Michael Jackson changed his skin color. How many plastic surgeries did Michael Jackson have: A sad story with before and after photos. Why did Michael Jackson's skin turn white?

It all started back in 1979, when Michael Jackson fell off the stage during a concert and broke his nose. This incident was the impetus for his never-ending pursuit of perfection. The first rhinoplasty turned out to be forced and not very successful, it was followed by a second - corrective one. It was after this that the first minor changes became visible on Michael’s face: the singer’s wide African nose became slightly narrower and smaller in size.

However, Jackson did not live with this appearance for long: in 1984, he took the first serious step towards his current state.

As a result full rhinoplasty the tip was narrowed and the walls of the nose were shifted. Michael's face instantly transformed: his facial features became more subtle and expressive, and only his skin color spoke of his African-American origin. The new Michael Jackson instantly found himself at the peak of popularity. In the same year, he set a record for the number of Grammy awards (he received as many as 8!) for his legendary album “Thriller”. At this time, the public adores Michael, adores his moonwalk and his new nose.

Michael Jackson is the absolute record holder among Western stars for plastic surgery. He underwent more than 50 surgical interventions.

But it seems that Michael could not give up the idea that there is no limit to perfection. Already in 1985, he again went to a plastic surgeon - and he made his nose even narrower. Moreover, it became noticeable to the naked eye how the star’s skin color gradually brightened. Few people focused on this, citing the wonders of stage makeup. And there was no time for that, because all attention was still focused on his work, and not on scandals and plastic transformations. Jackson's new song "We are the world" remains at the top of the charts and receives all possible awards. Jackson receives the unspoken title of King of Pop.
Scalpel addiction

The passion for surgical interventions became Michael's drug. Two years later, in 1987, the pop idol finally went off the rails: rhinoplasty made Jackson’s nose even thinner, the singer enlarged his cheekbones by inserting facial implants into them, raised the corners of his eyebrows using endoscopic technology and whitened his skin to the limit. Jackson himself explained the reason for his “lightening” skin disease called vitiligo. That is the only way To avoid a total violation of the pigmentation of the face and body, the singer needed a radical change in skin color. By the way, according to one version, it was numerous plastic surgeries that caused Jackson’s skin pigmentation. Allegedly, because of this disease, the singer even has to avoid direct sun rays, wear sunglasses and a hat. However, whether this is true or not is unknown, because Michael’s doctors are obliged to maintain medical confidentiality.

In 2001, the press wrote that problems with Jackson’s nose began serious problems: in the photographs it was noticeable that it had failed, and in some places even the tip was missing.

Everything that happened to Jackson next looked more like a chronicle of self-destruction. In 1991-97, photographs of Michael Jackson in the tabloids frighten his fans. A huge implant appeared in the jaw, the nose became very narrow, sharp and upturned. It's almost impossible to see Michael without sunglasses and bandages on the face.

At the age of 40, Michael made desperate attempts to “reconstruct” his face. The tip of the nose became a little wider, and the implant in the chin became a little narrower. But in 2001, information leaked to the press that serious problems began with Jackson’s nose. In some photographs it was noticeable that the nose had sunk, and in some places even the tip was missing. Michael Jackson has become a popular target for rumors, sarcastic jokes and anecdotes. That same year, the singer was hit by lawsuits and scandals. Michael's career and reputation were coming apart at the seams.

In 2004, the brave German doctor Werner Mang undertook to operate on Jackson's nose to save this life. important organ from complete destruction.
The path of self-destruction

Plastic surgeons refused further operations on Michael's face, and the poor guy for a long time I had to hide my disfigured face under gauze bandage. However, in 2004, the brave German doctor Werner Mang undertook to operate on Jackson's nose to save this vital organ from complete destruction. According to the surgeon, the king of pop’s face could have been “irreparably deteriorated,” and the reason for this was numerous plastic surgeries, due to which the nasal cartilage became very fragile. To build Michael a new nose, the surgeon had to take cartilage from the singer's ear.

After the operation, Dr. Mang proudly declared that Michael Jackson's nose was now simply magnificent. But he also noted that the singer is too passionate aesthetic surgery, and this is very dangerous for his health and skin. "It looks like Michael Jackson is going the way surgical intervention transform yourself from a black man to white woman", the plastic surgeon joked. Referring to the statements of his colleagues, Werner Mang said that Jackson resorts to the services of a plastic surgeon after the release of each of his albums. If he had stopped at least after the release of the Thriller album, then now there would be no problems with either his nose or his face in general. And if Jackson wants to save his face in the truest sense of the word, he shouldn’t perform any more operations on him.

Undoubtedly, Michael Jackson is the absolute record holder among Western stars for plastic surgery. According to unconfirmed reports, in order to rid his face of signs of the Negroid race, he suffered more than fifty plastic surgery(about 30 only on the first visit) and corrected everything about myself, from the shape of my nose and skin color to the structure of my hair. One logical question arises: did this make him happier? Something is doubtful.
Beau monde
Ekaterina Eremina

They say that Michael was never satisfied with his natural skin color, which is why he decided to undergo a series of complex plastic surgeries that literally made him white. However, this is rather a myth for the uninitiated. Most experts and relatives of the pop idol claim that Jackson suffered from vitiligo and lupus - autoimmune diseases, the symptoms of which are the appearance of white spots on the skin and its increased sensitivity to sunlight.

People close to Jackson always testified to the presence of whitish spots on various parts of his body, which appeared and disappeared. They defined the cause of their occurrence with the term “spontaneous depigmentation.”


Michael Jackson himself explained the reason for his unnatural color back in 1993, when he spoke about a certain skin disease that affected his face. He said that he began to have vitiligo back in the 70s. At that time, such a disease was almost known, the treatment method was in development, and he masked its manifestation with the help of cosmetics. In his interview, he repeatedly tried to emphasize that he was not trying to become white, that this was simply a form of fighting the illness of a public person. Over time, the disease progressed, the white spots on the skin increased, occupying an increasing part of it.

Jackson's story was confirmed by Dr. Arnold Client, according to whom Michael Jackson was indeed diagnosed with vitiligo and lupus in 1986. Cause of this disease, is believed to lie in heredity, because According to information provided by the pop idol's family, Jackson's paternal relatives suffered from vitiligo. Relatively recently, photographs of Jackson’s eldest son appeared in the press, showing that he inherited vitiligo from his father.

Michael Jackson and members of his family repeatedly said that the singer was proud of belonging to African-American culture, and the change in skin color was only the result of the fight against the disease. Michael Jackson made enormous contributions to the study of vitiligo and its treatment, and also provided significant support to the Lupus Research Foundation.

The recognized king of pop music, Michael Jackson, is famous not only for his achievements in show business, but also for his love of changing his appearance. There is still debate about how many plastic surgeries the singer has undergone.

Why did Michael Jackson have surgery?

According to psychologists, the famous singer was not just interested in changing his appearance. He probably suffered from a special mental disorder- dysmorphophobia. With this disease, a person worries very much about the slightest physical defects. Dissatisfaction with one's appearance can be expressed in depression, masochism and even suicide attempts.

According to Jackson himself, his father often bullied him and his brothers. He called them names, beat them and mocked them for their appearance flaws. Children's complexes could have given rise to the singer's craving for external changes. By the way, according to some reports, contrary to widespread rumors, Jackson did not undergo skin whitening operations. He simply suffered from the disease vitiligo, which results in the appearance of white spots on the skin.

The singer also had lupus, external manifestations which consists of a rash on the face. To get rid of diseases, Jackson took many medications that cause skin lightening. In addition, he constantly used light makeup to mask the spots.

Jackson plastic surgery

The singer underwent his first operation in 1979. It had nothing to do with desire - Jackson simply performed a dance trick poorly and broke his nose. The operation was not very successful, and soon Michael went back to the surgeon. During the second operation, he decided to change the shape of his nose, making it more refined. This was followed by an operation that added a piquant dimple to the singer’s chin. Presumably Jackson and the shape of the eyelids.

He was also interested in non-surgical changes in appearance - various injections, tattooing of lips and eyebrows, laser therapy, leather polishing, etc. Information about the operations was carefully hidden, but Jackson could not remain unnoticed. However, there is sufficient evidence about others surgical interventions No. A much larger role in the change in the appearance of the King of Pop was played by his lifestyle, passion for drugs and noticeable exhaustion.

Further appearance changes

IN last years Jackson has changed markedly throughout his life. He rehearsed a lot and hardly ate. Because of this, he weighed about 50 kg with a height of 175 cm. The singer’s health deteriorated even after he was accused of child molestation. Jackson experienced very severe stress, which he fought with the help of analgesics, antidepressants and tranquilizers.

All this gave serious side effects- exhaustion, hair loss, muscle atrophy. Jackson often appeared in public in wheelchair, wore dark glasses and a wig. But these changes in appearance were no longer associated with operations, but with lifestyle.

Michael Jackson is a name that has become an icon for millions of fans. You can not be his fan, say that this voice was created by stage equipment, analyze his dance and remind those who disagree that he is a representative of mass culture, and this is by no means an elitist “product” - not everyone is ready to accept the delights of the primitivism of pop culture. And he is also a representative of the Negroid race. But it is impossible not to recognize how bright, talented, extraordinary and not at all primitive he was when creating this very pop culture.

Vivat king! Vivat!

Michael Jackson is a legend. Singer, dancer, songwriter, the one who is rightly called the King of Pop. His contribution to the development of mass culture is enormous. He is the winner of more than 10 Grammy awards and is twice listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Jackson invented his own dance genre. His dancing style can be viewed in different ways, but one cannot fail to note how musical, rhythmic and graphically precise each of his steps is. Not everyone knows that the famous “moonwalk” is not Jackson’s invention. But he brought it to such perfection that the people sitting in the hall simply did not understand how it was even possible. She became his “signature”.

Of course, Jackson was a very talented man. The choreographers who worked with him noted how quickly - too quickly, in their words, he grasped and absorbed everything. But one more fact cannot be ignored: in the “Official Michael Jackson” calendar published in 1985, weekends and holidays the king of pop simply lacked them.

Illness or whim

The life of public people often becomes the subject of discussion among the general public. Jackson was no exception. Moreover, there were plenty of reasons. What is worth mentioning is the fact that the appearance of the “king” has undergone very significant changes over the years. The singer's brown skin tone became lighter and lighter over time until it reached the level of average whiteness.

There was talk that Michael was deliberately lightening his skin. However, in a 1979 television interview, he stated that he never did it on purpose - "It's something I can't control." The singer admitted that he suffers from a rare genetic disease - vitiligo. Vitiligo destroys skin pigment. At that time very little was known about it, and even today it has not yet been learned. First, white spots appeared on Jackson's hands. For some time he hid them, evening out his skin tone with the help of powerful cosmetics. But over time, there were more and more of them, and the color of the cosmetics changed from brown to white.

Today, quite a few photographs of the singer are known confirming this fact. Indirect confirmation is also the fact that for some time now Jackson has appeared in the open air in dark glasses, a wide-brimmed hat, dark closed clothes, a silk mask or under an umbrella - as you know, the sun is contraindicated for patients with vitiligo. The singer himself explained this by an allergy to sunlight. After Jackson's death, the fact of illness was confirmed.

Much earlier, back in 1993, dermatologist Arnold Klien, whose patient was Jackson, stated under oath that the diagnosis of vitiligo was made back in 1986. A doctor later prescribed Jackson a depigmenting cream. He said that he simply doesn’t understand how people still haven’t figured out that something wrong is happening with the singer’s skin. The prescribed product contained hydroquinone monobenzone. This is very strong remedy. Preparations made on its basis have permanent effect and are sold only with a doctor's prescription.

Karen Fey, who worked as a makeup artist for Jackson for more than 20 years, said that the changes began a long time ago, and in the 90s, vitiligo already covered half of his body. Michael did not want to appear in public with blotchy skin, so he underwent depigmentation.

Brother, sister and Katherine Johnson, Michael’s mother, spoke about the same thing. In an interview, she said that vitiligo - hereditary disease Jackson on his father's side. Michael solved the problem the way he saw fit.

Tip 4: What changes has Michael Jackson's appearance undergone?

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009. The cause of death of the 51-year-old musician was numerous plastic surgeries and a large number of medications that he took over several decades. The debate about why the American King of Pop so often resorted to the help of doctors still does not subside.


Michael Jackson inherited his dark skin color and facial features from his African-American parents. However, in 1979, the first changes became noticeable: the color of the epithelium became lighter than before. There were rumors that the 21-year-old and already very popular musician was deliberately bleaching his skin. Over the next few years, it became noticeable that Michael's facial features also underwent changes. Journalists actively “promoted” the version of Jackson’s conscious change in appearance. They were convinced that the performer wanted to become as similar as possible to a representative of the Caucasian, and not the Negroid, race.

In 1986, doctors gave Michael Jackson two terrible diagnoses: vitiligo and systemic lupus erythematosus. Vitiligo is genetic disease, manifested by the appearance on the skin age spots. Sunlight makes the color of the epithelium uneven. In the first years, the singer hid skin defects on his face with complex makeup, and on his hands with gloves. Due to lupus, a rash appeared on Jackson's body, the lesions shaped like a butterfly. Doctors say that in the 80s, the pop idol’s lupus was in remission, but sunlight, constant physical and psychological stress, vitiligo and a number of other factors caused its exacerbation. Michael Jackson's health was seriously compromised by the drug large quantity potent drugs: solaquine, benoquine, tretinoin and hydroxychloroquine.

Michael Jackson adhered to a strict diet, which in case of serious physical activity and the constant stress associated with concert activity made his body thin and his character almost unbearable.

Surgical intervention

Specialists in plastic surgery, who analyzed photographs of Michael Jackson, claim that the singer underwent several dozen operations. Biographer Randy Taraborrelli writes in a book about Jackson that Michael went under a scalpel for the first time in 1979. The musician needed rhinoplasty to correct the shape of his nose, which was broken during a dance. To correct the consequences of this operation, Jackson in 1980 went to revision rhinoplasty, but to another doctor. Jackson himself claimed that in the early 80s he deliberately made a dimple on his chin, but did not agree to any more plastic surgery. Since 1986, Michael Jackson regularly visited Arnold Klein, who performed non-surgical cosmetic procedures and gave subcutaneous injections.

Michael Jackson's family claims that he has had at least 20 different plastic surgeries. From a wide nose, characteristic of representatives of the Negroid race, doctors made him a narrow triangular nose with virtually no wings. Over time, the skin atrophied, the implant disappeared (according to various sources: it fell out, dissolved, or was specially removed). In September 2004 German surgeon Werner Mang performed a complex reconstruction of Jackson's nose using cartilage from the singer's ear. In addition, Jackson repeatedly changed the shape of his chin (usually due to an inserted implant), cheekbones, and lips. The singer had lifts and the shape of his eyes was corrected.

Today we will tell you how Michael Jackson became white. There are many versions about the change in appearance of this legendary singer. But before moving on to this topic, let's try to plunge into the history of his emergence as the king of pop music. Michael Jackson remains a popular performer even after his death. This fame did not come so easily to him, and his life will not seem simple to anyone.


Michael Jackson stood out among his peers as a child and was a talented and active child. Family life was not sweet, because he had to endure humiliation from his own father and endure his harsh temper. But, despite this, he was able to achieve significant success in the world of show business, becoming Perhaps it was precisely this kind of upbringing that gave him stability in his views and his own life position, different from his social environment.


Michael Jackson had already become a famous international performer as a child. He performed as a soloist in a family musical group. Their singles topped the American music charts. Indeed, becoming famous at the age of 12 is a huge test that not everyone can endure.


To understand why Michael Jackson is white, you need to understand the features of his creative path. Throughout his life, he did not miss a single opportunity to demonstrate himself as a talented dancer, musician, singer, and songwriter. He was able to invest his unique creative potential into a huge number of original works that could not help but become hits. After all, Michael’s voice captivates listeners to this day. The glory of the true king of music will live on for centuries to come. But everyone famous person There are always your envious people and enemies. This is an invariable attribute of fame and success.

Let's move directly to the question of how Michael Jackson became white and why this happened. Many are mistaken in claiming that he was influenced by public opinion. Stereotypes and rumors spread at incredible speed. For example, some are convinced that Michael consciously decided to change his personality for the sake of more successful career advancement, that due to his mental inferiority and complexities, he more than once went under the surgical knife and had many plastic surgeries.

But these rumors cannot be believed. After all, the official truth about this has long been known. These and other myths associated with Michael's change in appearance are the result of the work of the scandalous yellow press. Indeed, in reality, he was constantly under the supervision of doctors and often went to bed surgery department. But the reason was not at all personal desire or public opinion as many people think.

Michael Jackson: vitiligo

Already in the early 1990s, the reason for such a striking change in the skin color of this famous singer became known. Michael suffered from a very rare autoimmune disease, in medicine the name of which is vitiligo. At first, the color change was not very noticeable due to the inherent light brown tint, but over time pathological changes in favor white were already showing up much more strongly. It was at this time that the final diagnosis was made, and it was indeed this unique disease.

White spots began to appear on the skin due to hypersensitivity epidermis to ultraviolet rays. Not only these symptoms were decisive in the emergence of an incredible amount of gossip and rumors regarding Michael’s personal life. He was also severely underweight. This was a manifestation of lack nutrients, which were prohibited by strict diets. Constant fasting led to even greater complications, he became dizzy and irritable.

Unfortunately, this was beneficial to his ill-wishers, who spread information in every possible way about his psychological disorders and deliberate changes in facial skin color. The color and pigmentation changed regardless of Michael's wishes. He repeatedly had to resort to facial plastic surgery in order to preserve his normal appearance in any way. appearance.

Over time, the color and even the shape deteriorate. Before each performance on stage, he had to wait for hours while specialists applied tons of makeup to his face. This was necessary, because the color of the skin changed unevenly, and this was truly an incredible test for the musical genius that he undoubtedly was.

As it turned out, the Jackson family endured a lot of suffering and torment, the cause of which was this terrible disease. Vitiligo was passed on genetically through the paternal line for several generations. Michael himself admitted this fact in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. his son has also been suffering from this complex disease for many years now.

How Michael Jackson Became White: Conclusion

In order to completely eradicate the incredible spread of rumors, the musician proudly stated that he has always been incredibly glad to be part of the African-American culture. This is the very truth that needs to be remembered as much as the fact that Michael Jackson - great person and a musical genius. He lived a difficult life and at the same time faced the difficulties that fate presented to him. His memory will remain for many years in the hearts of millions of fans and connoisseurs of his creative works of musical art. Now you know how Michael Jackson became white and why it happened.

Michael Jackson is the immortal king of pop music at the end of the last century and the beginning of the 21st century. This title was given to the singer by millions of fans and colleagues, among whom he had no equal. For my short life the artist captivated the audience with his brilliant hits and dance moves; sold a huge number of music albums, ahead of the Beatles and Elvis Presley; donated millions of dollars to charity and saved the lives of hopelessly ill children.

Personal life a famous person is tirelessly discussed by fans. Jackson, as a person of world significance, did not escape such a fate. His personality remains well known even after his death. This is facilitated not only by the artist’s legendary work, but also by his appearance, which in the mid-90s caused a shock among the world community.

Throughout his life, Jackson resorted to the services plastic surgeons and “improved” his appearance. He became the first person in the world who managed to modify the genetic characteristics of the Negroid race and change skin color. Why did Michael Jackson become white, and what made him resort to such radical changes? Let's find out the answers to all questions in this article.

Popular myth

Why did Michael Jackson become white? Fans have not found an answer to this question for a long time. A completely logical explanation was popular among fans, which, as it turned out later, has nothing to do with reality.

Fans decided that it was difficult for a person with dark skin to achieve great heights in show business. When the singer began his career, society oppressed and humiliated “colored” people in every possible way. It was believed that this was the reason why Michael Jackson wanted to be white and resorted to the help of doctors and plastic surgeons to realize his dream.

Doctor's verdict

There is still some truth in such speculation. The singer was indeed constantly observed by doctors and repeatedly went under the surgeon’s knife, but the reason for this was not public opinion.

In the mid-90s, it became known why Michael Jackson became white and what preceded such a radical change in appearance. It turned out that the King of Pop suffered from a rare autoimmune skin disease. Vitiligo - that was the verdict from the doctors. The disease cannot be treated, and achieving remission is almost impossible.

What is vitiligo

Vitiligo is a rare progressive disease that manifests itself in discoloration of certain areas of the skin due to the lack of pigment substance (melanin). The same thing happens with albinos, only their skin is completely devoid of pigment, and not partially. Vitiligo does not pose any health risk and is not spread to others. The carrier of the disease faces only an unaesthetic appearance skin.

For a European, skin depigmentation is not as bad as for an African American. If the first white spots are practically invisible, then the second ones they are clearly visible even at a distance of ten meters. This is exactly what Jackson was afraid of. The idol of millions could not afford to appear in public with a terrifying skin defect.

How Michael Jackson became white

In the early 1980s, Jackson began to experience rapid growth of white spots all over his face and body. The singer was very worried about the disease, which turned his appearance into an object of ridicule for others. The doctors shrugged their shoulders and could do nothing to help a man willing to pay tens of millions of dollars for a complete recovery.

The singer had only one choice - makeup. When a smaller portion of the skin was affected, Jackson masked the light spots with a dark foundation. Over time, as the disease began to progress, most of the skin became white. Consequently, there was a need to make up dark areas on the face with a light foundation.

It's hard to say in what year Michael Jackson became white. There was no immediate and abrupt transition, since the disease progressed for several decades. All this time, the singer’s make-up artists carefully selected the foundation, ranging from dark in the early 80s to light in the mid-90s. Around the end of the last century, Jackson almost completely lost his pigment and began to appear in public with aristocratically white skin. Until the end of his life, the singer used foundation, as barely noticeable marks remained on his face. dark spots.

What does the nose have to do with it?

We have already found out that it was not by his own will that Michael Jackson became white. Why did he constantly adjust the shape of his nose? Did such a painful procedure really bring any benefit to the singer?

But imagine an African American and his naturally wide nose. It is quite common for dark-skinned people to see this nose shape, but for white people it looks very unattractive. Since Jackson was a public person, he had to undergo surgery. The first rhinoplasty was unsuccessful, and the singer began to have serious health problems. All subsequent operations were performed not for aesthetics, but for medical reasons.

Michael Jackson is the king and idol of pop music, one can readily say, of all times and peoples. Much is known about his difficult path to fame and stage. But many questions remain in the air, the answers to which could only be given by the king himself.

One of the celebrity's very first eccentric acts was a skin graft operation. Until now, many both connoisseurs of Michael’s work and his opponents cannot answer the question of why it was necessary to resort to such extreme measures in order to achieve heights.

Why did Michael Jackson bleach his skin?

During the very dawn of young Michael’s creativity, it was almost impossible to achieve heights on the musical Olympus if you were an African-American. Dark color skin was like a stigma for many. Despite all the talent of Michael Jackson, unfortunately, this problem did not pass him by. Having decided to change his skin color, the singer was forced to go under the surgeon’s knife many times. It was this rumor that was accepted as fact. Indeed, Michael often visited the doctor and had operations, but the reasons lay completely different.

At the end of the nineties, the truth about why Michael Jackson decided to take such a step finally came out. As it turns out, the King of Pop suffered from rare disease, whose name is vitiligo. As a result of the disease, over time, a person’s skin becomes lighter or becomes covered with light spots. In combination with another disease - lupus, the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun's rays.

To hide the white spots on her skin, the star began using cosmetics, putting tons foundation on the face and exposed skin. This was the first reason for the change in color of the entire skin.

Michael's psychological state

As a result of the development of the disease, Michael became thinner every year, and the diet, accompanied by terrible stress, led to frequent dizziness for the artist. Psychological condition The singer's condition also worsened. He didn't like his appearance. And this led to numerous facial skin grafting operations. Subsequently, the structure of Michael's face changed dramatically after surgical interventions.

Later the disease appeared in the form of brown spots on various parts of the singer’s body. They could be seen on the nose, cheeks, and hands. The cause was spontaneous depigmentation - consequences of lupus.

Everything secret becomes clear

In 1993, Michael Jackson spoke about his illness on The Oprah Winfrey Show. He revealed the secret that the disease was transmitted in his family through the male line.

Now Michael's sons Prince I and Prince II have also begun to experience slight skin pigmentation. Doctors hope that their father's illness will not affect the brothers.