Materials for the catcher. The dream catcher is a powerful talisman of the Indians. Master class on creating a home talisman

A dream catcher is an unusual bedroom decoration. Many people do not think about the fact that this is a sacred object and perceive it as a fashionable item in the interior. In the original, it is an ancient one, made of intertwined threads or hair with a hole in the center. The basis for the web was a willow branch bent into a ring. Beads and feathers were used as decorations. A similar object existed among the peoples of Siberia. It was believed that the mesh inside the circle traps evil and good spirits, who talk to the shaman during visions. Today, the Dream Catcher is at the peak of popularity; to get it you don’t need to go to America or Siberia, but actually make it yourself and believe in its magical powers. It is believed that such an amulet protects against nightmares; bad dreams get entangled in the web, while good ones penetrate through the central hole.

Not only the Dreamcatcher is symbolic, but every element of it is symbolic. The choice of colors for decoration is essential. Every shade carries a meaning, enhancing the effect of the talisman. Let's get acquainted with the magical palette:

    White is the personification of purity and innocence. It is a conductor of good energy, cleansing a person of negativity. Strengthens positive action subject.

    Green is the color of faith and joy. Gives positive emotions and helps achieve your goals.

    Red - symbolizes passionate energy, has a beneficial effect on the human biofield. Helps increase creativity, strengthens willpower.

    Purple - mutual understanding, intelligence, hope. Helps to find harmony in the soul.

    Black is the color of peace, feminine intuition. It will help you hear your inner voice and notice fateful signs.

    Blue - will give inspiration, eliminate doubts, and reveal the truth. Promotes the formation of esoteric capabilities.

    Pink is the color of love, tenderness, kindness.

    Blue - constancy, life harmony. Helps develop intuition.

    Yellow - free-thinking, liberates the mind, and can heal spiritually.

    Orange - personified with the sun. Gives positive emotions, awakens feelings, creates harmony of masculine and feminine principles.

Before making a dream catcher with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the meanings of the magic palette and choose the ones most suitable for your energy state. The talisman should not be too rich. This will attract vivid dreams, it can be tiring and the person will feel unwell the next morning.

Master class on making a talisman for yourself. Lesson 1

Creating a Dream Catcher is not difficult; even a novice craftsman can master it. We offer a detailed lesson that gives step-by-step recommendations on how to make and decorate a web. We will need:

  • Birch twig or willow blank;
  • Floss. Threads mixed with silk will add volume to the mesh;
  • A large needle with a blunt end;
  • 5-8 pcs. colored feathers. (Available in stores)
  • Cord. The best option: suede, genuine leather, satin;
  • Beads, glass beads;

It is important to know: work should be done in good mood, with thoughts aimed at good.

Let's start the manufacturing process:

The manufactured Dream Catcher has absorbed your positive energy, and therefore is able to reflect negativity. When creating an amulet, use your imagination: there may be different feathers, beads, bugles. The main thing to remember is that it is not recommended to make the item too bright; it will be used as a talisman, and not just a beautiful interior item.

Master class “Web for dreams”. Lesson 2

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands, having an eight-pointed or triangular internal shape. Our lesson with step-by-step instructions will help you understand the simple manufacturing principle. We will need:

  • A willow or birch twig, about the thickness of a pencil.
  • Threads or thin yarn. Must be natural.
  • Wooden beads.
  • A thick needle with a blunt end.
  • Transparent glue.

Not forgetting about good emotions, let’s get to work by conveniently arranging the materials:

The dream catcher is ready, the decorative design can be attached with glue.

Master class on creating a talisman for a children's room. Lesson 3

When asked whether it is possible to hang a dream catcher in a child’s bedroom, the answer is unequivocal: “Yes.” Firstly, many mothers become superstitious after the birth of their baby; such a talisman will protect the child from night fears and negative dreams. In this case, the amulet needs to be made at home by performing certain rules. The amulet made by the mother has strong positive energy and protects the baby. The item must be made only from natural materials, in good health, with bright thoughts. Take your color selection seriously. The most suitable ones are: orange, pink, white, green. If you do not intend to use the Dream Catcher as protection, it can serve as a beautiful piece of furniture. The baby will look with curiosity at the bright spot above the crib. The talisman can be made according to the pattern given in the first lesson. Let's look at how to make an original trap from 2 rings step by step. We will need:

  • Two willow twigs or a pair of ready-made wooden rings of different diameters. The second one is about three times smaller.
  • Long strips of thin leather, suede.
  • Not thick yarn.
  • Feathers.
  • Multi-colored wooden beads, seed beads.
  • Glue.

Lay out the prepared material on the table and start working:

  1. Let's bend two pieces of willow twigs into a ring. different sizes, securing with tape.
  2. Glue one edge of the strip to the large ring. We begin to wrap, periodically applying a drop of glue to the underside of the leather so that it does not slip off in the future. The tape should lie flat and tight, then the base will not show through.
  3. We do the same with the small ring.
  4. We place it on the table big circle, put a small one in the center.
  5. Fix the edge of the yarn to the first hoop and begin to connect it with the smaller one, wrapping them with thread in a chaotic manner. The inner ring should not move, but be exactly in the middle.
  6. Keep weaving until you reach desired result. Yarn color during this stage can be changed. Secure the edge with a knot and trim.
  7. We measure out four pieces of yarn, choose the length arbitrarily (40-50 cm) Attach the threads - 3 from below, 1 from above. We put several beads on the lower ones, and additionally insert feathers into their holes. We ended up with six decorated dangling ends. We will make a loop from the top lace.

If you do not plan to use the Dream Catcher as a talisman, you can add felt figures in the form of stars, fish, and hearts to the free ends. The item will look original if you add small pompoms to the webs. This mesh is easy to make; it does not require a complex weaving pattern, so a 10-12 year old child can make it independently.

Making a web with bells. Lesson 4

The dream catcher with tassels looks original. We will look at how to make such a talisman at the master class. We will need:

  • Thick cardboard;
  • Yarn of two colors;
  • Small beads;

Let's get started:

  1. We cut out ring templates: large, medium, six small. The diameter of the first is 15-18 cm, each subsequent one is 2-3 cm smaller than the previous one.
  2. We wrap the workpieces tightly with yarn.
  3. In the resulting hoops, using a thread of a different color, we create a web according to the recommendations of lesson 1.
  4. Let's make bells in the form of tassels. To make them even, we wrap the yarn around the palm of our hand, then remove it, tie one side, leaving a free edge of 8 cm. Cut the other side with scissors. We wrap the drawn edge at a distance of 2 cm from the knot with thread, and hide the tail inside with a crochet hook. There should be 5 such bells.
  5. We string 1-2 small beads onto the free edge and hang the tassel on a small hoop, threading the tail under the web to attach it to the base using a needle or hook.
  6. We tie a thread to each of the circles, put on a bead and connect the whole structure together: we attach three small ones to the large one, the central one without a bell, we attach the middle one to it, on which we put 3 smaller ones with tassels.
  7. On the large one we make a loop on top.

If you are making a talisman, and not a simple interior decoration, do not forget the rules for making magical objects.

Have you asked yourself the question “How to make a dream catcher with your own hands?” — evaluate capabilities, skills and preferences. Craftswomen who know how to crochet can successfully use such needlework as a web. If you are a fan of ethnic items, for your work you need to use materials that are close to authentic products. Willow branches are useful for the base. It is better to weave a web from jute threads, twine, and decorate it with natural undyed feathers. An interesting dreamcatcher in the form. The symbol of this bird has a mystical meaning.

In ancient times, people perceived the world differently. For them, it was inhabited by spirits who influenced people, sent them bad dreams, and tormented them with nightmares. To protect themselves from evil influences, Indians and Siberian shamans created beautiful and powerful amulets-traps for evil spirits - dream catchers.

Dreamcatcher: description of the amulet, origin, features

The dream catcher is a talisman of North American ancient tribes. It consists of an intricate web of threads in a wooden circle. The amulet is usually decorated with feathers, beads made of wood or other material.

In ancient times, a dream catcher acted as a powerful defense against evil magic during the night's rest, when people were highly susceptible to outside interference. The talisman was made from strong willow branches. According to custom, it was placed on the wall above the bed.

The Indians believed that a dream catcher was able to control a person’s consciousness in the world of night dreams. The web inside the circle does not allow nightmares to disturb a person, giving way to beautiful and kind dreams.

The ancient Lakota tribe had a legend. When the elder ancient people went to the mountain, a deity appeared to him in the form of a spider. During the conversation, the god bent a willow branch into an arc and made a circle. Inside, he wove a dense web, decorating it with beads and bird feathers. Having given the product as a gift to the elder, the deity told about great power amulets. The web inside the circle will protect a person from evil spirits when he sleeps.

Siberian shamans also created dream catchers, but their meaning was slightly different. With the help of the amulet it was possible to correctly interpret dreams and control consciousness in the dream world.

The Indians believed that a dream catcher could control a person’s consciousness while he was sleeping.

Varieties of dream catcher

Many people know or at least have an idea of ​​what a dream catcher should be. The basis of the talisman is a willow branch twisted into a ring. Inside the circle, threads of strong fibers are stretched like a spider's web. This is the most important part of the product; it will serve the future owner as protection from nightmares, bringing good and kind dreams.

A dream catcher is not only used to attract good dreams. This is an object of ancient powerful magic, which contains deep meaning. There are many types of traps for evil spirits.

Navajo amulet

A traditional version of a trap for evil spirits is a dream catcher with the North American Navajo weaving style. This is the most common type of amulet. Such a talisman can often be seen in films, in the photo in in social networks and in the windows of souvenir shops.

This amulet is simple to make, but at the same time it is a very powerful protection. Since ancient times, it has been known about its wonderful properties of trapping in its web bad dreams, which disappear with the first rays rising sun. In this case, positive visions pass into a small hole inside the circle, giving the owner healthy sleep.

The Navajo dream catcher is the most common type of amulet.

Siberian dream catchers

Another popular dream catcher is Kytgyom, the strongest amulet of Siberian shamans. It is a powerful conductor of energy. The talisman is intended for magical rituals associated with the world of dreams.

The meaning of the ritual with such a dream catcher is to lure dreams into the web. At the same time, dreams are not divided into good and terrible. IN daytime magical energy remains in the fur fibers. And when the shaman falls asleep, captured images descend to him along the central threads. This makes dreams more colorful and tangible, but also poignant. Carrying out rituals with such a talisman helps strengthen the spirit of the shaman and does not allow otherworldly forces to defeat his mind.

The main thing in making such a dream catcher is to make correct form, add fur and thread. Feathers are not used when creating a Siberian amulet. A piece of fur is woven into the center of the trap as bait for the spirits. There are four leather cords on the sides - visions descend along them.

The shade of the web is of great importance in weaving. It is important that 36 leading black or dark blue threads are present. They symbolize the element of earth. The threads laid in a spiral on the left side are red - a sign of the sun, a source of energy.

Siberian shamans made dream catchers from fur and thread

Ojibwe Dreamcatcher

The Ojibwe charm is not as well known as the traps described earlier. There are two types of weaving for this dream catcher:

  • 7 lights;
  • web.

The first type is associated with the prediction of the Seven Lights - the eras about which the seven sages prophesied. This dream catcher has great strength. 7 lights weave in a spiral, each circle displays its own history of times, uniting different stages of life of all people on earth, creating harmony between man and nature. Cowrie shells are often used instead of beads. They seem to be paving the right path.

Seven lights symbolize the seven eras from the predictions of the prophets

The web is woven in the same way as the Navajo trap. The talisman operates on the principle of the Siberian dream catcher Kytgyom. The only difference is that bad dreams remain on the web, while good ones fall from the central hole along a single cord with a feather tied at the end to the sleeping person. There are certain rules for this type of weaving. There are 7 or 12 cells. There must be a hole in the center, and a bead next to it.

Photo gallery: varieties of dream catcher

When making a dream catcher, beads are often replaced with shells. A double dream catcher provides more powerful protection. A rainbow dream catcher allows positive and colorful visions to pass through. A lunar dream catcher looks unusual and beautiful. A dream catcher with a wolf protects from evil and gives courage. A dream catcher in the form of an owl ensures healthy and deep sleep
A lace dream catcher looks gentle and romantic. A dream catcher doesn’t have to be round.

Purpose and properties of a dream catcher

Each amulet contains its own magical meaning depending on its purpose.

North American Indians, with the help of a dream catcher, knew how to lure good spirits into dreams and protect night dreams from evil ones. The talisman of the indigenous people of Siberia denotes the continuous circle of life, when a person takes care of children, they take care of their own, and so generations change. When the web is woven, a small hole remains inside. If a person has good thoughts, he will step on the right path. The evil ones will lead you down the wrong path, and the circle of life may end.

Video: dream catcher - protection against nightmares

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands

A dream catcher made with your own hands has powerful energy that protects against all evil and attracts positive energy.

Creating a talisman

Traditionally, a strong willow branch is taken as a basis and bent into a ring; nowadays, a wooden rim can be used. When making a talisman, metal hoops are usually not used. Since any magical amulet has an expiration date, it is made from natural materials. When the willow branch dries, the stretched threads will break it. This way you will know that the talisman has fulfilled its purpose and has become unusable. If the rim is metal, you will not understand when the amulet has become just a beautiful thing and no longer performs magical functions.

To make a dream catcher you will need willow branches, threads, feathers and beads

When creating a talisman, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the feathers for male and female talisman are taken completely different:

  • for men, eagle ones are preferred - a symbol of courage and agility;
  • for women - owl, a sign of wisdom and cunning.

Such material is not easy to obtain nowadays, and besides, feathers need to be collected when the bird is alive. They store energy information, which can be both positive and negative. If you take feathers from a bird that is already dead, it will be impossible to clean them. As a last resort, instead of owls and eagle's, you can take goose or rooster, but they magical properties far less.

To weave a web, you should use strong threads, preferably of natural origin. You can take linen, cotton, etc. The thread should not be interrupted, so take a larger ball. When weaving, it is important to follow certain rules:

  • wind clockwise;
  • do not tie knots;
  • wind the thread evenly.

Photo gallery: dream catcher weaving patterns

Most dream catchers are made with a classic cobweb. This weaving pattern leaves a hole in the center of the circle.
The loops of the new rows are hooked closer to the beginning of the loops of the old ones, covering all the previous rows. This is the pattern used by the Siberian dream catchers Kytgyom. It is easy and quick to weave such a web Interesting effect it turns out if you don’t weave a web, but wind the threads in a chaotic order

Stages of making a dream catcher

First we make the frame. To do this you will need a willow vine branch. The younger the branch, the longer the amulet will last you. You need to bend it into an arc and make a ring. This is the base on which we will wind the threads.

The base of the dream catcher is traditionally made from willow branches

After the work with the circle is completed, we begin weaving the web. You should take on this work in a good mood; during the process you can think about your innermost desires, read affirmations, chant mantras or cast magic spells.

We make a loop for winding. Apply the thread to the hoop evenly and smoothly. The number of turns depends on the diameter of your rim, but the number should be odd.

The dream catcher's web must be wound clockwise

In the process of weaving the web, we string beads.

Beads on the web will decorate the product and become the personification of your desires

Try to pull the threads as tightly as possible so that the web does not sag over time. When the weaving is ready, you need to secure the end of the thread with a bead or crystal in the center using a thick needle.

There is traditionally a hole in the center of the dream catcher

You can place feathers and other attributes as you like. In order for the amulet to bring good dreams with its power, you need to hang it in the bedroom at the head of the bed. You should not place the dream catcher close to the wall; let it rotate in different sides and does not catch pleasant dreams.

Amulet made from a hoop

The dream catcher can be woven not on willow branches, but on a wooden hoop. They are more durable, the amulet will last you longer.

For a dream catcher, you can take not branches, but a wooden hoop

As in the version of the amulet with a vine, we wrap wooden frame. At equal distances we make holes in the base for threading. We do everything else according to the same principle as in the first version of creating a talisman.

A dream catcher made from a hoop is more durable than one made from branches.

To create a talisman with a small rim inside a large circle, you should stock up on another willow branch or two wooden hoops.

Making a Double Dream Catcher:

  1. At the very beginning, with a large rim or a large branch, we carry out the same manipulations as during manufacture simple option traps.
  2. We wrap the headband a little smaller in the same way as the large one.
  3. Place a small circle on a flat surface inside a large one in the center or in another place - depending on the design you come up with.
  4. We thread the thread through two hoops, leaving a certain distance between the loops.
  5. You can wrap it again, but in the opposite direction and with a thread of a different color.
  6. We make a loop in a large ring and decorate it with feathers and beads.

For a double dream catcher, you need to place and secure a small circle inside a large one.

This is not the only option for creating a double sleep trap. Other methods can be used:

  • inside a small rim, weave a separate web with a different pattern, a different color of thread;
  • hang one or more small rings at the bottom of a large one;
  • make two rims with the same diameter and weave them together.

You can make a dream catcher not familiar to everyone round shape, but triangular. It will look like a North American Indian wigwam.

The triangle is formed by two methods:

  • fasten three branches of the same length together; they can be glued to each other or tied with threads;
  • bend a willow twig.

Photo gallery: making a triangular dream catcher with your own hands

Place three sticks together for a triangular dream catcher Tie the sticks together with twine Start weaving Tie the sticks with a double knot, stretching the thread above and below the stick Finish weaving in the center, leaving a small or large hole Decorate the dream catcher with shells, feathers, beads Make a loop on top for hanging

Keychain or pendant

To make a keychain or pendant around your neck in the form of a dream catcher, you need to purchase the following:

  • wooden circle for the base of the pendant;
  • metal rings on which we will attach feathers, beads and other small elements;
  • beads, feathers, various decorative details;
  • dense thread intended for crocheting;
  • bail (holder) on which the pendant or keychain will be attached.

The dream catcher pendant looks cute, mysterious and romantic

Manufacturing process:

  1. According to the chosen pattern, we weave a web inside the circle.
  2. We decorate the weaving with beads.
  3. We hang feathers on the sides.
  4. At the top we attach a holder for the pendant.

In the same way you can make a pendant for a car, a bracelet, or a brooch. For a bracelet, a leather cord or a metal chain of large links is best suited.

Video: beaded earrings in the form of a dream catcher

Amulet embroidery

You can embroider a dream catcher separately, or you can complement it with various animals and decorative elements.

It is better to start embroidery when the moon is waxing. It is not necessary to finish all the work during this period; it is enough to make at least the first 10 crosses, and continue working at a convenient time.

Photo gallery: embroidered dream catcher

A simple embroidery pattern for a dream catcher. The inscription on the embroidery says that you need to follow your dreams (or dreams, which is consonant with English language) The wolf is one of the most popular animals depicted together with the dream catcher. The owl complements the properties of the dream catcher with wisdom and poise.

Dreamcatcher tattoo

The dream catcher is also used as a body design. It attracts with its brightness and colorfulness. Just like a regular amulet, a tattoo is endowed with magical properties:

  • protect its owner from evil spells and witchcraft;
  • provide powerful protection from negative influences on human consciousness;
  • grant beautiful and kind dreams;
  • renew spiritual and physical health after illness;
  • push for self-improvement.

Often to increase magical power In the drawing, it is placed closer to the head - the source of thoughts and dreams. The tattoo will look great on the neck near auricle, in the upper back or on the shoulder.

It is better to get a tattoo in the form of a dream catcher closer to the head - on the neck, back, shoulder

For increase magical properties Body art can be supplemented with images of animals:

  • lion - helps to assert oneself in society, symbolizes courage, enhances the desire to win;
  • a wolf - this totem is characteristic of people with good self-esteem, who are strong in spirit and determined to overcome all obstacles, to be the “leader of the pack”;
  • dragon - a symbol of beauty, attractiveness, determination.

Owls in the middle of the circle mean the desire for knowledge, balance of character. The swallow attracts good luck, promotes self-development, and improves health. Raven is a symbol of long life, wisdom, and abundance of natural energy.

Body designs that have a magical character are recommended to be tattooed after 33 years of age. It is believed that at this age all development processes are completed.

If you want to receive the protection of the Indian gods, you should not hide the tattoo amulet under clothes; let it proudly look at the world, protecting its owner from magical manipulations and life’s troubles.

Video: drawing a henna dream catcher on the leg

How to activate and clean

A dream catcher is a personal amulet and serves only one owner. While weaving a talisman, think about who it is intended for, mentally say what you want to wish him (strength of spirit, good luck, healthy sleep). This amulet is perfect as a gift to loved ones.

If you didn’t make the dream catcher yourself, but bought it, it needs to be charged with your energy. It is better to activate the magical properties of the amulet on a new moon. First, hang it where there is a lot of sunlight, let it be saturated with the energy of the sun.

You can also contact the spirits to activate the dream catcher:

Reveal to me all your dreams,


Open up to me

Melodies of your heart

And I can envelop them

A blanket of blue clouds,

And protect from rough fingers

This world.–6135–1

According to the legend of the North American Indian tribe Kikhtu, bad dreams become entangled in the threads of the web and disappear with the onset of a new day. Therefore, the amulet does not require special cleansing. But nowadays it is worth airing the dream catcher several times a year. In winter - in frosty freshness, in summer - in the rays of the bright sun, allowing the winds to penetrate through the web, taking with it everything negative that has accumulated on it for a long time. How do you know when it’s time to clean the talisman? You may feel tired in the morning or have nightmares.

A dream catcher not only saves you from nightmares. It gives peace and peace of mind, encourages self-development and gives additional energy. You can make the amulet in a traditional form, or you can make a beautiful decoration or even put it on your body as a tattoo.

A DIY dream catcher will actually work, unlike the ones sold in gift shops. Making such a magical talisman is not at all difficult, the main thing is to choose the right materials and devote some time to the interesting creative process.

The basis of any dream catcher is a hoop. It is made from willow branches; most often, one branch is not enough to ensure that the talisman is strong enough and does not deform while hanging over your bed.

It is not necessary to take willow. You can weave any branches to form a circle. Do not take thorny plants for this purpose - it will be inconvenient to weave, and the result will not be very pleasant. It is possible to carve a hoop out of wood, but it can be quite difficult.

In order to wrap the hoop, you need a suitable cord or thick thread. The hoop must be wrapped tightly, otherwise it will not be very aesthetically pleasing. Choose the appropriate thickness. Ribbons don't work very well here.

To weave a web inside a hoop, you need threads, preferably thicker ones, otherwise they will be practically invisible. You can make both a single-color and multi-color dream catcher with your own hands. Many people are concerned about the question - what colors of thread and cord to choose? Blue, blue and white are associated with the magic of the night and dreams. But the main rule is that the colors of your talisman should please you and not cause negativity. You can choose colors using color values, which you can read about in another article on our website.

If you want your dream catcher to not only perform its function, but also look nice, you also need beads. You will string them on a thread of web. Before you make a dream catcher with your own hands, decide how you will decorate it. Plastic beads should not be used, they are not the most best material. But glass works well; it is a natural material. A good choice is beads made of wood, shells and river or sea pebbles, bone beads, pearls.

The best option for decorating a dream catcher is natural stones. You can buy beads from them without much difficulty. The corresponding article on our website will help you choose stones. You can string beads from the stone that suits your horoscope. There are also textile beads, felt beads and many others. Try to choose ones that will “look at you.”

The dream catcher also needs feathers. But if you have cats or other pets that might play with feathers hanging from a cord, consider making your dream catcher featherless or hanging it higher.

What feathers are suitable for a dream catcher? Eagle, owl and raven feathers are classic options that were used by the Indians. But it can be difficult to get such feathers, so pheasant, peacock and any other natural bird feathers are suitable. Dyed feathers will help you make a beautiful souvenir, but not a talisman that will attract pleasant dreams.

Feathers are an energy-intensive material. If you decide to walk through the forest and find feathers there, do not take them from the nests, otherwise you will bring into your talisman the resentment of the bird whose nest was ruined. For the same reason, you should not kill birds for feathers and take those that were lost in battle. They do not carry positive energy and you do not need them at all to influence your dreams.

Gather your scissors and clear glue and you can get started by reading below on how to make a dream catcher.

How to make a dream catcher - weaving pattern

You must make a talisman in a good mood. When weaving, concentrate on what you are going to achieve with it - pleasant dreams, quick rest or, for example, help in controlling dreams. Weaving a web is done only at one time, without putting it off for later. It is undesirable to break away from this process. While weaving, you can say something like: “Have a good dream, good dream, vivid dream", etc..

First you need to make a base - a hoop. If you took a ready-made wooden hoop, you can skip this paragraph. If you have willow branches, they need to be woven and tied with thread to form a circle. You won't get a perfect circle of branches, but that's not required. The branches must be clean. The finished circle should be dried, otherwise mold may appear, which is not only unsightly and unhygienic, but will also have a bad effect on your dreams. You can dry it on a form, for example, a large plate or pan will do.

The next stage is wrapping the hoop with cord. Start from the joint of the willow twigs, wrap as tightly as possible. Pull the cord tighter. You can leave part of the cord in order to hang a protective amulet on it later. Cords for feathers are usually tied separately. You can wrap the hoop with cords or threads different colors, randomly or in stripes, or you can even braid it using the kumihimo technique, but the simplest option is to wrap it with a plain material.

Many people coat the hoop braid with transparent glue, but this is not the best option. When making dream catchers and other talismans and magical things, there is a rule - the closer to nature, the better. Make a strong knot at the end of the hoop braid.

When the hoop is completely ready, start creating the web. Take the thread you have chosen for this purpose and tie it near the knot that ends the braid of the hoop. From this place begins the catching web for your dreams.

Now start weaving the web in a circle, clockwise. Make half knots first around the hoop, and then around the already woven parts of the web. The distance between these half knots depends on the diameter of your dream catcher. Choose a distance that feels right to you.

Symmetry is not required. Some Indians wove asymmetrical dream catchers. There are many designs for this talisman, choose the one you like best. You can secure the thread with a knot and take a thread of a different color and continue weaving with it. Don't forget to string the beads. If you are going to arrange them symmetrically, do not forget that the dream catcher will hang, and under the influence of gravity the beads will move down to the next node.

During the weaving process, the radius of the web will decrease. Don't forget to pull the thread tight. At the end of the work, secure it so that it does not come undone.

The feathers of the totem bird are sometimes woven into the web, when all the other feathers of the dream catcher belong to another bird. You can leave a hole in the center of the web, or you can weave a central element. This could be a larger bead, stone or feather. The stone may have a hole. Often the central element is a small braided hoop.

Once you have finished weaving the web and decided on the central element, you can begin creating the laces on which the feathers will hang. As a rule, there are either three or seven of them. This is very simple to do - cut the cord and tie it to the hoop. If you imagine a dream catcher as a watch, then attach cords with feathers at the points where the numbers 3, 6 and 9 would be on the dial, or between them.

You can hang feathers either in bunches or one at a time. You can also hang several small hoops with webs of thread. Imagine, and then your talisman will not only be effective, but also beautiful.

You can also put beads on the cords. They are fixed with knots at the height you prefer. It is better to fix the feathers either with special devices that are used in the manufacture of jewelry, or to glue them to the inside of the beads.

The loop for fastening can also be decorated with beads, bows or something else.

Weaving a dream catcher - what else can it contain?

In addition to the standard elements of this talisman, there are also occult ones. These are the elements that are designed to help in your magical practice at night when you are sleeping.

If you are weaving an amulet for yourself and are not just going to make a beautiful souvenir in the Indian style, weave a strand of hair into it. It should be under the braid of the hoop. The center of the web can be moistened with a drop of blood if you have a stone or bead there. If you made a hole in the center, then moisten the central cord with feathers with blood. If you are making a mascot for someone, don't do it. Also, do not wet it with blood and weave hair into a dream catcher you bought or did not make.

The talisman may contain a claw, fang or the skin of your totem animal. Bone is also suitable, but it is more difficult to get. Everything else can be purchased in online stores or asked at the zoo. Fur trimmings and tanned skins are not suitable. Hang what relates to your totem, closer to the strand of your hair woven into the talisman.

Pieces of wood with signs inscribed on them that have meaning to you are called runnitsa. These are not necessarily runes; you can put a zodiac sign, a hieroglyph or any other symbol on the tablets. The main thing is that it means something to you. Such signs can hang in any part of the talisman. Signs should either be cut out or burned; pens and markers are not suitable.

If you live with your husband or wife and share a bed, the dream catcher can also be made for two. Then he will protect not only your dreams, but also your love. This talisman is called “Merge of Souls”. It is woven in the same way as a regular one, but it consists of two intersecting hoops with a web. The web is not made at the place where they intersect.

Dream catcher spell

The talisman can be spoken. This is done either during the creation process, weaving a web, stringing beads or at any other stage of creation, or at the end of work on the product:

Great Dreamwalker, open your gates for me,
Let me into the music of your heart,
So that I can envelop her in white clouds,
And saved me from the cruel hands of this world.

The spell will make the talisman more effective. You can read it before going to bed, turning to the product and looking at the web.

In general, creating such a talisman with your own hands is an excellent magical practice that does not require any special preparation other than searching necessary materials, and accessible to everyone.

DIY dream catcher - Indian secret magic - all the secrets on the site

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Recently, people have believed in the magic of dreams, that a dream or event foreshadows good or bad things in life. Since ancient times, people have learned to make amulets in order to drive away some dreams and keep others away. Few people maintain those times, but some traditions have been passed down and are observed to this day.

The dream catcher has magical powers

Today, the DIY dream catcher is gaining popularity; it has magical powers. If you forget your dreams, then this amulet is just for you. After all good dreams It’s easy to remember in the morning, but the bad ones, which are what really matter, are mostly forgotten. To attract good and positive dreams, you should have such an amulet, and a master class on how to make it will come to your aid.

Materials for the amulet

The basis of the amulet is a circle made from branches. One willow branch will not be enough, so you should stock up on several so that the base is strong. It is not necessary to choose a specific type of tree. The main thing is that you get a round base that will not deform in the future. You can wrap it with cord or thick thread.

The web in the middle is obtained as a result of weaving; the thread should be dense.

Choose the right color scheme, it can be white, blue or Blue colour. These colors are most associated with night time, but we recommend choosing a color that you like. Use beads to make the catcher a beautiful addition to the interior.

Wooden beads are ideal for decorating a dream catcher

Before making a dream catcher, decide on decorations. Choose natural materials, these could be wooden beads, stones, shells, beads or small pearls.

The best option is beads made from natural stones. You can choose them by characteristic or by zodiac sign. Choose the option that suits you.

You can further decorate your dream catcher by purchasing feathers, choosing the colors and their origin yourself. They have strong energy, which they transfer to the amulet.

Getting ready to create a dream talisman

Before taking the master class, you should adjust your well-being and free your mind from unnecessary thoughts. For the amulet to work, it is important to have good condition. To correctly program a dream catcher, you need to set a “starting point”. You cannot start a master class if you are sick or not in the mood.

Before making a dream catcher, you must take a shower

First of all, take a shower and wash your face - this way, you will remove the negativity that you have accumulated not only throughout the day, but throughout your life. If you are not doing it for yourself, try to fill all your thoughts with this person.

You will formulate a desire, make sure that the particle “not” is missing and the wishes are positive character. You can sing a song, read poetry or a special spell that your ancestors used. After all, a master class on creating an amulet is very similar to creating amulets.

Warp weaving technique

Having collected all the materials and adjusted your thoughts, you can start the master class, and detailed step-by-step instructions will help you:

  1. Make a circle, then tie a cord or thread. Make one end about 15 centimeters long in a loose form, and wrap the other tightly in a circle.
  2. When the entire circle is wrapped and the tree is completely hidden under the decorative cord, cut off all excess, but leave a length of 15 centimeters.
  3. In the place where you made the knot, tie a thread of a suitable color. Every three to four centimeters, make a half-knot, pull the thread through and tie. Do this all the way around until small cobwebs come out. Then, at the same distance, do the same along the frame.
  4. Now start weaving more half knots in a circle. You need to wrap the thread not around the circle of the hoop, but along the thread itself. Wear beads while weaving. As a result, you must gradually reduce the distance between neighboring nodes. You need to weave a web. You can make the work easier by crocheting. With its help, you will speed up the work; closer to the completion of weaving, use a crochet hook. You have succeeded in weaving a web, tie a knot and secure it with super glue. The base is ready and now let's move on to the last stage.

Collecting the amulet

Master class is detailed diagram weaving and steps on how to assemble a ready-made dream catcher.

At the beginning, when you made the circle, you left two threads. On the opposite side you need to tie two cords 30 centimeters long (they should be at the bottom). We put on beads, try to weave knots with a crochet hook.

Take the feathers and tie one end to it. Wrap the feathers additionally with wire to secure them well. Attach feathers to each lace. When the circle and feathers are ready, all that remains is to make a mount to hang the dream catcher in a place convenient for you.

The master class diagram advises taking another long cord, stretching it through the circle and tying a tight knot. Flip it over so the knot is on the bottom. We put a bead on the loop and the master class is completed, and you can choose a place in the interior for the dream catcher.

How else to decorate a dream catcher

Now one master class differs from another in that in the process of creating a standard dream catcher, you can add elements that are used in magical practice.

You can try to weave a web so that there is cross stitch or crochet a custom web.

Cross stitch is a great option to make a product in different colors and attract colorful dreams.

Since black symbolizes night and cold, blue is suitable for women and is associated with the moon and water. Red and green cross stitch symbolize the earth, and white and yellow threads in the embroidery symbolize the day and the sun.

Take a tutorial that uses embroidery and learn how to crochet to make the ultimate dream catcher yourself. Cross stitch will help you with this.

Dreamcatcher - an ancient Indian amulet North America, protecting sleeping people from an evil spirit. Initially, the talisman looked like a complex plexus of deer sinews, stiff threads placed on a willow ring, and woven multi-colored feathers eagles, owls and falcons- it was believed that they convey the properties of birds. According to legend, the catcher traps bad dreams in his web and lets good ones through the middle gap. In addition, the amulet can also become a wonderful decoration for the bedroom.

If you make a dream catcher with your own hands, it will acquire special significance and energy. Therefore, before starting work, it is important to completely get rid of negative thoughts and prepare for the good.

Necessary materials

Not today strict rules, from what materials and what type should you make a dream catcher. To create the right amulet, you just need to adhere to the basic technology. So, you will need:

The diameter of the ring may vary, but the most convenient size for training is 15 centimeters.

1. Ring. It can be a wooden or metal hoop, inner part hoop, rim from a tin lid or twisted willow rod. The diameter of the ring can also vary, but the most convenient size for training is 15 centimeters.

2. Leather cord. But it can be replaced with decorative fabric lace or braid, strips of leather or thick threads. The diameter of the cord is 1-2 millimeters, the length is about 12 meters.

3. Durable thick threads. You can use absolutely any, but threads made from natural materials are still preferred. Floss or mercerized yarn work well.

4. Beads. In your work, you can use all sorts of trinkets lying idle in your house: buttons, beads, figurines, bells.

5. Feathers. The simplest option— rip open the pillowcase and take chicken feathers. But now in many creative stores you can find whole sets of beautiful decorative feathers. By the way, you can also buy special spring fastenings for attaching the feather to the thread, but you can do without them.

6. Tools: transparent quick-drying glue, crochet hook, thick needle, scissors.

Manufacturing technology

1. Secure the cord by tying it around the hoop, leaving the end 15 centimeters long. Take the other end of the cord and wrap it around the hoop. To make it easier to work with, roll the long end into a small skein. Make sure that the cord is stretched well and lies tightly.

The smaller the distance between the half-nodes, the more circles of the web you will get later.

2. Wrap the entire hoop in this manner, tying the ends tightly. Cut off the excess cord, leaving another tail 15 centimeters long.

3. Tie the thread tightly next to the knot from the cord.

4. 3-4 cm after the start, make a half-knot around the hoop: wrap the thread around the hoop, thread it through the resulting loop and tighten. The smaller the distance between the half-nodes, the more circles of the web you will get later.

5. Make the same half-knots at equal distances throughout the hoop. The distance between the end and the beginning should be slightly smaller.

6. Now make a half-knot again, but this time wrap the thread not around the hoop, but around the thread itself, stretched in step 4.

7. Repeat step 6 in a circle. As you weave, string beads onto the thread.

8. Thus, going in a circle and reducing the distance between the nodes, weave a web. To make the work easier and faster, you can use a crochet hook closer to the center. The loops will gradually become smaller and converge into a circle approximately the size of a finger. Pull this circle so that the mesh is level, tie the thread into a knot, carefully cut it and coat it with a thin layer of glue.

9. In step 2 we left 15 cm tails of the cord on one side. Now cut twice 30 centimeters of the cord and tie them on the opposite side of the amulet and below.

To prevent the beads from sliding down, tie knots.

10. String beads onto the cord. Tie one end to a feather. If you decide to do without a special fastening, then simply place the end of the cord and the feather next to each other and tightly wrap them with thin wire or thread. The place of fastening can be hidden with a large bead. You can also string a large bead on the other end. To prevent the beads from sliding down, tie knots.

11. Repeat the same with other pieces of cord. You can tie another thread at the bottom and string small beads on it.

12. Cut another piece of cord. Thread it through the hoop at the top and tie the ends together. Turn the cord so that the knot is at the bottom. Fold the resulting loop in half and tie a knot close to the hoop. Thread a bead with a large hole onto the loop folded in half and make another knot. The dream catcher is ready.


When creating a dream catcher, you don’t need to limit yourself - during work you can use materials of a wide variety of textures and colors, multi-colored or transparent beads of any shape. You can insert another small ring into the middle of the amulet, make a catcher with one web inside another, or make it multi-tiered. You can completely cover all the threads with beads or use a different thread color for each tier. The number of tiers can also be very different. Just show your imagination and get creative with the process!

Where to place the dream catcher

When the dream catcher is ready, all that remains is to hang it correctly. It is logical that it should be placed as close as possible to the one on which you sleep. Most often, the catcher is hung at the head of the head, but there are other suitable places.

Most often, the catcher is hung at the head of the head, but there are other suitable places.

On the bedside table lamp, the dream catcher will be in your line of sight and will perfectly protect you from nightmares. If the bedroom allows, the amulet can be placed on the wall near the bed.

Some believe that evil spirits enter through the door, so it is logical to place a barrier right at the entrance to the bedroom by placing a catcher on the door. You can hang the amulet on furniture, but as close as possible to the sleeping area.

Let the dream catcher allow you to sleep peacefully and bring you the most pleasant dreams! And if you want to remember a dream, you just need to touch the amulet.