In addition to the physical body, there is more. Fundamentals of bioenergy. The structure of subtle bodies

In addition to his physical body, there are also 7 subtle or energy bodies, each of which has its own special important functions and structural features. It turns out that together with the physical body, a person has 8 subtle bodies. Subtle bodies are part of human energy, some of them (upper bodies) are immortal, just like some (lower bodies) are mortal or replaceable; with a new incarnation (formation of the physical body), new lower bodies are formed in a person.

Subtle bodies - determine a person’s energy strength, protection and many abilities that are directly related to these bodies. Each subtle body is controlled by one or another. And all together, the Subtle bodies form the multi-colored Aura of a Person. Let's look at everything in order, and in subsequent articles we will study each subtle body in more detail.

What are the Subtle Bodies of Man? Definitions, structure, etc.

Subtle bodies of Man are the main energy systems (shells, etc.), controlled by their respective bodies and designed to retain free energies, protect consciousness, strengthen other energy systems (abilities, etc.), give a person a form, etc.

There are errors in the pictures, they are approximate to give a general idea.

Basic Subtle Bodies:

And the eighth body (or rather, the first, or the lowest) is physical and controls it.

Each subtle body accumulates and retains the energy of its level, necessary for a person for life, development and activity.

The etheric body accumulates ethereal energy, Astral body - astral, Mental - mental, etc.

Each type of energy has its own characteristics and purpose. Essential – retains heat around the body and maintains body temperature. Astral energy is needed for protection and combat operations; it is the energy of strength. Mental – for mental work, to think, manage thinking and thoughts.

Each subtle body has its own thickness, which different people different. In energetically developed people, the subtle bodies are large, pumped with energy, then they say - “ Big Man”:) If a person is exhausted, subtle bodies can hang on him like rags, and then one physical body can barely move.

What does the development of Human Subtle Bodies give?

Each subtle body is a set of its own capabilities and abilities for a person!

For example:

The development of the physical body - you know what it gives - strength, health, pleasure from feeling yourself, comfort and confidence in life, resistance to diseases, etc.

Development of the etheric body is control circulatory system, makes it possible not to freeze in winter and not die from the heat in summer, and much more. etc.

The development of the astral body gives a person invulnerability from negative emotions other people, the ability to influence with one’s energy, the ability to punish others for injustice, etc.

How to develop your Subtle bodies?

1. Subtle bodies develop and grow automatically with the development of the corresponding chakras, that is, with the realization by a person of the aspirations and principles of these chakras. For example if a person is engaged mental work, then his Mental body will develop and grow, etc.

2. Through a targeted collection of appropriate energy on the Subtle body, using special esoteric energy collection techniques. Regularly filling their Subtle bodies with energy, a person develops them, they constantly increase and grow, their systems and abilities are revealed.

3. Through a correct lifestyle - one that does not lead to energy depletion, but, on the contrary, promotes harmonious development personality, and, accordingly, its Subtle bodies. When life has everything important - sports, training, emotional training, relationships, mental work, spiritual development, Service (social activities), etc.

4. Through the removal of negative, blocking or destructive influences from the Subtle bodies and the corresponding chakras. A person either does this himself, if he has the ability and authority for this (in meditation, for example), or he helps to do it (individual work with a professional).

In the following article we consider the main features of all the subtle bodies of Man.

There is a need to work with, cleanse the Subtle Bodies, etc. - write to.

We all have 7 bodies. Let's briefly remember (or relearn) each.

Many of us believe that the physical body is the whole person, but this is not so. PHYSICAL BODY– this is only the spacesuit of a true person, which consists of subtle bodies. Our eyes are designed to see only dense material objects. But if we begin to develop spiritually, then more advanced areas of the brain and vision of subtle objects will open. And in our world there are people who see the subtle plans of the surrounding life.

ESSENTIAL BODY is the matrix of the physical body, but in a subtle, spiritual-material form. If the organs of the etheric body are healthy, then automatically they are healthy in the dense body. And the etheric body will be healthy when the mental and astral bodies create healthy and clean organs in it through pure thoughts and good desires.

To "seeers" the etheric body appears grayish-violet; short pale bluish rays emanate from it in all directions, the so-called AURA of health. If these rays are perpendicular to the surface of the body, the person is healthy; in the patient they fall down and are confused, especially in the area of ​​the body that is sick. It is these short rays, which are a manifestation of vitality, that repel illness from a person.

Some sources in their explanations put the Etheric body fourth after the Mental, explaining this by the fact that according to the vibrations that exist in modern man with its expanded consciousness, it surpasses both the previous ones.

ASTRAL BODY– the body of our emotions, feelings and desires. And only when our feelings and desires are completely controlled by our highly spiritual bodies, then the need for the astral body will disappear.

The astral body of an undeveloped person is a cloudy, vaguely defined mass of astral matter of a lower type, which is capable of responding to animal lusts. Its color is dull - brown, dull red and dirty green tones. Various passions appear in them like heavy waves; Thus, sexual passion causes a wave of dull carmine color. And a gust of anger - red lightning with a bluish tint.

The astral body of a moderately developed person is larger in size and has a luminous appearance. And the manifestation of higher emotions evokes in him a beautiful play of colors. Its outlines are clear, it resembles its owner. And the “wheels” of the chakras in it are already clearly visible, although they do not rotate.

The astral body of a spiritually developed person consists of the finest particles of astral matter and is a beautiful sight in its radiance and color. Unprecedented shades appear in him under the influence of pure and noble thoughts. The rotation of the “wheels” indicates the activity of higher centers; the absence of coarse particles makes him unable to respond to the vibrations of low desires and they rush past without being attracted or touching him.

Mental or MENTAL BODY given to us in order to think about everything for living in eternity. The mental body has higher vibrations than the astral body, and when it is fully turned on, the astral body does not participate in joint work. The mental body is the expression of the Personality, but the Synthesis of the incarnation is preserved in the higher, immortal nature of man.
It develops by purifying thoughts and expanding consciousness.

In a highly developed person it is a beautiful spectacle of rapidly pulsating gentle and bright shades of light.
People engaged in mental and mental activity rarely immerse themselves in that atmosphere of feelings and desires that are so important for a person engaged in physical labor.

The immortal Triad of the human soul has the names Manas - Atma - Buddhi - (otherwise activity - will - wisdom).

CAUSAL BODY(manas) stores the memory of all our lives that we once lived in the universe. We came from different worlds, were men and women, rich and poor, kings and beggars...
All of us had our memories erased for a time so as not to cause harm in our current existence. All people who have contact with us had it in previous lives, and the memory of previous relationships can only harm.

ATMIC BODY stores all information about our real life - from the day of birth to the present day. It does not disappear with the death of the physical body, but is present with us until we learn and understand all the lessons intended for us.

BODY OF BUDDHA is the most important thing. It summarizes the entire experience of our soul, which has accumulated over the entire history of our existence in eternity.

Only in the sphere of Spirit (Atma - Buddhi) there is complete Unity, which says that we are all one in origin, one in the way of our evolution and one in the common purpose of our existence. The only difference between us is that some started their journey earlier, and others later. Some walked faster, others slower.

Recognition of universal Brotherhood and the desire to realize it in earthly life is the most powerful engine for the development of the Higher nature of man.

Material taken from esoteric literature

The subtle bodies of a person are the components of his spiritual essence. It is believed that the aura is permeated by 7-9 subtle bodies, each of which has its own meaning.

The physical body is the temple of the soul. In it she exists in her current incarnation. Functions of the physical body:

  • Adaptation to the surrounding world for a comfortable existence
  • A tool for acquiring life experience through various lessons of Fate and working off karmic debts
  • A tool for fulfilling the soul program, its calling and purpose in the current incarnation
  • Biological organism responsible for existence, vital functions and basic needs

In order for the physical body to exist and remain alive, it is fueled by energy from the nine chakras that make up the human aura.

Etheric body

The first subtle body of a person is the ethereal. It performs the following functions:

  • Guardian and conductor of prana - life force
  • Responsible for endurance and tone, as well as immunity. Helps resist diseases on an energetic level. If there is little energy, a person becomes tired, constantly wants to sleep, and loses vigor
  • The main function of the etheric body is to saturate with energy and literally revive the physical body for a comfortable and harmonious existence of a person in society
  • Provides connection with the energy of the Cosmos and its circulation throughout the body

The etheric body looks similar to the physical body, is born along with it, and dies on the ninth day after the death of a person in his earthly incarnation.

Astral body

The astral or emotional body is responsible for the following functions:

  • Everything that concerns a person’s emotional state: his desires, emotions, impressions and passions
  • Provides a connection between the Ego and the outside world, as a result of which a person is able to react to external circumstances with certain emotions
  • Controls the state of the right (creative, emotional) hemisphere of the brain
  • Controls the work of the etheric body, is responsible for the interaction of energy centers with the physical state
  • In conjunction with etheric body monitors the health and well-being of the physical entity

It is believed that the astral body dies completely on the fortieth day after the death of the physical body in the earthly world.

Mental body

The mental essence contains all thoughts and conscious processes occurring in the brain. This is a reflection of logic and knowledge, beliefs and thought forms. Everything that is separated from the unconscious. The mental body dies on the ninetieth day after the death of the earthly body.

Functions of the metal body:

  • Perception of information from the surrounding world and its transformation into thoughts, conclusions, reflections
  • All information processes occurring in the head - their course, sequence, logic
  • Creating Thoughts
  • A repository of all information that penetrates into a person’s consciousness from his very birth
  • The repository of information flow - that is, absolutely all the knowledge of the world. It is believed that every person has access to a common field of information and is able to gain the wisdom of their ancestors. But this can only be achieved with the help of special spiritual practices.
  • Responsible for connecting emotions, feelings with memory and mind
  • Motivates a person to act in life in accordance with his needs and needs, to benefit himself and others
  • Responsible for controlling instincts and other unconscious processes. If this control is “turned off,” a person literally turns into an animal without reason.
  • Controls all thought processes
  • Provides a rational approach to decision making

The mental, etheric and physical bodies do not exist forever. They die and are born along with the physical body.

Karmic subtle body

Other names are casual, causal. It is formed as a result of the actions of the human soul throughout all incarnations. It exists forever: in each subsequent incarnation, karmic debts that remain from past lives are worked off.

Karma is a kind of method of the Higher Powers to “educate” a person, force him to go through all life lessons and heal from past mistakes, gain new experience.

To heal the karmic body, you need to learn to work on your beliefs, control your emotions and train awareness (thought control).

Intuitive body

The intuitive or buddhic body is the personification of the spiritual nature of a person. It is “including” the soul at this level that can be achieved high degree awareness and enlightenment.

This is the body of values, the result of the interaction of the astral and mental essence of a particular person with the analogous essences of the surrounding souls.

It is believed that a person should live and die in the place of his birth, because the purpose given at birth to the intuitive body is to complete the task necessary in that place.

Watch a video about the subtle human body:

Other bodies

The above entities are most often mentioned in the description of the “composition” of the human soul. But there are others:

  1. Atmanic - a body that personifies the divine principle that every soul has. “There is nothing but God and God is in everything.” A symbol of the unity of the human soul with the entire vast world. Provides connection with the information space of the Universe and the Higher Mind
  2. The solar is the object of study of astrologers, the interaction of human energy with the energies of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars. Given at birth depending on the location of the planets in the sky at the time of birth
  3. Galactic - the highest structure, ensures the interaction of the unit (soul) with infinity (the energy field of the Galaxy)

It is important to understand that each subtle body is necessary and important: these essences contain a certain energy. It is necessary that the interaction of subtle bodies exist in harmony, so that each performs its functions fully and radiates the correct vibrations.

Subtle body and physical health

The astral body and surgery

Thoughts about the presence in the human biological body of certain subtle-material (or energy) substrates invisible to ordinary vision have been expressed by scientists for a long time. Outstanding Russian doctors N.I. Pirogov and V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky assumed that a person has not only a physical body, but also a spiritual one.

Now almost everyone knows that some diseases can be eliminated by the corrective influence of a psychic on the patient’s aura. It is also a known fact that among psychics there are many charlatans and people with negative energy. But, alas, most people still do not know that thanks to our own multidimensional nature, we can successfully treat ourselves without any psychics, and not only treat, but also prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

No one doubts that the physical body requires certain conditions to maintain health. The same is necessary for the astral body.

In the East, the influence of a person’s astral body on his physical health has been known since ancient times. Let’s take such a painful phenomenon as postoperative pain, and in general the state of a person’s subtle body during surgery. As is known, during operations under anesthesia, many patients experienced unusual phenomenon“split”: they saw their physical body from the outside, like people who found themselves in a state of clinical death. The partial separation of the subtle body from the physical, which explains this unusual state, was, of course, caused by anesthesia, and not by a coma. But one way or another the subtle body during surgical operations lives its own special life, therefore, it, just like the physical body, needs special hygienic conditions. If the biological body can be threatened by infection, then the subtle body can also be subject to adverse physical and energetic influences. After all, the subtle body is closely connected with the physical body, and any injury or surgical intervention to which the physical body is subjected cannot but be reflected in the subtle body. The surgeons of Ancient China knew this circumstance and carried out their operations under special conditions, taking into account the state of the subtle material “double” of the physical body. Agni Yoga says about this: “All physical operations should be avoided unless the conditions of the subtle body are met. The most unavoidable operations should be accompanied by appropriate suggestion so that the parts of the subtle body can take the most necessary position. After all, you need to mentally communicate with the subtle body. If thought affirms fiery self-defense through suggestion, then many consequences will be avoided. Such self-defense from all kinds of infections is especially necessary. If during the operation it were possible to instill the necessary processes, then the help of the subtle body would significantly help the desired result. Such suggestions can regulate all functions of the body. But without this help it is sad to see how subtle bodies are deformed. One ancient Chinese surgeon used to draw out the subtle body before the operation and then explain by suggestion the new use of the organ. Thus, it is not only the physical conditions that must be taken into account.”

In ancient Eastern medicine, even physical infection is associated with the state of the subtle body. It would seem that microbes should infect the physical body, and not the subtle one. But the fact is that all unfavorable (as well as favorable) influences are carried out first at the energetic level, and then at the physical level. The ancient texts of the East say that from every cell human body powerful rays emit into space, capable of killing all harmful microorganisms at a distance. The artist S. N. Roerich, the heir to the amazing knowledge of his parents, also spoke about this in his speeches. These rays represent the energetic protection that the subtle body has and which it provides to the human biological complex. And only if the state of the subtle body is not stable enough, energy protection does not work, and bacteria are able to invade the physical body, thereby causing disease.

Helpers of the subtle body, or Why does a person need an appendix?

Energy protection is not the only function of the subtle body. He is also in charge of powerful systems for cleansing the entire body, which also operate at the energy level. Consider, for example, the activity of the appendix. From the point of view of traditional Western medicine, the appendix is ​​an atavism, an unnecessary organ. But is there anything unnecessary in nature (especially in humans)? Hardly. The appendix actually performs the most important function of processing the psychic elements of food. Its removal in case of inflammation, as is currently practiced, deprives the body of valuable mental function.

The most important organ of the human body - the spleen - also performs not only traditional physiological functions. This organ has a psychoenergetic function that is inaccessible to ordinary anatomical observations and is associated with the activity of the subtle body. The Living Ethics says about the mysterious activity of the astral body and the physical organs especially closely connected with it: “Indeed, it is possible to perform operations on the spleen. Physically, the organism can exist for some time even without it, but this will be a purely physical decision. Until now, people do not care about the consequences of the subtle body, meanwhile, the organ associated with the subtle body should be very protected, but not destroyed. The same thing happens as with the removal of the appendix. A person not only lives, but even gets fat, but still one of the main functions of psychic energy is already impaired. The appendix absorbs the psychic elements of food. Someone can live without such elements, but why deprive the body of such helpers?”

Damage to the astral body

Probably everyone knows about the existence of such a painful phenomenon as phantom pain. In medicine, there are cases where people with amputated limbs continued to experience pain in... a non-existent arm or leg for several years after amputation. Imagine: an arm or leg has been gone for a long time, but a person continues to feel it all, even his fingertips, as if he had it! And, naturally, he also suffers from pain in the old wound, which also no longer exists. Surgeons explain this phenomenon by the fact that in the brain of a person who has undergone amputation, for some reason, a focus of constant excitation has been established, activating that group nerve cells, which was “responsible” for controlling the amputated arm. But the brain rarely makes mistakes, and in this way. What is the cause of such a strange disease? The point here is not in the brain or nervous system, but in the trauma of the astral body. Phantom pains represent precisely damage to the astral body. After all, the astral body is also material, although it consists of more subtle matter than the biological one. With any injury, injury or any disease leading to amputation, not only biological tissue is affected, but also astral tissue. And if the physical tissue of the body can be cured quite quickly (or amputated), then injury to the subtle body sometimes has a more serious consequences than physical. The astral matter of an arm or leg cannot be amputated - like gas, it remains connected to the subtle body, and at the same time it is still alive, feeling!

Phantom pain is a very serious phenomenon, because conventional painkillers do not help. As a rule, hypnosis is used as a life-saving means of healing in such cases. Only suggestion, that is, a mental order given by the mind to the “mind of the body” - lower manas, can help with pain caused by damage to the subtle body.

Gradually, the activity of the lower manas restores the balance of the injured astral tissue through volitional order. This method of treating the subtle body is mentioned in Agni Yoga. The book “Fiery World” from the “Agni Yoga” series says: “We often hear about the pain of old wounds. They seem to have healed, the physical tissue has united, but nevertheless the suffering continues. You can also hear that only suggestion can help in such cases. Wouldn't the subtle body hurt if it was damaged? The wound will heal physically, but the subtle body may feel pain. Of course, if a person’s consciousness is developed, then with his order he will force the subtle body to improve its health. But in other cases, suggestion is required in order to influence the subtle body according to the physical process. Thus, those who understand the complex of the organism will improve the position of all its bodies.”

Damage to the astral body can be caused not only by particularly severe physical injuries. Thanks to the once widespread public fascination with extrasensory perception, we already know that some diseases can be caused not by physical, but energetic reasons. The latter include the so-called damage, the evil eye, “energy shocks” and other types of negative psychoenergetic influence from people with strong negative energy. The latter can be expressed in the form of real blows to the aura, causing temporary deformations of the biofield and even damage to the subtle body. The books of Agni Yoga say that such influences can cause sudden stabbing pains in the eyes, ears, neck and shoulder joints, as well as in the lower abdomen. In more serious cases Negative energetic influences can cause something like neuralgia of a special type. However, a person who is normal both morally and physical sense way of life, one should not be afraid of damage and the evil eye.

What will save you from damage and the evil eye

Recently, it has become extremely fashionable to explain almost all diseases by the evil eye and damage. With this approach, the cause of the disease seems to come from the outside and does not depend on a person’s ability to correctly manage his psychoenergetic potential. But is this really so? How serious harm can negative psychoenergetic influences such as the evil eye and damage cause to a person? And is their action always as inevitable as some fans of occult horrors claim?

The human biofield is a real energy fortress, the purpose of which is to provide the body with an uninterrupted supply of psychic energy and protection from negative external influences. If a person’s mental energy, and with it his aura, are in balance, no evil eye or damage is scary for a person.

The aura surrounds the physical and subtle bodies like a cocoon. The outer edge of the aura ends with a special layer of subtle radiation, consisting, as it were, of discharges or sparks that protect the entrance to the aura itself. This “protective barrier” in the full sense of the word protects a person, repelling hostile energies that are dangerous to health with its energetic tension. But in order to protective system the aura operated successfully, one circumstance is needed: emotional calm and peace of mind. The aura of an excited, indignant or irritated person, according to clairvoyants, is similar to the sea: it is all agitated, now expanding, now contracting. The tension inside the aura is constantly changing, causing overloads, and the result is a weakening of the protective line of the aura and even its breakdown and injury. A broken aura resembles a broken vessel, from which precious contents flow. In the same way, from a wounded, pierced aura, precious psychic energy, accumulated by the body and serving as its main source, goes into space. vitality. Strong excitement, despondency, fear, irritation in themselves weaken a person’s aura. Negative thoughts and feelings affect it in the same way - anger, greed, envy, etc. Thus, people, without knowing it, pollute, infect, break their basic subtle-material defense, poisoning their body and depriving it of vitality . Vampires and black magicians are not as terrible for the human aura as our own negative thoughts and feelings that violate the natural harmony of psychic energy in the body.

Closely related to the state of psychic energy is protective function etheric body. In addition to supplying the body subtle types energy, the etheric body has another important function, which consists in protecting both the subtle and physical bodies of a person from adverse external influences of both a physical and subtle material nature. Agni Yoga says that the entire surface of the etheric body radiates into space power lines, resembling invisible rays. These lines, like the spines of a hedgehog, protect the subtle-material complex of a person from negative energetic influences. If a person’s psychic energy is in harmony and balance, the force lines of his etheric body are evenly distributed perpendicular to its entire surface. But in the case of strong negative emotions and other unfavorable factors, the astral body receives damage that is transmitted to the person’s etheric shell. As a result, the force lines of the etheric body, instead of being evenly distributed, become entangled and hang on some part of it, forming gaps in the body’s protective network that open the subtle bodies to harmful external influences.

The spiritual teachings of the East more than once say that a person with a pure aura and pure thoughts is practically invulnerable, since such a person is energetically fused with the Cosmos, its pure and powerful natural energy. And anyone who tries to attack such a person will actually oppose himself not only to him, but to the entire Cosmos. How successful would such an attack be? Is it possible to seriously harm a person who is under the protection of Nature itself? Evil eyes and damage are terrible only for those whose aura and subtle bodies are contaminated with negative thoughts and feelings and are therefore weakened.

The aura of a spiritually pure person has increased resistance to all kinds of negative psychoenergetic attacks. Even if the biofield of such a person is attacked, his aura will be able to reflect the main harm of the attack, and Negative consequences impacts on the aura in the form of incomprehensible pains or neuralgia will soon disappear without a trace. Only in very rare cases of attacks by real, “professional” and extremely powerful black magicians, a person may need outside help. But such cases are few and far between. There are not many sorcerers in the world who have such strong energy. And if this happens, the Cosmos and its higher creative forces always come to a person’s aid - whether through other people who know how to stop witchcraft, or thanks to special circumstances, but protection comes. An honest and decent person always receives the support of the invisible higher powers, existing in Space and guarding the cosmic principle of the Common Good. It is only necessary that the person himself is worthy of such support. And for this we must live in accordance with the laws of cosmic ethics, proclaimed by all religions hundreds of years ago.

I would especially like to say about those people who tend to see the evil eye or damage as the cause of any disease and, accordingly, immediately rush in search of psychics, magicians and other occult healers, without properly trying to fight the disease on their own and with conventional methods. Such lovers of “occult” treatment, of course, do not know that the influence on their body of other people (who often charge a lot of money for their practice, which in itself is not an indicator of a high spiritual level) brings them considerable dangers.

With bioenergetic influence, the conformity of the spiritual level and, as a consequence, the energy of the healer and his patient is of decisive importance. If the spiritual level of the bioenergy therapist is higher than the patient’s level, the healing process can be successful (excluding karmic cases of incurable diseases and situations where the patient has such dark aura that the healer’s light energy has a “burning” effect on her). If the spiritual level of the healer is lower than the level of the patient, then an attempt to transfer energy from the healer to the patient can cause an energy blow to the latter. The coarser, low-vibration energy of the healer, pouring into the patient’s biofield, disrupts its natural vibrational level and, instead of helping, brings additional disharmony and danger to health.

Unfortunately, many people do not understand the undesirability of the invasion of foreign energy into the body. At the slightest ailment, instead of properly taking care of their health, they begin to visit different healers, saturating their subtle body with energy of one or another level, until their aura begins to resemble a cocktail of unnaturally mixed heterogeneous energies. And they attribute the negative physical consequences caused by such a mixture to the influence of the disease itself.

"Cocoons of the Spirit"

Most people generally think little about what exactly, what kind of energy they saturate their subtle bodies - the main repository of the body's vital energy. Agni Yoga says a lot about how a person’s habitual thoughts and feelings determine the state of his subtle and physical bodies. And if bright altruistic thoughts and feelings with their positive energy “brighten” and heal our body, then negative mental experiences saturate it with negative energy, steadily reducing the energy potential of the astral body, and with it the vitality of the physical body.

In “The Facets of Agni Yoga” it is said about the impact of the energy of thoughts on the state of both the astral and physical bodies:

“Among the highest thoughts, the body is transformed. Thoughts of lust have a particularly clear effect on the nervous system, and the body succumbs to them especially quickly. Each thought of any order affects and each leaves its own glyph ( Greek. - drawing, pattern, sculpture) on the physical shell. Like a well-played violin, the body sounds to habitual thoughts. But the impact is much deeper, and it affects other human bodies. The astral and mental shells react most quickly to thoughts. They become so accustomed to being in tune with their usual thoughts that their consequences sometimes occur instantly.”

As stated in the teachings of Living Ethics, each person is the “architect” and “builder” of his own subtle bodies: “Each thought contributes its elements to the composition of these bodies. These shells can be shining, luminous, clear, dull, gray, obscured and dark. The thought of Light brightens them, the thought of darkness darkens them.

The physical body is also lightened and darkened. Often this influence of thoughts can be clearly seen on a person’s darkened face. Shells are cocoons of the spirit they envelop. Everyone has them, but their composition is very diverse. The fetid, poisoned physical body of an alcoholic also contains the astral and mental bodies corresponding to it in composition - a very bad house. People care about their home, but they do not care about the room in which their spirit lives. Building elements enter bodies through consciousness, or rather, consciousness imposes its own characteristics on them and colors them in appropriate tones, thereby determining their essence. Two may look at the statue of a naked goddess, but each will put the stamp of his consciousness on this perception. This is why control over thoughts is needed, so that elements that are obviously unsuitable or that bear the stamp of darkness do not enter into the construction of bodies.”

Of course, one can object here: how can we learn to prevent negative thoughts from entering our consciousness if the life around us is full of imperfections, to say the least? Any of us can be rude in transport or in a store, unfairly fired from work, and so on. But here - alas! – a person will have to choose: either react to rudeness and injustice with complete composure, not allowing himself to become irritated, angry or depressed, or, surrendering to the will of overwhelming negative experiences, pollute and darken his aura with them, harming both his spiritual state and and physical health. In “The Facets of Agni Yoga” this problem is considered as follows: “A high spirit, perceiving phenomena of a very low order, is not infected by them, because it puts the stamp of its understanding on them. The low one will resonate with them in unison and introduces elements of darkness and decay into its microcosm. And it is not what defiles a person that enters him, but what he puts the stamp of his lusts and desires on and what comes out of the conveyor belt of his consciousness, stained by his unclean reaction to this or that influence or impression from the outside. For the pure, everything is pure, but an unclean heart can pollute even the pure. Thought can be a polluter, a weeder, a sanitizer, and a purifier. It is very important to trace the usual flow of your thoughts and note their main direction and features. What does a person bring from the conveyor belt of his consciousness into the sphere around him - Light or darkness? They contribute everything constantly and continuously, but what? The bearer of light carries Light, the bearer of darkness brings darkness. The variations between these two poles are infinitely varied and numerous. The purpose of the Teaching is to teach people to bring light into life instead of darkness. By bringing light, a person does good both for himself and for others; bringing darkness - evil. And no considerations will help if darkness is introduced.<…>Thus, with the thoughts of each day, a person attaches himself to the pole of darkness or Light, saturating his shells with their elements.”

As for how to react to surrounding imperfections, the conclusion remains to be made by the person himself. However, the consequences of saturating a person’s subtle bodies with creative or, on the contrary, destructive energy are obvious: “Some people are old at thirty years old, others remain vigorous until almost one hundred. You can ask yourself: why? The question is relevant, because science pays a lot of attention to the problem of life extension. It also happens that even in a relatively young body, something in the psyche shows all the signs of old age, or, conversely, in an old and weak body the spirit is young and vigorous and full of vital energy. There is a lot to think about before learning how to prolong a person’s life.”

As we see, such an important factor for all of us as health is determined primarily by the state of our invisible subtle-material double.

In what other areas of life does our multidimensional nature participate?

From the book Shadow and Reality by Swami Suhotra

Subtle body In Sanskrit linga-sharira. The subtle body, also called the astral body, arises as a result of the influence of the three modes of material nature on the consciousness. It consists of false ego, intellect, mind and consciousness contaminated by matter, cetana. While alive

From the book Meditation and Life author Chinamayananda Yogi

From the book The Human Mind author Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich

THE SUBSTRATE BODY OF THE MIND What is the mind? In addition to prana, there is also a subtle body of the mind. The mind in Sanskrit is called manas, and the subtle body of the mind is called Manomaya Kosha. Maya-kosha means sheath and manas means mind. If all a person's happiness is concentrated in his mental activity, then they say

From the book The Mysteries of Life and How Theosophy Answers Them by Besant Annie

From the book The Way of the Warrior of the Spirit. Volume II. Human author Baranova Svetlana Vasilievna

Physical Body This body is currently the most developed, and the one with which we are most familiar. It consists of dense, liquid, gaseous and ethereal matter; the first three types of matter are organized into cells and tissues, from which the sense organs are built, giving consciousness

From the book There is no Death. Another door of God. by Casey Edgar

Physical body The physical body is a materialized emotion that realizes harmony between masculine and feminine energies. In reality, a person does everything with his physical body, which is why it is the main object of development and improvement. In this reality

From book Spiritual body and physical health by Samokhin N E

Subtle body To perceive this timeless and spaceless world, it is not at all necessary to be Edgar Cayce. You and I, we all experience this every night while we sleep. As Edgar Cayce says, when we sleep, we are very busy. We move a lot in our sleep: we come out of

From book Vital energy person author Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich

N. E. Samokhina SPIRITUAL BODY AND PHYSICAL HEALTH The subtle body and its role “In a healthy body - healthy mind». For a long time this saying was the only formula for the harmony of the physical and spiritual. However, the medical traditions of the East have recently been actively

From the book Messages of Shambhala. Spiritual Communication with Teacher M. and the Roerichs author Abramov Boris Nikolaevich

The subtle body and its role “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” For a long time, this saying was the only formula for the harmony of the physical and spiritual. However, the medical traditions of the East, which have recently been actively cultivated on our Russian soil, have offered a different

From the book Yoga and Sexual Practices by Douglas Nick

From book Universal key to self-awareness. Adhyatmajnanacha Yogeshwar author Siddharameshwar Maharaj

Slim body<…>In the "Dialogues of the Buddha", part II, there is an indication of the existence of a mental body, in addition to the physical one, which is an exact reproduction of the latter. And this subtle body can be isolated at will and can manifest activity at distant

From the book of Anapanasati. Breath Awareness Practice in the Theravada Tradition author Buddhadasa Ajahn

From the book You create your own destiny. Beyond reality by Melik Laura

The first body is an obvious physical body. What is a body? It is a collective collection of component parts (or limbs) such as arms, legs, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, etc. All these parts together are called the body. Let's find which one of these various parts I have". We

From the author's book

Second Body – Subtle Body We will now use the same process of “dissolution by thought” and try to trace the “I” in the subtle body. Let's do some research and see if this thief called "I" can be found anywhere in the subtle body. But first

From the author's book

First Stage: Physical Body and Breath-Body Let's look at these four things separately, starting with kaya. The Pali word kaya literally means "group" and can refer to any collection of things. In this case kaya means a group of things that are collected together

From the author's book

The physical body is a unique factory for the chemical processing of some elements into others. And our health is closely related to how this factory works. And in order for our physical body to be healthy and attractive, it is necessary to establish all internal