Bleeding in the chest from the nose. There is blood from the nose of a child: an overview of the reasons, what to do? Traditional medicine in the fight against discharge from the nose of the baby

A runny nose with blood in a baby is a definite reason to show the child to the pediatrician. Usually, this symptom observed in older children in response to strong nose blowing and finger picking in the nose. Since infants do not know how to do all this, their blood in the snot can be a sign of serious illness.

The causes of blood in the mucus with a runny nose are:

  1. Rupture of one or more capillaries in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx;
  2. The appearance of wounds, ulcers and cracks in the mucosa.

But these reasons are already secondary. But what leads to the destruction of blood vessels or to the appearance of wounds in the nose, the doctor should already find out.

What does a runny nose with blood in a baby mean?

Most dangerous diseases, in which the baby can constantly experience this symptom - various violations blood clotting, including hemophilia. And although it is known that with this disease, hemorrhages most often occur inside the body, it is the blood streaks in the mucus from the nose of the baby that can be one of the first signs of the disease.

In addition, this symptom may be caused by increased intracranial pressure. If so, what formerly doctor will establish such a connection, the more effective will be further treatment in order to normalize this pressure.

A large amount of spotting in the snot is a sign of serious damage to the mucosa.

Rhinitis provokes vascular damage. Blood in small quantities and infrequently (once a day) may be present in the snot with severe rhinitis of a viral or bacterial nature. Treatment is needed to relieve symptoms infectious disease. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Sometimes the cause of bloody discharge in the snot in the baby can be the wrong home treatment viral or bacterial cold. For example:

  1. With frequent and long-term use vasoconstrictor drops(even specially adapted for infants) the nasal mucosa dries up, drug-induced rhinitis will develop in parallel, which will lead to cracking of dry mucus and the appearance of bleeding wounds;
  2. When a child is instilled into the nose of onion juice, garlic, some hormonal drops, extensive ulcers of the mucous membrane develop.

Avitaminosis, namely the lack of vitamin C in the diet, can also be the cause of fragility of the capillaries in the nose and, as a result, bloody discharge from the nose.

On a note

It is necessary to be able to distinguish a runny nose with blood from nosebleeds. In the first case, the symptom manifests itself only with the release of snot, and in the second case, there is no dependence on mucus production and sneezing.

Blood without snot is a sign of mechanical damage to the nasal mucosa or capillary fragility.

Useful video: causes of nosebleeds

Blood in the snot from the nose: when you do not need to call a doctor

It is not always necessary to call a doctor in this situation. This is not required if:

  1. Blood appeared in the snot one or more times in very small quantities - literally in the form of one or two veins. These are only accidental injuries that can be caused by crying or manipulating the aspirator. However, if these vascular injuries are permanent or they are large, then this is already a reason to show the baby to the doctor;
  2. The symptom appeared after the mucus in the child's nose dried up. The initial fault for this lies with the parents, who did not provide adequate moisture to the nasal mucosa of the infant, as well as the air in the room. Dry crusts in the nose baby crack easily and form bleeding wounds. However, this does not last long - at most 15-20 minutes, until the wound heals. In this case, parents need to constantly drip saline into the child’s nose to moisturize the nasal mucosa, and lubricate the crusts in the nose at night simple oils- vaseline, olive, peach.

With the formation of crusts in the nose of a child and the risk of wounds and cracks, the mucous membrane must be constantly moistened.

Once again, we note that you can not go to the doctor if bloody issues rarely appears in nasal mucus and there are few of them.

“We have a whole misfortune. The whole first year of life, whatever a runny nose, so the blood in the snot. We took Sasha to the doctor, took tests, nothing suspicious. ENT suspects just fragility of blood vessels, prescribed complexes with ascorbic acid. But somewhere in the year and a half, all this passed. Maybe the ascorbic acid worked, maybe just the nose got stronger.

Olga, Essentuki

What to do if a baby has a runny nose with bloody discharge

If the baby has this symptom, then you should consult a doctor. If the child does not have an obvious SARS or bacterial rhinitis, and the symptoms appear constantly, especially every day or with every blowing of the nose, the reason for this must be found out.

Modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of tools that will help even a child with hematopoiesis to feel normal.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe means to strengthen the nasal mucosa and systemic drugs. It is impossible to try to give a child decoctions of herbs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, or even more so to smear his nose with ointments. Once again, we note that without knowing the reasons, it is impossible to carry out treatment, since there is a risk of complications.

Remember: infant- this is not an object for experiments and testing the advice of grandmothers and unknown authors on the forums. Only a doctor can evaluate all clinical picture, find out the cause and prescribe an adequate treatment. Correspondence treatment is unacceptable here!

Nosebleeds in a child

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last update articles: 13.02.2019

The main task of the nasal mucosa of an infant and an adult is the most reliable protection against the penetration of viruses, bacteria and even foreign particles, as well as the preparation and purification of the air that enters the lungs. But this is often the case, especially in childhood that the nasal mucosa "fails" and temporarily does not fulfill its functions. A runny nose sets in, mucus and secretions interfere with breathing, multiplying bacteria stain them yellow and green.

And suddenly the parents of the baby notice that along with the snot from the child's nose appear bleeding. Of course, such an unpleasant situation is not normal, but you should not be very scared and panicked. The reasons for the appearance of snot with blood in a child can be very different and do not necessarily indicate the development of a serious nose disease.

A distinction should immediately be made between nosebleeds and the presence of small bloody streaks and blotches in the mucus secreted during a runny nose.

The first situation is an unusual condition and requires a mandatory visit to the doctor, especially after a child's head injury.

The second - the phenomenon is quite frequent and in most cases not dangerous. It is necessary to clearly understand the situation and carefully monitor all possible reasons to clearly find out why bloody discharge from the nose of the baby appeared.

Causes of blood in a cold

In young children, the capillary walls of the nasal mucosa are still very weak and are in the process of formation and strengthening. A huge number of tiny blood vessels and capillaries pass through the nose. Impact of many external factors(most often of a mechanical nature) can damage them, due to which small bloody fragments come out with nasal secretions.

  1. Young children often put their fingers in their nose, especially with a runny nose and irritation of the nose. The mucous membrane of the nose is easily damaged if the newborn has grown nails.
  2. Damage to blood vessels and capillaries also often occurs due to the drying of the walls of the mucous membrane of the newborn's nose. Dry and rather hot air in the room where the child is located negatively affects the nasal mucosa. Most pediatricians advise to humidify and not overheat the nursery, especially in winter time when electric heaters are used.

Discharge from the nose with some blood is not a disease, but simply a symptom of some kind of problem, identifying which you can take appropriate measures.

  1. Fragile and weak vessels in the nose of a newborn may burst and bleed due to a lack of vitamins and minerals (most often vitamin C). Reception prescribed by a pediatrician vitamin complexes guaranteed to correct the fragility and fragility of blood vessels, as well as increase the immunity of the baby.
  2. A viral infection is also often the cause of blood in a runny nose in crumbs. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract thin the nasal capillaries, and blood appears on its own along with the nasal mucus. To eliminate thinning and cure a bloody runny nose in such cases, instillation of moisturizing preparations with sea salt into the nose helps.
  3. Usually, attentive pediatricians, due to blood discharge, consider the option of increased intracranial pressure and spasms of cerebral vessels in a baby. In children under one year old, this option is quite rare, but it should be excluded in any case.
  4. If the color of the nasal discharge in a child is green or yellow with small streaks of blood, while the child is crying and has a fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. These discharges and symptoms may be signs of inflammation of the sinuses.

How to treat bleeding from the nose of a newborn

If the bleeding is not associated with spasms of cerebral vessels or inflammatory processes of the ENT character, the rest of the above situations do not require special treatment. Children's specialists usually recommend general activities preventive nature.

Humidify the room more often. To do this, you can put an ionizer or humidifier. More simple and affordable way- usage wet towel to a hot battery. You can carry out express humidification of the air by spraying a small amount of water from a spray bottle.

Fresh air at least 3 times a day in winter and much more often in summer should enter the room in which the newborn is predominantly located.

You should walk more often with the baby on fresh air preferably in a forest or park. Unless the doctor recommends otherwise, a child can cope with blood snot by instilling a spout with saline with the addition of a small amount sea ​​salt. Also, pharmacies sell special moisturizing preparations for the mucous membrane of a child's nose.

Do not self-medicate in any case! The baby must be shown to an ENT specialist who can accurately determine the reasons why the child has snot with blood, will give necessary recommendations or prescribe appropriate treatment.

Traditional medicine in the fight against discharge from the nose of the baby

If the causes are physiological, moisturizing the nasal passages with natural oils gives a good healing result. plant origin. You can instill 2 drops of oil 2 times a day in each nostril of the baby. Or (if possible) insert small cotton swabs soaked in oil into the nose of the baby. It can be olive oil, sea buckthorn tea tree or rosehip.

Nosebleeds are much more common in children than in adults. The problem is due to the special structure of the nose in babies. The mucous membrane in the nasal cavity is thin and tender, blood vessels are close to the surface, any minor damage can lead to bleeding.

Often the problem is quickly solved, does not pose any threat to life. Sometimes blood from the nose signals the course of a serious illness that should not be left to chance. Each parent should know the methods to stop bleeding from the nose, further actions.

Possible causes of nosebleeds in children

The appearance of a problem worries parents very much, it is important to first find out the cause of the bleeding, and immediately eliminate it.

Why does a child's nose bleed? Doctors identify several main factors that affect the appearance of bleeding from the nasal cavity in a child:

  • mechanical injury. Children are big fans of picking their nose with their fingers, which leads to injury to the nasal mucosa. Damage can be obtained as a result of a strong blow to the nose. A frequent occurrence is a foreign object in the sinuses, sometimes blood appears when trying to pull it out;
  • bacterial and viral diseases. Many viruses (flu, scarlet fever, measles, adenoviruses) tend to infect the nasal mucosa, causing inflammatory process. The disease leads to thinning of the blood vessels, they do not withstand stress, burst. Doctors call this phenomenon symptomatic bleeding;
  • permanent tamponade (use of tampons to stop bleeding). In this case, a vicious circle is formed: when heavy bleeding a procedure called tamponade is shown from the nose, the constant pressing of blood vessels against the walls, cartilage leads to blocking of blood flow to them. Frequent lack of nutrition leads to atrophy of blood vessels, they do not cope with the task. It turns out that the more often we treat, the worse the baby becomes. Do prevention instead of frequent treatment;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs. This group includes Nazol, Nazivin, Nozakar, Galazolin and others. Medicines cause vascular atrophy, as a result - the frequent occurrence of problems in the baby;
  • individual building features. Scientists have proven that the curvature of the nasal septum provokes frequent bleeding from the nose;
  • acquired or hereditary diseases. Some ailments (vasculitis, lupus, hemophilia, thrombocytopathy) lead to poor blood clotting, weakening of the walls of blood vessels. The combination of negative factors leads to minor bleeding, the blood does not coagulate well, forming inflammation, as a result of frequent bleeding;
  • dry air. Drying of the nasal mucosa provokes the appearance of microcracks, vascular atrophy;
  • violations at work endocrine system. Hormonal disbalance observed in girls during puberty, substances lead to high blood pressure, the mucous membranes of the nose swell, the vessels do not withstand, they begin to burst;
  • various educations. Children are often diagnosed with the presence of polyps, they provoke the constant appearance of blood from the sinuses. There are frequent cases of the presence of angioma (benign formation), these tumors can appear anywhere where the vessels are concentrated. In most cases, the formations go away on their own, sometimes medical intervention is necessary. The cause of persistent bleeding can be malignant tumors that require immediate medical attention;
  • detrimental effect environment. The problem may appear as a result of contact with the nasal mucosa of household chemicals, acids, when the body is exposed to radiation;
  • diseases internal organs, systems, beriberi. Malfunctions inside the body (hepatitis, leukemia, lack of vitamins C, P) are expressed in an unusual form. The frequent appearance of blood from the nose of the crumbs is a serious reason to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body;
  • high pressure. The phenomenon is unusual for children, but is sometimes diagnosed;
  • nervous tension. Severe stress, screaming, crying can cause this phenomenon;
  • the appearance of blood from the nose may be bleeding from other organs (stomach or esophagus).

It is difficult to independently identify the cause of the problem in a child. Frequent bleeding from the sinuses in a crumb is a serious reason to visit a doctor. In some cases, the help of several specialists is required: a pediatrician, an infectious disease specialist, an ENT specialist, a gastroenterologist, and others.

Types of pathology

When identifying nosebleeds in a baby, first find out the type of problem. Doctors divide bleeding into two types: anterior and posterior. The first type is characterized by the appearance of blood from vessels located on the surface of the lower part of the nasal septum. These places are very easy to damage, this type is often found. It is easy to deal with it at home, the blood does not go long, it stops well.

The second type includes bleeding provoked by problems inside the body. The blood is hard to stop, it comes from rear wall nasal cavity. At the same time, the child's condition deteriorates sharply, an urgent health care. Be sure to visit a specialist even with minor injuries, to prevent serious damage.

What to do

Not all parents know what to do if a child suddenly has bloody discharge from the nose area. The main thing is to stop the bleeding in time, only then deal with finding out the cause of the trouble.

First aid

How to stop a nosebleed in a child? It is not always necessary to call doctors at home; in most cases, mom or dad will be able to cope with the problem on their own. To stop the bleeding from the baby's nasal cavity, use the following: useful tips:

  • reassure the child first. The sight of blood scares the baby, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, aggravating the situation. It is advisable to calm everyone around, extra panic around the crumbs usually does not end in anything good;
  • move the baby to vertical position. After a few minutes, turn the child's head slightly forward, manipulation will allow the remaining blood to flow out. Using this method, you can determine from which department the bleeding began. Even with babies, do the same;
  • it is forbidden to tilt your head back, actions can lead to blood getting into the throat, the child chokes, vomiting begins, the condition of the crumbs worsens significantly;
  • many do not know that sometimes the baby simply does not have enough air. Be sure to remove all things that are embarrassing normal breathing baby, ask the child to inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Place a handkerchief dipped in cold water Wrap your feet in a warm blanket. Unusual manipulations contribute to increased blood circulation in the legs, slowing down the process in the nose;
  • weak vessels located close to the nasal septum - common causes bleeding from the nose. That is why pinching this area with two fingers stops the bleeding. If the method does not help, insert a swab of sterile gauze into the nose of the crumbs, first be sure to soak it in hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to use various vasoconstrictor drugs (Nafthyzin, Otrivin);
  • Sometimes a foreign object can cause discomfort in the nose. In no case do not get it yourself, an unsuccessful attempt may result in the toy getting into Airways, suffocate. Reassure the baby, call the doctor immediately;
  • if the baby has other symptoms (loss of consciousness, headaches), in addition to bleeding, consult a specialist. Before the arrival of the ambulance, control the baby's pulse, try to keep him conscious. In this case, a comprehensive examination of the body is required.

After the bleeding has stopped, let the child sleep, limit physical exercise. In the next few days, make sure that the baby does not touch the nose, hot drinks are prohibited, they increase arterial pressure.

When using vasoconstrictors, insert a cotton swab treated with petroleum jelly into the baby's nose. Such manipulations will prevent the drying of the mucous membranes. In any case, visit a doctor, find out the cause of the sudden problem.

When to Call Medics Immediately

It is allowed to self-medicate only the first 10 minutes after the appearance of blood from the cavity of the nose of the crumbs. A delay in calling a doctor can end in failure.

Cases requiring medical attention:

  • the blood does not stop for 20 minutes, although you have followed all of the above recommendations;
  • discharge of blood occurs simultaneously from two nostrils. Pathology indicates the seriousness of the situation;
  • spotting is observed not only from the nasal cavity (sometimes adolescent girls have vaginal bleeding, which may indicate early pregnancy, other pathologies);
  • the situation is repeated with particular constancy, a lot of blood flows from the nasal openings.

Note! The above cases require immediate hospitalization, doctors will find out the causes of the pathology, prescribe the correct course of treatment. Recurrent bleeding requires integrated approach to the problem, consultations of several doctors.

Prohibited actions

  • tilt your head back;
  • move actively;
  • speak;
  • try to blow the blood clots out.

Further treatment

It all depends on the cause of the problem. After stopping the bleeding, doctors identify a negative factor. If the pathology is hidden in the anterior parts of the nasal cavity, proven means are used: cauterization with electricity, laser, nitrogen. Modern technologies help prevent the reappearance of blood from the nose of the crumbs.

Abundant blood loss from the posterior nasal cavity can lead to vomiting, lethal outcome. Sometimes required surgical intervention: the doctor bandages large vessels that supply blood to the damaged area. Then the cause of the appearance of the pathology is clarified, the appropriate treatment is prescribed. A timely diagnosis can save a child's life, do not delay treatment.

Bleeding from the nasal cavity is not a disease, but preventive measures exist:

  • wean the crumbs from picking your nose;
  • humidify the air in the apartment, especially in winter period;
  • temper the baby, increase immunity;
  • do not allow beriberi, balance the diet of the crumbs;
  • treat ENT diseases in a timely manner.

Pay attention to the health of the baby, take precautions. If the blood from the nose of the crumbs still appeared, use the useful tips, be healthy!

More interesting information about nosebleeds in children in the following video:

When a child has snot with blood, both he and his parents are frightened. However, such a symptom does not always indicate the development of a serious disease. To understand where the blood came from in the mucous secretions, the structure of the nasal mucosa helps. Since it is enriched with the smallest blood vessels, when they are damaged, blood is released, which stains the snot. There is no pathology in this case - when the capillaries burst, doctors talk about their weakness.

Mucous discharge streaked with blood and nose bleed are different phenomena. If in the first case the blood is released in small quantities, then in the second it expires along with the snot and signals damage. large vessel. With nosebleeds, the child needs medical attention.

Why does a child have bloody snot?

Whether treatment of snot with blood in a baby is required depends on the cause that caused them.

  1. The most common occurrence, as mentioned above, is mechanical damage. Children often pick their nose, to which the delicate mucous membrane reacts with the release of blood. With a thorough blowing of the snot, blood is also released.
  2. If the blood in the child's snot is visible in the morning, doctors associate it with an increase in the dryness of the nasal mucosa. Parents are advised to maintain optimal humidity in the room where the baby is located. It is very important to observe this rule in the cold season.
  3. In infants, blotches of blood in the nasal mucosa are explained frequent use vasoconstrictor drugs and deficiency of vitamin C. Capillaries weaken, their walls become thinner and burst under the slightest load. Under the age of 1 year, bloody snot can be a sign of rhinitis - inflammatory disease internal nasal tissues.
  4. At an older age, blood in the snot appears against the background of changes inherent in puberty.
  5. Bloody streaks in nasal secretions in children may be due to increased intracranial pressure. This deviation is observed in many patients of a pediatric otolaryngologist. Additionally, they complain of nausea, weakness, headaches.

Snot with blood: variations in children

When blood clots come out with green thick snot, this indicates the defeat of the nasopharynx with a viral-bacterial infection.

As long as the discharge remains pale, the problem can be solved by frequent walks in the fresh air and rinsing the nose with saline.

If the snot has a rich herbal color and is replete with bloody clots, the child must be urgently shown to the ENT doctor. After complex diagnostics specialist will prescribe home drug treatment or send the child to a hospital if he is convinced of an acute infection of the body.

Thick snot with pus is whitish in color. They are the result of the influence of any substance that irritates children's body. The predominance of pus over mucus is one of the main signs of acute sinusitis.

Abundant flow of yellow or orange snot with bloody inclusions refers to the symptoms acute inflammation upper division respiratory system. Against the background of pathology, the vessels burst and release blood. The accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the sinuses slows down the healing of capillaries. A prolonged runny nose with blood of a similar nature requires urgent hospitalization of the child.

Other reasons for a mandatory visit to the doctor are:

  • early age of the child (babies and toddlers up to 3 years);
  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the nose after a head injury;
  • bleeding after blowing your nose, which cannot be stopped within half an hour;
  • combination of blood snot with high temperature, rashes on the body, intolerable skin itching.

In the treatment of bloody snot, otolaryngologists focus on strengthening vascular walls. For this purpose, small patients are prescribed:

  1. Ascorbic acid at a dosage of 75 - 100 mg / day (in the absence of an allergy to the drug). A source of vitamin C will improve the body as a whole and improve the condition of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Aminocaproic acid is prescribed to increase blood clotting, minimize the risk of bleeding and strengthen the capillaries that lie in the sinuses. The medicine relieves swelling and gives an antihistamine effect.
  3. Tea tree, olive or rosehip oil. A cotton swab is saturated with one of the oils and placed in the baby's nasal passages for 5 minutes. The procedure is performed daily for a week.

If a child has blood coming out with snot, it is recommended to drink it with infusions of natural raw materials. Plantain leaves, willow bark, rose hips, black elderberry and blackberry, chamomile, linden, calendula flowers are suitable for this purpose. From phyto material, you can prepare decoctions for inhalation and washing the nose.

Children are usually treated according to this prescription. Raspberry and linden tea are taken 1 sachet each (a store-bought product is suitable) and poured with boiling water (450 ml). The dishes are covered and spotted for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the bags are removed and a pinch of grated ginger is poured into the infusion. The drink is cooled and 15 g of honey is dissolved in it. Healthy tea crumbs are given twice a day for 1 glass.

A nosebleed in a child, especially a small one, is a cause for great concern for parents. And although doctors say: as a rule, the blood coming from the nose of a baby is not at all dangerous, it is better to know all the possible causes of this ailment and be prepared to stop it in a timely manner.

Why does a child's nose bleed?

In the nasal region there is a network of vessels and small capillaries, which, when ruptured, provoke bleeding. Dry and irritated vessels become very brittle and can bleed from any, even minor damage.

The most common causes of nosebleeds in a child or newborn are:

Dry mucous membrane. provoked harmful effect heating appliances, a sharp temperature drop, the abuse of vasoconstrictor drops with a cold; Increased intracranial pressure; infection (eg, sinusitis); Injury to the nose (often formed when picking the nose or bruising); Foreign body (for example, toy parts) in the nose; Irregular shape of the nose from birth (curvature of the nasal septum); The growth of polyps in the nose. Should I be worried about blood from the nose of a baby?

As a rule, anxiety is unfounded. In winter, when heating devices are running at full capacity, and the spread of infections reaches a critical level, nosebleeds are not uncommon.

According to doctors, such a problem may disturb the baby, but it completely disappears by adolescence. The whole point is that the vessels of the newborn are still too weak and cannot withstand stimuli.

How to prevent nosebleeds in babies?

If the air in the apartment is too dry, a humidifier should be purchased in the child's room. It will help create comfortable microclimate and maintain the desired level of humidity.

Make sure that the child does not put anything in the spout, including his own fingers.

If your nose bleeds regularly due to dry nose, you should talk to your doctor about using a saline nasal instillation. It moisturizes the mucous membrane and strengthens blood vessels.

When does a nosebleed in a child require a visit to a doctor:

Blood comes as a result of a fall, trauma to the head or nose, impact; The baby has leaked too much blood and you suspect danger; Bleeding began after taking some medication; The baby has a constant nasal congestion, and the blood comes more often than before. If, in addition to bleeding from the nose, the child easily bruises, the gums bleed. How to stop bleeding?

Reassure the child and make him spit out blood. It should not get into the throat and cause nausea. Sit the child on your knees so that his head is tilted slightly down. Press the napkin to the spout and fix it with your hand. You need to wait about 10 minutes without taking the napkin. If the child is quite old, you need to ask him to breathe through his mouth. In order for him not to be scared and not bored, you can read a book or turn on a cartoon. After 10 minutes, check if the bleeding has ended. If not, you need to put on the bridge of your nose cold compress and again pinch your nose with a napkin for 10 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, you should definitely consult a doctor. What not to do!

Do not allow the child to take a horizontal position or tilt his head back. This will cause blood to seep down the throat.
Do not plug your nostrils with cotton swabs. They can stop the bleeding, but during the withdrawal they will again damage the mucous membrane and the problem will recur.

Hospital methods of struggle

If the child’s blood cannot be stopped at home, he must be taken to the hospital, where the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology. This is done as follows: the oral cavity is viewed with a special flashlight and a bleeding center is detected. After that, the damaged area is tamponed with a special hemostatic fluid, which should almost instantly stop the flow of blood. If this also does not help, a bandage is applied. This need is very rare.

In addition to all these procedures, the doctor looks to see if the nose or head is damaged, if the bleeding is a sign of some other disease.

Children often tolerate nosebleeds very easily and are not even particularly frightened. However, the task of an adult is to make every effort to prevent blood loss. Nosebleeds should not be allowed to become a habit in a child and be perceived as the norm.

How did I become a doctor? Quite a difficult question ... If you think about it, there was no choice. I was born in the family of a resuscitator, and every day at dinner I heard my father's story about how his day went. As a child, it all seemed fantastic, beyond reality.


Nosebleeds are quite common in children. There is nothing strange about this - the mucous membranes in the nose of a child are very thin and easy to injure. And the children themselves are very mobile - any child loves to run, play outdoor games, indulge. And the nose in such pranks often suffers first, especially in boys. But not only trauma can cause bleeding. Let's see for what reasons a child's nose can bleed and what needs to be done in such cases.

Blood in breasts

Let's start with the smallest ones. They do not yet lead such an active lifestyle that you can fall and hit your nose. Babies up to 5-7 months spend most of their time in horizontal position and are rarely left unattended by adults. But, nevertheless, sometimes it can bleed from the nose of the baby.

In a newborn, the reason is most often banal - he just scratches in a dream or while awake. Babies up to 2-3 months cannot yet coordinate hand movements well and can accidentally hook their face and put a finger in their nose. If the nails are cut incorrectly (or the mother is simply afraid to do this), then the thin skin and mucous membranes are easily injured, and it seems to the mother that it is bleeding from the baby's nose. It is enough to put on special mittens on the handles and cut the nails in time, as the problem will disappear.

The second common reason why a baby’s nose begins to bleed is its improper cleansing. It will not be possible to find out who was the first to use cotton swabs to clean the nose, but this idea was very bad, although it spread among mothers simply rapidly. Not only is this the easiest way to injure the mucous membrane, but there is also a risk that the cotton wool will come off and remain in the nasal passage.

Remember: put in the nasal passage baby solid objects can only be carried out by a doctor for the purpose of conducting an examination or necessary medical manipulations. You will not be able to control the depth of insertion cotton swab, nor the force of pressing on the walls of the nasal passages, which are literally pierced by capillaries.

Damage to the capillaries leads to the fact that blood flows from the nose in children after this method of cleaning it. Use for these purposes can only be soft cotton or gauze flagella moistened saline solution, "Aquamaris" or warm sterile oil (sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive).

In older children, especially from 2-3 years of age, more serious causes can cause nosebleeds.

Non-infectious causes

If you look away for a second, and the baby suddenly begins to cry, and his nose bleeds, the most probable cause- trauma. This is especially eloquently confirmed by broken knees or other abrasions and wounds. The first thing to do in this case is to calm the child and stop the bleeding. How to do this quickly, we will describe below.

Then you need to carefully examine the nose. If the blood was stopped quickly, touching the bridge of the nose does not cause strong pain, and its form is not changed, then nothing terrible happened. The impact simply burst capillaries. But if there is a big wound on the nose, severe swelling has appeared, it is not possible to quickly stop the blood, then a fracture is possible and then the baby needs urgent medical help.

Others non-infectious causes that cause nosebleeds in children can be:

Too dry air. If there is insufficient air humidity in the room in which the child is long time, its delicate mucous membranes dry up, dense crusts form in the nose. When they are removed from the nose, the baby may bleed, so this must be done very carefully. Overvoltage. Sometimes when strong cough or sneezing from the nose in children begins to bleed. This is due to a strong overstrain of the blood vessels, as a result of which they simply burst. You should not worry much, but you need to pay attention to the cause of capillary fragility. Maybe it's beriberi. Overheating. If during a walk in the hot season a nose bleeds, most likely the reason is banal overheating. The baby should be immediately taken to the shade, wipe his face, arms and legs with cool water, provide air flow (you can simply fan it with a towel or newspaper). When bleeding is accompanied by vomiting, fainting, chills, severe headache - it is better to call an ambulance, heat stroke is possible. Increased blood pressure. In children, blood pressure rarely rises sharply and strongly. But if this happens, then nosebleeds can be the first symptom. The child may also complain about headache often nausea and vomiting. Before the arrival of the doctor, the bleeding must be stopped, it is better to put the baby to bed, and not to make a cold compress on the forehead. sharp drop temperatures or pressure. Leads to spasm or severe dilation of blood vessels. If the walls of the capillaries are very thin, they burst, and blood begins to flow from the nose. This often happens on an airplane or when returning from extreme cold into warmth. This type of bleeding is not dangerous. Chemical or physical irritants: dusty and heavily polluted air, strong odors, household chemicals. Especially with constant exposure, they cause inflammation of the mucous membranes and their loosening. Over time, polyps may form, strong allergic reactions and even bronchial asthma. Entry of a foreign body. petty foreign body very difficult to notice, but if it is a hard object that is stuck in the nasal passage and compresses the mucous membranes, it causes a nosebleed in a child, often from only one nostril. Under no circumstances should you try to extract it yourself. The child must be taken to the doctor immediately. The use of vasoconstrictor drops. These drugs are generally not recommended for the treatment of young children - they greatly dry out the mucous membranes. And if you exceed the recommended dosages, then they crack and begin to bleed.

As soon as the above causes are eliminated, nosebleeds stop and do not repeat again. If a child's nose bleeds regularly (at least two or three times a month), then most likely there is an internal reason for this.

Blood as a symptom

Sometimes nosebleeds in a child can be a symptom of a fairly serious illness. Therefore, when such a phenomenon is repeated often, regardless of age, the baby must be examined. It is urgently necessary to do this if there are other recurring symptoms. The reason that the baby regularly bleeds from the nose may be such diseases:

polyps and others benign formations. Polyps are an overgrowth of mucosal tissue that can be triggered by external or internal factors. This fabric of the changed structure is easily damaged, often bleeds. Such bleeding may not be accompanied by other symptoms, but with a strong growth of polyps, the baby has a constantly stuffy nose (on one or both sides), he may complain of a feeling of pressure in the paranasal sinuses. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Most often it is a complication after suffering respiratory diseases of a bacterial or viral nature. Infection, getting into the sinuses of the nose, provokes purulent-inflammatory processes, severe runny nose and nosebleeds. Cardiovascular and renal diseases. Often lead to sudden changes in blood pressure. This gives an additional load on the capillaries, which they cannot withstand and burst. Sometimes strong rise pressure can cause poor kidney function. This can only be determined by comprehensive survey. Oncological diseases. Cancer (and not only of the respiratory system) can cause regular bloody rhinitis in the morning and frequent nosebleeds. Blood vessels become especially fragile during a course of chemotherapy, the preparations of which are very toxic. Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Become the reason that baby is coming blood from the nose with the slightest damage to its mucosa and it is very difficult to stop this bleeding, often this requires the use special preparations. Such an effect can also long-term use blood-thinning drugs, such as Aspirin.

Treatment in any of the above ways is necessary, since nosebleeds are only a symptom, but they will not stop until the underlying cause is eliminated. pick up medications should only be a doctor based on the results of the tests. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and lead to more frequent nosebleeds.

In some cases conservative treatment turns out not to be enough. So, if after several courses of therapy the polyps in the nose or sinuses do not decrease, it is better to remove them. surgically. Otherwise, they can cause not only frequent bleeding but also development chronic diseases respiratory organs.

How to stop bleeding

If a child’s nose does not bleed much, then with the right actions it is quite easy to stop it. The main thing is not to panic, so that the anxiety is not transmitted to the baby who is already so frightened by what is happening. Here's what to do:

seat him on a chair, on his hands or just on the floor (so that he does not fall if he gets dizzy); tilt his head down (rather than lift it up, as many do!); slightly squeeze the bridge of the nose with your fingers on both sides; ask the baby to breathe calmly and slowly through the mouth; hold the nose like this for 5-7 minutes.

Usually, after these actions, the blood stops flowing. Then you can apply a cold compress to the bridge of your nose. If it is ice, keep it for no more than 5 minutes, then remove it and, if necessary, apply it again after a while.

When a child's nose bleeds too much, sterile gauze swabs can be very carefully inserted into the nasal passages. They will clamp the capillaries and the bleeding will stop. You can keep them in your nose for no longer than 15 minutes.

But if in spite of everything Taken measures, the blood continues to flow, a consultation with a doctor is necessary and, possibly, an ambulance.

Prevention measures

No preventive measures will save the child from nasal injuries. In childhood, they are inevitable. But if you explain to the grown-up baby the elementary measures of personal safety, then there is a high probability that it will still be possible to manage without serious injuries. And children under 2-3 years old simply cannot be left unattended for a long time.

Other preventive measures that can help reduce the risk of nosebleeds include:

strengthening immunity, hardening procedures - will make it less likely to get sick respiratory diseases; mandatory treatment runny nose - will prevent the development of chronic diseases of the nose and sinuses; compliance with cleanliness and temperature conditions in the child's room will eliminate as much as possible Negative influence external factors; regular preventive maintenance medical examinations will allow to diagnose serious illness internal organs on early stage; varied, nutritious and high-quality food, rich in vitamins and microelements will prevent beriberi and capillary fragility; proper and regular cleansing of the nasal passages will not injure the mucous membranes and eliminate the stagnation of mucus.

As you can see, everything is important in caring for a baby: regimen, nutrition, living conditions, appropriate care. But most importantly - trust pediatricians and do not self-medicate. Often wrong actions parents lead to the fact that such a small problem as a nosebleed becomes a big problem that requires long-term treatment.