German Shepherd breed standard fci. Standard and characteristics of the German Shepherd. The German Shepherd is a dog of medium height, slightly elongated, strong and well muscled, dry bones, strong overall structure

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds. This is easy to explain: shepherd dogs are very smart dogs, easy to train, strong and resilient. It is not for nothing that dogs of this particular breed are entrusted with important missions in the police and army, because they showed themselves well in this type of activity back in the First World War. But a shepherd can be not only a service dog, but also a family dog.

From the name it is clear that this dog breed comes from Germany. But it is not so. The ancestors of all modern German Shepherds lived in the North of Europe, namely in the territory of modern Scandinavia and Northwestern Russia. These were simple wolf-like dogs. Why is Germany considered the birthplace of the breed? Because actually the first purebred, as we would now call her, German Shepherd was bred there.

We owe the appearance and wide distribution of German Shepherds to the German breeder Max von Stefanitz. His goal was to create a universal dog breed with ideal mental, physical and mental characteristics. To breed a German Shepherd, Stefanitz decided to find an ideal male among the Old German Shepherds and other wolf-like dogs. And it happened - in 1899, a breeder found a dog named Hector, who became the ancestor of all German shepherds. In the same year, Stefanitz created the German Shepherd Lovers Club.

Surprisingly, in just 20 years the formation of the breed took place (which usually takes at least a hundred years). By 1923, there were 27 thousand breeders of this dog breed. Around the same time, a breed standard was developed, which later changed slightly (the body of the German Shepherd became longer and squat).

The formation of the German Shepherd breed occurred in just 20 years.

To develop the breed, dogs were selected not only by external characteristics, but also by their character, intelligence, ability to follow commands and other qualities important for a service dog. As a result, even before the First World War, the German Shepherd became the best service breed, which it later proved during the war.

Interesting! After the First World War, there was an aversion to everything German, but no one wanted to give up the German Shepherd, so new names appeared for this breed. For example, the American Shepherd (in the USA), the Alsatian (in the UK). But none of the new names took root.

During World War II, the number of German Shepherds, of course, declined sharply. However, due to the fact that the breed has long become popular throughout the world, German shepherds have not become extinct and continue to be bred.

Breed standard, main characteristics and photographs

The latest changes to the breed standard were made by the World Union of German Shepherd Societies in March 1991. Before this, edits were made about four times. However, in general, the appearance of the shepherd differed little from that registered back in 1901.

Photo. German Shepherd

German Shepherd in the photo

Appearance and size of the German Shepherd

The body of the German Shepherd is strong, dry, and muscular. At the withers, the height of a male is from 60 to 65 cm, and that of a female is from 55 to 60. Weight ranges from 27 to 50 kg.

The head is long and wedge-shaped. The muzzle and skull are the same in length. Skull shape: almost square. As for the jaws, they are very well developed, therefore the bite is very powerful, scissor-shaped. The lips are dark, tightly fitting to the jaw. Nose is black. The eyes are dark, almond-shaped, medium in size, set slightly obliquely. The ears are erect, triangular, and medium in size. Sometimes the ears can lie down (this is considered a defect), but usually they stand with their shells forward.

The German Shepherd's tail hangs down, has a soft curve, and the underside is fluffy. The front and rear limbs are straight and must be parallel (the elbows of the front limbs should not be close together or turned out). The paws are round, well-built, and large in size.

Coat type and color

Black coat color of German Shepherds is rare.

The coat of German Shepherds is short and coarse, lying close to the dog's body. On the neck the hair is more elongated. But there are German shepherds and long-haired ones. Not so long ago, since 2011, long-haired German shepherds have ceased to be considered a “marriage”, now long wool included in the breed standard.

The coat of German Shepherds comes in different colors:

  • black (only black wool, a rather rare type of color);
  • black and tan (the entire body of the dog is black, but the inside of the limbs and the underbelly are light);
  • zonal (the color is distributed throughout the coat in ring zones due to the special color of the hairs: at the base they are light, then black, in the middle they are yellow, and the tips are black);
  • saddle cloth (on this moment the most common color of German Shepherds: V-shaped all over the back or just vague black spot, legs, belly and neck are brown).

German Shepherd ears

The first frequently asked question is: when do German Shepherd ears stand up? Ears begin to rise in two-month-old puppies. If they still haven't gotten up by six months, that's not very good. The reasons that the ears do not stand up are usually a lack of substances necessary for the normal development of cartilage tissue.

The ears of German Shepherd puppies stand up by 6-7 months; if this does not happen, you need to consult a specialist.

In order to have enough of them, it is necessary to give the dog the following supplements:

  • Pax+ Forte;
  • Antiox+;
  • Senior;
  • Mega;
  • Vision feeding.

If the dog eats these supplements, but his ears do not stand up, then he needs to contact a veterinarian; he may need ear glue, other food, or some vitamins. It is necessary to take care of this before the dog grows up.

The German Shepherd is a brave, strong, active, confident and loyal dog.

The German Shepherd is an amazing breed. Her character includes many positive qualities:

  • attachment to the owner;
  • self confidence;
  • determination;
  • fearlessness;
  • attentiveness;
  • vigilance;
  • equilibrium;
  • calm;
  • activity;
  • the desire to help and please the owner in everything;
  • love and care for children.

It is thanks to these qualities that the German Shepherd is not only an ideal service dog, but also a loyal friend and beloved family member. The main thing is not to leave the dog alone or without anything to do and, of course, to love it.

Reference. In Togliatti, a monument to Devotion was erected in the form of a figure of a dog waiting for its owners, namely the German Shepherd breed. And in Volgograd there is a monument to a German shepherd medic.

Shepherds not only have a wonderful character, but also an excellent mind. This confirms that a dog of this breed is not difficult to train. In addition, the German Shepherd is able to make decisions independently in difficult situations. For example, if her owner is in danger, she will not wait for a command.

The German Shepherd is happy to learn new commands, and you can do any type of training with it.

The following types of training are suitable for a shepherd:

  • OKD (general training course - basic);
  • ZKS (protective guard service);
  • guard duty;
  • search service;
  • PSS (search and rescue service);
  • Russian ring (four exercises: test of obedience, defense against 1, 2 and 3 attackers).

Every German Shepherd has potential, but in order to develop it, you need to constantly and systematically work with your pet. To do this, you need to have basic knowledge of training, as well as special skills to prepare a dog for a certain type of activity. But even if it’s simple, you will have a wonderful, faithful assistant.

With a German Shepherd you can engage in such sports as: ZKS, Russian Ring, IPO, PPS, etc.

Caring for a German Shepherd

Despite the fact that this dog is considered unpretentious, its health must be closely monitored. It is best to keep a dog not in an apartment, but in a private house - frequent walks, Fresh air and physical activity will help keep your dog healthy for many years. But first of all, the health of a German Shepherd depends on nutrition, so let's talk about that.

The best option - natural food. Of course, food is very convenient, and besides, eating dry food is very convenient. good quality(for example, Nutro, Eagle Pack, Purina Proplan and others), but natural fresh food is still better.

You should feed your shepherd primarily meat.

You should also include in your diet:

A German Shepherd's diet must include plenty of meat.
  • fish (necessarily without bones, sea fish - raw, and river fish - boiled);
  • boiled eggs;
  • dairy products (especially cottage cheese);
  • thick porridges (buckwheat, rolled oats (just a little), rice);
  • vegetables;
  • fruit (a little, as a treat).

You should not feed your dog the following foods:

  • flour products (including pasta, lead to obesity);
  • potatoes (poorly digested);
  • legumes;
  • sweet;
  • salted, pickled or smoked foods;
  • sausages;
  • tubular bones.

Portions should be calculated depending on the dog’s weight, and most importantly, monitor the calorie content of the food. It is important that the food is at room temperature, thick and fresh. There should always be water next to the bowl. It is best to feed at the same time.


To keep the coat always pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to comb it regularly. This needs to be done about a couple of times a week. This needs to be done with a specially selected brush that will not only comb out the hair well, but also please the dog, otherwise the dog will experience unnecessary stress.

The coat of a German Shepherd needs to be brushed regularly to keep it shiny and well-groomed.

A German Shepherd should be bathed no more than twice a year, as frequent contact with water leads to loss of oils, dulling of the coat, etc. If you comb her well and wash only her paws, then there will be no need for frequent bathing. During and after bathing, the coat should be thoroughly combed.

Advice. Regularly trim the hair on the back legs - this is where it often gets tangled.

Health and Lifespan of German Shepherds

German Shepherds live for about 12-14 years. If you follow the rules of keeping a dog, then there should not be any special health problems, although there are some diseases that are often found in representatives of this breed.

Among them are:

German Shepherds often experience malfunctions gastrointestinal tract, many dogs suffer from allergies.
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially often:,);
  • and in general various joint diseases;
  • intervertebral disc health problems;
  • pyoderma (purulent lesions of the skin);
  • eye diseases: pannus, corneal dystrophy, ;
  • degenerative myelopathy (a disease of the spinal cord, usually in older dogs);
  • allergy;
  • malignant tumors, cancer.

But this list should not be scary; many of these diseases arise either from birth or from an early age, so you just need to carefully choose your pet. In addition, in order to avoid disastrous consequences, it is necessary to independently examine the dog at least once a week. First of all, you need to check the dog's eyes, ears, and joints. If you carefully monitor your pet, nothing bad will happen to him.

It is necessary to pay attention to the health and behavior of the shepherd at a young age in order to predict what diseases it may develop in the future. For example, if a puppy frequent diarrhea, then without timely treatment she may develop serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract.

Puppies often suffer from a lack of growth hormone. Some of them never grow to a full-fledged physique and die early.

If your German Shepherd puppy has diarrhea frequently, there is a high risk of developing serious pathologies Gastrointestinal tract.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The advantages of the German Shepherd are obvious - in general, its character, intelligence, it can be trained and educated well. However, there are also some disadvantages. For example, if you neglect the upbringing of a German Shepherd, it can grow up aggressive, and therefore dangerous for society. Therefore, you should pay attention to training your dog and, in any case, walk it with a muzzle and a leash.

Important. As soon as you purchase a German Shepherd puppy, you must immediately show who is the owner and not let him down, otherwise you will hardly be able to raise the dog.

Also among the disadvantages is the extreme activity of the German Shepherd. She always needs to be occupied with something. If she feels little attention, boredom and idleness, then her behavior can deteriorate greatly. Therefore, if you are a homebody and do not really like to move actively, you should choose a dog of a different breed.

Mating a German Shepherd: necessary requirements

German Shepherds are allowed to breed, like dogs of other breeds, from the age of 2 years. To select a partner, it is better to contact a club of German Shepherd lovers. You need to bring your pet's documents there, and they will find a good match for you. However, this can be done independently, for example, via the Internet.

When searching on your own, pay attention to the dog’s appearance, its dimensions, and documents. Be sure to check when the last mating took place (the less often it happens, the better). It is better to breed in the male dog’s territory, so he feels more confident.

Only those representatives of the breed who have passed all the necessary tests and received an assessment at the exhibition are allowed to breed.

In order for the offspring to receive documents, it is necessary to prepare documents and pass some tests on the health of dogs before mating, namely:

  • certificate of origin (RKF, FCI, AKC, KC, CKC, NZ, ANKC);
  • exterior assessment not lower than “very good” at the official certificate exhibition of the RKF or IFF (FCI) (original diploma required);
  • passing training tests (any type recognized by the RKF: OKD, ZKS, KS, KD, IPO 1-3, IPO-FH, IPO-ZTP);
  • HD Research Certificate (grades A, B or C);
  • It is imperative to check for ticks, fleas, worms and, if necessary, treat dogs;
  • All vaccinations must be up to date.

How to choose a German Shepherd puppy, kennels and prices

First of all, purchase a puppy from a breeder who specializes in this particular breed of dog. It is important to pay attention to his authority, how many years he has been doing this. This is very important, because a good breeder himself makes sure that people buy from him. good puppy. That's why good specialists The dogs are well fed and properly cared for.

Photo. German Shepherd puppies

German Shepherd puppies in the photo

The main thing before choosing a puppy is to decide why you need it. For example, if you want a security guard and true friend and you don’t want to attend exhibitions, then it’s better not to take a show-class dog. Not many of them are born, so it is unfair to keep such promising dogs as only pet. If you want to start breeding German Shepherds, then an excellent option is a bitch with a good pedigree. For a domestic dog, a male is better suited.

As for health, when choosing a dog you need to pay attention to the following:

  • physique: it should be foldable, the ribs should not be visible;
  • eyes: they should not water; on the tummy and on the skin in general: there should be no redness;
  • coat: should be smooth and smell good;
  • if the puppy is an adult (from 4 months), his ears should be erect or semi-erect;
  • limbs should be strong and straight.

Nurseries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Rostov

There are many kennels in Moscow where you can buy a German Shepherd. The average price starts from $300.

Here are some of the best nurseries:

You can only buy a German Shepherd with documents from a kennel; first you need to study the reviews about it.

In Rostov-on-Don you can buy a puppy for about the same price as in Novosibirsk, but there are fewer nurseries there. German Shepherd Kennels:

  • “Police Dog” (;
  • “Mister Rostov” (part of the Skif dog training center -

Who to choose: boy or girl

It depends on your goals. If for breeding, then a healthy girl with an excellent pedigree is best, and if for service, a male. In other cases, this is not important. This is entirely your decision. If you do not want to waste time and energy on nursing your dog during childbirth, then it is better, of course, to adopt a male dog. In terms of character and behavior, girls and boys of German Shepherds differ little.

This unique breed was created by selecting herd dogs in Germany at the end of the 19th century. Thanks to the efforts of Captain von Stefanitz, the shepherd dog breed was improved and soon received official recognition. The scrupulousness and breadth of views of the founder made it possible to create an average and at the same time ideal type of dog. The principle of physical and mental perfection was taken as a basis.

Currently, the breed perfectly demonstrates its service and investigative qualities, its representatives actively participate in exhibitions and competitions, this great dogs for family.

The German Shepherd is a breed beloved and popular all over the world; it is an ideal human companion, an obedient dog that is not characterized by excessive independence, willfulness and stubbornness. This dog is easy to communicate with, she feels a person well and is infinitely devoted to him. Having an excellent sense of smell and the ability to trot allows the shepherd dog to accurately and confidently follow the trail, which is widely used in search and search services.

General impression

The German Shepherd is of medium size, with a slightly elongated body. It's muscular and strong dog strong build with rough, dry bones. Strong constitution correct form and the arrangement of the limbs provide the dog with a continuous movement at a creeping trot for a long time. Sexual dimorphism in purebred German Shepherds should be pronounced.

Along with the exterior, the animals' working qualities are assessed. Therefore, when looking at a dog that meets the standard, one should create a general impression of complete harmony of external and internal components, i.e. physical and mental qualities.

German Shepherd breed standard RKF

The standard characteristics of the German Shepherd of the Russian Canine Federation fully comply with the global requirements of the FCI standard.

Height and weight

Males at the withers should reach 64 cm with a weight of 30-42 kg, a female at the withers? 59 cm with a weight of 22-32 kg. With such proportions of height and weight, the dogs seem quite fit and graceful.


The dog is wedge-shaped, moderately wide, the forehead is slightly convex, without a groove or with its slight expression. The shepherd's skull, when viewed from above, smoothly tapers from the ears to the tip of the nose, and has a noticeable, but not sharp, transition to the muzzle.

The German Shepherd has highly developed jaws, they are powerful and have a standard formula of 42 teeth, which sit deep in the row. The bite is scissor-shaped, that is, the incisors intersect each other like scissors; according to the German Shepherd breed standard, an incorrect straight bite, overbite and underbite are unacceptable, as well as obvious gaps between the teeth, which is called intermittent delivery.

Bridge of the nose the dog is straight, a hump or a deflection is not welcome, lobe The nose must be black. The shepherd's lips are also dark in color, dry and tight-fitting.

Eyes almond-shaped, set slightly obliquely. The eye color of German Shepherd dogs should be dark, and the darker the better. The dog’s gaze and expression depend on this, so bright, piercing eyes are unacceptable.

In a German Shepherd ears held vertically, directed in one direction. As a rule, they are placed with the shell forward. When moving, the dog's ears may roll back, which is not a disadvantage. Broken ears and lop ears are undesirable.


in shepherd dogs it is strong, has well-developed muscles, without a layer of skin and fat on the throat. Forms an angle of about 45° with the body.


According to the standard, the length of the body should exceed the height of the animal at the withers, the ratio of parameters is approximately 9 to 10. An important indicator of the standard? depth of the chest, which ensures the proper functioning of the forelimbs. Depth is assessed along a vertical line: from the top of the withers to the sternum. The chest in the front section has oval shape, and its width affects the correct positioning of the animal’s limbs. The width is measured along the curved ribs. The back line of a German Shepherd should be flat and sloping; hunchback or concavity of the spine is unacceptable. A strong, strong back makes the dog graceful and allows long time don't feel tired.


Do German Shepherds have a long and slightly sloping croup? about 23°. to the horizontal, passing into the base of the tail.


The tail is no longer than the middle of the metatarsus, reaching the hock joint. On its upper side the fur is slightly shorter. The tail is carried in a smoothly hanging curve; when excited and moving, it rises, but not higher than the horizontal. Surgical tail correction is strictly prohibited.


When viewed from the front, the forelimbs are parallel, but when viewed from the side they are straight. The shoulder blades and shoulders are of equal length and adjacent to the body. The joint angles should ideally be 90°, but the standard allows up to 110°. The forearms have well-developed muscles. The pasterns are approximately one-third the length of the forearm and form an angle of 20-22° with it. Pasterns standing obliquely (more than 22°) or vertically (less than 20°) are not allowed, because it has bad influence on endurance and other qualities of the dog.

Hind limbs

Postav hind limbs slightly set back, but legs parallel when viewed from behind. The powerful thighs and lower legs are approximately the same length and form an angle of approximately 120°.

Hocks the dog has pronounced, rather strong, metatarsus located vertically under the joint.

Paws In shepherd dogs, the claws of dogs are rounded, collected into hard pads, strong, and have a dark tint.


Mandatory criterion for shepherd dogs? movement tests. A dog’s smooth, beautiful gait indicates the proper functioning of the animal’s muscles.

The German Shepherd is a trotter, therefore the animal’s limbs must be consistent in length and angles so that the dog can move the hind limbs to the full length of the body without an obvious change in the topline and easily carry the front limbs. Any predisposition to a decrease in the degree of angulation of the hind legs affects strength and endurance and, as a consequence, the performance qualities. With a proportional relationship between the body and the angles, shepherd dogs have light, sweeping forward movements parallel to the surface.

German Shepherd color and coat

Normal, standard wool dense and hard, has an undercoat. On the paws, toes and head it is short, on the neck and legs (up to the hocks) it is slightly thicker and longer and on back side hips forms the so-called "trousers". The outer hair is very thick, straight and coarse, lying close to the body.

The color of German Shepherds can be of different colors: monophonic black, monophonic gray and with shades, black with tan or shades of brown; saddleback, zone-red or gray. The absence of a characteristic “mask” and whitish blotches on the coat are considered faults.

According to standard leather German Shepherds should not form folds and fit loosely.


Males must have two developed testes in their scrotum.

Character and psyche of the breed

The character and mental state of the German Shepherd are regulated and typical for all representatives of this species. These are service dogs that are characterized by such traits as fearlessness, perseverance, fortitude, endurance, attentiveness, self-confidence, obedience, responsibility, etc.

For purebred German Shepherds, the standard requires a strong nervous system and natural behavior. The presence of such qualities makes it possible to consider the shepherd dog as a guard, shepherd or patrol dog.

Types of constitution of the German Shepherd

The concept of a constitution includes features anatomical structure and general physiological processes as indicators of viability. Differences in approaches to the study of the constitutional characteristics of German shepherds have led to the creation of several classifications. The most acceptable classification has become SV, which reflects slight differences in the type of structure of the shepherd dog:
  • "kraftig" - strong,
  • “craftvoll” – full of strength,
  • “mittelkraftig” – sufficient (average) strength.
Sharp deviations in the typical constitutional type, such as looseness, dryness or excessive coarseness, are considered uncharacteristic and are considered as defects.

Sex type

Sexual type is important sign, which characterizes the breed, sexual function and general health of the animal. Differences in morphology between males and females should be well expressed in external signs, in such a way that even with a quick glance one can accurately determine the gender of the shepherd. Males are larger, stronger, broad-bodied, look much more courageous than females, have developed bones and a stronger constitution. A characteristic differentiating feature is the head: in males it is larger and more prominent than in females, which are characterized by obvious signs of femininity. Also, males have wider and more massive chests, while females have a pronounced wide rump.

Deviations in sexual type are associated with pathological changes hormonal sphere and indicate a dog’s illness.

Males of the bitch type have a refined frame, a weak constitution, a light head and are characterized by nervousness and aggressiveness.

Bitches of the male type are, accordingly, coarse in constitution and have a massive, large head.

Of course, deviations in sexual type of any degree and form are regarded as defects.

Types of German Shepherd Condition

Condition? important indicator physical training shepherd dog, its state of health, which determines the possibility of both service/working and breeding use of the dog.

In relation to the shepherd, it is customary to distinguish the following: condition:

Factory (exhibition) condition

It is manifested in the good condition of the animal at all levels of assessment: well-groomed coat, fitness, good physical development. Ideal condition is achieved through proper, balanced diet, good conditions well-chosen content physical activity etc.

Working (training) condition

Typical for dogs that are constantly at work. Such shepherd dogs are distinguished by average fatness, well-developed muscles, and the dog’s behavior is characterized by a constant interest in the matter. The fat layer is thin, two false ribs are visible through it.

Excessive condition

It is characterized by excessive fatness of the animal and significant deposits of adipose tissue. The ribs of such dogs are not visible and are difficult to palpate. The muscles are usually loose, flabby, with layers of fat. This dog is inactive.

Hunger condition

Characterized by painful appearance and general weak condition, occurs as a result of underfeeding or due to illness. At the same time, the coat of shepherd dogs is dull, sticking out, there is no fat layer at all, the ribs stand out noticeably under the skin.

Vices and disadvantages of the breed

Any deviation from the German Shepherd breed standards is considered a fault and is considered according to the degree of deviation.


  • Ear defects: low set, pointed, rolled inward, weak.
  • pigment defects: light marks on the chest, light eyes, red tip of the tail, etc.
  • lack of general stability of the dog.
  • Dental defects: any deviation from a standard scissor bite or standard dental formula, unless due to disqualifying defects.

Disqualifying faults:

  • excessive nervousness, aggression in any form, cowardice;
  • deformation of the ears or tail;
  • deformities;
  • deficiencies of the dental system: absence of the 1st third premolar and one more tooth, 1st canine, 1st fourth premolar, 1st first molar or 2nd molar, three or more teeth;
  • jaw defects: undershot of 2 or more millimeters; undershot; straight bite (i.e. with all 12 incisors); height above or below the approved standard by more than 1 cm;
  • white coat color;
  • long guard hair;
  • cryptorchidism.

German Shepherd puppy standard

When choosing a puppy, you should be guided not by the first impression, but by the results of a thorough examination. Of course, if you are purchasing a dog “for the soul” and not a future show champion, the standards of the German Shepherd are not so important. However, keep in mind that deviations in the standard characteristics of the breed may upset your typical ideas about German Shepherds, and choosing a purebred “German” will save you from unpleasant surprises. You should buy a future champion puppy from well-known nurseries, where you can get acquainted with the characteristics of the parents and get valuable advice.

The standard of a German Shepherd puppy is invariably related to the physical and mental health. Examine the dog carefully. He should have smooth, glossy fur, clean, clear eyes with tight-fitting eyelids, and moderate fatness.

Shouldn't the ears of puppies up to 3-4 months have erect tips? this sign indicates a lack of vitamin D in the dog’s body and general violation phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

The color has something in common with the parent and is typical for the breed.

The eye color of German Shepherd puppies is usually dark, the infant blueness disappears by 2 months.

Pay attention to the general structure of the puppy’s body: the bones should be strong, slightly elongated, the shoulder girdle should be wide enough, the back should be straight, the tail without bumps and kinks should be “saber” shaped, not “donut”. The paws should be neat and round. The baby's muzzle should not be too narrow - this is a disadvantage.

Assessing a German Shepherd puppy in motion is quite difficult, but not impossible. If, while running, the baby actively pushes with his hind legs and throws his front legs far, this is an excellent sign of healthy joints. The baby's movements should be light, free and confident.

A healthy puppy behaves actively, playfully, and always has good mood, he is always curious. The baby shows interest in everything new and confidently stands among the others. If a puppy gets angry, growls and bites, this is not a sign of courage and courage, but rather of mental instability.

Disadvantages of puppies include:

  • Light eyes after 2-3 months of age.
  • Itching on the head in the ear area.
  • Short jaw, malocclusion.
  • Twisted limbs.
  • White or too light color.
  • Wavy coat.
  • Aggressive behavior.

Breed standards for German Shepherds are characterized by many parameters. This is not only height and weight, but also the characteristics of the dog’s build, the presence of the correct bite, eye color, and even the dog’s temperament. It is thanks to time-tested parameters that we present the German Shepherd not only as a beautiful, but also as a strong friend and protector of humans.

"Germans" are counted among large breeds dogs: males are characterized by height from 60 to 65 cm at the withers and weight from 30 to 40 kg, and for females - 55-60 cm and 22-32 kg, respectively.

However, in addition to height and weight, other dimensions or characteristics of the German Shepherd are assessed, from the proportions of the body structure to the color of the nose.

The eyes of a German Shepherd should be dark, and the darker their color, the better. Dogs with light eyes do not meet the standards.

3 months

The three-month-old puppy develops quickly, its height is about 40-45 cm, weight - 10-16 kg, and length - 44-50 cm.

4 months

By the end of the fourth month, German Shepherd puppies grow to 46-55 cm and weigh 15-20 kg. And the body length is 51-61 cm.

5 months

Five-month-old puppies continue to actively gain height and weight. At this age, they weigh between 18-26 kg, height at the withers reaches 51-58 cm, and the dog’s body length is 56-64 cm.

6 months

Six-month-old puppies already resemble in height and chest volume adult dog, the proportions practically do not change with age. This age is characterized by a height of 52-62 cm, a body length of 57-68 cm and a weight of 19 to 29 kg.

A correctly composed diet plays a major role in the correspondence between nominal and actual parameters, since upon achieving adolescence At six months, shepherd dogs begin to gain mainly only in muscle mass.

8 months

At eight months of age, a young representative of the breed weighs from 22 to 31 kg, and height is about 53 to 63 cm with a body length of 58 to 69 cm.

10 months

IN this period In the puppy's body, an active increase in flat bones (ribs, etc.) occurs; around this period, in boys, the testicles descend into a special sac, and in girls, the first heat occurs. The dog gains approximately 1-3 cm in height, reaching 54-62 cm at the withers with a weight of 27 to 33 kg. and body length approximately 59-69 cm.

1 year

One-year-old dogs already look like adults, but during this period the final formation of the nervous system occurs. Over the next year, the dog matures, and “teenage” conflicts with the owner often occur. The height of one-year-old German Shepherds reaches 55-63 cm, the body length is 61-70 cm, and the weight is 30-34 kg.

Growth chart by month

Generalized data on the main indicators of development of a German Shepherd puppy are provided in the summary table, however, individual development indicators in the first year of life may differ slightly due to the characteristics of the dog’s maturation, nutrition, gender, etc.

Age in months Height at withers (cm) Male weight (kg) Bitch weight (kg) Chest circumference (cm)
1 month 19-21 3.5-4.2 3-3.3 28-31
2 months 32-38 8.5-9 7.5-8 46-49
3 months 40-48 14-14.2 12-12.3 56-59
4 months 47-56 19-20 16-16.4 60-64
5 months 51-58 22-22.9 20-21.7 65-70
6 months 52-60 24-26 22.5-23 68-72
7 months 53-61 28-28.4 23-24.7 70-72
8 months 53-61 29-30 25-25.3 72-74
9 months 53-61 30.5-32 26.1-26.5 74-75
10 months 54-62 31.9-32.3 27-27.5 74-75
11 months 54-62 33-33.5 28-29 75-76
12 months 55-63 33-34 30-32 75-76

If you decide to connect your life with a purebred German, then you simply need to read and study this article. Today we will look at the German Shepherd standard adopted and approved by the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation).

Your choice is quite understandable, because it is difficult to find a more devoted friend and partner. This dog is courageous, extremely energetic, cheerful and versatile. Still, it’s not enough to want to take the puppy home. You need to know a lot useful information which will help in . It is worth noting that dog breeds are constantly being modernized, so the standard cannot designate one thing that has formed. Deviations and changes are recorded in it from time to time. The basic properties and norms of the breed are described in detail, specifying its type, highlighting subtle differences and characteristic features that belong to this particular dog.

This emotional dog is very obedient, easily adapts to any environment, shows partiality to the owner’s commands, carrying them out with joy. It attacks only on the orders of the owner, while the rest of the time it remains calm and attentive, friendly to its constant surroundings. Shows courage and is wary of strangers. Has courage, determination and confidence. Caring, submissive, loyal - these qualities make this dog breed a worthy friend, especially invaluable for protection.

A standard-fit German Shepherd evokes a sense of primal power. A subtle mind and animal flexibility express a purebred predisposition. It is about such animals that they say: “In healthy body there is a healthy mind."

Based on all this, a standard was adopted that implies the physical and psychological properties of the breed. It expresses the external characteristic features of the dog. Quality improvements have placed emphasis on correct anatomical structure, the hallmarks of which are healthy disposition and beautiful nature.

Only experts with extensive experience can determine the German Shepherd's susceptibility to regime and service. They also check the certification of dogs for mental state and physical fitness.

The breed standard is affected by all sorts of deficiencies. Too little or too much of it leads to various deviations. Such as cowardice, excessive excitability, apathy, nervousness, low performance. Incorrect body constitution, small testes, flawed posture, lack of pigment - albinos, underdeveloped physique, defects in endurance of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

Now let's look at all this in more detail.

Refined appearance, discipline, energy, neatness are exemplary traits of the breed. A breeding dog with an excellent sense of smell and absolute hearing aid, stable central nervous system. Athletic and large build, slightly stretched, above average size.

The ratio of height and length is 9:10, respectively, height is less than length by about 10%.

Average height recorded by the standard:

  • For males – 63 cm;
  • For females – 56 cm.

A deviation of 2 centimeters is possible. Changes in different directions from the average height significantly reduce the pet's advantages.

The constitution of the body guarantees the feasibility of long running, and the coat protects from natural weather influences.

Sexual characteristics of cables and bitches are extremely pronounced. Clearly expressed, developed two testes near the cables are located in the scrotum.

Now let's look at the exterior of the German Shepherd, those predominant characteristics, the preservation of which is necessary when breeding pedigree breeds.

Musculoskeletal system

The spine is the basis of the body; the rest of the dog’s proportions depend on its ratio.

With exact correspondence of length and symmetry to height, the bones form an excellent motor system. There is a feeling of movement, devoid of tension. When running serenely, the dog's limbs move in a diagonal progression, forming a continuous line from the end of the tail to the end of the ears.

The heights are combined as follows: the front legs move the same distance as the hind legs, approximately to the middle of the body. Any shift hind paw reduces durability and strength.


Front end

Examination from any side reveals that the front feet are straight and have round, strong pads with strong nails. When viewed from the front, you can see that the legs are parallel. On the long shoulder are smooth, powerful shoulder blades and shoulder levers. The ideal angle between them is 90 degrees, 110 degrees is acceptable.

The length is slightly greater than the height, somewhere around 55-58%. The elbows are pressed to the chest and set straight back. When moving, or in a position of rest, they cannot be twisted or shifted.

The proportional, strong forearm forms a slope of 20-22 degrees. If the slope is less than 20 degrees, then this has a negative impact on durability and quality.

Disadvantages: Extremely vertical stance of the forelimbs is a flaw.

Rear end

When viewed from behind, the legs are straight and slightly set back beyond the line of the ischial tuberosities. Muscular, equal shins, connecting to the thigh, form a knee angle of 120 degrees. Well defined hock joints are strong and set low. The oval, compact feet have dark, durable pads with strong nails. IN early age dewclaws are eliminated.

Disadvantages: The right angle of the joints is considered a defect.


Considered a trotter, the German Shepherd has a slightly elongated build. Accordingly, the length of the body itself exceeds the height at the withers by 110-115%. This body constitution allows the German to move quite casually and economically.


A well-furred bushy tail curls and rises as it moves. Whereas in a calm state it hangs down, forming an arc, with a slight slope. Artificial intervention in correction is absolutely impossible.

Disadvantages: The tail should not be extremely short and should not be screwed into a ring.


In a calm state, a strong, muscular neck is at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body, has no skin folds. When excited, the dog holds its neck high, while during the trot it is held at the level of the back, forming a straight line.

Disadvantages: Disadvantages include a neck that is too long or, conversely, short, and the presence of folds on the skin.


The moderately broad, deep chest forms an angle of 48 degrees from the height at the withers. The developed lower part is sharply defined and oblong. The ribs reaching the sternum are at the level of the elbows and are attached to the spine by strong muscles.

Disadvantages: Breast defects such as too large or, conversely, small; hollowness can lead to displacement of the elbow joints.

Small of the back

Because rib cage located far back, the loin is relatively short. At the same time, it is extremely developed and wide.

Disadvantages: Deviations from the norm – the lower back is too long.


Moderately smart.

Disadvantages: A defect is considered to be a stomach that is too tucked, drooping or straight.


A strong and straight back has well-developed muscles. At the same time, the gap between the withers and the croup is small.

Disadvantages: The defect is determined by the back being too narrow. Also defects are a hunchbacked and arched back.


The long croup, which extends evenly into the base of the tail, falls slightly toward the topline at an angle of 23 degrees. The bone base is created by the sacrum and hip bone.

Disadvantages: Short, horizontal or sloping croup is unsuitable.


In contrast to the back, the withers are well defined. A smooth transition of the fairly long and high withers to the back forms a slight slope.


Volume hips have a strong muscle group.


After changing the coat, the final color of the breeding puppies can be determined. With the obligatory black color of the nose, the following basic and very common colors are recorded: zone-gray, saddle-back, black. About 90% of dogs are black-backed in color. The saturation of this color varies: from black to red.

Disadvantages: The inner surface is too light, white marks on the chest are a defect. A red tip of the tail is also considered unacceptable.


The rough hair on the head is shorter and softer to the touch than on the legs, toes, neck and back surface ears. On the hips it forms something like pants.

  • normal coat;
  • long-haired breeding dog;
  • long-haired shepherd.

Disadvantages: Too thick, long coat is considered a fault. Especially on the tail.


The not very massive wedge-shaped head is in harmony with the size of the body, accounting for 40% of the height of the breeding dog.

Top part

This part of the head, constituting 50% of the total length, when viewed from above, tapers equally towards the nose and has a wedge shape.

Disadvantages: A head that is out of proportion is a defect.


The forehead, slightly convex when viewed from the side, has a faint furrow in the middle.


Cheekbones that do not protrude from the sides are rounded.


Thin, dense lips should be dry to the touch.


A healthy jaw should have a full set of strong teeth - 42 pcs. (22 in the bottom row, 20 in the top). A scissor bite is required, in this form upper incisors cover the lower ones. Replacement of dairy products (28 pcs.) with indigenous ones takes place within five months.

Disadvantages: The defect is yellow plaque and broken teeth, worn out beyond their age, interfering correct bite. Lightweight bottom the jaw indicates a deviation from the desired body type.


The high-set ears, wide at the base, have the average size. They are directed with the shell forward and have a pointed appearance. Although puppies of this breed are up to six months old, when their teeth are replaced, they may hang, with an inward direction. When excited or lying down, a breeding dog may flatten its ears. This is not considered a violation.

Faults: Semi-erect ears hanging on soft cartilage.


The asymmetrically set almond-shaped eyes are medium in size. Their tone matches the coat color, presumably dark. The intelligent expression in the eyes is slightly expectant.

Disadvantages: Deep-set, bug-eyed eyes that are too light in color.


A noble and harmonious German Shepherd must have absolutely all the pronounced properties of its magnificent breed.

Any deviation from the standard indicates less breeding compliance of the dog.

Dla psa, 22-32 kg dla suki

Classification IFF Grupa I, Sekcja 1, Breed standard 166 A.K.C. Herding ANKC Grupa 5 (Working Dogs) CKC Grupa 7 - Herding Dogs KC(UK) Pastoral NZKC Working UKC Herding Dog Breeds Links FCI AKC ANKC CKC
KC(UK) NZKC UKC Additional illustrations are available on Wikimedia Commons

Country of origin Germany.
FCI classification dated March 23, 1991: Group 1. Guard and racing dogs; Section 1. Shepherd dogs with working tests. Use: police dog, guide dog, rescue dog, shepherd.


The breed standard was first drawn up by Stefanitz and Meyer in 1899. The original text was updated at the 6th Assembly of the SV Club members, held on July 28, 1901, at the 23rd Assembly, held on September 17, 1909 in Cologne, at a meeting of the Council directors and Advisory Committee in Wiesbaden on September 5, 1930 and at the meeting of the Breeding Commission and Board of Directors on March 25, 1961. The text was then revised by the World Union of German Shepherd Societies (WUSV) and adopted at the WUSV meeting on August 30, 1976. Last time the standard was rewritten and restructured on March 23-24, 1991 by decision of the Board of Directors and Advisory Committee.

General form

The German Shepherd is a dog of medium height, slightly longer than tall, strong, with well-developed muscles, lean, strong bones.

Basic proportions

Height at the withers: males 60-65 cm, females 55-60 cm. The length of the body exceeds the height at the withers by 10-17%.

Behavior and character

The German Shepherd should be balanced, self-confident, completely natural and not aggressive (except in situations when it is excited), attentive and obedient. She must be brave, have a strong character and be endowed with a fighting instinct.


The head is wedge-shaped, proportional in size (its length is approximately equal to 40% of the height at the withers), not heavy and not too elongated, dry in general appearance, of moderate width from ear to ear. In front and in profile, the forehead is slightly convex without or with a weakly defined mid-frontal depression. The ratio between the length of the skull and the length of the muzzle is 1:1. The width of the skull should be approximately equal to its length. When viewed from above, from the ears to the tip of the nose, the skull tapers proportionally; a mild fracture connects the forehead to the wedge-shaped muzzle. The upper and lower jaws are highly developed. The muzzle is straight; a snub-nosed, concave or curved muzzle is undesirable. The lips are tight-fitting, dark in color.


Must be black.


Teeth must be strong, healthy, in full set (42 teeth). The German Shepherd has a scissor bite, which means the upper incisors overlap the lower incisors like scissors. Pincer bite, underbite and overbite are defects, as is the presence of too much space between the teeth (spread teeth). Straightness of the arcade of teeth is also a defect. The jaws must be well developed to allow deep rooting of the teeth


The eyes are of medium size, almond-shaped, set slightly obliquely, neither protruding nor sunken. Should be as dark as possible. Light, cold eyes that change the dog's natural expression are undesirable.


The ears are erect, medium in size, symmetrical, held vertically (not spread to the sides); placed shell forward, with sharp ends. Semi-erect or drooping ears are a fault. When the dog is resting or in motion, the ears can be laid back, which does not disqualify him.


The neck is powerful, muscular and without folds of skin on the throat. Placed at an angle of approximately 45° to the horizontal.


The topline runs without visible interruption from a pronounced occipital protuberance through a well-developed scruff and slightly sloping back to a slightly sloping croup. The back is strong, powerful and muscular. The loin is wide, well developed and muscular. The croup is elongated and slightly sloping (angle to horizontal approximately 23"), blending smoothly to the base of the tail.


The chest should be moderately broad with a fairly long and clearly defined sternum. The height of the chest should be approximately 45 - 48% of the height of the withers. The ribs should be moderately curved. Individuals with a barrel-shaped or too flat chest do not meet the standard.


The tail is carried down in a smooth arch, reaching the hock joint, but should not fall below the middle of the metatarsus. When the dog is excited or at work, it is raised, but never rises higher horizontal position. The hair on the underside of the tail is slightly longer. Any surgical intervention forbidden.



When viewed from any position, the forelimbs are straight and parallel. The shoulder blade and shoulder are the same length, well fixed to the body thanks to powerful muscles. The shoulder blade and shoulder ideally form an angle of 90°, but in practice - up to 110°. Neither while standing nor in motion should the elbows be turned outward or tucked toward the body. When viewed from any position, the forearms are straight and absolutely parallel to each other, dry and equipped with strong muscles. The length of the metacarpus is approximately one-third the length of the forearm; it forms an angle of 20-22° with the latter. A pastern that is too inclined (more than 22°), as well as a pastern that is too straight (less than 20°), have a negative impact on the dog’s use, and primarily on its endurance. The paws are oval, the toes are tightly compressed, curved, the pads are hard and not subject to cracking; The claws are hard and dark in color.

Hind limbs

The hind limbs are slightly laid back, remaining parallel to each other when viewed from behind. The thigh and lower leg are approximately the same length and form an angle of about 120° between themselves. The thighs are powerful and muscular. The hock joint is tight and strong; the metatarsus under the hock is perpendicular to the surface. The toes are tightly clenched, slightly curved, the pads are hard and dark in color; The claws are hard, curved and also dark in color.


The main gait of the German Shepherd is the trot. Elongated legs with clearly defined angles should be so balanced that without visible changes in the line of the back, the hind legs can move under the body, and the front legs can move the same distance forward. When running at a calm, rhythmic trot, the head is directed forward, the tail is slightly raised, and a soft, harmonious and continuous top line is formed from the tips of the ears through the back of the head to the back and to the tail.


The skin softly fits the body without forming folds.

Hair and color

Hair structure

The German Shepherd's coat consists of guard hair and undercoat. The guard coat should be thick, straight, hard and tight-fitting. The hair is shorter on the head, including inside auricle, on the front surface of the limbs, on the paws and fingers; it is somewhat longer and more abundant on the neck. On the inner side of the legs, the hair reaches the wrist or hock, forming pants of moderate width behind the hips.

Hair color

Black with reddish-brown, brown, yellow or light gray tan markings. Combination of black and gray (dark gray color). Black mask and saddle cloth. Small white markings on the chest or very light coloring on the inside of the legs are acceptable, but not desirable. The nose should be black for any hair color. Lack of a mask, light eyes, light or whitish markings on the chest and inside of the limbs, light claws and a reddish tip of the tail are penalized as manifestations of insufficient pigmentation. The undercoat is light gray; white is not acceptable.

Height and weight

Males: height at withers 60-65 cm, weight 30-40 kg. Bitches: height at withers 55-60 cm, weight 22-32 kg.


Any deviation from the signs described above is considered a vice and is punished depending on the severity.

Serious vices

Any deviation from the existing standard that negatively affects the working qualities of the dog.

Ear defects: ears located on the sides, too low, semi-dropping, hanging on the sides, erect without elasticity. Significant pigmentation defects. Significantly reduced overall stamina. Dental defects: any deviation from a scissor bite and dental formula.

Disqualifying faults

Dogs that are weak in character, biting or mentally unstable.