Characteristics of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The Caucasian Shepherd is the best guard for a private home Raising a Caucasian Shepherd puppy

Height at withers: 64 - 85 cm

Weight: 45 - 75 kg

Variable: any solid, piebald and spotted with the exception of solid black.

Straight, coarse, with well-developed undercoat, lush and dense. On the head and front sides of the limbs the hair is shorter and denser. The tail is covered on all sides with thick hair. The mane is characteristic.

The back is straight, wide and strong. The loin is elastic and slightly convex. The chest is long, wide, well developed, deep; in cross-section it has the shape of a wide oval. The ribs are round in shape, the false ribs are long.

Hind legs

Straight, strong, muscular. Hips developed, long and powerful. The hock joints are wide and dry, fairly well defined, strong and even.

Front legs

Muscular, strong. The bone is wide. When viewed from the front, parallel to each other, set wide apart. The paws are large, round in shape, the toes are arched, in a ball.

Set high, sickle or ring shaped. When at rest, let down and reaching to the hock; when excited it rises above the line of the back.

Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

The teeth are white and large; the incisors fit tightly to each other, the bases of the incisors are located on the same line. Scissor bite or straight bite; (set of 42 teeth).

The nose is black, wide, large, with moderately open nostrils, not protruding beyond the contours of the muzzle.

Small, thick, hanging on cartilage, triangular in shape, set high and wide. Interior the ear fits tightly to the skull.

Small, oval shape, not too deep set, wide and obliquely located. The eyelids are black, dry, tight-fitting. The expression of the eyes is serious, attentive, appraising.

Large, massive, wide at the cheekbones. When viewed from above, it resembles a blunt wedge with a wide base.

turn on

switch off


Caucasian Shepherds are the oldest herding dogs, whose place of origin is the mighty mountains of the Caucasus. These are strong, intelligent and truly brave animals - this is even evidenced by the fact that Russian military leaders, having conquered the Caucasus, literally immediately enlisted these dogs into the army as part of a special military order to assist in guard duty. IN this moment Caucasian giants (Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are one of the largest breeds in the world) are still ideal working dogs, and their popularity has spread far beyond Russia and Asia. Rest assured, during your travels you can meet a Japanese person peacefully walking along the streets of Tokyo in the company of a Caucasian, or an American who cannot live without his beloved mountain pet, so he gave the front seat of his car into his possession. The noble Caucasian Shepherd dog in the photo is found on the Internet almost as often as huskies and Welsh corgis. What is the secret of these dogs? Let's try to figure it out.

Photo: Ellen Soohoo, Photo: Photo: Photo: Photo:


Caucasian Shepherd Dog- one of the oldest service breeds dogs. The history of the formation of the breed is complex and confusing, partly consisting of conjectures of researchers and legends. However, most specialists in the field believe that Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, like representatives of many other large breeds, descended from the legendary “primary” Molossians - Tibetan Great Danes.

Many dog ​​handlers are confident that the ancestors of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are also numerous Central Asian dogs that came to the Caucasus along with nomadic pastoral tribes. In any case, shepherd dogs very quickly gained popularity in the Caucasus: they were used as fighting, baiting, hunting, guard dogs and, most importantly, herding dogs. From the very beginning, shepherd dogs were distinguished by incredible physical characteristics, persistent character, courage and devotion. Of course they were highly valued. Many Georgian aristocrats and princes depicted Caucasian Shepherd dogs on their family coats of arms.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were distinguished by their endurance and unprecedented adaptability. They withstood long and difficult treks through the mountains without any problems, and thanks to their thick fur they felt comfortable even at the lowest temperatures. From year to year, new qualities awoke in the Caucasian breed - strength, dexterity, the ability to make independent decisions in difficult situations, unpretentiousness, desperate courage. In 1765, they began to be used in the army for the first time - the Turks were ahead of the Russian military leaders in this. But it was our compatriots who were the first to officially document the service status of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, issuing a military decree on the need to involve mountain giants in guard duty to protect the territories of military fortresses.

In the 18th century, Caucasian Shepherd dogs began to be used for police service. It is known that their training was carried out by specialized specialists, whose main task was to teach the dogs the intricacies of search work. But, unfortunately, Caucasian pets were unable to master this profession “due to the great viciousness and stubbornness of the dog.” By the way, years later, shepherd dogs would become excellent police officers - it just took them time.

Until the very end of the 19th century, the breeding of the Caucasian breed took place almost in isolation. Selection developed naturally, which ensured a stable gene pool of the breed - there were practically no so-called “mixes” among Caucasian Shepherd dogs, thanks to which the beauty and essence of the main dogs of the Caucasus was not only preserved, but also received natural development.

At the beginning of the last century, our heroes found themselves in Europe - Caucasian Shepherds were awarded participation in the German federal dog show, which was held in Nuremberg. If you believe the surviving documents and reports from local newspapers, the Caucasians made a splash among European dog breeders. In total, as many as 36 Caucasian Shepherds took part in the competition - almost all of them received marks of "excellent" and "very good", ahead of St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and even "the main asset of Germany" - Great Danes.

After the triumph, they started talking seriously about Caucasian Shepherds. But due to historical upheavals in Russia, the breed practically did not develop. In the thirties of the last century, the gene pool of these dogs was in a deplorable state - there were practically no breeding sires, and purebred representatives of the breed almost disappeared, having lost all their impressive exterior.

During the First and then the Second World War, many dogs suffered. The Caucasian Shepherd Dogs that miraculously survived until that time are no exception. But thanks to the efforts of dog handlers (professors Bogolyubsky and Ilyina, Mazover and Vaisman), the breed was brought back to life.

At the level of the Soviet government, a decision was made to organize specialized nurseries. As a result, the gene pool of Caucasian Shepherds was restored and developed in just ten years. In 1970, Caucasians again shone at exhibitions - this time in Paris: the dogs were greeted with thunderous applause, and were seen off as world champions.

The official international standard for Caucasians was approved in 1990. The conforming Caucasian Shepherd in the photo has a coarse and thick coat that is shorter and denser on the head and the front sides of the paws. In the same year, the breed was recognized by the International Canine Association. At the moment, mountain giants continue to serve in the most dangerous places in the world, save lives and are excellent pets, despite their impressive size and active service instincts.

Caucasian Shepherds are the oldest working dogs. Researchers and historians are confident that this breed is more than two thousand years old. Moreover, thanks to natural selection on a reservation in the Caucasus Mountains over the past millennia appearance Caucasians have remained virtually unchanged.

Caucasian Shepherds are the oldest working dogs. Breed researchers and historians are confident that this breed is more than two thousand years old. Moreover, thanks to natural selection on a reservation in the Caucasus Mountains, the appearance of Caucasians has remained virtually unchanged over the past millennia.


The Caucasian Shepherd is smart - herding genetics make themselves felt. As we have already said, these mountain giants tend to take the initiative: they make decisions themselves - in particular, this concerns the direct performance of their main functions - protection and control of the territory.

By nature, “Caucasians” are leaders, but they quite easily recognize the dominance of the owner, submitting to him. Their mental abilities directly depend on their instincts - this is precisely the case when professional skills and intelligence are inseparable from each other. Therefore, if your Caucasian fulfills his functions, he will be in good mental shape, kind and obedient. If you bought this dog because of its beauty and just keep it as a pet, then expect that as the animal grows up, you will face a disobedient and domineering creature - practically a tyrant.

When purchasing a puppy, take into account all the character traits of this pet and respect its desperate desire to perform official and work functions, under no circumstances locking this big, proud and kind dog within four walls. These dogs are created for life on the street - their coat protects them from cold and heat, even in extreme manifestations. In addition, they love freedom and observing nature. The best option for keeping a Caucasian Shepherd is the backyard of a country house or dacha. Under these conditions, the mountain giant will be the happiest dog in the world.


Caucasian Shepherds are very independent and smart dogs who never forget their instincts and calling. This is how it happened historically - Caucasians are used to protecting and controlling their territory. The vocation of a born guard is the main problem in keeping these dogs in city apartments.

Because of the special disposition of Caucasian Shepherds, they have gained the reputation of being uncontrollable dogs. The fact is that their protective instincts have been formed over centuries. Therefore, the Caucasian himself decides where the danger may come from and how to neutralize it. The conditions of apartments in a metropolis may not allow this dog to truly realize its potential, which can lead to excessive nervousness of the animal and even increased aggressiveness.

Caucasian Shepherds are not vicious, but they are quite straightforward. If a dog is tasked with protecting the territory and its owners, nothing will stop it during the mission. Caucasians perceive their owners and loved ones as members of the pack. If the owner does not educate his brave pet, he will become a hostage to the following situation: the Caucasian will consider himself the leader of the pack and will strive for dominance in every way, which, given the incredible size and strength of these dogs, can turn into a disaster. Therefore, the main task of the owner is to demonstrate his leadership. Read about how to do this in the “Training” section. But let us note that a properly raised Caucasian is a loving, kind and incredibly loyal pet who will never leave you in trouble.


Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are hostile to strangers, but sincerely love their owners. With proper training (which, by the way, is difficult and requires persistence from the owner), these dogs are quite friendly towards others (including cats and other dogs) in a neutral environment - for example, on the street during a walk.

Constant readiness to fight with the enemy is one of the main character traits of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. As you already understand, they are always on the alert. Therefore, if a person unfamiliar to your pets comes into your home, problems may arise. No, no, a Caucasian will not rush at an unfortunate person, realizing that he came to you with good intentions, but he can scare the guest with a loud, terrifying bark. If we are talking about a real stranger who finds himself in your backyard with negative goals, then let the attacker prepare for trouble - it is known that if a Caucasian Shepherd dog for some reason does not like a person (and their intuition rarely fails them), then he is not welcome won't be in the house.

Caucasians are smart and sensitive pets, which is perfectly demonstrated by their relationships with children. A strong and kind animal understands that this is a child who needs to be loved and protected. These pets cannot be called playful, but for the sake of the kids they are ready to forget about their official strictness and devote an hour or two to entertainment. But parents should still be especially vigilant - the Caucasian Shepherd is very large and sensitive to pain (especially in the ears), so certain conflicts between children and the dog are possible. Communication between the child and the pet should take place exclusively under the supervision of the parents.

The relationships of Caucasian Shepherds with other pets can be radically different and depend on a number of circumstances. For example, if a Caucasian grew up and developed together with a cat, then there will be no problems, and the dog will protect his mustachioed friend as an important member of the pack. Also, a Caucasian may favorably accept little kitten. But if animals meet as adults, conflicts in their communication cannot be avoided. Caucasians establish friendly relations with dogs relatively easily - the only exception may be the relationship between two males competing for the right to dominate.


Despite its independence, which many people mistakenly see as banal stubbornness, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is capable of willingly accepting training. About them developed abilities says an excellent memory - unlike many others service dogs Having learned a command at a young age, a Caucasian will not forget it until the end of his days.

Training Caucasian Shepherds should begin at puppyhood. Typically, the education process is divided into two stages: training a Caucasian puppy and consolidating the acquired skills and knowledge in adulthood. The dog should be trained by a person towards whom the animal has especially favorable feelings and considers him a leader - the leader of the pack. Let us note that the process of education and training is quite complex, and if you do not have the necessary skills, and you are not capable of maximum perseverance and strength of character, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals, otherwise you risk getting a huge uncontrollable beast instead of a loving, obedient pet.

The Caucasian breed is a thoughtful, calm and rather leisurely dog ​​that is accustomed to being extremely independent. The process of training them must be approached with both masterful firmness and love. Don't hesitate to give encouragement and kind words to your pet. Of course, education should begin with accustoming the puppy to its name. By the way, the pet’s name should always be pronounced the same way - without additional diminutive suffixes.

Having learned the name, the puppy is quite ready to accept basic commands in the spirit of “Come to me!” Commands must be announced softly, loudly and kindly, always supplementing them with gestures. For example, in case the simplest command, above, is worth slapping your knees. For all correctly executed commands, the pet must be rewarded - with warm words, stroking and treats.

Starting from the age of three months, you can safely move on to the prohibitory command “No!” The command must be announced strictly, briefly and firmly. But it should be used only if necessary for the correct formation of behavioral reactions. At the age of five months, you should start learning the commands “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Walk!”, “Next!” - It’s better to do this during a walk, so that the young Caucasian has the opportunity to fully follow your instructions. Then the pet should be taught to wear a muzzle, leash and collar - do this gradually: first put the equipment on short term, and then increase the time spent in it.

Another important point is that a representative of the Caucasian breed needs to be socialized from a very young age. How to do it? You just need to introduce your dog to other people and dogs. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not perceive the person as an unconditional threat. Relationships with dogs can lay the behavioral foundation of character. Allow the Caucasian to communicate not only with puppies, but also with adult experienced dogs. As for people, the small mountain pet will gladly allow itself to be petted, patted behind the ear, and will also happily play with a person.

Walking and exercise

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs feel very comfortable if kept in the backyard in a kennel or in a spacious enclosure. Of course, this type of maintenance in itself implies constant walks, which the dog can take in the yard whenever it pleases.

Caucasians by nature have a harmonious, powerful physique, are able to maintain their physical shape in excellent tone and are not prone to overeating. But from time to time they need space - every Caucasian Shepherd dog will be glad to at least sometimes break out of the fence, its territory, despite the fact that for this dog there is simply no more comfortable place than the home yard.

At least once a week, a leisurely walk down the street wouldn’t hurt. If you are walking along busy streets, take all precautions: put a muzzle on your Caucasian and hold the leash as tightly as possible - an adult dog, carried away by something, can pull forward and knock down even a strong man.

Caucasian Shepherds cannot be called the most playful dogs. They will not run for a long time after a stick, frisbee or ball. They may also not be interested in jogging and cycling together. The fact is that while they are outside, these pets are accustomed to choosing the necessary rhythm of walking themselves. If he needs to run forward, a Caucasian will run; if he needs to examine a tree trunk, he will do it slowly. Try not to force your beloved mountain dog to tense up, because a walk for him is, first of all, relaxation and a change of scenery. However, many Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have proven themselves to be excellent athletes, becoming prize-winners in agility competitions.

Russian military leaders, having conquered the Caucasus, literally immediately enlisted Caucasian Shepherd dogs into the army to guard and guard military fortresses.


Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are quite unpretentious in care - especially if kept in the yard. The main aspect of basic grooming is coat care. There are short-haired and long-haired Caucasians. In both cases, the dog's coat consists of dense, coarse hair and lush, soft undercoat. Consequently, these dogs shed heavily. During the seasonal molting period, Caucasians need to be combed every day, using an arsenal of large, high-quality brushes, metal combs with rounded teeth, and slicker brushes. The rest of the time, two brushing sessions per week are sufficient. Caucasian Shepherds should be accustomed to this procedure with early age, since the process can be accompanied by quite painful sensations- especially if the coat is matted or you need to remove dead undercoat.

Caucasian Shepherds should be washed only when necessary. The owner must also monitor the condition of the ears, teeth and eyes. From time to time, the eyes and ears should be wiped to eliminate discharge. If there is excessive discharge in the ears or eyes, or your dog is shaking his head or acting restless, contact your veterinarian. Regularly check your Caucasian's ears for ear mites. Only an experienced owner or veterinarian can remove a tick correctly. The paws should be regularly examined, monitoring their condition - there should be no wounds, cuts or splinters. Dirt between the toes and on the pads of the paws as well.

Caucasian teeth need care. In order to prevent tartar, cleanse plaque and pieces of food stuck between the teeth, you should give your dog special cleansing bones. Teeth should be brushed several times a week with a special paste and toothbrush, avoiding swallowing the paste. This procedure should also be taught from puppyhood, otherwise the Caucasian may bite you when trying to brush his teeth. A Caucasian's claws should wear off naturally while being outdoors. If this does not happen, then use a powerful guillotine-type cutter.

Caucasian Shepherd and your apartment

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are created to be kept in the yard and on the street. They calmly tolerate heat, bad weather and cold thanks to their excellent coat and high adaptability of the body.

On the street, a Caucasian should be in a spacious booth or enclosure. As bedding, you can use an orthopedic mattress that matches the size of the dog. The sleeping area should be covered with a thick blanket made of natural material that is easily washed. The bedspread should be changed every two weeks. If you keep your dog on a chain, keep in mind that it should be long and strong enough, but not too heavy so as not to injure the bones and muscles of the pet. The collar should be made of genuine leather that does not rub the fabric and does not stretch. The booth itself should not be in the shade, but not in the sun. It is also necessary that the Caucasian can control and inspect the entire territory of the house and yard in a lying position - try to ensure that nothing interferes with his vision.

If you allow your Caucasian Shepherd to spend the night or even live in your home (which is undesirable for the dog’s character and comfort), take care of a spacious sleeping place- the same orthopedic mattress covered with natural fabric will do. Caucasians are not prone to destructive behavior, they are calm under any circumstances, but an apartment is not the best place for their maintenance, since this contradicts the very essence of the breed.

What to feed a Caucasian Shepherd dog

Caucasians are unpretentious in food and are not gluttonous; they digest food well. An adult Caucasian Shepherd should be fed only once a day (two in very cold weather). When feeding sufficiently wet food, the portion should be calculated as follows: 35-50 grams of food per 1 kilogram of weight. When feeding dry food, the portion should be much smaller - 10-15 grams of product per 1 kilogram of weight. Caucasians do not really appreciate changes in “dishes”, so high-quality dry food with high content meat. If you are a supporter of classic food, then focus on coarse meats, offal, as well as boiled vegetables and fresh fruits to supplement your diet.

Owners must assist Caucasian Shepherds not only during mating, but also in preparation for the process. The seriousness of preparation cannot be underestimated. Otherwise, the correct development of dogs and their further use in breeding can be disrupted. Today we will tell you how to breed Caucasian Shepherds.


Typically, the first heat in bitches occurs after the change of teeth and may be accompanied by the first molt. But to determine exact time impossible, since each dog’s body is individual. Time frames range from six to ten months. The Caucasian Shepherd is a large breed and develops slowly. Her first heat may begin later.

You can find out the approximate start time by asking the dog seller when her mother's heat began. The bitch could inherit certain symptoms, behavior and many other characteristics of the body.

Estrus should be accompanied by enlargement of the bitch's genitals and slight discharge Pink colour. Sometimes the first heat can go unnoticed. Therefore, in order not to miss this event, you need to carefully monitor your pet. Before going into heat, her behavior should change:

  • the dog becomes hyperactive, playful, out of control, or vice versa – lethargic and apathetic;
  • begins to mark territory;
  • Shows aggression towards male dogs.

Get a special notebook and write down in it the dates of the first heat and subsequent ones. This will help you calculate the interval between heats and determine the optimal time for mating. If you notice any changes in the usually regular estrus, for example, they have become too frequent or, on the contrary, too rare, the discharge has changed color and began to smell bad - contact your veterinarian immediately.

Estrus in large breeds such as can occur either twice (in spring and autumn) or once a year (in spring). It takes place in two main stages. The first phase is called proestrus. It lasts from five to eight days. The hormone estrogen is being produced. The bitch is not yet ready for mating, so she is aggressive towards males.

The second phase is called estrus. The period of ovulation is the peak secretion of the hormone estrogen. Lasts six to ten days. The bitch is completely ready for mating and readily allows partners to approach her, taking an unambiguous pose and moving her tail to the side.

The period of recovery of uterine processes is called metaestrus, the duration of which is thirty to sixty days. The period of rest until the next estrus is anestrus.

But it is impossible to breed a bitch for her first heat, since she must first reach puberty. In Caucasian Shepherds, the body develops slowly, so mating should occur closer to two years. Early mating sometimes has a bad effect on mental state dogs: a bitch may stop allowing male dogs to approach her. It is not advisable to breed a bitch after eight years of age.

During heat, you should keep an eye on your dog to avoid accidental mating. Walking only on a leash. If the bitch stops obeying you, it is better to lock her in an enclosure or in the house.


In the period from the tenth to the fortieth day after birth, the testes of male Caucasian Shepherd puppies begin to descend into the scrotum. But only an experienced veterinarian can determine this process, due to small size genital organs in children.

The production of sex hormones in male dogs begins at six months of age. By six months, the male is ready to ejaculate, but he cannot yet impregnate the female, since the sperm concentration is still too low. The final puberty of a Caucasian Shepherd dog ends around the age of one and a half years.

Despite the fact that a male dog begins to experience sexual desire much earlier, it is better to breed him by the age of two years. By properly untying the male, you will not lose control over him at the moments when he senses the bitch is in heat. A male dog can breed throughout his life, depending on his state of health.

Knitting partners correctly

Certain nuances

Knowing the physiological cycles of the bitch, you can plan the breeding day. Usually the dog is bred nine to twelve days after the start of estrus. During this period, the cervix opens and sperm can enter the mature egg. Since after the maturation of the egg the bitch is capable of fertilization within three days, as a safety net you can perform two or three matings in a row.

The bitch’s body is individual, so to determine the exact day of mating, watch the dog’s behavior - she herself will tell you when it is. the right time. You can also take a smear from your pet’s vagina at a specialized clinic or undergo an ultrasound of the cervix.

But you shouldn’t think that you can marry any partners. Many factors can affect the knitting process.

Firstly, the hierarchy factor. Not every dog ​​with a weak character will be ready for mating with a dominant dog. The bitch may simply push him away or show aggression. Secondly, the sympathy factor. There are times when dogs simply cannot get along for reasons that only they understand. Thirdly, the factor of a weakly expressed estrus in a bitch is that it does not leave a strong odor.

If the first mating was unsuccessful due to some nuances, then it is better to postpone it until the next day. As a last resort, change your partner. For an inexperienced bitch, the best match will be a dominant male with experience; for a male dog for the first time, an experienced and calm bitch will be the best match.

Preparation for the process

The first thing you need to do is find a partner. For this purpose, you can contact nurseries or specialized clubs to select a pair, or submit a private advertisement in a newspaper or on a thematic Internet site. When you find a suitable partner, read his documents (pedigree, medical passport with notes on timely vaccinations and deworming), make sure he has no pathologies.

In turn, you must also provide all necessary information, officially supported. Both male and female dogs must be allowed to breed. Don't forget to agree on the payment method to avoid conflict situations.

For mating to be successful, the animals must be absolutely healthy and not underweight or overweight. A month before mating, it is necessary to get the required vaccinations and get rid of worms. The owner of the bitch should have her tested for brucellosis, an infectious disease that can cause miscarriage or infertility.

In the first case, a muzzle is put on the bitch and she is released into a separate room or enclosure. They give her time to get comfortable. Then they start the male dog. After acquaintance and courtship, the male mounts, and mating takes place naturally.

If the bitch is aggressive, or this is the first mating for one of the partners, then you need to use the manual method - the owners will have to participate and help. If the partner owners themselves do not have experience, then you can invite a specialist to help.

The bitch is put on a muzzle and a collar with a short leash. The owner must hold his pet tightly, especially when he gets a male. If the dog is vicious, then they put the same equipment on him. The owners should also give the partners time to get to know each other and sniff.

The owner of the bitch must sit on a pre-prepared chair and turn the dog's head towards him. If a male dog cannot mount in any way, then you need to help him. Remember that you basically guide the bitch: raise her belly and support her with your knee so that she does not sit down, move her genitals closer to the partner’s organs.

The male dog itself can be gently pushed, but no more. Touching the dog's genitals is strictly prohibited. This is fraught with consequences, from aggression on his part to complete refusal of mating. If a dog is tired, then his owner should take him out for a short walk and rest.

As soon as the male gets into the female's vagina, he will begin rhythmic movements. At this moment, the owner of the bitch should hold her as tightly as possible, not allowing her to twitch or sit down.

When the male is finished, he will not immediately be able to remove his penis from the bitch's vagina due to the blood flow to their genitals. This phenomenon is called “locking” and lasts from ten minutes to an hour. During this period, you cannot separate the partners until they do this on their own. Otherwise, injury may occur.

During the “lock”, for the male’s convenience, you can slowly turn him around if he has not done this himself. As soon as the dogs are free, they need to be separated into different rooms and given time to rest and clean water.

How was your dog's mating?

The Caucasian Shepherd is a large guard breeds. They have long been herding dogs in Russia and the former USSR. The breed has historically developed several types. These dogs are excellently used not only for guarding sheep flocks, but also for guard duty. Their distinctive features are malice towards strangers, sensitivity and unpretentiousness. The Caucasus is considered its homeland, hence the name. The breed was formed in the harsh conditions of a mountain climate.

Description of the Caucasian Shepherd

Males at the withers reach 65 cm, females - 60 cm, weight - up to 70 kg, type of behavior - balanced and calm. The color is varied: zone-gray, red, fawn, brindle, brown, piebald, white, spotted of various shades. However, with any color, continuous lining of the eyelids and lips is required. Life expectancy is about ten years.

Caucasian Shepherds are:

  1. Long-haired, with elongated outer and guard hair (11-12 cm). They also have well-developed decorative hair on the neck, tail and legs.
  2. Short-haired, coat length 6-7 centimeters. This species does not have a mane, feathers on its paws or tail.
  3. Intermediate, which have a relatively long guard hair and at the same time underdeveloped decorative hair.

All dogs have rough and massive bones, dense muscles, and thick elastic skin. The wide and massive head has well-developed cheekbones. Oval-shaped paws and a high-set tail. The belly is moderately tucked. The neck is powerful and the chest is wide and deep. The ears are cropped. Males are much larger than females.

Character and characteristics of the Caucasian Shepherd

Despite the fact that Caucasian Shepherds are very impressive in size, they are quite sweet and friendly, which is why they are popular.

The dog easily adapts to weather conditions and endures even harsh winters.

One of the main qualities of the breed is confidence, thanks to which they react clearly and accurately in extreme situations. Even in moments of danger, they remain calm, and can easily live both at home and on the street or in an enclosure.

From distinctive features One can also note perseverance, courage, determination, protective instincts and distrust of strangers. At the same time, the Caucasian Shepherd is highly trainable, as it has a fairly high intelligence and balanced character.

The attention of all family members is very important to her, whom she is always ready to protect. But she trusts only family members, and children enjoy her special protection. She will never offend them, but she will always take part in children's games.

It should be remembered that if you decide to get a Caucasian Shepherd, you need to pay special attention to its upbringing, since the relationship with it will depend on this, starting from the very first day the puppy is in the house.


The Caucasian Shepherd needs to be taught commands from puppyhood. The most important thing is to treat the process with love and respect. For those who have never trained, it is simply necessary to turn to a professional, since without experience you can end up with a huge and disobedient dog.

The dog should be trained by someone whom she recognizes as the owner and leader. The training process can be divided into two stages:

  1. Puppy training.
  2. Strengthening skills in an adult dog.

Before starting training, you should determine what kind of character the dog has. Most often, these are thoughtful and leisurely dogs, moreover, very independent. When teaching them commands, you cannot skimp on affection.

The first thing you need to teach your puppy is its nickname, and always call it the same, without suffixes or prefixes. After the nickname comes training in the simplest commands “Come to me!” (pronounce affectionately and trustingly) and “Walk.” For a correctly executed command, your pet should be rewarded, at least scratching behind the ear.

When the puppy is three months old, you can teach him the “No” command. This command cannot be pronounced just like that: only to the point, and confidently and firmly. At five months, the puppy can be taught the “Sit” command, and then the “Lie down” command. At the same time, during training, you should introduce your pet to the “Near!” command, best when returning home or walking.

At six months the puppy learns to wear a muzzle. First for a short time, gradually increasing the time.


These “little bears” actually have quite a strong character, which they can show at any time, showing independence. Therefore, raising Caucasian Shepherd puppies has its own characteristics that are different from raising dogs of other breeds.

It is necessary to raise a puppy from the very first moment it appears in the house. He must immediately learn who is boss in the house and where he, the puppy, belongs. Also, an important role is given to walks, which must begin with a few minutes. At first they should be short-lived, but frequent.

There are three simple rules in raising a Caucasian Shepherd:

  1. You can't shout at them.
  2. They can't be rushed.
  3. You can't beat them.

This is such a breed that they have to think before doing anything. Therefore, there is some sluggishness, but you cannot rush or scold the dog for this, otherwise it may simply become embittered. You can scold a puppy when it shows aggression towards one of the family members or, for example, picks up something from the ground.

It should be noted that aggression is a natural trait of the breed, and it must be suppressed, otherwise the consequences may not be very pleasant. Firmness and severity are important in punishing aggression.

However, we should also not forget about rewards, especially for well-executed commands, since rewards play an important role in the education of this breed.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the shepherd recognizes the owner as a firm leader, then it will be easier to avoid problems with the dog’s independent nature. Also in the family hierarchy, the position of any person in the family should be dominant, only then will the dog obey well and become loyal and reliable.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog: care and diseases

Caring for any pet is, first of all, taking care of its health. He needs to be fed, combed, taken to the vet on time and, of course, loved.

If we talk about the Caucasian Shepherd, then caring for it means, first of all, monitoring its health, which includes caring for its coat, ears, eyes and claws.

A dog, especially a puppy, needs frequent walks, since babies have a greater need for movement. Sunlight reflects very favorably on the dog’s body, which improves metabolism and improves vitality.

Health of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Thanks to its voluminous coat, the Caucasian Shepherd does not require too much care: it does not need to be washed often, it is better to comb it with a special brush. This should be done at least three times a week. If tangles appear, they cannot be combed out later and will have to be cut off.

During the shedding period, your dog needs to be brushed every day. The fur is trimmed as needed. The long-haired type naturally needs more grooming.

Ear care is important. They need to be checked regularly to watch for ear mites. If a tick appears, it must be removed and destroyed. The ears are cleaned with a cotton swab, which is soaked in oil or hydrogen peroxide solution.

You should also periodically check the claws, which, if overgrown, can interfere with the dog’s movement. The claws are trimmed with special scissors or nippers.


Nutrition, of course, is one of the most important aspects of caring for a pet. First of all, in proper nutrition- the guarantee of his health.

Nutrition should be complete and varied and include all kinds of vitamins. Properly balanced feeds are best suited for this. However, it is strictly forbidden to overfeed, otherwise the dog will become lazy and immobile.

Meat is a must in the diet; meat products should make up at least 75 percent of daily food. It is better to boil it, but sometimes you can give it raw. For puppies, the meat is chopped into small pieces.

Several times a week it is allowed to replace meat with offal, as well as sea fish - both boiled and raw.

The remaining 25 percent of food should be raw vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, milk, eggs. And cereals should be avoided, since the Caucasian Shepherd’s body does not digest porridge well. Citrus fruits, beans, peas, and lentils are not recommended for consumption.

Bran added to food, crushed sprouted wheat, tomatoes, raw potatoes, peeled cucumbers, radishes are useful. And turnips, cabbage and rutabaga are boiled. Can be given in small quantities fish fat as a vitamin supplement. An excellent way to prevent anemia can be, if possible, the blood of a recently slaughtered animal.

While the puppy is still small, he needs to be fed 4-6 times a day. From a year to a year and a half, dogs eat twice a day, and after a year and a half they can switch to a single meal. And here is a bowl with clean boiled water should always be there.


Like all large breeds, Caucasians, even when healthy, are predisposed to characteristic diseases such as dysplasia hip joints and heart disease.

Dysplasia can occur in soft form, but it can also be severe, ending in arthritis. The likelihood of occurrence depends on gender (more common in males) and size (the larger, the more susceptible). It also happens genetic predisposition, but in the Caucasian Shepherd it is not so significant.

Symptoms may include a strange gait, stiffness in movement, and even lameness. The animal may refuse to exercise, have difficulty going up or down stairs, experience discomfort when standing up or trying to lie down, reluctance to run and jump (especially in puppies), clicking noises when walking, and in severe cases, underdeveloped muscles of the hind legs may appear.

Dysplasia is diagnosed and treated in veterinary clinics, and X-rays are used to help.

The dog must also be examined for infections.


Vaccinations are an integral part of keeping a dog. The first of these is usually done at the age of one month. If they receive breast milk and little complementary feeding, then vaccination can be moved forward a couple of weeks. In case of not very good health, for example, poor bowel movements or appetite, as well as injuries, the first vaccination is given after complete recovery.

When there are no problems with the development of the puppy, he already sucks little milk and complementary feeding is started in the second week, the first vaccination is given on the 27th day.

An anthelmintic is given a week before, and depending on the drug, it may be given for several days.

Exactly three weeks after the first vaccination, deworming is carried out, and another week later - the second vaccination. During the first two vaccinations at the hospital, the puppies do not bother, because they are still too weak. Therefore, quarantine should be observed. Two weeks after the second vaccination, the quarantine ends.

The third vaccination is given at three months. If there has been a shift in vaccinations, you should remember that you cannot give a third vaccination while changing teeth. They will completely change by 5-6 months.

The next vaccination is done every year.

The rabies vaccination is a separate vaccination that is given at 9 months for puppies that do not travel anywhere. A full set of vaccinations is required for exhibitions. If the puppy is taken to other regions, then a rabies vaccination is given at three or four months. It should be remembered that cases of rabies, unfortunately, are quite frequent, so this issue must be taken seriously.

It is better to consult your veterinarian about which medications and vaccines to choose.

What is important to remember

The subordination of a Caucasian is not only the unquestioning execution of commands, but also the recognition of the owner’s rights to be a leader. A Caucasian dog can follow commands well, but at the same time rush at the owner if he takes away food found on the street or does not allow him to fight with other dogs.

For a dog, the period from three to nine months is extremely important, since this is when it is formed. During this period, his psyche is especially susceptible to external stimuli, such as loud sounds And large quantity strangers on “his” territory. If a puppy can forget a beating from an adult dog quickly enough, then a firecracker thrown nearby can cripple his psyche forever.

If the dog lives in an apartment, it is necessary to remember about the degradation of mass and skeleton. The dog does not need weights or treadmills, or splints, as this can cause deformation of the pastern and back. Cycling runs are also contraindicated.

The best option for them is an hour and a half walk during the day on a slightly taut leash. From five to seven months, three walks a day are required, plus five-minute outings “on business.”

Everything that is lost in a puppy cannot be made up in an adult, accomplished dog.

The dog's relationship with the child is very important. Unfortunately, it happens that some dogs, especially males, are irritated by small children. If the dog leaves when the child approaches or becomes tense, under no circumstances should they be left alone. The child should be explained that the dog is not a toy. And the dog must be prohibited from approaching the child without permission. The development of their relationship must be constantly monitored.

As for nutrition, you don’t need to think that if the dog is unpretentious in food, then you can save on his diet. Everything that the puppy does not receive will be irretrievably lost and the adult dog may develop health problems.

A dog's illness is a very serious test for owners, so it is always necessary to carefully look at the pet and be in touch with a veterinarian.

The danger for dogs is a tick bite, which can lead to piroplasmosis. Fleas carry tapeworms, so your pet must be treated for fleas and ticks constantly, remembering special collars and sprays, especially when long stay Outdoors. Twice a year you should drive away worms for prevention.

Poisoning can also be a serious problem. Most poisons for dogs are dangerous and can be fatal, so if your dog lives in the yard, you should protect him from “good” neighbors.

Caucasian Shepherd puppies for a certain period of time practically do not cause trouble to their owners. However, this applies exclusively to the first months of life. They are playful, friendly, clumsy and calm at the same time. Their behavior can change dramatically after a year of life. This stage is due to the formation of the dog’s character.

It is very important to let the Caucasian Shepherd understand that the owner is the main person in his life. Even the slightest manifestations of aggression must be stopped immediately. This must be done loyally, but at the same time as decisively as possible. The ideal option for raising a devoted and obedient dog in this case is to use the help of a trainer. The Caucasian Shepherd can perceive punishment from the owner as psychological pressure. An experienced specialist will help you understand the line between quick and long-term punishment, which should not be allowed under any circumstances. If you do not train a dog of this breed for up to two years, it will be almost impossible to correct its character.

It is also not recommended to specifically cause aggression in the Caucasian Shepherd. Anger and lack of fear are initially characteristic of this breed, which was bred to protect livestock from wild animals.

Behavior of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog

One of the main features in the behavior of the Caucasian Shepherd is the innate instinct of protecting its territory. Dogs are wary of strangers and rarely make contact with strangers.

The behavior of an animal with its owner and members of his family is radically different. The Caucasian Shepherd can become the best protector of children. She is affectionate and friendly with people she knows. In addition, dogs of this breed are distinguished by unique loyalty. They experience a change of owner extremely painfully.

The character and behavior of the Caucasian Shepherd can be called quite complex. Stubbornness and pride - not too much positive traits this breed. However, the result of proper training can exceed all expectations. Caucasian Shepherds can be trained, but this process cannot be called easy. The main task of the owner of such a dog is to develop the habit of clearly responding to words and instructions.

A special rule in raising a Caucasian Shepherd is the fact that you should never yell at it. If during the training process you swear hysterically or beat the animal, then it will not only refuse to follow commands, but will also stage a real protest. Regaining your pet's trust will be much more difficult than showing some patience during training.

Every dog ​​needs attention and proper upbringing, but if we are talking about, this question becomes even more relevant. In many countries, such large dogs as the Caucasian Shepherd are considered potentially dangerous, which is explained not only by their impressive size, but also by their character traits. A cute and fluffy puppy that once appears in your home will quickly turn into a respectable animal, and what kind of relationship you can build with it before that time depends only on you. Let's figure out what you need to know when keeping a Caucasian and caring for puppies of this particular breed.

Baby's first days

Like any other large breed dog, it must recognize its owner as an undisputed leader, otherwise keeping such an animal can turn out to be a dangerous undertaking. Of course, a small puppy does not inspire fear, so it is difficult for an inexperienced owner to predict what he may encounter in the future, but raising a baby should begin from the very first days of his stay in a new home. We are not talking about training yet, but the foundation for future classes can be laid now.

Perhaps in the first few days after weaning from its mother and moving, the puppy will experience a little stress, but, unlike other breeds, Caucasian Shepherds adapt quite quickly. If your new pet initially refuses to eat and just lies in the place allotted to him, you should not press him with your attention: just provide unhindered access to a bowl of clean water and keep the bedding clean. Little by little, apathy and stress will subside, and the baby will begin to explore the territory entrusted to him with curiosity.

Important! Even very young puppies should not be allowed to do things that you are not going to allow an adult dog. From the first days, try to explain to the little Caucasian what is required of him and accustom him to a daily routine.

Basic rules of care and site preparation

Such large and fluffy dogs undoubtedly need proper care, but while you are just getting ready to bring a new family member into your home, it is advisable to properly prepare his habitat in advance. If you are going to keep a Caucasian Shepherd in a house or apartment, lay a straw or cotton mattress, 8-10 cm thick and 70 by 100 cm in size, in the chosen place. In addition, you need to sew several replacement pillowcases for it, changing them several times a day. month. When placing a pet in the courtyard of a private house, it is better to place it at a distance of about 10-15 m from the home, choosing a dry, clean and sunny area. An insulated one, about one meter long and about 90 cm wide, must be installed in the enclosure. The entrance hole to the dog house, in this case, should have a size of 40 by 50 cm.

It is better to leave very small puppies (up to two months) in the house during adaptation, gradually accustoming them to the territory and the attention of all family members. If such a baby is immediately transferred to an enclosure and visited only a few times a day, it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly establish a trusting relationship.

Air temperature and humidity

Caucasian Shepherd dogs are biologically endowed with good resistance to low temperatures and relatively low air humidity, but for small puppies it is necessary to create more comfortable conditions.

So, when placing a baby in a house or apartment, it is necessary to lay a bedding for him away from heating appliances, the kitchen, the bathroom, doors or places in a draft. In the cold season, the air should not be dried out by heating devices, so try to create a level of humidity in the room that will be comfortable for you (about 40-60%): if necessary, you can place wet towels on the radiators.

However, try not to overdo it in this matter, since too high humidity can lead to the development of various diseases, especially ailments respiratory tract. As for temperature conditions, values ​​in the range of 20-25°C will be quite acceptable for a small Caucasian, although outdoors and in an insulated kennel a dog aged 4 months (or more) will easily tolerate even a slight minus.

Pet cleanliness and hygiene

Regardless of where exactly you keep your puppy, cleanliness and personal hygiene should be mandatory conditions for his residence on your territory. Of course, little Caucasians' fur is not that long yet, but starting from 3-4 months it also requires regular care. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to brush your pet with a soft brush several times a week, Special attention paying attention to areas where tangles are collected (for example, under the paws or on the stomach).

Important! The breed traits and character of the Caucasian Shepherd sometimes make it very cautious and distrustful, so an already grown puppy may show dissatisfaction when brushing its belly and chest. To avoid problems in the future, accustom him to such gentle movements almost from the very moment he appears to you (you can perform the procedure at least every other day).

Speaking about the cleanliness and hygiene of a small Caucasian, one cannot help but pay attention to the issue of cleaning the ears and eyes.

In the first case, the main tool for achieving the desired will be cotton buds, on one end of which more cotton can be wound. The main thing when using them is not to press too hard and not damage them. eardrum, as this may result in partial hearing loss.

The puppy's eyes can be wiped with a swab dipped in a pre-prepared chamomile decoction.

Some owners even, but very small puppies usually do not require such a procedure, and if he himself does not scratch them on the asphalt or any other hard surface, then they will have to be trimmed with special nippers, especially if the baby’s gait is noticeably curvature.

We take care of our health

A healthy dog, even a small one, is always different good appetite, activity and cheerfulness. Since childhood, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs react very well to external stimuli, while continuing to play and fool around. If the pet is in good health, even the appearance of its coat will speak about this: it will remain soft, silky and shiny.
However, you should pay attention to other important health indicators:

  • the animal’s normal body temperature is in the range of 37.5-39.2°C;
  • pulse rate corresponds to 150-160 beats per minute;
  • respiratory rate - 13-25 per minute (with physical activity this indicator increases, although, in comparison with adults, babies already breathe more often).
A sign of the development of a particular disease can be considered an increase in body temperature, which in some cases will be indicated by a dry and warm pet’s nose. At the slightest suspicion of such a possibility, it is necessary to immediately carry out appropriate measurements using a medical thermometer inserted into the anal hole to a depth of 3-4 cm. To take the necessary measurements, 3-5 minutes will be enough.

The pulse of puppies can be felt at inside thighs, where the femoral artery passes. As for the heart rate, you can determine it by simply placing your palm on the left side of the chest or on the inside of the shoulder, in the area of ​​the elbow joint.

The most in a simple way definitions feeling unwell Caucasian Shepherd puppy is regularly examined, checking for the presence and absence of wounds and cuts after each walk, as well as determining the condition of the hearing organs (ears in any case should be clean, without serous crusts and a sharp unpleasant odor).

Of course a worrying sign There will also be the appearance of unusual discharge from the nose and eyes, especially if they emit an unpleasant odor.

And finally, all dog owners know that a sick pet (of any age) will refuse food, lose weight and avoid activity. Depending on the nature of the disease, in addition to this, diarrhea, sneezing, muscle cramps etc. If you can promptly detect deviations in your pet’s normal health, then it is likely that the development of the disease can be prevented.

Did you know? The ancestor of the Caucasian Shepherd is considered to be the Tibetan Great Dane (not), which was presented to the Chinese emperor around 1100 BC. e. It was from China that the animal’s further wandering around the world began. On the territory of the modern Caucasus similar dogs appeared around the 1st century BC. e.

Paying attention to the dog

A puppy (no matter a Caucasian Shepherd or any other breed) is a child who needs not only the satisfaction of physical needs (food and walking), but also an emotional connection with the owner. The success of training in the future largely depends on how quickly this connection is established between them.

If a small Caucasian is kept in indoors, then daily walks should be at least three hours (walking approximately 3-4 times a day), and if living in an enclosure, with a spacious walk, several daily walks of 1.5-2 hours will be enough.

While the future one is still small, try to spend as much time as possible with him, playing (always using) and gradually explaining important aspects relationship: you are the leader in the pack, and he must obey the leader. Of course, physical education methods are not suitable, because the aggression used will sooner or later turn against the owner himself.

Rules for feeding and preparing a diet

Considering the size of the Caucasian Shepherd, it is easy to guess that puppies grow very quickly, but for normal development, babies need a balanced and nutritious diet. Here, as always, you can go two ways: feed your pet with ready-made food or develop a diet from natural products. Of course, the second option is much more difficult, but choosing affordable and high-quality ready meals for such a large animal it can be quite difficult. Let's look at both feeding options.

Natural nutrition

As you already understand, “natural food” should include a variety of products, because this is the only way to ensure a sufficient amount of various vitamins and microelements in the dog’s body. The diet is based on meat and dairy products, as well as raw vegetables.

Among the varieties of meat, it is advisable to choose low-fat options: veal, horse meat, rabbit and lamb, but this does not mean at all that you need to feed the puppy only premium products, the main thing is that it is fresh.

Sometimes you can introduce poultry into your baby’s diet, but then on such days you will have to carefully monitor the reaction of his body: in some cases, indigestion is observed and the appearance of the animal worsens.

Important! Meat pieces are cut into small portions, but you still shouldn’t grind the meat into minced meat.

Many breeders give their puppies sea fish, replacing their usual meat with it once a week. In this case, be sure to choose only types with few bones and boil it before putting it in your pet's bowl.

The above-mentioned fermented milk products will be quite useful for the growing body, but when purchasing any of them, first of all, you should pay attention to the indicated fat content (it should not be higher than 9%). For the active growth and development of puppies, not only cottage cheese, but also kefir or yogurt are well suited.

When choosing vegetables, there should be no problems at all, because almost any of them are suitable for feeding a Caucasian Shepherd puppy: beets, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots. Before feeding, all prepared vegetables should be grated and, if necessary, mixed with meat. The only thing to remember: you cannot mix greens with vegetables and dairy products.

Dry food

If you decide not to bother yourself with choosing a special diet and purchasing all the necessary natural products, then the only the right decision The little Caucasian will be fed with ready-made food for puppies.

Of course, in this case, we are talking about products developed specifically for large breeds, since such nutrition contains additional additives minerals, aimed at prevention during the dog's growth process.

Until four months of age, some breeders recommend adding water or low-fat milk to dry food. Mixing food from different manufacturers or adding them to regular food for a better feeling of “fullness” is strictly prohibited, as this can cause irreparable harm to your pet ( allergic reactions and disorder digestive system- the most harmless thing that threatens a puppy).

Did you know?The debut of the Caucasian wolfhound in Europe took placeat the beginning of the twentieth century in Nuremberg, during one of the exhibitions. That's where this Russian mountain dog made a huge impression on everyone present, causing many first approving reviews.

We begin training and education

Until the age of three months, a Caucasian Shepherd puppy is taught only the basic nuances of obedience and behavior in the house, but the age from three to nine months is already excellent for the formation and development of a dog through targeted training.

Now your pet’s psyche is most susceptible to external stimuli, because the breed lacks the genetically inherent adaptive abilities to live in big cities or simply in noisy places. However, at the same time, with a competent approach to learning, new information will be perceived much easier than at an older age.
It should be noted right away that raising a Caucasian wolfhound is not a task for weak-willed people, because if the dog feels the slightest uncertainty or weakness of its owner, then nothing good will come of it. Also, if possible, it is very advisable to enlist the support of an experienced dog who will advise and guide you at the right time, helping you to avoid a serious mistake in raising a puppy of such a formidable breed.

With the help of a specialist, your pet will quickly complete the general training course, with main teams, which you should pay special attention to: “fu”, “near”, “place”, “lie” and “sit”.

In addition, it is equally important to train your pet to give back a taken object when ordered, and experts recommend introducing fetching into a puppy’s training program from a very early age. How exactly to raise a Caucasian Shepherd puppy is up to each owner to decide for himself, but don’t forget that in an unforeseen situation the animal may behave rashly or even aggressively, the responsibility for which will fall entirely on your shoulders.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by considerable intelligence, so when the right approach and long-term training, you will be able to raise a real devoted protector from a cute fluffy ball. The more time you spend with your pet, the better you will learn about his character, temperament and intelligence, which will only help in further building your relationship.

Important!Training both at home and on the playground should be carried out by the same person.

To summarize, we must admit: the Caucasian Shepherd is an ideal dog only for strong-willed people who are truly interested in its adequate upbringing. If you are not confident in your abilities or simply don’t have time to take care of a pet, then this option is not for you, and don’t let the puppy’s cute appearance confuse you.