Mineral water attractions in winter. What attractions of mineral waters are worth seeing. Fire of Eternal Glory on the map

Mineral water- one of largest cities Stavropol region. It is considered the most important transport hub in the North Caucasus.

What is noteworthy is that no mineral water sources were ever discovered on the territory of the city, and the name of the city was associated with the location of nearby resorts specializing in the treatment of healing waters.

At the same time, the city of Mineralnye Vody has high tourism potential due to the location of resorts nearby, its transport capabilities and attractions.

Natural attractions of Caucasian Mineral Waters

Mineral water

Since the city is located in the Stavropol Territory, which is located on the slopes Caucasus Mountains, then the nature here is special. Many tourists come to enjoy the beauty of the sights of Mineralnye Vody and its surroundings.

Of the most significant and interesting places, two mountains can be noted:

  • Snake
  • Mangy

Mount Snake

Mount Snake before a thunderstorm

According to ancient documents, the name comes from the Turkic “Zhlak-tau”, which means “snake mountain”. The mountain received this name for the numerous ravines on the eastern slope, which with their narrow and winding shape resemble snakes. There is also an assumption that this mountain was once inhabited by a large number of snake.

This mountain is paleovolcanic, its height is almost 1000 meters, and the territory it occupies is 20 square meters. km. It is part of the Pyatigorye region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and has a slightly oval-elongated shape.

Getting to it is quite easy, it is practically part of the city - the distance from the railway station to the mountain is 4.5 km.

This mountain, due to its composition, is important in the study of volcanic processes that occurred in ancient times. Snake is also rich in flora and fauna; both forests and mountain meadows are located on its surface. In addition, on the southwestern slope there is a source of mineral water with a unique chemical composition. The mountain is also rich in accumulations of beshtuanite, which has been mined since the middle of the last century.

Unique buildings

On the territory of the mountain one often comes across various archaeological fossils - these are pottery shards, traces of a building on the eastern slope, and bones of people and animals. Based on this, it can be assumed that there was an inhabited settlement on the mountain.

In addition, there are other man-made and natural attractions on the mountain:

  • Monument to workers
  • Holy springs
  • Dam
  • Adits

Mount Sheludivaya

View of Mount Sheludivaya

It is also part of Pyatigorye and is also paleovolcanic in composition. It is located near Pyatigorsk, at its foot is the city of Lermontov. Its height is 874 meters, area is 93 hectares.

Before the development of the city of Lermontov on the northern slope and the creation of a quarry where beshtaunite is mined on the southern slope, this mountain made a very majestic impression due to its external resemblance to a pyramid. Due to its composition, the mountain is of particular scientific interest.

The mountain got its name from the rock formations and screes located on its slopes. Previously, it was called “Green”, but now there is noticeably less vegetation on its surface.

Temples and Cathedrals

Among the attractions of the city of Mineralnye Vody, the famous church buildings deserve no less attention:

  • Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The construction of the Cathedral took place in 1990-1997. Previously, a temple had already been built on this site. Its first rector is Protasy Lvov. He was buried right there, behind the altar of the temple. However, in the 30s, the Intercession Cathedral was closed and destroyed, all the stone was sent for construction, and a public garden was organized on this site and a monument to Stalin was erected.

Only in December 1990 was the desecrated place re-consecrated, a cross was erected at the site of its foundation and short time built a new Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Of particular note is the belfry. 8 bells create clean and light tints. The temple itself is quite simple, but at the same time majestic.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The temple was consecrated in 1950. Since that time, the original appearance has not been changed. The church is distinguished by its modesty; there are few paintings.

Initially, the temple was consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, but after the restoration of the cathedral in 1997, it was re-illuminated into the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

One of the most unique features of the church is the “Quick to Hear” icon, which was painted by Athonite monks.

Historical monuments, buildings, museums

City station

Train Station

Mineralnye Vody is one of the largest transport hubs, the railway station is an important part of the North Caucasus route, and the station itself is located within the city, which makes it easy to get to the hotel.

However, in addition to its functional purpose, the station building is also a unique architectural structure. Made in the Baroque style, surrounded by a row of columns, with a statue installed at the main entrance, the station gives the impression of a truly monumental structure.

The internal content is very well thought out. It can comfortably accommodate about 1,500 people, with two waiting rooms, a cafe, toilets, souvenir kiosks and a medical center.

If you are inspired by mountains, then the review will undoubtedly appeal to you, where you are sure to find exciting options for recreation and adventure in our country.

When planning a trip to the South of Russia, do not forget to include the sights of Sochi in your schedule, which are described in detail. A walk through the arboretum and parks of the city will leave a great impression, even if you visit Sochi for just one day.

Sculpture "Eagle"

The symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is “Eagle killing a snake”

At the beginning of the 20th century, a historical sculpture of an eagle tormenting a snake was installed on Mount Goryacheva. The snake symbolizes illness, and the eagle symbolizes healing power mineral springs. Since then, this building has become a real symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and was even depicted on the coat of arms.

This sculpture is located in Nagorny Park. Once upon a time there was a source of mineral waters in this place, and the Alexander Baths, named after the emperor, were located.

Today, its image is duplicated in souvenirs, and tourists can be found near the structure itself in any weather.

Museum of Local Lore

Local Lore Museum of Mineralnye Vody

Founded in 1999. The museum has several departments, each dedicated to a specific topic. Special attention deserves a hall dedicated to the life and work of the writer A.P. Bibikova.

The museum's collection contains a large number of exhibits; there are exhibitions dedicated to military topics and heroes of the Great Patriotic War. There are also many archaeological and paleontological finds.

Aviation Museum

Exhibits of the Museum of Aviation Technology

The Aviation Museum is located not far from the airport in Mineralnye Vody. There is also an aircraft repair plant, on the territory of which several exhibits of the museum are exhibited. These are quite unique models. For example, MI-1 and MI-8 helicopters.

However, before visiting this museum, you must first make an agreement with the administration.

House of the writer Bibik

House of the writer A.P. Bibik

The museum itself is located in the house where the writer once lived. He lived in Mineralnye Vody for the last 20 years of his life and ended it here. Alexey Pavlovich Bibik continued to write until his death, completing his major work “By the Broad Road.”

The museum was opened at the end of the 20th century. It is dedicated to the life of the writer, and the house displays both personal belongings and creative tools, drafts and books. The general interior has been preserved in the same form in which the writer himself saw it. In addition, among the exhibits there are paintings by P.M. Grechishkin, which he presented to A.P. Bibik.

Tersky stud farm

Entrance to the Tersky stud farm

In 1889, a factory for breeding pedigree Arabian horses was founded by Count Stroganov. With the advent of socialism, the plant was closed. Fortunately, the house where the count lived remained preserved.

Later, in 1921, Budyonny created the Terek Stud Farm, intended to strengthen the cavalry. It was named after the Terek Cossack Regiment, and the horses that were bred at that factory were intended for officers.

Initially, it was planned to breed Streltsy horses, but their numbers turned out to be insufficient. Therefore, the Arabian breed was imported and to this day it is considered elite, being sold at auctions around the world.

Today there is the possibility of horseback riding; horses can be rented.

Memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory"

Memorial in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War"Fire of Eternal Glory"

In 1942, the city of Mineralnye Vody was occupied by the Nazis. The German occupation lasted 5 months. There is a major transport hub here, so the city was an important strategic point.

In 1976, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the victory, the Fire of Eternal Glory was erected in honor of the heroes who defended their native land. The double pylons on which the bas-reliefs are located form a pentagon; in the center there is a stone, symbolizing the indestructibility and resilience of the Caucasus.

Monument to tank crews

Legendary tank on a pedestal

On the bank of the Dzhemukha River there is a monument to tank crews erected in 1965. It is a tank located on a stone hill. On the pedestal there is a memorial with the names of tank crews who died during the occupation engraved on it.

Film about the city of Mineralnye Vody

After watching the video, you will learn a lot more interesting things about the city.

Mineralnye Vody is a town in the Stavropol region, interesting, quite small and very cozy.

It seems that a city with such a promising name, Mineralnye Vody, should attract tourists, first of all, with an abundance of mineral springs. However, as it turned out, there are no such in the city, but there are plenty of them in nearby villages and towns. But the Ministry of Water can safely be proud of its sights, natural and man-made. Everything is interesting here: nature, parks and forests, gray Elbrus, the path to which is a whole serpentine of ancient roads.

Its history is also of considerable interest, thanks to which the modern traveler has the opportunity to see ancient buildings, artifacts and antiquities. Even the train station and local airport are recognized as landmarks.

This is not just a point on the map, these are places about which the great Lermontov wrote: “It’s fun to live in such a land!”

It is unlikely that the city is destined to become a tourist mecca. He does not strive for this. But it is his airport that welcomes passengers from all over the country, and from here they depart for different sides: some to neighboring resort towns, enjoy the healing waters, improve their health and just relax, some - to the top of Elbrus, and some - just to get to know the city better.

And this is not surprising. There are so many places in these parts that you should definitely visit.

Mount Snake

For quite a long time it was known under the Turkic name – Zhlak Tau, which translates as “snake mountain”. The origin of such a beautiful name is explained in different ways. According to one version, this place was once favored by various kinds of snakes. According to the second, the winding cracks on one of the slopes were painfully reminiscent of a crawling snake in their outline.

Not today better place to take a bird's eye view of the surroundings of Mineralnye Vody from a bird's eye view (994 meters). This is if you don’t count the flora and fauna of the mountain with its 60 tree species and holy springs. And this place is also famous because the horse kingdom has settled at the very foot.

Zmeykinskoye field

This is not what it seems at first glance, it is a source with mineral water, called “Novoterskaya”, and famous for its healing properties all over Russia. The Mineralnye Vody sanatorium appeared here, where many people come who want to be healed from the miracle water that is bottled at the local plant.

Tersky stud farm

Its construction began at the end of the 19th century for the breeding of Arabian horses, which Count S. A. Stroganov brought to Russia. The plant had difficult times. But after Budyonny himself began developing stud farms (the Russian cavalry needed excellent horses), a few years later a new breed, nicknamed “Terskaya”. This is interesting for both children and adults! Maybe you don’t want to limit yourself to a tour of the stables. Visit an Arabian stallion show. Yes, and don’t forget about the treats for the “artists”; they really love apples, carrots, and sugar. Or maybe rent a horse and go for a ride. Communication with horses is always positive emotions and a joyful mood for a long time.

This is all the surrounding area. And this does not mean that there are few interesting places in the city.

Urban architecture

Train Station

It is not often that such an establishment is considered one of the most important city attractions. This is where the history of the city of Mineralnye Vody begins. It appeared back in 1875, and three years later, in 1878, this place was inhabited by railway workers. This year began to be considered the founding date of the city. For a very long time, first the Sultanovskaya station, and then the village remained a transfer point for many railway routes.

In 1921, only it became Mineralnye Vody. By 1957, a majestic station building appeared, the main decoration of which was a colonnade of impressive size and in its center an eagle tormenting a snake - a well-known symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Eagle sculpture

It is believed that this best decoration not only the station square, but the entire city. This bronze monument was erected in the last century.

Here they tell a legend about the Noble Eagle, who was flying high in the mountains, and when he sat down to rest on a rock, he was bitten by a snake. He fell to the very bottom of the gorge and would have died if not for healing waters. Having drunk water and healed his wounds, he rose again into the sky and taught the insidious one a lesson. They say that the sculptor captured just this moment.

Well, later sources claim that the mighty eagle in bronze is a symbol of healing waters, and the snake symbolizes diseases that creep up unnoticed.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It was built over the course of five years and construction was completed in 1997. This majestic Cathedral became the largest temple in the North, and for Minvod - its largest religious building. The red brick ensemble of the temple with nine golden domes and a belfry, where eight bells ring for all voices, is somewhat reminiscent of a fortress with towers and high walls.

Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Another iconic building of the city, literally amazing with its history. Built at the end of the 19th century, dedicated to salvation Alexandra III and his family, he survived the destruction Soviet period and in 2012 he was born again and was solemnly consecrated. Today, the relics of the holy elder Theodosius, as he was called during his lifetime, are carefully preserved here. The Monk Theodosius of the Caucasus is the patron saint of the entire Stavropol region.

"Fire of Eternal Glory"

The memorial is located on the outskirts of Mineralnye Vody. Five months of occupation - and for each of them five bas-reliefs formed into a pentagon, installed on five double pylons and with a stone sandwiched between them - a symbol of the impregnable. This is not just a monument, this is a story

  • about more than 18 thousand mineral workers who went to fight and 7584 of them who remained on the battlefield,
  • about almost 10 thousand city residents executed and thrown into an anti-tank ditch;
  • about nine desperate daredevils of the “Revenge” reconnaissance group, landed in the “Snake” area to establish reconnaissance and sabotage work at the city railway junction, and shot by the fascists on the denunciation of traitors at the foot of Mount Mashuk.

It was opened in the year of the 31st anniversary of the Great Victory.

Monument to those killed in the 2001 terrorist attack

This is a memory of very recent events, when on March 24, 2001, an explosive device exploded right at the entrance to the central market and took the lives of twenty-one people. Almost a hundred were wounded. A few years later, a monument was built at the site of the explosion.

Monument to General Ermolov

This hero of the war of 1812 made a huge contribution to the development of the Caucasus: in the modernization of the Georgian Military Road, the construction of defensive structures from Grozny to Krasnograd, which allowed for the growth of industry and large-scale trade, hospitals were established at the springs of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In addition, what is especially important, Alexey Petrovich Ermolov is a famous leader of the Caucasian troops. It was the local Cossacks who raised funds for the monument.

Museum of Local Lore

It appeared quite recently, in 1998. But the basis for it was the People's Museum of Local Lore. Its holdings include about 20 thousand exhibits dedicated to

  • archeology;
  • paleontology;
  • ethnography;
  • painting;
  • numismatics.

Museum dedicated to Alexey Pavlovich Babik

The construction of this house in the middle of the last century famous writer He worked personally, he also made the furniture with his own hands, and then lived in it for more than twenty years. Here you will find many of the most common things for that time, belonging to A.P. Babik: photographs, notebooks, books from different years, the writer’s typewriter, an inkstand, the writer’s traveling bag and paintings by the Russian artist P. M. Grechishkin.

There are others in Mineralnye Vody interesting places. Of course, a lot has changed here over its almost one-and-a-half-century history. This is no longer a village, but a city that has grown to 75 thousand people. But its air and healing waters remained the same. Mineralnye Vody has a very special charm, an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, which is why people come here from all over the country, even from abroad. In the city itself and beyond, there are many sanatoriums and hospitals, as well as amazing places that will not leave anyone indifferent.

And if you're going on a trip, it's good to know what you can and shouldn't do in Mineralnye Vody:

  • Smoking and drinking are prohibited here alcoholic drinks in public places, leave in in the wrong places garbage. Otherwise you will have to pay a large fine;
  • here, at every step, private cab drivers offer their services. It is profitable to take a taxi, especially with a group, but it is very prudent to discuss the cost in advance;
  • in summer the temperature rarely drops below +30ºС, so you should not plan excursions and hiking at the height of the day. But sun protection won't hurt;
  • if you want to save money, pay attention to outdoor cafes;
  • the best seasons are winter and summer. Even in the city itself, ski lifts operate in winter and lovers of skiing, snowboarding or tubing have freedom here;
  • there are no tourist streets in the city in the usual sense;
  • It is better for girls to be accompanied by men, or, as a last resort, in company. Nothing will happen, but you will attract less attention. Not everyone will like it when people come up to meet you right on the street. And this is not uncommon here.

Come to these parts, you won’t regret it.

The history of Mineralnye Vody International Airport dates back ninety years. Today, the airport has the status of a federal facility and has a passenger turnover of 900 thousand people per year. This is one of the largest airports in southern Russia.

In 2011, a global two-stage reconstruction was carried out at the Mineralnye Vody airport. The newest take-off platform was put into operation, and various equipment was modernized. All this allowed the airport to win the title “Best Airport in the CIS Countries for 2011.”

Train Station

The junction railway station Mineralnye Vody is located on the electrified double-track line Prokhladnaya - Rostov. It was opened during the construction of the Vladikavkaz railway in 1875. Initially it was called Sultanovskaya. At the beginning of 1883, a branch to Kislovodsk was built, and in 1936 it was electrified with direct current with a voltage of 1.5 kV, which was increased to 3 kV in 1964. In May 2006, the Kislovodsk - Mineralnye Vody branch was switched to alternating current, and therefore the Mineralnye Vody station lost its status as a connecting station.

Current building railway station was built in 1955 in Baroque style, characteristic features of which are large columns arranged in a semicircle. Its total capacity is about 1,750 passengers. It includes two waiting rooms, a cafe, a pharmacy and a first-aid post. A beautiful wide alley leads to the main entrance of the station, along the sides of which blue spruce trees are planted and comfortable benches are installed. Soon, the local administration plans to restore the railway station, during which the territory will be slightly expanded and the external decoration will be restored.

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Cafe-restaurant Holburg

One of the main attractions of Mineralnye Vody is the beautiful Holburg Castle, on the territory of which there is a restaurant of the same name, which invites guests and residents of the resort to spend an unforgettable evening in the throne room. The interior of the establishment consists of massive, elegantly served tables made of dark wood, as well as various decorative elements dating back to the beginning of the 19th century. The good-natured hosts will offer you a wonderful menu, including signature pies with mushrooms and chicken liver, as well as delicious baked fish and refreshing kvass. All dishes are served here exclusively in original ceramic dishes. The Holburg restaurant often hosts large-scale events such as weddings, anniversaries and children's parties.

The local environment, which is filled with the “aromas” of the Middle Ages, will allow you to forget about everyday problems for a while. A calm, relaxing atmosphere reigns here, created by dim lighting, melodic music and, of course, the interior. Near the restaurant there is a beautiful well-kept garden, in which there are several cozy tables, where those who like to dine in the fresh air can relax.

The most popular attractions in Mineralnye Vody with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Mineralnye Vody on our website.

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