General antioxidant status. General antioxidant status and non-enzymatic link of the antioxidant defense system in menopausal women. Rapid HIV test

General section The state of the antioxidant system in Moscow residents with newly diagnosed thyropathies. Possibilities of using nutraceuticals to correct antioxidant and thyroid status

Traditionally, when planning preventive programs, endemic goiter is considered as an isolated iodine deficiency microelementosis. At the same time, it is well known that in the genesis of this pathological condition, a violation of the optimal content and/or ratio of other macro- and microelements may be important (V.V. Kovalsky, 1974, De Groot L.Y. et al., 1996, M.V. Veldanova, 2000), an important place among which is selenium. The role of selenium in optimizing thyroid function has been identified relatively recently. It has been established that, on the one hand, selenium is necessary component monodeiodinase, the enzyme for the peripheral conversion of thyroxine to triiodoteronine (G. Canettieri et al., 1999), on the other hand, structural component glutathione perioxidase - a key enzyme natural system antioxidant protection (J. Kvicala et al., 1995, R. Berkow, E. Fletcher, 1997, L.V. Anikina).

The pathogenetic significance of lipid peroxidation in the occurrence and evolution of goiter transformation in iodine-deficient regions has been repeatedly discussed in the literature (N.Yu. Filina, 2003). This issue is of particular relevance in connection with the planning and implementation of mass iodine prophylaxis programs.
It is obvious that the intake of iodine in doses exceeding those traditional for the food chains of a given area causes activation of thyroid synthesis, which is the goal preventive measures. However, in parallel, the formation of free radicals is activated due to the stimulation of redox processes, directly regulated by hormones thyroid gland. With the weakness of enzyme antioxidant systems against the background of a deficiency of selenium, zinc, copper and a number of other elements, this inevitably leads to the development of oxidative stress.
The purpose of this study was to study the characteristics of antioxidant status in Muscovites with newly diagnosed thyropathies, as well as to establish the possibilities of its correction using nutritional drugs.
Materials and methods. Antioxidant status was determined in 38 patients who first consulted an endocrinologist regarding goitrous transformation and who had not received therapeutic or prophylactic drugs stimulating the natural antioxidant defense system over the past 6 months. Among the subjects there were 35 women ( average age 46 years old) and 3 men (average age 43 years). A complex biochemical study using diagnostic reagents from Ranbox (UK) included determination of total antioxidant status (TAS), levels of glutathione peroxidase (GPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and lipid peroxidation (LPO) in blood serum. The thyroid status of the subjects was assessed based on the results of a clinical examination, ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, as well as the content of antibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase in the blood serum. free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine and thyroid-stimulating hormone. Determination of antibodies and hormones of the pituitary gland system thyroid"was carried out by enzyme immunoassay using standard reagent kits "Immunotech RIO kit" (Czech Republic).
Results and its discussion. During the study of thyroid status in the group of subjects, the following forms of thyropathies were diagnosed: diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland - 5 patients, nodular goiter- 12 patients, mixed goiter - 8 patients, autoimmune thyroiditis - 12 patients, idiopathic hypothyroidism - 1 patient.
Some changes in antioxidant status indicators were detected in 36 subjects, which amounted to 94.7%. Among them, a decrease in TAS was observed in 76.8% of patients; decrease in SOD level - in 93.8%; GPO indicators as close as possible to the lower value of the range of normal fluctuations - in 50.0%; decrease in the level of GPO - in 12.5%; increase in LPO - in 15.6%.
The most significant disturbances in the natural antioxidant defense system were identified in patients with severe forms of goiter transformation (mixed goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis), however, given the insufficient representativeness of the sample, this result cannot be considered statistically reliable.
Based on the data obtained, drugs from the VITALINE Corporation (USA) with antioxidant activity were added to the traditional treatment regimens for patients in the group we studied. All subjects with a decrease in TAS and/or an increase in LPO received the drug Pycnogenol, which is a mixture of bioflavonoids. If reduced levels of GPO and SOD were detected in the blood serum, the drugs “Selenium” and “Zinc” were prescribed, respectively, in physiological doses for these elements.
Control studies of antioxidant status were performed on the subjects 6 months after the start of therapy. As a result, normalization of TAS indicators was obtained in 85.6% of patients, normalization of LPO in 97.4%. In 50.4% of the subjects, the level of superoxide dismutase in the blood serum significantly increased compared to the baseline, in 30.2% it returned to normal. The level of glutathione peroxidase returned to normal compared to baseline in 100% of patients.
It is noteworthy that, against the background of the therapy, all subjects suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis, a significant decrease in the level of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase in the blood serum was obtained, and in 93.4% of patients this indicator decreased by 2-3 times compared to the baseline.
Thus, our studies revealed changes in the antioxidant status of the vast majority of Muscovites suffering from pathology of the abdominal gland. This situation may be a consequence of pronounced technogenic pressure, depleting the reserves of the natural antioxidant defense system. a clear trend towards a decrease in HPU levels in the blood serum of the subjects serves as indirect confirmation of selenium deficiency in the food chains of Muscovites, caused by both natural and anthropogenic factors.
It is obvious that in similar situation enriching the diet with iodine without simultaneously increasing the functional reserves of the antioxidant system of the population can lead to the development of oxidative stress and, as a consequence, to an increase in the incidence of the most severe forms of goiter transformation. Of particular concern are the prospects for use for iodization. table salt iodates - salts of iodic acid, which are initially strong oxidizing agents. The risk of developing iodine-induced pathomorphism of goiter increases under conditions of man-made stress, which is also accompanied by free radical aggression. The validity of the stated forecast is confirmed by the long-term results of isolated iodine prophylaxis in many foci of endemic goiter (P.A.Rolon, 1986; E.Roti, L.E.Braverman, 2000, O.V. Terpugova, 2002).
Our research allows us to recommend the use of antioxidant drugs, including physiological doses of selenium and zinc, which are coenzymes of the natural antioxidant defense system, to optimize programs for the prevention of iodine deficiency diseases, especially in environmentally disadvantaged regions.
Anikina L.V. The role of selenium in the pathogenesis and correction of endemic goiter: Abstract of thesis. dis. ...Dr. med. Sci. - Chita, 1998. - 37 p.
Berkow R., Fletcher E. Guide to Medicine. Diagnostics and therapy. T.1: Transl. from English - M.: Mir, 1997. - 667 p.
Veldanova M.V. The role of some goitrogenic factors

General antioxidant status(TAS)- an indicator of the body's antioxidant system. The study determines the ability of enzymes, proteins and vitamins to suppress the negative effects of free radicals at the cellular level.

The formation of free radicals is a constantly occurring process in the body, physiologically balanced due to the activity of endogenous antioxidant systems. With an excessive increase in the production of free radicals due to pro-oxidant effects or failure of antioxidant defense, oxidative stress develops, accompanied by damage to proteins, lipids and DNA. These processes are significantly enhanced by a decrease in the activity of the body's antioxidant systems (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase (GP), vitamin E, vitamin A, selenium), which protect cells and tissues from the destructive effects of free radicals. In the future, this leads to the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, immunodeficiency states, malignant neoplasms and to premature aging.

The general antioxidant status of serum is determined by the presence of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, etc.) and non-enzymatic antioxidants (including: albumin, transferrin, metallothioneins, uric acid, lipoic acid, glutathione, ubiquinol, vitamins E and C, carotenoids, components of the polyphenol structure coming from plant foods, including flavonoids, etc.). To assess the state of antioxidant protection, in addition to determining the level of the most important antioxidant enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidants in the blood, measurement of the total antioxidant capacity of serum components is used. Determining the total antioxidant status helps the clinician to better assess the patient’s condition, the factors influencing the development of the current disease, and, taking this into account, optimize therapy.


  • identifying antioxidant deficiency in the body and assessing the risk of diseases associated with antioxidant deficiency;
  • identifying deficiencies of microelements and vitamins associated with the body’s antioxidant systems;
  • identification of genetic forms of enzyme deficiency;
  • assessment of the body's antioxidant status in order to optimize therapy.
It is recommended to donate blood in the morning, between 8 am and 12 pm. Blood is drawn on an empty stomach or after 2–4 hours of fasting. It is allowed to drink water without gas and sugar. On the eve of the examination, food overload should be avoided.

Interpretation of results
Decreased overall antioxidant status and changes in the activity of antioxidant enzymes due to various reasons, can be observed in the following conditions:

  • pulmonary pathology;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neurological and psychiatric diseases;
  • oncological pathology;
  • carrying out chemotherapy;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases intestines;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • some infections;
  • decreased activity of the antioxidant system due to a deficiency of antioxidants supplied with food (including vitamins, microelements).

Nomenclature of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Order No. 804n): A09.05.238.001 "Determination of total antioxidant activity"

Biomaterial: Whole blood with heparin

Completion time (in the laboratory): 7 w.d. *


Determination of antioxidant activity plays vital role to assess the body's defense against oxidative stress. This allows you to: identify people at increased risk of developing coronary artery disease, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cancer, retinopathy; identify premature aging, monitor the course of diseases, evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

Also, determining antioxidant activity helps to identify the amount of antioxidants entering the human body, and whether there is a need for their additional administration. Antioxidant activity is determined by the presence of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase) and non-enzymatic antioxidants ( vitamins E, C, carotenoids, lipoic acid, ubiquinone).

Determination of antioxidant activity plays a critical role in assessing the body's defense against oxidative stress. This allows you to: identify persons with POV

Indications for use

  • Assessment of the antioxidant status of the body and assessment of the risk of developing diseases associated with antioxidant deficiency ( oncological diseases, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, retinopathy, early aging)
  • To patients suffering hypertension, atherosclerotic vascular lesions, diabetes mellitus, coronary disease hearts - as monitoring the course of the disease and assessing the effectiveness of the therapy received; determining the body's antioxidant defenses and deciding on the need for additional intake of antioxidant drugs.
  • Elderly patients, with poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, stress - to assess the body’s antioxidant defense, and decide on the need for additional intake of antioxidant drugs.
  • For patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment - to assess the body's antioxidant defense and decide on the need for additional intake of antioxidant drugs.
  • For patients on a diet and food restriction - to assess the body's antioxidant defense and decide on the need for additional intake of antioxidant drugs.

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* Maximum indicated on the website possible deadline performing the research. It reflects the time it takes to complete the study in the laboratory and does not include the time for delivery of the biomaterial to the laboratory.
The information provided is for reference only and is not a public offer. For getting up-to-date information contact medical Center Contractor or call center.

More recently, biochemists have isolated new criterion assessment of the body's condition - antioxidant status. What is hidden under this name? It's actually a collection quantitative indicators how successfully body cells can resist peroxidation.

What are antioxidants for?

There is a wide range pathological conditions, the primary source of which is free radicals. Among the most well-known are all processes associated with aging and cancer. Availability large quantity unpaired electrons launches chain reactions, from which cell membranes are severely affected. Thus, the cell is no longer able to cope with its responsibilities normally, and malfunctions begin again individual organs, and then entire systems. Substances that have antioxidant activity, are able to suppress these reactions and prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

Natural Antioxidants

In a living organism, there are a number of substances that, in a normal state, are able to resist the attacks of free radicals. In humans it is:

- superoxide dismutase(SOD) is an enzyme that contains zinc, magnesium and copper. It reacts with oxygen radicals and neutralizes them. Plays an important role in protecting the heart muscle;

Glutathione derivatives, which contain selenium, sulfur and vitamins A, E and C. Glutathione complexes stabilize cell membranes;

Ceruloplasmin is an extracellular enzyme that is active in blood plasma. It interacts with molecules that contain free radicals that are formed as a result of pathological conditions such as allergic reactions, myocardial infarction and some others.

For the normal functioning of these enzymes, the presence in the body of such co-enzymes as vitamins A, C, E, zinc, selenium and copper is required.

Laboratory determination of antioxidant indicators

In order to determine the body's antioxidant status, conduct a number of biochemical studies, which can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct methods of determination include tests for:

- SOD;

Lipid peroxidation;

Total antioxidant status or TAS;

Glutathione peroxidase;

Availability of free fatty acids;


Indirect indicators include determining the level of vitamins in the blood - antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, malonaldehyde and some other biologically active compounds.

How the test is carried out

Determination of antioxidant status carried out in native venous blood or in its serum using special reagents. The test takes on average 5-7 days. Healthy people It is recommended to carry it out at least once every six months, and in the presence of visible violations or for the purpose of checking effectiveness of antioxidant therapy– every 3 months. The test results are deciphered exclusively by a doctor-immunologist who can prescribe medications to correct indicators.

Call the clinic and we will tell you how to properly prepare for the tests you need. Strict adherence to the rules guarantees the accuracy of the research.

On the eve of the test, you must refrain from physical activity, drinking alcohol and significant changes in diet and daily routine. Most tests are taken strictly on an empty stomach, that is, at least 12 and no more than 16 hours must pass after last appointment food.

Two hours before the test you should refrain from smoking and coffee. All blood tests are taken before radiography, ultrasound and physiotherapeutic procedures. If possible, avoid taking medications, and if this is not possible, tell the doctor ordering the tests.

Blood tests

General blood analysis

The blood is drawn from a finger or a vein. Preparation: blood is donated on an empty stomach. Before taking the test, avoid physical activity and stress. Time and place of collection of material: during the day, in the clinic.

Blood chemistry

Blood is donated from a vein. Determination of biochemical parameters allows you to evaluate everything metabolic processes, occurring in the body, as well as the function of organs and systems. Preparation: blood is donated on an empty stomach. Time and place of collection of material: before 14:00, in the clinic (electrolytes - on weekdays until 09:00).

Glucose tolerance test

Compliance with the rules of preparation for the test will allow you to obtain reliable results and correctly assess the functioning of the pancreas, and therefore prescribe adequate treatment. Preparation: You must follow the preparation guidelines and nutritional recommendations provided by your healthcare professional. The amount of carbohydrates in food should be at least 125 g per day for 3 days before the test. Physical exercise are not allowed within 12 hours before the test and during it. Time and place of collection of material: daily until 12.00, in the clinic.

Hormonal studies

Hormones are substances whose concentration in the blood changes cyclically and has daily fluctuations, so the analysis should be taken in strict accordance with physiological cycles or as recommended by your doctor. Preparation: blood is donated on an empty stomach. Time and place of collection of material: daily until 11.00, in the clinic.

Study of the hemostasis system

Blood is donated from a vein. Preparation: blood is donated on an empty stomach. Time and place of collection of material: on weekdays until 09.00, at the clinic.

Blood group determination

Determination of antibodies to pathogens

Blood is donated from a vein. Preparation: blood is donated on an empty stomach. Time and place of collection of material: up to 14:00, in the clinic.

Hepatitis (B, C)

Blood is donated from a vein. Preparation: blood is donated on an empty stomach. Time and place of collection of material: up to 14:00, in the clinic.

RW (syphilis)

Blood is donated from a vein. Preparation: blood is donated on an empty stomach. Time and place of collection of material: up to 14:00, in the clinic.

Rapid HIV test

Blood is donated from a vein. Preparation: blood is donated on an empty stomach. Time and place of collection of material: during the day, in the clinic.