing opposite each other, the “clockwork” also takes each other’s arms bent at the elbows and each pulls in their own direction, trying to either break the opponent’s chain or pull it over the intended line.
Rule: start pulling exactly at the signal.

Story competition folk tales

Children are divided into two teams. The presenter says the first words from the title of folk tales; participants must say the entire title. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.
1. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray... (wolf)
2. Sister Alyonushka and brother... (Ivan)
3. Finist - Clear... (falcon)
4. Princess - ... (Toad)
5. Geese - ... (Swans)
6. By pike... (order)
7. Moroz... (Ivanovich)
8. Snow White and the seven... (dwarves)
9. Horse - ... (Humpbacked Little Humpback)

Speak without mistakes

Whoever pronounces these proverbs better will win:
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.
He reported, but didn’t report enough, but when he began to report more, he reported.

Night travel

The presenter says that the driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player is blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to a freeway made from sports pins. Handing the steering wheel to the driver, the presenter offers to practice and drive so that not a single post is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and brought to the steering wheel. The presenter gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about danger. When the path has been completed, the leader unties the driver's eyes. Then the next participants in the game “go”. The one who knocks down the pins the least wins.

Sharp shooters

There is a target mounted on the wall. You can use small balls or darts.
Each player has three tries.
After the game, the host rewards the winners and encourages the losers.

Keep your balance

With their arms extended to the sides, the players, like tightrope walkers, walk along the very edge of the carpet.
The last one to leave the race wins.


The conditions are as follows: there are five eggs in the cassette. One of them is raw, the presenter warns. And the rest are boiled. You need to break an egg on your forehead. Whoever comes across something raw is the bravest one. (But in general, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is simply awarded to the last participant - he consciously took the risk of becoming everyone’s laughing stock.)

Game "Merry Orchestra"

An unlimited number of people participate in the game. A conductor is selected, the remaining participants are divided into balalaika players, accordionists, trumpeters, violinists, etc., depending on the number of participants. At a signal from the conductor, who points to a group of musicians, they begin to “play” to the tune of any famous song: balalaika players - “Trem, shake”, violinists - “tili-tili”, trumpeters - “turu-ru”, accordionists - “tra- la-la." The difficulty of the task is that the pace of change of musicians is constantly increasing, the conductor points first to one group, then to the other, and if the conductor waves both hands, then the musicians must “play” all together. You can make the task more difficult: if the conductor waves his hand strongly, then the musicians must “play” loudly, and if he waves his hand a little, then the musicians “play” quietly.

Game "Collect a bouquet"

2 teams of 8 people each participate. 1 child in the team is a gardener, the rest are flowers. On the heads of the flower children are hats with images of flowers. Flower children squat in a column, one at a time, at a considerable distance from each other. At a signal, the gardeners run to the first flower, which grabs the gardener’s back. Already the two of them run to the next flower, etc. The team that runs to the finish line first wins.


You will need a long cord and a ring. Thread the cord through the ring and tie the ends. Children sit in a circle and place a cord with a ring on their knees. In the center of the circle is the driver. Children, unnoticed by the driver, move the ring from one to another (not necessarily in one direction, you can move the ring in different directions). At the same time, music sounds, and the driver carefully monitors the movements of the ring. As soon as the music stops, the ring also stops. The driver must indicate who currently has the ring. If you guess right, you change places with the one who had the ring.

And I!

A game of attentiveness.
Rules of the game: the presenter tells a story about himself, preferably a fable. During the story, he pauses and raises his hand up. The rest should listen carefully and, when the leader raises his hand up, shout “and I” if the action mentioned in the story can be performed by a person or remain silent if the action is not suitable. For example, the presenter says:
“One day I went into the forest...
All: “Me too!”
I see a squirrel sitting on a tree...
The squirrel sits and gnaws nuts...
— ….
- She saw me and let’s throw nuts at me...
- I ran away from her...
- I went the other way...
— ….
- I’m walking through the forest, picking flowers...
— …
- I sing songs...
— ….
— I see a little goat nibbling the grass... -...? - As soon as I whistle...
— ….
— The little goat got scared and ran away...
- And I moved on...
— …
There are no winners in this game - the main thing is a cheerful mood.


Children stand in one line. By lot or counting, I choose the first participant. He faces everyone and performs some movement, for example: clapping his hands, jumping on one leg, turning his head, raising his arms, etc. Then he stands in his place, and the next player takes his place. He repeats the movement of the first participant and adds his own.
The third player repeats the two previous gestures and adds his own, and so do the rest of the game participants in turn. When the whole team has finished showing, the game can go on for the second round. A player who fails to repeat any gesture is eliminated from the game. The winner is the last child standing.

Sparrows and crows

You can play together with a child, but better company. Agree in advance what the sparrows will do and what the crows will do. For example, with the command “Sparrows,” children will lie down on the floor. And when the Crows command, climb onto the bench. Now you can start the game. An adult slowly pronounces, syllable by syllable, “Vo - ro - ... ny!” Children must quickly perform the movement that was assigned to the crows. Whoever completed it last or got it wrong pays a forfeit.

Plucking feathers

You will need clothespins. Several children will be catchers. They are given clothespins, which they attach to their clothes. If the catcher catches one of the children, he attaches a clothespin to his clothes. The first catcher to free himself from his clothespins wins.

Looking for the ball

The participants of the game stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader takes a small ball or any other small object and throws it further to the side. Everyone listens carefully, trying to guess by the sound where the ball fell. At the command “Look!” children run away different sides, looking for the ball. The winner is the one who finds it, quietly runs up to a pre-agreed place and knocks with a stick with the words “The ball is mine!” If other players guess who has the ball, they try to catch up with him and grab him. Then the ball goes to the player who caught up. Now he is running away from the others.


Children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a ball of thread and a thick pencil. At the leader’s signal, the children begin to rewind the ball onto a pencil. One of the children holds the ball, the second winds the thread around the pencil. The pair that completes the job the fastest wins. A second prize can be awarded for the neatest ball.

Two rams

This game can be played in pairs taking turns. Two children, with their legs spread wide apart, bend their torsos forward and rest their foreheads against each other. Hands clasped behind back. The task is to confront each other without budging for as long as possible. You can make the sounds “Bee-ee”.


Invite the children to test their attentiveness, observation and reaction speed. It's very easy to do. Let the guys answer any of your questions: “Potatoes.” Questions can be addressed to everyone, and sometimes it is better to ask one. For example: “What do you have in this place?” (pointing to his nose).
The reaction is not hard to imagine. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. Do not forget to forgive the most inattentive ones after the first two questions, otherwise you will have no one to continue the game with. Here are some questions you can ask:
— What did you have for lunch today?
-What would you like to eat for dinner?
- Who is this who is late and is entering the hall now?
— What did your mother bring you as a gift?
-What do you dream about at night?
— What is the name of your favorite dog? … and so on.
At the end of the game, give the winners - the most attentive guys - a comic prize - a potato.


Plastic cups or small buckets of water filled to the brim are placed on children's trucks. Ropes of the same length (according to the child’s height) are tied to the cars. On command, you must quickly “carry the load” from start to finish, trying not to spill the water. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line the fastest and does not spill the water. You can make two prizes - for speed and for accuracy.

Crumple up the newspaper

You will need newspapers according to the number of participants. There is an unfolded newspaper on the floor in front of the players. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the presenter’s signal, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.
Whoever can do this first is the winner.

Clever janitor

To play, you need to prepare a broom and “leaves” (You can use small pieces of paper). A circle is drawn - this is the place of the “janitor.” The janitor is selected. The “janitor” stands in a circle with a broom. At the leader’s signal, the rest of the participants pretend to be the “wind,” that is, they throw pieces of paper into the circle, and the “janitor” sweeps out the trash. The “janitor” is considered the winner if after the agreed time (1-2 minutes) there is not a single piece of paper in the circle.


Two slits for hands are made on a sheet of whatman paper or cardboard. Participants take each sheet of paper, insert their hands into the slots, and draw a portrait with a brush without looking. Whoever has the most successful “masterpiece” takes the prize.


Children are divided into two teams. After which the players of the first team confer and think of a word for one of the players of the second team. His task is to show this word to his team members only with gestures, without using any sounds or words. When the word is guessed, the teams change places.
Depending on the age of the participants, the complexity of the hidden words may vary. Beginning with simple words and concepts, such as “car”, “house”, and ending with complex concepts, names of films, cartoons, books.


Each child is given a “snowflake”, i.e. a small ball of cotton wool. Children loosen their snowflakes and, at your signal, launch them into the air and begin to blow on them from below so that they stay in the air as long as possible. The most dexterous one wins.

Land - water

Participants of the competition stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word “land” - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

Drawing a portrait

Participants try to draw a portrait of any of those sitting opposite. Then the leaves are sent in a circle. Everyone on back side will try to write who he recognized in this portrait. When the leaves go around the circle and return to the author, he will count the number of votes of the participants who recognized the one drawn. The best artist wins.


Players are given a bunch of keys and a locked padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock as quickly as possible. You can put a lock on the cabinet where the prize is hidden.


All players close their eyes and pull matches from the pile one at a time. You cannot show your match to your neighbor. One of the matches is broken, and the one who takes it out becomes a sniper. Then everyone opens their eyes and the day begins. A sniper can kill a player by looking into his eyes and winking. The “killed” person leaves the game and loses the right to vote.
If one of the players witnesses a “murder”, he has the right to say loudly about it, at this moment the game stops (that is, the sniper cannot kill anyone), and the players find out if there are any more witnesses. If not, the game continues, and if there is, the angry players lynch the suspect, taking the match away from him and thus finding out whether they made a mistake. The sniper's task is to shoot everyone before he is exposed, and everyone else's task is to expose the sniper before he shoots everyone.

Chinese football

The players stand in a circle facing outward, with their feet shoulder-width apart, so that each foot stands close to the symmetrical leg of its neighbor. Inside the circle there is a ball, which the players try to score into each other’s goal (that is, roll the ball between their legs with their hands). The one between whose legs the ball rolls removes one hand, after the second goal - the second, and after the third - leaves the game.


The players stand in a circle, alternating by gender (that is, boy-girl-boy-girl, and so on), with the driver in the center. The players rhythmically clap their hands and say the following words in chorus: “Aram-shim-shim, aram-shim-shim, Arameya-Zufiya, point to me!” And again! And two! And three!”, at this time the driver, closing his eyes and pointing his hands forward, rotates in place, and when the text ends, he stops and opens his eyes. The representative of the opposite sex closest in the direction of rotation to the place shown to them also goes to the center, where they stand back to back. Then everyone else claps their hands again, saying in unison: “And once! And two! And three!". On the count of three, those standing in the center turn their heads to the sides. If they looked in different directions, then the driver kisses (usually on the cheek) the one who came out, if in one direction, they shake hands. After which the driver stands in a circle, and the one who leaves becomes the driver.
There is also a version of the game in which for the representatives of the stronger sex spinning in the center the words “Aram-shim-shim, ...” are replaced with “Wider, wider, wider circle! He has seven hundred girlfriends! This one, this one, this one, this one, and my favorite one is this one!”, although in general it doesn’t matter.
When playing the game at a younger age, it makes sense to replace kisses with scary faces that the two in the center make at each other.

And I'm going

The players stand in a circle facing inward. One of the seats remains free. The one standing to the right of the free space says loudly, “And I’m coming!” and goes over to him. The next one (that is, the one who is now standing to the right of the empty seat) loudly says “Me too!” and moves on to him, the next one says “And I’m a hare!” and also takes place on the right. The next one, moving on, says “And I’m with...” and names someone from those standing in the circle. The task of the one who was named is to run to an empty place. In this game, you can add a driver who will wedge into an empty seat when someone is thinking too long.

Game "Lanterns"

This game involves 2 teams. Each team has 3 yellow balls. At the command of the presenter, the audience begins to pass the balls from hand to hand from the first row to the last. You need to pass the balls (fire) with your hands raised and return them back in the same way, without extinguishing the fire (i.e. without bursting the ball).

Competition "Who can collect coins faster"

The competition is open to 2 people (more is possible). Game coins made of thick paper are scattered around the site. The participants' task is to collect money blindfolded. The one who is faster and wins will collect more coins This competition can be repeated 2 - 3 times.


The players are free to sit in the room. When the text begins, everyone performs voluntary movements. With the last word “stopped,” all movements stop, the participants in the game seem to freeze. The presenter, passing by them, notices the one who moved. He leaves the game. A wide variety of movements can be used, but always while standing still. At the end of the game, the presenter also marks those who performed the most beautiful or complex movements.
Rain, rain, drop,
Water Saber,
I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,
Cut, cut, didn't cut
And he got tired and stopped!


A rope is stretched across the room, to which the
various small prizes. The children are blindfolded one by one and given
scissors and them eyes closed cut off a prize for themselves. (Be
Be careful, do not leave children alone while playing this game!).

Cockroach race

For this game you will need 4 matchboxes and 2 threads (for two participants). The thread is tied to the belt in front, and a matchbox is tied to the other end of the thread so that it hangs between the legs. The second box is placed on the floor. Swinging boxes between their legs like a pendulum, participants must push boxes lying on the floor. Whoever covers the pre-determined distance faster is considered the winner.


A deep plate is placed on a chair, participants must take turns throwing a button or a bottle cap into it from a distance of 2-3 meters, trying to hit it so that the button remains in the plate.
This simple game is very captivating and exciting for kids.


The guys sit on chairs so that a circle is formed. There must be a player behind each person sitting on a chair, and one chair must be free. The player standing behind him must discreetly wink at any of those sitting in the circle. All seated participants must face the player with an empty chair. A sitting participant, seeing that he has been winked at, must quickly take an empty seat. The functions of the players standing behind those sitting are to prevent their players from going to empty seats. To do this, they just have to put their hand on the shoulder of the person sitting. If the “guard” does not release the “fugitive”, they change places.

One - knee, two - knee

Everyone sits down on chairs again in a tight circle. Then everyone should put their hand on right knee neighbor on the left. Did you put it in? So, now, starting with the counselor, a light hand clap should pass clockwise across all knees in turn. First - the counselor’s right hand, then left hand his neighbor on the right, then the right hand of the neighbor on the left, then the left hand of the counselor, etc.
The first round is held so that the guys understand how to act. After this the game begins. The one who made a mistake during the game removes the hand that either delayed its clap or made it earlier. If a player removes both hands, he leaves the circle and the game continues. To complicate the task, the counselor gives the count faster and faster, under which the clap should be made. The last three players standing win. and receive a certificate for certification?

Funny children's, active competitions for birthdays!

The happiest day for a mother, a day that cannot be forgotten, is the birthday of her child. However, the older the baby gets, the more troublesome this holiday can be for parents. However, these efforts are pleasant. A gift for the birthday boy and colorful invitations for his guests, a cake with candles and lots and lots of balloons, pick up games and entertainment for the kids... It seems like nothing has been forgotten. To help you a little, we have collected the most interesting birthday contests for children here! And you don’t need to look for anything!

Game “Bird Market”

(children's competitions are good both for school and for a child's birthday)

This is an Italian competition for teenagers. Six to eight people play. One player is the seller, the other is the buyer. The rest squat down and cover their knees with their hands. They're chickens. The buyer approaches the seller and asks: “Are there any chickens for sale?” - “How not to be, there is.” - “Can I take a look?” - "Please". The buyer comes behind the chickens and touches them one by one: “I don’t like this one, he’s too old,” “This one is wiry,” “This one is skinny,” etc. And finally, touching the selected chicken, he says: “I’ll buy this one.” The seller and buyer lift the chicken by both elbows into the air, swing it and say: “You are a good chicken. Don’t unclasp your arms and don’t laugh.” If the chosen chicken starts to smile or laugh or opens his arms, he is eliminated from the game.

Shot Put Competition

(Funny children's competition not only for schoolchildren - teenagers)

An inflated balloon is placed on the edge of the table. The driver is blindfolded and placed with his back to the table. Then he takes 5 steps forward and turns in place three times. Next, he must return to the table and blow the ball onto the floor. Most likely, he will lose the right direction and will blow the ball away from where there is no trace of it. It will be very funny!

A kopeck saves the ruble

To play you will need small coins and several small cups. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of players. According to the number of teams, piggy bank cups are placed at the finish line. Each team lines up one behind the other.

A coin is placed on the toe of the first team member. The player tries to carry it from the start line to the finish line (three to four meters) without dropping it and throw it into the “piggy bank.” The participant who drops the coin is eliminated from the game. For each coin that lands in the cup, the team is awarded one point. The team that scores wins greatest number points.

Game "Mirror"

The participants of the game are divided into two teams. One person from each team stands at a distance of three steps from the ball lying in the middle. The task of one of the players is to approach the ball, grab it and take it away, the task of the other is to protect the ball.
Rules of the game: The one who approaches the ball must make various movements around it: crouch, turn his back to the ball, even move away from it. And the defender must, like a mirror, repeat everything that the enemy does, and at the same time be on alert. He can also bully his opponent before he takes one step away from the ball. All pairs play in turns, the players of the first team “take” the ball, the players of the second team defend it. In the second round, the teams switch roles. The one with the most points wins.

“Find a shoe”

Preparation. Two or more teams of 10-15 players remove their shoes and place them in a pile 15 steps in front of them. The shoes should be well mixed so that from afar no one can recognize theirs. A game. Both teams line up and the first player in line runs to the pile and looks for his shoes. When he finds it, he puts it on and runs back to his team. The next player in line does the same, and so on until all team members are once again wearing shoes. The game is most interesting when the players' shoes are not varied!

"Ribbon Pair"

(competitions for teenagers on February 14, pairs)
The presenter invites 5 boys and 5 girls to go on stage. They stand around him. The leader has 10 ribbons clutched in his fist, the ends of which hang freely in different directions, but their middles are mixed up. A bow is tied at one end of each ribbon. The presenter invites all participants to take hold of these ends; the girls need to choose those ends on which bows are tied. On the count of “One, two, three,” the presenter unclenches his fist, and all participants disperse around the hall. The first couple to unravel wins. Thus, each ribbon “tied” the pair with its ends.

Game with adjectives - Birthday greetings to a child

... and ... (child's name)! Happy birthday to you! Over this year, from ... and ... a baby, you have turned into ... and ... a boy/girl! And this is all thanks to your... mom and... dad. May they continue to love you and... raise you the same way. I wish you to remain the most... grandson/granddaughter for your... grandparents. And let your...grandmother Anya still dote on you. … let your mother’s friend Aunt Lena love you like her own son, and let her … daughter Katenka be crazy about you…. Aunt Masha and ... Uncle Vitya will always invite you to visit them and their ... sons Tyoma and Styopa will become your ... comrades. In general, grow up, (child’s name) ... and ... Kisses and hugs. Your... Aunt Tanya.

Instead of ... - adjectives invented in advance are substituted. Better by those people who have not seen the text of the congratulations. The funnier the adjectives, the more interesting the game will be.

"Theater director"

(great competition for school and birthdays)

Tell the poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly” if
1) you have a toothache
2) you got wet in the rain and were chilled
3) you got a speck in your eye
4) a brick fell on your foot
5) you have scabies
6) a wolf is chasing you
7) your parents hurt you
8) a fly stuck to you
9) your pants are falling down
10) you are in a very good mood)
Depict using facial expressions:
1) an athlete approaching the barbell
2) a fan of the team that scores the goal
3) football goalkeeper
4) fencer
5) an athlete who ran 5 kilometers
6) a patient in the dentist's office.

"Who is faster"

The guests are divided into two teams, each with a participant. They receive a large box and a matching set of items. Task: put the items in the box and close it as quickly as possible. With each new participant, the box becomes smaller, and the items are larger or more difficult to pack. But keep in mind that you must try in advance whether the items fit into the container. The team whose members complete the job faster and do their job better wins.

“Egg Basketball”

The game involves teams of three or more participants who are given raw eggs and one basket each. Team members must take turns getting an egg into the basket. The team that manages to throw the most eggs into the basket wins this competition.

“Dance with a lid”

To play, you will need an ordinary pan lid. Participants divide into pairs, clamp the lid of a saucepan between them and begin to dance to fast music. They must dance so that the lid does not fall, and if this does happen, the couple is eliminated from the game. The remaining couples continue to compete until the winner.

“Reel it quickly”

For this game you need to prepare two spools and threads 3 - 5 m long. A mark is made in the middle of the thread - with paint or a knot. The players stand opposite each other, holding a spool in their hands so that the thread is taut. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread onto the spool, all the time getting closer to each other. The first one to reach the middle of the string wins.

Sound engineer

This game requires sound accompaniment, and here you cannot do without special devices. To do this, immediately find objects that can become sources of different characteristic sounds. A baking sheet and a metal spoon, ski boots and a board, clean tin cans, a saucepan with a lid filled with dry peas, a whistle and more will do.
Also, have a tape recorder and a blank cassette ready. Now you are ready to make a radio show. Tell us, for example, “The Tale of Good and Evil.” It might start like this:
“One day we were wandering through the forest and suddenly heard someone’s steps. (Put your hands into your shoes, and then move them heavily and slowly along the board). At first the footsteps were quiet but gradually became louder and louder. (You know how to do this). I turned around and saw huge bear. I froze in fear, and then thunder struck. (Hit the pan several times with a spoon). I looked at the sky, from which large drops of rain were falling (shake a can of dry peas), and the bear opened his umbrella and walked away...”
Turn on the microphone and get down to business.


Everything and everyone turns into something else, but not with the help of words, but with the help of determining the appropriateness of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants become trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc. And if to the station, it means to a suitcase, a train, passengers. And if in the studio - as announcers, TV cameramen, “pop stars”, etc. At the same time, someone can create noise, depict props, etc.


First, participants are invited to “discover” a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “Populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw little figures of people on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner.

Fun competition

You will need: an empty (glass) bottle, thread and pens (pencils).
1) tie a thread to your waist.
2) tie a pen (pencil) to the remaining end (15-20cm).
3) stand over the bottle (push the pen (pencil) slightly once and try to insert the end of the pen (pencil) into the neck of the bottle.
Very fun competition! The one who does it first will win!!!

At this age, children love sweets of any kind. Each participant receives a glass of popcorn, which they will need to eat faster than others. You just have to eat with your hands tied. Reade set Go! Whoever is first wins.

Apple harvest

Children are divided into teams with the same number of people, approximately 5-7 participants. Each team receives a basket of apples (in the same quantity). Team members line up in separate rows. There are chairs at the same distance from each team. At the “start” command, the first participants take an apple from the basket and run to their chair, put it on the chair and run back, passing the baton to the second participants. The second participants take an apple and do the same. It will become more difficult when the apples do not fit on the chair and you will need to build a “pyramid” so that the fruits do not fall or roll off the chair. The team that is the first to carry all their apples and place them on the chair so that they do not fall will be the winner.

Seedless watermelon

Well, who in this world doesn’t love watermelon? Each of the child participants receives a huge discount of watermelon. But this is not just a treat, but an object of competition. At the leader’s command, the guys begin to pull out the bones from their skebka. Whoever is the first to show a clean watermelon without a single seed wins.

Matchstick road

Both a competition and an active sports activity. So, each participant receives a box of matches, naturally, with the same number of matches. At the command “start”, each participant begins to take out his matches and build his own road (one after the other). The participant who makes the fastest road using all his matches will win and receive a prize.

Talented artist

Each participant takes on the role of an artist and receives their own sheet of paper and drawing supplies, for example, pencils or paints. The presenter sets a general topic, for example, animal world or marine themes, fairy tales or autumn. Each of the guys has his hands tied behind his back. Participants begin to draw their picture. In 5-10 minutes, viewers will be able to admire the funny and unusual paintings of the guys, because drawing with your hands tied and behind your back is not so easy.


The guys are divided into pairs. In each pair, the participants are tied with a rope along their hands (for an experiment, their legs can also be tied). Couples stand in a circle. The leader takes the rope and, on the count of three, begins to rotate it across the floor, and the couples, in turn, must jump and jump over the rope when it is under their feet. If the pair fails, they are eliminated, and the game continues until there is only one winner left - one pair.

What's the catch?

Any of the poems are read to the children, but with some changes. Whoever notices the mistake first raises his hand and corrects it. Whichever of the guys can identify the most errors and correct them will receive a prize. For example:
Lukomorye has green maple,
Large chain on oak volume.
Walks both in the evening and in the morning
Along that chain, the cat is around the corner.

tickle me

Each of the guys takes turns tickling the guests lined up in a line and tries to do everything to make the guest laugh. Whichever child tickles the most guests will receive a prize.

Autographs of famous people

The guys are divided into teams of 3-4 people. The presenter takes turns showing a picture with the autograph of a specific person (Messi - football, Pugacheva - songs, Brad Pitt - acting, Gagarin - astronautics, and so on). Such autographs can be downloaded from the Internet and printed. So, the presenter shows the autograph, and the teams guess. The team that can correctly guess the most autographs will win.


The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. Everyone has several stones in their hands. Teams stand at a certain distance from each other. Participants take turns throwing their own pebble, trying to do it so that the pile is as “clustered” as possible. Whichever of the guys gets the most friendly pile of stones (that is, they will lie as close to each other as possible) will receive the title of winner, and at the same time a prize.

Greetings, dear blog readers! All fathers and mothers want to organize a real holiday for their “child”. What ideas can you come up with to entertain the children? After all, the gameplay for children is the most interesting and brings a lot of pleasure. And so that this day is not only solemn, but also unusually joyful, so that the house is filled with children's voices, laughter, songs, music, fun and their “treasure” is remembered for a long time.

For this wonderful holiday, parents need to prepare not only goodies for the table, but also entertainment program for at least 2 hours. It should be lively and rich. Children should not be bored for a single minute. Not only the birthday boy, but every guest should feel like the “center of the universe.”

Therefore, parents of the birthday boy need to develop a plan for organizing and holding the birthday of a child of any age at home:

  • determine the number of guests and give them colorful invitation cards
  • create room decor (balloons, posters, garlands, etc.)
  • buy a new outfit for the hero of the occasion
  • buy a desired birthday gift for the birthday boy
  • buy small gifts for all guests and gifts for prizes
  • record popular and funny children's songs
  • determine the holiday menu
  • bake a fresh homemade cake and don’t forget about beautiful candles
  • write a script for the holiday, including presenting gifts to the birthday boy, an invitation to festive table, consideration of gifts. Then entertainment events, songs, games, dances, competitions, riddles, etc.

One year old birthday

Birthday of a child 2-3 years old

Popular birthday games

No birthday can be complete without funny children's games, competitions, and riddles.


"The Wolf and the Little Goats." This is an active game.

Draw a string around the houses and place all the children in them, except one. They will play the role of kids. The kids live together and often run to visit each other. And a gray wolf wanders around - one and the players. He tries to catch the kid outside the house. A kid who is caught becomes a wolf. The game continues until everyone is a wolf.

"Cold-hot." This game seems very mysterious to a 5 year old.

The presenter quietly hides the toy (dinosaur). According to the presenter, “cold - warm - hot,” the children guess where to look for the toy. The game continues until everyone plays the role of a seeker. The found toy is a prize to the player who found it.

Guess the Beast is a fun game.

Children are blindfolded and given a soft toy. You need to guess who it is. The game needs to be started by an adult who will deliberately think for a long time, twist, twirl and incorrectly call the hare a bear. Children will laugh and the game will take on a comic character. The game continues until each child plays the role of a guesser.

"Mouse Concert" is an entertaining game.

Print by clicking on the pictures with mice, finger mice. You can glue the head of a mouse out of paper in the form of a bag on your finger, glue on the ears, and draw eyes and a nose with a black felt-tip pen. Each child should put a mouse mask on his finger. The adult will be the first to start the game, singing a song or reciting a poem in a thin, squeaky mouse voice. And then the children will take turns demonstrating their talents on behalf of the mouse.

Don't Crush the Egg is a funny game. It promotes the development of memory, attention and caution.

A piece of any fabric that represents a road is placed on the floor. Raw eggs are laid out on this road. The player is asked to carefully look at the road along which he must pass and not crush a single egg. While the player is blindfolded, the eggs are quietly removed. So he walks very carefully to the end of the road, and when the bandage is removed, the player and all the children laugh.

"Horned". The game requires concentration and attention.

All children stand in a circle and shake their fists. The presenter says: “He walks, wanders... and when the horned goat speaks,” everyone sticks out their fingers. If the presenter says “the goat is hornless,” then they do not unclench their fists. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game and helps the presenter look for violators.

"It's in the Hat" is a musical game.

A beautiful hat is put on any of the children standing in a circle. Turn on the music. The child in the hat turns around and puts the hat on the neighbor on the left (clockwise). When the music stops, the one wearing the hat leaves the game, sits down at the sweet table and waits for the others.

For the birthday of a child 5-6 years old

About Answer “yes” to everything, nesmeyanu, mummy, mirror, etc. And today I have prepared some more fun activities.

"Basketball" is a game for a group of children.

Attach a wire ring to the wall at a height convenient for this age. The ball will be a balloon. The presenter explains to the children two rules of the game: the ball should not fall to the floor and it should not be held in their hands. The ball can be tossed and hit towards the ring. Whoever makes the most hits in the ring will receive a prize - a chocolate candy, the rest of the players will receive a caramel.


Lay out cards with birds and animals depicted on them. The player approaches the table, takes a card and tries to portray with various movements and facial expressions the person who is drawn on it. The player who first guesses the image becomes the leader and the game continues.

“It's boring for us to sit” is a simple game for physical development.

Chairs are placed against the wall of the room for all children. There is one less chair placed against the opposite wall. Everyone sits down and reads the poem:

Oh, how boring it is for us to sit and look at the wall. Isn't it time to go for a run and change places?

At the leader’s command “start”, all players rush to the opposite wall and try to take a place. The one who is left without a chair is out of the game. Then another chair is removed. The game continues until the winner takes the last remaining chair. He is given a large ball (or something else), the rest of the players are given small balls.

Jenga is a board game that develops dexterity, fine motor skills and coordination.

This game is sold in a toy store. A tower of 18 levels is built from 54 multi-colored wooden blocks. To do this, the blocks are folded in threes and the resulting layers are laid on top of each other, one across the other. A cardboard guide will help you level the tower.

This game is best suited for 4 children. You can play with two or more players. They take turns throwing a die, each side of which has a color indicated on it. Now the player with only one hand needs to pull out a block of the same color from the tower and put it on top in order to continue construction. You cannot take blocks from the unfinished top layer and the layer below it. The player who destroyed the tower is considered the loser and the game continues.

"Nonsense" is a cool game.

Take a double (from the middle) notebook sheet of paper and two pens or two pencils. Two players sit at opposite ends of the table and draw, covering the drawing with their hand, someone’s head (a person, a dog, a hare, a cat, a goat). Then they bend the leaf so that the design is not visible, but only the neck is visible, and pass it to the second player. He draws the body (of a hare, a hedgehog, a person, a bear, a dog). He also folds the paper over to cover the drawing and passes it to the first player to draw someone's legs. Then he closes the drawing and passes it again to the second player, who draws someone’s feet. Now we unfold the drawing and see what happened? Funny and fun.
Room decoration idea

For children 7,8,9 years old

For entertainment at the birthday party of children 7,8,9 years old, games of a slightly different nature are needed. These children are already elementary school students. They can read and write and play sports. At this age, children begin to feel part of the adult world. I suggest playing the following games with them:

"Bear" is an outdoor game.

One of the players is elected “bear”. He lies down on the floor. The rest pretend to pick mushrooms, pick raspberries around the “bear” and sing:

The bear in the forest has mushrooms and berries, but the bear does not sleep, he looks into both eyes. The basket overturned and the bear rushed after us.

And then the bear rises and catches the fleeing players. Whoever gets caught becomes a bear. Game continues.

"The Third Wheel" is a musical game.

For the game you will need one fewer chairs than there are guests. Both adults and children play. The chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, with their seats facing outwards. The players stand around the seats of the chairs. The host turns on cheerful music, and the players begin to run around the chairs. As soon as the music turns off, the player must sit on any chair. Whoever does not get a chair is eliminated from the game. Another chair is removed, etc. The winner is the remaining one participant.

“Sparrow-Crow” is a game of attention and reaction speed.

Two players sit at the table opposite each other and extend one hand to each other, but the hands should not touch. The presenter gives names to the players: one is “sparrow”, the other is “crow”. The presenter calls the names of the players. The one whose name is called must grab the opponent's hand. For fun, the presenter slowly and syllable-by-syllable says the names vo-rooo-na, vooo-rooo-bey, or maybe say vo-ro-ta. A caught sparrow becomes a crow, and a crow becomes a sparrow. Game continues.

The Chamomile game is a fun game.

A chamomile is made from white paper with as many petals as there will be guests. Write funny tasks on the back of each petal. Children take turns tearing off one petal at a time and begin to perform the task: dance, crow, sing songs, recite poems, tongue twisters, etc.

"Knowledge" is an educational game.

All children sit on chairs in one row. The host announces the theme of the game, for example, cities. Then he approaches the player sitting on the edge, names any city and gives him a ball. The player must quickly name any city and give the ball to his neighbor. Whoever could not name the city leaves the game. Then the topic changes: fruits, flowers, countries, rivers, names. Game continues.

These games are suitable for children 10–12 years old

If you have a private house and it’s summer or you’re celebrating a birthday outdoors, then they’ll be perfect

"Smart and Cheerful Engine" is an intellectual game.

The presenter (adult) asks each player one question. For example, which scientist did an apple fall on his head? (to Newton). Which of the heroes fought with the Serpent Gorynych? (Nikitich). In which hemisphere Globe do penguins live? (in Yuzhny), etc. If the player answers the question correctly, then he becomes a carriage of a smart locomotive. If the player cannot answer, then he can take a hint for a certain service: sing, recite a poem, dance, portray an animal.

The funny little train must gather all the players and the children in the carriages will sing a funny song.

"Fishermen and Fishes" is an active game.

From all the players, two fishermen are chosen, and the rest of the players are fish. They dance in a circle and sing:

Fish live in the water, They don’t have a beak, but they peck. They have wings, but they don’t fly, They don’t have legs, but they walk. Nests are not made, but babies are hatched.

After this, the fish scatter, and the fishermen join hands and catch them. The caught fish join the fishermen, causing the net to become longer, and catch the rest of the fish. The last fish that the fishermen do not catch is the winner.

“Pick up the key” - this game promotes the manifestation of skill.

Two players are given three locked padlocks and a bunch of keys. The task is to open each lock. The first one to open the locks wins. The game continues until everyone is a “discoverer.”

“Are you going to the ball?” — girls love this game.

The host starts the game with a saying:

- Yes and no - don’t say

Black and white - don't take it,

Will you go to the ball?

- Probably the player is answering.

—What will you go on? Who will you go with? What will you wear? What colour? With such questions, the presenter tries to catch the player and use forbidden words. If by chance a word is said, then the players change roles.

“Treasure Hunt” is an interesting game that develops ingenuity.

The first clue-riddle is read by the presenter:

Everyone who came to visit us,

Let them sit down at our…..The guessing table is the place to look for a clue. There is another clue on the table - which horse doesn’t drink water? The answer is chess. There is another riddle in chess - dressed in a colorful candy wrapper, it lies in a vase..... The answer is candy. The candy again contains a riddle-clue - everyone goes, goes, goes, but they don’t get up from their place. The answer is a clock. Behind the table clock there is a treasure - a box with small chocolates for each player.

Comic win-win lottery game

The adult presenter will place bright lottery tickets with numbers on the table, as many as there are guests. The player approaches the table, pulls out one lottery ticket and says the ticket number loudly.

The presenter reads out the text corresponding to this ticket and gives the prize to the player. Prizes can be very different, and the texts for them are comic and preferably in poetic form:


You won't lose your keys

And you won't forget about them.


If anything happens

This will come in handy for you.


The prize is wonderful, don't be timid

I present you with some cool glue.

Paper clips.

So that the wind doesn't blow your caps away,

Here are paper clips as a gift for you.


A very necessary item

It will come in handy in the dark.


May your life be brighter

From the light of Prometheus.


To always have a hairstyle

You are given a comb.

Chewable rubber.

If your teeth are bothering you

Chew Orbit, it helps!

Children's car.

There is no better remedy for stress,

Than buying a Mercedes.

Games for parents for a child's birthday

Children are very happy when their parents participate in their games. My grandmother told me how she played a game of musical chairs at her seven-year-old daughter's kindergarten graduation and won the musical competition. How happy all the children were, shouting “Hurray!” and applauded. And her daughter’s eyes simply shone with happiness. 50 years have passed since then, and my daughter happily recalls this interesting episode in her life.

I invite adult guests to play the following games with their children at the child’s birthday party:

"Potato soup."

Place two tables at a distance of three meters. Place two plates with seven small potatoes on one table. On another table there are two empty saucepans. Two players are given one tablespoon each. The task is for each player to transfer one potato with a spoon into a pot of seven potatoes for soup. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner. The game continues until all players have cooked soup. Prize for all guests: chocolate candy.

"Box walker".

Prepare four identical cardboard boxes. All players in pairs at the leader’s command “Start!” They compete to see who gets to the finish line the fastest. Then they conduct a second round of those who win, etc. In this way, the fastest box walker is chosen. He is given a prize - a flashlight.

"Kindergarten for kangaroos."

They fence it off with a rope " kindergarten for kangaroos" 2 - 3 meters from the starting line-rope. Children of 2 people each take one in their hands soft toy(Can plastic bottles) and only by jumping they get to the kindergarten. They return back, leaving the kangaroo cubs in the kindergarten, also by jumping. The one who returns the fastest will win.

They are replaced by two parents at the start and jump into the kindergarten to pick up the kangaroo cubs from the kindergarten. And, also jumping, they return to the start. Whoever jumps faster is the winner.

"Magic Pencils"

Two plastic boxes with the following inscriptions are placed on the starting line: a walnut is a prize for the winner, a hazelnut is a prize for the losing player.

Now take two identical pencils and tie them to them along the thick wool thread of the same length (about 3 m each).

Two players compete to see who can wind the thread around a pencil the fastest. Prizes are awarded based on the results of the competition.

"Merry Orchestra"

Everything that plays in the house (guitar, balalaika, tambourine, pipe) and even creaks, rustles, rattles (spoons, saucepans, metal lids, metal cans with pennies, etc.), we distribute to children and adults.

Let's play a funny children's song. Everyone starts playing, singing and dancing together. Under this amazing cacophony (chaotic accumulation) of sounds, the result is “outrageous” fun.

Competitions and games for children are not just entertainment. They allow the child to compete with his peers and feel confident in his own abilities. Therefore, competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child should not only be well thought out, but also be appropriate for children of this age who already feel old enough. On the other hand, created by competitions and games positive mood, fills not only the winner with fun, but also the entire team as a whole.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "Confusion"

Children stand in a circle and extend their right arms forward. Then, they join hands in pairs, for example, with their neighbor or the player who is standing opposite. After this, the leader gives another signal and the children must connect their left hands with someone, but with another participant, and not with the one with whom they are connected right hand. The result is confusion and the task of the participants is, without opening their hands, to untangle it and form a circle again. Those players who manage to do this first win. If the knot ends up being so “dead” that it cannot be unraveled, the leader can intervene and choose the pair of hands, but only one, that needs to be unhooked in order for the situation to be resolved.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "Fold the newspaper"

The presenter lays two newspapers on the floor and invites two participants into the circle. The contestants' task is to stand on a newspaper and, without leaving it on the floor, fold it three times. The participant who managed to do it faster wins. If the participant fails to complete the task, he receives a forfeit - he needs to somehow make the audience laugh, for example, tell funny joke.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "Eskimo"

One participant is selected, he sits on a chair and is blindfolded, and thick mittens are put on his hands. All the other players take turns approaching the “Eskimo,” and he, by touch, wearing mittens, must determine who exactly approached him. If he manages to do this, then the player he identified takes his place and becomes the “Eskimo”; if not, then the next participant comes up in turn, and the “Eskimo” now tries to identify him.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "Find a Pair"

To conduct this competition, you must prepare in advance two sets of identical cards with the names of the animals. Then all the cards are mixed into one pile and the children take turns drawing from it a card with the name of their animal. The condition is that you cannot show what is written on it to anyone. Then, at the leader’s signal, the children must begin to imitate the sounds that, in their opinion, the animal whose name is written on their card makes. Those participants win who are the fastest to identify “the one” and find him, after which the couple must hold hands and sit on the floor.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "Guess the word"

All children are divided into two teams. Each team comes up with a certain word and chooses a player who will have to “show” this word to the other team using gestures. If the second team guesses the word, it can begin to demonstrate its word to the other team, if not, then the first team gets the right to “show” the next word. The team that manages to guess the most words wins.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "Fanta"

The ancient game of forfeits continues to be a constant success among children, and among adults too. Its essence is as follows. Each player gives the presenter his or her small item, and the presenter puts these things in a bag. The driver, preferably if it is the birthday boy, stands with his back to the leader. He takes any forfeit out of the bag and asks what the person to whom it belongs should do. And the driver comes up with some simple but fun tasks. At the same time, he doesn’t even know when his forfeit will be taken out of the bag.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "Broken phone"

Another old game that doesn’t hurt to remember in our time. And the most important thing is that you can play it without leaving the table. The presenter very quietly speaks a word into the ear of the player sitting next to him, who also quietly passes this word into the ear of the player who sits next to him, and so on throughout the chain of players. The last player to whom the given word is whispered speaks out loud what he heard, and then the final result is compared with the original version.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "The Fisherman and the Fishes"

This is an active competition that is best played outside. But you can do it at home, provided you have enough free space. The leader stands in the middle. And the children form around him big circle. The leader has a small rope in his hands with a knot tied at its end. The leader, turning, twists this rope around the entire circle, trying to touch the players, and they, jumping, must dodge so that the rope does not hit them. The one who does not manage to dodge in time and whose legs are hit by the rope is considered caught and leaves the circle. The game continues until the last winner, who receives a prize.

Competitions at the birthday party of an 11-year-old child. "Who am I"

Children sit in a circle, and a small image of an animal is glued to each forehead using double-sided tape, so that the others see it, but the player himself does not. Each person takes turns asking the others questions about what kind of animal they have drawn. The most important thing is that you can only ask questions that can be answered yes or no. The winner is the one who quickly guesses from such monosyllabic answers the name of which animal is written on his card.