Treatment of runny nose in children is quick and effective. Treatment of runny nose in children - how to quickly and effectively cure snot. What is the best way to treat a child’s nose?

Selection clear mucus from the nose - this is a sign that the mucous membranes have been attacked by a virus. A runny nose, as many say, should go away in a week, but this is only a theory, because often the healing process takes much longer...

Don't sneeze on a runny nose!

It does not seem to be anything serious, but it can cause quite a lot of trouble for both the child and his parents. It is considered the simplest ailment, but if neglected it can turn into a serious illness. As soon as autumn comes, it begins to pester almost everyone between the ages of 0 and 100 years. It's a runny nose!

Runny nose, or rhinitis - the most common inflammatory disease in children. Babies who do not have a strong immune system can catch a runny nose even if they sniff cool air a couple of times. Children can get rhinitis more than ten times a year, and this should not cause much concern for parents. A runny nose also often plagues little allergy sufferers.

Unfortunately, the frequency of the disease does not depend on how children tolerate it, and frequent runny noses do not indicate that they are getting easier. And babies tolerate rhinitis extremely poorly. When mucous secretions clog the nose, thereby causing it to become blocked, the child sleeps poorly, has no appetite (since he cannot smell or taste), and refuses food. A runny nose is most difficult for newborns and infants, since they breathe almost exclusively through the nose, so even mild mucous discharge from the nose makes it difficult for them to suck the breast or drink from a bottle.

Runny nose in a child

A child who has a runny nose is usually restless, nervous, and capricious. But this is not the only reason why it is necessary to deal with the disease as soon as possible. A stuffy nose makes it difficult for your baby to breathe. Thus, he inhales air through his mouth, and without having time to warm up and cleanse himself (which the nasal passages do), it enters the lungs. Result? A sick child catches an even worse cold and the runny nose, instead of going away, gets worse.

What you need to know about a runny nose after a walk?

After a walk in the cold air, does your child begin to sniffle? Calm down. It could be vasomotor rhinitis, and not a runny nose caused by freezing or a viral infection. However, the cold provokes a reflex deterioration in the blood supply to the mucous membranes of the nose, which facilitates the attack by viruses. Therefore, freezing is the most common cause of rhinitis in children.

Persistent runny nose in a child

Parents usually talk about the color of the discharge that flows from the baby’s nose without embarrassment or disgust, don’t they? That is why you need to be careful about the contents of the napkin after you wipe your child’s nose, because it signals the details of the course of the disease. Watery and mucous discharge indicates that the baby has a viral infection or allergy. This should be the least of your worries. And only when they change, become thick, dense, mucopurulent, grayish, greenish or yellowish, should you be vigilant. This could be a sign that we are dealing with a bacterial infection, which cannot be ignored as it can lead to ear infections, sinusitis, as well as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Having studied the color of the runny nose, let's move on to its types. Although parents of children most often associate rhinitis with a cold, in fact it can be caused by many reasons.

The most common causative factors for a runny nose are:

viral infection.

bacterial infection(may be a complication viral infection or underlying disease).


other diseases that are not caused by infections or allergies. For example, a runny nose can accompany the flu or chickenpox.

Attacking viruses

Let's take a closer look at the runny nose that accompanies a viral infection. The smallest children can encounter it more than ten times a year. There are more than 200 viruses that can cause cold symptoms. Rhinoviruses are the most active - they most often attack the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Hidden in human nasal secretions, they are easily transmitted and infect other people. If your child has a weakened immune system, then being in the same room with an infected person is enough for him to start sniffling. Viral infection usually has a short duration incubation period– from contact with a sick person (that is, from the time of invasion of viruses into the body) to the first symptoms of the disease, only a day or two passes.

Although a runny nose of viral origin is unpleasant illness, doctors say that it is not dangerous to health. It usually goes away within a few days. However, this does not mean that you can sit idly by and wait for it to go away on its own. If you do not act, it can become chronic, or degenerate into secondary bacterial rhinitis.

Alternative treatment for runny nose in children

Regardless of the cause of a runny nose (be it viral, bacterial or allergic), it is necessary to systematically clean the child’s nose. This may help:

- blowing out discharge, but from each nostril separately, and not very strongly. Blowing from two holes can cause secretions to move down the eustachian tube to the middle ear and cause an ear infection.

- cleansing the nose using a syringe or a special nasal aspirator. An excellent solution for babies and young children who cannot yet cope with a stuffy nose on their own.

— for kids who don’t know how to blow their nose, Kalanchoe juice is an excellent folk remedy. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant and drop a couple of drops into each nostril of the child (the child will sneeze and mucus will come out of his nose).

Folk remedies for runny nose for children

1. Preparations containing regular and sea salt thin the mucous nasal secretions, making them easier to get rid of. Flushes bacteria, viruses, allergens and pollutants out of the nose. Contains components that help reconstruct protective functions nasal mucosa. These medications can be used several times a day, best before meals and before bed to release Airways. Small children are usually afraid of aerosols, so it is best to use them in drop form.

2. A syringe with a wide tip or a nasal aspirator.

3. Inflamed skin over upper lip and on the wings of the baby’s nose, lubricate with cream with vitamin A, chamomile or panthenol, because these substances relieve irritation.

4. Disposable wipes. Doctors strongly advise against using cotton handkerchiefs, which become a breeding ground for pathogens after the first use.

5. If the child is not allergic, use essential oils - for example, pine, eucalyptus, or ready-made oils for inhalation during a runny nose. They should be used at night, dripping a little onto the corner of the baby’s pillow or crib. This produces an antibacterial effect, helps fight runny nose and improves breathing.

6. Dry mucous membranes open the way for viruses and bacteria to penetrate. So keep them moisturized constantly. Inhalation of physiological saline solution using a nebulizer (regularly three times a day for five minutes) has worked well.

7. Herbs for a steam bath. Using traditional inhalations on a baby, during which the child breathes over a large bowl of boiling water with herbal infusion, is not only impossible (rarely can a child be persuaded to do this), but also very unsafe (due to the high risk of burns). Therefore, it is better to prepare a bath for your baby with the addition of an infusion of herbs with a calming and disinfecting effect, such as chamomile flowers, linden inflorescences, and mint.
Let your baby splash around in the bath longer - breathing hot and humid air will reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane and reduce the amount of discharge. You can also make a warm compress on your forehead using the infusion of these herbs.

8. In winter, do not turn on the radiators in the apartment at full power. The temperature should be about 20 degrees. Hang a wet towel or diaper next to your baby's crib. You can use special air humidifiers (they can be purchased at the store).

9. Ventilate the room several times a day, and if the baby does not elevated temperature, go for walks.

10 . Warm drinks. Hot milk with honey or tea with linden flowers and honey works effectively - the high temperature of the heated liquid helps warm the air in the nasopharynx and relieves swelling of the mucous membrane.

11. Cosmetic Vaseline, vitamin ointment, burn cream (or the product you use when changing diapers) - to relieve redness and irritation on the skin around the nose.

12. Water – Let your baby drink more than usual, which will make the nasal discharge waterier and easier to clear.

13. Vitamin C and calcium - can be given to your baby in the doses indicated on the package insert or package. Necessary for strengthening and regenerating weakened blood vessels in the nose, which is why a runny nose is less painful and goes away faster.

14. Massage. Several times during the day, placing the baby on your lap so that the head is lower than the rest of the body, with your palm placed on the rib, massage his back on both sides of the spine (above the kidneys) for five minutes. Thanks to this, mucus will not accumulate in the bronchi.

15. The baby should not be exposed to the cold for long. Carry it upright as much as possible.

16. It is better to put your child to sleep on his side or with his head elevated. You can place several books under both legs of the crib on the side of the baby's head.

Cold remedies for children from the pharmacy

Pharmacies have many products for relieving swelling of the nasal mucosa, which are available without a doctor's prescription. However, before using them on young children, it is better to consult a pediatrician. The effect of these drugs is truly impressive - a runny nose is easier to bear and goes away faster. But abuse of these drugs (use for more than three days) can severely dry out the mucous membranes and lead to drug-induced rhinitis.

In the case of bacterial rhinitis or sinusitis, antibiotics are often necessary.

Allergic rhinitis can be overcome not only if the pathogen is eliminated, but also with the help of drugs: anti-swelling (xylometazoline) and antihistamines(cetirizine, loratadine).

Remember! If your child has been suffering from a runny nose for several weeks, allergies (such as pollen, mold, and mites) may be causing the problem.

Let your child get sick as little as possible! And these tips will help you quickly cure it if necessary.

Physiological breathing through the nose childhood is the key to the successful development and maturation of a young organism. A seemingly harmless runny nose can cause not only severe complications on the ears and brain, and also go to chronic form and appear with long-term consequences much later. Let's find out how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child, and what to do if you have rhinitis.

Before starting therapy, you need to make sure that the child’s runny nose is caused by inflammatory process, and is not a consequence foreign body or abnormalities in the structure of the nose.

Clinical case: Girl 4.5 years old. Parents turned to an ENT specialist with complaints about purulent discharge from the right side of the nose and a request to cure the child’s runny nose.

Three different vasoconstrictors were administered on their own for 2 weeks, but without effect. Upon examination: the right half of the nose was swollen; after anemia, the doctor saw a button, which was successfully removed under endoscopic control.

Drops with an antiseptic were prescribed, after 4 days all complaints disappeared and the girl’s condition returned to normal.

How to treat a runny nose in a child:

  • rinsing and cleansing the nasal cavity;
  • nasal drops;
  • antibiotics or antivirals;
  • physical therapy;
  • facilities traditional medicine.

Complex therapy will help cope with the infection and symptoms of the disease, and also prevent the development of complications.

Nasal rinsing

One of the stages of treatment is cleansing the nose of mucus and pus (at purulent inflammation points and yellow green color snot), which accumulates there during a runny nose and prevents the child from breathing. A child from 4-5 years of age can be taught to blow his nose on his own.

It is important that the baby does this correctly: without sudden efforts and one nostril at a time, while the mouth is slightly open. In such cases, the risk of infection entering the auditory tube is reduced. You can help young children get rid of snot using aspirators.

Older children are taught to rinse their nose. To do this, take a warm antiseptic solution (Miramistin, chamomile decoction, etc.). Pour it into a container with a spout and carefully pour it into one nostril. At the same time, the head tilts slightly to the other side. The solution mixed with mucus flows out of the second nostril or through the mouth.

In a clinic or hospital setting, you can perform nasal lavage according to Proetz (“cuckoo”).

How this manipulation works: the doctor pours an antiseptic solution into one half of the nose; the patient repeats the phrase “cuckoo”, thanks to which soft sky rises and the solution does not enter the oral cavity.

Nasal drops

To eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, use different kinds drops Let's look at the most popular:

When choosing nasal decongestants, pay attention to drops with children's dosages, for example, Nazol Baby. It contains phenylephrine, which acts very quickly and gently constricts blood vessels, facilitating nasal breathing within two to three minutes after application. Approved for use in children over 1 year of age.

  • Antiseptic drops.

For disinfection and drying of mucous membranes with a heavy runny nose, good effect They will bring drops based on silver ions (Sialor, Protargol). This remedy has the ability to destroy the walls of bacteria and also causes vasospasm, thereby reducing swelling.

Polydex with phenylephrine contains vasoconstrictor and antibacterial (neomycin, polymyxin B) components. You can treat snot in a child from 2.5 years old with this remedy. Topical antibiotics fight bacteria, and phenylephrine improves breathing and relieves swelling.

  • Hormonal drops.

Local hormones have firmly occupied their niche in conservative treatment adenoids and persistent rhinitis in children. These products are relatively safe (Nasonex is approved for use after 2.5 years), work only at the level of the nasal mucosa and do not cause systemic side effects hormones. They eliminate swelling and remove the allergic component of the disease.

Pinosol oil nasal drops are approved for children over 12 years of age or younger after consultation with their doctor. Natural drops contain plant extracts and may cause allergies in some children.

Antiviral drugs

If the doctor suspects a viral cause of the disease, then antiviral drugs will help cure the child’s snot.

They are prescribed locally:

. Used in children from 3 months of age. Except local funds , appoint systemic drugs

, which help support the immune system and quickly get rid of viruses when a child has snot running like a stream. Among the systemic immunostimulants, Derinat is often used in children. The drug has an immunostimulating effect on different parts of the immune system. It is produced in the form of ampoules for intramuscular injection

and in the form of a solution that is used topically.

For a runny nose, drop it into the nose or place tampons soaked in Derinat in both nostrils for half an hour. For severe forms of viral infection, it is prescribed intramuscularly. In addition, it can be used for inhalation.

Inhalations Execute effective inhalation for a young child at home only with the help of a special device. Under the influence of a compressor or ultrasound, the drug breaks down yes tiny particles

, which are absorbed by the mucous membrane of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

  • What products can be used in a nebulizer for a runny nose: Saline
  • . Helps moisturize the mucous membrane and promotes rapid restoration of breathing. It has virtually no contraindications and is used in children from the first days of life. Antiseptics (Miramistin, etc.)
  • . Disinfects mucous membranes and destroys viruses and microbes. Mucolytics (ACC, etc.) . Acetylcysteine ​​can be used from the first days of life. This effective remedy for runny nose for children, helps to do more liquid, making them easier to blow your nose and expectorate.
  • Immunostimulants (Derinat, Interferon). Helps strengthen and activate the immune system.

Steam inhalations according to folk recipes are contraindicated for children. Their benefits have no evidence base, and the risk of getting burned by hot steam is very high.

Essential oils

These products are relatively safe and gentle. Used as a method of preventing runny nose and to relieve cold symptoms.

Which of them are used for rhinitis:

  • Tea tree . Possesses antiseptic property. They lubricate the wings and vestibule of the nose with it, and also add it to the aroma lamp.
  • Camphor. Exhibits disinfectant and wound-healing properties. Its oil is added to homemade nasal drops and also used for inhalation.

The use of essential oils in young children should be discussed with a doctor.

Homeopathic remedies

The use of homeopathy in children with a runny nose has no scientific basis. There is no clearly proven effect from the use of such drugs.

For your reference, here is a list of the most popular products in this area:

  • Cinnabsin. Complex preparation based on plant extracts. Used in the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis. Can be prescribed to children after 2 years of age.
  • Aconite. Has a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed for influenza, runny nose and ARVI.
  • Echinacea. Has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Coryzalia. Fights the symptoms of a runny nose and reduces the effect of allergens on the nasal mucosa.

Features of treatment of infants

The appearance of clear mucus in the baby's nose in the first months of life without other accompanying symptoms is not considered a runny nose. In that age period The baby's nasal passages are narrow, and the cells that produce mucus are just beginning to adapt to the peculiarities environment. This phenomenon is called physiological baby runny nose.

It is not difficult to distinguish real snot from such a phenomenon. When a child is sick, in addition to mucus from the nose, a disorder occurs. general condition: the temperature rises, the baby becomes restless, loses weight, loses appetite, constantly cries, and snot flows from the nose.

The key problem with a runny nose in infants is that the baby does not know how to blow his nose. A normal breathing The nose is especially important at this age, since the infant can only breathe through the nose during feeding.

Removing snot from the nose

Cotton swabs, flagella, and other objects will not be able to clear snot from a baby’s nose when he has a cold. In addition, intensive picking of foreign objects in the nose can cause injury to the thin mucous membrane.

You can effectively and safely remove secretions using baby aspirators (nozzle ejectors). They are manual, semi-mechanical and mechanical. The principle of operation is similar to a vacuum cleaner: a soft rubber tube is inserted into one half of the nose, and the device gently sucks out mucus and snot from the nose.

You can use a small enema to perform this procedure. The tip of a rubber bulb is moistened with Vaseline or other oil, the enema is squeezed, inserted into one of the child’s nostrils and the mucus is sucked out.

Non-pharmacological measures

Beloved by most parents, the respected pediatrician Komarovsky, in almost every conversation about a runny nose, emphasizes the importance of such measures in the treatment of a runny nose:

  1. If you have a runny nose and no fever, you can and should go for a walk with your child.
  2. A decrease in appetite during a cold is normal, but in infants you need to make sure that the body does not become dehydrated. If the child refuses to breastfeed, you can give water from a spoon or syringe.
  3. Ventilate the room and humidify the air in the room where the child lives.
  4. Do not over-bundle a sick child.

Using nasal drops

Cure a child's runny nose infancy and to relieve cold symptoms, drops primarily help.

Sprays are not used for infants, preferring drops. This is safer for the baby, because the medicine in the spray comes under pressure and can damage intranasal structures or cause complications.

What drops are used:

  • Vasoconstrictors.

In case of severe swelling and difficulty in nasal breathing, you can use this group after consulting a doctor. This is an emergency treatment and should not be used in children for more than 3-4 days.

Choose drugs with special dosages for children (Nazol baby, etc.). It is better to drip them on the eve of daytime and nighttime sleep so that the baby gets enough sleep.

An overdose of such drops in children can cause tachycardia (increased heartbeat), vomiting, convulsions and other side symptoms.

If the allergic nature of the disease is suspected, Vibrocil is used: a combination of antihistamine and vasoconstrictor components.

In infants, you can use Protargol. These drops are based on silver ions, which can quickly cure snot in a child by significantly reducing the number of bacteria in the nasopharynx. In addition, you can drop 1-2 drops of Miramistin into your nose to disinfect the mucous membrane.

Moisturizing safe sprays, which are so often recommended for children and adults with rhinitis, should not be injected infant. There is a risk of infection in the middle ear or damage to the mucous membranes.

Let's summarize

If the disease is accompanied by other symptoms and the baby’s condition worsens, then in addition to local remedies, systemic therapy (antibiotics, mucolytics, antipyretics) is prescribed.

Treatment of a runny nose in childhood is the task of parents. An otolaryngologist or pediatrician can help you cope with the symptoms and help you choose the right treatment regimen. Parents must strictly follow the specialist’s instructions and create conditions for the child that contribute to his recovery.

Runny nose and medications for the common cold - School of Dr. Komarovsky

In contact with

No mother can sleep peacefully while her child is sick. A runny nose in children is a fairly common occurrence, and from proper and quick treatment its duration will depend. You can relieve your child of a stuffy nose using drops, ointments, inhalations, heating and folk recipes.

Runny nose and its causes

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Most often, rhinitis is not independent disease, but a symptom of ARVI, colds, other viral diseases or allergies.

Appearance large quantity mucus is a defense mechanism that helps fight infection. Mucus contains substances that effectively fight the virus. But provided that the discharge is not thick. And dried mucus becomes an excellent place for microbes to multiply.

The main causes of a runny nose in a child:

  • Viral diseases (colds);
  • Hypothermia, especially in the autumn-winter period;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Temperature changes;
  • Trauma to the nasal cavity;
  • Exposure to allergens on the body;
  • Located in the nasal passages foreign object.

Because the immune system Children's immunity is not as strong as that of adults, and does not always protect against viruses; children are more likely to get a runny nose. Any change in temperature or communication with peers in kindergarten may lead to rhinitis.

Signs of a runny nose

In the first hours of the disease:

  • the baby complains of a burning sensation in the nose, discomfort in the throat;
  • starts sneezing;
  • The nasal passages are gradually formed.

Eat simple tips that will help cure rhinitis faster:

  • Give to a child drinking plenty of fluids;
  • Constantly ventilate the room;
  • Do daily wet cleaning;
  • Humidify the air;
  • Avoid contact with dust, smoke, strong odors;
  • Do not overheat the baby.

It is important to teach your child to blow his nose correctly, closing each nostril in turn. If the child is too small to blow his nose on his own or with your help, then use nasal aspirators to mechanically cleanse the passages of mucus.

There are aspirators:

  • In the shape of a pear with a soft tip, for example, from Nubi, Chicco. Their price is low, about 100 rubles, and they are equipped with a special attachment to prevent injuries to the mucous membrane.
  • Mechanical in the form of a tube, from the companies “Otrivin-baby”, “Physiomer”. They cost more, around 200-450 rubles, but they remove mucus better.
  • Electronic aspirators. They are effective in suctioning out mucus, but their price can reach up to 5 thousand rubles. Manufacturers: “Koklin”, “Clean Nose”.
  • Vacuum aspirators are very bulky and noisy.

Stages of rhinitis

There are 3 main stages:

  • Stage 1 is short, but the most rapid. There is a burning sensation in the nose, sneezing and vasoconstriction.
  • Stage 2 – lasts up to 3 days. The vessels dilate, the child’s mucous membrane becomes red and swells, and mucus is released abundantly.
  • At stage 3, the condition improves, breathing through the nose improves, but the mucus becomes thicker.

Classically, a baby’s runny nose lasts up to 7 days, but with good immunity it goes away in 3-4 days.

Try to prevent complications from occurring and start treatment for rhinitis on time.

Traditional treatment methods

How to treat a runny nose in a child?

  • First, it is advised to clear the nasal sinuses of mucus. The child needs to blow his nose properly, or use a special aspirator to rid his nose of mucus.
  • Then rinse your nasal passages throughout the day. It is made using water with salt, infusions of chamomile or sage, with moisturizing drops based on sea water - Aqua Maris or Otrivin.
  • If a runny nose is caused by a viral infection, it is treated with interferon drugs, for example, Grippferon (an antiviral drug).
  • If the swelling does not go away, then children's rhinitis is recommended to be treated with herbal preparations, for example Pinosol with eucalyptus and pine oil. Or use drops with vasoconstrictor effect- Nizivin, Otrivin. Such drops are used only when absolutely necessary.
  • At allergic rhinitis apply antihistamines, for example, (can be used for children up to one year old).

To make breathing easier while you sleep, dampen a cotton swab or cloth. essential oils mint or eucalyptus and place it next to your child's bed.

Very useful tool If you have rhinitis, your baby will have inhalations. A special device called a nebulizer is filled with boiled water with 2-3 drops of essential oil (eucalyptus, sage, fir), using appropriate attachments.

For older children, inhalation can be done over steam over a saucepan or using an inhaler.

Treatment with folk remedies

Despite the many antiviral and vasoconstrictor drugs for children, the use of traditional recipes should not be ruled out. They are safe for a child’s mucous membranes, time-tested and help quickly remove a runny nose.

Here are the most effective of them:

  • Beet juice

Grate the beets and squeeze out the juice. 2 drops of the product are instilled into each nasal passage. Repeat up to 4 times a day.

  • Garlic juice with honey

Mix half a spoon of garlic juice and water. Add a little honey and instill it in the baby.

  • Onion juice

An equal amount of onion juice and water is mixed with honey and dripped 3-4 times a day.

  • Washing with decoctions

Rinse your nose with decoctions of chamomile, sage or calendula.

  • Sea buckthorn with calendula

Take sea buckthorn oil and calendula juice. Apply to cotton swabs and place in your sinuses for 20 minutes.

  • Warming up the sinuses

Cool the salt or boiled egg heated in a clean frying pan, put it in a cotton or linen bag and apply it to your nose.
Important: the salt or egg should be warm, not hot, so as not to burn the baby’s nose.

  • Inhalations

Perform inhalations over herbal decoctions, essential oils, and boiled potatoes.

Suitable for children aged 2 years and older.
Honey is mixed with water, beet juice or Aloe juice, infused and instilled up to 3 times a day.

  • Onion and garlic

Every parent is acutely worried when their child is sick. And especially if he has a runny nose. After all, when the nose is stuffy, the baby begins to breathe heavily through his mouth. The constantly flowing mucus does not give him peace; he cannot eat or sleep normally. You can alleviate the child’s suffering with the help of a set of measures aimed at eliminating mucus, narrowing the vessels of the nasal mucosa, strengthening the immune system and ridding the body of the virus.

Why does a runny nose appear?

A runny nose is usually the result of hypothermia, combined with the presence of a virus or bacteria in the body. A runny nose is a constant companion to ARVI. In this case, it is necessary to treat the disease comprehensively - fighting the runny nose, bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, antiviral drugs.

Rhinitis can also be allergic. A child may react with snot to dust, pollen, animal hair and other pathogens. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the allergen and take a dose of antihistamines.

How to treat a runny nose in children

Treatment baby runny nose comes down to a set of measures, which consists of rinsing and cleansing the nose, as well as the use of vasoconstrictors and medications.

  1. Rinse with salt water. First, the spout should be rinsed. This is usually done with a saline solution, but if you don't have any on hand, you can make your own. Essentially, saline solution is clean, slightly salted water. In a glass of boiled warm water you need to dilute half a teaspoon of salt. If the child is big, you can explain to him how to rinse his nose with a kettle. To do this, salted water is poured into the kettle, the spout of the kettle is placed in one nostril so that the water flows into it and flows out of the other nostril. This way you need to rinse both nostrils. But it happens that the child refuses to do this or is too young for such a procedure. In this case, you can simply use a dropper or a small syringe without a needle to pour a little salt water into each nostril. You can’t get up right away, otherwise the salt water will instantly pour out. It's better to lie down for a while. As you know, salt water draws out mucus and brings it out. You need to rinse your nose with this water often, every 3-4 hours, so that the mucus does not thicken. After all, bacteria multiply well in dried snot. The slogan of one famous pediatrician sounds like this: “Mother, don’t let the snot dry!”
  2. Vasoconstrictor medications. About 10 minutes after rinsing the nose, the child should be given vasoconstrictor medications. This is done so that the baby can breathe and eat normally. Vasoconstrictor drugs can be in the form of drops and sprays. Sprays are not recommended for children under one year of age. Vasoconstrictor drugs are strictly regulated by dosage and age. Adult medications that constrict blood vessels should not be used for children - this can be dangerous. Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used for more than 5 days. During this time, it is quite possible to cure colds and ARVI, and long-term use of these medications can lead to addiction and weakening of the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Treatment. After the nose is clean and the nasal passages allow the child to breathe freely, you can drop it into the nose medications based on herbs or medicinal oils. Protorgol will help your child cope with a runny nose. This medicine is most often prepared in government pharmacies.

When treating a runny nose, it is very important to maintain room humidity. After all, dry and hot air, characteristic of winter period(when heaters and batteries are working) dries out the mucous membrane. You should definitely purchase an air humidifier, and if this is not possible, just throw a wet blanket over the radiators.

For older children, inhalations can be arranged. Hot air warms up maxillary sinuses and nasal passages. A medicines and natural herbs, on the basis of which the decoction is prepared, disinfect the nasal mucosa. You can prepare a decoction for inhalation based on chamomile or calendula. Adding a little eucalyptus or a few mint leaves to the decoction will help clear your breath.

A runny nose in young children is aggravated by the fact that children cannot eat and sleep normally due to their stuffy nose. Small children a few months old do not even know how to roll over, and therefore, when mucus flows into their nose and does not allow them to breathe, they become very restless and cry. The same thing happens while eating. When a baby sucks on the breast or bottle with formula, he cannot breathe through his mouth. This leads to the baby eating intermittently and swallowing air. Fight a runny nose small child it is necessary immediately at the first symptoms.

The principle of treatment for young children is almost the same. However, before you drip a salt solution into their nose, you need to clear the mucus from their nose. This can be done using a special nozzle suction device, which is sold in a pharmacy. It is a small rubber bulb with a comfortable silicone nozzle. You need to insert this nozzle into one nostril and close the other tightly. Using a vacuum, you need to pull out the mucus from the baby’s nose, which prevents him from breathing. The nozzle ejector may also be not a bulb, but a long tube. In this case, parents will have to independently suck out the mucus from the nose, which collects in a long tube. After use, the device must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

In addition, when putting a small child to sleep, you need to place a pillow under his head and shoulders, which will raise his head so that mucus does not collect in his nose.

If pieces of dried mucus are stuck in the child’s nasal passages, you need to “fish out” them from there using cotton wool or ear swabs. Children over two years old can by example show how to blow your nose and clean your nose.

Here are a few traditional medicine recipes with which you can quickly, effectively and safely relieve your child of a runny nose.

  1. Onion juice contains a lot beneficial properties. Vapors from onion juice destroy bacteria. Therefore, in a room where there are patients, you need to put chopped onions into bowls. Onion juice, diluted 1 to 3 with water, can be dripped into the child’s nose. This is very effective remedy, helping to overcome a runny nose.
  2. Very popular remedy against a runny nose - beet juice. You need to grate the vegetable and squeeze it with gauze. Fresh Juice. Let it brew for a couple of hours, and then dilute it half and half with water and drop it into your nose. If the juice burns, next application It is better to moisten small cotton swabs and insert them into the nostrils. With this folk medicine You can overcome even the most severe runny nose.
  3. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice is considered a very effective remedy against the runny nose. Several leaves need to be washed, dried and the juice squeezed out of them. Then this juice should be dropped into the nose or moistened in it. cotton buds and apply the product to the nasal mucosa. The juice of these plants has a pronounced antibacterial effect, which allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of microbes in the respiratory tract.
  4. To get rid of a runny nose, you can warm up your child with boiled chicken eggs. The boiled egg is wrapped in cloth so as not to burn the skin and applied to the top of the nose. In this case, it is better to do this in a slightly bent position so that the flowing mucus does not enter the maxillary sinuses. However, it is worth noting that warming up cannot be done when high temperature and if there is a suspicion of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or inflammation of the middle ear.

In order not to fight a runny nose, you need to follow everything preventive measures that will help you avoid this disease. Provide your child with adequate balanced diet, walk with your baby more often, constantly ventilate the room. After visiting places large cluster people need to rinse the child's nose with salt water to avoid the virus entering the body. Toughen up your child exercise, water and air baths. Follow a sleep and rest schedule, spend more time in the fresh air. If you follow all these rules, you will not face any runny nose!

Video: how to treat a runny nose in a baby

Sooner or later, every parent is faced with a runny nose in their child. This is not surprising: every day a baby encounters thousands of microbes and viruses, and a small, fragile body is simply not able to repel all their attacks. Sometimes rhinitis can drag on for 2 weeks, preventing the child from sleeping, eating and playing normally and becoming a real problem for parents. However, do not despair if you once again notice signs of a cold in your baby: if you know how to cure a runny nose in a child, you can cope with it unpleasant symptom quite possible in just a few days.

To quickly and effectively cure a runny nose in a baby, mom and dad should follow some important recommendations. This, of course, will not replace the main treatment, but it will help stop the development of rhinitis and get rid of snot much faster. So, when treating a runny nose in children it is necessary:

  1. Limit physical exercise. As a rule, rhinitis is a consequence of decreased immunity and weakening of the body, so the baby should be given the opportunity to get stronger.
  2. Do not take your child to kindergarten or school. Firstly, this will save him from worsening his condition, and secondly, it will not allow the infection to spread further.
  3. Rinse your nose thoroughly regularly. Effective treatment A runny nose in children is impossible without removing mucus from the nasal passages, since it contains a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria that does not allow the baby to recover.
  4. Give your child plenty of fluids. This is necessary in order to eliminate intoxication caused by activity pathogenic microorganisms. A herbal decoction or berry juice will do. To increase immunity, the baby can drink them with the addition of honey (provided there is no allergy to this product).
  5. Regularly ventilate the room in the absence of the child and carry out wet cleaning. This will maintain the required level of humidity in the room, and it will be easier for the baby to breathe. In addition, these measures will help get rid of the accumulation of germs in the air.
  6. Go for walks if the baby does not have a temperature. Doctors not only do not prohibit walking when you have a runny nose, but also strongly recommend doing it every day, if weather conditions and the child’s condition permit. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa, strengthens the immune system and helps to quickly cure rhinitis.

Parents should remember that you can only eliminate a runny nose that is just beginning on your own. If the discharge from the nasal passages is liquid and transparent, this means that a child’s runny nose can be cured at home, but as soon as it becomes thick, green or yellowish, this indicates that a bacterial infection has occurred. In this case, it is no longer possible to neglect visiting the pediatrician, otherwise the disease can lead to complications.

As a rule, to eliminate such a runny nose, a specialist prescribes an antibacterial drug.

It is also important to know that the cause of rhinitis is not always a cold. A runny nose can begin due to an allergy or a foreign body entering the nasal passages. Before treating a child for rhinitis, it is necessary to clarify what exactly caused it in order to avoid improper treatment and unnecessary use of medications.

Parents who want to learn how to cure a runny nose in one day should remember that no matter how diligently they follow all the advice regarding eliminating rhinitis, and no matter how effective the remedy is chosen, it is impossible to rid the baby of the disease in 1 day - unless Not allergic rhinitis or a runny nose caused by a foreign object entering the nose. However, mom and dad are quite capable of ensuring that a lasting improvement in the baby’s condition becomes noticeable within 3 days after the start of a runny nose.

Rinse and drip

As mentioned above, the method of treating a runny nose in children involves mandatory cleansing of nasal secretions and moisturizing the mucous membrane. How to remove mucus from nasal passages? The most effective way to do this is to rinse your nose with a solution based on sea or table salt.

Today on pharmacy counters you can see a huge number of preparations for rinsing the nose with the addition of sea water. They are considered absolutely safe and can be used to treat runny nose in children of any age, including newborns. As a rule, the cost of such solutions is quite high, but homemade products work just as well.

To make a solution for rinsing a child’s nose, it is recommended to dilute ½ tsp. culinary or sea ​​salt in 1 glass warm clean water, having previously boiled it. The cooled solution is injected into the nasal cavity using a rubber medical bulb. For each procedure, you need to make a fresh solution, since foreign microorganisms multiply quickly in the liquid, and therefore salty water, remaining from the previous washing, is no longer suitable. To quickly stop a runny nose that has started, it is recommended to rinse your nose at least 4-5 times a day.

Children over 4 years old are already quite capable of blowing their nose on their own, but when treating a runny nose in a child 2-3 years old, an aspirator should be used to remove mucus from the nasal passages along with rinsing. When cleaning a baby’s nose, you need to act extremely carefully: the mucous membrane in children is very delicate, and the blood vessels are weak, and any careless movement may cause the child to start bleeding from the nose.

Although saline solutions are good at clearing mucus from a child’s nose and make breathing somewhat easier, they are not able to completely cure a runny nose. Cleansing procedures should be combined with instillation into the nasal passages medicinal solutions. Many parents prefer to stop runny noses in children with the help of vasoconstrictor drops, forgetting that such medications are not intended for treatment at all: they only help relieve swelling and thereby open up nasal breathing.

It is recommended to give vasoconstrictor drips to children only as a last resort, for example, before bedtime, so that the baby can breathe through his nose and sleep peacefully. In addition, you cannot use such drugs for more than 4-5 days, as they can be addictive.

To quickly cure a runny nose in children, you can use safe and natural remedies– drops prepared at home from herbal ingredients. There are the following folk recipes for a runny nose in a child:

  1. Aloe juice. To prepare the drops, you need to take 1-2 leaves of an adult plant (at least 3 years old), wash, peel, chop and, wrapping in clean gauze, squeeze out the juice. The liquid must be mixed with clean water in a ratio of 1:1, for children under 3 years old - in a ratio of 1:2. Place 2 drops into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day.
  2. Carrot juice. Grate fresh carrots, squeeze out the juice and drop 2 drops into each nostril several times a day.
  3. Beet juice. The healing liquid is obtained from boiled beets. The juice can be combined with water in a 1:1 ratio or dripped into pure form. It is also allowed to breed in beet juice honey (for 1 tablespoon of liquid, 1 drop of honey), if the child is not allergic to nectar.

It is necessary to use folk recipes in the treatment of children's runny nose very carefully so as not to harm the delicate nasal mucosa. If after several days of such therapy there is no improvement, you should definitely contact your pediatrician. The attending physician will examine the child and, if necessary, prescribe alternative treatment.

Inhalations for rhinitis

When discussing how to treat a runny nose in a child, one cannot fail to mention such a method of getting rid of rhinitis as inhalation. The simplest inhalations, with the help of which our mothers and grandmothers preferred to cure the runny nose, are steam inhalations. These are the same procedures that need to be done in a saucepan healing decoction and breathe, covering your head with a towel, the steam emanating from the container. Such inhalations can be done using potato or herbal decoction, to which eucalyptus leaves, coltsfoot, fir, and St. John's wort are added. It is also allowed to do steam inhalations based on mineral water.

If you are thinking about how you can cure a runny nose in a baby using inhalations, you should remember several important rules:

  1. The procedures are not performed on children under one year of age.
  2. Inhalations should not be done if the child has even a slightly elevated body temperature.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the steam is not too hot, otherwise there is a risk that the child will get a burn to the mucous membranes.
  4. In order for the treatment to work, it is necessary to carry out at least 3-4 inhalations over the course of a week.
  5. The child must understand that you need to breathe over the steam only through your nose, without opening your mouth - only in this case will the desired effect be achieved.

Today, special devices for inhalation - nebulizers - have become popular. They are indeed very effective and safe if used correctly. To carry out procedures with a nebulizer, it is necessary to use only special solutions, since when inhaling with this device, the steam penetrates deep into the lungs, and the use of products that are not intended for the inhaler can lead to the development of complications.

How to help a baby with a runny nose?

Many young parents are often concerned about how to quickly cure a runny nose in a baby. Indeed, an illness in an infant is of particular concern, because a child under one year old is still very weak and cannot be treated with potent drugs. It is not recommended to use in the treatment of runny nose in infants and folk remedies: You can harm the baby even more. What to do in this case?

Doctors advise washing and washing again. There is nothing safer and more effective for babies than constantly cleaning the nasal passages with sterile isotonic solutions. Please note: sterile. And since sterility saline solution it is almost impossible to achieve at home, preference should be given ready-made means from the pharmacy. In addition, many of them are designed specifically for infants, as they have special tips that do not allow the medicine to be thrown into the nasal passages in a powerful stream. In children under one year of age, the hearing and respiratory organs are very closely interconnected, and if liquid enters the baby’s nose under pressure, it can penetrate into the eustachian tube and cause otitis media. Therefore, infants should never rinse their nose with a rubber bulb or syringe. It is necessary to remove mucus from the nasal passages only with the help of a special aspirator.

It is allowed to instill a vasoconstrictor medicine into the nose from time to time, but you need to carefully monitor the dosage and use only those drugs that are approved for the treatment of runny nose in infants.

But dripping into the baby’s nose breast milk, as “knowledgeable” people advise to do, is strictly prohibited: not only will it not help cure rhinitis, but it can also cause a bacterial infection.

If you know how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child, you can really do it at home. The most important thing is to carry out the treatment correctly and carefully monitor the baby’s condition. If it doesn't improve, don't let things slide. The best decision in such a situation would be to contact a pediatrician.