Buy ski goggles at a discount. Ski mask for glasses. Peculiarities. Smith Optics Sentry - Maximum Protection

Every experienced skier or snowboarder knows how to choose a ski ski goggles competently, how much the riding comfort increases with them and how much the likelihood of injury is reduced. However, the criteria for choosing ski masks are unknown to novice ski lovers. What should you focus on when purchasing?

Options for choosing ski masks

If you want not to spoil your vision and protect your eyes from negative external factors, you should use the following guidance.

Polycarbonate lenses

Don't skimp on high quality polycarbonate lenses. Any error in lens production implies distortion, especially in ski areas where there is a high probability of excessive of blue color. Then the skier rushing down the slope faces the most tragic consequences. This is why lens quality is so important! When producing high-quality lenses, maximum precision is taken into account; the base material is polycarbonate, which has a filtering effect on intense blue-violet rays.

The polycarbonate lens is impact and crack resistant. Any mechanical impact in the form of snow, tiny fragments of ice, tree branches, or the neighboring tip of a ski pole will not cause any harm if the eyes are reliably protected. The basis of the polycarbonate lens is high-quality optical plastic, which is quite popular due to its characteristics. Japanese manufacturers have taken care of complete safety negative influence ultraviolet radiation, so visually invisible. Otherwise, the eyes would react to an increase in UV intensity by constricting the pupil.

The principle of protection is significantly different between cheap plastic and high-quality one. In the first case, the pupil dilates, because it reacts to a decrease in ambient light, resulting in unhindered penetration of UV rays directly to the retina. As a result, a burn occurs, sometimes retinal detachment occurs, and vision function is impaired or another serious eye disease develops. The degree of blackout, the color of the lens, the mirror coating on it have nothing to do with protection from ultraviolet radiation, which is determined by the characteristics of polycarbonate - filtering blue light, blocking the penetration of ultraviolet radiation.

Double lenses

Any model of mask is equipped with lenses directly with the layer; their design is based on creating a comfortable heat limit. This explains the resistance to fogging of glasses. Cellulose propionate with double-sided Anti-Fog coating is a special component of the inner lens. Impact-resistant carbonate combined with a protective surface treatment against scratches are the materials used to make the outer lens. There are models with the addition of ventilation micro-holes in the lenses, the purpose of which is to increase air circulation and prevent fogging of the lenses.

Features of lens colors

Features of lens colors. Orange, yellow and pink are good to use to reduce the flow of ultraviolet radiation. This helps to increase color contrast, improve the clarity of object boundaries and uneven lines. In foggy, cloudy weather or insufficient lighting, the relief lines of the descent are better perceived by the skier.

Smoke lenses reduce the light pressure directly on the eyes in bright light, often found at mountain altitudes.
Clear lenses are perfect for riding in the dark or in artificially lit areas. They have nothing to do with reducing light intensity.

Mirror-coated lenses provide additional eye protection from intense light. The high-tech coating is based on a composition of chromium, titanium and silicon, which ensures resistance to dirt and all kinds of scratches, and a long service life.

TPU frame

Such a frame will be a light and reliable shield around the eyes, without causing discomfort to your vision. The material is easy to paint, allowing developers to apply a variety of paints to it. In addition, TPU is always flexible and durable regardless of temperature fluctuations.

The elastic properties of the three-layer jacquard strap are maintained even during periods of prolonged and strong stretching. In some models, you can adjust the tension on both sides of the strap, thus individually adjusting the location of the clasp and the length of the strap itself. The simplicity and convenience of the fastener design allows it to be used with gloves.

Gasket fittings

The hypoallergenic foam fittings of the pad have open cells that promote air access and moisture absorption. The production of gaskets involves 2 technologies:

  • “triple layer”;
  • thermoforming.

At the end of the process, the finished product has a comfortable fit directly to the face due to the mixed thicknesses of the anatomical relief in the nasal and temporal areas. Three different layers (patterns) make up a “triple pad”, which contributes to a comfortable feeling and reliable fixation of the mountain ski goggles on the face.

Ventilation system

The operating principle of the ventilation system is limited supply air flow under the mask, in this situation the eyes are not affected, but only the inner lens is blown, thereby eliminating fogging. There is single and double ventilation. In the first case, the air is ventilated through the corresponding channels of the mask frame. Dual venting involves adding vents directly to the top area of ​​the lens to increase airflow. All vents have a foam filter layer to block access tiny particles ice, water drops and snow flakes.

Storing glasses

Storing ski masks in a personal bag protects them from contamination and unexpected damage to the lenses. Sold complete with safety glasses for long shelf life.

What kind of ski goggles to buy and the necessary care for them

  • First of all, you should feel as comfortable as possible in your ski goggles and have a tight fit to your face without any gaps.
  • If you use a protective helmet when skating, try on the mask directly with the helmet.
  • Depending on the riding conditions, select a mirror coating, if necessary, and, most importantly, the color of the lenses.
  • You should not move your ski mask onto your forehead, because touching a steamed forehead has a direct bearing on its fogging.
  • If there is no need for a mask, a protective bag will serve as its storage place. Never use a pocket or pouch to carry ski goggles, otherwise you risk damaging the lenses with foreign elements.
  • Avoid hitting ski masks against hard objects.
  • Do not leave ski goggles in places where people could sit, lie down, or step on them. The result is obvious.

How to remove stains from lenses

  • First, wash the outer surface of the lenses with warm water, then wipe dry with a clean cotton napkin.
  • The inside of the lenses is not wiped to avoid damaging the properties of the specially designed Anti-Fog composition, which protects it from fogging.
  • The use of gasoline, kerosene and chemicals, as well as ammonia solvents are strictly prohibited.
  • Natural drying or a warm air flow - a hand dryer - are ideal for ski masks.
  • Heating appliances - heating systems, convectors, radiators, as well as microwave ovens are not suitable for drying mines ski mask.
  • Wear glasses only as intended! Driving or skydiving is strongly discouraged.


So, we have looked at the features of a ski mask, how to choose it, the selection options and the main prohibitions. Remember about the intended purpose of ski masks; use them strictly for the safety of comfortable skiing.

Any athlete with minimal skiing experience will confidently say that 50% of successful skiing depends on the selection of equipment. And here we are talking not only about the selection of skis and poles, but also about the purchase of a ski mask. There are also some nuances of choice and purchasing features. Which goggles or masks for skiing are considered the best, and which models should you refrain from purchasing?

General information about glasses and masks

Ski mask protects a person not only from bright sun rays that can interfere with successful skiing, but also from pieces of snow, ice and strong wind. It will help preserve your vision and avoid injury due to loss of visibility.

Many beginners try to save money on buying glasses by purchasing the cheapest models, which not only have questionable quality, break quickly, but can also cause eye disease, since they will not protect against UVA and UVB radiation. This is why professionals immediately purchase good, expensive glasses that will serve their owner for as long as possible.

Which is better, glasses or a mask? Glasses are becoming increasingly popular these days, but there may be a problem with them. serious problem. The fact is that it is problematic to choose glasses that fit perfectly without causing discomfort in the bridge of the nose. But the view with a mask is much better and you can wear it on regular glasses.

Another serious question that most often arises among novice athletes is the difference between goggles for snowboarding and a model for skiing.

The main difference lies in the fact that snowboard masks give a maximum viewing angle, since this is very important in the sport itself. And if ski masks sometimes provide minimal visibility, then this is not a problem, because when skiing, the most important thing is to see what is in front of the athlete. In the case of a snowboard, a person must have the widest possible viewing angle to avoid the possibility of injury.

Now there are many categories by which masks and glasses are chosen. First, you need to list these categories, and then you should focus on the most important of them. How to choose a mask or goggles for snowboarding? What to look for Special attention when choosing a mask for alpine skiing?
  1. On the quality of the lenses, and this is perhaps the most important criterion.
  2. For size, shape and frame.
  3. On the quality of fit to the face.
  4. Check for ventilation and compatibility with the helmet.
  5. Lens and filter selection


There are masks on the market now with one and two lenses, fastened to each other. Masks with two lenses are much more practical and reliable, because they help reduce fogging of the model, improving visibility.

It's great if the lenses have coating antifog, since this is what helps prevent the mask from fogging.

Lens shape. Good lenses usually have a spherical shape, that is, they are concave not only horizontally, but also vertically. This allows for much less distortion of the visible image. To reduce distortion, lenses are often made different sizes, resulting in them being thicker in the center and thinner on the sides.


The color of the lenses is also important - the filter. For example, models with black lenses are ideal for riding in sunny weather, but models with blue or clear lenses are suitable for cloudy days or evening riding.

Special polarized lenses are considered one of the best. They have a small grating on the surface that allows only vertical light waves to pass through, which reduces the amount of glare from snow and ice.

Particular attention should be paid to filter type. What kind of filters are there?

  • Transparent, suitable for night skiing, transmits up to 98% of sunlight.
  • Dark brown version, transmits up to 10% of light.
  • Pink filter allows 59% of light to pass through, improving depth of field.
  • The yellow filter, best suited for bad weather, transmits 68% of light.
  • Gray, improves depth perception even in the sunniest weather, transmits 25% of light.


It was already mentioned above that many manufacturers to reduce fogging glasses, a special liquid called antifog is applied to the lenses. It absorbs moisture so quickly that it does not have time to condense on the lens.

This anti-fogging system is considered very effective, but with it Do not wipe lenses from the inside, otherwise this very coating can be damaged. If a person accidentally damages the antifog coating, the glasses will quickly become unusable.


Very important characteristic when choosing a mask, it is the presence of ventilation. It will be great if the ventilation is regulated, which means that a person will be able to remove accumulated excess moisture outside. Now there is a simple ventilation option, which is holes in the mask, with the help of which air circulation is carried out. This system is a little inconvenient, because too large holes let in a lot of cold air, and therefore, using a mask brings discomfort to skating.

And yet, much more popular are the models in which it operates small fan on batteries. Its operation can be adjusted, thus creating ideal wearing conditions. If ventilation works well, a person may be pleasantly surprised complete absence fogging.

Face fit and perfect fit

During the purchasing process it is important try on a mask, securing it correctly. If the model does not pinch anywhere, does not put pressure on the bridge of the nose, then you can purchase it, because it fits perfectly in size.

You also need to pay attention to the shape of the mask, because it must provide viewing angle at least 120 degrees.

It is very important that the mask fit tightly to the face, there were no gaps between the surface of the model itself and the skin. If there are such gaps, the mask will allow cold gusts of wind to pass through, and this will also cause discomfort. It is especially worth checking whether the nose slot does not interfere with normal breathing. If a person feels discomfort, it is better to refuse to buy a mask.

Shape and frame

Now they allocate three frame options:
  • Children's with adaptation to children's face shape and size.
  • Women's are slightly smaller in size than the general ones, which take into account the average size of a woman's head.
  • General is perhaps the most popular option for masks.

The frame itself on masks should be thin, but the lenses must be attached securely. This is why frames are usually made from practical polyurethane terpolyurethane. This material retains flexibility and strength even with large temperature changes.

The mask itself usually has a slightly rounded shape, and also involves the use of a well-stretchable strap. Strap It should be perfectly adjustable, fit snugly to the head and not cause discomfort. The inside of the mask should have a soft layer, usually foam rubber, which improves the fit of the model and softens the impact of a fall.

Helmet compatibility

It is important that the mask also fits perfectly with the helmet. That's why you can take a helmet with you to the store to actually check the quality of compatibility.

The mask should fit snugly to the helmet, not dangle or fall off. The safety of the mask and its condition often depend on this. If the model does not attach well to the helmet, if it does not lock onto it, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

If a person wears glasses that improve vision, then he should purchase special masks that allow him to wear them over his glasses. Such models are usually more expensive, but they are very convenient to use.

Mask care and instructions for use

Since the ventilation system and especially the lenses in such ski masks are sensitive, it is important to know rules, helping to extend the life of any model.

  • You can wipe both the inner and outer surfaces of the lenses only with a special optical cloth included in the kit.
  • After use, the mask should always be thoroughly cleaned of snow and ice, dried, and then stored warm.
  • The mask should always be stored in a special case, as this prevents the risk of mechanical damage to the model.
  • It is very important to thoroughly clear the ventilation system of snow and ice before they harden, otherwise the mask itself will begin to fog up heavily, which will increase the risk of injury when skiing.
  • Many experienced skiers advise always having two masks with you. If one becomes unusable during the ride, a person can always continue the journey without risk to his health.

The most important The rule here is to always wipe the lenses with the cloth included in the kit, do not try to clear them of snow with anything you can get your hands on. Lenses are very sensitive to external influences, and when improper care, the mask can quickly fail.

Top 5 best mask manufacturers

Of course, when selecting models, experienced skiers also pay attention to the manufacturer, knowing which of them have proven themselves well on the market. So, which manufacturers are considered the best, and which masks will meet all customer requirements?

  • Ski goggles from the brand have proven themselves to be excellent Uvex. (average price 2000-3000 rubles)
  • Masks are popular Dragon.(average price 5-8 thousand rubles)
  • Ski goggles from the manufacturer will also be an excellent choice. Oakley. (average cost 3-6 thousand rubles)
  • Masks Anon are relatively affordable (average cost 3-6 thousand rubles)
  • Marker- another popular manufacturer quality masks. (average cost 5-8 thousand rubles)

How to choose a mask - video

Let's now watch a video where they will tell you how to choose the right ski mask, what filter to use and how to care for it.

Release large quantity A variety of new ski and snowboard goggles is a huge cause for celebration, so choose the right ones and wait for the snow to fall. The latest models feature a new design style - companies are now releasing more frameless models, which makes it easier to change lenses on the fly. These removable lenses and sleek rimless designs often don't add anything new to the glasses themselves, but if they're so popular, who are we to criticize them?

Finding the perfect ski goggles is simply impossible. Some cannot be worn without a helmet at all, others are suitable only for those skiers who descend during the day and want more eye protection so as not to lose their vision from glare. You can vote for very strong, unbreakable models, while others buy only one appearance. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with your choice, consider the list of five best ski and snowboard goggles, which we have compiled for you.

Zeal HD2 – glasses with camera

Pros: built-in viewfinder
Cons: expensive

If you want to capture the entire descent from your point of view, then a regular camera is not the best tool for this. And the problem is not even that you will have to ride with a tripod tied to your head, you can simply damage your delicate and expensive equipment. Of course, you will have to pay a little extra, but in the end you will get good ski goggles with a built-in camera that can track your gaze. Not only will they save you from losing footage, but you can also ride as much as you want and wherever you want without worrying about your device. The large buttons on the side panel (which, by the way, are very easy to press even with gloves) are much simpler and more convenient to use compared to the OG HD lens. Moreover, the built-in camera is anti-fog and works with different lenses, allowing you to shoot in different lighting conditions.

Price: 21,000 rub.

Bolle Mojo – a bargain

Pros: inexpensive
Cons: poor ventilation at high speeds

If the glasses are good, then they are really good in any conditions, but if not, then you are facing blind descent down a hill with unforeseen consequences. Mojo is one of those glasses where you can save some money while still getting a quality seasonal product. They are just regular, sturdy glasses with anti-glare coating - nothing more. The vintage style of the frame allows air to flow through, which creates ventilation and fights fog (by the way, this frame is one of the cheapest, which cannot but affect the overall price of the product). What's more, these goggles work well in both bright light and night light, so you can go skiing at any time of the day without the fear of hitting a tree. Therefore, if you need simple glasses without unnecessary features and for little money, then this is exactly what you are looking for.

Price: 1000 rub.

Anon M2 – to see is to be convinced

Pros: improved optical performance
Cons: not suitable for everyone

Glasses Anon It is produced by the same company that produces Burton snowboards, so there is no doubt about their quality. The M2 made a splash when it debuted and has remained popular ever since. These glasses have improved optical characteristics, in particular, the Wall-to-Wall system, in which the frame has minimum dimensions. You will be able to see everything clearly and clearly, without the need for binoculars. To expand the viewing angle and radius of visibility in glasses, spherical lenses, so you won't lose sight of any detail. They're curved like human eye, therefore, they allow you to avoid those optical illusions that occur in snowy areas. True, they have a specific style, which most likely will not appeal to everyone.

Price: 10,000 rub.

POC Lobes – miniature and minimalism

Pros: Suitable for people with small faces
Cons: no interchangeable lenses

Most ski goggles are designed to either have a large skull or be worn over a helmet. If you have a small head and are looking for small glasses, then POC Lobes will be the best choice for you. The minimalist style is sleek and pleasing, and the image clarity is so good you'll forget you're wearing glasses. The accessory has a limited belt length, so it is not suitable for everyone, but only for those with a small head. The glasses have darkened lenses, so you won't have to change lenses or glasses in bright light. And the unisex style and several colors to choose from make the goggles a great accessory for skiing or snowboarding.

Price: 5500 rub.

Smith Optics Sentry - Maximum Protection

Pros: excellent protection
Cons: Slightly limited vision range

Goggles are probably the most important thing when going downhill (well, besides warm socks, of course), so you can't skimp on this essential item, otherwise it could end up costing you huge medical bills and expensive medications, or even completely make him disabled. Since Smith specializes in both protection and visibility, it's no surprise that they offer you wide choose products in the mid-price category with excellent characteristics (of course, you won’t get premium glasses with big bells and whistles, but you won’t find regular basic ones either). The goggles have mirrored lenses that combat glare and UV penetration during descent, giving you a better idea of ​​what exactly you're seeing and where exactly that object is (though it's worth noting that the viewing range is slightly limited). The wide strap and easy adjustment are ideal for both beginner and intermediate skiers and snowboarders looking for easy-to-use goggles.

Price: 2000 rub.

Paruta Irina

There is no need to tell someone who has been skiing for a long time how important ski goggles are and why they need them, so this article is not for them. It is for those who are just about to conquer peaks and speeds. A novice skier must first of all remember that ski goggles are not a decoration or a tribute to fashion, they are a purely functional piece of mandatory equipment, and the approach to their selection should be appropriate. This means that before you buy ski goggles, you should evaluate their practical features and only then their appearance.

What should you know when choosing? Firstly, it protects the eyes and face from snow crumbs, ice, branches, mechanical damage in case of falls and impacts. We should not forget that the fastest non-motorized sport, and even a banal hit of a piece of ice in the eye at speed can result in a fall with the most unpleasant consequences. Therefore, ski goggles must have the shape of a mask that fits tightly and comfortably to the skier’s face. The mask should not interfere with free breathing or block the materials from which the ski goggles are made must be light and at the same time durable, and the entire structure is reliable. You should pay attention to the possibility of adjustment and adjustment, as well as the general quality of the elastic band of the glasses, because it will have to be constantly adjusted and stretched greatly when putting it on the helmet.

The main part of ski goggles is a transparent plate, or lens. Of course, it is impossible to determine by eye what it is made of, so here you should trust the inscription on the label, which means you need to buy glasses only from well-known manufacturers with an excellent reputation. But what can and should be determined by eye is how transparent the lens is and whether it gives distortion.

In addition, you need to know in what conditions the skiing will take place. The color of the lenses depends on this. After all, ski goggles are also designed to protect your eyes from the sun, which is very important on bright white snowy slopes. There are a lot of filters, but since these recommendations are intended for beginners, the most suitable for them would be a yellow filter, which is considered universal and suitable for riding in any acceptable lighting conditions.

Of course, so that the skier does not lose visibility during the descent, the glasses must have ventilation and protection against fogging. To do this, there must be ventilation holes around the entire perimeter of the mask. Their shape, location and quantity are specially calculated, and this is another reason why you should purchase equipment only from famous manufacturer. A little thing like fogging may seem insignificant to a beginner, but he should think about the fact that in between descents the mask periodically rises onto the helmet and cools, and when it is lowered again onto a hot face, it can easily fog up and blind the skier rushing towards him. high speed. Another rule worth mentioning here is that you should never wipe inner surface do not touch the lenses with a handkerchief, much less with your hands, as you can easily damage the special anti-fog coating.

I hope that my personal experience will help you choose the right ski equipment, which, in turn, will allow you to get the most out of your skiing.

Ski goggles are an important piece of equipment for skiing and snowboarding. They can make or break your time on the mountainsides, as excellent visibility in such conditions is key. Others important factors The main considerations in eyewear are comfort, breathability, durability and, of course, style.

The range of offers from manufacturers of ski masks and goggles is huge. From quick-change lenses to innovative technologies that adapt to different lighting conditions. There are glasses that have 2-3 lenses sandwiched together to prevent fogging, glasses with UV protection and anti-reflective coating. Photochromic lenses, “chameleons”, masks with replaceable filters and glasses with polarized glass.

Other than color and style, there is no significant difference between the men's and women's models. The same can be said about masks and goggles designed for snowboarders or skiers. Although there is an opinion that for people who snowboard, the mask should have a greater angular view. And of course, men's models are available in large sizes.

Criteria for choosing glasses for alpine skiing and snowboarding

The choice of glasses for skiing depends on several factors, including:

  1. Lens shape. There are only two types of lenses: cylindrical and spherical. Cylindrical lenses are curved horizontally across the face and are the most common type of glasses. Spherical lenses are curved not only horizontally, but also vertically, from the forehead to the nose. You can spot them right away because they have a “bubbly” appearance.
  2. Peripheral vision. The wider the mask, the better its side viewing angle. This is important to prevent collisions, which are especially common when merging multiple tracks.
  3. Blinding, harsh light and distortion. The best ski goggles have special coatings that can reduce glare caused by sunlight reflecting off snow. Distortion is caused by imperfect lens quality. It should be noted that spherical lenses reduce distortion due to their shape.
  4. Anti-haze. General rule, the further the face shield mask is from the face, the less fogging there will be. The “fogginess” can be reduced by the presence of additional lenses, so the inner glass is close to the temperature that the body itself has, which eliminates the formation of condensation. The extra lenses function as insulation in the same way as double glazing in windows, providing better insulation.
  5. Replaceable lenses. A great feature, you can carry an extra set in your pocket to be ready for any lighting conditions. Weather conditions on the slopes change quickly and with a feature like this you can quickly change your lens.

Video about the rules for choosing a ski mask:

General selection rules for colored lenses (filter)

There are ski masks with photochromic chameleon lenses that adjust to the light intensity; the filter darkens or brightens depending on the brightness of the sun. This is an excellent purchase for those who often ski in different conditions. For other points the following rules apply:

  • Yellow, gold or amber glasses filter out blue light and highlight shadows in the snow.
  • Pink or light copper lenses are designed for light, bright days.
  • Dark copper, dark brown, dark green and dark gray masks are used on very bright days.
  • The mirror (“flash”) coating enhances the effect of tinted lenses. They reflect sunlight. They are great for sunny days.
  • Clear lenses are used for night skiing.

Important! Using polarized lenses reduces glare and protects your eyes from UVA and UVB rays.

Review of manufacturers

Among the brands that produce truly high-quality ski goggles, there are not so many companies that can be distinguished. Other manufacturers strive for perfection of models, but, according to customer reviews, the products are not yet up to the ideal.

  1. Smith Optics. Smith Optics has been making ski goggles for over 50 years, they were the first to create goggles with double glazing with sealed thermal lens. Dr. Bob Smith is an orthodontist and skier. I experienced the “skiing problems” myself, got tired of foggy glasses and, as a result, created the world’s first glasses with double glass. Smith Optics is not the latest in a long line of quality ski goggles. But the products of this brand are an excellent option for any skier or snowboarder, regardless of level and ability. These glasses are durable and comfortable, and their lenses combine both anti-glare and anti-fog qualities.
  2. Oakley. The brand was founded by James Jannard in 1975 in his garage with an initial investment of $300. In 1980, Jannard released a glasses model called the O-Frame with the Oakley logo featured on the strap. Their last and best offer today are O2 XL glasses. These glasses have a unique design that gives excellent visibility, especially in side vision, allowing peripheral vision to clearly see people and objects. These goggles have a triple layer of polar fleece lining that will continue to function even after a full day on the slopes. They will still remain comfortable and impeccable. Those who wear Everyday life goggles will appreciate the frame cutouts that allow them to be worn comfortably, unlike most other ski masks and goggles. They are great for any ski helmet.
  3. Dragon. Firm American origin engaged in production safety glasses and masks for people who love extreme sports. The company was founded in Southern California (USA) in 1993 and has its own production base. The brand produces premium ski goggles and masks, as well as sportswear and accessories. Ski Sunglasses This manufacturer combines bright design and the latest scientific developments.

Rating of the best ski masks and goggles

The analysis of the models of the best ski masks was carried out in accordance with the preferences of customers, their reviews of the product and the average price of the product. But our respondents do not ski professionally, so their choice is not based on the high sporting qualities of the models, but rather on convenience, comfort and price, which does not exceed more than 10,000 rubles.

Oakley A-FRAME 2.0 FW MASK

Price: from 9900 rubles

Triple fog protection and excellent air exchange distinguish this model from many similar products. F3 Anti-fog coating and double lenses with an air gap will prevent the mask from fogging up even with severe weather changes. The optics are highly accurate, and the ultraviolet filter has a 100% protection rate.

Oakley A-FRAME 2.0 FW MASK


  • Durable anti-fog coating;
  • Microfleece has 3 layers and perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • Polaric Ellipsoid lenses are ANSI Z87.1 quality standard.


  • High price.

Oakley O2 Xm mask black

Price: from 7890 rubles.

The model has the average size and a cylindrical lens with sufficient visibility, characterized by a streamlined geometry. The frame is able to adapt to the shape of the face even at very low temperatures.

Oakley O2 Xm mask black


  • The model can be combined with glasses for people with poor vision;
  • Triple fleece lining guarantees moisture absorption;
  • Excellent UV protection.


  • Among the shortcomings, one can highlight the female comment about the color of the model.

МSmith Knowledge OTG

Price: from 7048 rubles.

The lens of the model is a universal option for use in any weather. Thanks to the light transmittance of 35%, you can ride with a mask on both cloudy and sunny days. Large size face frame that is suitable for men and will provide good compatibility with a helmet.

МSmith Knowledge OTG


  • The model has a QuickFit strap with an adjustable buckle system;
  • Ventilation has an anti-fog effect;
  • Replaceable lenses have been created for the model;
  • The mask is compatible with glasses for people with poor vision.


  • The Smith Optics brand is poorly represented on the Russian market and choosing the right model is almost impossible.

MASK Dragon Rogue FW17

Price: from 5900 rubles.

The product is durable and has a spherical lens to ensure general view without distortion. The strap fasteners are flexible, allowing the mask to be easily combined with the helmet. Three layers of foam and a microfleece cover provide a soft fit to the skin, and the Super Anti-Fog coating will prevent the product from fogging.

MASK Dragon Rogue FW17


  • Protection against active ultraviolet radiation is 100%;
  • Polyurethane frame;
  • Spherical lenses have correct optics.


  • The mask is available only in medium size and is suitable as a women's version.

MASK Dragon DXS FW16

Price: from 3190 rubles.

Double cylindrical lenses with anti-fog coating. In principle, the functionality of the product differs little from the Dragon Rogue FW17, the only difference is the price and dimensions. Here the size is even smaller, so the model can serve not only women, but also teenagers.

MASK Dragon DXS FW16


  • The strap is adjustable;
  • The model is helmet compatible;
  • Polyurethane frame.


  • Model size;
  • General design.

Other models have similar qualities, but at a higher price. Therefore, if you do not want to overpay for a “brand”, then you can choose this choice. But it is worth remembering that the survey was conducted among people who do not practice skiing as a permanent pastime. This is more of a choice for beginner athletes, but professionals or experts should pay attention to more “famous” brands.

Which ski mask did you like?

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    Oakley A-FRAME 2.0 FW 44%, 28 votes

    МSmith Knowledge OTG 28%, 18 votes


Errors in selection

Making a mistake when choosing ski equipment, means wasting money and vacation time. To avoid mistakes, you should listen to the following tips:

  1. When buying a ski mask, focus your vision on one object and turn your head in different sides. If the object disappears from the field of view, such a mask is unlikely to provide a good view on the slope.
  2. The feeling of discomfort will never go away. Therefore, if there is even the slightest inconvenience, it is better to change the model for another mask.
  3. The nose opening should allow free breathing without blocking parts of the nasal cavity.
  4. A strap of good length is the key to correct adjustment of the model on the helmet, and its width is responsible for a tighter fit to the head. When trying on a mask, it is better to try it on the helmet directly.
  5. The mask should not slip, fly off, rub or press. If at least one of these qualities is present during fitting, it is better to look for another model.
    Colliding with a tree, rock or skier is a common accident that can sometimes be directly related to poor visibility caused by the wrong choice of ski mask. Using a cheap pair of goggles can lead to loss of coordination on the track or track, and as a result there is a danger of not seeing obstacles in time. This is one of the leading causes of injuries and accidents. It's hard to overstate how important good visibility is on snowy slopes.

Equipment care

Ski equipment is expensive and is used in various conditions. Therefore, caring for it is a prerequisite for safe skating. Ski masks require attention even more than regular prescription glasses, and you should follow these rules:

  1. Never wipe the lens from the inside. This can erase the protective layer that works against fogging.
  2. Store the mask only in a special bag. Usually it comes with the product.
  3. Drying glasses is carried out only in natural conditions away from heaters.
  4. While riding, do not raise the mask to your forehead to avoid contact with inner side sweat.
  5. Transportation of equipment must avoid impacts or contact with cutting objects.
    At the right conditions storage and care, the ski mask will serve for a long time and will not cause discomfort to its owner.

Finally, a useful video on how to replace the lens in a ski mask:

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