What type of breed does the Miniature Bull Terrier belong to? Detailed description and characteristics of dogs of the Miniature or Dwarf Bull Terrier breed. Harmoniously built little dog

Mon, 12/31/1990 - 12:00


The Miniature Bull Terrier is a dog perfectly suited for living in apartment conditions. The main advantage of this breed is their attachment to their owner. These dogs need an owner who can devote a lot of time to his friend. They are very affectionate and friendly, ready to accompany you everywhere. Mini bull terriers love children. These dogs will be very happy to play with them and spend their time. You will never be bored with these animals. They are very funny and unpredictable. Just like large representatives, mini bull terriers need a lot of walks, otherwise he will turn everything upside down in your house.

History of the breed

The Miniature Bull Terrier was officially recognized as an independent breed in 1991, although it has been participating in exhibitions since 1963. These dogs appeared in the 19th century. Miniature Bull Terriers are an exact smaller copy of standard Bull Terriers. It was thanks to them that they appeared. The fact is that in the litters of these dogs, puppies were born that differed from all others in their size, and this did not at all affect their health. Breeders decided to create a separate breed. And in order for all the puppies to be born small, the blood of the Fox Terrier and Jack Russell Terrier was added to them. However, this decrease affected the health of the dogs. Therefore, breeders soon managed to breed larger dogs. A standard was written in which the weight of these mini bull terriers was up to 11 kg. They were born absolutely healthy and quickly gained popularity.


These dogs are strong, muscular and proportionate in build. They have a long, egg-shaped head. The skull is flat. The nose is black. The jaws are strong. Eyes slanted, triangular shape, quite narrow, dark, almost black in color. They may be blue, but this is highly undesirable. The ears are thin, small in size, located close to each other, and should be directed clearly upward when standing. The neck is long, strong and muscular, slightly arched, without dewlaps. The body is round in shape with convex ribs. The chest is wide and quite deep. The back is short, straight and strong. The tail is set low, short, thick at the base, tapering towards the end, and carried at the level of the back. The limbs are straight, parallel, with well-developed muscles. The paws are compact and round in shape. The skin is tight-fitting. The coat is short, hard, close-lying, shiny, winter time a soft undercoat is formed. The color can be white or colored. White Bull Terriers may have spots only on the head. The color can also be brindle, red, black, brown, or fawn. The color should not be blue or sand.

Character and temperament

Miniature Bull Terriers are balanced, obedient and disciplined dogs. Despite their small stature, they are very brave, brave and courageous. Sometimes they can be stubborn, but often they try to please their owner in everything, since they are very attached to him. These dogs are friendly to all people, although their protective instinct is quite strong. Mini bull terriers are completely fearless, they are ready to desperately defend their owner, even at the cost of their own lives. These dogs are very active and love to play outdoors.

Health and illness

Dogs of this breed may have a very weakened immune system, so you need to carefully monitor the diet of the mini bull terrier so that it contains enough vitamins and minerals. Otherwise, the dog will often catch colds and get sick, in addition, there is a risk of catching some kind of infection increases. Miniature Bull Terrier puppies may be born deaf; at an early age it can be very difficult to determine this, especially if the puppy is deaf in one ear. Therefore, be extremely careful when choosing a puppy. Such dogs are not allowed to be bred. It is not uncommon for dogs of this breed to have skin diseases and irritation, so you need to wash them extremely rarely, so as not to wash off the protective layer of fat once again. Be attentive to your puppy's eyesight. Although eye diseases do not occur often in them, it is still better to detect the disease in the early stages. Mini bull terriers can also have luxated kneecaps. This disease is mainly congenital. However, it can also be acquired. It occurs as a result of injuries and unsuccessful jumps, as well as in adulthood, as a result of loss of muscle tone.

The Mini Bull Terrier can live in any conditions. However, during the cold season, these dogs must be kept warm, as they have very short hair, which does not keep them warm. Also, dogs of this breed should not be exposed to the sun for a long time on hot summer days, otherwise they may get sunburn. Mini Bulls' coats are very easy to care for. It is very short, so you only need to clean it once a week with a rubber brush to get rid of dead hair. These dogs do not need to be washed frequently. Their fur can be cleaned quickly enough with a terry towel. Do not forget about standard hygiene procedures, such as brushing teeth, ears and eyes, and trimming nails. Pay attention to where your pet's place is located. It should be free of drafts and away from radiators.

Training, training

The miniature bull terrier is an exact copy of the bull terrier. Despite their small stature, these dogs have a very strong and firm character. It is quite difficult to train representatives of this breed. Despite the fact that they have an excellent, well-developed intellect and a wonderful memory, they have a rather stubborn and independent disposition. To teach this dog anything, you need to take a dominant position; it must understand who is boss in the house. At the same time, there is no need to humiliate and subjugate the animal; a partnership should be established between you. However, the dog must clearly understand that the person in your home is above all else. But the bull terrier also needs to be loved and respected. The method of encouragement will definitely help you achieve certain success in raising your dog.

The miniature bull terrier's diet should be complete, balanced, with a sufficient amount of all essential vitamins and minerals. In order for a puppy to develop properly, it needs animal proteins in large quantities. They are found in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Cottage cheese is very useful for dogs, but it should not be fatty or salty. In general, you need to add very little salt to your food. It is prohibited to add seasonings to dishes; they negatively affect the sense of smell. Cartilage is a source of large amounts of minerals. While bones should not be given to dogs. They do not bring any benefit to the body, clog the stomach and can lead to rupture of the esophagus. Chicken necks and legs are very healthy, they contain a lot of useful substances: phosphorus, calcium, zinc. These substances are very useful for strengthening your dog's immunity. Rice and buckwheat are good cereals for dogs. You can add grated raw vegetables and herbs to porridge. Make sure food is at room temperature. Under no circumstances feed your dog fatty, smoked, or pickled foods. As well as sweets, baked goods, butter and mayonnaise. Potatoes, minced meat, and whole vegetables are poorly digestible. Give your pets dried fruits and cheese as treats.

November 14, 2014

The Minibull is an active, cheerful, extremely agile and very friendly dog. This is a smaller copy of a regular bull terrier with a significant difference in character. The Miniature Bull Terrier is not a fighting breed, but an excellent family dog ​​that, with proper training, becomes a devoted companion and best friend.

Minik is a real athlete

The Mini Bull Terrier has a strong, athletic build with clearly visible well-developed muscles. Height at the withers should not exceed 36 cm, weight - up to 8 kg, color of various shades, except liver and pale blue. The coat is hard and short, the skin fits tightly to the body.

A dog of this breed has a deep and long head, shaped like an elongated egg. The eyes are small, set obliquely and deeply, the lower jaw is strong. The ears are short, located close to each other, erect. The neck is arched, widening towards the shoulders, muscular. The chest is wide, the forearms are straight, the elbows are close. The forelimbs are strong, their length is equal to the width of the chest. The hind legs are parallel, with physically developed thighs. The tail is low-set and short.

The general appearance of an adult specimen resembles that of a professional wrestler, standing firmly on his feet and intently examining his opponent before the start of the fight. To maintain its shape, the minibull needs frequent walking and constant physical activity.

Temperament and lifespan

The Miniature Bull Terrier, unlike its “big brother,” has a perky and positive character. In order to reveal these advantages of the breed and find an obedient pet, training must begin from early childhood. His stubbornness and spontaneity require a firm hand and a clear distribution of power.

Despite his athletic build and slightly intimidating appearance, Minik is a fan of a quiet pastime. His favorite place in the apartment is a cozy chair. But, getting to Fresh air, he can run around incessantly and enjoy participating in children’s outdoor games.

On average, minibulls live 12-16 years.

Care, health, maintenance

One of the features of the breed is short hair, which makes caring for your pet very simple and easy. Daily brushing with a specialized rubber brush is all that a miniature bull terrier needs.

The breed is prone to the following diseases: glaucoma, deafness, renal failure, obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen control over the cleanliness of the ears and eyes, and also, at the first signs of the slightest weight gain, to review the pet’s diet.

Due to its small size, the minibull feels great even in a small apartment; it is considered to be an urban breed.

Owner for a mini dog

A miniature bull terrier will become a devoted pet only to someone who manages to break his strong character and desire to be a leader. Almost from birth, he must learn who the dominant personality is in the relationship with the owner. A strict but patient dog owner will be able to turn a disobedient bull terrier into a real family member and the best four-legged friend for children.

Purchasing a Mini Bull Terrier

Choosing a Bull Terrier puppy is no different from choosing any other breed. The main thing is a healthy appearance. It is mandatory to inspect all parts of the body for stains, wounds, growths or bald spots. The body should be strong, the paws should be large, the head should be smooth, without dents. You should not take a puppy that is too active in order to avoid further problems with education.


Miniature bull terrier. Video

The Miniature Bull Terrier is essentially the same breed of Bull Terrier, only smaller in size. Their main advantage is their ideal adaptability to living in a city. But it is not the only one that makes many dog ​​lovers switch to minibulls, which combine the seemingly incompatible - a bright temperament, a sharp mind and a touching face. This breed is considered a multifaceted personality, a phenomenon dog.


The histories of the minibull and bull terrier breeds are, of course, very similar. Small puppies appeared in a bull terrier litter for the first time in the 19th century. The small dogs were beautifully built, different good health, and besides, they were wonderful rat catchers. Breeders did not cull them for this, but quite the opposite - they began to be bred as an independent breed. To consolidate the breed, most likely, the blood of Jack Russell Terriers and Fox Terriers was infused. They are characterized by a head shaped like an apple, as well as bug-eyed eyes. Otherwise, like close relatives of bull terriers, they are distinguished by their athletic build, muscularity and proportionality.

In temperament they do not differ from representatives large breed: these dogs are perky, highly intelligent, cheerful, and very well trained. In addition, they are not inferior to their larger brothers in courage and bravery. Minibulls have a sensitive heart, so they cannot live without their owner’s attention. They love affection very much. However, this breed is not suitable for everyone; despite its small size, it is characterized by willfulness, stubbornness and enormous physical strength. A dog will respect only a powerful and authoritative owner with a firm hand.


An active and strong dog of a square format, with close-set, square-shaped eyes, slightly directed forward. The dog's ears are small, and the tail at the base is thick. The height of the dog at the withers does not exceed 35 centimeters, and representatives of the breed weigh from 8 to 16 kilograms.

Choosing a puppy

Having decided to get a Minibull, you do right choice, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the pet will require attention not only from the owner, but also from all family members. When buying a puppy from a breeder, you should definitely familiarize yourself with its pedigree and decide what gender of dog you would like to have in your home. And, of course, the baby’s health is of great importance.

A healthy puppy should have a shiny and cool nose, clean eyes, ears and skin, and a firm but soft belly. White puppies often suffer from deafness, so you need to take them into a separate room and clap your hands loudly or rattle your keys, looking at their reaction. Of course, you need to choose an active, active puppy, but not aggressive or cowardly.

Dogs have short hair that simply needs to be brushed daily with a glove or brush. Naturally, she will require additional care during the molting period. Although, it should be noted that the dog itself is very clean. Particular attention should be paid to the diet, since the breed is prone to obesity.


Stubbornness can perhaps be called the main trait of dogs, which complicates their interactions with humans. You need to start raising puppies from the first minute they appear in the house. The main task is to achieve unquestioning obedience from the pet. Otherwise, he may grow up to be a disobedient, wayward, even dangerous dog. But this is not a reason to forget that the dog is very gentle and loving, so the owner should be generous with praise and affection, which the dog will give in return.

A playful dog is very energetic, brave and cheerful, it should always be busy with something, so that it does not have time for mischief. And she can, being alone for a long time, bark for a long time, gnaw on everything, destroy things. Watch dogs affectionate to the owner. They are also friendly with strangers if they do not feel threatened by them, but they are aggressive towards other dogs, so there should not be another male in the house. The Minibull will pursue small animals due to its hunting instinct, so the dog must be isolated from them.

The dog is tolerant of the behavior of small children, but may itself be excessively noisy and energetic for them. Children who tease the dog may be bitten, so it is better to control their interaction. Cheerful Minibulls love to be the center of attention and play pranks to make their household laugh. Noisy, sensual and inquisitive, the Miniature Bull Terrier, sometimes persistent, persistent and active, sometimes overly active, but always loving his family, will become a great companion for those who spared no time and effort in raising him.


History of the breed

At the beginning of the 19th century in England appears miniature bull terrier. His ancestors were a white terrier, a bulldog and a Dalmatian. Hence the name of the breed bred during selection. At first, non-standard animals were not so popular. But already in 1863 they became participants in the exhibition for the first time. Half a century later, a club specializing in representatives of this breed was created. And in 1939, the Mini Bull Terrier received official recognition, and a standard and description of the breed appeared.

Interestingly, the first description of the breed stated that the mini bull terrier should be no heavier than 9 kg. Later, breeders achieved a change in the standard, because such weight restrictions could lead to the appearance of non-viable, weak dogs. The weight requirements were removed, thanks to which they began to breed more viable pets with developed muscles. Since 1948, the popularity of the Mini Bull Terrier breed has only increased. If we compare what a miniature bull terrier of that time looked like, for example, in a photo, with a modern representative of the breed, we will not notice any differences.


The Miniature Bull Terrier has a breed description similar to the regular Bull Terrier. The only difference is that it is smaller in size. This is noticeable even in the photo. The height of the animal is from 25.5 to 35.5 cm. Weight is up to 15 kg. The description of the breed says that the pet must have developed muscles, its body must be proportional.

The animal's head is ovoid in shape, the transition from head to nose is smooth. The nose itself is black. The eyes are set obliquely and have the shape of a triangle. Color - dark, brown or black. The ears are small, erect, and located close to each other.

The Miniature Bull Terrier is proportionately muscular. The joints are pronounced. The tail is not long, tapering towards the tip.

The coat is coarse and short. The description of the breed suggests several types of colors: white, black with spots of white or red, red and brindle (see photo).

Character traits

Many people are suspicious of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed due to the bad reputation surrounding their “bigger brothers”. In fact, these animals extremely rarely show aggression towards people; they are very sweet and cheerful. They are suitable for active breeders, as they are very energetic and love movement. This is confirmed by reviews from owners.

With proper upbringing, the pet will be disciplined, and it will develop a balanced, calm character (see video).

Owner reviews indicate that even strangers their pets are friendly and open.

But in relation to animals, the Mini Bull Terrier can show an aggressive character. Pets make friends with other animals only if they grew up with them.

Despite the fact that the pet's character is quite docile and friendly, it is better not to leave him alone with small children. And older children should understand how not to behave with an animal: pull the tail, hurt, etc. Only in this case can you be sure that the pet will also behave normally.

Reviews from owners indicate that mini bull terriers resemble three-year-old children in behavior and character. They are just as funny and carefree. Sometimes they are even called “clown dogs.”

Future owners should understand that aggressive character and inappropriate behavior are the consequences of improper upbringing, lack of proper training and attention to the pet. When getting a dog, you should understand that this is not a toy, but a living creature for which a person is responsible.

The Miniature Bull Terrier is the ideal city pet. He gets along well in apartments, without bringing much trouble to the owner: the pet is clean, and his short hair does not remain on furniture and carpets.

The mini bull terrier will require frequent walks from the owner - this is evidenced by numerous reviews. The pet is very active and needs to be given an outlet for energy. Otherwise, it will literally destroy the whole house - at least the furniture will suffer, especially the legs of chairs and tables. You can watch the video on how to train dogs of this breed.

Puppies up to one year old need to be walked often and kept busy with games. An adult mini bull terrier (from 2 years of age) requires not just walks, but also special training. Jumping, running with weights, long walking - this is the main set of exercises a dog needs to properly form its skeleton and develop muscle mass.

In terms of care, the animal needs to regularly trim its nails, clean its ears and bathe if necessary. Twice a year (autumn and spring) the dog sheds, during this period it needs to be brushed frequently.

Features of education

The Mini Bull Terrier is stubborn; this wayward character will make it difficult for the trainer, because it will be very difficult to force the animal to do something that it does not like. But in general, animals are highly trainable. With proper education and good attitude the pet will become a wonderful companion and protector for the owner and family.

It is better to entrust training a puppy to an experienced specialist. If the owner decides to engage in parenting on his own, it will be useful to first watch special videos about the peculiarities of training puppies of this breed.

"Pedigreed" diseases

This breed was genetically bred, accordingly, it has weak spots(kidneys, ears, heart) and are characterized by some genetic diseases. Most often, bull terriers suffer from aortic stenosis, destruction kneecap, lens luxation, Perthes disease, tracheal hypoplasia.

If the animal has a good pedigree, there is no need to worry about the presence of such diseases. Professional breeders carefully select individuals before crossing to prevent the occurrence of genetic defects.


Features of the breed and character of the miniature bull terrier

Belongs to the group of terriers. The dog was bred by an Englishman in the 50s of the 19th century. The animal had to perform a special function during baiting of rats.

This breed has absorbed all the most best qualities their creators: intelligence from terriers; intelligence, endurance and activity from the bulldog; color and balanced disposition from a Dalmatian.

The appearance of the dog is quite harmonious, the body is strong, stocky and muscular. A feature of the breed is considered to be an elongated and wide front part of the muzzle with small eyes.

The dog has an expressive and intelligent look, moderately active and good-natured. It is well trained, it is important to teach discipline from a young age. The dog is naturally endowed with an independent and fighting character. Describing a Miniature Bull Terrier It should be noted that the body should be firmly built and dense without any unnecessary kinks. The only defect that is rare is deafness.

Aggression is not a characteristic feature of this breed. If raised correctly, the dog will be balanced, obedient and intelligent. Cowardly and fearful individuals should be excluded.

Description of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed (standard requirement)

The Miniature Bull Terrier is a strong, muscular, small and strong animal. This breed requires constant physical activity to ensure that muscle tone is always normal. The ICF has identified such standards For miniature bull terrier:

* The appearance of the body should be rounded, the back short and strong. Deep chest, slightly protruding ribs. Front rib cage should stand out clearly and be clearly visible.

* The head in relation to the torso is low, elongated and long. When viewed strictly from the front, the head should resemble the outline of an oval. Top part The muzzle is flat, the lower jaw is strong and massive. The nose is slightly lowered, the nostrils are well developed and of medium size. The bite resembles the work of scissors (any deviation in it is considered a defect). The teeth are strong, white and straight.

* The eyes are set deep on the skull, located slightly oblique, small and narrow, triangular in shape. The standard color is dark brown, blue or light shades are not acceptable. An important criterion: the gap from the nose to the eye should be greater than from the eye to the middle of the back of the head.

* The ears are narrow, strictly protruding, small in size, set in the front of the head in one line. The edges of the ears should not bend and remain vertical at all times.

* Limbs are strictly parallel, medium in size, elbows tightly fitting. The front paws are stable and have a rounded shape. The hind legs are slightly shorter, strong boned and stable. Paws with roundness and movable toes. Thanks to mobile knee joints, the animal runs quickly and easily.

* Miniature Bull Terrier weight should be between 11-15 kg, males are larger, females are smaller. The dog should not look skinny with sunken sides, but obesity (weight more than 20 kg) is also not acceptable.

* The tail is a natural extension of the body. The tail is set low, mobile, shortened, narrowed towards the end.

* The ideal coat color is white, other colors are acceptable. The main color, for example white, should be predominant and occupy 80% of the body. The remaining 20% ​​includes spots of a different color, mainly on the head, lower abdomen and paws.

* The height of an adult specimen is 25-35 cm.

Due to the fact that the dog is too active, it needs to be walked and trained often. It is worth noting that for this breed there are special programs and techniques that lead to excellent results in the shortest possible time. We can say that this dog is a working dog, without physical activity it will simply disappear.

In a house or apartment, a mini dog should have its own place, preferably warm and without drafts. The animal takes up little space and can be placed in any nook. The dog loves toys and active games; it has been noted that he does not need a collar.

If we consider photo of miniature bull terrier, then he has a short, silky coat, practically does not shed or the shedding process goes unnoticed. Grooming includes wiping the body with a soft brush, rag or sponge.

The health of the pet is determined by the condition of the coat. In a healthy individual, the coating should be soft and shiny, in a sick person it should be dull and matte. They rarely bathe; most often they use special dry shampoos. The claws on the paws are trimmed periodically, about once every two weeks.

It is very important for a pet balanced diet. The approximate diet is for four days. For an adult dog, one feeding is enough. Food should be 80% animal protein, and 20% additives (vegetables, cereals, fermented milk).

Representatives of this breed are susceptible skin allergies. main reason– unhealthy diet and frequent use hair care products. The dog's body produces a special protective layer on the surface of the body, in which pathogenic infections die. Due to frequent bathing, this layer is washed away, allowing harmful microbes to develop.

Trial training is provided to the puppy from the age of 2 months, this is the age when it is purchased from the nursery. It is important that the dog has frequent contact with all household members and additional pets too. The dog will get used to it and he will develop friendly attitude to others.

Miniature Bull Terrier puppies are born weighing about 100 g. They grow very quickly and by the first month of life they can already weigh 4-5 kg. By 8 months, the dog's growth ends. Average duration life is 10-12 years.

The purity of the breed can only be offered by miniature bull terrier kennel. Breeders scrupulously select for breeding only males with an impressive pedigree. Here you can buy absolutely healthy baby with all documents and vaccinations.

Breed price

Buy a miniature bull terrier necessary for those who prefer an active lifestyle. Also important the right approach to learning. Otherwise, the dog will grow uncontrollable and dominate. If you take the animal as a puppy, then he will fall in love with all family members: from small to adult. He is also calm with other pets.

Concerning prices on miniature bull terrier, then she is rather big. An adult dog will cost approximately $3500, puppies in the range of $1500-2000. It is best to give preference to famous and trusted breeders. In this case, you can purchase a completely healthy pet without genetic pathologies.

Reviews of the Miniature Bull Terrier

Lyudmila. I bought a “bulika” as a gift for my son. He wanted a dog of this particular breed. What I want to say is that the dog has adapted perfectly, obedient and smart. Regarding the training, we contacted a special service, they immediately conducted several demonstration lessons, but then the son managed on his own.

They provided a training program where it was described in detail what and how. We noticed that after a miniature four-legged animal appeared in the house, our son became more diligent and self-controlled, which cannot be said about the dog. I am sure that it is impossible to find a better friend than a dog.

Maksim. I have long dreamed of a bull terrier; its appearance delights me. But since I live in a small apartment, I decided to take a miniature one. At first I thought the dog was aggressive, but it turned out the opposite. My Jim is a true friend, but also a fighter all in one. No, of course, he didn’t offend anyone, but he knows his worth, he can stand up for me and for himself, he’s just an intellectual.

He is small in stature, but sometimes shows his advantages. So I signed up for training at a special school, the veterinarian suggested that qualified training is especially important for this breed.


Performance evaluation and information

The Bull Terrier Miniature is similar in appearance to its “parent”, only much smaller in stature. At the withers it can reach up to 25.4-35.56 cm.
There are no weight restrictions, but the torso must be proportional, with well-developed muscles. Typically the weight of this breed is 9-15 kg.

Standard color - white (allowed Not a large number of colored spots) or colored (brindle, red, brown, fawn, black).

Origin of the breed and purpose

The miniature bull terrier (in simple terms - minibulik), the description of the breed of which we present, appeared more than a century ago in England. The breeding process selected individuals of the common boule that were significantly smaller than the standard size.

The desire to obtain a small breed with qualities characteristic of a large one led to the creation of the tiny bull terrier.

In order to consolidate the small size, the blood of toy terriers was added to the breed. Unfortunately, the experiment was not successful due to a number of side effects, appeared in new breed.
And only after half a century, in the early nineties, the final standard was adopted, although the mini-bull terrier was allowed into exhibitions already in 1963.

Once the standard was established, the breed became popular, and many clubs for these animals appeared in England.

The original purpose of the breed is to bait rats.

Minibulls appeared in Russia almost two decades ago, but did not gain much popularity. Popularization is hampered by the high cost of puppies, as well as the frequent deaths of pets due to genetic defects.

Appearance of Bull Terrier Miniature - standard requirements

The appearance requirements for a mini bull terrier and a standard bull terrier are identical:

  1. The head is long. From the front it should remind egg. The top of the head is almost flat. The lower jaw is developed and powerful. The bite is scissor-shaped. There is no transition from the forehead to the nose. The nose is lowered down, the nostrils are of medium size, well developed.
  2. The eyes are slanted and narrow. Deeply planted.
  3. The ears are directed upward, small, tightly set.
  4. The coat is short, shiny, coarse, without undercoat.
  5. The chest is powerful, with clearly defined muscles.
  6. The tail is short, tapered towards the end.
  7. The front legs are round and strong. The rear ones are a little shorter.
  8. Life expectancy is 11-15 years.

In general, this breed should produce the same impression as a regular Bull Terrier - strength, power, lightness and flexibility in movement. The body should not be dry, but muscular.

Minibull terrier character

There is an opinion that bull terriers are cruel killers and dogs that hate people. Indeed, the minibulik is characterized by strong character traits, courage and perseverance.

For a successful relationship between a pet and all family members, training must be done with early age. Otherwise, the dog shows character, is not controlled and demonstrates as much as possible all the negative sides of its character.

Well-mannered dwarf bull terriers, according to dog handlers, are calm, friendly and become loyal friends. Main features:

  • endurance;
  • curiosity;
  • stubbornness;
  • energy;
  • touchiness.

Minibulki - no guard breed, so they do not show aggression towards people. This means that such dogs are not dangerous either for children or adults.

Which owner is it suitable for?

The mini bull terrier, judging by the characteristics of the breed, is not suitable for everyone.

Since these animals are distinguished by their waywardness, physical strength and willful character, the owner must be strong, domineering, energetic, with a steel hand and strong nerves.

Minibulik training and training

In terms of intelligence, the minibulik belongs to the group of breeds that are difficult to train. Only an experienced dog breeder with great patience can raise such a pet. After all, these fidgets will strive to do what they want.

Since the minibull is powerful, strong and developed dog, she needs regular physical activity.

With proper upbringing, owners will not have problems with an older dog.

How to choose a puppy and their price

If you want to become the owner of a minibull and think that you know the whole truth about the breed, you must remember that such a dog is not for everyone and requires seriousness from its owner and family members.

Therefore, before running to the breeders, weigh your decision and discuss this issue with your loved ones.

When the decision is made, it is better to visit a special exhibition. Here you can take a closer look at minibulls, meet breeders and determine the best option. It is better to choose a nursery with an excellent reputation and comfortable living conditions.

Once the decision is made to take a pet from a certain place, you need to think about the gender of the future pet, as well as the purpose for which it is being acquired.

You can, for example, take a puppy for breeding or to participate in exhibitions, or you can take it as a pet. To select a promising puppy, a future winner of exhibitions, you need to have sufficient experience.
If you take a minibull to participate in exhibitions, you need to remember that no one can guarantee that your pet will become a champion.

However, it is possible to determine the potential of a puppy. To this end, you should get to know his parents and evaluate them both from the point of view of patterns and from the point of view of health and psychological state.

However, regardless of the purpose, it is important to examine the puppy for its physical condition. A healthy pet should have the following parameters:

  • nose - cold, shiny;
  • skin, eyes and ears are clean;
  • teeth - 12 pieces, 6 at the bottom and at the top;
  • the stomach is not bloated, elastic.

It’s also worth taking a closer look at the puppy’s character and energy. Dog breeders advise giving preference to an active, playful minibull without signs of aggression.
Ideal age puppy - 2-2.5 months.

In addition, the Miniature Bull Terrier must not only meet breed standards, but also have all the necessary vaccinations.

As for the cost of a purebred puppy, it is quite high - $1200-2000. An adult representative can be charged up to $3,500.

Living conditions for a miniature bull terrier

Minibulik - great pet for a city dweller. He feels great in an apartment and does not cause any trouble for the owner: he is quite clean and does not leave hair on furniture and carpets. The minibulik should have its own place in the house. It is desirable that it be warm, without drafts.


Since the Mini Bull is a smooth-haired breed, special care she doesn't demand it. Shedding is not a problem and occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn.


The coat of this breed is short, and the shedding process is almost imperceptible. Grooming involves periodically wiping the body with a soft brush, cloth or sponge.

In fact, the wool does not cause any trouble: it does not form tangles, and it is enough to comb it only once a week. At the same time, it does not protect against cold and insects. Therefore, during the cold season, pets need to be dressed extra, and in the summer they need to be protected from insects, to which minibugs are allergic.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Your new pet will need regular cleaning of his eyes and ears - his health will depend on this procedure. Trimming the nails once every two weeks (when they protrude beyond the edges of the pad) is also included in the care program.


Minibugs need to be bathed monthly, since all dogs have a specific smell. In this case, special dry shampoos are used.


Although aggression is not characteristic of a miniature bull terrier, a lack of physical activity can lead to the pet releasing excess energy through various pranks and sometimes aggression.

Minibulik owners must walk him at least 1.5 hours a day. At the same time, you need to play and run with him. It is after walking that the animal learns commands more easily, becomes more obedient and calm.


There is no need to feed your pet: 300-350 g of food per day is enough for him.

Essentially, a Miniature Bull Terrier's diet should be balanced and include:

  • all types of animal protein;
  • porridge with vegetables and herbs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cartilage.

All food should be at room temperature, moderately salted and free of seasonings.
Up to three months, puppies should be fed 4 times a day, from seven months they should be fed three times a day, and from a year onwards - twice a day.

Health and characteristic diseases

By and large, minibulls have virtually no genetic diseases and are one of the strongest breeds. Retreat - white representatives. They are prone to deafness. Moreover, if one or both ears are affected, the dog is removed from breeding.

This breed is also prone to such a hereditary disease as exophthalmos (shift of the eyeball), and they also have weak kidneys and heart. In addition, minibugs are predisposed to the following diseases:

  • tracheal hypoplasia;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • Perthes sign;
  • lens luxation;
  • destruction of the kneecap.

Minibugs also suffer from insect bites. For example, a flea or mosquito bite can give rise to terrible dermatosis.
Now you know who mini-bull terriers are, what the description of the breed is and how long such dogs live. But when deciding to get yourself such a pet, you must remember that aggressiveness and insane behavior are the result of improper upbringing and lack of attention.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember that a dog is not a toy, but a creature for which you need to be responsible.


History of the breed

The Mini Bull Terrier was bred in England more than one century ago. During the breeding of the common bull, dogs were selected that were much smaller in size. The desire to have a small dog that would had all the qualities, which are inherent in the big, led to the emergence dwarf breed bull terrier At the beginning of the twentieth century, to consolidate short stature, the blood of Toy Terriers began to be infused into the breed, but the experiment was unsuccessful due to some undesirable traits that appeared in Miniks.

And only 50 years later, in 1990, the final standard was adopted, although the mini bull terrier was allowed to participate in exhibitions back in 1964. Since the adoption of the standard, the popularity of this dog began grow quite quickly, a large number of amateur clubs have appeared in England. National history miniature breed dates back several decades, but the wide spread of this breed is hampered by the rather expensive price of puppies, as well as frequent cases of death of animals from various diseases which are caused by genetic abnormalities.

Breed standard

Embodied energy is the most accurate description of a dog of a given breed when you first look at it. Athletic, muscular dog with alert, graceful ears, a proud head carriage, a sly, cheerful look in his small eyes, and an antenna-tail, he is ready at any time of the day for any adventure. Perky and courageous disposition - distinguishing feature miniature bull terrier.

  • The coat is flat, short, hard and shiny. White color with small spots in the head area; colored colors must have a predominance of the main pigment.
  • Head with a flat forehead, oval, ovoid, filled in the muzzle area and under the eyes. The jaws are strong, strong, with a scissor or level bite of strong teeth. A distinctive feature is that the incisors are in one line. The eyes are small, very dark, with dark dry eyelids, deep and high set. The ears are graceful, directed forward, erect, strong and thin.
  • Square format, while the height at the withers can reach 27–40 centimeters, the weight of the animal is proportional to its height. The dog must give the impression of a small athlete with prominent muscles, neither obese nor thin. The convex, dry and long neck flows smoothly into the developed withers. The chest is deep, with well-developed rounded ribs, and wide. The tail is set low, horizontal when at rest, and the croup is short. The back in the lumbar region is slightly convex.

Description of the breed

To begin with, a mini bull terrier, for which the description of the breed can be endlessly supplemented, is a terrier. A terrier with all the qualities that are inherent in this breed group, with courage and stubbornness, with manic love to apportation and aggression towards relatives, with boundless devotion to all family members and directly to the owner. And even though the size of this baby is small, it is, to say the least, completely wrong to consider this animal a decorative, harmless dog.

Agile, insightful and intelligent, miniature bull terriers are perfect for people who cannot imagine life without travel and adventure. This little dog will always be nearby, he subtly senses the mood of the owner, knows how to empathize and sympathize. Choleric temperament endowed miniature bull terriers with fine mental organization and phenomenal mobility. It is simply impossible to find a more understanding animal than the mini bull terrier.

What should a potential owner know?

Before purchasing a miniature bull terrier dog, you need to find out everything about the puppy’s ancestors and thoroughly study all the features of the breed in general. It's just pretty within the breed a large number of dogs who suffer genetic diseases. In this case, both deafness and diseases of the kidneys, eyes, and heart are possible. An animal can be completely healthy at the time of sale, but after a few years it simply dies, and the saddest thing is that it is impossible to identify a potentially sick puppy.

Abroad and in our country, responsible breeders do not allow miniks, dogs that carry pathological genes, to be bred. However, even large nurseries in some cases allow mating with manufacturers who are carriers of defects mental health and hereditary diseases, therefore it is impossible to completely insure yourself against purchasing a sick puppy. Testing for diseases beyond primary lens luxation is not possible.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the main parameters:

  • The skin must be clean, without redness or crusts.
  • Clean ears and eyes.
  • Teeth. The set of teeth must be complete and the bite must be correct.
  • A cold and shiny nose; regardless of color, it must be black.
  • The coat is free of flea excrement, shiny and smooth.

At the same time the puppy must be playful, moderately well-fed, ready to meet people, overly inquisitive, active. The puppy's belly must be elastic. Abdominal bloating indicates helminthiasis. It is best to find out how long ago the babies were wormed.

When the choice fell on a white dog, it is necessary in a simple way check her for hearing. For what need to suddenly blurt out keys or clap your hands. The dogs' reaction must be unambiguous - all puppies will bark.

The Miniature Bull Terrier is not suitable for calm and gentle people and is not recommended for beginners. In some cases, it is difficult for even an experienced dog breeder to cope with an animal of this breed, since these dogs have phenomenal determination and stubbornness.

There's no need to choose this breed to families with small children. The desire to be first in everything and a frantic temperament can be the reason for harsh treatment of the baby.

We must not forget that any emotion expressed by the owner: anger, joy, clapping his hands, fun game, thunderous praise, are a trigger so that the dog turns into a hurricane. Emotionally labile mini bull terriers react to everything exaggeratedly, so communication with the animal must be smooth and as calm as possible.

The Miniature Bull Terrier has all the necessary characteristics and traits to be perfect dog for a city apartment: the dog has short hair that does not remain on furniture and carpets, is small in size, and these animals are clean.

There is only one thing that may be a disadvantage of this breed for some owners - need for frequent physical activity and walks. Therefore, dog breeders do not advise lonely people who are always busy throughout the day to purchase a pet and can walk the animal once or twice a day.

The terrier simply needs to release his energy and it is advisable that he does this by running for several hours in the park, rather than chewing all the furniture, legs of chairs and tables in the apartment.

However, in this case, everything is not so simple: in at different ages the dog needs different loads, and if for puppies up to 10 months It’s enough just to play and walk every day, then after the age of one year you need to create a special training program for the dog.

At this time, the pet begins to develop muscle mass and skeleton, and For proper development It is necessary to perform exercises with the animal such as running uphill, long walking, running in a tight harness, running with weights attached to the collar, jumping over obstacles.

Otherwise, mini bull terriers are unpretentious, and all measures for caring for them are standard: this if necessary bathing, ear cleaning and nail trimming. The animal is also combed when shedding in autumn and spring.

When properly raised, a miniature bull terrier is a loyal, friendly and cheerful dog who loves walks and games. To prevent sad consequences genetic diseases, puppy it is necessary to select especially meticulously, personally meet the dog’s parents and carefully study the pedigree. It is best to get information about all the puppy’s ancestors and find out what reputation the nursery or breeder has. A responsible approach to purchasing an animal can help you choose a dog that is healthy in all respects.


The Miniature Bull Terrier is similar in every way to its older brother, only smaller in stature. The breed originated in England in the 19th century from the English White Terrier, Dalmatian and Old English Bulldog. The trend to breed smaller and smaller bull terriers has led to them becoming more Chihuahua-like. In the mid-70s, miniatures began to be classified by height rather than weight, and interest in the breed was renewed.


  1. Bull Terriers suffer without attention and must live in a home with their family. They do not like to be alone and suffer from boredom and melancholy.
  2. It is difficult for them to live in cold and damp climates due to their short fur. Prepare clothes for your bull terrier in advance.
  3. Caring for them is simple; just comb them once a week and wipe them dry after a walk.
  4. The walks themselves should be from 30 to 60 minutes long, with games, exercises and training.
  5. This is a stubborn and headstrong dog that can be difficult to train. It is not recommended for inexperienced or mild owners.
  6. Without socialization and training, Bull Terriers can be aggressive towards other dogs, animals and strangers.
  7. They are not suitable for families with small children, as they are too rough and strong. But older children can play with them if they are taught to handle the dog carefully.

History of the breed

Similar to the story of the classic bull terrier. Bull Terriers were the same size and evolved into the large dog we know today.

The first Toy Bull Terriers were shown in London in 1914, but did not catch on at that time because they suffered from growth-related problems: congenital deformities and genetic diseases. Breeders focused on breeding not large, but also not dwarf dogs, smaller in size than a regular bull terrier.

Mini Bull Terriers did not suffer from genetic diseases, which made them more popular than Toi. They were similar to the standard ones, but inferior in size. The creator of the breed, Hinks, bred them to the same standard: white color, unusual ovoid head and fighting character.

In 1938, Colonel Glyn created the first club in England - the Miniature Bull Terrier Club, and in 1939 the English Kennel Club recognized the Miniature Bull Terrier as a separate breed. In 1963, the AKC classified them as a mixed group, and in 1966, the MBTCA, The Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America, was created. In 1991, the American Kennel Society recognized the breed.


A miniature bull terrier looks exactly like a regular bull terrier, only smaller in size. At the withers they reach from 10 inches (25.4 cm) to 14 inches (35.56 cm), but no more. There is no weight limit, but the body must be muscular and proportional and the weight ranges from 9-15 kg.

At the beginning of the century, the distinction between breeds was made by weight, but this led to the fact that the dogs resembled a Chihuahua rather than a bull terrier. Subsequently, we switched to growth and limited the limit to 14 for minis.


Like Bull Terriers, Miniatures love family, but can be stubborn and capricious. However, they are better suited for people with limited living space. Tenacious and brave, they know no fear and fight with huge dogs who cannot be defeated.

This behavior can be corrected through training, but cannot be eliminated completely. It is better not to let them off the leash while walking to avoid fights. And they chase cats in the same way as ordinary boules.

Miniature Bull Terriers are independent and stubborn and require training from an early age. Socializing puppies is important because it allows them to be sociable and bold. Puppies are very energetic and can play for hours. As they age, they become calmer and should receive enough exercise so as not to become fat.


The coat is short and does not form tangles. It is enough to comb it once a week. But, it does not warm and does not protect from insects. In winter and autumn, dogs need to be dressed extra, and in the summer they need to be protected from insect bites, to which they are often allergic.


It is logical that the mini bull terrier has health problems in common with its big brother. More precisely, there are no special problems. But, white bull terriers often suffer from deafness in one or both ears and such dogs are not used for breeding, since deafness is inherited.

Inbreeding (the process of crossing a regular bull terrier and a miniature bull terrier) is legal in England, Australia and New Zealand. Inbreeding is used to reduce the incidence of exophthalmos (displacement of the eyeball), since the ordinary bull terrier does not have this gene.


I sometimes hear or read that miniature bull terrier- a stubborn dog that cannot be trained, some offer this brutal option: boules you have to beat them, otherwise they don’t understand anything... This is wrong. As with any other breed among minikovBulikov There are individuals with different characters, but development, including mental, as well as the upbringing of each individual dogs always depends on its owner.

If you are interested in this breed, or if it somehow attracts you, then first I advise you to open Seton-Thompson’s book and read the story “Snap or History bull terrier" You will probably notice the beginning of the story: “Snap, my friend, some people would raise you with beatings, but it seems to me that my plan is better. Current doctors recommend a treatment system called “leave without breakfast.” I’ll try it on you.”

In fact, it really is the best system. Minibulls, like any other dogs, they are great at working for food. They train wonderfully and with pleasure and get great pleasure from training. Yes, of course, owners need to make an effort to gain trust minibulika. Hardly even little puppy miniature bull terrier will suck up to the owner after stealing and eating the slipper, but you didn’t buy a doormat, but a self-sufficient serious one, small dog, dog with a capital letter!

By the way, I really want to draw the readers’ attention to what kind of owner a master should be miniature bull terrier. So, the owner must also be self-sufficient! And those were very unlucky minicambullies, whose owners were people with painful self-esteem, or people who were not sufficiently realized in life, or who were not confident in themselves and were trying to increase their self-esteem at the expense of dogs. As a rule, such tandems end in ejection or “device dogs V good hands" After making sure that minibull, as well as boule it is very difficult to force, such people believe that it is beyond their dignity to establish contact and come to an agreement with the dog, they definitely need to break it. Well, any “withdrawal” usually ends very sadly...

When the first one appeared in my house minibull, much in his behavior surprised me. On a walk, he happily went to caress everyone around him, whereas, for example, canecorso especially if he is older than 6-8 months, he will always prefer communication with the owner. But a little later it turned out that if I have a ball in my hands, then little bulik you don’t need anyone at all…..except the ball, of course. And all acquaintances on the street are made precisely with the goal of understanding whether someone has something that will be very, very interesting for the baby. At home, too, at first it was not clear to me why, having so many toys, puppy I chose the slippers. But since all the games take place before my eyes (and there is no fear that puppy will tear the slippers and eat the rags), I just bought puppy a couple of slippers for him personally. And because for dogs it is the smell that attracts him, then no one had ever worn “his slippers”, no connection with other slippers arose in his brain, the little guy never stole other people’s slippers. Minibulls just like other dogs, they normally agree to exchange toys, and you need to take advantage of this, there is no point in forbidding the baby to take certain objects all the time, just engage in fetching with him, choosing the most convenient dog toy for these purposes.

I know people who take their dogs to the playground and get a lot of pleasure from the fact that their miniature the pet clearly follows commands on a par with large ones. You can pick up many exercises from circus training that you can easily perform miniature bull terrier. So, it depends only on the owner whether his life with the dog will be rich and positive or boring and boring.

With a rather extraordinary appearance and character, suitable Miniature Bull Terrier breed. Thanks to its small size and good disposition, it can be kept in small city apartments. Although the dog is small, it is naturally endowed with a sense of self-esteem.

It took more than one decade to breed a small bull terrier. Breeders used (English), white terrier and. The result was a beautiful subspecies of the standard bull terrier and was given the name “miniature”.

Features of the breed and character of the miniature bull terrier

Miniature Bull Terrier belongs to the terrier group. The dog was bred by an Englishman in the 50s of the 19th century. The animal had to perform a special function during baiting.

This breed has absorbed all the best qualities of its creators: intelligence from terriers; intelligence, endurance and activity from the bulldog; color and balanced disposition from .

The appearance of the dog is quite harmonious, the body is strong, stocky and muscular. A feature of the breed is considered to be an elongated and wide front part of the muzzle with small eyes.

The dog has an expressive and intelligent look, moderately active and good-natured. It is well trained, it is important to teach discipline from a young age. She is naturally endowed with independence and character. Describing a Miniature Bull Terrier It should be noted that the body should be firmly built and dense without any unnecessary kinks. The only defect that is rare is deafness.

Aggression is not a characteristic feature of this breed. If raised correctly, the dog will be balanced, obedient and intelligent. Cowardly and fearful individuals should be excluded.

Description of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed (standard requirement)

The Miniature Bull Terrier is a strong, muscular, small and strong animal. This breed requires constant physical activity to ensure that muscle tone is always normal. The ICF has identified such standards For miniature bull terrier:

The photo shows a miniature bull terrier

* The appearance of the body should be rounded, the back short and strong. Deep chest, slightly protruding ribs. From the front, the chest should clearly protrude and be clearly visible.

* The head in relation to the torso is low, elongated and long. When viewed strictly from the front, the head should resemble the outline of an oval. The upper part of the muzzle is flat, the lower jaw is strong and massive. The nose is slightly lowered, the nostrils are well developed and of medium size. The bite resembles the work of scissors (any deviation in it is considered a defect). The teeth are strong, white and straight.

* The eyes are set deep on the skull, located slightly oblique, small and narrow, triangular in shape. The standard color is dark brown, blue or light shades are not acceptable. An important criterion: the gap from the nose to the eye should be greater than from the eye to the middle of the back of the head.

* The ears are narrow, strictly protruding, small in size, set in the front of the head in one line. The edges of the ears should not bend and remain vertical at all times.

* Limbs are strictly parallel, medium in size, elbows tightly fitting. The front paws are stable and have a rounded shape. The hind legs are slightly shorter, strong boned and stable. Paws with roundness and movable toes. Thanks to movable knee joints, the animal runs quickly and easily.

* Miniature Bull Terrier weight should be between 11-15 kg, males are larger, females are smaller. should not look skinny with sunken sides, but obesity (weight more than 20 kg) is also not acceptable.

* The tail is a natural extension of the body. The tail is set low, mobile, shortened, narrowed towards the end.

* The ideal coat color is white, other colors are acceptable. The main color, for example white, should be predominant and occupy 80% of the body. The remaining 20% ​​includes spots of a different color, mainly on the head, lower abdomen and paws.

* The height of an adult specimen is 25-35 cm.

Care and maintenance of a miniature bull terrier

Due to the fact that she is too active, she needs to be walked and trained often. It is worth noting that for this breed there are special programs and techniques that lead to excellent results in the shortest possible time. We can say that this dog is a working dog, without physical activity it will simply disappear.

In a house or apartment, a mini dog should have its own place, preferably warm and without drafts. The animal takes up little space and can be placed in any nook. The doggie loves toys and active games, it has been noticed that he does not need them.

If we consider photo of miniature bull terrier, then he has a short, silky coat, practically does not shed or the shedding process goes unnoticed. Grooming includes wiping the body with a soft brush, rag or sponge.

The health of the pet is determined by the condition of the coat. In a healthy individual, the coating should be soft and shiny, in a sick person it should be dull and matte. They rarely bathe; most often they use special dry shampoos. The claws on the paws are trimmed periodically, about once every two weeks.

A balanced diet is very important for your pet. The approximate diet is for four days. For an adult dog, one feeding is enough. Food should be 80% animal protein, and 20% additives (vegetables, cereals, fermented milk).

Representatives of this breed are susceptible to skin allergies. The main reason is poor diet and frequent use of hair care products. The body produces a special protective layer on the surface of the body, in which pathogenic infections die. Due to frequent bathing, this layer is washed away, allowing harmful microbes to develop.

Trial training is provided to the puppy from the age of 2 months, this is the age when it is purchased from the nursery. It is important that the dog has frequent contact with all household members and additional pets too. he will get used to it, and he will develop a friendly attitude towards others.

Miniature Bull Terrier puppies are born weighing about 100 g. They grow very quickly and by the first month of life they can already weigh 4-5 kg. By 8 months, the dog's growth ends. The average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

The purity of the breed can only be offered by miniature bull terrier kennel. Breeders scrupulously select for breeding only males with an impressive pedigree. Here you can buy a completely healthy baby with all documents and vaccinations.

Breed price

Buy a miniature bull terrier necessary for those who prefer an active lifestyle. The correct approach to learning is also important. Otherwise, it will grow uncontrollable and dominate. If you take the animal as a puppy, then he will fall in love with all family members: from small to adult. He is also calm with other pets.

Concerning prices on miniature bull terrier, then she is rather big. An adult dog will cost approximately $3500, puppies in the range of $1500-2000. It is best to give preference to famous and trusted breeders. In this case, you can purchase a completely healthy pet without genetic pathologies.

The little strong man walking decorously next to his owner is not a fiction, but only a smaller copy of the usual one. This is quite expensive, but rapidly gaining popularity, has a huge number of advantages and weaknesses. Moreover, if the positive side is noticeable to the naked eye, then among the shortcomings there are serious genetic and inherited imperfections of the psyche. Those who want to get such a friend need to know the whole truth about the Miniature Bull Terrier breed.

Performance evaluation and information

The Bull Terrier Miniature is similar in appearance to its “parent”, only much smaller in stature. At the withers it can reach up to 25.4-35.56 cm.

There are no weight restrictions, but the torso must be proportional, with well-developed muscles. Typically the weight of this breed is 9-15 kg.

The standard color is white (a small number of colored spots are allowed) or colored (brindle, red, brown, fawn, black).

Origin of the breed and purpose

The miniature bull terrier (in simple terms - minibulik), the description of the breed of which we present, appeared more than a century ago in England. The breeding process selected individuals of the common boule that were significantly smaller than the standard size.

The desire to get a small one with qualities characteristic of a large one led to the creation of a tiny bull terrier.

In order to consolidate the small size, blood was added to the breed. Unfortunately, the experiment was not successful due to a number of side effects that appeared in the new breed.
And only after half a century, in the early nineties, the final standard was adopted, although the mini-bull terrier was allowed into exhibitions already in 1963.

Once the standard was established, the breed became popular, and many clubs for these animals appeared in England.

The original purpose of the breed is to bait rats.

Minibulls appeared in Russia almost two decades ago, but did not gain much popularity. Popularization is hampered by the high cost of puppies, as well as the frequent deaths of pets due to genetic defects.

Appearance of Bull Terrier Miniature - standard requirements

The appearance requirements for a mini bull terrier and a standard bull terrier are identical:

  1. The head is long. When viewed from the front it should resemble a chicken egg. The top of the head is almost flat. The lower jaw is developed and powerful. The bite is scissor-shaped. There is no transition from the forehead to the nose. The nose is lowered down, the nostrils are of medium size, well developed.
  2. The eyes are slanted and narrow. Deeply planted.
  3. The ears are directed upward, small, tightly set.
  4. - short, shiny, coarse, without undercoat.
  5. The chest is powerful, with clearly defined muscles.
  6. The tail is short, tapered towards the end.
  7. The front legs are round and strong. The rear ones are a little shorter.
  8. Life expectancy is 11-15 years.

In general, this breed should produce the same impression as a regular Bull Terrier - strength, power, lightness and flexibility in movement. The body should not be dry, but muscular.

Important! Any non-compliance with the described standards indicates the presence of a defect.

Minibull terrier character

There is an opinion that bull terriers are cruel killers and hate people. Indeed, the minibulik is characterized by strong character traits, courage and perseverance.

For a successful relationship between your pet and all family members, you need to practice from an early age. Otherwise, the dog shows character, is not controlled and demonstrates as much as possible all the negative sides of its character.

Well-mannered dwarf bull terriers, according to dog handlers, are calm, friendly and become loyal friends. Main features:

  • endurance;
  • curiosity;
  • stubbornness;
  • energy;
  • touchiness.

Minibugs are not a guard breed, so they do not show aggression towards people. This means that such dogs are not dangerous either for children or adults.

Important! The minibulik shows aggression towards other animals. Such dogs can make friends with other pets only if they grew up together.

Which owner is it suitable for?

The mini bull terrier, judging by the characteristics of the breed, is not suitable for everyone.

Since these animals are distinguished by their waywardness, physical strength and willful character, the owner must be strong, domineering, energetic, with a steel hand and strong nerves.

Minibulik training and training

In terms of intelligence, the minibulik belongs to the group of breeds that are difficult to train. Only an experienced dog breeder with great patience can raise such a pet. After all, these fidgets will strive to do what they want.

Since the minibull is a powerful, strong and developed dog, it needs regular physical exercise.

With proper upbringing, owners will not have problems with an older dog.

How to choose a puppy and their price

If you want to become the owner of a minibull and think that you know the whole truth about the breed, you must remember that such a dog is not for everyone and requires seriousness from its owner and family members.

Therefore, before running to the breeders, weigh your decision and discuss this issue with your loved ones.

When the decision is made, it is better to visit a special exhibition. Here you can take a closer look at minibulls, meet breeders and determine the best option. It is better to choose a nursery with an excellent reputation and comfortable living conditions.

Once the decision is made to take a pet from a certain place, you need to think about the gender of the future pet, as well as the purpose for which it is being acquired.

You can, for example, take a puppy for breeding or to participate in exhibitions, or you can take it as a pet. To select a promising puppy, a future winner of exhibitions, you need to have sufficient experience.
If you take a minibull to participate in exhibitions, you need to remember that no one can guarantee that your pet will become a champion.

However, it is possible to determine the potential of a puppy. To this end, you should get to know his parents and evaluate them both from the point of view of patterns and from the point of view of health and psychological state.

However, regardless of the purpose, it is important to examine the puppy for its physical condition. A healthy pet should have the following parameters:

  • nose - cold, shiny;
  • skin, eyes and ears are clean;
  • - 12 pieces, 6 at the bottom and at the top;
  • the stomach is not bloated, elastic.

Important! White minibulik puppies in mandatory are tested for deafness. For this purpose, the dog is taken to an isolated room and clapping hands, squeaking with toys or rattling keys.

It’s also worth taking a closer look at the puppy’s character and energy. Dog breeders advise giving preference to an active, playful minibull without signs of aggression.
The ideal age of a puppy is 2-2.5 months.

In addition, the Miniature Bull Terrier must not only meet breed standards, but also have all the necessary vaccinations.

As for the cost of a purebred puppy, it is quite high - $1200-2000. An adult representative can be charged up to $3,500.

Living conditions for a miniature bull terrier

Minibulik is an excellent pet for a city dweller. He feels great in and at the same time does not cause any trouble to the owner: he is quite clean and does not leave hair on furniture and carpets.

The minibulik should have its own place in the house. It is desirable that it be warm, without drafts.

Did you know? Dwarf bull terrier puppies are born weighing only 100 g. But by the month they already gain weight up to 4-5 kg.


Since the Mini Bull is a smooth-haired breed, it does not require special care. Shedding is not a problem and occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn.


The coat of this breed is short, and the shedding process is almost imperceptible. Grooming involves periodically wiping the body with a soft brush, cloth or sponge.

In fact, the wool does not cause any trouble: it does not form tangles, and it is enough to comb it only once a week. At the same time, it does not protect against cold and insects. Therefore, during the cold season, pets need to be dressed extra, and in the summer they need to be protected from insects, to which minibugs are allergic.

Important! The health of the dog is determined by the condition of the coat. Soft and shiny-the pet is healthy, dull and matte-it's time to go to the vet.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Your new pet will need regular cleaning of his eyes and ears - his health will depend on this procedure. Trimming the nails once every two weeks (when they protrude beyond the edges of the pad) is also included in the care program.


Minibugs need to be bathed monthly, since all dogs have a specific smell. In this case, special dry shampoos are used.


Although aggression is not characteristic of a miniature bull terrier, a lack of physical activity can lead to the pet releasing excess energy through various pranks and sometimes aggression.

Minibulik owners must walk him at least 1.5 hours a day. At the same time, you need to play and run with him. It is after walking that the animal learns commands more easily, becomes more obedient and calm.


There is no need to feed your pet: 300-350 g of food per day is enough for him.

Essentially, a Miniature Bull Terrier should be balanced and include:

  • all types of animal protein;
  • porridge with vegetables and herbs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cartilage.

Important! Fatty foods, baked goods, baked goods and bones should not be given to dogs. This can lead to intestinal blockage and rupture of the esophagus.

All food should be at room temperature, moderately salted and free of seasonings.
Up to three months, puppies should be fed 4 times a day, from seven months they should be fed three times a day, and from a year onwards - twice a day.

Health and characteristic diseases

By and large, minibugs have virtually no genetic diseases and are one of the strongest breeds. Retreat - white representatives. They are prone to deafness. Moreover, if one or both ears are affected, the dog is removed from breeding.

This breed is also prone to such a hereditary disease as exophthalmos (shift of the eyeball), and they also have weak kidneys and heart. In addition, minibugs are predisposed to the following diseases:

  • tracheal hypoplasia;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • Perthes sign;
  • lens luxation;
  • destruction of the kneecap.

Did you know? "Bull" in translation-"bull". It was with them that the bulldogs who participated in the selection fought. A "terrier"-the second type of dogs participating in the selection.

Minibugs also suffer from insect bites. For example, a flea or mosquito bite can give rise to terrible dermatosis.
Now you know who mini-bull terriers are, what the description of the breed is and how long such dogs live. But when deciding to get yourself such a pet, you must remember that aggressiveness and insane behavior are the result of improper upbringing and lack of attention.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember that a dog is not a toy, but a creature for which you need to be responsible.

In this article I will tell you all about the interesting Miniature Bull Terrier breed. I’ll figure out how to choose a puppy, how to care for it, what its character is, and who definitely shouldn’t get a minibull.

The history of the breed goes back a little over 80 years. Mini bull terriers are the result of selective breeding. At the beginning of the 20th century, "random" dwarf puppies from the litter were left for breeding and tried to consolidate the dwarf “effect”. Such little puppies were excellent rat catchers: tireless, nimble and brave.

Over time, the need to catch rats disappeared, but the miniature branch of the breed had already gained popularity. Breeders continued to work, crossing miniature puppies with terriers. This made it possible to reduce aggression and get rid of a number of genetic diseases.

Only in 1963 did the minibull “make its debut” at the exhibition. It entered the FCI system as an independent breed in 1991.

Description of standards and characteristics

Breed standards:

  • Weight no more than 15 kg
  • Height no more than 35.5 cm
  • Wool hard, dense, shiny without undercoat
  • Color white with spots or colored.

Keeping and caring for a mini bull terrier

The Mini Bull Terrier is an ideal city pet.

It is perfect for keeping in an apartment. The dense short fur does not remain on the furniture, and according to the description, it sheds seasonally only 2 times a year.

Minibull hygiene is simple - trimming nails, cleaning ears and brushing with a stiff brush during the molting period. The pets themselves are very clean and will not cause any inconvenience to the owner.

With nutrition, the situation is a little more complicated. Genetically the breed is predisposed to overweight. Therefore, the diet of both the puppy and adult dog needs to be strictly controlled.

No “table handouts” or “sweets”, as this will only harm your pet.

Up to 4 months, add lean meat (veal) and cottage cheese to the diet for better skeletal formation. Then - only balanced dry food. For example, Purina food offers a separate line for dwarf and mini breeds, which is called Purina Small and Mini.

This general category food, which in turn is divided into food for puppies, adult dogs and for pets with increased physical activity. For each age and type of content, you need to choose the best option.

The Minibull is a lively and active dog.

I assume that you are a responsible owner who closely monitors physical activity pet, walks and trains it a lot. In this case, your friend needs about 200 g of dry food per day.

I will say one thing about minibull walks - the more the better, at least 2 times a day for an hour, and for adult dogs it is recommended to arrange training - running with weights, jumping, active games. Physical activity is a necessity associated with both the physiology and psyche of the breed.

Minibulls are choleric, that is, emotional, excitable dogs. If you don't let them get tired, they will torture you with their attention and destroy the whole house.

Character traits

Yes, yes, the question should be posed exactly this way: “am I worthy of the honorary role of the owner of this brave dog,” and not vice versa.

Despite its “modest” size, the minibull is not a toy and a cure for boredom. The noble blood of warriors flows in his veins. But this dog’s heart is also noble.

Perhaps the main trait of his character is devotion. For a minibull, the owner and his family are a pack. And the dog’s life mission is to protect this flock. But in return, the “bulka” requires endless love and attention.

Another one distinctive feature breed – developed intelligence and intuition. These dogs literally understand human speech and subtly sense the mood of their owner.

Remember the characterization of the hero of the famous film? “Nordic character, self-possessed...” - this is exactly the character you should have. Two choleric people in a pack (sorry, in a family) will not get along.

Small children, pets and other “burdens” are a categorical no.

Your pet will be in best case scenario perceive them as competitors, or at worst, as a threat. And we remember his attitude towards the threat to the owner - “search and destroy.”

Who should definitely not have a mini bull terrier dog:

  • For elderly people as a companion.
  • Families with small children and other pets.
  • Lonely people who are often away from home.
  • For inexperienced dog owners.

It’s probably not worth starting your dog owner story with a mini bull terrier. But if you have experience communicating with animals, you are responsible, attentive, love long walks and are ready to devote time to your pet, you cannot find a more devoted friend.

Education and training

During selection, the aggressiveness gene was largely suppressed, but we must not forget that historically the Mini Bull Terrier is a fighting breed.

If you doubt your abilities and experience, it is better to contact a kennel club. But, thanks to the developed intelligence of dogs, you can train them yourself.

The basic principle of training is “do no harm.” It is absolutely forbidden to break character, therefore methods of physical violence and cruel punishment are unacceptable. You will achieve obedience, but will completely cripple your pet’s psyche.

Conventionally, training can be divided into several stages:

  • Give puppies up to 4 weeks of age freedom and a sense of security.. This is how their calm, friendly attitude is formed
  • Do not overload until 4 months. At this age, the dog’s relationship with other animals, people and the owner is formed. One person in the family should be involved in upbringing. The main thing is to let the animal understand its place in the hierarchy and accustom it to the regime. At this same stage, the concepts of dos and don’ts are laid down. For example, you can play, but you can’t bite.
  • An adult dog needs to be taught a set of commands. Reward for compliance with a treat, a walk or a game.

Of course, bull terriers need to be punished, but without physical force. You will need patience here. Send the offending dog to its place, gently and persistently do not allow it to leave until it realizes the full extent of its guilt. Be sure to mark the end of the punishment, for example, with the command “walk!”

Health and prevention

Like any bred breed, mini bull terriers have their weak points. These are the kidneys, ears, eyes and heart. Unfortunately, the only DNA test available is PLL, which stands for lens luxation. The rest of the negative genetics can “shoot” over time, even if you adopted a healthy puppy.

The risk can be reduced by buying a dog from trusted kennels with a good history.

I would also advise not to overcool your pet; its coat is short and has no undercoat. This is definitely not a dog to be kept outside.

Don't forget about vaccinations. If everything is in order with genetics, then the dog’s other diseases can only be explained by the owner’s negligence.

Vaccination of dogs up to one year of age is carried out according to the schedule:

  • 1.5 months – enteritis and, repeat after 2 weeks
  • 2.5 months – plague, repeat at 7-8 months
  • From 4 months -
  • From 8 months – rabies

Be sure to carry out deworming (colloquially “deworming”) 2 weeks before vaccination. After vaccination, observe a 2-week quarantine.

How to choose a puppy

The only place to go to find a new friend is to go to the nursery. I have already described genetic risks. They can be reduced by tracing the dog's pedigree. You cannot buy second hand, even if they offer it cheaper.

The cost of raising a puppy until it reaches selling age is at least $200. This amount includes food, care, vaccinations, and regular veterinarian examinations.

Thus, a healthy puppy, but not promising enough for exhibitions, will cost at least 300 - 400 USD. A specimen with good pedigree and exterior – 700 – 1000 USD. There is no upper limit, as you understand.

In Russia there are good nurseries in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Far East.

So, “to be or not to be” is up to you. But remember that a friend is forever.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of Hans Müller, ex-president of the Swiss Bull Terrier Union: “If you just want a dog, don’t buy a bull terrier, because... In order to raise such a dog, you need to be a person!”