Lenormand 54 meaning of cards. The meaning of Lenormand cards, basic layouts. The meaning of the card in the layout

Guidelines for working with the deck

Before you begin the layouts, you need to understand how to communicate with the deck so that it serves you faithfully, how to accustom it to your hands and what better questions ask in order to get answers to them, in what period is it best to use fortune telling on cards.

How to handle a Lenormand deck

It’s worth mentioning right away that the Lenormand deck of cards is not a toy. It can only be used for fortune telling. If you even once turn to the cards for the purpose of the game, the deck will simply stop telling the truth or turn into your enemy, giving advice that will not build your life the way you would like.


Remember that fortune telling does not allow for stupid curiosity. You should contact him to resolve any serious issues and obtain important advice. Only if no methods help solve the problem, should you turn to fortune telling. If you use it on any of the most insignificant issues, you will simply stop making independent decisions and will be completely dependent on the layout of the deck. And giving responsibility for your life to the deck is a wrong decision from the very beginning.

Also, you can’t do more than three layouts at a time, otherwise the cards will get tired and start lying. And your physical condition will be depleted. After all, fortune telling requires a lot of energy work, which you do not notice. So take care of yourself. You can always postpone the issue until the next day.

Another important parting word! There is no need to lay out the cards in order to check the truth of the result, for example, by asking questions about your past. If you don't trust your deck, it won't work effectively with you. You must establish a sincere dialogue with her.

If you are not satisfied with the answer that the cards give, do not try to lay them out again in order to hear what you want. It is important to stop and think carefully about the exact result you got. Perhaps on this moment you have a hard time accepting it. But the cards don't look for easy ways. They just give you possible options the solution to their problem at the moment. Everything else is up to you. Who said that the path to the goal will be easy? You may have to go through a lot of trials to grow in your own eyes and achieve what you want. But soon you will understand that the very situation that once did not suit you has helped you move forward and achieve new heights.

The right attitude

Before starting any reading, it is important to tune in to fortune telling. Find a quiet place. Nothing should distract you or throw you out of balance. To create the right mood, you can light a candle.

You must disconnect from extraneous thoughts and fully concentrate on the problem that worries you and which you want to clarify with the help of fortune telling. Thus, you create a specific request for the Universe and appeal to the depths of your subconscious.

While shuffling the cards, mentally ask the question you want answered. Don't stop until a clear request is formed in your head. The cards themselves will tell you when you can start fortune telling. As soon as you feel light resistance After shuffling (cards will begin to fall out of the deck), you can begin to deal.


Don't rush into working with cards. First, you will have to get used to the deck, gain confidence in it, find with it, so to speak, mutual language. Just don’t try to perform complex layouts right away. Start working with one or more cards. When you can easily learn to do simple layouts, you can move on to more complex ones.

Remember that before you start fortune-telling, you should choose a fortune-teller card - a blank card. In the Lenormand deck it is defined very simply:

For a man - 28th card, “Gentleman”;

For a woman - the 29th card, “Queen”.

The entire layout will be built in relation to the selected form card.

And further! At the first stage of fortune telling, do not try to immediately address difficult issues related to illness or death. Create an easier and more trusting dialogue with the cards and only after that proceed to serious predictions.


Remember that the Lenormand deck requires careful and attentive handling. This is your assistant. Therefore, the deck must have a separate velvet napkin in which it will be stored. And it’s even better if you gently talk to the cards, as if they were a living being, before you deal with the layout. You can, for example, tell the cards how much you need them, how glad you are that they help you, holding them in your palms. Be sure to thank your deck for its help after completing the fortune telling.

Another important point. After working with the deck, you need to put a small banknote on it so that the cards are not offended. Otherwise, everything that was predicted may not come true or may turn against you.

How to tame the Lenormand deck

If you want to make Lenormand cards your assistants, then first of all you will have to tame the deck. After purchasing, find a secluded place so that no one will disturb you. Print out the packaging and hold the cards in your hands for a few minutes, thinking about a positive future. Then look carefully at each card, choosing those that you liked and those that caused difficult experiences. Ask the cards to always tell you the truth, without hiding troubles, and thank those cards that caused difficult feelings in you.

Layout "Acquaintance"

To get acquainted with the deck, make the first layout. Mix all the cards well and pull out any six of them. Lay them out in front of you. Then start asking questions by choosing one of the six cards.

First question - What is the character of the deck?

Second question: What topics will the deck be happy to talk to you about?

Third question – What topics would the deck not want questions about?

Fourth question - For what purpose did the deck end up in your hands, i.e. what life lesson does it intend to teach you?

Fifth question - How to better understand the deck?

Sixth question - What could be the result of your work together with the deck in the future?

"Trust" layout

Once you become familiar with the deck, you need to establish a dialogue with it and learn to trust it. To do this, make another layout for six questions. Shuffle the deck again and draw six cards. Lay them out in front of you. When asking questions, choose only one card to get an interpretation of the answer.

First question - How does the deck perceive you?

Second question - What are your strengths?

Third question - What are your weaknesses?

Question four - What will be your relationship with the deck?

Fifth question – What topics are your priority for working with the deck?

Sixth question - What can the deck advise you for the coming year?

What questions to ask the Lenormand deck

The process of working with the Lenormand deck is very responsible. Whether the deck will be your faithful assistant or not depends on how correctly you interact with it. What should you do to make friends with the deck, and what questions should you ask it?

Fortune telling using Madame Lenormand's method can answer any of your questions. But how correct and accurate the prediction will be depends on how correctly you ask the question.

If you ask the deck: “When will I marry a prince on a white horse who will provide me with a carefree life?”, most likely you will not get an intelligible answer. This question is too general and it is completely unclear what you mean. And in general, it is unlikely that such a wish could ever come true, since family life there is no such thing as without any difficulties and worries.

Therefore, when working with maps, try to be realistic and not have your head in the clouds. To get a clear understanding of your situation, try to formulate your request as precisely, specifically and clearly as possible. For example: “What actions do I need to take to meet a person with whom I can create a happy family?”

A question like this will give you food for thought as an answer and possible options for action that will help change the situation in better side. Because the way you have behaved so far seems to be the wrong tactics.

Another important point is to determine the time frame within which you would like to resolve the problem. For example, ask a question like this: “What steps should I take to meet the person I will marry within a year?” If you guess with the hope that someday your question will be resolved, then the deck simply will not give you the exact answer. Specifying a time frame will allow you to receive a specific action program for this period, and not drag out the solution to your problem for many years.

Don't overload your deck with too much information. During the day, work on only one topic, such as problems at work or in your family. Otherwise, you will empty yourself and your deck on an energetic level. If you have a lot of questions, break them down into topics and plan your fortune-telling according to them.

Question hint

If you doubt how correctly you formulate your questions, you can use the following templates.

What steps to take...?

Will it be favorable...?

Are there any prospects...?

What happens if...?

What is the probability if...?

What tasks need to be set in order to...?

What is the reason that...?

What knowledge will help me to...?

What can be done in case of...?

You should be prepared for the fact that you may receive the most unexpected, sometimes not very pleasant answer. But the cards only speak about your reality, which you are simply afraid to boldly look into the eyes. They help you move beyond your limitations, even if it means leaving your comfort zone.

Don't be surprised if the deck doesn't want to give you an adequate answer to some topics. Most likely, you are simply not ready to hear it at the moment. Therefore, let go of the problem for a while and return to fortune-telling with it when you calm down emotionally.

Remember! When working with fortune telling, you always have the right to choose how to act in a given situation: follow the advice of the cards or look for an alternative way out.

How to Interpret Card Meanings

Once you have completed the layout, do not rush to immediately interpret it. Look at it without going into the image individual cards. You should have a holistic image of the layout. Listen to yourself. What sensations and associations did you have? Are they positive or negative? Try it on at this stage formulate a possible answer to your question.

Once you have a general impression of the layout, you can begin to interpret individual cards, based on their description in the book. Don’t be afraid to use your intuition and give your own understanding of the layout. Then your work with the deck will bring not only pleasure, but also excellent results.

When doing fortune telling, it is very important to rely on your own associations with pictures, and not to use someone else’s opinion, since only your subconscious contains the answers to questions. The same card can be interpreted differently depending on the situation and the predictor. For example, the symbol of a mountain is a rise, growth, and at the same time difficulties and obstacles. Which interpretation option is right for you depends only on your choice.

Form card

When interpreting the layout, it is important to take into account the meaning of not only one card, but also its connection with others, i.e. consider the situation as a whole. In this case, you will have to take into account the location of the card in relation to the form card.

We remind you that for a man – the 28th card is “Gentleman”, for a woman – the 29th card is “Queen”.

The cards located to the right of it will talk about the future.

The cards on the left are about the past.

The cards on top are about plans or expectations.

The cards below are about repressed or forgotten events, thoughts or emotions.

The most important cards in the layout are eight cards, which are arranged in a square around the blank card. They carry the main meaning of the prediction. Cards located at a distance of more than four cards from the form have additional meaning or indicate events that are too distant. Cards that are laid out diagonally carry the meaning of hidden thoughts and desires.

Sometimes in a layout you should take into account where the blank card is located. She doesn't always end up in the center.

If the blank card is at the bottom of the layout, it means that the predictor is in control of the situation.

The form card on top says, on the contrary, that the fortuneteller is captive of illusions and is not able to control his feelings.

The form card on the right indicates the need to dive into the past and begin to resolve forgotten situations and correct mistakes once made.

The form card on the left shows that attention should be focused on the future and not return to the problems of the past.

Favorable days for deck fortune telling

Surely you have noticed that for some unknown reason, on some days everything goes well for you, on others everything goes wrong. This fact is explained by the fact that our life is subject to the energetic vibrations of the Universe.

Depending on the phase of the moon, some days carry favorable energy, while others aggravate negative energy. Knowing these patterns, you can always choose a successful fortune-telling period for yourself. After all, your deck of cards, like you, is in close relationship with the vibrations of the day.

So, a favorable period for fortune telling is the phase of the waxing Moon. This is the time when your deck is at its most powerful. The 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th and 13th days of the lunar calendar are especially suitable for fortune telling. You will easily receive answers to your questions and instructions for decisive action.

A favorable period for fortune telling on cards is also the full moon. This is the time when everything secret becomes clear. Therefore, your deck will become an excellent conductor of information.

Since ancient times, the reliability of fortune telling for each question was determined by month.

If you want to get a prediction on travel, travel, relocation, and real estate, September - November will be the most successful.

During the period from December to January, fortune telling on cards will work on any issues that concern you.

In February it is good to guess about wealth, and in March - April - about love and relationships.

May - June can be devoted to predictions on work issues, and July and August - on issues related to family and children.

Days of abstinence in deck fortune telling

Of course, you should not overuse fortune telling. You need to be careful with cards on the waning moon. This is a period of energy depletion, so the deck will work inefficiently and give unclear answers.

The 9th, 19th, 23rd and 29th are also considered unfavorable for predictions. lunar days when negative vibrations predominate. During this period, it is better not to pick up cards at all, since the cards will only show information with a minus sign. And she's in unfavorable days is perceived very acutely, can trigger past emotional traumas or set you up for a program of bad luck.

Therefore, before turning to fortune-telling, look at the lunar calendar and make a schedule for working with the cards. This will help you manage your time and get the most useful results.

Practical task
"What I want?"

Before starting the layouts, I recommend that you sort out your desires. It's not as simple as it seems at first glance. Many of us cannot accurately formulate our wishes, and this prevents us from getting an accurate answer in fortune telling. Right now, try to formulate your desires in detail.

1. First, get yourself a notebook. With it you will record the results of your work with cards.

2. Take a comfortable position, relax and discard extraneous thoughts. Try to focus on what you want or situations that need to be resolved.

3. Take a notebook and write on a separate sheet the area that worries you - work, love, family, children, money, etc. Describe your desires below. Try to do this as accurately and in detail as possible.

4. Under each desire, list the questions you would like answered.

5. Your fortune telling plan is ready. All you have to do is decide when you can implement it. Talk to lunar calendar and determine lucky days for fortune telling. Write them down in your notebook next to each question and try to follow this schedule.

What does the Lenormand deck consist of?

For her fortune telling, Madame Lenormand used a specially designed deck consisting of 36 cards. It looks like a regular playing deck, so you can easily figure it out. A detailed description of each card will help you make an accurate forecast. But at the same time, do not forget about your own intuition and use the information that resonates specifically for you.

Description of the deck

Each card in the Lenormand deck is numbered from one to thirty-six and symbolizes a situation. Only two cards - the twenty-eighth “Gentleman” and the twenty-ninth “Queen” - indicate the gender of the person for whom the layout is being made.

All cards in the deck can be divided into the usual suits (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs). Each suit includes cards from six to Ace (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace).

For your convenience, below is a description of each card by suit (so you can easily navigate by analogy with playing cards). In it you will learn:

Which serial number has a map,

During what period does its maximum effect occur?

Which planet patronizes her and under the influence of which zodiac sign she is under,

Which part of the body does it correspond to?

Description of the card in its upright and inverted meaning, its interpretation in various fields life and in a layout with other cards.


(six of hearts)

Card No. 16

Element: Water

Astrology: 1.05–11.05, Taurus, Moon

Physiology: ankles

Description of the map

The map shows clear skies and brightly shining stars. They illuminate the way for travelers and fill the heart with peace and tranquility.

Symbolism of the card

Stars are conductors between Earth and Heaven. Since ancient times, they were considered as a sign from above or as the soul of an ancestor, which protects from troubles.

In addition, stars are considered in astrology as an integral part of the zodiac constellations, by which the characteristics of a person and his fate are determined.

Another meaning of stars is a guide to sea and land. It is no coincidence that travelers can determine their path by the stars. The starry sky also indicates the coming of a clear day and gives hope for a bright future.

Advice! Follow the clues of fate - they will lead you to success!

Carefully! Don't have your head in the clouds. You must feel the ground under your feet so that your expectations do not turn into disappointments. Correlate your desires and your capabilities and find a balance between them.

Forecast for the day! Be attentive to your intuition, it will tell you the right decision.

General meaning of the card

Direct position. This is a lucky star card that lights up your path. Fate itself leads you to success. There is no need to resist her. Your task is to treat any events philosophically. See failures as a springboard for further development and improving quality of life.

The Star card also indicates the possibility of inspiration and intuition.

Devote yourself to creativity or the search for new ideas and knowledge, the pursuit of ideals.

You will be able to think creatively and easily find non-standard solutions. The card speaks of the priority of the spiritual over the material. Therefore, put aside pressing financial or household issues and allow yourself to dream a little.

Inverted position. If the Star card is in an inverted position, then this indicates a retreat into fantasies and dreams or a immersion in past memories. Refusal to accept reality is fraught with self-destruction, turning to alcohol or drugs.

The reversed position can also indicate overestimation of one's capabilities and excessive boasting, which can lead to serious disappointments in the future.

Love and relationships. If you are looking for a life partner, then the stars favor your search. A fateful meeting awaits you. If you are in a relationship, it will be full of romance. Harmonious creative connections are also possible. However, relationships are devoid of practicality; they are built on dreams and thoughts about the future. There is no concern about financial stability.

Work and money. The Star Card indicates lofty plans, ideas that are unlikely to bring material benefit. There is a great possibility of obtaining new job or change of professional orientation.

Health. The card speaks of good health. If there are diseases, they will soon go away on their own.

Personality characteristics. The Star card indicates a romantic and sensual nature. Such a person is passionate about creativity and has a special gift or talent. He is quite quick-tempered, often does not think about the practical component of life and is ready to work for the sake of an idea.

The card also describes an observant and inquisitive person who constantly strives for new knowledge and discoveries, loves to travel and improve himself. These could be scientists, philosophers, writers, artists, musicians.

Sometimes hidden under the Star card are people gifted with the ability to predict the future. Often he says to them “not of this world.” It is difficult for such a person to find mutual understanding with other people; she often seems distant, although in fact she is very vulnerable.

Before building relationships, people under the Star card look closely and analyze for a long time possible risks. Therefore, sometimes they seem uninterested in contacts.

The meaning of the card in the layout

In the present position, the Star card speaks of patronage Higher powers. Good luck accompanies you in any endeavor.

In the position of the future, the card indicates positive prospects and the implementation of plans.

In the position of the past - on old experience that helps in achieving goals.

Star Card +

1. Horseman - good news.

2. Clover - unexpected gain or inheritance.

3. A ship is a trip or journey that will be successful in all respects.

4. Home – well-being in household chores.

5. Tree – good health and longevity.

6. Clouds - a streak of bad luck.

7. The snake is a bad feeling that you need to listen to.

8. Coffin - parting with illusions or empty expectations.

9. Bouquet – joyful events.

10. Scythe - negative fatal events.

11. Broom – a series of bad luck.

12. Owls - meeting with mystery.

13. A child is a manifestation of a special gift or ability.

14. Fox – deception or false hopes.

15. Bear - non-material assistance.

17. Stork - new ideas or discoveries, change of job.

18. A dog is a selfless help.

19. Tower - recognition of ideas or discoveries.

20. Garden – popularity among colleagues or friends.

21. Mountain - overcoming the vicissitudes of fate, which will lead to positive changes.

22. Fork – a choice at the level of ideas and thoughts.

23. Rats – sycophancy or false goals.

24. Heart – platonic connection.

25. Ring – relationships sent by fate.

26. A book is a manifestation of creative abilities, interest in new knowledge.

27. Writing is a passion for astrology.

30. Lily is a manifestation of talent.

31. Sun – glory or recognition of ideas.

32. Moon – aggravation of intuition, third eye or withdrawal into oneself.

33. The key is new invention.

34. Pisces - the birth of ideas related to improving the financial situation.

35. Anchor – stability and calm.

36. Cross - strong influence of past events, change in karma.

The large Lenormand Astromythological deck consists of 54 cards (52 cards for predictions and plus 2 significator cards) and is radically different from the small gypsy deck. In terms of semantic interpretation, the large Lenormand deck is much closer to Tarot cards than to the traditional Mary Lenormand deck. In our country, a large astro-mythological deck received its second life thanks to Anna Kotelnikova, who led the Russian Tarot club for a long time. The symbols on the cards have several levels of interpretation. Effective fortune telling on the Big Deck requires possession of certain knowledge. The main nuance of the cards is that their meanings change depending on the angle at which the card is located to the blank card. The image of each card is divided into 7 parts, which gives Additional information to the main mythological plot when interpreting cards.

Firstly, almost all layouts for big deck Lenormands are built around two iconic cards, which are chosen depending on the gender of the querent, or the person being wished for. These are two blank cards, 2 significator cards with the image of a man and a woman.

Secondly, the structure of the large Lenormand deck is special and unique in its construction. In the astro-mythological deck, the main focus is on the central plot of the card, based on myths and legends that you need to know; + time frames that are determined by constellations; + amulets and tips - forecasts by colors; + where the corners of the map look - left and right, depending on what questions were posed.

Prediction cards have complex structure: the central image carries the main information load, the upper left corner contains an image of the usual playing card, the upper right corner shows letters and geomantic figures, in the middle of the upper part there are images of a constellation or planet, the lower corners contain plot drawings that complement the central plot, and finally in the middle of the lower part you will find an image of flowers and plants. However, the process of fortune telling on the Large Lenormand Deck is an incredibly exciting activity, get to know

The semantic load of the deck is built on myths and is divided into 7 main categories according to plots:

1. Gods (7 cards).

2. Heroes (5 cards)

3. Trojan War (9 cards)

4. Conquest of the Golden Fleece (5 cards)

5. Alchemy (7 cards)

6. Zodiac signs (12 cards)

7. Allegories (People - 4 cards and Animals - 3 cards)

Of the 52 cards of the astro-mythological Lenormand deck, 12 cards in the middle upper part symbolize the zodiac constellations, 33 cards - ancient constellations and 7 cards symbolize the 7 visible planets.

In the upper right corner there are geomantic figures and letters of the Latin alphabet. In fortune telling in some layouts, if you pay attention to this angle, you can see composed words that you must pay attention to when interpreting the layout. Also, these letters individually also have their own characteristics in cards. Next to each letter on the map there is an image of one of the 16 geomantic systems.

If you attach importance to additional angles in layouts, you can learn a lot of valuable information about the situation for which the layout is being made. The lower left and right corners consist of a plot design; on some cards they are directly related to the central mythical plot, and on others they carry a completely new semantic load. But in any case, reading the meaning of these angles adds additional meaning to the description of the central plot.

In the lower central part of the card there are bouquets of flowers, each flower has and carries its own meaning and history. This is another highlight of the cards that fans of aromatherapy will like, because it will give many tips in this direction.

Also, 7 cards from the deck contain tips on making talismans that will help the querent in future predicted events. The advice given by the card makes it clear which group of talismans can be used to help in a particular case.

The character of the large Lenormand deck is calm and measured. She gives clear answers, specifically to the point, without much emotion or edification, and has, perhaps, one of the most high interest rates accuracy of predictions. Pick it up when you want a clear answer to a question. The layouts are very capacious and reflect events very accurately.

An inexperienced fortuneteller may at first be intimidated by such an abundance of information and symbolism. But, having become acquainted with it, you will find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself, and you will discover another indispensable tool for predicting the future.

This fortune telling deck is named after one of the most famous fortune tellers of the 19th century - Maria Lenormand.

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The Lenormand Oracle is a powerful tool for predicting the future, thanks to logical images and associative lines. The meanings of the cards in this deck are easy to learn, since they are intuitively clear to everyone; images stimulate the imagination, the work of the subconscious and help you look deep inside yourself.

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      The secret of Lenormand decks

      Lenormand cards are often compared to a Tarot deck, and this is quite justified. Although they are not similar appearance or the principle of fortune telling, but by the force of influence. The Lenormand deck is much closer and clearer ordinary people than the deeply philosophical Tarot. They are suitable for different situations. Lenormand cards are more specific and consistent, for literally all occasions.

      • There are two versions of the deck: 36 cards and 54. Both are created on the basis of ordinary playing decks, but are quite different from each other.

        Small deck

        The small Lenormand deck contains 36 cards, each of which has its own symbol picture. Its meaning is clear to every person familiar with European culture. The picture is compared with one of the cards in the playing deck: “clouds” corresponds to the king of clubs, and “book” corresponds to the ten of diamonds.

        Two cards - "master" and "lady" - in the layout personify the questioner depending on his gender. They are also called “forms” or “significator”.

        In layouts, not only the symbolism matters, but also the order in which the cards appear. Neighboring pictures influence each other, complementing their interpretations. But first you need to remember the basic meanings. No less important is the distance at which a particular card is located from the form.

        Lenormand card meanings:

        Name Matching in the game deck Meaning
        RiderNine of HeartsIndicates a letter or important news. Depending on the distance at which the Rider lies from the form, it is determined whether the news will come from far away or from the nearest circle. The content of the letter or the essence of the news can be predicted from neighboring cards
        CloverSix of diamondsClover signifies hopes and expectations. Neighborhood with favorable cards speaks of the fulfillment of desires, monetary profit, and the end of failures. If there are bad symbols around Clover, then this means the collapse of hopes, troubles, disappointment
        ShipTen of SpadesIt means change for the better, foreshadows a journey, encourages action. Bad cards can completely reverse the meaning of the Ship
        HouseKing of HeartsThe house promises the questioner success in business, good luck in the area that is most important to him: family, business, hobby, etc. It smoothes out and softens the influence of bad cards in the layout
        TreeSeven of HeartsIt symbolizes human health. It is very important how far this card is located from the form. The further the better. If the Tree lies far away, this indicates good health, if it’s close, you need to take care of yourself and take care of your body. If the tree is surrounded good cards, this hints at stress and nervous tension
        CloudsKing of ClubsThe card is bad. It foretells a thunderstorm, says a lot about emotional state person. In order to understand exactly what kind of troubles the Clouds portend, you need to look at the neighboring maps
        SnakeQueen of ClubsThe snake is betrayal. There is an ill-wisher surrounded by a person who hides his true attitude. This is one of the few cards whose meaning does not depend in any way on its location in the layout.
        CoffinNine of DiamondsIt means some insurmountable obstacles. Sometimes illness or death. Neighboring cards should tell you where exactly trouble should come from. If it is located far from the form, then the problem is expected in the future. Now is the time to do everything possible to prevent disaster
        BouquetQueen of SpadesMeans luck in love. Attention from the opposite sex, interest
        ScytheJack of DiamondsShe warns of possible troubles, conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings. Possible accidents
        BroomJack of ClubsThe card means drastic changes in the family or at work; conflicts, scandals, and the awakening of old grievances are possible. If the Broom is located close to the form or Tree, this indicates illness
        OwlsSeven of DiamondsMental anguish, restless thoughts that eventually promise a new life lesson. The process of self-discovery
        ChildJack of spadesIt can literally mean the birth of a child, pregnancy, if located next to the Stork, or maybe harmony in family and friendly relations, making new friends
        FoxNine of ClubsIt denotes deception for fun, not for gain. This card foreshadows betrayal in love. Beware of flattery, lies and deception. If a person is involved in trade or politics, then the Fox can talk about his own cunning and resourcefulness
        BearTen of ClubsThe bear symbolizes power and strength. If it is located next to the form card, it means the spiritual strength of a person or hints at a strong patron. A position away from the form indicates betrayal or unreliability of people around you.
        StarsSix of HeartsWith equal probability, the Stars can indicate good luck or a bad streak in life. Everything directly depends on the surrounding symbols. If the Stars are located next to the form, this indicates the imminent implementation of plans
        StorkQueen of HeartsThe map is good. She promises changes in life. In combination with a Child - an addition to the family, a Ship or a Rider next to a Stork portends a journey. Dom and Stork promise to move. The proximity of bad cards to the blank in the Stork layout diametrically changes its meaning
        DogTen of HeartsPredicts the emergence of a reliable partner in business, a friend. If the Dog is next to the form, it means there is a very loved one. If far away, it may portend separation
        TowerSix of SpadesThe tower speaks of a result, the completion of something. The closer the Tower is to the form, the less time there is to wait. A good environment indicates a successful outcome, a bad environment indicates a bad outcome.
        GardenEight of SpadesJoy, celebration, fun. A good relationship with loved ones, success in the creative field. If the Garden is located far from the form or surrounded by bad cards, it speaks of bad company
        MountainEight of ClubsAn obstacle, some difficulty. We need to look for a way out, ways to get around an obstacle, solve problems, get out of a dead end. The essence of the obstacle can be determined by the adjacent symbols. If the Mountain is located far from the form, then the obstacle is insignificant
        ForkQueen of DiamondsA man stands at a crossroads; he faces a serious choice. It is important to think carefully before taking one of the roads. Especially if the Fork is close to the blank or surrounded by bad cards. And if it’s far away, then it’s better to hurry up with the decision
        RatSeven of ClubsTheft, loss or loss of something valuable. Make sure doors and surroundings are secure. If the Rat lies next to the form, then the theft has already occurred, but what was lost will soon return
        HeartJack of HeartsOne of the most favorable cards. She brings with her friendship, love, strong relationships. In a bad neighborhood speaks of a person’s selfishness and selfishness
        RingAce of ClubsThe symbolism of the ring remains unchanged: marriage, family. The card may mean new meeting with a good person
        BookTen of diamondsTraining, gaining experience, knowledge: courses, advanced training, solving a problem, interesting books, teacher
        LetterSeven of SpadesA card can mean receiving a letter in the literal sense or a call, some kind of message, news. The closer the Letter is to the form, the more important the news will be
        MasterAce of HeartsForm for a man. If they are telling fortunes for a woman, then this card symbolizes a father or brother
        LadyAce of spadesForm for a woman. In fortune telling for a man, it symbolizes a close woman: mother, sister, lover or wife
        LiliesKing of SpadesFor a long time, the Lily was considered a symbol royal power. Lilies promise powerful support from important person. Bad cards nearby can indicate a quarrel with the patron
        SunAce of DiamondsThe sunny side of life is coming. Luck, gain, victory. Success in business, love, and creativity. The essence of luck can be clarified by the adjacent symbols
        MoonEight of HeartsAuthority and respect. Success and recognition await the asker. If the Moon falls surrounded by bad cards and is far from the form, the efforts will be in vain
        KeyEight of DiamondsThe questioner will find a way out of the current situation and solve the problem assigned to him. How soon - depends on the distance of the Key from the form
        FishKing of DiamondsFulfillment of the wildest desires and hopes. Surrounded by bad symbols, the meaning changes to the opposite
        AnchorNine of SpadesSafety, reliability, true friendship. Long harmonious relationships. All these qualities belong to the person for whom they are telling fortunes and will be rewarded. In a bad environment, the meaning of the Anchor is opposite
        CrossSix of ClubsTrouble or serious problem. A kind of cross that a person will have to bear in order to achieve this or that goal. The closer the Cross is to the form, the less effort will be required to solve the problem

        Layouts for a small deck

        It’s worth starting to master the Lenormand oracle with simple layouts, this way it’s easier to get used to the combination of cards with each other and associative connections. Even the simplest layouts comprehensively consider the situation, including on the “time” scale: past, present, future.


        This is the simplest Lenormand layout for five cards. He answers a question about a specific situation, talks about how plans are being implemented and how the efforts will result.

        First you need to take out a form from the deck - Master or Lady, depending on the gender of the person asking. It is placed in the center. Next, you need to fully focus on the problem or question and carefully shuffle the deck.

        There is no consensus on who should shuffle the deck, the owner of the cards or the one being told the fortune. On the one hand, the one whose problem is planned to be illuminated with the help of fortune telling is more immersed in it and will be a better guide. On the other hand, he is too focused on a specific aspect of the issue, losing sight of something important. The predictor in this case is an unbiased person who is able to look at the situation objectively. Everyone develops their own ideal system of fortune telling.

        Place the top four cards around the form: top, right, left, bottom. The top one means the past, the bottom one means the future, the right one means plans, and the left one means a decision.

        To interpret the layout, you need to study the meaning of each card and their combination.

        Four Lenormand cards

        The layout is even simpler than the previous one; it can give advice on how to solve the current situation. To do this, there is no need to remove the form from the deck. You just need to mix the cards well, at the same time trying to focus on the situation of interest, and first place three in a row, and then the fourth, lower, under the central one.

        The top cards tell where it all began (the left one is the past), what the state of the situation is now (the central one is the present) and what lies ahead (the right one is the future). The bottom card is the result, where everything will come and how it will end.

        Large Lenormand deck

        This deck is also called astro-mythological. It contains 54 cards: 52 as in a large playing deck, and two blanks - specifically for women and men. Each of them contains several symbols that require separate interpretation. The main motive is central part pictures and it is he who is interpreted first. It is based on European myths and legends.

        Based on central motives, the deck is divided into several groups:

        • gods (this group contains 7 subjects);
        • heroes (5 stories);
        • era of the Trojan War (9 motifs);
        • Golden Fleece (5 stories);
        • alchemy (7 plots);
        • zodiac circle (12 motifs);
        • allegories (7 motives).

        At the top of the card there is one or another astrological symbol:

        • 12 pictures show zodiac constellations;