Is it possible to deepen the seedlings? How to properly plant overgrown cucumber seedlings in open ground. Methods for picking seedlings

Throughout April, flower seedlings continue to be kept under control: the seedlings cannot be overdried, they cannot be over-watered and overheated, so as not to rot in a wet greenhouse. Too much heat, scorching sun rays and excess moisture are fraught with caking of seedlings, for this we continue to ventilate greenhouses with seedlings. But we monitor and control so that the ventilation does not turn into a cold. We ventilated a little and covered the seedlings again, making sure to wipe off any drops of condensation from the cover. By the end of April, many seedlings require picking, especially those that have reached 3-4 centimeters in height. Be careful: many flower crops do not tolerate replanting well and do not require picking, or replant them with a clod of soil, after thoroughly moistening the soil in the greenhouse. The soil for picking should be the same in composition as the one in which the seedling grew. After picking, the seedlings need to be well moistened and placed again in a greenhouse shelter. It is necessary to keep the seedlings under the film in diffused light without removing the cover until new signs of rooting appear - new leaves. Not all flower and vegetable crops are able to tolerate seedlings being buried below the level of cotyledon leaves. If you do not know whether it is possible to bury the plant when transplanting, it is better not to do this; it is better to plant the seedlings at the same level at which the seedling was in the soil before planting. When picking, when picking, you can bury below the cotyledon leaves those plants that have climbing shoots that creep along the ground and take root easily - these are lobelias, jaspers, awl-shaped phlox, saxifrage, alyssum, ageratum, mesembryanthemum, mimulus, calendula, verbena, salvia, sage, from vegetables - tomatoes cucumbers. These crops easily form adventitious roots along the stem above the cotyledon leaves. Peppers, asters, fragrant tobacco, and gatsaniya do not like to be buried, but these crops also need picking. Carnations and petunias are also not buried below the cotyledon leaves, but if they overgrow and stretch, they can be covered with soil. Plants with a taproot system - poppy, aquilegia, lumbago, delphinium, anthurium, gillyflower, as well as woody indoor flowers and plants - tolerate picking and replanting very poorly. Therefore, they are dived in the very at a young age- with 2-3 true leaves, and in no case should they be buried below the cotyledon leaves. Zinnias, cineraria, Turkish carnation, bellflower, decorative sunflowers, marigolds, amaranths, annual dahlias, matthiola, nigella, acroclinum (immortelle), cellosia, cosmos, godetia, purslane - grown from seedlings, these plants are transplanted directly into open ground, or sow them directly in open ground with the onset of May.

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​I also had an elongated one, even on the loggia there probably wasn’t enough light, I planted it a little deeper a week ago, today they are already blooming, stronger, prettier.​

​This operation must be done 20-25 days before landing in a permanent place.​

It’s okay, when planting, deepen it almost to the cotyledon leaves.​You need to be extremely careful when replanting cucumbers. Since the plant is tender and fragile. When replanting, I tell the owl to dig a hole, put compost and humus there and bury the plant down to the leaves and water it.​

Thus, transplanting cucumber seedlings into the ground will not be difficult. The main thing is to follow the rules and recommendations, the sequence of transplantation, and care, and then there will be a rich harvest of cucumbers. for a long time make you and your family happy.​

​Cucumbers should be fed as soon as it gets warm. Foliar feeding is suitable for this: the leaves are sprayed with a fertilizer solution. This way the plant begins to take in nutrients much faster, as opposed to watering.​

The plant can be tied to a trellis if it is already quite tall.

​First you need to prepare the bed. To do this, dig a small trench in the garden bed and add rotted manure or compost into it, and then cover it with soil.​

​Favorable conditions for plants will be somewhat more difficult to create in open ground than in a greenhouse. It is necessary to grow small, hardened seedlings with 1-2 leaves and plant them carefully so as not to damage the root system.​

​In greenhouses, the growing process is simpler and more convenient.​

​Every summer resident dreams of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers on his summer cottage, making considerable efforts to grow seedlings at home.​

​I don’t see the point in growing cucumber seedlings; they get sick for a long time; it’s better to take root straight away with seeds in the ground.​

I deepen it a little when planting, pour the softest crumbly soil near the stem and mulch after watering. I cover the top with a cap from a cut-off bottle (mini-greenhouse), which I remove as soon as I see a new leaf. In hot weather, be sure to shade with thin lutrasil.​

​The sun is missing... :-)) It’s okay - plant it in a greenhouse, feed it, everything will return to normal... :-)) Place in the sun if possible...​

  1. ​It's possible! Now water and fertilize with any fertilizer containing humate... The roots will swell and dig in! No deeper than five cm!​
  2. ​When transplanting seedlings into the ground, make the hole deeper, but do not fill the seedlings right away, but add soil gradually when additional roots begin to “peck” on the stem. And then the plant will give additional roots. And if you bury it immediately, the stem may rot.

Transplanting cucumber seedlings

  1. In the evening, the plants are sprayed with a solution of urea or ammonium nitrate, the proportion of which is 5 g per liter. The drug "Kemira Lux" (5-7 g per liter of water) or a solution of complex liquid fertilizer is suitable.​
  2. It is important to remember that transplanting cucumbers is carried out according to the rules. So, for example, the stem of a plant cannot be deeply buried, unlike tomatoes, since it does not have lateral roots. This crop needs to be loosened. Hilling is contraindicated, otherwise the plant will die. Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop that requires regular watering.​
  3. ​The seedlings are planted in a checkerboard pattern every 20 cm so that each plant can receive sunlight. The result should be a fairly long bed.​

The main difficulties are that the seeds for cucumber seedlings may not germinate completely, the ovaries may also fall off, the seedlings may be too thick, or the fruit may taste bitter.

​The biggest problem with stretched cucumbers is getting them to the dacha without breaking them... and then planting them without damaging the root...​

​The wind will tremble.​

Feeding cucumbers

The larger they are, the worse they tolerate transplantation. When planting, try to disturb the earthen ball as little as possible. I also experimented with seedlings before, and it turned out that from elongated seedlings the plants turn out (if they survive) worse than from a small one in phase 1 of a true leaf or simply from sown seeds. Now I don’t bother, I just sow seeds.​

​In general, deepening the stem of a cucumber above the cotyledon leaves is fraught...

​Imagine if you were buried above your head. you will die. This means the plant will also die. bury the first leaves.

It is important to remember that in sunny weather foliar feeding is prohibited. Since the solution begins to dry out quickly, increasing the concentration, thereby provoking a burn of the leaves.

To grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, self-pollinating varieties are used. After the seedlings are 25-27 days old, they begin to plant them.

Before planting, you need to dig holes and water each of them with water, and also add rotted manure or compost.

The cucumber seedlings have stretched out; when transplanting them into the ground, can they be buried?


​The most favorable varieties for this seedling are: Vyaznikovsky 37, Nerosimy 40, hybrid VIR 505, Muromsky 36, Altaisky early 166, Izyashchny.​


​Since the cucumber is a rather climbing plant, it is good to grow it on a trellis or in a creeping form. This culture is very warm and moisture-loving. If there is not enough moisture in the air and soil, then at low temperatures the greens stop growing.​

Grandfather Pikhto

In order to plant cucumber seedlings in the ground, gardeners use two methods of shelter - greenhouses and greenhouses.

Svetlana Burova

​The main problem is that they will get sunburned, shading is a must.​


​plant deeper


What to do if the seedlings have stretched out?

Zhanna S

​The plant may react by rotting the stem and root.​
​it won't do anything​

Leonid Semenov

The best predecessors of cucumbers are: tomato, cabbage, onion. But cucumbers cannot be planted after plants of the pumpkin family.​

what to do if the cucumber seedlings have become very elongated?

Igor Moldovanu



​Take a pot of seedlings and carefully turn it over. It is necessary to hold the plant and pull it out along with the soil. If the seedlings were in peat pots, then the cucumbers are planted directly with them.

Marina Nikolaeva

​The time for growing seedlings is from 15 to 20 days. Transplantation of seedlings into open ground is carried out: without shelter - June 2-10, and under film - May 10-15.​


​Cucumber is quite demanding of light; it should be grown in high beds. If this crop grows in open ground, then it must be protected from the wind.
​A greenhouse is suitable for growing cucumbers in a “vertical” way.​
​In general, cucumbers can be sown in the ground for a long time.​

The cucumber seedlings have become very elongated, what problems might there be when transplanting into the OG?

Tatiana Surovaya

​The worst problem with cucumbers when transplanting is root disturbance. Not the slightest hair should be damaged. That's what they are - cucumbers! Therefore, I grow exclusively from seeds.​

Alexander Kukushkin

This is familiar to many - the seedlings have stretched out. Why is this happening? Here is what O. A. Ganichkina writes about this: “If the lighting, nutrition, and temperature conditions are incorrect, the seedlings may stretch out and their quality may deteriorate. In this case, the TUR device, a plant growth regulator, helps well. If it is not there, and the seedlings are very elongated , you need to cut the plant stem into 2 parts at the level of the 3rd or 4th true leaf.The upper cut parts of the plants are placed in a jar of water, where after 8-10 days roots up to 1-1.5 cm in size will grow on the lower stems. These plants are then transplanted into 10x10 nutrient pots or directly into a box with a distance of 10x10 or 12x12 cm from each other. The planted plants will continue to grow as ordinary seedlings, which then need to be formed into a single stem. From the axils of the 4 lower leaves of the plants that are left to grow in pots or boxes, shoots (stepchildren) will soon appear... When they reach a length of 5 cm, the 2 upper shoots (stepchildren) are left, and the 2 lower shoots are removed, leaving a column of 1 cm. cut disinfected in strong solution potassium permanganate with scissors -Aut.) to avoid viral infection. The remaining upper shoots will gradually grow and develop. The result will be good standard seedlings.​

Valentina Timofeeva

​to cotyledons, at least to the first leaf

Adelaide Markoffеva

​of course it will give additional roots​

Made in Paradise


Tatyana Pavlova

Optimal temperature for cucumbers - 18-26 degrees. In order for the soil to warm up better, the beds should be raised and sloping to the south. This culture requires fertile soil. In the fall, it should be plowed and manure applied.

Sergei Kudryashov

When planting cucumber seedlings, it is important not to damage the plant. The seedlings are lowered into the hole to such a depth that upper layer the substrate was 1 cm deeper than ground level. Then they sprinkle it with earth and compact it with their hands. Then water and cover the roots with straw or dry grass to prevent water evaporation. It is most successful to plant cucumbers every 15-20 cm in two rows, and row spacing should be 50-60 cm.

Marina Ivanova

​General rules for transplantation​

Anatoly Yakovlev

Mityai Bukhankin

The plants are tied up and lashes are formed. This is a rather labor-intensive process.​


​depending on how long it stretches... if it’s 10 cm, it’s not scary. But you need to take into account what you grew them in, if in cups, it’s not a problem at all, you spill the seedlings well, then carefully tear the cup and carefully dump the cucumber along with the lump of earth. Make a hole for seedlings deeper than the lump of earth to the height of the seedlings. and deepen the sprout almost to the seven-fold leaves. Gently sprinkle with soft and “lush” soil and that’s it. A couple of weeks ago, some of my cups fell off, and some of the cucumbers flew out of the glasses. I thought they were all going to die, but I put them back in and covered them with earth, and the cucumbers successfully survived the earthquake. Today I planted the first part in the OG, I hope for success! I wish the same for you!​

​Replant very carefully *lumpy* and be sure to shade. I planted with good lump the lands are even blooming. didn't drop the flowers. Good luck!!!​

Tomatoes are grown in almost every summer cottage. You can immediately sow the seeds in a greenhouse, especially cold-resistant varieties, but with the seedling method you get a higher yield. early dates. Growing seedlings on a windowsill takes several months. Already strong plants with thick stems, developed leaves and powerful roots are planted on the site. But sometimes gardeners face a problem - the seedlings stretch out.

Conditions for growing seedlings

It is possible to grow healthy tomato seedlings only by creating comfortable conditions for them:

  • sufficient illumination - at least 12 hours;
  • air temperature 18–25 °C during the day and up to 15 °C at night;
  • moderate watering;
  • loose fit in the container.

The variety of tomatoes is also of great importance.

Why do seedlings stretch?

Tomato seedlings stretch as a result improper care. The reasons may be the following:

  • lack of light. First of all, fragile plants need good lighting. The best place for tomatoes - south window. At first, it is advisable to provide additional lighting. If there is little light, the shoots will grow frail and elongated;
  • temperature violation. Seedlings need to create a moderately warm microclimate: in daytime+18…+25 °С, at night +12…+15 °С. Being in a hot room, the seedlings wither;
  • improper watering. Too wet soil is harmful for seedlings, they become long;
  • too tight fit. When planted densely, the shoots lack space, nutrition and light. Pressed by neighboring plants, they stretch out;
  • excess or deficiency nutrients. Excess nitrogen in fertilizing can lead to rapid growth of shoots. Provokes stretching of tomatoes and lack of potassium.

How to help weakened seedlings

If the tomato seedlings have stretched out, you should not be upset. Experienced gardeners know how to help plants grow stronger and slow down their too rapid growth. And also how to properly plant elongated seedlings in the garden or greenhouse.

Additional lighting

If the reason for the improper development of seedlings is poor lighting, the seedlings are taken out to a glassed-in balcony (it is advisable that the windows face south) or additional lighting is installed. Phytolamps are placed on top 6 cm from the plants.

Changing the temperature

Lowering the air temperature to +16 °C will help slow down the growth of seedlings. They only need warmth at first. After picking, the microclimate is too warm to grow strong seedlings. The optimal temperature is 20–22 °C during the day and 18 °C at night. Then during the day the temperature is lowered slightly again.

Deepening the stem

When planted very densely, the seedlings grow frail. If the seedlings have stretched out, you need to pick the plants into separate containers. In this case, the stem goes deeper into the soil than usual. In order not to look for deep containers, the seedling can be buried in a semi-lying state, but its above-ground part should be as vertical as possible.

If tomato seedlings have stretched out, the stems must be buried down to the cotyledon leaves.

If the seedlings have stretched out and are already in an individual pot, you can simply add more fertile soil so that its layer does not reach the cotyledon leaves by 2-3 cm. The rest of the stem should be underground. If the height of the pot is not enough, it can be increased using plastic bottles with a cut bottom or dense polyethylene.

If the height of the seedling pot is not enough, it can be increased by wrapping the container in thick polyethylene

If this is not possible, you can correct the situation by transferring the plants with a lump of earth into new containers bigger size. Add soil to the pots with elongated shoots to the desired height.

Video: deepening elongated tomato seedlings

Watering mode

The growth of seedlings depends on watering. Water them regularly with warm water: at first once a week, when older - once every 3 days. Watering cold water often leads to root rot.

Both rare and too frequent watering are detrimental to seedlings. You need to focus on the state of the earthen coma. If the soil is wet and the leaves are drooping, do not water the plants under any circumstances. It is necessary to place containers with seedlings protected from direct sun rays place and wait for the soil to dry completely. In the future, the amount of watering should be adjusted.


Thin, elongated seedlings need to be fed. It is better not to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers. But phosphorus and potassium do not accelerate the growth of seedlings, but make them powerful. You can use ash (1 tbsp per 200 ml of water).

Weak tomato seedlings are fed with complex fertilizer

You can treat elongated seedlings with a growth regulator, for example, Atlet. The plants are treated 2 times: when the fourth true leaf grows and again after 2 weeks. The solution is applied at the root, since when sprayed, spots may appear on the leaves.

If the seedlings not only stretch out, but also lose color and become pale, it is useful to feed them with urea (1 tablespoon per 10 liters) and put them in a cool place (+10 °C) for several days. As a result, it will acquire a bright green color and will slow down growth a little.

From the moment of picking until planting in the garden, it is useful to spray the tomatoes weekly with a solution of whey (1 glass) with iodine (5 drops) per 1 liter of water. The seedlings will grow healthy and strong.

Video: treatment of tomato seedlings with a growth regulator

Removing cotyledon leaves

Pinching the cotyledon leaves will help stop the seedlings from stretching. At the same time, the growth of the plant is inhibited, its stem becomes stronger.

Some experts recommend removing cotyledon leaves one by one: first one, then a week later - the second. This way you injure the plant less. After another week, you can remove the two lower true leaves. This procedure is recommended only for early seedlings.

Video: removing cotyledon leaves from tomato seedlings


If tomatoes grow excessively, their tops are cut off and rooted. 5–6 leaves are left on the stem, and the cut top is placed in water until roots appear. As a rule, roots appear in 7–10 days. When their length reaches 1.5–2 cm, you can plant the plants in pots. This method will allow you to get additional seedlings.

If tomatoes grow excessively, their tops can be cut off and rooted

The part of the stem from which the top was cut will soon produce new shoots at the cutting site. When the size of the shoots reaches 5 cm, it is necessary to leave the two upper stepsons on the stem and remove the rest. Pruning of stepchildren is carried out strictly 20–25 days before planting the plants in the ground.

Video: pinching out overgrown tomato seedlings

How to properly grow tomato seedlings so that they do not stretch out

You can avoid pulling out seedlings if you correctly determine the planting date, use high-quality varietal seeds, select a suitable substrate, maintain the required temperature and light conditions, and carry out regular watering and fertilizing.

Preparation of soil and planting material

First of all, you need to decide on the sowing date. Different varieties- early, mid-season and late - have a growing season from 140 to 160 days. Therefore, sowing of tomatoes for seedlings is carried out in late February-early March.

The soil must be loose, water- and breathable. It is prepared from peat, humus, leaf soil (3:2:1) with the addition of ash. Soil preparation should be carried out in the fall; it is better to take the soil from your own summer cottage in a place where nightshades did not grow.

If this is not possible, you can use ready-made soil mixtures for seedlings, which are sold in specialized stores.

It is better to take soil for tomatoes from your summer cottage in a place where nightshades did not grow

A day before sowing the seeds, the soil is poured into a box or other container, compacted and spilled with a dark solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure will not only disinfect the soil, but also fill it with manganese and potassium compounds that are beneficial for tomatoes.

Before planting, tomato seeds are soaked in Epin, then germinated in wet wipe. Sow in cassettes or boxes, deepening 1–1.5 cm into the ground. The distance between seeds should be at least 2 cm.

Water, cover with film or glass and place in a warm place with a temperature of +22… +25 °C. The first shoots should appear in 6–7 days.

Further care of seedlings

With the appearance of loops, the film is removed and the sprouts are provided with a lower temperature (+18 °C during the day, +15 °C at night). In a cool environment, the plants will grow stronger and the stems will become plump. After 2–3 weeks, the air temperature is again raised to 23–25 °C so that the seedlings begin to grow again.

Seedlings grow at night, so at elevated air temperatures they stretch out and become thinner. At lower night temperature(+15 °C) it will become strong and stocky.

Watering is carried out once a week, as the seedlings grow - once every 3 days with water room temperature. The soil should be only slightly moistened. Excess moisture can cause root rot in plants. Experienced gardeners advise watering only when the leaves of the seedlings begin to drop. This indicates that the earthen lump is completely dry. Frequent watering and waterlogged soil can cause seedlings to stretch out.

Timing for picking seedlings

To provide fast-growing seedlings with enough light and nutrition, they are pricked after developing two true leaves. The containers are filled with nutrient substrate. The root of the plant is shortened slightly and buried 1.5 cm into the soil.

With the appearance of the first two pairs of true leaves, they are replanted again, deepening the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves. The tomatoes are plucked for the third time after 3 weeks, covering them with soil until the first true leaves appear. Repeated picking promotes, first of all, the development of the root system, and only then the shoots.

Do I need to fertilize healthy seedlings?

Seedlings will grow strong only on fertilized soil. But an excess of microelements can cause plants to stretch. When the first leaf grows, seedlings are fed with a copper solution (1 g per 10 l) - this will protect the tomatoes from late blight. 10 days after the dive, urea is added, and a week later - Nitrophoska solution (1 tbsp per 1 liter). The last time the seedlings are fed is 2-3 days before transplanting into the soil with superphosphate (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water).

Strong seedlings will grow only on fertilized soil, but excess microelements can cause them to stretch out

Video: how to prevent seedlings from stretching

Features of planting elongated seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse

If the seedlings have stretched out, do not worry. Such seedlings also take root well. You just need to know the intricacies of transplanting them.

Typically, tomato seedlings are transplanted at a certain time:

  • to greenhouses - May 1–15;
  • in open ground under film shelters - May 20–31;
  • on beds without shelter - June 10–20.

2 days before transplanting into the ground, the lower leaves of tomatoes are removed

A week before planting, at a temperature in the greenhouse not lower than +20 ° C, and the soil - +15 ° C, the tomatoes are hardened. They are taken out to Fresh air first for 3 hours, gradually increasing the time spent in the air. 2 days before transplanting, the lower leaves of the tomatoes are removed. Prepared plants are planted in a garden bed or greenhouse.

  1. Prepare grooves 15–25 cm deep according to the 40x50 pattern, add superphosphate into them and spill with warm water.

    An elongated tomato seedling is placed in a groove with its root system on the south side

  2. Well watered. Cover the hole with soil.
  3. Raise the stem (the lower part in the soil remains horizontal) and tie it to a peg, which is driven in at a distance of 8–10 cm from the stem.

    To prevent tall tomatoes from falling or breaking from the wind, they are tied to stakes

  4. Mulch the soil around the bush with dry hay, which retains moisture and prevents the growth of weeds.
  5. At first, young plants are shaded from the bright sun with spunbond.

Planted tomatoes can be fed with yeast (dilute 10 g of dry yeast in 10 liters of water, leave for 24 hours), which promotes plant growth.

Tomato seedlings quickly take root and bush growth is noticeable already at the end of the first week. And soon the first tomatoes will appear.

A good tomato harvest is the dream of any gardener. If you follow agricultural practices and grow strong and healthy seedlings that ensure the rapid development of bushes, you can get an abundance of beautiful and juicy tomatoes.

Cucumbers are plants that require heat, light and moisture. That's why it's important good care behind the plant: from germination to fruiting. The article contains detailed care for cucumber seedlings, rules for growing them and correcting basic mistakes, as well as whether it is possible to bury cucumber seedlings.

‌Healthy cucumber seedlings should be low, with a thick stem, the leaves should be even, smooth, and bright green. If the stem becomes long and thin, and the leaves become small, then the plant is missing something. But all this can be corrected and the stretched seedlings can be saved.

Cucumber seedlings stretched out: causes, errors, correction

Cucumber seedlings stretched out

Attention! Seedlings do not stretch due to harmful insects or fungal diseases. All this causes other harm to the plant.

The reason for pulling seedlings is non-compliance the right conditions plant growth and development. External factors, namely:

In addition, improper growth conditions for seedlings can lead not only to their elongation, but also to rotting of the roots, and the leaves may turn yellow and curl.

How to fix errors

Depending on the reason for pulling the seedlings, the ways to correct the situation are completely different.

  • If stretching occurs due to lack of light and elevated temperature, you need to improve lighting and, if possible, reduce the temperature. Typically, lighting is done using a table lamp, which is turned on during cloudy weather, in the evening and early in the morning.
  • If the reason is that the plant is overwatered, you simply need to reduce the frequency of watering or the amount of water.

    To avoid this problem, you can install a wick watering system, which is often used for seedlings.

    It automates watering, which is convenient both for plants whose roots will not rot, and for a person who does not have to worry about the timing of watering and the amount of water. Wick watering is made using a wide strip of fabric and a container of water. To do this, one end of the strip is buried near the root, and the second is lowered into a container filled with water. The roots will take water themselves when they need it.

  • If the plant cups are too narrow, the seedlings need to be replanted. Each should be in 1 wide and deep glass. It is advisable to plant cucumbers in special peat pots. Cucumbers do not really like transplanting, and peat pots themselves decompose in the soil.
  • If the soil is acidic, it is necessary to replant the seedlings. Preferably in a special universal primer, which is sold in stores.

Also effective methods are pinching the tops of seedlings and feeding the plant with complex fertilizers.

Another way to combat the stretching of seedlings is to bury them.

How to properly bury seedlings

Many gardeners wonder whether it is possible to bury elongated cucumber seedlings when transplanting, and whether this will harm the plant. But this procedure has a lot of advantages.

Benefits of burying seedlings

‌If the seedlings have stretched out, but warm weather has already settled and the frosts have passed, you can plant them in open ground or in a greenhouse (greenhouse). It is recommended to bury cucumbers when planting them in open ground, as this makes it easier for the plant to take root due to the large area for the growth of the root system.

This is done at the end of May - beginning of June. First, dig up the soil, apply fertilizer (optional) and water it well. Before planting, the pots also need to be watered thoroughly. Next, the plants are transplanted into the ground, and they need to be buried up to the cotyledon leaves.

Important! We must not forget about the distance at which seedlings must be planted, depending on the variety. Otherwise, the plantings will begin to stretch again due to lack of light, water and minerals.

If the weather is cloudy, the cucumbers are transplanted early in the morning, and if it is sunny, in the evening (especially if the weather is hot and dry). This is important because it is difficult for the culture to survive sudden temperatures and changes in humidity, because the growing conditions in the room were almost ideal.

Picking seedlings

Picking - often necessary procedure for cucumber seedlings. It may be needed at the beginning of their cultivation, and later, when the seedlings grow up.

Picking cucumber seedlings

It is very important that when planting seedlings in the ground, so that the plant is not damaged, planting should be done with a lump of earth or a special peat pot.

  1. Plants are well watered. In this case, watering stops several days before planting, and then the cups are watered right before planting.
  2. Take large glasses or pots, cover them with soil, add sand and fertilizer. In order for the seedling to survive replanting better, you can add plant growth and development stimulants, for example, Epin, to the pot. Before use, you need to carefully read the instructions so as not to harm the cucumbers.
  3. Make a hole in the pot, water it abundantly and place the sprout in it up to the cotyledon leaves, but without burying them. It is advisable to even leave about 3 cm to the cotyledon leaves.

Important! The sprout must be placed in the center of the pot. At the same time, it should be very spacious.

For correct height and the development of a plant at all periods of its life, it is important to monitor the conditions in which it lives. It is necessary to monitor temperature, humidity, and soil quality.

Thus, pulling cucumber seedlings is not such a big problem if you notice mistakes in time and correct them. There are a number of effective ways to do this.

Seedlings stretching upward is a fairly common occurrence when growing cucumbers. Overgrown sprouts are obtained if the light or temperature conditions have been disturbed. To prevent the plants from dying, you need to follow some recommendations before planting.

What to do with overgrown seedlings and why it has become long needs to be known even before planting the seeds. The reason may be the distance of the pot with seedlings from the window, or the incorrect temperature in the greenhouse.

Overgrown seedlings manifest themselves as sprouts still stretching out. before the true leaves appear. For a number of reasons, the subcotyledonous stem is pulled upward.

It happens that the sprouts can stretch very much, up to 10 cm in height. The seedlings turn out weak; if they are transplanted incorrectly, the thin sprouts of cucumbers may die.

By following the recommendations of experienced gardeners, it is quite possible to correct the situation. Before planting on the beds, thin sprouts can be roll along the cup in the form of a spiral and sprinkle with soil to cotyledon leaves. The stem will take root after 5-7 days. During this period, the seedlings need to be provided with regular watering and they will stop stretching.

Taking it will slightly slow down the plant's growth. However, during this period it will strengthen and become stronger.

Proper preparation for transplanting into open ground

If you do not carry out the above-discussed option of deepening in cups, you need to plant the overgrown sprouts in a garden bed or transplant them into open ground. It is worth noting the fact that, contrary to the rules, the seedlings are “overgrown” takes root well and gives good yields.

Transplanting cucumbers to a permanent place consists of the following rules:

  1. You need to remove the cups carefully; you can leave the paper bottom. You cannot place the entire glass inside the hole, as the paper will soak for a long time.
  2. With leaves you need handle carefully, weak seedlings can be easily damaged. If everything is done correctly, the sprouts stored on the surface will quickly take root thanks to fresh soil.
  3. The soil must be prepared in advance, enriched with fertilizers and ash. The temperature should be warm and stable, and the soil should be well heated. To ensure that the sprouts experience less stress, the soil can be pre-watered with warm water.
  4. It's better to plant in the morning or evening. Water exclusively with heated water. From the tap cold water will negatively affect the growth of cucumbers.

If you place water in metal buckets in the sun in advance, it will warm up very quickly.

Is it possible to bury

The deepening method is considered effective if you lay and plant the sprout sideways or twist it in a spiral along the width of the hole. You should not bury or place the root too deeply.

To disembark to a depth of 5-7 cm. The roots that appear on the stem if it is deepened will begin to grow rapidly. The size of the bushes will gradually begin to recover, and lush foliage will appear.

Planting cucumbers in holes

The holes must be prepared in advance; the soil must be loose and fertile. You can put mole cricket repellent, sawdust and ash inside. Water the hole with warm water and place the cucumber bushes there using the deepening method. Sprinkle with soil so as to create a depression that looks like a hole.

If you do not leave a hole, it will be difficult to water and fertilize. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, the top of the hole must be covered with grass or straw. Some people use covering material with holes for this purpose. You need to lay it on top of the soil before planting the seedlings.

Post-planting care of stretched seedlings

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that the soil did not dry out. Moisture will promote the growth of new roots; drought is unacceptable.
  2. Weak, elongated sprouts can be tied up or placed on a net to prevent them from being swayed by the wind.
  3. Loosen and feed no earlier than 6-7 days. Loosening the bushes should be done very carefully - this will saturate the soil with oxygen.

Why do seedlings stretch out?

Overgrowth of cucumbers is more often observed due to the lack of experience among novice gardeners.

Those who have gained experience in own mistakes gardeners share their secrets with others. They identify three main reasons:

  • violation of the deadlines for planting cucumbers for seedlings;
  • incorrect light mode;
  • non-compliance with temperature conditions.

If you sow cucumbers too early, the bushes will overgrow while waiting for steady warmth. Depending on climatic conditions, cucumbers are sown after April 20.

Lack of light has a detrimental effect on the sprouts and condition of the leaves; they acquire a pale green tint. Too much low temperature slows down plant growth, high - promotes abundant growth. Unsuitable temperature conditions drive the sprout upward.

If an ovary appears on the overgrown cucumbers, it is better to remove the flowers after replanting. This way, it will be easier for the bushes to adapt to the new location.

What to do if the seedlings have managed to stretch out

By studying the cause-and-effect relationships of pulling seedlings, you can prevent this process. If the cucumber sprouts are stretched out, they can be saved before transplanting to the main place.

Basic measures to solve the problem:

  1. Add additional lighting, if necessary, use artificial light.
  2. If the cups are too close to each other, or the planting is dense, they need to be thinned out.
  3. Helps prevent sprouts from being pulled out potash fertilizers, ash And special means, which affect plant growth if applied correctly.
  4. You can use the method of transplanting into larger cups. In order not to injure the root, you can extend the existing cups with strips of cardboard. Fill the voids with soil to the level of the first leaves.
  5. Overgrown cucumbers are carefully transported to land plot and transplanted using the deepening method.
  6. Damaged bushes with a broken stem cannot be saved; the remaining plants have a chance of successful replanting.

As a top dressing saltpeter cannot be used, as it stimulates the growth of the green part of the plant.

Overgrown cucumber seedlings are not a reason to refuse to plant them in the beds. To correct this situation, proper care will allow. Subsequently, in order to avoid being pulled upward, it is necessary to pay close attention to the plants at all stages of cultivation.