Recruitment of girls for the police. Police work without legal education

Basic constitutional requirements

Anyone can get a job in the police, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or social status, a fully capable citizen Russian Federation. In this case, the candidate must be an adult and not older than 35 years. He must be well physically and emotionally prepared. For such work, you must have a good knowledge of the Russian language and permanently reside in the Russian Federation. An initial level of knowledge is also required - completed secondary education. How to get a job in the police if you do not meet any of these requirements? No way, because the candidate will not be able to fulfill his duties, namely:

Due to certain religious views, he will not be able to harm a living person, even if he is a particularly dangerous armed criminal;

He will not be able to detain suspects if he is physically weak.

In addition, a person under 18 years of age cannot be held fully responsible for violations and misconduct. If he does not permanently reside on the territory of Russia, his ideological values ​​will not always encourage him to serve for the good of the country.

Specific features of selection into the ranks of police officers. Service in Russian police

These restrictions minimize the risk of using your position for personal gain and allow you to select a candidate with a lack of bad habits. For example, how can a person with a previous conviction get a job in the police? No way. If a citizen of the Russian Federation has ever been prosecuted, suspected or accused in such a case, he will never be able to become a police officer. It is worth noting here that we are talking specifically about criminal liability; administrative fines and arrests do not carry high danger and cannot negatively characterize a candidate for the position of police officer. Specific feature Service in the ranks of the police is a requirement for the absence of any addiction: drug addiction, toxicology or neuropsychiatric. By definition, such people will not be able to work impartially in this system. Service in our police is fraught with a number of prohibitions and restrictions of an economic nature. Like any other state or municipal employee, a police officer cannot engage in commercial activities or be directly subordinate to close relatives. Separately, restrictions on medical indications. The list of diseases for which they are not allowed to serve in the police has been established by the Government of the Russian Federation: tuberculosis various forms; Hepatitis B chronic form; mycoses of any internal organs; malignant or benign tumors; cancer stage 3-4; psychological disorders; endocrine or nervous system, circulatory system or gastrointestinal tract; severe thrombophlebitis. This is an incomplete list of diseases that will prevent a person from performing their job duties. To submit your candidacy for any position in the police, you must submit a certificate in the prescribed form with a conclusion medical specialists about the absence of the above diseases.

Tests and interviews

If the main documents have been collected, and the candidate meets all the stated requirements in a large list of restrictions and prohibitions, one more question remains. How to get a job in the police and pass all kinds of psychological tests? It should be noted that all tasks to establish the psychological, emotional or intellectual level of development of a police candidate are divided into 2 groups: written tests and oral interviews. Written tests help to recognize a person’s true intentions and to choose the right position in accordance with professional skills and level of intelligence. Oral communication will help you see a person’s reaction to stressful situations and show the degree of readiness to make situational decisions. At the stage of psychological testing, 30% of those wishing to become police officers are eliminated. Work in the Russian police requires full dedication and unquestioning fulfillment job responsibilities. For comparison, let's answer the question of how to get a job in Germany: it is much easier there - you just need to write an application and collect a standard package of documents. This suggests that anyone can become a police officer in this country, but in Russia, police officers must be born.

Regulated by labor legislation, as well as laws on the procedure for serving in internal affairs bodies.
Citizens of the Russian Federation who meet the following requirements can be accepted:
- the age of the applicant for the position should not be less than 18 years and not older than 35 years (gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion do not matter);
- possession state language Russian Federation;
- having at least a secondary (complete) general education;
- the ability, based on personal and business qualities, physical fitness and health, to perform official duties.
People who do not permanently reside on the territory of the Russian Federation, who do not have a residence permit, who have been brought to criminal liability for committing a crime, or who have been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility within a period of time cannot serve. last year before applying for a position in the police.

Citizens who wish to serve in the police submit the necessary package of documents to the personnel department (application for, work book, a copy of the passport, etc.), upon admission, applicants for the position undergo psychophysiological tests, as well as tests that identify alcohol, toxicological or drug addiction.

The admission of a citizen to the service is formalized by an order of appointment to a position, after which a personal file is opened. In order to test his professional skills, a new recruit is assigned a probationary period of three to six months. During the period, the police officer is considered a trainee. The probationary period is included in the length of service in the police.


Upon entering the service, a personal guarantee is issued to a citizen, which serves as a guarantee that the applicant for the position will comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as all restrictions and prohibitions associated with service in the police. Such a guarantee can only be given by an active police officer with at least three years of work experience.


Many young people dream of serving in the police. Someone wants to establish justice, someone wants to check compliance with the rules, and someone wants to catch criminals. But the desire to serve in the police is not enough; you need to prepare for it, both physically and mentally.


Contact the personnel department of the police department or the Department of Internal Affairs at your place of residence. Write an application for employment at police. You will be given a list of required documents. Provide the personnel department with a diploma of education, a pension certificate, a certificate of tax registration, a reference from your place of residence from several neighbors, from your last place of work, a certificate from a psychoneurological dispensary and a drug dispensary. Obtain a personal guarantee from an internal affairs officer with at least three years of work experience. Based on the submitted documents and your personal data, the HR department decides on your employment. If a positive answer is received, you are sent to a military medical commission.

The number of citizens wishing to serve in the police is not decreasing, despite the fact that service in this department is associated with certain health risks. Every year, several hundred volunteers join the ranks of police officers. But applicants for such a job should not forget that getting a job is also not at all easy.

A person who has received authority from the state to protect public order, health and peace of citizens must meet certain standards established for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, employment in the police is not only a prospect and obtaining various social benefits but also a great responsibility.

In light of the reforms being carried out in the law enforcement agencies, many applicants fear large-scale cuts.

But in fact, only the bureaucratic component of the staff is decreasing - in particular, leadership positions are being reduced, while the need for ordinary police officers remains high.

AND the easiest way to find a vacant position- this is to contact the local police department in person, where the applicant will be directly pointed out to the available vacancies and explained the basic requirements (conditions) for hiring this job.

Requirements for applicants

You need to understand that from a purely human point of view, many requirements are put forward to a future police officer, such as honesty and attentiveness, responsibility and the ability to communicate with people. If a person does not have these qualities, you should not count on a successful career.

In addition, endurance and excellent physical training. As well as the presence of additional skills (for example, the ability to drive a car and provide first aid).

The main list of requirements for applicants of both sexes (men and women) is as follows:

  • availability of citizenship and passport;
  • age compliance (the age limit established by legislative norms is from 18 to 35 years; with the exception of employment of a former employee of the authorities, for him the upper age limit is 50 years);
  • availability of education (the requirements for this item depend on the position for which the person is applying; in most cases, a secondary or vocational education, and for senior command staff, specialized education is required - all requirements for this item can be seen in the Federal Law under number 342);
  • guarantee from a current employee from the service of at least three years- this is a new rule;
  • completing compulsory military service (for men);
  • successful completion internal tests, and passing.

The road to the police closed to such categories of citizens:

  • persons with relatives with a criminal record;
  • persons who have been brought to administrative responsibility or have received a suspended sentence;
  • persons who own their own business.

Important points

Applicants need to understand that the Russian police is a structural department engaged in solving complex problems related to the safety of citizens and law and order.

And in these units, not only people engaged in investigative and operational work are in demand, but also representatives of completely civilian professions - accountants, cashiers, personnel officers, and so on.

The list of professions that the department needs is quite extensive. Therefore, not only citizens with a legal education, but also persons who have mastered other professions can serve in the police. For example, a pedagogical education is quite suitable for working with.

The purpose of testing is to determine psychological resistance to stressful situation and level of intellectual development.

Includes about 400 questions (MMPI, adapted from the American questionnaire). The Luscher test is also taken to identify colors using cards. IQ must be checked. If the testing is successful, its results are added to the results of the interview with a staff psychologist.

Required documents

Depending on the vacancy for which a person is applying, up to twenty titles of documents may be required. Therefore, the exact list must be clarified in each individual case.

And the standard set looks like this:

  • the candidate submits a statement drawn up in the name of the head of the structural unit;
  • attached to it is a completed ;
  • short ;
  • documents confirming education;
  • (for male applicants);
  • information about existing property and personal income;
  • (if any);
  • (certificate of its assignment).

Employment procedure

  1. To register for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you must contact the structural subdivision(or department) of the police department chosen by the candidate for the vacant position.
  2. In the personnel department, they write a corresponding statement, to which are attached all Required documents, as well as a completed questionnaire. In addition to the application, it is advisable to present a written guarantee from one or two current employees.
  3. The applicant is then given a referral to a staff psychologist. This specialist determines the psychological stability of the candidate and his suitability for the position for which he is applying. At the same time, the personnel department checks the documents of the candidate and his relatives for criminal records or administrative penalties. It also turns out whether the person has his own business or other obstacles to serving in the law enforcement agencies.
  4. Upon successful completion of the interview, a referral to medical checkup to the medical unit of the department. With the completed examination results displayed in a special conclusion and certificate, the applicant is sent to the Center for Psychophysical Diagnostics.
  5. A qualified candidate must have physical stamina, health, emotional and psychological stability. He successfully passed the tests and interview, and his past does not raise any suspicions (no criminal records or other obstacles). Only such an applicant is accepted for an internship.
  6. Typically, the internship is carried out in a barracks position (in training) and takes from three to six months. Its successful completion entitles you to receive the appropriate certificate and issuance of a service weapon (if the position requires its carrying).
  7. When enrolled in the department, a new employee reads out an oath in accordance with Federal Law number 342 (Article 28).

Reasons for refusal

Recruitment to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is regulated by the provisions of the Police Law. In particular, its 35th article lists all the basic requirements that an applicant for a position must meet.

One of these requirements concerns health conditions. Therefore, it may be caused by the candidate’s inconsistency on this point. The government has approved a list of diseases that clearly prevents not only work in law enforcement agencies, but also in any public service.


  • psychical deviations and disorders of the nervous system, in particular epilepsy;
  • Availability diabetes mellitus;
  • serious illnesses liver (for example, hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • the presence of cancer;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

The procedure for determining suitability is reflected in a special ministerial order number 523, issued in July 2010. According to this document, not only the disease that prevents service in the organs is determined, but also its degree (with a detailed list of health restrictions). For example, scoliosis does not allow serving in rapid response teams and in operational positions, but at the same time it is not an obstacle to working in personnel and staff positions (with the exception of fourth degree curvature of the spine).

Also, the reason for refusal may be failure to pass the check in personnel service. For example, a criminal record was discovered on the part of a relative of an applicant for a vacancy.

Policeman, a profession that was once considered “male”, is becoming more and more popular among girls. The specialties of the state structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are varied, there are “paper”, administrative, operational . Police work for women is not only a romantic image of a brave heroine from a movie, it attracts with the opportunity for self-realization, to be useful to people. Contrary to the myth that a girl can do exclusively desk work, there are many female investigators, dog handlers, and operatives.

Work in the police before its reorganization was unprofitable, difficult, and time-consuming. The combination of a small salary and a lot of responsibility forced people to look for another place. Only the most ideological employees remained, those who saw service as their calling. Now the conditions have changed a little, the profession of a policeman has again become prestigious.

Joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very important step for a girl. You need to analyze your options before making a decision. In addition to the difficulties of entering the government agency and training, female police officers face many problems at work.

Disadvantages of working for women in the police

  • The main difficulty is constant emotional stress. Working, for example, as an operative, involves constant danger. Such conditions, as well as the lack of time for rest (irregular schedule), the need to constantly obey the regulations, makes the service very difficult.
  • Constant employment at work for girls in the police results in problems with family, lack of personal life. The percentage of divorces is high due to the unpreparedness of husbands for the constant employment of their wives.
  • Many women are put off by the need to constantly obey the instructions and orders of their superiors. Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not imply initiative; everything is strictly according to regulations, instructions, and statutes. This immediately removes the romantic aura from the profession.
  • Compliance with the dress code and the need to constantly correspond to the positive moral character of a police officer.
  • Reporting. Filling out a lot of paperwork that seems useless, constant checks are very exhausting.
  • Condescending attitude from male colleagues and management. Alas, the consciousness of some is still somewhere at the level of the Middle Ages.

Pros of being a police officer

  • Not a bad salary.
  • Benefits of a police officer (travel, free medical care).
  • Pension after 20 years of work.
  • Benefits for purchasing housing (improved mortgage conditions and provision of a lump sum payment).
  • Longer vacation as compensation for overtime and irregular work hours.
  • Providing uniforms and work shoes.
  • An opportunity for a woman to make a good career if she has a specialized higher education.
  • Testing your own abilities, physical, intellectual, psychological. Some girls like this kind of challenge.

Who can work in the police

To work in internal organs Any girl with complete secondary, special or higher education can enter. Studying at a specialized educational institution will be an advantage.

There are significant restrictions - the girl must have impeccable health and biography. People with a criminal record, as well as anyone who has relatives in prison, are not accepted into law enforcement agencies.

Sometimes the leadership, contrary to Russian laws, sets its own restrictions and hires only men. This is facilitated by the widespread myth about the “weaker sex”. The male boss unfairly thinks that the girl is physically unable to cope with her work responsibilities. In reality, physical condition does not depend on gender at all. There are now enough women with decent sports training.

Required personal qualities:

  • Responsibility and determination;
  • Organization, punctuality and decency;
  • Ability to work in teams;
  • Energy;
  • Fast reaction;
  • Call of Duty;
  • Ability to keep secrets;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Logical thinking, literacy;
  • Multitasking;
  • Observation;
  • Self-control;
  • Endurance.

Passing the medical examination is a serious test. Health is one of the mandatory requirements. During examinations, they may reveal hidden diseases or mental disabilities, which are prohibited from working as a law enforcement officer. At the stage of passing the commission, the level of physical fitness is revealed and a series of psychological tests to determine professional suitability.

Conditions for admission to service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • Age only up to 35 years. Older women are not accepted for service.
  • Passing physical training standards.
  • Absence of criminal records and problems with the law of the candidate for the position and immediate relatives.
  • Physical and mental health.
  • Polygraph test.
  • Profile education for obtaining high positions.

How to join the police

The decision to join the police for a young girl usually leads first to a specialized school or university. This makes it possible to enroll in a more prestigious, interesting specialty and freely receive high positions and officer ranks. Universities and colleges provide theoretical knowledge and the necessary sports training.

Before studying or looking for vacancies, a woman should carefully decide on the direction of work. The Ministry of Internal Affairs needs specialists in various fields - lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, programmers, psychologists, etc.

Job Search

When looking for a job, you should take the following steps:

  • You can search for a list of in-demand specialties on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; sometimes vacancies, including those without educational requirements, are posted on popular advertising resources.
  • Compose your resume and send it.
  • Contact the human resources department of the police department to find out the list and number of available places for women or personally talk with a potential boss. Employees will suggest a suitable position in accordance with your level of education, work experience or preferences.
  • Pass a medical examination, psychological testing, fill out an autobiography. The information received is then carefully checked to identify possible problems.
  • Get a response from the HR department. If you decide positively to undergo an internship.
  • In case of refusal, when it seems unfair, does not comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, you can file a complaint with the Department of Internal Affairs to the head of the department for work with personnel.

Documents required when joining the police:

  • Completed application form;
  • Civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Diploma or certificate;
  • Autobiography;
  • Employment history;
  • Income information.

After approval of the candidacy, you will need to collect a number of more papers, depending on the chosen specialty in the police.


After a civilian university or after 11th grade, women are also hired to work in the police. Before receiving the corresponding position or title, a girl who has not undergone training educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs, undergoing a probationary period. The duration of the internship depends on the specialty and education of the applicant. The salary during the course is minimal.

Usually a new employee is assigned to a more experienced employee. This way you can get to know the work of the police from the inside and decide exactly how suitable this activity is. After completing the internship, a uniform is issued, and the employee is sent to a training center for training.

Training for future police officers

After the internship, the woman will have to take a course in training center, where they will teach the basics of a new profession - shooting, hand-to-hand combat, forensics, record keeping, first aid medical care and prepare you psychologically. This will allow you to gain initial skills, which will make it much easier to get used to the profession.

List of some specialties in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for women

The list of options for a girl to work as a police officer is very large, and choosing a job to your liking is quite easy. Knowledge and skills in a variety of areas from programming to veterinary medicine can be useful. Some of the girls prefer the peace of offices, but there are also restless individuals who like operational and security specialties.


This specialty involves conducting investigative examinations. Arriving at a crime scene, a criminologist takes fingerprints and inspects the premises or area for possible evidence. The department works with material evidence, conducts examinations or studies of obtained evidence. A very interesting profession that requires accuracy, precision, logical thinking and attentiveness. To get a job you need higher education.

Police officer

Working as an operative or a local police officer will require communication skills, multitasking, great stress tolerance and endurance. This profession is associated with a huge risk to life, has a very busy schedule, and requires responsibility and physical training. Skills in working with documentation and handling firearms are also required. Constant work with the public and people under investigation, the need to obey superiors, and a large volume of reporting often leads to professional burnout.


It will require a girl to have great self-discipline, determination, observation, and the ability to compare facts. A clear knowledge of the law is also required. To apply for a position you need a higher legal education.

Communications and information security specialist

Knowledge in the field of high technology, programming skills, work experience and higher education in the specialty will be required. Logical thinking and perseverance will definitely come in handy. The importance of this work is difficult to underestimate - without technology it is now impossible successful activity in any field.

Dog handler

A service related to training and accompanying dogs during investigative or search activities.

You need a love for animals, knowledge of animal psychology, patience and firmness. During investigative activities, dogs often help find a criminal, protect an accompanying person from injury, or participate in the protection of an object. Four-legged employees are used for search narcotic drugs, explosives, they help in rescue operations. The profession of a dog handler requires constant self-development and the desire to devote all your time to dogs.

Inspector for work with minors

The position is related to problem children. Women often perform this difficult work. Responsibilities include monitoring teenagers involved in crimes, identifying street children, and conducting educational conversations with “difficult” teenagers. People in this difficult position must ensure that the fundamental rights of the child as enshrined in the constitution are fulfilled. The work will require a significant investment of emotional strength. Seeing unhappy children every day is not an easy task. Attentiveness, the ability to get along with teenagers, sensitivity, firmness are the necessary qualities for a woman in the police in this job.


In women's prisons, many types of activities (searches, for example) have the right to be carried out only by females.

To apply for a position, special education is required.

The work involves risk and constant stress.

You will need weapon ownership, physical fitness, balance, self-control, and moral stability.


There are more and more women working in the police. Despite the obvious difficulties that accompany service in the police, girls are attracted by the opportunity to make a career, to succeed as a citizen and a good salary. Before taking on such serious and responsible work, you need to soberly assess your qualities and accurately determine your specialization.

Those who dream of becoming a police officer often have to overcome many obstacles. Let's consider the basic requirements that apply to candidates wishing to join the police. You can get a job in the police by submitting an application to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or by studying at any of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How to get a job in the police after university

Here are the main universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their websites:

WITH full list You can familiarize yourself with universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As an example, consider one of the main universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Kazan Law Institute. Training here is conducted both full-time and part-time in thirteen departments. To be admitted, applicants must provide certificates of passing the Unified State Exam and be prepared to take the internal physical training exam.

When employed by the police, a graduate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs University is awarded the officer rank. It is worth noting that this method- the best if a girl needs to get a job in the police.

How to get a job in the police on application

Constitutional requirements for candidates

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can get a job in the police, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion and social status. Mandatory requirements for the candidate are:

  • full legal capacity and age not older than 35 years;
  • good emotional and physical preparation;
  • permanent residence in the Russian Federation and good command of the Russian language;
  • The minimum initial level of knowledge is completed secondary education.

Failure to comply with at least one point of these requirements excludes the candidate’s ability to enter service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Submitting an application

In order to get a job in the police, you need to submit a written application to the police department where you want to work, and also provide the following documents:

  • a copy of the passport, TIN and certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • characteristic;
  • a notarized copy of the diploma/certificate of education (with attachment);
  • in the absence of health restrictions, a military ID or registration certificate;
  • certificate from the tax office confirming no status individual entrepreneur;
  • autobiography in two copies (1 handwritten, 1 printed);
  • certificate from the BTI about real estate;
  • one photo is 9 x 12 and one is 4 x 6.
  • statements from close relatives about their consent to the collection, processing and storage of personal data and information about private life;

If available, you must also provide the following documents:

  • copies of birth certificates, marriage/divorce certificates, birth certificates of children;
  • copy of driver's license;
  • employment history.

Candidate review process

After all these documents are received and checked by employees of the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a referral is issued to a military medical commission, at which the candidate’s health status is determined.

If medical indicators normally, the candidate is invited for testing. Testing includes two stages: a written test and an oral interview. A written test is conducted to select the most suitable position for the applicant. Oral communication reveals a candidate's ability to make quick decisions in critical situations.

Provisions under which service in the police is impossible

  • having a criminal record;
  • drug, psychoneurological or toxicological dependence;
  • the presence of diseases such as chronic hepatitis, malignant and benign tumors, tuberculosis of various forms, stage 3 - 4 cancer, diseases of the endocrine or nervous system.

Is it possible to get a job in the police without the army?

Service in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation is not a mandatory requirement for a candidate for employment in the police, but only increases his chances of obtaining it. Therefore, if you have not served in the army and, for example, received a “B” fitness category, but at the same time have a higher legal education, then you have every chance of becoming a police lieutenant.

In conclusion, I would like to say that when applying for a job in the police, you need to remember: this is very hard work that requires full dedication and great patience.